中华人民共和国水土保持法 (2010修订)(中英文对照版)



中华人民共和国水土保持法 (2010修订)

Law of the People's Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation (Revised in 2010)


Presidential Decree No. 39


The Law of the People's Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation, which was revised and adopted at the 18th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on December 25, 2010, is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect on March 1, 2011.

中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

President Hu Jintao


December 25, 2010

1991629日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十次会议通过 20101225日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议修订

Adopted at the 20th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on June 29, 1991 and revised at the 18th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on December 25, 2010



  第一章 总则

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 规划

Chapter 2 Planning

  第三章 预防

Chapter 3 Prevention

  第四章 治理

Chapter 4 Governance

  第五章 监测和监督

Chapter 5 Monitoring and Supervision

  第六章 法律责任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities

  第七章 附则

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第一章 总则

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条   为了预防和治理水土流失,保护和合理利用水土资源,减轻水、旱、风沙灾害,改善生态环境,保障经济社会可持续发展,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of preventing and controlling soil erosion, protecting and making rational use of water and soil resources, mitigating disasters of flood, drought and sandstorm, improving ecological environment and ensuring the sustainable development of the economy and society.

第二条   在中华人民共和国境内从事水土保持活动,应当遵守本法。

Article 2 This Law shall be observed in all activities of water and soil conservation within the territory of the People's Republic of China.


As used in this Law, the term "water and soil conservation" means preventive and rehabilitative measures taken against soil erosion which is caused by natural factors or human activities.

第三条   水土保持工作实行预防为主、保护优先、全面规划、综合治理、因地制宜、突出重点、科学管理、注重效益的方针。

Article 3 The work of water and soil conservation shall be carried out in accordance with the policy of prevention first, protection first, overall planning, comprehensive treatment, adoption of measures suited to local conditions, laying stress on focal points, scientific management and stress on beneficial results.

第四条   县级以上人民政府应当加强对水土保持工作的统一领导,将水土保持工作纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划,对水土保持规划确定的任务,安排专项资金,并组织实施。

Article 4 The people's governments at or above county level shall strengthen the unified leadership for water and soil conservation, incorporate the water and soil conservation into their respective plans for national economic and social development, allocate special funds for tasks specified in such plans and organize the implementation thereof.


The State will implement the system of target-oriented responsibility and the system of rewards and punishment upon examination by local people's governments at various levels in key prevention areas and key control areas of water and soil loss.

第五条   国务院水行政主管部门主管全国的水土保持工作。

Article 5 The department of water administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the work of water and soil conservation throughout the country.


The watershed authorities set up by the department of water administration under the State Council for the key rivers and lakes defined as such by the State (hereinafter referred to as "watershed authorities") shall, within their respective jurisdictions, undertake supervision and management responsibilities for water and soil conservation in accordance with law.


The departments of water administration under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of the work of water and soil conservation within their respective jurisdictions.


The departments of forestry, agriculture, land and resources and other relevant departments of the people's governments at or above county level shall, in accordance with their respective duties, conduct erosion prevention and control.

第六条   各级人民政府及其有关部门应当加强水土保持宣传和教育工作,普及水土保持科学知识,增强公众的水土保持意识。

Article 6 The people's governments at various levels and their relevant departments shall intensify the publicity of and education in water and soil conservation, popularize scientific knowledge concerning water and soil conservation and intensify the public's awareness in this regard.

第七条   国家鼓励和支持水土保持科学技术研究,提高水土保持科学技术水平,推广先进的水土保持技术,培养水土保持科学技术人才。

Article 7 The State shall encourage and support the research in and raise the level of science and technology of water and soil conservation, popularize the advanced technology in water and soil conservation, and train scientific and technological personnel in the field of water and soil conservation.

第八条   任何单位和个人都有保护水土资源、预防和治理水土流失的义务,并有权对破坏水土资源、造成水土流失的行为进行举报。

Article 8 All units and individuals shall have the obligation to protect water and soil resources, prevent and control water and soil loss, and also have the right to report against any unit or individual that damages water and soil resources or causes water and soil loss.

第九条   国家鼓励和支持社会力量参与水土保持工作。

Article 9 The State encourages and supports participation of social forces in soil and water conservation.


Units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in soil and water conservation shall be praised and awarded by the people's governments at or above the county level.

第二章 规划

Chapter 2 Planning

第十条   水土保持规划应当在水土流失调查结果及水土流失重点预防区和重点治理区划定的基础上,遵循统筹协调、分类指导的原则编制。

Article 10 The soil and water conservation planning shall be compiled in accordance with the principles of overall coordination and classified guidance and on the basis of the survey results and the division of key prevention areas and key control areas of water and soil loss.

第十一条   国务院水行政主管部门应当定期组织全国水土流失调查并公告调查结果。

Article 11 The department of water administration under the State Council shall regularly organize the survey of water and soil loss all over the country and announce the survey results.


The departments of water administration under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be in charge of the survey of water and soil loss within their respective jurisdictions and announce survey results and shall submit the survey results to the department of water administration under the State Council for the record before making such announcement.

第十二条   县级以上人民政府应当依据水土流失调查结果划定并公告水土流失重点预防区和重点治理区。

Article 12 The people's governments at or above the county level shall, based on the survey results of water and soil loss, designate and announce key prevention areas and key control areas of water and soil loss.


Areas highly prone to soil erosion must be mapped out as key prevention areas; areas of serious soil erosion must be mapped out as key control areas.

第十三条   水土保持规划的内容应当包括水土流失状况、水土流失类型区划分、水土流失防治目标、任务和措施等。

Article 13 Plans for water and soil conservation must include erosion conditions, typology, prevention and control targets, tasks, measures, etc.


Plans for water and soil conservation include overall deployment for the prevention and control of water and soil loss in basins or regions and the protection and reasonable use of water and soil resources, and special deployment for the special work of water and soil conservation or for the prevention and control of water and soil loss in special regions according to the overall deployment.


Plans for water and soil conservation must be in harmony with the overall plan for land use, water resources, urban and rural areas and environmental protection.


The opinions of experts and the public shall be collected on the compilation of soil and water conservation planning.

第十四条   县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门会同同级人民政府有关部门编制水土保持规划,报本级人民政府或者其授权的部门批准后,由水行政主管部门组织实施。

Article 14 The department of water administration under the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with the departments concerned under the people's governments at the corresponding level, draw up water and soil conservation plans, which shall be enforced by the department of water administration after being submitted to the people's governments at the corresponding level or the departments authorized thereby for approval.


Once approved, a plan for water and soil conservation must be strictly enforced. Any modification to an approved plan, to be made in light of realities, must be submitted for approval to the original department in accordance with the procedures for plan formulation.

第十五条   有关基础设施建设、矿产资源开发、城镇建设、公共服务设施建设等方面的规划,在实施过程中可能造成水土流失的,规划的组织编制机关应当在规划中提出水土流失预防和治理的对策和措施,并在规划报请审批前征求本级人民政府水行政主管部门的意见。

Article 15 If the implementation of any plan for the construction of infrastructure, the development of mineral resources, the urban construction and the construction of public service facilities may cause water and soil loss, the authorities organizing and compiling such plan shall include strategies and measures for the prevention and control of water and soil loss, and consult with the department of water administration under the people's government at the corresponding level prior to submitting the plan for approval.

第三章 预防

Chapter 3 Prevention

第十六条   地方各级人民政府应当按照水土保持规划,采取封育保护、自然修复等措施,组织单位和个人植树种草,扩大林草覆盖面积,涵养水源,预防和减轻水土流失。

Article 16 Local people's governments at various levels shall, in accordance with soil and water conservation plans, take such measures as hillsides closing and natural restoration, organize tree and grass planting by organizations and individuals, expand vegetation coverage, conserve water sources and prevent and mitigate soil erosion.

第十七条   地方各级人民政府应当加强对取土、挖砂、采石等活动的管理,预防和减轻水土流失。

Article 17 The local people's governments at various levels shall strengthen the control on such activities as earth-fetching, sand-digging and quarrying, so as to prevent and reduce soil erosion.


Earth-fetching, sand-digging, quarrying and other activities that may cause soil erosion are prohibited in areas in danger of land-collapsing or land-sliding or where mud-rock flow is liable to occur. The scope of such areas shall be determined and announced by the local people's governments at or above the county level. The division of such areas shall be connected to the areas where geological disasters are liable to occur and key areas for preventing and controlling geological disasters as determined in geological disaster prevention and control planning.

第十八条   水土流失严重、生态脆弱的地区,应当限制或者禁止可能造成水土流失的生产建设活动,严格保护植物、沙壳、结皮、地衣等。

Article 18 In areas of serious soil erosion and fragile ecology, any production or construction activities that could cause soil erosion must be restricted or prohibited, and plants, sand shell, crust, lichen etc.


The owner or holder of land or relevant management units shall plant vegetative screens on slopes and banks of eroded gully, banks of rivers and at the edges of lakes and reservoirs. Reclamation and development of plant protection zones shall be prohibited.

第十九条   水土保持设施的所有权人或者使用权人应当加强对水土保持设施的管理与维护,落实管护责任,保障其功能正常发挥。

Article 19 Owners or users of facilities for conservation of water and soil shall strengthen the management and maintenance of the facilities, fulfill the duties of management and protection, and ensure their normal function.

第二十条   禁止在二十五度以上陡坡地开垦种植农作物。在二十五度以上陡坡地种植经济林的,应当科学选择树种,合理确定规模,采取水土保持措施,防止造成水土流失。

Article 20 Reclamation of hillsides with a slope of over 25 degrees for cultivation of crops shall be prohibited. Where commodity trees are planted on a slope of over 25 degrees, tree species must be scientifically selected, soil and water conservation measures shall be adopted and appropriate scale shall be determined, so as to prevent soil erosion.


The provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in line with the actual conditions of the areas under their respective jurisdiction, prescribe the reclamation-forbidden slope of below 25 degrees. The specific area of the reclamation-forbidden slope shall be determined and announced by the local people's government at the county level.

第二十一条   禁止毁林、毁草开垦和采集发菜。禁止在水土流失重点预防区和重点治理区铲草皮、挖树兜或者滥挖虫草、甘草、麻黄等。

Article 21 Land reclamation at the expense of deforestation or grass destruction shall be prohibited. Stripping turf, digging up tree stumps and excessive digging of cordyceps sinensis, liquorice, ephedra etc. are prohibited in key areas for prevention or rehabilitation.

第二十二条   林木采伐应当采用合理方式,严格控制皆伐;对水源涵养林、水土保持林、防风固沙林等防护林只能进行抚育和更新性质的采伐;对采伐区和集材道应当采取防止水土流失的措施,并在采伐后及时更新造林。

Article 22 Felling of forest trees must be carried out rationally, and clear felling shall be strictly controlled. With respect to protective forests such as those for water supply conservation, water and soil conservation, windbreak and sand-fixation, felling shall only be permitted for tending and regeneration of forests. Preventive measures against soil erosion shall be adopted in the felling areas and on skid trails, and reforestation shall be accomplished in good time after the felling.


For any felling in a forest area, water and soil conservation measures shall be included in the felling plan. The felling plan shall, upon approval by the department of forestry administration, be implemented under the supervision of the departments of water administration and forestry administration.

第二十三条   在五度以上坡地植树造林、抚育幼林、种植中药材等,应当采取水土保持措施。

Article 23 Water and soil conservation measures shall be adopted when afforestation, tending of young growth, and cultivation of Chinese medicinal plants are done on hillsides with a slope of above 5 degrees.


Water and soil conservation measures shall be adopted when waste hillsides with a slope of above 5 degrees but under the reclamation-forbidden degrees are reclaimed for cultivation of crops. The specific measures therefor shall be formulated by the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in light of the actual conditions of their respective administrative areas.

第二十四条   生产建设项目选址、选线应当避让水土流失重点预防区和重点治理区;无法避让的,应当提高防治标准,优化施工工艺,减少地表扰动和植被损坏范围,有效控制可能造成的水土流失。

Article 24 Key prevention areas and key control areas of water and soil loss shall be avoided in location and line selection of production and construction projects; if it cannot be avoided, the prevention and control standards shall be raised and construction technology shall be optimized in order to reduce the areas of surface disturbance and vegetation damage and effectively control the possible water and soil loss.

第二十五条   在山区、丘陵区、风沙区以及水土保持规划确定的容易发生水土流失的其他区域开办可能造成水土流失的生产建设项目,生产建设单位应当编制水土保持方案,报县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门审批,并按照经批准的水土保持方案,采取水土流失预防和治理措施。没有能力编制水土保持方案的,应当委托具备相应技术条件的机构编制。

Article 25 Where production and construction projects that could cause water and soil loss are established in a mountainous, hilly or sandstorm area or any other area that water and soil loss is liable to occur as specified in soil and water conservation planning, the producer or constructor shall formulate a plan for water and soil conservation, submit it for approval to the department of water administration under the people's governments at or above the county level, and take preventive and control measures according to the approved plan. If a water and soil conservation program cannot be compiled because of lack of ability, an organ with technological conditions shall be entrusted for the compilation thereof.


A water and soil conservation program shall include the scope, goal, measures and investment of prevention and control of water and soil loss.


Where the location or scale of a production or construction project changes greatly after the water and soil conservation program is approved, the water and soil conservation program shall be supplemented or modified and be submitted for approval to the same examination and approval organ. Where soil and water conservation measures needs to be changed materially during the implementation of a water and soil conservation program, approval of the same examination and approval authority shall be obtained.


The water administration department of the State Council shall formulate measures governing the formulation and approval of plans for water and soil conservation in production or construction projects.

第二十六条   依法应当编制水土保持方案的生产建设项目,生产建设单位未编制水土保持方案或者水土保持方案未经水行政主管部门批准的,生产建设项目不得开工建设。

Article 26 With respect to a production or construction project that a water and soil conservation program shall compiled therefor according to law, if the producer or constructor fails to compile the water and soil conservation program or the water and soil conservation program fails to be approved by the department of water administration, the production or construction project may not be started.

第二十七条   依法应当编制水土保持方案的生产建设项目中的水土保持设施,应当与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产使用;生产建设项目竣工验收,应当验收水土保持设施;水土保持设施未经验收或者验收不合格的,生产建设项目不得投产使用。

Article 27 The water and soil conservation facilities in a production or construction project for which a plan for water and soil conservation is required shall be designed, constructed and put into operation simultaneously with the principal part of the project. When a production or construction project is completed and checked for acceptance, the water and soil conservation facilities shall be checked for acceptance at the same time. The production or construction project may not be put into operation if the water and soil conservation facilities fail to be checked for acceptance or fail to pass the acceptance.

第二十八条   依法应当编制水土保持方案的生产建设项目,其生产建设活动中排弃的砂、石、土、矸石、尾矿、废渣等应当综合利用;不能综合利用,确需废弃的,应当堆放在水土保持方案确定的专门存放地,并采取措施保证不产生新的危害。

Article 28 With respect to a production or construction project that a water and soil conservation program shall compiled therefor according to law, the sand, rocks, earth, attals, tailings and residues arising from production or construction activities shall be utilized comprehensively. Any of them that cannot be utilized comprehensively and have to be abandoned shall be disposed of in an area as specially designated in the water and soil conservation program and measures shall be taken to ensure that no new hazard will be incurred.

第二十九条   县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门、流域管理机构,应当对生产建设项目水土保持方案的实施情况进行跟踪检查,发现问题及时处理。

Article 29 The departments of water administration under the people's governments at or above the county level and basin management agencies shall follow up and check the implementation of water and soil conservation programs in production and construction projects and handle problems promptly if any.

第四章 治理

Chapter 4 Governance

第三十条   国家加强水土流失重点预防区和重点治理区的坡耕地改梯田、淤地坝等水土保持重点工程建设,加大生态修复力度。

Article 30 The State will strengthen the construction of key soil and water conservation projects such as changing sloping farmlands into terraced fields and constructing warp land dams in key prevention areas and key control areas of water and soil loss, and increase the efforts on ecological restoration.


The departments of water administration under the people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the management of construction of key water and soil conservation projects and establish and improve the system for its management and protection.

第三十一条   国家加强江河源头区、饮用水水源保护区和水源涵养区水土流失的预防和治理工作,多渠道筹集资金,将水土保持生态效益补偿纳入国家建立的生态效益补偿制度。

Article 31 The State will strengthen the prevention and control of water and soil loss in river source areas, drinking water source protection areas and water conservation areas, raise funds through various channels and include the ecological benefit compensation for water and soil conservation in the ecological benefit compensation system of the State.

第三十二条   开办生产建设项目或者从事其他生产建设活动造成水土流失的,应当进行治理。

Article 32 Water and soil loss caused by production and construction projects or other production and construction activities shall be controlled.


If water and soil conservation facilities, land features or vegetation are damaged by production or construction projects or other production or construction activities in a mountainous, hilly or sandstorm area or any other area that water and soil loss is liable to occur as specified in soil and water conservation planning, and their original soil and water conservation function cannot be restored, a compensation fee shall be paid for preventing and controlling water and soil loss. Specific prevention and control of soil erosion shall be carried out by the water administration departments. The administrative measures for the collection and use of compensation fees for water and soil conservation shall be formulated by the department of finance and the department of price administration under the State Council in conjunction with the department of water administration under the State Council.


Conservation cost of water and soil in the process of production or construction shall be dealt with in accordance with the state's unified financial and accounting system.

第三十三条   国家鼓励单位和个人按照水土保持规划参与水土流失治理,并在资金、技术、税收等方面予以扶持。

Article 33 The state encourages organizations and individuals to engage in erosion control under plans for water and soil conservation, and gives financial, technical, taxation and other support.

第三十四条   国家鼓励和支持承包治理荒山、荒沟、荒丘、荒滩,防治水土流失,保护和改善生态环境,促进土地资源的合理开发和可持续利用,并依法保护土地承包合同当事人的合法权益。

Article 34 The State encourages and supports the contracted rehabilitation of barren hills, waste valleys, barren hillocks or desolated beaches, so as to prevent and control soil erosion, protect and improve the ecological environment, promote the rational development and sustainable utilization of land resources, and protects the legitimate rights and interests of land contractors according to law.


Where the rehabilitation of barren hills, waste valleys, barren hillocks or desolated beaches, or the rural land in areas suffering from serious water and soil loss are contracted out, the land contracts entered into according to law shall include the responsibilities for preventing and controlling water and soil loss.

第三十五条   在水力侵蚀地区,地方各级人民政府及其有关部门应当组织单位和个人,以天然沟壑及其两侧山坡地形成的小流域为单元,因地制宜地采取工程措施、植物措施和保护性耕作等措施,进行坡耕地和沟道水土流失综合治理。

Article 35 In a water-eroded region, the people's governments at local levels and relevant departments thereof shall mobilize organizations and individuals to prevent and rehabilitate soil erosion on sloping fields and in gullies through engineering and vegetation measures and protective cultivation, taking as a unit a small river basin comprising a natural ravine and flanking hill slopes and considering local conditions.


In a wind-eroded region, local people's governments and their relevant departments at all levels shall organize units and individuals to take such measures, according to local conditions, as rotation of closing and grazing periods, planting of trees and growing of grass, installation of artificial sand-break and forest network, so as to build a protective system for windbreak and sand-fixation.


In gravity-eroded areas, the people's governments at local levels and relevant departments thereof shall mobilize organizations and individuals to set up a monitoring, forecasting and early warning system through monitoring, diverting runoff, cutting slope and unloading, building prop-ups to slopes and constructing fences.

第三十六条   在饮用水水源保护区,地方各级人民政府及其有关部门应当组织单位和个人,采取预防保护、自然修复和综合治理措施,配套建设植物过滤带,积极推广沼气,开展清洁小流域建设,严格控制化肥和农药的使用,减少水土流失引起的面源污染,保护饮用水水源。

Article 36 In drinking water source protection areas, local people's governments and their relevant departments at all levels shall organize units and individuals to take preventive and protective, natural restoration and comprehensive control measures, to build vegetation filter strips, to actively promote methane, to build clean small river basins, to strictly control the use of fertilizers and pesticides, so as to reduce non-point source pollution caused by water and soil loss and protect drinking water sources.

第三十七条   已在禁止开垦的陡坡地上开垦种植农作物的,应当按照国家有关规定退耕,植树种草;耕地短缺、退耕确有困难的,应当修建梯田或者采取其他水土保持措施。

Article 37 Anyone who has conducted reclamation for cultivation of crops on the reclamation-forbidden slopes shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, stop the cultivation and plant trees and grass. If it is really difficult to stop the cultivation due to shortage of cultivated land, terraced fields shall be built or other water and soil conservation measures shall be taken.


Anyone who conducts reclamation for cultivation of crops on slopes under the reclamation-forbidden degrees shall, in light of different conditions, take such measures as building terraced fields, regulating slope water system, doing cultivation conducive to water and soil conservation or stopping cultivation.

第三十八条   对生产建设活动所占用土地的地表土应当进行分层剥离、保存和利用,做到土石方挖填平衡,减少地表扰动范围;对废弃的砂、石、土、矸石、尾矿、废渣等存放地,应当采取拦挡、坡面防护、防洪排导等措施。生产建设活动结束后,应当及时在取土场、开挖面和存放地的裸露土地上植树种草、恢复植被,对闭库的尾矿库进行复垦。

Article 38 Topsoil in lands occupied by production and construction activities shall be stripped, preserved and utilized to balance earth digging and refilling and reduce earth surface disturbance; storage sites for waste sand, stone, earth, refuse, tailings and residues shall be fended and protected from landslide and flood. Trees and grass must be planted timely on bare lands used for earth-fetching, surface excavation and storage to restore vegetation, and reclamation done on closed tailings pools.


Where production and construction activities are carried out in arid areas, measures shall be taken to prevent from wind erosion, rainfall infiltration facilities shall be set up and precipitation resources shall be fully utilized.

第三十九条   国家鼓励和支持在山区、丘陵区、风沙区以及容易发生水土流失的其他区域,采取下列有利于水土保持的措施:

Article 39 The State encourages and supports the following measures conducive to water and soil conservation in mountainous, hilly or sandstorm areas, or other areas prone to soil erosion:


1. Zero tillage, contour farming, shifting cultivation, rotation of crops and grass and intercropping and interplanting;


(II) closed tending, rotation of closing and grazing periods, and stable breeding;


(III) developing methane and fuel-saving stoves, utilizing solar, wind and water energy, and replacing firewood with coal, electricity and gas;


(IV) emigration from ecologically fragile regions; and


(V) other measures beneficial to water and soil conservation.

第五章 监测和监督

Chapter 5 Monitoring and Supervision

第四十条   县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门应当加强水土保持监测工作,发挥水土保持监测工作在政府决策、经济社会发展和社会公众服务中的作用。县级以上人民政府应当保障水土保持监测工作经费。

Article 40 The departments of water administration under the people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the monitoring of soil and water conservation, and give play to the role of the monitoring of soil and water conservation in government decision-making, economic and social development and public services. The people's governments at or above county level shall guarantee funds for such monitoring.


The department of water administration under the State Council shall improve the monitoring network for water and soil conservation throughout the country and dynamically monitor water and soil loss all over the country.

第四十一条   对可能造成严重水土流失的大中型生产建设项目,生产建设单位应当自行或者委托具备水土保持监测资质的机构,对生产建设活动造成的水土流失进行监测,并将监测情况定期上报当地水行政主管部门。

Article 41 For a large or medium-sized production or construction project that may cause serious water and soil loss, the producer or constructor shall, by itself or entrust an organization with soil and water conservation monitoring qualification, monitor water and soil loss caused by its production or construction activities, and shall periodically report the monitoring results to the local water administration department.


Relevant national technical standards, criteria and procedures shall be abided by in soil and water conservation monitoring activities to ensure the quality of monitoring.

第四十二条   国务院水行政主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府水行政主管部门应当根据水土保持监测情况,定期对下列事项进行公告:

Article 42 The department of water administration under the State Council and the departments of water administration under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, on the basis of the monitoring results of soil and water conservation, periodically announce the following matters:


1. the type, area, intensity, distribution and variation tendency of water and soil loss;


2. the damage caused by the water loss and soil erosion;


(III) the prevention and control of water and soil loss.

第四十三条   县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门负责对水土保持情况进行监督检查。流域管理机构在其管辖范围内可以行使国务院水行政主管部门的监督检查职权。

Article 43 The departments of water administration under the people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of the supervision and inspection of water and soil conservation. A river basin administrative organ may, within its jurisdiction, exercise the powers of supervision and inspection of the administrative department for water resources under the State Council.

第四十四条   水政监督检查人员依法履行监督检查职责时,有权采取下列措施:

Article 44 When performing their duties, the supervisors and inspectors for administration of water resources shall have the right to take the following measures:


1. requesting the units or individuals under inspection to provide the relevant documents, certificates and licenses, and materials;


(II) to require the unit or individual under inspection to give explanations of matters with respect to the prevention and control of soil erosion; and


(III) Enter the site to carry out investigations and collect evidence.


Where an inspected organization or individual causes serious soil erosion as a result of refusing to stop unlawful practices, its/his tools, machines, equipment for construction, etc. may be sealed up or detained subject to the approval of the department of water administration.

第四十五条   水政监督检查人员依法履行监督检查职责时,应当出示执法证件。被检查单位或者个人对水土保持监督检查工作应当给予配合,如实报告情况,提供有关文件、证照、资料;不得拒绝或者阻碍水政监督检查人员依法执行公务。

Article 45 When performing their duties, the supervisors and inspectors for administration of water resources shall show their law-enforcement papers. Units or individuals concerned shall cooperate with the supervision and inspection of soil and water conservation, truthfully report the situations and provide relevant documents, certificates or licenses, and data and information, and may not refuse or obstruct such supervision and inspection.

第四十六条   不同行政区域之间发生水土流失纠纷应当协商解决;协商不成的,由共同的上一级人民政府裁决。

Article 46 Any dispute arising among different administrative regions over soil erosion shall be solved through consultation; if no settlement is reached through consultation, the case shall be handled by the people's government at the next higher level.

第六章 法律责任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities

第四十七条   水行政主管部门或者其他依照本法规定行使监督管理权的部门,不依法作出行政许可决定或者办理批准文件的,发现违法行为或者接到对违法行为的举报不予查处的,或者有其他未依照本法规定履行职责的行为的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

Article 47 Where the water administration or any other department that exercises the power of supervision and administration in accordance with this Law fails to issue administrative licenses or handle approval documents according to law, fails to investigate into and deal with any unlawful act upon finding it or receiving a report on such act, fails to perform any of its duties specified in this Law, the leading person directly in charge and the other persons directly responsible shall be given sanctions according to law.

第四十八条   违反本法规定,在崩塌、滑坡危险区或者泥石流易发区从事取土、挖砂、采石等可能造成水土流失的活动的,由县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,没收违法所得,对个人处一千元以上一万元以下的罚款,对单位处二万元以上二十万元以下的罚款。

Article 48 Where, in violation of this Law, earth-fetching, sand-digging, quarrying and other activities that may cause water and soil loss are carried out in the areas in danger of land-collapsing or land-sliding or where mud-rock flow is liable to occur, the department of water administration under the people's governments at or above the county level shall order to stop the illegal acts, confiscate the illegal gains, impose a fine of not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan on an individual and a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan on a unit.

第四十九条   违反本法规定,在禁止开垦坡度以上陡坡地开垦种植农作物,或者在禁止开垦、开发的植物保护带内开垦、开发的,由县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,采取退耕、恢复植被等补救措施;按照开垦或者开发面积,可以对个人处每平方米二元以下的罚款、对单位处每平方米十元以下的罚款。

Article 49 Any organization or individual that, in violation of this Law, engages in the cultivation of crops at a hillside with a slope above reclamation-forbidden degrees, or in cultivation in reclamation-forbidden protection belts shall be ordered by the water conservancy administration department of the local people's government at or above the county level to stop the illegal act and take such remedial measures as returning farmland to forest and restoring vegetation; the individual may be fined less than 2 yuan per square meter and the unit may be fined less than 10 yuan per square meter based on the reclamation or development area.

第五十条   违反本法规定,毁林、毁草开垦的,依照《中华人民共和国森林法》、《中华人民共和国草原法》的有关规定处罚。

Article 50 Where, in violation of this Law, land is reclaimed at the expense of deforestation or grass destruction, a penalty shall be imposed according to the Forest Law of the People's Republic of China and the Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China.

第五十一条   违反本法规定,采集发菜,或者在水土流失重点预防区和重点治理区铲草皮、挖树兜、滥挖虫草、甘草、麻黄等的,由县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,采取补救措施,没收违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得的,可以处五万元以下的罚款。

Article 51 Any organization or individual that, in violation of this Law, engages in such activities as picking Nostoc flagelliforme, or scraping turf, digging tree stumps, Cordyceps sinensis, liquorice, ephedra etc. in key areas for prevention or rehabilitation shall be ordered by the water administration departments of the local people's governments at or above county level to stop such activities and take remedies, have the illegal gains confiscated and be fined not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of the illegal gains; where there is no illegal gains, a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan may be imposed.


Whoever commits an illegal act as prescribed in the preceding paragraph in a grassland area shall be punished according to the relevant provisions in the Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China.

第五十二条   在林区采伐林木不依法采取防止水土流失措施的,由县级以上地方人民政府林业主管部门、水行政主管部门责令限期改正,采取补救措施;造成水土流失的,由水行政主管部门按照造成水土流失的面积处每平方米二元以上十元以下的罚款。

Article 52 Where measures are not taken to prevent from water and soil loss when felling in a forest area, the department of the department of water administration under the people's governments at or above the county level shall order to stop the illegal acts and to take remedial measures, the departments of forestry administration and water administration under the people's governments at or above the county level shall order to make rectification within a specified time limit and to take remedial measures; if water and soil loss is caused, the department of water administration shall impose a fine of more than CNY2 and less than CNY10 per square meter on the basis of the areas of water and soil loss caused thereby.

第五十三条   违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,限期补办手续;逾期不补办手续的,处五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款;对生产建设单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:

Article 53 Any producer or constructor that, in violation of this Law, commits any of the following acts shall be ordered by the water administration departments of the people's governments at or above county level to stop such act and go through the formalities within a stipulated period; if the formalities are not gone through within the period, a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan shall be imposed; the persons directly in charge of the producer or constructor and the other persons directly responsible shall be punished according to law:


1. where a production or construction project that a water and soil conservation program shall compiled therefor according to law is started without a water and soil conservation program or the approval for water and soil conservation program;


2. where the location or scale of a production or construction project changes materially but the water and soil conservation program is not supplemented or modified or the supplemented or modified water and soil conservation program fails to be approved by the original examination and approval authority;


3. where soil and water conservation measures are changed materially without approval of the same examination and approval authority in the implementation of a water and soil conservation program.

第五十四条   违反本法规定,水土保持设施未经验收或者验收不合格将生产建设项目投产使用的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止生产或者使用,直至验收合格,并处五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。

Article 54 Any producer or constructor that, in violation of this Law, puts its project into operation without having its water and soil conservation facilities accepted or failing to pass the acceptance check shall be ordered by the water administration departments at or above county level to suspend production or use until the facilities pass the acceptance check, and be fined not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan.

第五十五条   违反本法规定,在水土保持方案确定的专门存放地以外的区域倾倒砂、石、土、矸石、尾矿、废渣等的,由县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,限期清理,按照倾倒数量处每立方米十元以上二十元以下的罚款;逾期仍不清理的,县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门可以指定有清理能力的单位代为清理,所需费用由违法行为人承担。

Article 55 Any producer or constructor that, in violation of this Law, dumps sand, stone, earth, refuse, tailings or residues in areas other than designated areas as specified in its conservation plan shall be ordered by the water administration departments at or above county level to stop such act, clear away within a stipulated period and be fined of not less than 10 yuan but not more than 20 yuan per cubic meter; where it fails to clear away within the period, the water administration departments may appoint a capable agency to clear away on its behalf and the expenses therefrom shall be borne by the producer or constructor.

第五十六条   违反本法规定,开办生产建设项目或者从事其他生产建设活动造成水土流失,不进行治理的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令限期治理;逾期仍不治理的,县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门可以指定有治理能力的单位代为治理,所需费用由违法行为人承担。

Article 56 Any producer or constructor that, in violation of this Law, causes soil erosion by opening project or engaging in other production or construction activities and fails to carry out rehabilitation shall be ordered by the water administration departments at or above county level to carry out rehabilitation within a stipulated period; where it fails to carry out rehabilitation within the period, the water administration departments may appoint a capable agency to carry out rehabilitation on its behalf and the expenses therefrom shall be borne by the producer or constructor.

第五十七条   违反本法规定,拒不缴纳水土保持补偿费的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令限期缴纳;逾期不缴纳的,自滞纳之日起按日加收滞纳部分万分之五的滞纳金,可以处应缴水土保持补偿费三倍以下的罚款。

Article 57 Any producer or constructor who, in violation of this Law, refuses to pay compensation for soil erosion shall be ordered by the water administration departments at or above county level to pay within a stipulated period; where it fails to pay within the period, it shall be subject to an overdue fine of 0.05% per day of the overdue payment, starting from the first day in arrears, and may face a fine of not more than three times the compensation.

第五十八条   违反本法规定,造成水土流失危害的,依法承担民事责任;构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法给予治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 58 Any organization or individual that, in violation of this Law, causes soil erosion hazards shall bear civil liabilities according to law; if a violation of public security administration is constituted, a penalty for such violation shall be imposed by the public security organ; if a crime is constituted, criminal liabilities shall be investigated.

第七章 附则

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第五十九条   县级以上地方人民政府根据当地实际情况确定的负责水土保持工作的机构,行使本法规定的水行政主管部门水土保持工作的职责。

Article 59 Organs in charge of water and soil conservation as determined by local people's governments at or above county level in light of local realities shall perform duties of the water administration departments prescribed in this Law.

第六十条   本法自201131日起施行。

Article 60 This Law shall be effective 1 March 2011.


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