



Nuclear Security Law of the People's Republic of China


Presidential Decree No. 73


The Nuclear Security Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on September 1, 2017, is hereby promulgated, effective January 1, 2018.

中华人民共和国主席 习近平

President Xi Jinping


September 1, 2017


(Adopted at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on September 1, 2017)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条   为了保障核安全,预防与应对核事故,安全利用核能,保护公众和从业人员的安全与健康,保护生态环境,促进经济社会可持续发展,制定本法。

Article 1 The Law is formulated in order to safeguard the safety of nuclear energy, prevent and respond to nuclear accidents, safely use nuclear energy, protect the safety and health of the public and practitioners, protect the ecological environment, and promote sustainable economic and social development.

第二条   在中华人民共和国领域及管辖的其他海域内,对核设施、核材料及相关放射性废物采取充分的预防、保护、缓解和监管等安全措施,防止由于技术原因、人为原因或者自然灾害造成核事故,最大限度减轻核事故情况下的放射性后果的活动,适用本法。

Article 2 The Law shall apply to the activity of taking sufficient preventive, protective, mitigation and supervisory measures and other safety measures for nuclear facilities, nuclear materials and the relevant radioactive wastes within the territory of the People's Republic of China and other sea areas under China's jurisdiction to prevent the nuclear accident resulting from technical matters, man-made reasons or natural disasters, and minimize radiological consequences in the case of a nuclear accident.


Nuclear facilities refer to:


(I) nuclear power plants, such as nuclear power plant, nuclear thermal power plant, nuclear gas or heat supply plant, and nuclear units;


2. reactors other than nuclear power plants, such as research reactors, experimental reactors and critical assemblies;


(III) facilities for the cycling of nuclear fuels, including facilities used to produce, process, store and post-process nuclear fuels; and


(IV) facilities used to treat, store and dispose of radioactive wastes.


Nuclear materials refer to:


1. uranium-235 and products made from it;


2. uranium-233 and products made from it;


(III) plutonium-239 and products made from it;


(IV) other types of nuclear materials that need to be controlled as required by laws and administrative regulations.


Radioactive wastes refer to the wastes that are generated due to the operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities, contain radionuclide or are contaminated by radionuclide, have the concentration or specific activity higher than the clearance level determined by the State, and are expected not to be used any longer.

第三条   国家坚持理性、协调、并进的核安全观,加强核安全能力建设,保障核事业健康发展。

Article 3 The State upholds rational, coordinated and progressive nuclear security concept, strengthens the construction of nuclear security capacity and safeguard the healthy development of the nuclear undertaking.

第四条   从事核事业必须遵循确保安全的方针。

Article 4 Engaging in nuclear undertakings must follow the principle of safety.


Nuclear security work must be subject to the principles of safety first, prevention first, definite responsibilities, strict management, defense in depth, independent regulation and comprehensive safeguards.

第五条   核设施营运单位对核安全负全面责任。

Article 5 Operators of nuclear facilities shall take overall responsibility for nuclear security.


The entities that provide equipment, engineering and services for operators of nuclear facilities shall bear the corresponding responsibility.

第六条   国务院核安全监督管理部门负责核安全的监督管理。

Article 6 The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of nuclear security.


The competent department of the nuclear industry, the competent energy department and other relevant departments under the State Council shall be in charge of the relevant administrative work concerning nuclear security according to their respective responsibilities.


The State shall establish a coordination mechanism for nuclear security work to coordinate the relevant departments to promote relevant work.

第七条   国务院核安全监督管理部门会同国务院有关部门编制国家核安全规划,报国务院批准后组织实施。

Article 7 The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall, in concert with the relevant departments under the State Council, formulate a national plan for nuclear security and organize its implementation upon approval by the State Council.

第八条   国家坚持从高从严建立核安全标准体系。

Article 8 The State insists on establishing a high-standard and strict nuclear security standard system.


The relevant departments under the State Council shall formulate nuclear security standards according to the division of their duties. Nuclear safety standards are mandatory.


Nuclear security standards shall be revised according to the economic and social development as well as the scientific and technological progress.

第九条   国家制定核安全政策,加强核安全文化建设。

Article 9 The State shall formulate nuclear security policies to enhance the construction of a nuclear security culture.


The regulatory department for nuclear security, the competent department of the nuclear industry and the competent energy department under the State Council shall establish and foster a mechanism for the nuclear security culture.


Operators of nuclear facilities and entities providing them with equipment, engineering and services shall actively cultivate and develop the nuclear security culture to integrate the nuclear security culture into all respects of their production, operation, research and management.

第十条   国家鼓励和支持核安全相关科学技术的研究、开发和利用,加强知识产权保护,注重核安全人才的培养。

Article 10 The State encourages and supports the research, development and utilization of sciences and technologies concerning nuclear security, enhances the protection of intellectual property rights, and pays attention to training nuclear security talents.


The relevant departments under the State Council shall arrange for special key technical research projects that relate to the safety of nuclear facilities and nuclear materials and to the monitoring and assessment of the radiation environment, while planning the relevant scientific research, and popularize advanced and reliable nuclear security technologies.


Operators of nuclear facilities, entities providing them with equipment, engineering and services, and scientific research institutions related to nuclear security shall keep developing advanced and reliable nuclear security technologies, make full use of advanced scientific and technological achievements, and improve the level of nuclear security.


The State Council, People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities and their relevant authorities shall commend and reward organisations and individuals with important contributions in technological innovation.

第十一条   任何单位和个人不得危害核设施、核材料安全。

Article 11 No entity or individual may endanger nuclear facilities or nuclear materials.


Citizens, legal persons and other organizations have the right to access information about nuclear security in accordance with the law, and are entitled to compensation in accordance with the law if they suffer nuclear damage.

第十二条   国家加强对核设施、核材料的安全保卫工作。

Article 12 The State shall redouble its efforts to safeguard the safety of nuclear facilities and nuclear materials.


Operators of nuclear facilities shall establish and improve a security safeguard system and take safeguard measures to protect nuclear facilities and nuclear materials from any destruction, damage or theft.

第十三条   国家组织开展与核安全有关的国际交流与合作,完善核安全国际合作机制,防范和应对核恐怖主义威胁,履行中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际公约所规定的义务。

Article 13 The State shall organize and carry out international communication and cooperation on nuclear security, improve the mechanism for international cooperation in nuclear security, prevent and respond to any threat of nuclear terrorism, and perform obligations under the international conventions concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China.

第二章 核设施安全

Chapter 2 Safety of Nuclear Facilities

第十四条   国家对核设施的选址、建设进行统筹规划,科学论证,合理布局。

Article 14 The State shall conduct overall planning for the site selection and construction of nuclear facilities, carry out scientific demonstration, and ensure rational layout.


The State shall manage nuclear facilities according to the nature, risk level and other factors of nuclear facilities.

第十五条   核设施营运单位应当具备保障核设施安全运行的能力,并符合下列条件:

Article 15 An operator of nuclear facilities shall be capable of safeguarding the safe operation of nuclear facilities, and meet the following conditions:


1. have an organization and management system and other regimes on quality assurance, safety management and post responsibilities that meet the requirements for nuclear security;


2. Employ a prescribed number of qualified professional technicians and management staff;


(III) possess security assessment, resource allocation and financial capacity that are compatible with the safety of nuclear facilities;


(IV) have access to necessary technical support for nuclear security and be capable of making improvements continuously;


5. possess the capacity to respond to emergencies and the financial capacity to guarantee compensation for nuclear damage; and


(VI) Other conditions prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.

第十六条   核设施营运单位应当依照法律、行政法规和标准的要求,设置核设施纵深防御体系,有效防范技术原因、人为原因和自然灾害造成的威胁,确保核设施安全。

Article 16 Operators of nuclear facilities shall, in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations and standards, set up an in-depth defense framework for nuclear facilities, and effectively prevent any threat caused by any technical matter, man-made reason or natural disaster, so as to ensure the safety of nuclear facilities.


Operators of nuclear facilities shall evaluate the safety of nuclear facilities on a regular basis and be subject to the review of the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council.

第十七条   核设施营运单位和为其提供设备、工程以及服务等的单位应当建立并实施质量保证体系,有效保证设备、工程和服务等的质量,确保设备的性能满足核安全标准的要求,工程和服务等满足核安全相关要求。

Article 17 Operators of nuclear facilities and entities providing them with equipment, engineering and services shall establish and implement a quality assurance system and effectively guarantee the quality of equipment, engineering and services, ensuring that the performance of such equipment meets the nuclear security standards and such engineering and services meet the relevant requirements on nuclear security.

第十八条   核设施营运单位应当严格控制辐射照射,确保有关人员免受超过国家规定剂量限值的辐射照射,确保辐射照射保持在合理、可行和尽可能低的水平。

Article 18 Operators of nuclear facilities shall strictly control the exposure to radiation to ensure the protection of relevant personnel from being exposed to radiation that exceeds the upper dose limit set by the State and ensure that radiation exposure is maintained at a reasonable and practicable level and as low as possible.

第十九条   核设施营运单位应当对核设施周围环境中所含的放射性核素的种类、浓度以及核设施流出物中的放射性核素总量实施监测,并定期向国务院环境保护主管部门和所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府环境保护主管部门报告监测结果。

Article 19 An operator of nuclear facilities shall monitor the type and concentration of radionuclides in the environment around nuclear facilities and the total amount of radionuclides in effluents from nuclear facilities, and regularly report the monitoring results to the competent departments of environmental protection under the State Council and under the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where it is located.

第二十条   核设施营运单位应当按照国家有关规定,制定培训计划,对从业人员进行核安全教育和技能培训并进行考核。

Article 20 Operators of nuclear facilities shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, formulate a training plan and carry out education and skills training with regard to nuclear security for their practitioners.


Operators of nuclear facilities shall provide their practitioners with appropriate labor protection and occupational health checks, in order to safeguard the safety and health of practitioners.

第二十一条   省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当对国家规划确定的核动力厂等重要核设施的厂址予以保护,在规划期内不得变更厂址用途。

Article 21 People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall protect the sites that are determined in the national plan to be used for building important nuclear facilities such as nuclear power plants, but shall not change their purpose of use during the planning period.


People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall delimit the planned restricted areas around important nuclear facilities, such as nuclear power plants, and such restricted areas shall be implemented upon approval by the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council.


It is prohibited to construct any facility for the production or storage of flammable, explosive and corrosive materials or any densely- populated place, which may threaten the safety of nuclear facilities, within such planned restricted areas.

第二十二条   国家建立核设施安全许可制度。

Article 22 The State has established a licensing system for the safety of nuclear facilities.


To select a site for a nuclear facility or construct, operate or decommission a nuclear facility, an operator of nuclear facilities shall apply for a license to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council.


The request proposed by an operator of nuclear facilities to change the conditions prescribed in the licensing documents shall be reported to and approved by the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council.

第二十三条   核设施营运单位应当对地质、地震、气象、水文、环境和人口分布等因素进行科学评估,在满足核安全技术评价要求的前提下,向国务院核安全监督管理部门提交核设施选址安全分析报告,经审查符合核安全要求后,取得核设施场址选择审查意见书。

Article 23 An operator of nuclear facilities shall conduct a scientific evaluation regarding such factors as geology, earthquake, meteorology, hydrology, environment and population distribution; if the technical evaluation requirements on nuclear security have been satisfied, such operator may submit the safety analysis report on a site selected for nuclear facilities to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council which will then review such report and issue opinions on the review of such site selected for nuclear facilities provided that such report conforms to the requirements on nuclear security.

第二十四条   核设施设计应当符合核安全标准,采用科学合理的构筑物、系统和设备参数与技术要求,提供多样保护和多重屏障,确保核设施运行可靠、稳定和便于操作,满足核安全要求。

Article 24 The design of nuclear facilities shall meet the nuclear security standards, be made through scientific and appropriate structures, systems, equipment parameters and technical requirements, and provide diversified protections and multiple shields, in order to ensure the reliable and stable operation of nuclear facilities, make them easy to operate and ensure their conformity with the requirements on nuclear security.

第二十五条   核设施建造前,核设施营运单位应当向国务院核安全监督管理部门提出建造申请,并提交下列材料:

Article 25 Prior to the construction of a nuclear facility, the operator of such nuclear facility shall file an application for construction with the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council by submitting the following materials:


1. an application for constructing a nuclear facility;


2. a report on preliminary safety analysis;


(III) Documents on environmental impact assessment;


(IV) quality assurance documents;


(V) Other materials as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.

第二十六条   核设施营运单位取得核设施建造许可证后,应当确保核设施整体性能满足核安全标准的要求。

Article 26 Once the license for constructing a nuclear facility is obtained, the operator of such nuclear facility shall ensure that the overall performance of such nuclear facility meets the requirements of nuclear security standards.


The license for constructing a nuclear facility shall be valid for up to a decade. Where the extension of the validity period is required for construction upon the expiration thereof, an application for extension shall be submitted to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council for review and approval. However, the following circumstances are exceptional, provided that there is no security risk upon assessment:


1. where the construction of a nuclear facility is postponed as a result of national policies or acts;


2. where the nuclear facility is constructed for scientific research purposes;


3. where the nuclear facility is constructed as a model project; and


(IV) Nuclear facilities used for spent fuel reprocessing.


A nuclear facility shall be tested once the construction is completed to verify whether it satisfies the design requirements on nuclear security.

第二十七条   核设施首次装投料前,核设施营运单位应当向国务院核安全监督管理部门提出运行申请,并提交下列材料:

Article 27 Before charging nuclear facilities for the first time, an operator of nuclear facilities shall file an application for operation with the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council by submitting the following materials:


1. an application for operation of nuclear facilities;


2. a report on ultimate safety analysis;


3. quality assurance documents;


(IV) Emergency Plans;


(V) Other materials as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.


The operator of nuclear facilities, after obtaining the operation license, shall operate nuclear facilities pursuant to the provisions stated on the license.


The validity term of the nuclear facility operation permit shall be the designed life period. During the validity period, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council may make reasonable adjustments to the matters prescribed in the license in accordance with the requirements of laws, administrative regulations and new nuclear security standards.


An operator of nuclear facilities shall, if intending to adjust the following matters, report it to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council for approval:


1. important structures, systems and equipment based on which the operation license is issued;


2. operational limits and conditions;


(III) procedures and other documents concerning nuclear security that have been approved by the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council.

第二十八条   核设施运行许可证有效期届满需要继续运行的,核设施营运单位应当于有效期届满前五年,向国务院核安全监督管理部门提出延期申请,并对其是否符合核安全标准进行论证、验证,经审查批准后,方可继续运行。

Article 28 If a nuclear facility operation license expires but the relevant nuclear facilities are required to continue functioning, the operator of nuclear facilities shall, within five years before the expiry of such license, file an application for extension with the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council which will then expound on and verify whether the relevant nuclear facilities satisfy the nuclear security standards. Such nuclear facilities shall not continue to operate until the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council has issued an approval after the review.

第二十九条   核设施终止运行后,核设施营运单位应当采取安全的方式进行停闭管理,保证停闭期间的安全,确保退役所需的基本功能、技术人员和文件。

Article 29 Once the operation of nuclear facilities is terminated, the operator of nuclear facilities shall carry out the shutdown management in a safe manner, guarantee safety in the shutdown period, and ensure basic functions, technicians and documents needed for the decommissioning.

第三十条   核设施退役前,核设施营运单位应当向国务院核安全监督管理部门提出退役申请,并提交下列材料:

Article 30 Before decommissioning a nuclear facility, the operator of nuclear facilities shall apply for decommissioning to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council by submitting the following materials:


1. an application for decommissioning of nuclear facilities;


2. safety analysis report;


(III) Documents on environmental impact assessment;


(IV) quality assurance documents;


(V) Other materials as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.


While decommissioning a nuclear facility, the operator of nuclear facilities shall treat and dispose of all radioactive materials at the site where such nuclear facility is situated according to principles of being reasonable, practicable and as low as possible, and reduce the radioactivity of its structures, systems and equipment to a degree that meets the standards.


After nuclear facilities are decommissioned, the competent departments of environmental protection of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the nuclear facilities are located shall organize monitoring of the types and concentration of the radionuclides contained in the nuclear facilities sites and their surrounding environment.

第三十一条   进口核设施,应当满足中华人民共和国有关核安全法律、行政法规和标准的要求,并报国务院核安全监督管理部门审查批准。

Article 31 Nuclear facilities shall be imported pursuant to the laws, administrative regulations and standards on nuclear security of the People's Republic of China, and such importation shall be reported to, and reviewed and approved, by the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council.


Nuclear facilities shall be exported pursuant to the provisions of the People's Republic of China on export control of nuclear facilities.

第三十二条   国务院核安全监督管理部门应当依照法定条件和程序,对核设施安全许可申请组织安全技术审查,满足核安全要求的,在技术审查完成之日起二十日内,依法作出准予许可的决定。

Article 32 The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall, in accordance with statutory conditions and procedures, organize a review of security technologies related to an application for a license for the safety of nuclear facilities, and decide to issue the license according to the law within 20 days of the date when the technical review is completed, provided that the application satisfies the requirements on nuclear security.


The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall, while reviewing and approving an application for a license for constructing or operating a nuclear facility, solicit comments from both the relevant departments of the State Council and the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where such nuclear facility is located, which shall give a reply within three months.

第三十三条   国务院核安全监督管理部门组织安全技术审查时,应当委托与许可申请单位没有利益关系的技术支持单位进行技术审评。受委托的技术支持单位应当对其技术评价结论的真实性、准确性负责。

Article 33 When the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council organizes a review of security technologies, it shall entrust a technical support entity, which has no relationship of interest to the entity applying for a license, to carry out technical reviews. The entrusted technical support entity shall be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the technical evaluation conclusion.

第三十四条   国务院核安全监督管理部门成立核安全专家委员会,为核安全决策提供咨询意见。

Article 34 The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall form a committee of nuclear security experts which will give advisory opinions on its nuclear security decision-making.


Comments shall be solicited from the committee of nuclear security experts at the time of formulating the plans and standards on nuclear security or making technical decisions on major security issues concerning nuclear facilities.

第三十五条   国家建立核设施营运单位核安全报告制度,具体办法由国务院有关部门制定。

Article 35 The State shall establish a nuclear security reporting system for operators of nuclear facilities. And specific measures shall be formulated by the relevant departments of the State Council.


The relevant departments of the State Council shall establish an experience feedback system for nuclear security and deal with reported information on nuclear security in a timely manner so as to achieve information sharing.


Operators of nuclear facilities shall establish an experience feedback system for nuclear security.

第三十六条   为核设施提供核安全设备设计、制造、安装和无损检验服务的单位,应当向国务院核安全监督管理部门申请许可。境外机构为境内核设施提供核安全设备设计、制造、安装和无损检验服务的,应当向国务院核安全监督管理部门申请注册。

Article 36 An entity providing the design and manufacture of and installation and non-destructive tests for nuclear security equipment used for nuclear facilities shall apply for a license to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council. A foreign institution that provides the design and manufacture of and installation and non-destructive tests for nuclear security equipment used for nuclear facilities shall apply for registration to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council.


The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall perform security inspections according to the law of any imported nuclear security equipment.

第三十七条   核设施操纵人员以及核安全设备焊接人员、无损检验人员等特种工艺人员应当按照国家规定取得相应资格证书。

Article 37 Such personnel with special techniques as personnel operating nuclear facilities, and welders or non-destructive tests for nuclear security equipment shall obtain corresponding qualification certificates in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.


Business operators of nuclear facilities and the manufacturing, installation and non-destructive testing entities for nuclear security equipment shall employ the personnel who have obtained the corresponding qualification certificates to engage in the work related to the security expertise for the nuclear facilities.

第三章 核材料和放射性废物安全

Chapter III Safety of Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Wastes

第三十八条   核设施营运单位和其他有关单位持有核材料,应当按照规定的条件依法取得许可,并采取下列措施,防止核材料被盗、破坏、丢失、非法转让和使用,保障核材料的安全与合法利用:

Article 38 To hold nuclear materials, an operator of nuclear facilities and other relevant entities shall legally obtain a permit for such purpose in accordance with the prescribed conditions, and take the following measures to prevent nuclear materials from being stolen, destroyed, lost, illegally transferred or illegally used and ensure the safe and legal use of nuclear materials:


1. establish specific institutions or specifically appoint certain persons to take care of nuclear materials;


2. Establish a balance system for nuclear materials and maintain the balance of payments for nuclear materials;


3. set up a physical protection system that is compatible with the protection level of nuclear materials;


(IV) Establish an information confidentiality system and adopt security measures; and


(V) other measures stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

第三十九条   产生、贮存、运输、后处理乏燃料的单位应当采取措施确保乏燃料的安全,并对持有的乏燃料承担核安全责任。

Article 39 Entities that manufacture, store, transport and conduct post-treatment of spent fuels shall take measures to ensure the safety of spent fuels and bear responsibilities for the nuclear security of the spent fuels they hold.

第四十条   放射性废物应当实行分类处置。

Article 40 Radioactive wastes shall be classified before disposal.


Low- and medium- level radioactive wastes shall be subject to near-surface or medium-depth disposal at the places that meet the requirements on nuclear security as stipulated by the State.


High-level radioactive wastes shall be subject to centralized deep geological disposal exclusively carried out by the entities designated by the State Council.

第四十一条   核设施营运单位、放射性废物处理处置单位应当对放射性废物进行减量化、无害化处理、处置,确保永久安全。

Article 41 Operators of nuclear facilities and entities treating and disposing of radioactive wastes shall conduct the minimization and harmless treatment and disposal of radioactive wastes to ensure the permanent safety thereof.

第四十二条   国务院核工业主管部门会同国务院有关部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府编制低、中水平放射性废物处置场所的选址规划,报国务院批准后组织实施。

Article 42 The competent department of the nuclear industry under the State Council shall, in concert with the relevant departments of the State Council and people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, prepare the plan for selecting sites used for the disposal of low- and medium- level radioactive wastes, and organize its implementation of such plan upon approval by the State Council.


The competent department of nuclear industry under the State Council shall, in concert with the relevant departments of the State Council, prepare the plan for selecting sites used for the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes, and organize its implementation of such plan upon approval by the State Council.


The construction of sites used for the disposal of radioactive wastes shall be in line with the requirements on the development of nuclear energy.

第四十三条   国家建立放射性废物管理许可制度。

Article 43 The State has established a licensing system for the administration of radioactive wastes.


Entities specialized in the treatment, storage and disposal of radioactive wastes shall apply for a license to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council.


Where an operator of nuclear facilities treats or stores the radioactive wastes it has produced in treatment and storage facilities that are constructed in conjunction with nuclear facilities, it is not required to apply for a license.

第四十四条   核设施营运单位应当对其产生的放射性固体废物和不能经净化排放的放射性废液进行处理,使其转变为稳定的、标准化的固体废物后,及时送交放射性废物处置单位处置。

Article 44 An operator of nuclear facilities shall treat the radioactive solid wastes and the radioactive effluent that cannot be discharged upon purification it has produced so as to convert them into stable and standardized solid wastes, and then transfer such solid wastes to the entities engaged in the disposal of radioactive wastes for disposal in a timely manner.


An operator of nuclear facilities shall treat the radioactive exhaust gas it has produced to meet the national standards for prevention and control of radioactive pollution before discharging such gas.

第四十五条   放射性废物处置单位应当按照国家放射性污染防治标准的要求,对其接收的放射性废物进行处置。

Article 45 Entities engaged in the disposal of radioactive wastes shall dispose of radioactive wastes received in accordance with the radioactive pollution prevention and control standards of the State.


Entities engaged in the disposal of radioactive wastes shall establish recording files of information on the disposal of radioactive wastes, and record faithfully the sources, quantity, properties and storage locations of radioactive wastes and other matters relating to disposal activities. The record shall be kept permanently.

第四十六条   国家建立放射性废物处置设施关闭制度。

Article 46 The State has established a system for closing down disposal facilities for radioactive wastes.


Where any disposal facility for radioactive wastes falls under any of the following circumstances, the procedures for close-down shall be gone through according to the law and the designated area must be marked with signs permanently:


1. the service term of the design expires;


2. where the amount of disposed radioactive wastes has reached the designed capacity;


(III) Where the geological structure or hydrogeological conditions and other conditions in the area where it is located change significantly, rendering it inappropriate to continue to dispose of radioactive wastes; or


(IV) other circumstances where such disposal facility shall be closed down as required by laws and administrative regulations.

第四十七条   放射性废物处置设施关闭前,放射性废物处置单位应当编制放射性废物处置设施关闭安全监护计划,报国务院核安全监督管理部门批准。

Article 47 Before closing down disposal facilities for radioactive wastes, an entity engaged in the disposal of radioactive wastes shall prepare the safety monitoring plan for the closedown of disposal facilities for radioactive wastes and submit the same to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council for approval.


A safety monitoring plan shall include the main contents as follows:


1. Safety monitoring personnel and their responsibilities;


(II) expenses of safety monitoring;


(III) safety monitoring measures; and


(IV) Safety monitoring period.


After the closedown of disposal facilities for radioactive wastes, entities engaged in the disposal of radioactive wastes shall monitor the safety in accordance with the approved safety monitoring plans; and upon approval of the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council in concert with the relevant departments of the State Council, hand over such facilities to people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government for monitoring and administration.

第四十八条   核设施营运单位应当按照国家规定缴纳乏燃料处理处置费用,列入生产成本。

Article 48 Business operators of nuclear facilities shall pay the spent fuel disposal fees in accordance with the provisions of the State which shall be included in the production costs.


Operators of nuclear facilities shall draw in advance fees required for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and for the disposal of radioactive wastes, include such fees in the investment estimates and production costs, and use them exclusively for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and the disposal of radioactive wastes. Specific measures shall be formulated by the financial department and the competent price department under the State Council in concert with the regulatory department for nuclear security, the competent department of the nuclear industry and the competent energy department under the State Council.

第四十九条   国家对核材料、放射性废物的运输实行分类管理,采取有效措施,保障运输安全。

Article 49 The State shall implement classified administration for the transportation of nuclear materials and radioactive wastes, and take effective measures to ensure the safety of transportation.

第五十条   国家保障核材料、放射性废物的公路、铁路、水路等运输,国务院有关部门应当加强对公路、铁路、水路等运输的管理,制定具体的保障措施。

Article 50 The State shall guarantee the highway, railway and waterway transportation, etc. of nuclear materials and radioactive wastes, while the relevant departments of the State Council shall enhance their administration of highway, railway and waterway transportation, etc. and formulate specific safeguard measures.

第五十一条   国务院核工业主管部门负责协调乏燃料运输管理活动,监督有关保密措施。

Article 51 The competent department of the nuclear industry under the State Council shall be responsible for coordinating activities concerning the transportation and administration of spent fuels and supervise the relevant security measures.


Public security organs shall supervise the physical protection of nuclear materials and radioactive wastes transported on roads, and handle accidents that may threaten the safe transportation of nuclear materials and radioactive wastes in accordance with the law. Where nuclear materials or radioactive waste are to be transported by road, the transportation shall be reported to and approved by the public security organ of the people's government at or above the county level at the place of departure according to the prescribed authority; if the transportation involves spent fuel or high-level radioactive waste, the transportation shall be reported to the public security department under the State Council for approval.


The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall be responsible for approving the application for a license for containers used for the transportation of nuclear materials and radioactive wastes.

第五十二条   核材料、放射性废物的托运人应当在运输中采取有效的辐射防护和安全保卫措施,对运输中的核安全负责。

Article 52 Shippers of nuclear materials or radioactive wastes shall take effective measures for radiation protection and security safeguard in the transportation, and be responsible for nuclear security in the transportation.


Shippers of spent fuels or high-level radioactive wastes shall submit the relevant analysis reports on nuclear security to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council, and may carry out transportation activities only after such reports have been reviewed and approved.


The carriers of the nuclear materials and radioactive wastes shall obtain the transportation qualifications as required by the State according to the law.

第五十三条   通过公路、铁路、水路等运输核材料、放射性废物,本法没有规定的,适用相关法律、行政法规和规章关于放射性物品运输、危险货物运输的规定。

Article 53 Where this Law does not provide for relevant issues regarding the transportation of nuclear materials or radioactive wastes by road, railway, waterway, etc., provisions of relevant laws, administrative regulations and rules on the transportation of radioactive articles and dangerous goods shall apply.

第四章 核事故应急

Chapter 4 Emergency Responses to Nuclear Accidents

第五十四条   国家设立核事故应急协调委员会,组织、协调全国的核事故应急管理工作。

Article 54 The State has set up an emergency coordination committee for nuclear accidents to organize and coordinate emergency administration of nuclear accidents nationwide.


People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, according to the actual needs, set up the Coordination Committee for Nuclear Accident Emergency to organize and coordinate the management work of the nuclear accident emergency in the respective administrative area.

第五十五条   国务院核工业主管部门承担国家核事故应急协调委员会日常工作,牵头制定国家核事故应急预案,经国务院批准后组织实施。国家核事故应急协调委员会成员单位根据国家核事故应急预案部署,制定本单位核事故应急预案,报国务院核工业主管部门备案。

Article 55 The competent department of the nuclear industry under the State Council shall undertake the routine work of the National Emergency Coordination Committee for Nuclear Accidents, take the lead in formulating the national emergency plan for nuclear accidents, and organize the implementation of the emergency plan upon approval by the State Council. A membership entity of the National Emergency Coordination Committee for Nuclear Accidents shall, in accordance with the arrangements made in the national emergency plan for nuclear accidents, prepare its own emergency plan for nuclear accidents and submit the same to the competent department of the nuclear industry under the State Council for the record.


The departments designated by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall undertake the routine work of emergency coordination committees for nuclear accidents, formulate off-site emergency plans for nuclear accidents within their respective administrative regions, and organize the implementation of the emergency plans upon approval by the National Emergency Coordination Committee for Nuclear Accidents.


An operator of nuclear facilities shall be responsible for formulating its own on-site emergency plan for nuclear accidents, and submit the same to the competent department of the nuclear industry and the competent energy department under the State Council as well as the departments designated by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government for the record.


The Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Armed Police Force shall, in accordance with the provisions of the State Council and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China, formulate the emergency plans for nuclear accidents in support of local governments within their own systems and submit the same to the competent department of the nuclear industry under the State Council for the record.


Entities formulating emergency plans shall revise their emergency plans from time to time according to actual needs and situation changes.

第五十六条   核设施营运单位应当按照应急预案,配备应急设备,开展应急工作人员培训和演练,做好应急准备。

Article 56 An operator of nuclear facilities shall, in accordance with the emergency plan, outfit itself with emergency equipment, carry out training and drills for emergency working personnel and be fully prepared for any emergency.


The departments designated by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where nuclear facilities are located shall conduct activities with respect to the popularization of knowledge on emergency responses to nuclear accidents, and organize the relevant enterprises, public institutions and communities to carry out emergency drills for nuclear accidents in accordance with the emergency plans.

第五十七条   国家建立核事故应急准备金制度,保障核事故应急准备与响应工作所需经费。核事故应急准备金管理办法,由国务院制定。

Article 57 The State shall set up an emergency reserve system for nuclear accidents to ensure the funds needed for emergency preparedness for and responses to nuclear accidents. Administrative measures for emergency reserves for nuclear accidents shall be formulated by the State Council.

第五十八条   国家对核事故应急实行分级管理。

Article 58 The State shall implement the administration by level of emergency responses to nuclear accidents.


In the event of a nuclear accident, an operator of nuclear facilities shall, in accordance with the requirements set out in the emergency plan, make emergency responses to mitigate the consequences resulting from the accident, immediately inform the competent department of nuclear industry and the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council as well as the department designated by the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government concerned of the status of the related nuclear facilities, and make suggestions on off-site emergency responses as needed.

第五十九条   国家核事故应急协调委员会按照国家核事故应急预案部署,组织协调国务院有关部门、地方人民政府、核设施营运单位实施核事故应急救援工作。

Article 59 The National Emergency Coordination Committee for Nuclear Accidents shall, in accordance with the arrangements made in the national emergency plan for nuclear accidents, organize and coordinate the relevant departments under the State Council, local people's governments, and operators of nuclear facilities to carry out emergency rescue for nuclear accidents.


The Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Armed Police Force shall carry out emergency rescue for nuclear accidents in accordance with the provisions of the State Council and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China.


Operators of nuclear facilities shall give support to emergency responses in accordance with the requirements on emergency rescue in the case of a nuclear accident.

第六十条   国务院核工业主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府指定的部门负责发布核事故应急信息。

Article 60 The competent department of the nuclear industry under the State Council or the departments designated by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible to release information as to emergency responses to nuclear accidents.


The National Nuclear Accident Emergency Coordination Committee coordinates the international notification and rescue work for the nuclear accident emergency.

第六十一条   各级人民政府及其有关部门、核设施营运单位等应当按照国务院有关规定和授权,组织开展核事故后的恢复行动、损失评估等工作。

Article 61 People's governments at various levels as well as the relevant departments thereof and operators of nuclear facilities shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions and authorization of the State Council, organize and carry out such work as resuming operations and evaluating losses after a nuclear accident.


The investigation and handling of the nuclear accident shall be carried out by the State Council or its authorized departments.


The investigation and handling of the off-site emergency response to the nuclear accident shall be carried out by the State Council or its designated agency.

第六十二条   核材料、放射性废物运输的应急应当纳入所经省、自治区、直辖市场外核事故应急预案或者辐射应急预案。发生核事故时,由事故发生地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府负责应急响应。

Article 62 Emergency responses to the transportation of nuclear materials and radioactive wastes shall be incorporated into the off-site emergency plans for nuclear accidents or the emergency plans for radiation formulated by those provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government through which the transportation path passes. When a nuclear accident occurs, the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the accident occurs shall be responsible for making emergency responses.

第五章 信息公开和公众参与

Chapter 5 Information Disclosure and Public Participation

第六十三条   国务院有关部门及核设施所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府指定的部门应当在各自职责范围内依法公开核安全相关信息。

Article 63 The relevant departments of the State Council and the departments designated by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where nuclear facilities are located shall disclose information concerning nuclear security in accordance with the law within the scope of their respective duties.


The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall publish the administrative licensing in respect of nuclear security according to the law as well as the safety supervision and inspection reports on nuclear security - related activities, the overall safety status, the quality of the radiation environment, nuclear accidents and other information.


The State Council shall regularly report nuclear security conditions to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

第六十四条   核设施营运单位应当公开本单位核安全管理制度和相关文件、核设施安全状况、流出物和周围环境辐射监测数据、年度核安全报告等信息。具体办法由国务院核安全监督管理部门制定。

Article 64 Operators of nuclear facilities shall make public their own nuclear security management systems as well as related documents, safety status of nuclear facilities, radiation monitoring data for effluent and the surrounding environment, annual reports on nuclear security and other information. Specific measures shall be formulated by the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council.

第六十五条   对依法公开的核安全信息,应当通过政府公告、网站以及其他便于公众知晓的方式,及时向社会公开。

Article 65 The nuclear security -related information to be disclosed in accordance with the law shall be released to the public in a timely manner by means of government announcements, websites and other means making such information easily accessible by the public.


Citizens, legal persons and other organizations may apply for access to nuclear security - related information to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council and the departments designated by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where nuclear facilities are located.

第六十六条   核设施营运单位应当就涉及公众利益的重大核安全事项通过问卷调查、听证会、论证会、座谈会,或者采取其他形式征求利益相关方的意见,并以适当形式反馈。

Article 66 An operator of nuclear facilities shall solicit comments on major nuclear security matters involving public interests from the relevant interested parties through questionnaires, hearings, demonstration meetings or symposiums or in other forms, and give feedback via proper means.


For major nuclear security matters affecting public interests, people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where nuclear facilities are located shall seek comments from the relevant interested parties by holding hearings, demonstration meetings or symposiums or in other forms, and give feedback by appropriate means.

第六十七条   核设施营运单位应当采取下列措施,开展核安全宣传活动:

Article 67 An operator of nuclear facilities shall carry out publicity campaigns of nuclear security by the following means:


1. make nuclear facilities accessible to the public in an orderly manner, on the premise that the safety of nuclear facilities is guaranteed;


(II) carry out educational activities on nuclear security through cooperation with schools for students;


3. set up sites to popularize nuclear security, and print and distribute publicity materials on nuclear security; and


(IV) Other measures stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

第六十八条   公民、法人和其他组织有权对存在核安全隐患或者违反核安全法律、行政法规的行为,向国务院核安全监督管理部门或者其他有关部门举报。

Article 68 Citizens, legal persons and other organizations have the right to report any practice that has any potential nuclear security hazard or violates nuclear security -related laws or administrative regulations to the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council or other relevant departments.


Any citizen, legal person or other organization shall not fabricate or disseminate any false information on nuclear security.

第六十九条   涉及国家秘密、商业秘密和个人信息的政府信息公开,按照国家有关规定执行。

Article 69 Disclosure of government information which involves State secrets, commercial secrets and personal information shall comply with the relevant provisions of the State.

第六章 监督检查

Chapter 6 Supervision and Inspection

第七十条   国家建立核安全监督检查制度。

Article 70 The State shall establish a supervision and inspection system for nuclear security.


The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council and other relevant departments shall supervise and inspect the compliance of entities engaged in nuclear security activities with nuclear security -related laws, administrative regulations, rules and standards.


The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council may set up local offices in areas where nuclear facilities are concentrated. The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council or its local offices shall dispatch supervisors and inspectors to sites where nuclear facilities are constructed, operate, or are decommissioned to supervise and inspect their nuclear security.

第七十一条   国务院核安全监督管理部门和其他有关部门应当加强核安全监管能力建设,提高核安全监管水平。

Article 71 The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council and other relevant departments shall step up their efforts to build their capacity for supervising and administering nuclear security and improve the level of nuclear security supervision and administration.


The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall organize and carry out the research and development of regulation techniques for nuclear security, and maintain the technical evaluation capacity that is appropriate for the supervision and administration of nuclear security.

第七十二条   国务院核安全监督管理部门和其他有关部门进行核安全监督检查时,有权采取下列措施:

Article 72 The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council and other relevant departments have the right to take the following measures, while supervising or inspecting nuclear security:


1. enter the site for monitoring, inspection or verification;


(II) having access to relevant documents, materials and records;


(III) To investigate and inquire the relevant personnel; and


(IV) request rectification of the site if any problem has been found.


The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council and other relevant departments shall prepare a report on the information gathered during the supervision and inspection and keep such report in archives.

第七十三条   对国务院核安全监督管理部门和其他有关部门依法进行的监督检查,从事核安全活动的单位应当予以配合,如实说明情况,提供必要资料,不得拒绝、阻挠。

Article 73 Regarding the supervision and inspection conducted by the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council and other relevant departments in accordance with the law, entities engaging in nuclear security activities shall provide cooperation, truthfully explain the situation and provide necessary materials, without refusing or obstructing such supervision and inspection.

第七十四条   核安全监督检查人员应当忠于职守,勤勉尽责,秉公执法。

Article 74 Supervisors and inspectors for nuclear security shall be faithful to their duties, be diligent and responsible, and enforce laws in an impartial way.


Supervisors and inspectors for nuclear security shall have the expertise and business capacity required for supervision and inspection activities, and receive training on a regular basis.


Supervisors and inspectors for nuclear security shall present their valid certificates when conducting supervision and inspection tasks, and maintain the confidentiality of state secrets, trade secrets and personal information they learn in accordance with the law.

第七章 法律责任

Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities

第七十五条   违反本法规定,有下列情形之一的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:

Article 75 In the case of any violation of the Law, which is under any of the following circumstances, the persons-in-charge and other persons who are held to be directly responsible shall be punished according to the law:


1. the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council or any other relevant department fails to examine or approve an application for a license in accordance with the law;


2. where the relevant departments of the State Council or the departments designated by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where nuclear facilities are located fail to disclose information concerning nuclear security in accordance with the law;


3. the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where a nuclear facility is located fails to seek comments from the relevant interested parties with regard to a major nuclear security matter that affects public interests;


(IV) The regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council or any other relevant department fails to prepare a report on the information gathered during the supervision and inspection, or keep such report in archives;


(V) supervisors and inspectors for nuclear security fail to present their valid certificates when conducting supervision and inspection tasks, or to maintain the confidentiality of state secrets, trade secrets or personal information they come to know in accordance with the law; or


(VI) the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council or any other relevant department or any relevant department of people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government abuses its power, neglects its duties or engages in malpractices for personal gains.

第七十六条   违反本法规定,危害核设施、核材料安全,或者编造、散布核安全虚假信息,构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法给予治安管理处罚。

Article 76 Where the Law is violated by endangering the safety of nuclear facilities or nuclear materials, or making up or disseminating false information on nuclear security, which constitutes a violation of public security administration, the public security organ concerned shall impose a punishment for violation of public security administration in accordance with the law.

第七十七条   违反本法规定,有下列情形之一的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门或者其他有关部门责令改正,给予警告;情节严重的,处二十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款;拒不改正的,责令停止建设或者停产整顿:

Article 77 In the case of any violation of the Law, which is under any of the following circumstances, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council or other relevant departments shall order the party concerned to effect rectification and give it a warning; impose a penalty of not less than CNY200,000 but not more than CNY1,000,000 if the circumstance is serious; and order it to cease construction or production for rectification if it refuses to effect rectification,


1. an operator of nuclear facilities fails to set up an in-depth defense framework for nuclear facilities;


2. an operator of nuclear facilities or any entity providing it with equipment, engineering and services fails to establish or implement a quality assurance system;


3. an operator of nuclear facilities fails to control the exposure to radiation as required;


(IV) an operator of nuclear facilities fails to establish an experience feedback system for nuclear security; or


(V) an operator of nuclear facilities fails to solicit comments on major nuclear security matters involving public interests from the relevant interested parties.

第七十八条   违反本法规定,在规划限制区内建设可能威胁核设施安全的易燃、易爆、腐蚀性物品的生产、贮存设施或者人口密集场所的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门责令限期拆除,恢复原状,处十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。

Article 78 Where the Law is violated due to a facility for the production or storage of flammable, explosive and corrosive materials or a densely- populated place, which may threaten the safety of nuclear facilities, being constructed within the planned restricted areas, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall order the party concerned to dismantle such facility or place within a certain time limit and restore the original conditions before the construction, and impose a penalty of not less than CNY100 ,000 but not more than CNY500,000.

第七十九条   违反本法规定,核设施营运单位有下列情形之一的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门责令改正,处一百万元以上五百万元以下的罚款;拒不改正的,责令停止建设或者停产整顿;有违法所得的,没收违法所得;造成环境污染的,责令限期采取治理措施消除污染,逾期不采取措施的,指定有能力的单位代为履行,所需费用由污染者承担;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,处五万元以上二十万元以下的罚款:

Article 79 Where the Law is violated due to an operator of nuclear facilities falling under any of the following circumstances, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall order the operator of nuclear facilities to effect rectification and impose on it a penalty of not less than CNY1 million but not more than CNY5 million; order the operator of nuclear facilities to stop construction or suspend production for rectification, if the operator of nuclear facilities refuses to effect rectification; confiscate illegal gains, if any; order the operator of nuclear facilities to take treatment measures to eliminate pollution within a certain time limit if any environmental pollution is caused; and, if the operator of nuclear facilities refuses to take the said measures within the certain time limit, designate a qualified entity to take such measures on its behalf with the expenses incurred borne by such operator being borne by the polluter; and impose a penalty of not less than CNY50,000 but not more than CNY200,000 on the person directly in charge and other persons directly liable:


1. engaging in activities such as construction, operation or decommissioning of nuclear facilities without permission;


2. changing the conditions prescribed in a license document without permission;


(III) continuing to operate nuclear facilities without examination and approval, after the nuclear facility operation license has expired; or


(IV) importing nuclear facilities without examination and approval.

第八十条   违反本法规定,核设施营运单位有下列情形之一的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门责令改正,给予警告;情节严重的,处五十万元以上二百万元以下的罚款;造成环境污染的,责令限期采取治理措施消除污染,逾期不采取措施的,指定有能力的单位代为履行,所需费用由污染者承担:

Article 80 Where the Law is violated due to an operator of nuclear facilities falling under any of the following circumstances, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall order the operator of nuclear facilities to effect rectification and give it a warning; impose a penalty of not less than CNY500,000 but not more than CNY2,000,000 if the circumstance is serious; order the operator of nuclear facilities to take treatment measures to eliminate pollution within a certain time limit if any environmental pollution is caused; and, if the operator of nuclear facilities refuses to take the required measures within the certain time limit, designate a qualified entity to take such measures on behalf of the operator of nuclear facilities and make the operator of nuclear facilities bear all the expenses incurred:


1. failing to evaluate the safety of nuclear facilities on a regular basis, or refusing to accept the review of the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council;


2. the operator of nuclear facilities fails to carry out shutdown management in a safe manner, or ensure basic functions, technicians and documents needed for decommissioning, after the operation of nuclear facilities is terminated;


3. the operator of nuclear facilities fails to reduce the radioactivity of structures, systems or equipment to a degree that meets the applicable standards, while decommissioning a nuclear facility;


(IV) the operator of nuclear facilities fails to convert the radioactive solid wastes or the radioactive effluent that cannot be discharged upon purification that it has produced into stable and standardized solid wastes, or transfer such solid wastes to an entity engaged in the disposal of radioactive wastes for treatment in a timely manner; or


(V) the operator of nuclear facilities fails to treat the radioactive exhaust gas that it has produced, or discharges radioactive exhaust gas that does not comply with the national standards for prevention and control of radioactive pollution.

第八十一条   违反本法规定,核设施营运单位未对核设施周围环境中所含的放射性核素的种类、浓度或者核设施流出物中的放射性核素总量实施监测,或者未按照规定报告监测结果的,由国务院环境保护主管部门或者所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府环境保护主管部门责令改正,处十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。

Article 81 Where the business operator of a nuclear facility, in violation of the provisions of this Law, fails to monitor the type and concentration of radionuclides in the surrounding environment of the nuclear facility, or the total amount of radionuclides in the nuclear facility effluents, or fails to report the monitoring results pursuant to the provisions, the environmental protection authorities of the State Council or of the People's Government of the province, autonomous region or centrally-administered municipality where it is located shall order it to make correction, and impose a fine ranging from 100,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan.

第八十二条   违反本法规定,受委托的技术支持单位出具虚假技术评价结论的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门处二十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处十万元以上二十万元以下的罚款。

Article 82 Where the Law is violated due to an entrusted technical support entity drawing any false conclusion in respect of a technical evaluation, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall impose a penalty of not less than CNY200,000 but not more than CNY1,000,000 on the entrusted technical support entity; confiscate illegal gains, if any; and impose a penalty of not less than CNY100 ,000 but not more than CNY200,000 on the persons-in-charge and other persons directly held liable.

第八十三条   违反本法规定,有下列情形之一的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门责令改正,处五十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处二万元以上十万元以下的罚款:

Article 83 In the case of any violation of the Law, which is under any of the following circumstances, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall order the party concerned to effect rectification and impose on it a penalty of not less than CNY500,000 but not more than CNY1,000,000; confiscate illegal gains, if any; and impose a penalty of not less than CNY20,000 but not more than CNY100 ,000 on the persons-in-charge and other persons who are held to be directly responsible:


1. providing the design and manufacture of and installation or non-destructive tests for nuclear security equipment used for nuclear facilities without permission;


(II) without registration, a foreign institution provides the design and manufacture of and installation or non-destructive test for nuclear security equipment used for domestic nuclear facilities.

第八十四条   违反本法规定,核设施营运单位或者核安全设备制造、安装、无损检验单位聘用未取得相应资格证书的人员从事与核设施安全专业技术有关的工作的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门责令改正,处十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款;拒不改正的,暂扣或者吊销许可证,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处二万元以上十万元以下的罚款。

Article 84 Where, in violation of the provisions of this Law, the business operator of a nuclear facility or a manufacturing, installation or non-destructive testing entity for nuclear security equipment employs a person who has not obtained the corresponding qualification certificate to engage in work related to the nuclear facility security expertise, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall order it to effect rectification and impose a penalty of not less than CNY100 ,000 but not more than CNY500,000; and, if it refuses to effect rectification, its license shall be suspended or revoked, and a penalty of not less than CNY20,000 but not more than CNY100 ,000 imposed on the person directly in charge and other persons directly liable.

第八十五条   违反本法规定,未经许可持有核材料的,由国务院核工业主管部门没收非法持有的核材料,并处十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。

Article 85 Where the Law is violated by holding nuclear materials without permission, the competent department of the nuclear industry under the State Council shall confiscate the nuclear materials held illegally, and impose a penalty of not less than CNY100 ,000 but not more than CNY500,000; and confiscate illegal gains, if any.

第八十六条   违反本法规定,有下列情形之一的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门责令改正,处十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,处五十万元以上二百万元以下的罚款;造成环境污染的,责令限期采取治理措施消除污染,逾期不采取措施的,指定有能力的单位代为履行,所需费用由污染者承担:

Article 86 In the case of any violation of the Law, which is under any of the following circumstances, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall order the party concerned to effect rectification and impose on it a penalty of not less than CNY100 ,000 but not more than CNY500,000; impose on it a penalty of not less than CNY500,000 but not more than CNY2,000,000 if the circumstance is serious; order it to take treatment measures to eliminate pollution within a certain time limit if any environmental pollution is caused; and, if it fails to take the said measures within the certain time limit, designate a qualified entity to take such measures on its behalf at the expenses of the polluter:


1. carrying out activities related to the treatment, storage and disposal of radioactive wastes without a license;


2. failing to establish recording files of information on the disposal of radioactive wastes, failing to faithfully record the matters relating to disposal activities, or failing to permanently keep such recording files;


3. failing to go through the formalities for closing down a disposal facility for radioactive wastes that shall be closed down according to the law;


(IV) failing to mark the designated area permanently when closing down disposal facilities for radioactive wastes;


(V) failing to prepare the safety monitoring plan for the closedown of disposal facilities for radioactive wastes; or


(VI) failing to monitor the safety of the disposal facilities for radioactive wastes after they have been closed down according to the approved safety monitoring plan.

第八十七条   违反本法规定,核设施营运单位有下列情形之一的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门责令改正,处十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,处二万元以上五万元以下的罚款:

Article 87 Where an operator of nuclear facilities violates the Law by falling under any of the following circumstances, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall order it to effect rectification and impose on it a penalty of not less than CNY100 ,000 but not more than CNY500,000; and impose a penalty of not less than CNY20,000 but not more than CNY50,000 on the persons-in-charge and other persons who are held to be directly responsible:


1. failing to formulate the on-site emergency plan for nuclear accidents in accordance with the relevant provisions;


(II) failing to outfit itself with emergency equipment, or failing to carry out training or drills for emergency working personnel in accordance with the emergency plan; or


3. failing to give support to emergency responses in accordance with the requirements on emergency rescue for nuclear accidents.

第八十八条   违反本法规定,核设施营运单位未按照规定公开相关信息的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门责令改正;拒不改正的,处十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。

Article 88 Where the Law is violated due to the failure of an operator of nuclear facilities to disclose the relevant information in accordance with the relevant provisions, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council shall order the operator of nuclear facilities to effect rectification; and, if the operator of nuclear facilities refuses to do so, impose a penalty of not less than CNY100 ,000 but not more than CNY500,000.

第八十九条   违反本法规定,对国务院核安全监督管理部门或者其他有关部门依法进行的监督检查,从事核安全活动的单位拒绝、阻挠的,由国务院核安全监督管理部门或者其他有关部门责令改正,可以处十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款;拒不改正的,暂扣或者吊销其许可证;构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法给予治安管理处罚。

Article 89 Where the Law is violated due to the supervision and inspection carried out in accordance with the law by the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council or other relevant departments, and an entity that engages in nuclear security activities refuses to cooperate with or obstruct such supervision and inspection, the regulatory department for nuclear security under the State Council or other relevant departments shall order it to effect rectification and may impose a penalty of not less than CNY100 ,000 but not more than CNY500,000 on it; if it refuses to effect rectification, its license shall be suspended or revoked temporarily; and if any violation of public security administration is constituted, a penalty for public security administration shall be imposed by public security organs in accordance with the law.

第九十条   因核事故造成他人人身伤亡、财产损失或者环境损害的,核设施营运单位应当按照国家核损害责任制度承担赔偿责任,但能够证明损害是因战争、武装冲突、暴乱等情形造成的除外。

Article 90 Where a nuclear accident results in casualties, causes damage to others' property, or causes damage to the environment, the operator of nuclear facilities shall bear compensation liability in accordance with the national liability system for nuclear damage, unless it can be proved that the damage is caused by war, armed conflict, riot and other circumstances.


The entities that provide equipment, engineering and services for operators of nuclear facilities shall not bear compensation liability for nuclear damage. Where an operator of nuclear facilities has reached an agreement with such entity in this regard, it may claim compensation according to the agreement, after it has borne the compensation liability.


Operators of nuclear facilities shall make proper arrangements in respect of financial guarantee by purchasing liability insurance, participating in mutual aid mechanisms or otherwise, to ensure the ability to fulfill compensation liability for nuclear damage in a timely and effective manner.

第九十一条   违反本法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 91 Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.


Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

第九十二条   军工、军事核安全,由国务院、中央军事委员会依照本法规定的原则另行规定。

Article 92 Measures for the nuclear security of military projects and affairs shall be formulated separately by the State Council and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China according to the principles provided by the Law.

第九十三条   本法中下列用语的含义:

Article 93 For purposes of this Law, the definitions of the following terms are:


A nuclear accident refers to a radioactive, toxic, explosive or other harmful accident or a series of accidents that arises from nuclear fuels used in nuclear facilities, radioactive products or wastes, or nuclear materials loaded into or taken out from nuclear facilities.


Defence in depth refers to the progressive and independent protective and mitigation measures or physical barriers set up for preventing the occurrence of nuclear accidents and mitigating the consequences of nuclear accidents.


An operator of nuclear facilities refers to an entity within the territory of the People's Republic of China which applies for or holds a license for the safety of nuclear facilities and is allowed to engage in and operate nuclear facilities.


Nuclear security equipment refers to the equipment that is used for nuclear security and functions to ensure nuclear security, including mechanical and electrical equipment for nuclear security.


Spent fuel is nuclear fuel that is irradiated in the reactor core and permanently discharged from the core.


Shutdown refers to a condition where nuclear facilities stop running and will not be started again.


Decommissioning means that the measures, such as decontamination, demolition and elimination, are taken to enable the radiation dose of a site or equipment that is no longer used for nuclear facilities to meet the relevant national standards.


Experience feedback refers to acts to summarize and popularize the experience of good practices through collecting, screening, evaluating, analyzing, processing and distributing information on nuclear facilities, such as relevant events, quality issues and good practices, so as to prevent the repeated occurrence of any similar event or issue.


A shipper refers to an entity within the territory of the People's Republic of China whose application for the transportation of consigned goods is approved.

第九十四条   本法自201811日起施行。

Article 94 This Law shall come into force as of January 1, 2018.


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