
2017年11月4日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议通过 根据2018年10月26日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国公共图书馆法〉等十五部法律的决定》修正



Public Library Law of the People's Republic of China (2018 Revision)

2017114日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议通过 根据20181026日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国野生动物保护法〉等十五部法律的决定》修正)

(Adopted at the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on November 4, 2017, and revised according to the Decision on Revising 15 Laws including the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife at the 6th Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on October 26, 2018)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条   为了促进公共图书馆事业发展,发挥公共图书馆功能,保障公民基本文化权益,提高公民科学文化素质和社会文明程度,传承人类文明,坚定文化自信,制定本法。

Article 1 The Law is enacted in order to promote the development of public libraries, give full play to the functions of public libraries, safeguard the basic cultural rights and interests of citizens, improve citizens' scientific and cultural quality and level of social civilization, carry forward human civilization and enhance cultural confidence.

第二条   本法所称公共图书馆,是指向社会公众免费开放,收集、整理、保存文献信息并提供查询、借阅及相关服务,开展社会教育的公共文化设施。

Article 2 For the purpose of the Law, public libraries refer to the public cultural facilities that are open to the public free of charge, collect, sort out and preserve literature information, provide inquiry, lending and relevant services, and conduct social education.


Literature information stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall include books, newspapers and periodicals, audio-visual products, microform products, digital resources etc.

第三条   公共图书馆是社会主义公共文化服务体系的重要组成部分,应当将推动、引导、服务全民阅读作为重要任务。

Article 3 As an important part of the socialist public cultural service system, public libraries shall take promoting, guiding and serving reading as their important tasks.


Public libraries shall uphold the development direction of advanced socialist culture, the people-centered approach, and the leadership of socialist core values, inherit and develop the excellent traditional Chinese culture, inherit revolutionary culture and develop advanced socialist culture.

第四条   县级以上人民政府应当将公共图书馆事业纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划,将公共图书馆建设纳入城乡规划和土地利用总体规划,加大对政府设立的公共图书馆的投入,将所需经费列入本级政府预算,并及时、足额拨付。

Article 4 A people's government at the county level or above shall incorporate the public library cause into the national economic and social development plan at the corresponding level, incorporate the construction of public libraries into its urban and rural planning and overall planning for land use, increase investment in the public libraries it has established, include the funds required in its government budget, and timely allocate funds in full.


The State encourages citizens, legal persons and other organizations to raise funds independently to establish public libraries. People's governments at or above the county level shall actively mobilize social forces to participate in the construction of public libraries and grant them policy support in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

第五条   国务院文化主管部门负责全国公共图书馆的管理工作。国务院其他有关部门在各自职责范围内负责与公共图书馆管理有关的工作。

Article 5 The competent department of culture under the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of public libraries nationwide. Other relevant departments of the State Council shall, within the scope of their respective duties, be responsible for the work related to the administration of public libraries.


The competent culture departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the administration of public libraries in their respective administrative areas. Other relevant departments of the local people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for the work related to the administration of public libraries within their respective authority.

第六条   国 家鼓励公民、法人和其他组织依法向公共图书馆捐赠,并依法给予税收优惠。

Article 6 The State encourages citizens, legal persons and other organizations to donate by law to public libraries and grants tax incentives for such donation in accordance with the law.


Overseas natural persons, legal persons and other organizations may, in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations, participate in the construction of public libraries within the territory of the People's Republic of Chinathrough donation.

第七条   国家扶持革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区和贫困地区公共图书馆事业的发展。

Article 7 The State supports the development of public libraries in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas and poverty-stricken areas.

第八条   国家鼓励和支持发挥科技在公共图书馆建设、管理和服务中的作用,推动运用现代信息技术和传播技术,提高公共图书馆的服务效能。

Article 8 The State encourages and supports to play the role of science and technology in the construction, management and services of public libraries, promotes the use of modern information technology and communication technology and improves the service efficiency of public libraries.

第九条   国家鼓励和支持在公共图书馆领域开展国际交流与合作。

Article 9 The State encourages and supports international exchanges and cooperation in the field of public libraries.

第十条   公共图书馆应当遵守有关知识产权保护的法律、行政法规规定,依法保护和使用文献信息。

Article 10 Public libraries shall abide by the laws and administrative regulations on the protection of intellectual property rights, and protect and use literature information in accordance with the law.


For literature information collected by libraries, which belong to cultural relics, archives or state secrets, public libraries shall comply with the relevant laws and administrative regulations on the protection of cultural relics and file management or the keeping of state secrets.

第十一条   公共图书馆行业组织应当依法制定行业规范,加强行业自律,维护会员合法权益,指导、督促会员提高服务质量。

Article 11 The public library industry association shall formulate industry standards in accordance with the law, strengthen industry self-regulation, safeguard its members' legitimate rights and interests, and guide and urge its members to improve service quality.

第十二条   对在公共图书馆事业发展中作出突出贡献的组织和个人,按照国家有关规定给予表彰和奖励。

Article 12 Organizations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the development of public libraries shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with the relevant state provisions.


Chapter 2 Establishment

第十三条   国家建立覆盖城乡、便捷实用的公共图书馆服务网络。公共图书馆服务网络建设坚持政府主导,鼓励社会参与。

Article 13 The State establishes a convenient and practical public library service network covering both urban and rural areas. Government domination shall be stuck to and the public shall be encouraged to participate in the construction of public library service network.


Local people's governments at or above the county level shall determine the number, size, structure and distribution of public libraries in light of local conditions including the population size, population distribution, environment and traffic conditions in their respective administrative regions, and strengthen the construction of fixed library premises, mobile service facilities and self-service facilities.

第十四条   县级以上人民政府应当设立公共图书馆。

Article 14 People's governments at or above the county level shall set up public libraries.


Local people's governments shall fully utilize the comprehensive service facilities of towns (sub-districts) and villages (communities) to establish libraries to serve both urban and rural residents.

第十五条   设立公共图书馆应当具备下列条件:

Article 15 The establishment of a public library shall meet the following conditions:


1. articles of association;


2. fixed site;


(III) the museum's premises area, reading seats, literature information, facilities and equipment that are appropriate to its functions;


(IV) staff members that adapt to its functions, collection scale, etc.;


(V) necessary funds for running the museum and stable source of funds for operation; and


(VI) safety guarantee facilities, systems and emergency plans.

第十六条   公共图书馆章程应当包括名称、馆址、办馆宗旨、业务范围、管理制度及有关规则、终止程序和剩余财产的处理方案等事项。

Article 16 The articles of association of a public library shall include the name, site, purposes for running a library, business scope, management system, relevant rules, termination procedures, plan for disposal of the remaining property and other matters.

第十七条   公共图书馆的设立、变更、终止应当按照国家有关规定办理登记手续。

Article 17 Public libraries shall go through registration formalities for their establishment, changes and termination in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

第十八条   省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化主管部门应当在其网站上及时公布本行政区域内公共图书馆的名称、馆址、联系方式、馆藏文献信息概况、主要服务内容和方式等信息。

Article 18 The competent culture departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall timely publish on their websites such information as the names, addresses, contact information, overview of literature information collected, and main service contents and methods of public libraries in their respective administrative areas.

第十九条   政府设立的公共图书馆馆长应当具备相应的文化水平、专业知识和组织管理能力。

Article 19 Directors of public libraries established by the government shall have the corresponding cultural level, professional knowledge, and organizational management capabilities.


Public libraries shall be equipped with appropriate staff according to factors such as their functions, collection size, premises area, service scope, and service population. Staff of public libraries shall have the corresponding professional knowledge and skills, in which professional technicians may be subject to assessment of professional and technical titles in accordance with the relevant state provisions.

第二十条   公共图书馆可以以捐赠者姓名、名称命名文献信息专藏或者专题活动。

Article 20 Public libraries may name special collections of literature information or special events after their donors.


Public libraries established by citizens, legal persons and other organizations may name such Public libraries or buildings or other facilities thereof after their donors.


The naming after a donator shall comply with the relevant laws and administrative regulations, national interests and public interests, as well as public order and good morals.

第二十一条   公共图书馆终止的,应当依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处理其剩余财产。

Article 21 Where public libraries are terminated, their remaining property shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations.

第二十二条   国家设立国家图书馆,主要承担国家文献信息战略保存、国家书目和联合目录编制、为国家立法和决策服务、组织全国古籍保护、开展图书馆发展研究和国际交流、为其他图书馆提供业务指导和技术支持等职能。国家图书馆同时具有本法规定的公共图书馆的功能。

Article 22 The State establishes a national library, which mainly undertakes functions such as the strategic preservation of national literature information, the compilation of national bibliographies and joint catalogs, the service for national legislation and decision-making, the organization of national ancient book protection, the implementation of library development research and international exchanges, and the provision of business guidance and technical support for other libraries. The National Library shall also have the functions of public libraries specified herein.


Chapter III Operation

第二十三条   国家推动公共图书馆建立健全法人治理结构,吸收有关方面代表、专业人士和社会公众参与管理。

Article 23 The State promotes public libraries to establish and improve corporate governance structure and absorb relevant representatives, professionals and the public to participate in the management.

第二十四条   公共图书馆应当根据办馆宗旨和服务对象的需求,广泛收集文献信息;政府设立的公共图书馆还应当系统收集地方文献信息,保存和传承地方文化。

Article 24 Public libraries shall widely collect literature information in accordance with the tenets for operating and needs of service objects; Public libraries established by governments shall also systematically collect local literature information, preserve and inherit local cultures.


The collection of literature information shall comply with the relevant laws and administrative regulations.

第二十五条   公共图书馆可以通过采购、接受交存或者捐赠等合法方式收集文献信息。

Article 25 Public libraries may collect literature information through legal means such as procurement, acceptance of deposit or donation.

第二十六条   出版单位应当按照国家有关规定向国家图书馆和所在地省级公共图书馆交存正式出版物。

Article 26 Publishers shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, deposit official publications with the National Library and the local provincial public libraries.

第二十七条   公共图书馆应当按照国家公布的标准、规范对馆藏文献信息进行整理,建立馆藏文献信息目录,并依法通过其网站或者其他方式向社会公开。

Article 27 Public libraries shall sort out library collections of literature information in accordance with the standards and norms promulgated by the State, establish catalogs of library collections of literature information and make them accessible to the public through their websites or other means in accordance with the law.

第二十八条   公共图书馆应当妥善保存馆藏文献信息,不得随意处置;确需处置的,应当遵守国务院文化主管部门有关处置文献信息的规定。

Article 28 Public libraries shall properly keep the documentary information collected and shall not dispose of them arbitrarily; if it is necessary to dispose of them, they shall abide by the provisions of the competent culture department under the State Council on the disposal of documentary information.


Public libraries shall be equipped with fire prevention, anti-theft and other facilities, and take special protection measures for ancient books and other precious and vulnerable literature information in accordance with the relevant state provisions and standards to ensure security.

第二十九条   公共图书馆应当定期对其设施设备进行检查维护,确保正常运行。

Article 29 Public libraries shall regularly check and maintain their facilities and equipment to ensure the normal operation thereof.


The facilities, equipment and venues of public libraries may not be used for business activities irrelevant to their services.

第三十条   公共图书馆应当加强馆际交流与合作。国家支持公共图书馆开展联合采购、联合编目、联合服务,实现文献信息的共建共享,促进文献信息的有效利用。

Article 30 Public libraries shall strengthen inter-library exchanges and cooperation. The State supports public libraries to carry out joint procurement, joint cataloging, and joint services to realize the joint construction and sharing of literature information and promote the effective use of literature information.

第三十一条   县级人民政府应当因地制宜建立符合当地特点的以县级公共图书馆为总馆,乡镇(街道)综合文化站、村(社区)图书室等为分馆或者基层服务点的总分馆制,完善数字化、网络化服务体系和配送体系,实现通借通还,促进公共图书馆服务向城乡基层延伸。总馆应当加强对分馆和基层服务点的业务指导。

Article 31 A people's government at the county level shall, in light of local conditions, establish a library system, with the public library at the county level as the central library and township (sub-district) comprehensive cultural stations and village (community) libraries, etc. as branches or grassroots service stations. It shall also improve digital and network-based service systems and distribution systems, achieve borrowing all the libraries and returning all the libraries and promote the extension of public library services to urban and rural grassroots areas. The main library shall strengthen business guidance for branches and grassroots service outlets.

第三十二条   公共图书馆馆藏文献信息属于档案、文物的,公共图书馆可以与档案馆、博物馆、纪念馆等单位相互交换重复件、复制件或者目录,联合举办展览,共同编辑出版有关史料或者进行史料研究。

Article 32 Where the collected literature information of a public library belongs to archives or cultural relics, the public library may exchange duplicates, copies or catalogs with archives, museums, memorial halls, and other units, jointly organize exhibitions, and jointly edit and publish the relevant historical materials or conduct historical research.


Chapter 4 Services

第三十三条   公共图书馆应当按照平等、开放、共享的要求向社会公众提供服务。

Article 33 Public libraries shall provide services to the public in accordance with the requirements of equality, openness and sharing.


Public libraries shall provide the public with the following services free of charge:


1. searching and borrowing of literature information;


2. access to public spaces and facilities such as reading rooms and study rooms;


(III) non-profit lectures, reading promotion, training, and exhibitions; and


(IV) other free services prescribed by the State.

第三十四条   政府设立的公共图书馆应当设置少年儿童阅览区域,根据少年儿童的特点配备相应的专业人员,开展面向少年儿童的阅读指导和社会教育活动,并为学校开展有关课外活动提供支持。有条件的地区可以单独设立少年儿童图书馆。

Article 34 The public libraries established by governments shall set up reading areas for children, be equipped with corresponding professional personnel according to the characteristics of children, carry out reading instruction and social education activities for children, and provide support for schools to carry out relevant extracurricular activities. Children's libraries may be established separately in areas where conditions permit.


The public libraries established by governments shall take into account the characteristics of the elderly, the disabled and other groups and actively create conditions to provide them with literature information and barrier-free facilities, equipment and services suitable for their needs.

第三十五条   政府设立的公共图书馆应当根据自身条件,为国家机关制定法律、法规、政策和开展有关问题研究,提供文献信息和相关咨询服务。

Article 35 The public libraries established by governments shall, in light of their own conditions, provide literature information and the relevant consulting services for state organs to formulate laws, regulations, and policies and conduct research on relevant issues.

第三十六条   公共图书馆应当通过开展阅读指导、读书交流、演讲诵读、图书互换共享等活动,推广全民阅读。

Article 36 Public libraries shall promote reading by carrying out activities such as reading guidance, reading exchange, lectures and recitations, and book exchange and sharing.

第三十七条   公共图书馆向社会公众提供文献信息,应当遵守有关法律、行政法规的规定,不得向未成年人提供内容不适宜的文献信息。

Article 37 When providing literature information to the public, public libraries shall abide by the relevant laws and administrative regulations, and may not provide minors with any literature information with inappropriate contents.


Public libraries may not engage in or allow other organizations or individuals to engage in activities that endanger national security, damage public interests and other activities in violation of laws and regulations in the libraries.

第三十八条   公共图书馆应当通过其网站或者其他方式向社会公告本馆的服务内容、开放时间、借阅规则等;因故闭馆或者更改开放时间的,除遇不可抗力外,应当提前公告。

Article 38 Public libraries shall announce their service contents, opening hours, and borrowing rules to the public through their websites or by other means; and shall announce in advance their closure or change of opening hours unless they encounter force majeure.


Public libraries shall be open on public holidays, with opening hours during national holidays.

第三十九条   政府设立的公共图书馆应当通过流动服务设施、自助服务设施等为社会公众提供便捷服务。

Article 39 The public libraries established by governments shall provide convenient services to the public through mobile service facilities and self-service facilities, etc.

第四十条   国家构建标准统一、互联互通的公共图书馆数字服务网络,支持数字阅读产品开发和数字资源保存技术研究,推动公共图书馆利用数字化、网络化技术向社会公众提供便捷服务。

Article 40 The State constructs an interconnected digital service network for public libraries with unified standards, supports the research on the development of digital reading products and on the technology to preserve digital resources, and promotes public libraries to provide convenient services to the public by digitalization and network technology.


Public libraries established by the government shall strengthen the construction of digital resources, be equipped with the corresponding facilities and equipment, and establish literature information sharing platforms integrating online and offline information, to provide quality services to the public.

第四十一条   政府设立的公共图书馆应当加强馆内古籍的保护,根据自身条件采用数字化、影印或者缩微技术等推进古籍的整理、出版和研究利用,并通过巡回展览、公益性讲座、善本再造、创意产品开发等方式,加强古籍宣传,传承发展中华优秀传统文化。

Article 41 The public libraries established by governments shall strengthen the protection of ancient books therein, promote the collation, publication, research, and utilization of ancient books by digitalization, photocopying or microfilming technologies according to their own conditions, and strengthen the publicity of ancient books by tour exhibitions, non-profit lectures, rare book reproduction, creative product development or other means, to inherit and develop the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

第四十二条   公共图书馆应当改善服务条件、提高服务水平,定期公告服务开展情况,听取读者意见,建立投诉渠道,完善反馈机制,接受社会监督。

Article 42 Public libraries shall improve service conditions, improve service levels, regularly announce service development, listen to readers' opinions, establish complaint channels, improve feedback mechanisms and accept social supervision.

第四十三条   公共图书馆应当妥善保护读者的个人信息、借阅信息以及其他可能涉及读者隐私的信息,不得出售或者以其他方式非法向他人提供。

Article 43 Public libraries shall properly protect readers' personal information, borrowing information and other information that may involve the privacy of readers, and shall not sell or otherwise illegally provide the same to others.

第四十四条   读者应当遵守公共图书馆的相关规定,自觉维护公共图书馆秩序,爱护公共图书馆的文献信息、设施设备,合法利用文献信息;借阅文献信息的,应当按照规定时限归还。

Article 44 Readers shall abide by the relevant provisions of public libraries, maintain the order of public libraries consciously, take good care of public libraries' literature information as well as facilities and equipment and make lawful use of the literature information; the readers who borrow the literature information shall return them before the prescribed deadline.


Where anyone destroys the literature information or facilities or equipment of public libraries, or disturbs the order of public libraries, staff of public libraries shall have the right to dissuade or stop him; if the dissuasion or stop fails, public libraries may cease providing services for him.

第四十五条   国家采取政府购买服务等措施,对公民、法人和其他组织设立的公共图书馆提供服务给予扶持。

Article 45 The State takes measures such as government procurement of services to support public libraries established by citizens, legal persons and other organizations to provide services.

第四十六条   国家鼓励公民参与公共图书馆志愿服务。县级以上人民政府文化主管部门应当对公共图书馆志愿服务给予必要的指导和支持。

Article 46 The State encourages citizens to participate in the volunteer services of public libraries. The competent department of culture of a people's government at the county level or above shall give necessary guidance and support to the volunteer services of public libraries.

第四十七条   国务院文化主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化主管部门应当制定公共图书馆服务规范,对公共图书馆的服务质量和水平进行考核。考核应当吸收社会公众参与。考核结果应当向社会公布,并作为对公共图书馆给予补贴或者奖励等的依据。

Article 47 The competent culture department under the State Council and the competent culture departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate public library service standards, and assess the service quality and level of public libraries. The public shall be absorbed to participate in the assessment. The assessment results shall be announced to the public and used as the basis for granting subsidies or rewards to public libraries.

第四十八条   国家支持公共图书馆加强与学校图书馆、科研机构图书馆以及其他类型图书馆的交流与合作,开展联合服务。

Article 48 The State supports public libraries to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with libraries of schools and research institutes and other types of libraries, and conduct joint services.


The State supports school libraries, research institute libraries and other types of libraries to open to the public.

第五章 法律责任

Chapter 5 Legal Liabilities

第四十九条   公共图书馆从事或者允许其他组织、个人在馆内从事危害国家安全、损害社会公共利益活动的,由文化主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得;情节严重的,可以责令停业整顿、关闭;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法追究法律责任。

Article 49 Where a public library engages in or allows other organizations or individuals to engage in any activity that endangers national security or harms the public interests in the library, the competent culture department shall order it to make corrections and confiscate the illegal gains; if the circumstance is serious, the competent culture department may order it to suspend business for rectification or close down; and investigate the legal liability of the person directly in charge and other persons directly liable in accordance with the law.

第五十条   公共图书馆及其工作人员有下列行为之一的,由文化主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得:

Article 50 Where a public library or any of its staff commit any of the following acts, the competent culture department shall order it or him to make corrections and confiscate the illegal gains:


1. disposing of literature information in violation of regulations;


(II) who sells or otherwise unlawfully provides to others personal information, loan information and other information that may involve the privacy of a reader;


3. providing literature information to the public in violation of the relevant laws and administrative regulations, or providing minors with literature information with inappropriate content; or


4. using facilities, equipment and sites for business activities irrelevant to services of the public library; or


(V) other acts that do not meet the service requirements of public libraries as provided for herein.


For the public libraries or their staff members that charge, or charge in a disguised manner, for the services that should be provided free of charge, the competent price departments shall impose penalties in accordance with the preceding paragraph.


Where a public library and its staff commit the acts in the preceding two paragraphs, the person directly in charge and other directly liable persons shall be investigated for legal liability in accordance with the law.

第五十一条   出版单位未按照国家有关规定交存正式出版物的,由出版主管部门依照有关出版管理的法律、行政法规规定给予处罚。

Article 51 Where a publishing entity fails to deposit official publications in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, the competent publishing department shall punish it in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations on publishing administration.

第五十二条   文化主管部门或者其他有关部门及其工作人员在公共图书馆管理工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

Article 52 Where competent authorities of culture or other relevant departments and their staff abuse their powers, neglect their duties or engage in malpractices for personal gains in the administration of public libraries, the persons who are directly in charge and other directly liable persons shall be punished in accordance with the law.

第五十三条   损坏公共图书馆的文献信息、设施设备或者未按照规定时限归还所借文献信息,造成财产损失或者其他损害的,依法承担民事责任。

Article 53 Whoever damages the literature information or facilities/equipment of public libraries or fails to return the borrowed literature information within the prescribed time limit, causing property loss or other damages, shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.

第五十四条   违反本法规定,构成违反治安管理行为的,依法给予治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 54 For violation of the provisions of this Law which constitute a violation of public security administration, the offender shall be subject to public security administration punishment pursuant to the law; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.


Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

第五十五条   本法自201811日起施行。

Article 55 This Law shall come into force as of January 1, 2018.


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