
1986年1月20日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议通过 根据2000年10月31日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国渔业法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2004年8月28日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国渔业法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2009年8月27日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议《关于修改部分法律的决定》第三次修正 根据2013年12月28日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人



Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China (Revision 2013)

1986120日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议通过 根据20001031日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国渔业法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2004828日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国渔业法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2009827日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议《关于修改部分法律的决定》第三次修正 根据20131228日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法〉等七部法律的决定》第四次修正)

(Adopted at the 14th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on January 20, 1986; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 18th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on October 31, 2000; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on August 28, 2004; amended for the third time in accordance with the Decision on Amending Certain Laws adopted at the 10th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on August 27, 2009; and amended for the fourth time in accordance with the Decision on Amending Seven Laws Including the Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 6th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on December 28, 2013)

第一章 总则

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条   为了加强渔业资源的保护、增殖、开发和合理利用,发展人工养殖,保障渔业生产者的合法权益,促进渔业生产的发展,适应社会主义建设和人民生活的需要,特制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purpose of enhancing the protection, increase, development and rational utilization of fishery resources, developing artificial cultivation, protecting fishery workers' lawful rights and interests and boosting fishery production, so as to meet the needs of socialist construction and the people's needs.

第二条   在中华人民共和国的内水、滩涂、领海、专属经济区以及中华人民共和国管辖的一切其他海域从事养殖和捕捞水生动物、水生植物等渔业生产活动,都必须遵守本法。

Article 2 All productive activities of fisheries, such as aquaculture and catching or harvesting of aquatic animals and plants in the inland waters, tidal flats and territorial waters of the People's Republic of China, or in other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, must be conducted in accordance with this Law.

第三条   国家对渔业生产实行以养殖为主,养殖、捕捞、加工并举,因地制宜,各有侧重的方针。

Article 3 In fishery production, the State adopts a policy that calls for simultaneous development of aquaculture, fishing and processing, with special emphasis on aquaculture and with priority given to different pursuits in line with local conditions.


People's governments at various levels shall include fishery production in their economic development plans and take measures to enhance the overall planning and comprehensive utilization of water areas.

第四条   国家鼓励渔业科学技术研究,推广先进技术,提高渔业科学技术水平。

Article 4 The State encourages research in fishery science and technology and popularization of advanced technology in order to raise the level of the country's fishery science and technology.

第五条   在增殖和保护渔业资源、发展渔业生产、进行渔业科学技术研究等方面成绩显著的单位和个人,由各级人民政府给予精神的或者物质的奖励。

Article 5 People's governments at various levels shall give moral encouragement or material awards to entities and individuals that make outstanding contributions to the increase and protection of fishery resources, to development of fishery production, to research in fishery science and technology, etc.

第六条   国务院渔业行政主管部门主管全国的渔业工作。县级以上地方人民政府渔业行政主管部门主管本行政区域内的渔业工作。县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门可以在重要渔业水域、渔港设渔政监督管理机构。

Article 6 The administrative department for fisheries under the State Council is in charge of fisheries affairs throughout the country. Departments of fishery administration under people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of fisheries in their respective areas. These departments may set up fishery supervision agencies in important fishing areas and fishing ports.


Departments of fishery administration under people's governments at or above the county level and their fishery superintendency agencies may appoint fishery inspectors. Such inspectors shall carry out the tasks assigned to them by the said departments and authorities.

第七条   国家对渔业的监督管理,实行统一领导、分级管理。

Article 7 State supervision over fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.


With the exception of those sea areas that the State Council puts under the supervision of the administrative department for fisheries under it or of the fisheries authorities subordinate to the department and those fishing grounds endowed with special fishery resources designated as such by the State Council, marine fisheries shall be subject to supervision by the administrative departments for fisheries under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government that are contiguous to the sea areas.


Fishery in rivers and lakes shall be subject to the superintendence of the departments of fishery administration under the relevant people's governments at or above the county level in conformity with administrative divisions. Fishery administration for water areas that straddle several administrative divisions shall be decided by the relevant people's governments at or above the county level through consultation or placed under the superintendence and management by the departments of fishery administration of people's governments at the next higher level and their subordinate fishery superintendency agencies.

第八条   外国人、外国渔业船舶进入中华人民共和国管辖水域,从事渔业生产或者渔业资源调查活动,必须经国务院有关主管部门批准,并遵守本法和中华人民共和国其他有关法律、法规的规定;同中华人民共和国订有条 约、协定的,按照条 约、协定办理。

Article 8 Foreigners and foreign fishing vessels that wish to enter the waters under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China to engage in fishery production or survey of fishery resources shall be subject to approval by the competent department under the State Council and shall observe the provisions of this Law and of other relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. If the foreigners and vessels belong to countries that have signed relevant treaties or agreements with the People's Republic of China, the matters shall be handled in accordance with the treaties or agreements.


State fishery administration and fishing port superintendency agencies shall exercise administrative and supervisory authority over external relations pertaining to fisheries and fishing ports.

第九条   渔业行政主管部门和其所属的渔政监督管理机构及其工作人员不得参与和从事渔业生产经营活动。

Article 9 No administrative department for fisheries, or any fisheries authority subordinate to it, or any staff member of the department or authority may take part in or engage in fishery production or operation.

第二章 养殖业

Chapter 2 Aquaculture

第十条   国家鼓励全民所有制单位、集体所有制单位和个人充分利用适于养殖的水域、滩涂,发展养殖业。

Article 10 The State encourages entities under ownership by the whole people, entities under collective ownership and individuals to make the best use of suitable water areas and tidal flats to develop aquaculture.

第十一条   国家对水域利用进行统一规划,确定可以用于养殖业的水域和滩涂。单位和个人使用国家规划确定用于养殖业的全民所有的水域、滩涂的,使用者应当向县级以上地方人民政府渔业行政主管部门提出申请,由本级人民政府核发养殖证,许可其使用该水域、滩涂从事养殖生产。核发养殖证的具体办法由国务院规定。

Article 11 The State makes unified plans for the utilization of water areas, and determines which water areas and tidal flats may be utilized for aquaculture. Any unit or individual that wishes to use the water areas or tidal flats owned by the whole people and designated for aquaculture according to national plans shall apply to the administrative department for fisheries under the local people's government at or above the county level. An aquaculture certificate shall be issued after examination by the people's government concerned, permitting the use of the said water areas or tidal flats for aquaculture production. Specific measures for examining and issuing aquaculture permits shall be formulated by the State Council.


Water areas and tidal flats owned by the collective or by the whole people but used by agricultural collective economic organizations may be contracted out to individuals or collectives for aquaculture production.

第十二条   县级以上地方人民政府在核发养殖证时,应当优先安排当地的渔业生产者。

Article 12 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall give priority to local fishery producers while checking and issuing aquaculture certificates.

第十三条   当事人因使用国家规划确定用于养殖业的水域、滩涂从事养殖生产发生争议的,按照有关法律规定的程序处理。在争议解决以前,任何一方不得破坏养殖生产。

Article 13 In the event a dispute arises between the parties over the use of a water area or tidal flat, determined by State plans to be used for aquaculture, in aquaculture production, it shall be handled according to the procedures provided in relevant laws. Pending settlement of the dispute, neither Party shall disrupt the aquaculture production.

第十四条   国家建设征用集体所有的水域、滩涂,按照《中华人民共和国土地管理法》有关征地的规定办理。

Article 14 If a water area or tidal flat owned by the collective is requisitioned for the State construction, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the provisions regarding the requisition of land in the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.

第十五条   县级以上地方人民政府应当采取措施,加强对商品鱼生产基地和城市郊区重要养殖水域的保护。

Article 15 People's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to protect with doubled efforts the bases for production of commodity fish and key water areas for aquaculture in the suburbs of cities.

第十六条   国家鼓励和支持水产优良品种的选育、培育和推广。水产新品种必须经全国水产原种和良种审定委员会审定,由国务院渔业行政主管部门公告后推广。

Article 16 The State encourages and supports the breeding, cultivation and popularization of good aquatic breeds. The new varieties of aquatic species shall be subject to verification by the National Verification Commission for Pedigree and Fine Varieties of Aquatic Species and shall be popularized after announcement by the administrative department for fisheries under the State Council.


The import and export of fry and fingerling of aquatic animals shall be subject to examination and approval by the administrative department under the State Council or such departments under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government.


The production of aquatic fingerlings shall be examined and approved by the administrative departments for fisheries of local people's governments at or above the county level. However, those aquatic fry and fingerling cultivated or used by the fishery producers themselves shall be excluded.

第十七条   水产苗种的进口、出口必须实施检疫,防止病害传入境内和传出境外,具体检疫工作按照有关动植物进出境检疫法律、行政法规的规定执行。

Article 17 Quarantine shall be executed for the import and export of aquatic fry and fingerling to prevent the spread of diseases in or out of the territory. Specific quarantine work shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions in the laws and administrative regulations on the quarantine of animals and plants that are imported and exported.


Introduction of transgenic aquatic fry and fingerling shall undergo safety evaluation. Specific administration shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council.

第十八条   县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门应当加强对养殖生产的技术指导和病害防治工作。

Article 18 The administrative departments for fisheries under the people's governments at or above the county level shall provide energetic technological guidance for aquaculture production and improve their work for the prevention and treatment of diseases in this regard.

第十九条   从事养殖生产不得使用含有毒有害物质的饵料、饲料。

Article 19 Bait or feed containing poisonous or harmful substances shall not be used in aquaculture production.

第二十条   从事养殖生产应当保护水域生态环境,科学确定养殖密度,合理投饵、施肥、使用药物,不得造成水域的环境污染。

Article 20 During aquaculture production, the ecological environment of water areas shall be protected by scientific determination of the aquaculture density and reasonable cast of bait, application of fertilizer and use of medicines. The water areas shall not be polluted.

第三章 捕捞业

Chapter 3 Fishing

第二十一条   国家在财政、信贷和税收等方面采取措施,鼓励、扶持远洋捕捞业的发展,并根据渔业资源的可捕捞量,安排内水和近海捕捞力量。

Article 21 The State takes measures in finance, credit and taxation to encourage and support the development of ocean fishing, and arranges manpower for fishing in inland waters and in coastal waters according to the allowable catch of the fishery resources.

第二十二条   国家根据捕捞量低于渔业资源增长量的原则,确定渔业资源的总可捕捞量,实行捕捞限额制度。国务院渔业行政主管部门负责组织渔业资源的调查和评估,为实行捕捞限额制度提供科学依据。中华人民共和国内海、领海、专属经济区和其他管辖海域的捕捞限额总量由国务院渔业行政主管部门确定,报国务院批准后逐级分解下达;国家确定的重要江河、湖泊的捕捞限额总量由有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定或者协商确定,逐级分解下达。捕捞限额总量的分配应当体现公平、公正的原则,分配办法和分配结果必须向社会公开,并接受监督。

Article 22 Following the principle of keeping the allowable catch lower than the increase of the fishery resources, the State determines the total allowable catch of the fishery resources and implements a fishing quota system. The administrative department for fisheries under the State Council is responsible for organizing the investigation and evaluation of fishery resources to provide a scientific basis for the implementation of the fishing quota system. The total allowable catch in the inland waters, territorial seas, exclusive economic zones of the People's Republic of China and other waters under its jurisdiction shall be determined by the administrative department for fisheries under the State Council and allocated by the authorities of higher levels to those at lower levels after approval by the State Council. The total quotas for fishing in key rivers and lakes designated as such by the State shall be determined by the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, or through consultation among them, before it is allocated by the authorities at higher levels to those at lower levels. The distribution of the total amount of the fishing quota shall embody the principles of fairness and justness. The distribution methods and distribution results shall be open to the society and shall be subject to supervision.


The administrative department for fisheries under the State Council and such departments under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall strengthen their supervision over and inspection of the implementation of the quota system for fishing. For those who exceed the quotas allocated by the authorities at the next higher level, their quotas for the following year shall be reduced accordingly.

第二十三条   国家对捕捞业实行捕捞许可证制度。

Article 23 The State implements a fishing license system for the fishery.


Fishing licenses for fishing in the jointly managed fishery zones defined in the agreements concluded between the People's Republic of China and the countries concerned or on the high seas shall be granted upon approval by the administrative department for fisheries under the State Council. Fishing licenses for marine fishing with large trawls and purse seines shall be granted upon approval by the administrative department for fisheries under the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. However, the sizes for vessels and fishing gear specified in the fishing licenses issued for marine fishing may not exceed the control sizes for vessels and fishing gear fixed by the State. Specific measures in this respect shall be formulated by the people's government of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government.


Fishing licenses may not be traded in, leased or transferred by other means, or altered, forged or adulterated.

到他国管辖海域从事捕捞作业的,应当经国务院渔业行政主管部门批准,并遵守中华人民共和国缔结的或者参加的有关条 约、协定和有关国家的法律。

Fishing operations on sea areas under the jurisdiction of other countries shall be approved by the administrative department for fisheries under the State Council, and the relevant persons engaging in the said operations shall abide by relevant treaties and agreements concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China and the laws of relevant countries.

第二十四条   具备下列条 件的,方可发给捕捞许可证:

Article 24 A fishing license can only be issued when the following requirements are met:


1. the applicant has a fishing vessel inspection certificate;


2. the applicant has a fishing vessel registration certificate; and

(三)符合国务院渔业行政主管部门规定的其他条 件。

(III) meeting other conditions prescribed by the administrative department for fisheries under the State Council.


Fishing licenses issued upon approval by the administrative departments for fisheries of local people's government at or above the county level shall commensurate with the fishing quotas allocated by the administrative departments for fisheries of the people's governments at the higher level.

第二十五条   从事捕捞作业的单位和个人,必须按照捕捞许可证关于作业类型、场所、时限、渔具数量和捕捞限额的规定进行作业,并遵守国家有关保护渔业资源的规定,大中型渔船应当填写渔捞日志。

Article 25 An entity or individual engaged in fishing shall operate in accordance with the provisions of the fishing license on the type of operation, location, time limit, quantity of fishing gear and fishing quota. The entity or individual shall also abide by relevant provisions of the State on the protection of fishery resources. Large-scale fishing vessels shall keep fishing logs.

第二十六条   制造、更新改造、购置、进口的从事捕捞作业的船舶必须经渔业船舶检验部门检验合格后,方可下水作业。具体管理办法由国务院规定。

Article 26 All fishing vessels that are built, rebuilt, purchased or imported must be examined and inspected by fishing vessel inspection departments before they are launched for operation. The specific administrative measures shall be formulated by the State Council.

第二十七条   渔港建设应当遵守国家的统一规划,实行谁投资谁受益的原则。县级以上地方人民政府应当对位于本行政区域内的渔港加强监督管理,维护渔港的正常秩序。

Article 27 The construction of fishing harbors shall comply with the State's united plans, and the principle that whoever invests benefits shall be implemented. Local people's governments at or above the county level shall exercise strict supervision over the fishing ports situated within their administrative areas and maintain normal order in the ports.

第四章 渔业资源的增殖和保护

Chapter 4 Enhancement and Protection of Fishery Resources

第二十八条   县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门应当对其管理的渔业水域统一规划,采取措施,增殖渔业资源。县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门可以向受益的单位和个人征收渔业资源增殖保护费,专门用于增殖和保护渔业资源。渔业资源增殖保护费的征收办法由国务院渔业行政主管部门会同财政部门制定,报国务院批准后施行。

Article 28 Departments of fishery administration under the people's governments at and above the county level shall work out overall plans and take measures to increase fishery resources in the fishery waters under their jurisdiction. These departments may collect fees from the units and individuals profited by the use of such waters and devote the money thus collected to the increase and protection of fishery resources. The procedures for collecting such fees shall be formulated by the department of fishery administration and the department of finance under the State Council, and must be approved by the State Council before going into effect.

第二十九条   国家保护水产种质资源及其生存环境,并在具有较高经济价值和遗传育种价值的水产种质资源的主要生长繁育区域建立水产种质资源保护区。未经国务院渔业行政主管部门批准,任何单位或者个人不得在水产种质资源保护区内从事捕捞活动。

Article 29 The State protects aquatic germ plasm resources and their living environment, and establishes preservation areas for aquatic germ plasm resources in the main regions where aquatic germ plasm resources of high economic value and heredity and breeding value grow and breed. No entity or individual may engage in fishing in the protection zones without the approval of the administrative department for fisheries under the State Council.

第三十条   禁止使用炸鱼、毒鱼、电鱼等破坏渔业资源的方法进行捕捞。禁止制造、销售、使用禁用的渔具。禁止在禁渔区、禁渔期进行捕捞。禁止使用小于最小网目尺寸的网具进行捕捞。捕捞的渔获物中幼鱼不得超过规定的比例。在禁渔区或者禁渔期内禁止销售非法捕捞的渔获物。

Article 30 The use of explosives, poisons, electricity and any other means in fishing that impairs the fishery resources is prohibited. It is forbidden to manufacture, sell or use banned fishing gear. Fishing in restricted fishing areas and during closed seasons is prohibited. Fishing with nets smaller than the minimum mesh size is prohibited. The proportion of juvenile fish among a catch may not exceed the specified level. It is banned to sell illegally fished fishing gains in the prohibited fishing areas or within the prohibited fishing periods.


The varieties of fishery resources under special protection, as well as their fishable standards, the banned fishing areas and the banned fishing periods, banned fishing gear and fishing methods, the smallest size of mesh, and other measures to protect fishery resources shall be provided by the department in charge of fishery administration of the State Council or of the provincial, autonomous regional, municipal people's governments.

第三十一条   禁止捕捞有重要经济价值的水生动物苗种。因养殖或者其他特殊需要,捕捞有重要经济价值的苗种或者禁捕的怀卵亲体的,必须经国务院渔业行政主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府渔业行政主管部门批准,在指定的区域和时间内,按照限额捕捞。

Article 31 Catching fry of aquatic animals of important economic value shall be prohibited. Catching fry and fingerling of important economic value or spawning aquatic animals banned to be caught for artificial breeding or for other special purposes shall be subject to approval by the administrative department for fisheries under the State Council or such departments under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government, and it shall be conducted in the designated areas and times and strictly in accordance with the quotas assigned.


Measures shall be adopted to protect fry of aquatic animals when channeling or using water from water areas that specialize in producing such fry.

第三十二条   在鱼、虾、蟹洄游通道建闸、筑坝,对渔业资源有严重影响的,建设单位应当建造过鱼设施或者采取其他补救措施。

Article 32 When building sluices and dams which will have serious effects on fishery resources on the migration routes of fish, shrimp and crabs, the construction units must build fish passages or adopt other remedial measures.

第三十三条   用于渔业并兼有调蓄、灌溉等功能的水体,有关主管部门应当确定渔业生产所需的最低水位线。

Article 33 For water bodies that are used for fisheries and also serve the purposes of water storage and regulation and irrigation, the departments concerned shall fix the lowest water level required for fishery.

第三十四条   禁止围湖造田。沿海滩涂未经县级以上人民政府批准,不得围垦;重要的苗种基地和养殖场所不得围垦。

Article 34 It shall be forbidden to reclaim land from lakes. Without approval from a people's government at or above the county level, it shall not be allowed to enclose tidal flats for cultivation and no one shall be allowed to reclaim land from water areas that are used as major seedling producing centers and aquatic breeding grounds.

第三十五条   进行水下爆破、勘探、施工作业,对渔业资源有严重影响的,作业单位应当事先同有关县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门协商,采取措施,防止或者减少对渔业资源的损害;造成渔业资源损失的,由有关县级以上人民政府责令赔偿。

Article 35 To conduct underwater explosions, exploration and construction that may have serious effects on fishery resources, the construction units shall consult in advance with the department of fishery administration under the relevant people's government at or above the county level and take measures to prevent or minimize the damage to fishery resources. In case any damages to fishery resources occur therefrom, the relevant people's government at or above the county level shall order the responsible party to pay compensation.

第三十六条   各级人民政府应当采取措施,保护和改善渔业水域的生态环境,防治污染。

Article 36 People's governments at all levels shall take measures to protect and improve the ecological environment of fishery water areas, and to prevent and treat pollution.


Supervision and administration over the ecological environment of fishery water areas as well as the investigation and treatment of fishery pollution accidents shall be subject to relevant provisions in the Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution.

第三十七条   国家对白鳍豚等珍贵、濒危水生野生动物实行重点保护,防止其灭绝。禁止捕杀、伤害国家重点保护的水生野生动物。因科学研究、驯养繁殖、展览或者其他特殊情况,需要捕捞国家重点保护的水生野生动物的,依照《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》的规定执行。

Article 37 The State maintains special protection of the rare and endangered aquatic wild animals such as white-flag dolphin to prevent them from extinction. Killing and injuring of key aquatic wildlife under State protection shall be prohibited. Where it is necessary to catch such animals for scientific research, domestication and breeding, exhibition or for other special purposes, the matter shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife.

第五章 法律责任

Chapter 5 Legal Liabilities

第三十八条   使用炸鱼、毒鱼、电鱼等破坏渔业资源方法进行捕捞的,违反关于禁渔区、禁渔期的规定进行捕捞的,或者使用禁用的渔具、捕捞方法和小于最小网目尺寸的网具进行捕捞或者渔获物中幼鱼超过规定比例的,没收渔获物和违法所得,处五万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,没收渔具,吊销捕捞许可证;情节特别严重的,可以没收渔船;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 38 Where a person uses explosives, poisons, electricity or other means in fishing, which impairs the fishery resources, engages in fishing in violation of the provisions on banned fishing areas and banned fishing periods, uses banned fishing gear and methods and nets with mesh smaller than the minimum size, or catches juvenile fish the proportion of which exceeds the specified level, his catch and illegal gains therefrom shall be confiscated and he shall be fined not more than 50,000 yuan. If the circumstances are serious, his fishing gear shall be confiscated and his fishing license revoked. If the circumstances are especially serious, his fishing vessel may be confiscated. If a crime is constituted, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.


The administrative departments for fisheries of local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in a timely manner, investigate and dispose of the acts of selling illegally harvested catch in the banned fishing areas or within the banned fishing periods.


If banned fishing gear is produced or sold, the illegally produced or sold fishing gear and the illegal proceeds therefrom shall be confiscated, and a fine of not more than CNY10,000 shall be imposed.

第三十九条   偷捕、抢夺他人养殖的水产品的,或者破坏他人养殖水体、养殖设施的,责令改正,可以处二万元以下的罚款;造成他人损失的,依法承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 39 Anyone who steals or loots the aquatic products bred by others, or destroys the breeding waters or breeding facilities of others shall be ordered to make corrections, and shall face a fine of not more than CNY20,000; if such acts cause any damages to others, he/she shall bear the compensation liability in accordance with the law; if a crime is constituted, he/she shall be prosecuted for criminal liability in accordance with the law.

第四十条   使用全民所有的水域、滩涂从事养殖生产,无正当理由使水域、滩涂荒芜满一年的,由发放养殖证的机关责令限期开发利用;逾期未开发利用的,吊销养殖证,可以并处一万元以下的罚款。

Article 40 Anyone who uses for aquaculture the waters or tidal flats owned by the whole people, lets the waters or tidal flats lie wasted for a year without justifiable reasons shall be ordered by the authority that issues the aquaculture certificate to develop and utilize the waters and tidal flats within a time limit. If he fails to do so at the expiration of the time limit, his aquaculture certificate shall be revoked and he may also be fined not more than 10,000 yuan.


Anyone who is engaged in aquaculture production in a water area owned by the whole people without permission before obtaining the aquaculture certificate in accordance with the law shall be ordered to make corrections, and he/she shall re-apply for the aquaculture certificate, or he/she shall dismantle the aquaculture facilities within a time limit.


Anyone who is engaged in aquaculture production in a water area owned by the whole people before obtaining the aquaculture certificate in accordance with the law or beyond the scope specified in the aquaculture certificate, thus hindering water carriage or flood drainage, shall be ordered to demolish the aquaculture facilities within a time limit, and may also be fined not more than 10,000 yuan.

第四十一条   未依法取得捕捞许可证擅自进行捕捞的,没收渔获物和违法所得,并处十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并可以没收渔具和渔船。

Article 41 Where a person conducts fishing without a fishing license obtained legally, his catch and illegal gains therefrom shall be confiscated and he shall be fined not more than 100,000 yuan. If the circumstances are serious, his fishing gear and fishing vessel may also be confiscated.

第四十二条   违反捕捞许可证关于作业类型、场所、时限和渔具数量的规定进行捕捞的,没收渔获物和违法所得,可以并处五万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并可以没收渔具,吊销捕捞许可证。

Article 42 If anyone conducts fishing in violation of the provisions in the fishing license regarding the type of operation, location, time limit, and quantity of fishing gear, the catch and illegal proceeds therefrom shall be confiscated, and a fine of not more than CNY50,000 may also be imposed; if the case is serious, the fishing gear may also be confiscated and the fishing license revoked.

第四十三条   涂改、买卖、出租或者以其他形式转让捕捞许可证的,没收违法所得,吊销捕捞许可证,可以并处一万元以下的罚款;伪造、变造、买卖捕捞许可证,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 43 If anyone alters, trades in, leases or otherwise transfers the fishing license, the illegal proceeds therefrom shall be confiscated and the fishing license revoked, and a fine of not more than 10,000 yuan may also be imposed; if the act of forging, mutilating or trading in the fishing license constitutes a crime, he/she shall be prosecuted for criminal liability in accordance with the law.

第四十四条   非法生产、进口、出口水产苗种的,没收苗种和违法所得,并处五万元以下的罚款。

Article 44 If aquatic fry and fingerling are illegally produced, imported or exported, the fry and fingerling and illegal proceeds therefrom shall be confiscated and a fine of not more than CNY50,000 shall be imposed.


Where a person trades in fry and fingerling of aquatic animals without verification and approval, he shall be ordered to discontinue the trade immediately his illegal gains therefrom shall be confiscated and he may also be fined not more than 50,000 yuan.

第四十五条   未经批准在水产种质资源保护区内从事捕捞活动的,责令立即停止捕捞,没收渔获物和渔具,可以并处一万元以下的罚款。

Article 45 If anyone is engaged in fishing activities in a preservation area for germ plasm resources of aquatic products without approval, he/she shall be ordered to stop fishing immediately, the catch and fishing gear shall be confiscated, and a fine of not more than CNY10,000 may also be imposed.

第四十六条   外国人、外国渔船违反本法规定,擅自进入中华人民共和国管辖水域从事渔业生产和渔业资源调查活动的,责令其离开或者将其驱逐,可以没收渔获物、渔具,并处五十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,可以没收渔船;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 46 Where a foreigner or a foreign fishing vessel, in violation of the provisions of this Law, enters the water areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China without permission to engage in fishery production or activities for investigation of fishery resources, he or it shall be ordered to leave or be banished, and the catch and fishing gear may be confiscated and a fine of not more than 500,000 yuan may also be imposed; if the case is serious, the fishing vessel may be confiscated; if such act constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the law.

第四十七条   造成渔业水域生态环境破坏或者渔业污染事故的,依照《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》和《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》的规定追究法律责任。

Article 47 If anyone destroys the ecological environment of fishery water areas, or causes a fishery pollution accident, he/she shall be prosecuted for legal liability in accordance with the provisions in the Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution.

第四十八条   本法规定的行政处罚,由县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门或者其所属的渔政监督管理机构决定。但是,本法已对处罚机关作出规定的除外。

Article 48 The administrative sanctions stipulated in this Law shall be decided by departments of fishery administration under the people's governments at or above the county level or their subordinate fishery superintendency agencies. However, exception shall be made if this Law has already stipulated the penalty imposing organ.


If, in the enforcement of law on the seas, there are clear facts and sufficient evidence for the acts of fishing by violating the provisions on banned fishing areas or banned fishing periods, or by using banned fishing gear or fishing methods and the acts of fishing without obtaining the fishing license, and if the administrative penalty decision cannot be made or enforced on the spot in accordance with legal procedures, the fishing license, fishing gear or fishing vessel may be temporarily detained, and the administrative penalty decision shall be made and enforced in the harbor later in accordance with the law.

第四十九条   渔业行政主管部门和其所属的渔政监督管理机构及其工作人员违反本法规定核发许可证、分配捕捞限额或者从事渔业生产经营活动的,或者有其他玩忽职守不履行法定义务、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的行为的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 49 Where the administrative department for fisheries, or the fisheries authority subordinate to it, or a staff member of the department or authority, in violation of the provisions of this Law, issues licenses upon approval, allocates fishing quotas or engages in fishery production or operation, or commits other acts, such as neglecting its or his duty by failing to perform its or his legal obligations, abusing its or his power, or engaging in malpractices for personal gain, it or he shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with law. If the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with law.

第六章 附则

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

第五十条   本法自198671日起施行。

Article 50 This Law shall go into effect on July 1, 1986.


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