1999年8月30日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議通過 根據2017年12月27日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國招標投標法〉、〈中華人民共和國計量法〉的決定》修正




1999830日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議通過 根據20171227日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國招標投標法〉、〈中華人民共和國計量法〉的決定》修正)

(Adopted at the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on August 30, 1999, and amended according to the Decision on Amending the Bid Invitation and Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China and the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 31st Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on December 27, 2017)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了規範招標投標活動,保護國家利益、社會公共利益和招標投標活動當事人的合法權益,提高經濟效益,保證項目質量,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted in order to regulate bid invitation and bidding activities, protect the interests of the State, the public interests and the lawful rights and interests of the parties involved in the bid invitation and bidding activities, increase economic benefits and ensure project quality.

第二條   在中華人民共和國境內進行招標投標活動,適用本法。

Article 2. This Law shall apply to tender exercises within the People's Republic of China.

第三條   在中華人民共和國境內進行下列工程建設項目包括項目的勘察、設計、施工、監理以及與工程建設有關的重要設備、材料等的采購,必須進行招標:

Article 3 Bids must be invited for the following construction projects undertaken in the People's Republic of China, including surveying for, and design, construction and supervision of, the projects as well as the purchase of important equipment and materials for the construction:


1. large infrastructure and public utility projects that concern public interests and security;


(II) Projects invested completely or partly with state-owned funds or financed by the state;


(III) Projects using loans or aid funds from international organizations or foreign governments.


The specific scope and scale of the projects listed in the preceding paragraph shall be formulated by the development planning department of the State Council jointly with other relevant departments of the State Council, and shall be reported to the State Council for approval.


Where there are provisions in other laws or in the regulations of the State Council governing scope of other projects for which bid invitation is required, such provisions shall be followed.

第四條   任何單位和個人不得將依法必須進行招標的項目化整為零或者以其他任何方式規避招標。

Article 4 No entity or individual may evade the bidding procedure by splitting a project legally subject to bidding into parts or by any other means.

第五條   招標投標活動應當遵循公開、公平、公正和誠實信用的原則。

Article 5 Bid invitation and bidding activities shall be conducted in adherence to the principles of openness, fairness, justice and good faith.

第六條   依法必須進行招標的項目,其招標投標活動不受地區或者部門的限制。任何單位和個人不得違法限制或者排斥本地區、本系統以外的法人或者其他組織參加投標,不得以任何方式非法幹涉招標投標活動。

Article 6. Where a project is required by law to call for bids, the invitation to and submission of bids shall not be subject to geographical or departmental restrictions. No entity or individual may unlawfully restrict or exclude legal persons or other organizations outside a particular region or system from participating in the bidding process, or unlawfully interfere in any manner with the bidding process.

第七條   招標投標活動及其當事人應當接受依法實施的監督。

Article 7 Bid invitation and bidding activities and the parties involved shall accept supervision in accordance with the law.


The relevant administrative supervision departments shall supervise bid invitation and bid submission activities according to law, and shall investigate and deal with illegal acts committed during bid invitation and bid submission activities.


The State Council shall specify the administrative supervision of the invitation to and submission of bids and the specific purview of the relevant authorities.



第八條   招標人是依照本法規定提出招標項目、進行招標的法人或者其他組織。

Article 8 A bid inviter is a legal person or other organization that, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, proposes a project for bidding and makes bids.

第九條   招標項目按照國家有關規定需要履行項目審批手續的,應當先履行審批手續,取得批準。

Article 9 Where a project for bidding is required by relevant State regulations to undergo examination for approval, it shall do so before obtaining approval.


A bid inviter shall have the funds needed for the project for bidding or confirmed sources of funds and the fact shall be truthfully stated in its bid invitation documents.

第十條   招標分為公開招標和邀請招標。

Article 10 Bid invitation is classified into public invitation and private invitation.


An open invitation for bids is an invitation for bids made by a bid inviter to unspecified legal persons or other organisations by way of a notice of invitation for bids.


Private invitation for bids is an invitation for bids made by a bid inviter in written form to specified legal persons or other organizations.

第十一條   國務院發展計劃部門確定的國家重點項目和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府確定的地方重點項目不適宜公開招標的,經國務院發展計劃部門或者省、自治區、直轄市人民政府批準,可以進行邀請招標。

Article 11. Private invitation for bids may be undertaken for a project unsuitable for public invitation for bids that has been designated as a key State project by the development planning department of the State Council or designated as a key local project by the people's government of a province, autonomous region or centrally administered municipality upon approval by the development planning department of the State Council or by the people's government of a province, autonomous region or centrally administered municipality.

第十二條   招標人有權自行選擇招標代理機構,委托其辦理招標事宜。任何單位和個人不得以任何方式為招標人指定招標代理機構。

Article 12. A bid inviter is entitled to select a bidding agency on its own and entrust that agency with the handling of bidding matters. No entity or individual may designate by any means a bidding agency to act for the bid inviter.


A bid inviter with the capability of preparing documents for bid invitation and arranging for bid evaluation may handle the matters of bid invitation on its own. No units or individuals may compel the bid inviter to entrust a bid invitation agency with the handling of such matters.


Where a bid inviter handles, on its own, the matter of bid invitation for a project for which bid invitation is required by law, it shall register with the relevant department for administrative supervision.

第十三條   招標代理機構是依法設立、從事招標代理業務並提供相關服務的社會中介組織。

Article 13. A bidding agency is a duly established social intermediary that undertakes bidding agency work and provides associated services.


A bid invitation agency shall meet the following conditions:


1. Having a place and the necessary funds to undertake bid invitation agency business;


(II) having corresponding professional force capable of preparing bid invitation documents and organizing bid evaluation.

第十四條   招標代理機構與行政機關和其他國家機關不得存在隸屬關系或者其他利益關系。

Article 14 There shall be no subordination or other relationship of interest between a bid invitation agency and an administrative organ or any other State organ.

第十五條   招標代理機構應當在招標人委托的範圍內辦理招標事宜,並遵守本法關於招標人的規定。

Article 15 A bid invitation agency shall handle the matters of bid invitation within the scope entrusted to it by the bid inviter and shall abide by the provisions of this Law regarding the bid inviters.

第十六條   招標人采用公開招標方式的,應當發布招標公告。依法必須進行招標的項目的招標公告,應當通過國家指定的報刊、信息網絡或者其他媒介發布。

Article 16 Where a bid inviter adopts public invitation, it shall make an announcement for bidding. The notice of invitation for bids for a project required by law to invite bids shall be published in the publications, information networks and other media as designated by the State.


The bid-inviting announcement must clearly state the name and address of the bid inviter, the nature and quantity of the bid-inviting project, the implementation place and time, the method for obtaining the bid-inviting documents, and other matters.

第十七條   招標人采用邀請招標方式的,應當向三個以上具備承擔招標項目的能力、資信良好的特定的法人或者其他組織發出投標邀請書。

Article 17. Where a bid inviter conducts a private invitation for bids, it shall send out written invitations for bids to at least three legal persons or other organisations of good credit standing capable of undertaking the project for which bids are invited.


The written invitation for bidding shall specify the matters stipulated in Paragraph 2 of Article 16 of this Law.

第十八條   招標人可以根據招標項目本身的要求,在招標公告或者投標邀請書中,要求潛在投標人提供有關資質證明文件和業績情況,並對潛在投標人進行資格審查;國家對投標人的資格條件有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 18. A bid inviter may, in its notice of invitation for bids or written Invitation for bids, in accordance with the requirements of the project for which bids are invited, request potential bidders to provide the relevant documents certifying their qualifications and details of their business performance, and examine the qualifications of the potential bidders. If there are State regulations governing qualifications of bidders, such regulations shall be followed.


A bid inviter shall not restrict or exclude potential bidders on unreasonable terms, and shall not discriminate against potential bidders.

第十九條   招標人應當根據招標項目的特點和需要編制招標文件。招標文件應當包括招標項目的技術要求、對投標人資格審查的標準、投標報價要求和評標標準等所有實質性要求和條件以及擬簽訂合同的主要條款。

Article 19 A bid inviter shall, on the basis of the characteristics and requirements of a project under bid invitation, prepare bid invitation documents. The Bid-invitation documents shall include all substantial requirements and all key terms for the conclusion of contracts, including: the projects technical requirements, the criteria for examination of the tenderor, the requirements for the bid price and the standard of evaluation of the bid, etc.


Where the technology or standards for a project for which bids are invited are governed by state regulations, the bid inviting party shall include the corresponding requirements in the bid invitation documents in accordance with such regulations.


Where a project for which bids are invited needs to be divided into stages with fixed completion periods, the bid inviter shall fix such stages and completion periods reasonably, and shall state these clearly in the bidding documents.

第二十條   招標文件不得要求或者標明特定的生產供應者以及含有傾向或者排斥潛在投標人的其他內容。

Article 20 The bid invitation documents may not require or indicate specified producers or suppliers, or contain other contents that favor or preclude any potential bidders.

第二十一條   招標人根據招標項目的具體情況,可以組織潛在投標人踏勘項目現場。

Article 21. A bid inviter may, in accordance with the specific circumstances of the project for which bids are invited, arrange potential bidders to inspect the project site.

第二十二條   招標人不得向他人透露已獲取招標文件的潛在投標人的名稱、數量以及可能影響公平競爭的有關招標投標的其他情況。

Article 22 The bid inviter shall not disclose name and quantity of the potential bidders who have obtained the bid-inviting documents and other relevant bid-inviting and bidding circumstances possibly influencing fair competition.


Where a bid inviter has fixed a base price for bid, that price shall be kept confidential.

第二十三條   招標人對已發出的招標文件進行必要的澄清或者修改的,應當在招標文件要求提交投標文件截止時間至少十五日前,以書面形式通知所有招標文件收受人。該澄清或者修改的內容為招標文件的組成部分。

Article 23 In case of carrying out necessary clarification or modification, the bid inviter shall notify all recipients of the bid-inviting documents in written at least 15 days prior to the deadline for submission of the bidding documents required in the bid-inviting documents. Such clarifications or modifications shall be a component of the bid invitation documents.

第二十四條   招標人應當確定投標人編制投標文件所需要的合理時間;但是,依法必須進行招標的項目,自招標文件開始發出之日起至投標人提交投標文件截止之日止,最短不得少於二十日。

Article 24 A bid inviter shall set a reasonable period of time for bidders to prepare their bid documents; However, for a project for which bid invitation is required by law, the period from the date of issue of the bid invitation documents to the deadline for submission of bid documents by bidders shall not be less than 20 days.


Chapter 3 Submission of Bids

第二十五條   投標人是響應招標、參加投標競爭的法人或者其他組織。

Article 25. A bidder is a legal person or other organisation which participates in the competitive bids in response to an invitation for bids.


Where individuals are permitted to participate in the bidding of projects of scientific research, the provisions of This law, as concern the tenderor, shall apply to the individual tenderors.

第二十六條   投標人應當具備承擔招標項目的能力;國家有關規定對投標人資格條件或者招標文件對投標人資格條件有規定的,投標人應當具備規定的資格條件。

Article 26 A bidder shall have the capability of undertaking the project for which bids are invited. Where in relevant State regulations or bid invitation documents there are provisions governing qualifications of bidders, a bidder shall possess the qualifications.

第二十七條   投標人應當按照招標文件的要求編制投標文件。投標文件應當對招標文件提出的實質性要求和條件作出響應。

Article 27 A bidder shall prepare its bid documents in compliance with the requirements of the bid invitation documents. The bid documents shall respond to the substantive requirements and conditions put forward in the bidding documents.


If the project for which bids are invited is for construction work, the bid documents shall include the resumes and business achievements of the person in charge of the project and the main technical personnel to be assigned, and the machinery and equipment to be used in completing the project, etc.

第二十八條   投標人應當在招標文件要求提交投標文件的截止時間前,將投標文件送達投標地點。招標人收到投標文件後,應當簽收保存,不得開啟。投標人少於三個的,招標人應當依照本法重新招標。

Article 28 The tenderor shall send the bidding documents to the place of bidding prior to the deadline for the submission of the bidding documents. After receiving the bid documents, the bid inviter shall sign for and preserve them but may not open them. Where there are less than three bidders, the bid inviter shall invite bids again in accordance with this Law.


The tenderee shall reject bidding documents arriving after the deadline.

第二十九條   投標人在招標文件要求提交投標文件的截止時間前,可以補充、修改或者撤回已提交的投標文件,並書面通知招標人。補充、修改的內容為投標文件的組成部分。

Article 29 The bidder may supply, modify or withdraw the bidding documents prior to the deadline for submission of the bidding documents as required in the bid-inviting documents, and notify the bid inviter in writing. The supplements and modifications shall become a part of the Bidding Documents.

第三十條   投標人根據招標文件載明的項目實際情況,擬在中標後將中標項目的部分非主體、非關鍵性工作進行分包的,應當在投標文件中載明。

Article 30. Where a bidder plans to subcontract any non-core or ancillary elements of the bidding project in accordance with the practical circumstances of the project as stated in the bid, it shall state this in its bid.

第三十一條   兩個以上法人或者其他組織可以組成一個聯合體,以一個投標人的身份共同投標。

Article 31 Two or more legal persons or other organizations may form a consortium to jointly bid as one bidder.


All parties to the consortium shall be equipped with the corresponding capabilities for undertaking the bidding project. All parties shall satisfy the qualifications as provided in the rules of the state or in the Bid-invitation documents concerning the qualifications of the tenderor. Where a consortium comprises organisations within the same industry, the consortium's qualification grade shall be determined in accordance with the consortium's lower qualification grade.


All parties to the consortium shall make an agreement, specifying the work to be undertaken and responsibilities, and shall submit said agreement, together with the bidding documents, to the tenderee. If the Consortium wins the bidding, all parties in the Consortium shall sign a contract with the Tenderee and bear joint liability to the Tenderee.


A bid inviting party may not coerce bidders into organizing a consortium to jointly submit a bid and may not restrict the competition among the bidders.

第三十二條   投標人不得相互串通投標報價,不得排擠其他投標人的公平競爭,損害招標人或者其他投標人的合法權益。

Article 32 Bidders may not collude on the bid price, may not preclude fair competition from other bidders or prejudice the lawful rights and interests of the bid inviter or the other bidders.


A bidder may not collude with the bid inviter to impair the interests of the State or the public or the lawful rights and interests of any other person.


Tenderors shall be forbidden to win any bid by offering any bribe to the tenderee or any member of the bid evaluation committee.

第三十三條   投標人不得以低於成本的報價競標,也不得以他人名義投標或者以其他方式弄虛作假,騙取中標。

Article 33. A bidder may not employ fraudulent means, such as bidding at a below-cost quoted price or bidding under the name of another person in order to win the bid.

第四章 開標、評標和中標

Chapter 4 Opening, Evaluation and Winning of Bids

第三十四條   開標應當在招標文件確定的提交投標文件截止時間的同一時間公開進行;開標地點應當為招標文件中預先確定的地點。

Article 34. Opening of bids shall be conducted publicly on the closing date for submission of bids stipulated in the bidding documents; bids shall be opened at the venue stipulated in advance in the bidding documents.

第三十五條   開標由招標人主持,邀請所有投標人參加。

Article 35 The bid opening shall be presided over by the tenderee with the participation of all tenderors.

第三十六條   開標時,由投標人或者其推選的代表檢查投標文件的密封情況,也可以由招標人委托的公證機構檢查並公證;經確認無誤後,由工作人員當眾拆封,宣讀投標人名稱、投標價格和投標文件的其他主要內容。

Article 36 When opening bids, the tenderer or its representative shall inspect the sealing of the bid documents, or the notarization institution entrusted by the tenderee shall inspect and notarize such sealing. After the sealing has been confirmed to be correct, the working personnel shall unseal the bids in public, announce the names of the tenderers, the bidding prices and other major contents of the bid documents.


The tenderee shall, at the time of bid opening, open all the bidding documents received prior to the deadline of submission and read in public.


The bid opening process shall be recorded and filed for future reference.

第三十七條   評標由招標人依法組建的評標委員會負責。

Article 37 The bid evaluation committee established by the bid inviter according to law shall be responsible for evaluation of the bids.


The bid evaluation committee for a project for which bid invitation is required by law shall be composed of the representatives of the bid inviter and experts in the relevant technological, economic and other fields. The committee shall have an odd number of at least five members, of whom at least two- thirds shall be experts in technological, economic and other fields.


The experts mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall have at least eight years' experience in the relevant fields with a senior title or at an equivalent professional level, and shall be selected by the bid inviter from the name lists of experts provided by relevant departments of the State Council or the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government, or from the name lists of experts in the relevant fields contained in the pools of experts provided by bid invitation agencies. For an ordinary project subject to bid invitation, experts may be selected at random. For a special project, experts may be determined directly by the bid inviter.


Those with direct interest relationships to the tenderor shall not serve on the bid evaluation committee for the relevant bidding projects. Those who are already members of the committee shall be removed.


The name list of the members of the bid evaluation committee shall be kept confidential before the bid winning result is determined.

第三十八條   招標人應當采取必要的措施,保證評標在嚴格保密的情況下進行。

Article 38 The tenderee shall adopt the necessary measures in order to safeguard that a bid evaluation is implemented under strict confidentiality.


No entity or individual may illegally interfere in or influence the process or result of bid evaluation.

第三十九條   評標委員會可以要求投標人對投標文件中含義不明確的內容作必要的澄清或者說明,但是澄清或者說明不得超出投標文件的範圍或者改變投標文件的實質性內容。

Article 39 The bid evaluation committee may require the bidder to make necessary clarification or explanation of the contents of bid documents that are unclear, however the clarification or explanation shall not exceed the scope of the bid documents or change the material contents of the bid documents.

第四十條   評標委員會應當按照招標文件確定的評標標準和方法,對投標文件進行評審和比較;設有標底的,應當參考標底。評標委員會完成評標後,應當向招標人提出書面評標報告,並推薦合格的中標候選人。

Article 40 The bid evaluation committee shall evaluate and compare the bid documents according to the evaluation standards and methods determined in the bid invitation documents. If a reserve price has been set, reference shall be made thereto. After the completion of bid evaluation, the bid evaluation committee shall submit a written report to the tenderee and make recommendations as to candidates for the winning bid.


The winner of the bid shall be determined by the tenderee in accordance with the written evaluation report by the committee and the candidates proposed by the committee. The tenderee may also authorize the tender evaluation committee to directly determine the bid winner.


If the State Council has special provisions concerning the evaluation of bids for particular projects subject to bidding, such provisions shall apply.

第四十一條   中標人的投標應當符合下列條件之一:

Article 41 The bid of a winning bidder shall satisfy any of the following conditions:


1. it meets, to the maximum extent, all the comprehensive evaluation criteria specified in the bid invitation documents;


(II) Meet the substantive requirements of the bidding documents and offer the lowest evaluated bid price, except that the bid price falls below cost.

第四十二條   評標委員會經評審,認為所有投標都不符合招標文件要求的,可以否決所有投標。

Article 42 The bid evaluation committee may decide to reject all bids if it finds that no bid is able to meet the requirements stipulated in the Bid-invitation documents.


Where all the bids for a project for which bid invitation is required by law are rejected, the bid inviter shall invite bids anew in accordance with this Law.

第四十三條   在確定中標人前,招標人不得與投標人就投標價格、投標方案等實質性內容進行談判。

Article 43 Before the determination of the bid winner, no negotiations may be conducted between the tenderee and any tenderors concerning the substantial contents such as bid price, plans, ect.

第四十四條   評標委員會成員應當客觀、公正地履行職務,遵守職業道德,對所提出的評審意見承擔個人責任。

Article 44 The members of the bid evaluation committee shall perform their duties objectively and impartially, observe professional ethics and bear personal liability for the evaluation opinions put forward by them.


No member of the bid evaluation committee may have private contact with any tenderor or accept any money, property or other benefits from the tenderor.


No member of the bid evaluation committee nor any person engaged in the bid evaluation may disclose any information concerning bid evaluations and comparisons, nominations of bid winner candidates, or any other information related to the bid evaluation.

第四十五條   中標人確定後,招標人應當向中標人發出中標通知書,並同時將中標結果通知所有未中標的投標人。

Article 45. Following the determination of the successful bidder, the bid inviter shall issue a letter of acceptance to the successful bidder, and shall simultaneously notify all unsuccessful bidders of the result of the bidding.


The notification of award has legal effect on both the Tenderee and the Successful Bidder. After issuing the notice on bid winning, if the tenderee changes the bid winning results or if the bid winner waives the project it wins, they shall bear legal liability according to law.

第四十六條   招標人和中標人應當自中標通知書發出之日起三十日內,按照招標文件和中標人的投標文件訂立書面合同。招標人和中標人不得再行訂立背離合同實質性內容的其他協議。

Article 46. The bid inviter and the successful bidder shall conclude a written contract in conformity with the terms of the bidding documents and the successful bid within 30 days of the issue of the letter of acceptance. The bid inviting party and the winning bidder may not subsequently conclude other agreements which contravene the substantive terms of the contract.


Where the bidding documents require the winning bidder to submit a performance bond, the winning bidder shall do so.

第四十七條   依法必須進行招標的項目,招標人應當自確定中標人之日起十五日內,向有關行政監督部門提交招標投標情況的書面報告。

Article 47 For a project for which bid invitation is required by law, the bid inviter shall, within 15 days from the date the bid winner is decided on, submit a written report on the bid invitation and bidding to the relevant department for administrative supervision.

第四十八條   中標人應當按照合同約定履行義務,完成中標項目。中標人不得向他人轉讓中標項目,也不得將中標項目肢解後分別向他人轉讓。

Article 48 Bid winner shall implement its obligations as per the Contract and complete the project. The winning bidder may not transfer the winning project to another person, and may not break the winning project into parts and transfer them separately to other persons.


A winning bidder may subcontract some minor and less important work to others subject to the contract provisions or the agreement of the bid inviter. The people that accept the subcontracts shall have corresponding qualifications and conditions, and shall not subcontract further.


A winning bidder shall be accountable to the bid inviting party for the subcontracted work, and the subcontractors shall bear joint and several liability for the subcontracted work.

第五章 法律責任

Chapter 5 Legal Liabilities

第四十九條   違反本法規定,必須進行招標的項目而不招標的,將必須進行招標的項目化整為零或者以其他任何方式規避招標的,責令限期改正,可以處項目合同金額千分之五以上千分之十以下的罰款;對全部或者部分使用國有資金的項目,可以暫停項目執行或者暫停資金撥付;對單位直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。

Article 49. Where any party violates the provisions of this Law by failing to invite bids for a project for which bids shall be invited as required by law, or evading bidding requirements by breaking up a project into parts, or by any other means, that party shall be ordered to rectify the situation within a specified period and shall be fined an amount ranging from 0.5 per cent to 1 per cent of the project contract price. Where a project wholly or partly utilises state funds, the project may be temporarily suspended or payment of funds may be temporarily halted. The person directly in charge of the party concerned or any other person directly liable for such a breach shall be punished in accordance with the law.

第五十條   招標代理機構違反本法規定,泄露應當保密的與招標投標活動有關的情況和資料的,或者與招標人、投標人串通損害國家利益、社會公共利益或者他人合法權益的,處五萬元以上二十五萬元以下的罰款;對單位直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員處單位罰款數額百分之五以上百分之十以下的罰款;有違法所得的,並處沒收違法所得;情節嚴重的,禁止其一年至二年內代理依法必須進行招標的項目並予以公告,直至由工商行政管理機關吊銷營業執照;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。給他人造成損失的,依法承擔賠償責任。

Article 50. A bidding agency which violates the provisions of this Law by divulging confidential information and materials relating to the bidding process or colluding with the contracting parties or bidders to harm the State interests, public interest or the legitimate rights and interests of others shall be liable to a fine ranging from RMB50,000 to RMB250,000. The person-in-charge directly responsible for an organisation or any other person directly responsible for the violation shall be liable to a fine ranging from 5% to 10% of the fine imposed upon the organisation. Illegal income shall be confiscated. In serious cases, the bidding agency shall be banned for one to two years from acting as a proxy for a project required by law to invite bids and a public announcement shall be made. The administration for industry and commerce shall revoke the business licence of the bidding agency. Where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law. Where any party has suffered losses as a result of such a breach, compensation shall be paid in accordance with law.


Where any of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph affects the bidding result, the award of the bid will be void.

第五十一條   招標人以不合理的條件限制或者排斥潛在投標人的,對潛在投標人實行歧視待遇的,強制要求投標人組成聯合體共同投標的,或者限制投標人之間競爭的,責令改正,可以處一萬元以上五萬元以下的罰款。

Article 51 If a tenderee restricts or excludes any potential tenderer by unreasonable conditions, applies discriminatory treatments to any potential tenderer, compel any tenderer to form a consortium to make a joint bid, or restricts the competition among the potential tenderers, it shall be ordered to correct, and may be fined 10,000 to 50,000 Yuan.

第五十二條   依法必須進行招標的項目的招標人向他人透露已獲取招標文件的潛在投標人的名稱、數量或者可能影響公平競爭的有關招標投標的其他情況的,或者泄露標底的,給予警告,可以並處一萬元以上十萬元以下的罰款;對單位直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 52. Where the bid inviter for a project for which bids shall be invited as required by law divulges to a third party the names or number of potential bidders which have received bid invitation documents or any other information relating to the invitation to or submission of bids which may affect fair competition, or divulges the minimum bid limit, it shall be given a disciplinary warning and shall be fined an amount ranging from RMB10,000 to RMB100,000; the directly responsible person-in-charge of an organisation or any other person directly responsible for the violation shall be punished pursuant to law; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued pursuant to law.


Where any of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph affects the bidding result, the award of the bid will be void.

第五十三條   投標人相互串通投標或者與招標人串通投標的,投標人以向招標人或者評標委員會成員行賄的手段謀取中標的,中標無效,處中標項目金額千分之五以上千分之十以下的罰款,對單位直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員處單位罰款數額百分之五以上百分之十以下的罰款;有違法所得的,並處沒收違法所得;情節嚴重的,取消其一年至二年內參加依法必須進行招標的項目的投標資格並予以公告,直至由工商行政管理機關吊銷營業執照;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。給他人造成損失的,依法承擔賠償責任。

Article 53 If a bidder colludes with one or more other bidders or with the bid inviting party in the submission of its bid, or if a bidder seeks to win the bid by offering a bribe to the bid inviting party or one or more of the members of the bid evaluation committee, the acceptance of its bid shall be void, the bidder shall be imposed a fine of not less than 0.5% nor more than 1% of the amount of the project which it won and the persons in charge directly responsible and the other directly responsible persons of the unit shall be imposed a fine of not less than 5% nor more than 10% of the amount of the fine imposed upon the unit; if there are illegal earnings, such illegal earnings shall be confiscated; if the circumstances are serious, the bidder's bidding qualifications for projects which legally require the invitation of bids shall be suspended for one to two years and the same shall be publicly announced, or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke its business licence; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law. Where any party has suffered losses as a result of such a breach, compensation shall be paid in accordance with law.

第五十四條   投標人以他人名義投標或者以其他方式弄虛作假,騙取中標的,中標無效,給招標人造成損失的,依法承擔賠償責任;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 54. Where a bidder submits bids under the name of another person or employs other fraudulent means to win the bid, the award of the bid shall be void, and the bidder shall be liable to compensate the bid inviter for any losses suffered therefrom. Where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.


Where a bidder for a project for which bids shall be invited as required by law commits any of the acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph but does not commit a crime, it shall be fined an amount ranging from 0.5 per cent to 1 per cent of the price of the project concerned. The person directly in charge of the bidder or any other person directly liable for such a crime shall be fined an amount ranging from 5 per cent to 10 per cent of the fine imposed upon the bidder. Any illegal income from such a crime shall be confiscated. Where the circumstance is serious, the bidder shall be disqualified from bidding for a project for which bids shall be invited as required by law for a period of one to three years, and the disqualification shall be announced. In extreme cases, industry and commerce administration may revoke the business license of the bidder.

第五十五條   依法必須進行招標的項目,招標人違反本法規定,與投標人就投標價格、投標方案等實質性內容進行談判的,給予警告,對單位直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。

Article 55 If the party inviting bids for a project which legally requires the invitation of bids violates the provisions of this Law by holding negotiations with bidders on substantive contents such as bid prices, bid plans, etc., it shall be given a warning and the persons in charge directly responsible and the other directly responsible persons of the unit shall be disciplined according to law.


Where any of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph affects the bidding result, the award of the bid will be void.

第五十六條   評標委員會成員收受投標人的財物或者其他好處的,評標委員會成員或者參加評標的有關工作人員向他人透露對投標文件的評審和比較、中標候選人的推薦以及與評標有關的其他情況的,給予警告,沒收收受的財物,可以並處三千元以上五萬元以下的罰款,對有所列違法行為的評標委員會成員取消擔任評標委員會成員的資格,不得再參加任何依法必須進行招標的項目的評標;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 56. Any member of the bid evaluation committee who accepts any material or other benefit from a bidder, or any member of the bid evaluation committee or staff member involved in the evaluation of bids who divulges any information relating to the evaluation and comparison of bids and the recommendation of a successful bidder or any other information related to the evaluation of bids, will be given a warning and will be fined an amount ranging from 3,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan. Any illegally accepted material benefit will be confiscated. Any member of the bid evaluation committee who commits any such act will be disqualified from sitting on a bid evaluation committee for any project required by law to call for bids. Where a crime is constituted, criminal liability will be pursued in accordance with the law.

第五十七條   招標人在評標委員會依法推薦的中標候選人以外確定中標人的,依法必須進行招標的項目在所有投標被評標委員會否決後自行確定中標人的,中標無效,責令改正,可以處中標項目金額千分之五以上千分之十以下的罰款;對單位直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。

Article 57 Where a bid inviter decides on the bid winner from among people other than the candidates recommended by the bid evaluation committee in accordance with law, or a bid inviter decides on the bid winner on its own after all the bids for the project for which bid invitation is required by law have been rejected by the bid evaluation committee, the bid won shall be nullified. The bid inviter shall be ordered to make rectification and may be fined not less than 0.5 percent but not more than 1 percent of the value of the bid. The persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible shall be given sanctions in accordance with law.

第五十八條   中標人將中標項目轉讓給他人的,將中標項目肢解後分別轉讓給他人的,違反本法規定將中標項目的部分主體、關鍵性工作分包給他人的,或者分包人再次分包的,轉讓、分包無效,處轉讓、分包項目金額千分之五以上千分之十以下的罰款;有違法所得的,並處沒收違法所得;可以責令停業整頓;情節嚴重的,由工商行政管理機關吊銷營業執照。

Article 58 Where the winning bidder transfers his winning project to a third party, breaks the winning project into parts and transfers them separately to third parties, or violates the provisions of this Law by subcontracting out some of the principal or key parts of the winning project to third parties, or if a subcontractor further subcontracts his project, the transfer or subcontract shall be void, and the winning bidder or the subcontractor shall be imposed a fine exceeding 0.5 per cent and not exceeding 1 per cent of the sum of the transferred or subcontracted project; illegal gains, if any, shall be confiscated; and he may be ordered to suspend business for internal rectification; if the circumstances are serious, his business license shall be revoked by the administration for industry and commerce.

第五十九條   招標人與中標人不按照招標文件和中標人的投標文件訂立合同的,或者招標人、中標人訂立背離合同實質性內容的協議的,責令改正;可以處中標項目金額千分之五以上千分之十以下的罰款。

Article 59 If the bid inviting party and the winning bidder fail to conclude a contract in accordance with the bid invitation documents and the winning bidder's bid documents, or if the bid inviting party and the winning bidder conclude an agreement that contravenes the substantive terms of the contract, they shall be ordered to make amends and may be imposed a fine of not less than 0.5% nor more than 1% of the amount of the project won.

第六十條   中標人不履行與招標人訂立的合同的,履約保證金不予退還,給招標人造成的損失超過履約保證金數額的,還應當對超過部分予以賠償;沒有提交履約保證金的,應當對招標人的損失承擔賠償責任。

Article 60 If the winning bidder fails to perform the contract concluded with the bid inviting party, the performance bond shall not be refunded; if the losses caused to the bid inviting party exceed the amount of the performance bond, the winning bidder shall also compensate for the excess; if the winning bidder did not pay a performance bond, it shall be liable for compensation of the losses suffered by the bid inviting party.


Where a winning bidder fails to perform its obligations under the contract entered into with the bid inviting party and the circumstances are serious, its bidding qualifications for projects which legally require the invitation of bids shall be suspended for two to five years and the same shall be publicly announced, or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke its business license.


The preceding two paragraphs shall not apply if the non- performance of the contract was due to force majeure.

第六十一條   本章規定的行政處罰,由國務院規定的有關行政監督部門決定。本法已對實施行政處罰的機關作出規定的除外。

Article 61 The administrative penalties provided for in this chapter shall be decided by the relevant department for administrative supervision designated by the State Council. Except for the situations where this Law has already provided for the state organs to execute administrative punishments.

第六十二條   任何單位違反本法規定,限制或者排斥本地區、本系統以外的法人或者其他組織參加投標的,為招標人指定招標代理機構的,強制招標人委托招標代理機構辦理招標事宜的,或者以其他方式幹涉招標投標活動的,責令改正;對單位直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予警告、記過、記大過的處分,情節較重的,依法給予降級、撤職、開除的處分。

Article 62. Any unit which violates the provisions of this Law by restricting or excluding legal persons or other organizations from other regions or departments from participating in the bidding process, designating a bidding agency to act for the bid inviter, compelling a bid inviter to appoint a bidding agency to conduct an invitation for bids, or interfering in any manner in the bidding process, will be ordered to rectify the situation. The person directly in charge of the unit or any other person directly liable for such a violation will be given a disciplinary warning, or have a demerit or major demerit recorded in accordance with law. In relatively serious circumstances, such a person may be demoted, dismissed or discharged in accordance with law.


Any individual who uses his/her position to undertake any of the illegal acts listed in the preceding paragraph will be liable to penalty in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

第六十三條   對招標投標活動依法負有行政監督職責的國家機關工作人員徇私舞弊、濫用職權或者玩忽職守,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;不構成犯罪的,依法給予行政處分。

Article 63 Where any functionary of the State organs responsible for the administrative supervision over bid invitation and bidding activities in accordance with the law practices favoritism, abuses the power or neglects the duties, which constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with the law; if no crime is constituted, he shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with the law.

第六十四條   依法必須進行招標的項目違反本法規定,中標無效的,應當依照本法規定的中標條件從其餘投標人中重新確定中標人或者依照本法重新進行招標。

Article 64. Where a successful bid is rendered void for a project required by law to call for bids due to violation of the provisions of this Law, the successful bidder shall be selected from the remaining bidders in accordance with the provisions of this Law or a new invitation for bids shall be conducted in accordance with this Law.


Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

第六十五條   投標人和其他利害關系人認為招標投標活動不符合本法有關規定的,有權向招標人提出異議或者依法向有關行政監督部門投訴。

Article 65. Where a bidder or any interested party believes that a bidding process has not been conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Law, it shall have the right to lodge an objection with the bid inviter or to complain to the relevant administrative supervision department in accordance with law.

第六十六條   涉及國家安全、國家秘密、搶險救災或者屬於利用扶貧資金實行以工代赈、需要使用農民工等特殊情況,不適宜進行招標的項目,按照國家有關規定可以不進行招標。

Article 66. Where a project involves national security, State secrets or disaster relief, or it uses poverty relief funds to employ workers for disaster relief or it needs to use migrant workers, or it is under other special circumstances, and it is inappropriate to invite bids, bids need not be invited according to relevant State regulations.

第六十七條   使用國際組織或者外國政府貸款、援助資金的項目進行招標,貸款方、資金提供方對招標投標的具體條件和程序有不同規定的,可以適用其規定,但違背中華人民共和國的社會公共利益的除外。

Article 67 For the bid invitations for any project carried out by using loans from international organizations or foreign governments or aid funds, if the creditor or fund provider has different provisions on the specific conditions or procedures for bidding, such provisions may be applied unless they run counter to the social and public interests of the People's Republic of China.

第六十八條   本法自200011日起施行。

Article 68 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 2000.


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