


Agricultural Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2012 Revision)


Order of the President No.74


The Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the Revision of the Agricultural Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the 30th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on December 28, 2012, is hereby promulgated for implementation as of January 1, 2013.

中華人民共和國主席 胡錦濤

President Hu Jintao


December 28, 2012

199372日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二次會議通過 20021228日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十一次會議修訂 根據2009827日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》第一次修正 根據20121228日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國農業法〉的決定》第二次修正)

(Adopted at the 2nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on July 2, 1993; revised at the 31st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on December 28, 2002; amended for the first time according to the Decision on Amending Certain Laws passed at the 10th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on August 27, 2009; and amended for the second time according to the Decision on Amending the Agricultural Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 30th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on December 28, 2012)


  第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 農業生產經營體制

Chapter 2 System of Agricultural Production and Operation

  第三章 農業生產

Chapter III Agricultural Production

  第四章 農產品流通與加工

Chapter 4 Circulation and Processing of Agricultural Products

  第五章 糧食安全

Chapter 5 Grain Safety

  第六章 農業投入與支持保護

Chapter 6 Input to and Support and Protection of Agriculture

  第七章 農業科技與農業教育

Chapter 7 Agricultural Science and Technology, and Agricultural Education

  第八章 農業資源與農業環境保護

Chapter 8 Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Environmental Protection

  第九章 農民權益保護

Chapter 9 Protection of FarmersInterests

  第十章 農村經濟發展

Chapter 10 Development of Rural Economy

  第十一章 執法監督

Chapter 11 Supervision over Law Enforcement

  第十二章 法律責任

Chapter 12 Legal Liabilities


Chapter 13 Supplementary Provisions


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了鞏固和加強農業在國民經濟中的基礎地位,深化農村改革,發展農業生產力,推進農業現代化,維護農民和農業生產經營組織的合法權益,增加農民收入,提高農民科學文化素質,促進農業和農村經濟的持續、穩定、健康發展,實現全面建設小康社會的目標,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to consolidating and strengthening the position of agriculture as the foundation of the national economy, deepening the reform in rural areas, developing the productive forces of agriculture, pushing forward the modernization of agriculture, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations, increasing the income of farmers, enhancing their scientific and cultural qualification, promoting the sustained, steady and sound growth of agriculture and the rural economy, and attaining the objectives of building a well-off society in an all-round way.

第二條   本法所稱農業,是指種植業、林業、畜牧業和漁業等產業,包括與其直接相關的產前、產中、產後服務。

Article 2 For purposes of this Law, agriculture includes services before, during and after planting, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and such services are directly related to the above.


Agricultural production and operation organizations as mentioned in this Law include rural collective economic organizations, specialized cooperative economic organizations of farmers, agricultural enterprises and other organizations engaged in agricultural production and operation.

第三條   國家把農業放在發展國民經濟的首位。

Article 3 The State gives first priority to agriculture in the development of the national economy.


The main objectives in developing agriculture and the rural economy are to establish a rural economic system that meets the need of developing the socialist market economy, to continuously emancipate and develop the productive forces in the countryside, to enhance the quality and efficiency of agriculture as a whole, to ensure the supply and quality of agricultural products, to satisfy the need of developing the national economy, of an increased population and of improving people's lives, to increase the income of farmers and raise their living standards, to promote the transfer of the surplus rural labor to non-agricultural industries and to cities and towns, to narrow the difference between town and country and between regions, to build a prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced new socialist countryside, and to gradually bring about the modernization of agriculture and the countryside.

第四條   國家采取措施,保障農業更好地發揮在提供食物、工業原料和其他農產品,維護和改善生態環境,促進農村經濟社會發展等多方面的作用。

Article 4 The State adopts measures to ensure that agriculture plays a better role in many fields such as in the supply of food, industrial raw materials and other farm products, in the maintenance and improvement of the ecological environment and in the promotion of the rural economic and social development.

第五條   國家堅持和完善公有制為主體、多種所有制經濟共同發展的基本經濟制度,振興農村經濟。

Article 5 The State upholds and improves the basic economic system under which public ownership is the mainstay of the economy, while the economic sectors of diversified ownerships develop jointly, in order to invigorate the rural economy.


The State, for a long time to come, within a long period, stabilizes the two-tier management system that combines unified with separate management on the basis of household contractual management, develop systems for commercialized services, expand the actual strength of collective economy, and guide the farmers onto the road of common prosperity.


The State upholds and improves the distribution system under which to each according to his work is the predominant mode of distribution, while diversified modes of distribution coexist.

第六條   國家堅持科教興農和農業可持續發展的方針。

Article 6 The State upholds the principles of invigorating agriculture through science and education and of sustainable development of agriculture.


The State takes measures to strengthen agriculture and the construction of infrastructure in rural areas, to readjust and optimize agriculture and the rural economic structure, to push forward the industrialized operation of agriculture, to develop the undertakings of agricultural science, technology and education, to protect the agricultural ecological environment, to promote mechanization of agriculture and application of the technology information and to raise the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture.

第七條   國家保護農民和農業生產經營組織的財產及其他合法權益不受侵犯。

Article 7 The State shall protect the property and other legitimate rights and interests of farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations from infringement.


People's governments at all levels and the relevant departments under them shall take measures to increase the income of farmers and effectively reduce the burden on them.

第八條   全社會應當高度重視農業,支持農業發展。

Article 8 All sectors of society shall attach great importance to agriculture and support agricultural development.


The State awards the units and individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the development of agriculture and the rural economy.

第九條   各級人民政府對農業和農村經濟發展工作統一負責,組織各有關部門和全社會做好發展農業和為發展農業服務的各項工作。

Article 9 People's governments at all levels shall assume unified responsibility for work in respect of agriculture and development of the rural economy and make arrangements for the relevant departments and all sectors of society to do a good job in all fields of endeavor for the development of agriculture and for provision of services to the development of agriculture.


The competent administrative department for agriculture under the State Council shall be in charge of work of agriculture and economic development in the rural areas throughout the country. The competent administrative department for forestry under the State Council and relevant departments shall, within the scope of their respective duties, be in charge of work related to agriculture and development of the rural economy.


The competent administrative departments for agriculture under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of work related to agriculture and development of the rural economy including crop- planting, animal husbandry and fishery, within their own administrative regions, while the competent administrative departments for forestry shall be in charge of forest work within their own administrative regions. Other relevant departments under local people's governments at or above the county level shall, within the scope of their respective functions and duties, be responsible for the relevant work in the service of agricultural production and operation.

第二章 農業生產經營體制

Chapter 2 System of Agricultural Production and Operation

第十條   國家實行農村土地承包經營制度,依法保障農村土地承包關系的長期穩定,保護農民對承包土地的使用權。

Article 10 The State applies the contractual management system in respect of land in rural areas, protects, in accordance with law, the long-term stability of the relationship of land contract in rural areas, and protects the right of farmers to use their contracted land.


The Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Land Contract in Rural Areas shall be applicable to matters such as the mode and term of contractual management of rural land, the rights and obligations of the party giving out the contract and the contractor, and protection and transfer of the right to land contractual management.


The rural collective economic organizations shall, on the basis the household contractual management and in accordance with law, manage the collective assets, provide their members with services in respect of production, technology, information, etc., make arrangements for rational development and use of collective resources and build up the economic strength.

第十一條   國家鼓勵農民在家庭承包經營的基礎上自願組成各類專業合作經濟組織。

Article 11 The State encourages farmers to voluntarily organize themselves into various kinds of specialized cooperative economic organizations on the basis of household contractual management.


Specialized cooperative economic organizations of farmers shall adhere to the aim of serving their members and in accordance with the principles of voluntary participation, free withdrawal, democratic management and return of the surplus and in accordance with law, engage in agricultural production and operation and provide services within the scope prescribed by their articles of association.


Specialized cooperative economic organizations of farmers may take diversified forms and shall be established and registered in accordance with law. No organizations or individuals may infringe upon the property of such organizations or their right of decision-making in management.

第十二條   農民和農業生產經營組織可以自願按照民主管理、按勞分配和按股分紅相結合的原則,以資金、技術、實物等入股,依法興辦各類企業。

Article 12 Farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations may, on a voluntary basis and in accordance with the principles of democratic management, and distribution according to work combined with dividends on shares, buy shares by pooling funds, technologies or material objects to establish different types of enterprises according to law.

第十三條   國家采取措施發展多種形式的農業產業化經營,鼓勵和支持農民和農業生產經營組織發展生產、加工、銷售一體化經營。

Article 13 The State takes measures to develop industrial management of agriculture in various forms, and encourages and supports farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations in their efforts to develop integrated operation of production, processing and marketing.


The State provides guidance and support to enterprises, scientific research institutions and other organizations which are in the service of production, processing and circulation of agricultural products through concluding contracts or establishing various kinds of enterprises with farmers or farmers' specialized cooperative economic organizations, in their efforts to form benefit communities that jointly share profits and assume risks, in order to push forward the industrial management of agriculture and give impetus to the development of agriculture.

第十四條   農民和農業生產經營組織可以按照法律、行政法規成立各種農產品行業協會,為成員提供生產、營銷、信息、技術、培訓等服務,發揮協調和自律作用,提出農產品貿易救濟措施的申請,維護成員和行業的利益。

Article 14 Farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations may, in accordance with law and administrative regulations, establish trade associations of different kinds of agricultural products in order to provide their members with services related to production, marketing, information, technology, training, etc., to play the role of coordination and self-discipline, to submit applications for relief measures for trade in agricultural products and to safeguard the interests of their members and trade.

第三章 農業生產

Chapter III Agricultural Production

第十五條   縣級以上人民政府根據國民經濟和社會發展的中長期規劃、農業和農村經濟發展的基本目標和農業資源區劃,制定農業發展規劃。

Article 15 People's governments at or above the county level shall, on the basis of the medium and long-term national economic and social development plans, the basic objective for agriculture and rural economic development and the regional division of agricultural resources, work out their plans for agricultural development.


The competent administrative department for agriculture under the people's governments at or above the provincial level shall, on the basis of their plans for agricultural development, take measures to give play to the advantages of their regions, in order to promote the formation of a rational regional distribution of agricultural production and to guide and coordinate the restructuring of agriculture and the rural economy.

第十六條   國家引導和支持農民和農業生產經營組織結合本地實際按照市場需求,調整和優化農業生產結構,協調發展種植業、林業、畜牧業和漁業,發展優質、高產、高效益的農業,提高農產品國際競爭力。

Article 16 The State guides and supports farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations in their efforts to readjust and optimize the structure of agricultural production according to market demand and in light of the actual local conditions, to coordinate the development of crop- planting, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and to develop an agriculture with high quality, yields and returns in order to enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products in the world.


In crop- planting, the mix of crops, varieties and quality shall be readjusted, centering around the optimization of varieties, improvement of quality and increase of returns.


Efforts shall be made to improve forest ecology, carry into execution the projects designed to protect natural forests, restore reclaimed land to forests and prevent and control sand encroachment, and shelter forests shall be expanded and the cultivation of fast-growing and high yielding timber forests, forests for industrial raw materials and charcoal forests shall be speeded up.


Grasslands shall be better protected and cultivated, the development of animal husbandry speeded up, the rearing of livestock in pens and folds popularized, the breeds of livestock and poultry improved, and the feed industry and the processing industry of livestock and poultry products developed.


In fisheries, attention shall be paid to protection and rational use of fishery resources, readjustment of the mix of fishing, and active development of aquaculture, deep-sea fishing and the processing of aquatic products.


People's governments at or above the county level shall frame their policies, allocate funds, guide and support the structural readjustment of agriculture.

第十七條   各級人民政府應當采取措施,加強農業綜合開發和農田水利、農業生態環境保護、鄉村道路、農村能源和電網、農產品倉儲和流通、漁港、草原圍欄、動植物原種良種基地等農業和農村基礎設施建設,改善農業生產條件,保護和提高農業綜合生產能力。

Article 17 People's governments at various levels shall take measures to strengthen all-round agricultural development and the construction of infrastructures for agriculture and the rural areas, such as irrigation and water conservancy, protection of agricultural ecological environment, rural roads, rural energy and electric networks, storage and circulation of agricultural products, fishing ports, grassland enclosures and bases of original and fine breeds and improved strains of animals and plants, improve the conditions for agricultural production, and protect and increase the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture.

第十八條   國家扶持動植物品種的選育、生產、更新和良種的推廣使用,鼓勵品種選育和生產、經營相結合,實施種子工程和畜禽良種工程。國務院和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府設立專項資金,用於扶持動植物良種的選育和推廣工作。

Article 18 The State supports the breeding, production and updating of animal breeds and plant varieties and the wide use of the improved strains and fine breeds, encourages the combination of variety breeding with production and operation, and sees that the seed project and the fine livestock and poultry breed project are carried into execution. The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall set up special funds in support of the breeding and wide use of fine breeds and improved strains of animals and plants.

第十九條   各級人民政府和農業生產經營組織應當加強農田水利設施建設,建立健全農田水利設施的管理制度,節約用水,發展節水型農業,嚴格依法控制非農業建設占用灌溉水源,禁止任何組織和個人非法占用或者毀損農田水利設施。

Article 19 People's governments at various levels and agricultural production and operation organizations shall strengthen the construction of irrigation and water conservancy facilities, establish a sound system for the management of such facilities, economize on the use of water, develop a water-saving agriculture, control strictly in accordance with law the use of irrigation water resources by non-agricultural construction projects and prohibit all organizations and individuals from unlawfully occupying or damaging irrigation and water conservancy facilities.


The State gives priority to water-deficient regions in supporting the development of a water-saving agriculture.

第二十條   國家鼓勵和支持農民和農業生產經營組織使用先進、適用的農業機械,加強農業機械安全管理,提高農業機械化水平。

Article 20 The State encourages and supports farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations to use advanced, applicable agricultural machines and improves the safety control over such machines for the purpose of raising the level of agricultural mechanization.


The State gives support to farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations in purchasing advanced agricultural machines.

第二十一條   各級人民政府應當支持為農業服務的氣象事業的發展,提高對氣象災害的監測和預報水平。

Article 21 People's governments at various levels shall support the development of the meteorological undertakings in the service of agriculture and enhance the abilities of monitoring and forecasting meteorological calamities.

第二十二條   國家采取措施提高農產品的質量,建立健全農產品質量標準體系和質量檢驗檢測監督體系,按照有關技術規範、操作規程和質量衛生安全標準,組織農產品的生產經營,保障農產品質量安全。

Article 22 The State takes measures to enhance the quality of agricultural products, establish a sound system for quality standards of agricultural products and supervisory system for quality inspection and testing, and, in accordance with relevant technical regulations, operational rules and quality, hygiene and safety standards, make arrangements for production and management of agricultural products and ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products.

第二十三條   國家支持依法建立健全優質農產品認證和標志制度。

Article 23 The State supports the establishment, according to law, of a sound certification and mark system for quality agricultural products.


The State encourages and supports the production of quality agricultural products. Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of their local conditions and in accordance with relevant State regulations, take measures for developing the production of quality agricultural products.


For high-quality agricultural products that are up to the standards prescribed by the State, an application may, in accordance with the provisions of laws or administrative regulations, be made for the use of relevant marks. For agricultural products that meet the requirements of the prescribed places of origin or production specifications, an application may, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws or administrative regulations, be made for the use of geographical indications of agricultural products.

第二十四條   國家實行動植物防疫、檢疫制度,健全動植物防疫、檢疫體系,加強對動物疫病和植物病、蟲、雜草、鼠害的監測、預警、防治,建立重大動物疫情和植物病蟲害的快速撲滅機制,建設動物無規定疫病區,實施植物保護工程。

Article 24 The State applies the system of animal and plant epidemic prevention and quarantine, improves the setup for such prevention and quarantine, strengthens the monitoring, early warning, and prevention and control of animal epidemic diseases and plant diseases, insect pests, weeds, and damages caused by rats, sets up a rapid elimination mechanism for major animal epidemic diseases, plant diseases and insect pests, builds random animal epidemic disease zones and carries into execution the plant protection project.

第二十五條   農藥、獸藥、飼料和飼料添加劑、肥料、種子、農業機械等可能危害人畜安全的農業生產資料的生產經營,依照相關法律、行政法規的規定實行登記或者許可制度。

Article 25 The system of registration or license shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations, be applied in respect of the production and operation of such means of agricultural production as pesticides, veterinary medicines, fodder and feed additives, fertilizers, seeds and farm machines, which may endanger the safety of human beings and or livestock.


People's governments at all levels shall establish a sound system for the safe use of the means of agricultural production. No farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations may use such means of agricultural production as the pesticides, veterinary medicines and feed additives which are eliminated or the use of which is banned by State decree, or use other products the use of which is banned.


Producers and sellers of the means of agricultural production shall be responsible for the quality of the products they manufacture and sell. They are prohibited from passing off inferior products as good ones, or fake products as genuine ones, or substandard products as standard ones; and they are prohibited from manufacturing and selling such agricultural means of production as pesticides, veterinary medicines, feed additives and farm machines, which are eliminated by State decree.

第四章 農產品流通與加工

Chapter 4 Circulation and Processing of Agricultural Products

第二十六條   農產品的購銷實行市場調節。國家對關系國計民生的重要農產品的購銷活動實行必要的宏觀調控,建立中央和地方分級儲備調節制度,完善倉儲運輸體系,做到保證供應,穩定市場。

Article 26 The purchase and sale of agricultural products shall be regulated by market forces. The State exercises the necessary macro-economic control over in the purchase and sale of key agricultural products which have a bearing on the national economy and the people's livelihood, establishes a system for storage regulation at the central and local levels and improves the storage and transportation system, in order to guarantee supply and stabilize the market.

第二十七條   國家逐步建立統一、開放、競爭、有序的農產品市場體系,制定農產品批發市場發展規劃。對農村集體經濟組織和農民專業合作經濟組織建立農產品批發市場和農產品集貿市場,國家給予扶持。

Article 27 The State gradually establishes a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system for agricultural products and formulates plans for the development of a wholesale market for agricultural products. The State gives support to the rural collective economic organizations and specialized cooperative economic organizations of farmers in their efforts to build up wholesale markets and rural fairs for agricultural products.


Administrative departments for industry and commerce under the people's governments at or above the county level and the relevant departments shall, in compliance with their respective duties and in accordance with law, administer the wholesale markets for agricultural products, standardize the order of trade and prevent local protectionism and unfair competition.

第二十八條   國家鼓勵和支持發展多種形式的農產品流通活動。支持農民和農民專業合作經濟組織按照國家有關規定從事農產品收購、批發、貯藏、運輸、零售和中介活動。鼓勵供銷合作社和其他從事農產品購銷的農業生產經營組織提供市場信息,開拓農產品流通渠道,為農產品銷售服務。

Article 28 The State encourages and supports the circulation of agricultural products in various forms. Support farmers and the specialized cooperative economic organizations of farmers to engage in purchase, wholesale, storage, transportation and retail of agricultural products and other intermediary activities in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State. It encourages the supply and marketing cooperatives and other agricultural production and operation organizations engaged in purchase and sale of agricultural products to provide market information and open up circulation channels for agricultural products in the service of the purchase and sale of such products.


People's governments at or above the county level shall take measures and urge the relevant departments to ensure unblocked transportation of agricultural products and to reduce the circulation costs for such products. The relevant administrative departments shall simplify procedures to facilitate the transportation of fresh and live farm products, they are not allowed to detain the means of transport for fresh and live farm products except where otherwise provided for in laws and administrative regulations.

第二十九條   國家支持發展農產品加工業和食品工業,增加農產品的附加值。縣級以上人民政府應當制定農產品加工業和食品工業發展規劃,引導農產品加工企業形成合理的區域布局和規模結構,扶持農民專業合作經濟組織和鄉鎮企業從事農產品加工和綜合開發利用。

Article 29 The State supports the development of the processing of agricultural products and the food industry in order to increase the added value of the products. People's governments at or above the county level shall formulate plans for the development of the processing of agricultural products and the food industry, provide guidance to the enterprises engaged in the processing of agricultural products, helping them form a rational regional layout and structure of scale, and support the specialized cooperative economic organizations of farmers and enterprises town and township enterprises in their efforts to engage in processing and comprehensive development and utilization of agricultural products.


The State establishes a well-defined quality standards for processed agricultural products, improves the means of inspection and testing and tightens control and supervision over quality safety during the processing of agricultural products, in order to guarantee food safety.

第三十條   國家鼓勵發展農產品進出口貿易。

Article 30 The State encourages the development of import and export trade of agricultural products.


The State takes measures for improving research in international markets and providing information and marketing services in order to promote the export of agricultural products.


An early warning system for the import of agricultural products shall be established for maintaining the order of production and marketing of and fair trade in agricultural products, so that the State may take the necessary measures when the import of certain agricultural products has already occasioned or is likely to occasion serious effect detrimental to the production of relevant agricultural products at home.

第五章 糧食安全

Chapter 5 Grain Safety

第三十一條   國家采取措施保護和提高糧食綜合生產能力,穩步提高糧食生產水平,保障糧食安全。

Article 31 The State takes measures to protect and enhance the comprehensive capacity for grain production, steadily to raise grain production level and to ensure gain safety.


The State establishes the system of protection for arable land and provides special protection to capital farm land according to law.

第三十二條   國家在政策、資金、技術等方面對糧食主產區給予重點扶持,建設穩定的商品糧生產基地,改善糧食收貯及加工設施,提高糧食主產區的糧食生產、加工水平和經濟效益。

Article 32 The State gives major assistance in terms of policy, funds and technology to the main grain producing areas, in order to build up stable bases for the production of commodity grains, improve grain storage and processing facilities and raise the grain production and processing level and increase the economic returns in the main grain producing areas.


The State supports the establishment of stable cooperative relations between the main grain producing areas and the main grain marketing areas.

第三十三條   在糧食的市場價格過低時,國務院可以決定對部分糧食品種實行保護價制度。保護價應當根據有利於保護農民利益、穩定糧食生產的原則確定。

Article 33 When the market price of grain is too low, the State Council may decide to introduce the protective price system for some varieties of grain. The protective price shall be set in accordance with the principle of protecting the interests of farmers and stabilizing grain production.


When farmers sell their grains in accordance with the protective price system, no purchasing units entrusted by the State may refuse to purchase them.


People's governments at or above the county level shall make arrangements for departments of finance, banking, etc. as well as purchasing units entrusted by the State to raise enough funds in time for the purchase of grain. No departments, units or individuals may withhold or misappropriate such funds.

第三十四條   國家建立糧食安全預警制度,采取措施保障糧食供給。國務院應當制定糧食安全保障目標與糧食儲備數量指標,並根據需要組織有關主管部門進行耕地、糧食庫存情況的核查。

Article 34 The State establishes an early warning system for grain safety and takes measures to guarantee the supply of grain. The State Council shall formulate the objective for ensuring grain safety and the quantity index for grain storage and, when necessary, make arrangements for the relevant competent departments to verify the fields cultivated and the grain stored.


The State applies a system for the regulation of grain storage at central and local levels and establishes a network for storage and transportation of grain. Enterprises to which the State assigns the task of grain storage shall, in accordance with the regulations of the State, guarantee the quantity and quality of the grain stored.

第三十五條   國家建立糧食風險基金,用於支持糧食儲備、穩定糧食市場和保護農民利益。

Article 35 The State establishes a risk fund for grain, which shall be used to support grain storage, stabilize grain markets and protect the interests of farmers.

第三十六條   國家提倡珍惜和節約糧食,並采取措施改善人民的食物營養結構。

Article 36 The State encourages people to value and economize on the use of grain, and takes measures to improve people's food nutrition patterns.

第六章 農業投入與支持保護

Chapter 6 Input to and Support and Protection of Agriculture

第三十七條   國家建立和完善農業支持保護體系,采取財政投入、稅收優惠、金融支持等措施,從資金投入、科研與技術推廣、教育培訓、農業生產資料供應、市場信息、質量標準、檢驗檢疫、社會化服務以及災害救助等方面扶持農民和農業生產經營組織發展農業生產,提高農民的收入水平。

Article 37 The State establishes a sound network for support and protection of agriculture, and takes such measures as financial investment, preferential taxation and banking assistance to support, in terms of fund input, scientific research and popularization of technology, education and training, supply of the means of agricultural production, market information, quality standard, test and quarantine, commercialized services and disaster relief, farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations in their efforts to develop agricultural production, in order to help increase the income of farmers.


On condition that the relevant international treaties concluded or acceded to by the State are not contravened, the State pursues a policy in support of the income of farmers, and the specific measures thereof shall be formulated by the State Council.

第三十八條   國家逐步提高農業投入的總體水平。中央和縣級以上地方財政每年對農業總投入的增長幅度應當高於其財政經常性收入的增長幅度。

Article 38 The State shall gradually increase the overall input to agriculture. The annual overall input to agriculture by the Central Government and the local governments at or above the county level shall be increased by a larger margin than their regular revenues respectively.


The various funds earmarked for agriculture in the financial budgets of the people's governments at various levels shall chiefly be used for the following: strengthening the construction of agricultural infrastructure; supporting readjustment of the agricultural structure and promoting industrial management of agriculture; protecting the overall production capacity of grain and ensuring safety of State grains; improving the system for animal and plant quarantine and epidemic prevention and prevention and control of animal epidemic diseases and plant diseases, insect pests, weeds and damage caused by rats; establishing a sound system for quality standards of agricultural products and supervisory system for quality inspection as well as networks for agricultural product markets and information service; supporting scientific research and education in agricultural, popularization of agricultural technology and training of farmers; strengthening the construction of projects for protection of agricultural ecological environment; supporting the development of poverty-stricken areas; ensuring the income level of farmers; and so on.


The investment made by the governments at or above the county level in capital construction in agriculture including crop- planting, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and irrigation and water conservancy shall be given overall consideration and increased in a coordinated manner.


The State increases its investment in agricultural development and protection of the ecological environment in the western region in order to speed up the development of the region.

第三十九條   縣級以上人民政府每年財政預算內安排的各項用於農業的資金應當及時足額撥付。各級人民政府應當加強對國家各項農業資金分配、使用過程的監督管理,保證資金安全,提高資金的使用效率。

Article 39 The various funds earmarked for agriculture in the annual financial budgets of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be appropriated in time and in full. People's governments at all levels shall tighten supervision over the allocation and use of the various funds earmarked by the State for agriculture, in order to guarantee safety of the funds and to raise their efficiency of use.


No unit or individual may withhold or misappropriate financial or credit funds to be used for agriculture. The auditing authorities shall, in accordance with law, exercise strict supervision over such funds through auditing.

第四十條   國家運用稅收、價格、信貸等手段,鼓勵和引導農民和農業生產經營組織增加農業生產經營性投入和小型農田水利等基本建設投入。

Article 40 The State, through taxation, pricing, credit and other means, encourages and guides farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations to increase investment in agricultural production and operation and in capital construction such as small irrigation and water conservancy projects.


The State encourages and supports farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations to raise agricultural funds in various forms on a voluntary basis and in accordance with law.

第四十一條   國家鼓勵社會資金投向農業,鼓勵企業事業單位、社會團體和個人捐資設立各種農業建設和農業科技、教育基金。

Article 41 The State encourages investment of public funds in agriculture and encourages enterprises and institutions, public organizations and individuals to donate money for setting up various funds for agricultural development, agricultural science and technology as well as education in agriculture.


The State takes measures to promote increased use of foreign funds in agriculture.

第四十二條   各級人民政府應當鼓勵和支持企業事業單位及其他各類經濟組織開展農業信息服務。

Article 42 People's governments at all levels shall encourage and support enterprises, institutions and other economic organizations of different types to provide information services to agriculture.


The competent administrative department for agriculture and the relevant departments under the people's governments at or above the county level shall establish a system for collecting, sorting out and publishing agricultural information, in order to provide timely services such as market information to farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations.

第四十三條   國家鼓勵和扶持農用工業的發展。

Article 43 The State encourages and supports the development of agro-industry.


The State, by such means as taxation and credit, encourages and supports the manufacture of and trade in the means of agricultural production in order to provide the material guaranteed for stable growth of agricultural production.


The State takes macro-regulation and -control measures to maintain a reasonable price ratio between agricultural products and the principal means of agricultural production such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural plastic films, agricultural machinery and diesel oil for agricultural use.

第四十四條   國家鼓勵供銷合作社、農村集體經濟組織、農民專業合作經濟組織、其他組織和個人發展多種形式的農業生產產前、產中、產後的社會化服務事業。縣級以上人民政府及其各有關部門應當采取措施對農業社會化服務事業給予支持。

Article 44 The State encourages the supply and marketing cooperatives, rural collective economic organizations, specialized cooperative economic organizations of farmers, other organizations and individuals to develop diversified forms of undertakings that provide commercialized services before, during and after the process of agricultural production. People's governments at or above the county level and the relevant departments under them shall take measures to provide support to undertakings that render commercialized services to agriculture.


The departments for agriculture, industry and commerce, transportation and public security and other relevant departments shall take measures to give support to units that provide trans regional commercialized services to agriculture.

第四十五條   國家建立健全農村金融體系,加強農村信用制度建設,加強農村金融監管。

Article 45 The State establishes a sound rural financial network, improves the rural credit system and tightens supervision over rural finance.


The financial institutions concerned shall take measures to increase input to credit, improve financial services in the countryside and extend credit in support of agricultural production and operation conducted by farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations.


Rural credit cooperatives shall adhere to their aims of serving agriculture, the farmers and economic development in rural areas and, in providing credit services, give priority to production and operation conducted by local farmers.


The State, by taking such measures as discount, encourages financial institutions to provide credit to the farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations engaged in agricultural production and operation.

第四十六條   國家建立和完善農業保險制度。

Article 46 The State establishes a sound insurance system for agriculture.


The State gradually establishes a sound policy-related insurance system for agriculture. It encourages and supports farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations to form mutual-aid cooperative insurance organizations in the service of agricultural production and operation, and encourages commercial insurance companies to conduct insurance business in agriculture.


The principle of voluntariness shall be practiced in agricultural insurance. No organizations or individuals may compel farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations to buy agricultural insurance.

第四十七條   各級人民政府應當采取措施,提高農業防禦自然災害的能力,做好防災、抗災和救災工作,幫助災民恢複生產,組織生產自救,開展社會互助互濟;對沒有基本生活保障的災民給予救濟和扶持。

Article 47 People's governments at all levels shall take measures to increase the capabilities of fighting against natural disasters in agriculture, do a good job of preventing and fighting against disasters and providing disaster relief, help victims to restore production, and encourage them to support themselves by engaging in production and give each other assistance; and they shall give relief and help to the victims who lack the basic living guarantee.

第七章 農業科技與農業教育

Chapter 7 Agricultural Science and Technology, and Agricultural Education

第四十八條   國務院和省級人民政府應當制定農業科技、農業教育發展規劃,發展農業科技、教育事業。

Article 48 The State Council and the people's governments at the provincial level shall make plans for the development of agricultural science and technology and education in agriculture to promote the undertakings of agricultural science and technology and education in agriculture.


People's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, steadily increase funds for agricultural science and technology and for education in agriculture.


The State encourages enterprises and other sectors of society to increase investment in agricultural science and technology and draws their attention to that direction, and encourages farmers, agricultural production and operation organizations, enterprises and institutions to sponsor agricultural science and technology and education undertakings in accordance with law.

第四十九條   國家保護植物新品種、農產品地理標志等知識產權,鼓勵和引導農業科研、教育單位加強農業科學技術的基礎研究和應用研究,傳播和普及農業科學技術知識,加速科技成果轉化與產業化,促進農業科學技術進步。

Article 49 The State protects such intellectual property rights as new varieties of plants and geographical marks of agricultural products, encourages and guides agricultural scientific research and education units to improve the basic research and application studies in agricultural science and technology, disseminate and popularize knowledge about agricultural science and technology, speed up the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and promote progress of agricultural science and technology.


The relevant departments under the State Council shall take charge of the tackling of key agricultural technologies. The State takes measures to promote international cooperation and exchange in agricultural science, technology and education, encourages the introduction of advanced foreign technologies.

第五十條   國家扶持農業技術推廣事業,建立政府扶持和市場引導相結合,有償與無償服務相結合,國家農業技術推廣機構和社會力量相結合的農業技術推廣體系,促使先進的農業技術盡快應用於農業生產。

Article 50 The State supports the popularization of agricultural techniques, and establishes the network for popularizing agricultural techniques, under which government support is combined with guidance by market forces, compensatory services are combined with gratuitous services and national institutions for popularizing agricultural techniques are combined with different sectors of society in order that advanced agricultural techniques may be applied to agricultural production as soon as possible.

第五十一條   國家設立的農業技術推廣機構應當以農業技術試驗示範基地為依托,承擔公共所需的關鍵性技術的推廣和示範等公益性職責,為農民和農業生產經營組織提供無償農業技術服務。

Article 51 Setups for popularizing agricultural techniques established by the State shall, relying on the pilot and demonstration bases for agricultural techniques, be in charge of popularizing and demonstrating key techniques and other public welfare duties, which are needed by the public, and provide gratuitous agricultural technology services to farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations.


People's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the need for the development of agricultural production, stabilize and strengthen the contingent for popularization of agricultural techniques, and guarantee funds for the setups working for popularization of such techniques.


People's governments at various levels shall, in accordance with relevant State regulations, take measures to ensure and improve the working conditions, salaries and other benefits, and the living conditions of the scientific and technological professionals engaged in popularization of agricultural techniques, in order to encourage them to contribute their services to agriculture.

第五十二條   農業科研單位、有關學校、農民專業合作社、涉農企業、群眾性科技組織及有關科技人員,根據農民和農業生產經營組織的需要,可以提供無償服務,也可以通過技術轉讓、技術服務、技術承包、技術諮詢和技術入股等形式,提供有償服務,取得合法收益。農業科研單位、有關學校、農民專業合作社、涉農企業、群眾性科技組織及有關科技人員應當提高服務水平,保證服務質量。

Article 52 Units of agricultural scientific research, relevant schools, specialized farmers cooperatives, agriculture-related enterprises, mass organizations of science and technology and scientists and technicians may, on the basis of the need of farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations, provide gratuitous services, or provide compensatory services for legitimate earnings through transfer of technologies, technical services, technical contract, technical consultation, buying shares with technologies, etc. Institutions of agricultural scientific research, relevant schools, specialized farmers cooperatives, agriculture-related enterprises, mass organizations of science and technology and scientists and technicians concerned shall raise the level of their services and guarantee the quality of their services.


The State shall afford preferential treatments in respect of taxation, credit and loan to enterprises sponsored in the service of agriculture by units of agricultural scientific research, relevant schools or setups for popularization of agricultural techniques.


The State encourages farmers, supply and marketing cooperatives and other enterprises and institutions to participate in popularization of agricultural techniques.

第五十三條   國家建立農業專業技術人員繼續教育制度。縣級以上人民政府農業行政主管部門會同教育、人事等有關部門制定農業專業技術人員繼續教育計劃,並組織實施。

Article 53 The State establishes the system of continuing education for agricultural professional technicians. The competent administrative department for agriculture under the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments of education and personnel, work out plans for continuing education for agricultural professional technicians, and make arrangements to carry them out.

第五十四條   國家在農村依法實施義務教育,並保障義務教育經費。國家在農村舉辦的普通中小學校教職工工資由縣級人民政府按照國家規定統一發放,校舍等教學設施的建設和維護經費由縣級人民政府按照國家規定統一安排。

Article 54 The State sees that compulsory education is conducted in rural areas according to law, and guarantees the funds for such education. The salaries of the teaching and administrative staff of regular primary and secondary schools run by the State shall be distributed in a unified manner by people's governments at the county level according to the regulations of the State, and the funds for building and maintaining teaching facilities, including schoolhouses, shall be arranged in a unified manner by the said people's government according to the said regulations.

第五十五條   國家發展農業職業教育。國務院有關部門按照國家職業資格證書制度的統一規定,開展農業行業的職業分類、職業技能鑒定工作,管理農業行業的職業資格證書。

Article 55 The State develops vocational education in agriculture. The relevant departments under the State Council shall, in accordance with the unified regulations of the State on the professional qualification certificate system, classify the professions and verify professional competence in agriculture, and administer professional qualification certificates in agriculture.

第五十六條   國家采取措施鼓勵農民采用先進的農業技術,支持農民舉辦各種科技組織,開展農業實用技術培訓、農民綠色證書培訓和其他就業培訓,提高農民的文化技術素質。

Article 56 The State takes measures to encourage farmers to apply advanced agricultural techniques, support them to form various kinds of scientific and technological organizations, and conduct training in applied agricultural technology, training among farmers for green certificates and training for employment, in order to enhance the cultural and technical qualifications of farmers.

第八章 農業資源與農業環境保護

Chapter 8 Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Environmental Protection

第五十七條   發展農業和農村經濟必須合理利用和保護土地、水、森林、草原、野生動植物等自然資源,合理開發和利用水能、沼氣、太陽能、風能等可再生能源和清潔能源,發展生態農業,保護和改善生態環境。

Article 57 In the development of agriculture and the rural economy, attention shall be paid to the rational use and protection of the natural resources, such as the land, water, forests, grasslands and wild animals and plants, to the rational development and use of renewable and clean sources of energy such as hydro-energy, marsh gas, solar energy and wind energy, to the development of ecological agriculture, and to the protection and improvement of the ecological environment.


People's governments at or above the county level shall work out regional division for agricultural resources or for regional rational use and protection of agricultural resources, and establish a monitoring system for agricultural resources.

第五十八條   農民和農業生產經營組織應當保養耕地,合理使用化肥、農藥、農用薄膜,增加使用有機肥料,采用先進技術,保護和提高地力,防止農用地的汙染、破壞和地力衰退。

Article 58 Farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations shall keep their arable land well-maintained, make rational use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural plastic films, increase the application of organic fertilizers and apply advanced techniques, in order to protect and improve soil fertility and prevent the land for agriculture from pollution, destruction and soil fertility declination.


The competent administrative departments for agriculture under the people's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to support farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations in their efforts to improve the quality of the arable land, and regularly monitor the quality of such land.

第五十九條   各級人民政府應當采取措施,加強小流域綜合治理,預防和治理水土流失。從事可能引起水土流失的生產建設活動的單位和個人,必須采取預防措施,並負責治理因生產建設活動造成的水土流失。

Article 59 People's governments at various levels shall take measures to improve the comprehensive rehabilitation of small river basins, and to prevent and control soil erosion. Units and individuals engaged in production or construction which may cause soil erosion shall take preventive measures, and shall be responsible for the control of soil erosion caused by production or construction.


People's governments at all levels shall take measures to prevent and control sand encroachment upon land. The State Council and the local people's governments at or above the county level located in desertified regions shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws, draw up plans for prevention and control of desertification and make arrangements to carry them out.

第六十條   國家實行全民義務植樹制度。各級人民政府應當采取措施,組織群眾植樹造林,保護林地和林木,預防森林火災,防治森林病蟲害,制止濫伐、盜伐林木,提高森林覆蓋率。

Article 60 The State applies the system of compulsory tree-planting in the whole nation. People's governments at all levels shall take measures and make arrangements for the masses to plant trees, to protect forestland and forests, to prevent forest fires, to prevent and control plant diseases and insect pests in forests, to put a stop to denudation and illegal felling of trees, and to increase forest coverage.


The State applies in the natural forests preservation zones the system under which felling of trees is prohibited or restricted, and improves afforestation and the protection of forests.

第六十一條   有關地方人民政府,應當加強草原的保護、建設和管理,指導、組織農(牧)民和農(牧)業生產經營組織建設人工草場、飼草飼料基地和改良天然草原,實行以草定畜,控制載畜量,推行劃區輪牧、休牧和禁牧制度,保護草原植被,防止草原退化沙化和鹽渍化。

Article 61 The local people's governments concerned shall strengthen protection, development and management of grasslands, guide and make arrangements for farmers (herdsmen) and agricultural (animal husbandry) production and operation organizations to build artificial pastures, bases of forage grass and fodder and improve natural grasslands, carry out the principle of basing the number of animal raised on the grass available, keep the number of animals fed under control, introduce the system of regional rotation grazing, closed grazing and prohibition against grazing, protect the vegetation of grasslands and prevent the grasslands from degeneration, encroachment by sand, and salinization.

第六十二條   禁止毀林毀草開墾、燒山開墾以及開墾國家禁止開墾的陡坡地,已經開墾的應當逐步退耕還林、還草。

Article 62 Destruction of forests and grass and burning of mountain vegetation for land reclamation and reclamation of slopes banned by the State are prohibited; and where such land has already been reclaimed, it shall gradually be restored to forests or grasslands.


Reclaiming land from a lake and reclaiming land from wetland prohibited by the State shall be prohibited. Where such land is already reclaimed, it shall gradually be restored to the lakes and wetland.


Farmers who restore reclaimed land within the scope of plans approved by the State Council shall be given subsidies in accordance with the regulations of the State.

第六十三條   各級人民政府應當采取措施,依法執行捕撈限額和禁漁、休漁制度,增殖漁業資源,保護漁業水域生態環境。

Article 63 People's governments at all levels shall take measures to implement, in accordance with law, the system of fishing norms, fishing prohibition and closed fishing, in order to propagate fishery resources and protect ecological environment of fishery waters.


The State provides guidance to and supports farmers (fishermen) and the agricultural (fishery) production and operation organizations engaged in fishing to take up aquaculture or other occupations; and the farmers (fishermen) who change the line of production or are transferred to other jobs on the basis of unified plans of the local people's governments shall be given subsidies in accordance with the regulations of the State.

第六十四條   國家建立與農業生產有關的生物物種資源保護制度,保護生物多樣性,對稀有、瀕危、珍貴生物資源及其原生地實行重點保護。從境外引進生物物種資源應當依法進行登記或者審批,並采取相應安全控制措施。

Article 64 The State establishes the system of protection for the resources of biological species related to agricultural production in order to protect the variety of organisms, laying emphasis on the resources of organisms which are rare, endangered, or precious, and on their origins. Resources of biological species introduced from abroad shall, according to law, be registered or be subject to examination and approval, and appropriate safety and control measures shall be taken.


With respect to research, experiment, production, processing, operation and other application of agricultural genetically modified organisms, all the safety and control measures shall be enforced strictly in accordance with the regulations of the State.

第六十五條   各級農業行政主管部門應當引導農民和農業生產經營組織采取生物措施或者使用高效低毒低殘留農藥、獸藥,防治動植物病、蟲、雜草、鼠害。

Article 65 The competent administrative departments for agriculture at all levels shall provide guidance to farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations in their adoption of biological measures or use of highly effective, low-toxic and low-residual pesticides and veterinary medicines to prevent and control animal and plant diseases, insect pests, weeds and damage by rats.


Straws and other residual materials after the reaping of agricultural products shall comprehensively be utilized and properly disposed of in order to prevent environmental pollution and ecological destruction.


Units and individuals engaged in raising livestock and poultry in scale shall conduct decontamination or make comprehensive utilization of their excrements and urines, waste water and other waste materials; and units and individuals engaged in aquaculture shall rationally use feedings, fertilizers and medicines in order to prevent environmental pollution and ecological destruction.

第六十六條   縣級以上人民政府應當采取措施,督促有關單位進行治理,防治廢水、廢氣和固體廢棄物對農業生態環境的汙染。排放廢水、廢氣和固體廢棄物造成農業生態環境汙染事故的,由環境保護行政主管部門或者農業行政主管部門依法調查處理;給農民和農業生產經營組織造成損失的,有關責任者應當依法賠償。

Article 66 People's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to urge the relevant units to prevent and control pollution of the agricultural ecological environment by waste water and gas and solid waste materials. Where a unit discharges waste water or gas or solid waste materials and thus causes pollution of the agricultural ecological environment, the competent department of environment protection administration or for agriculture shall, in accordance with laws, investigate the matter and handle it; and if losses are caused to farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations, the person responsible for such losses shall pay compensation according to law.

第九章 農民權益保護

Chapter 9 Protection of FarmersInterests

第六十七條   任何機關或者單位向農民或者農業生產經營組織收取行政、事業性費用必須依據法律、法規的規定。收費的項目、範圍和標準應當公布。沒有法律、法規依據的收費,農民和農業生產經營組織有權拒絕。

Article 67 Any government department or unit that collects administrative or operating charges from farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations shall do so in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. The items, scopes and rates of such charges shall be made public. Farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse to pay any charges for which there are no laws or regulations to go by.


Any government department or unit that is to impose fines on farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations shall do so in accordance with the provisions of laws, rules and regulations. Farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse to pay any fines for which there are no laws, rules or regulations to go by.


No apportionment shall be made by any State organs or units to peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations in any form. Any demand made by any government department or unit, by any means, on farmers or agricultural production or operation organizations for manpower, financial or material resources shall be regarded as an apportionment, except where otherwise provided for in laws or regulations. Farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse any apportionment in any form.

第六十八條   各級人民政府及其有關部門和所屬單位不得以任何方式向農民或者農業生產經營組織集資。

Article 68 People's governments at various levels and the relevant departments or units under them shall not, by any means, raise funds from among farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations.


No government departments or unit may conduct, without laws or regulations to go by or without approval by the State Council, conduct any form of activities in the countryside for reaching a certain standard, for upgrading or for accepting a project after inspection.

第六十九條   農民和農業生產經營組織依照法律、行政法規的規定承擔納稅義務。稅務機關及代扣、代收稅款的單位應當依法征稅,不得違法攤派稅款及以其他違法方法征稅。

Article 69 Farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, have the obligation to pay taxes. Taxation departments and the units that withhold or collect taxes on behalf of the said governments shall levy taxes according to law and are not allowed to apportion taxes in violation of law or levy taxes by other illegal means.

第七十條   農村義務教育除按國務院規定收取的費用外,不得向農民和學生收取其他費用。禁止任何機關或者單位通過農村中小學校向農民收費。

Article 70 With respect to compulsory education in rural areas, except for fees collected in accordance with the regulations of the State Council, no other fees may be collected from farmers and students. Government departments and units are prohibited from collecting fees from farmers through rural primary and secondary schools.

第七十一條   國家依法征收農民集體所有的土地,應當保護農民和農村集體經濟組織的合法權益,依法給予農民和農村集體經濟組織征地補償,任何單位和個人不得截留、挪用征地補償費用。

Article 71 When, in accordance with law, requisitioning land collectively owned by farmers, the State protects the legitimate rights and interests of the farmers and rural collective economic organizations and, in accordance with law, give them compensation for the land requisitioned, which no unit or individual may withhold or misappropriate.

第七十二條   各級人民政府、農村集體經濟組織或者村民委員會在農業和農村經濟結構調整、農業產業化經營和土地承包經營權流轉等過程中,不得侵犯農民的土地承包經營權,不得幹涉農民自主安排的生產經營項目,不得強迫農民購買指定的生產資料或者按指定的渠道銷售農產品。

Article 72 In the course of the agricultural and rural economic restructuring, the industrialization of agricultural operation and the transfer of the right to land contractual management, no people's government at any level, rural collective economic organization or villagers committee may infringe upon the farmers' right to land contractual management, interfere with the items of production and operation arranged by the farmers themselves, or compel the farmers to buy the means of production designated by it or to sell their agricultural products through the channels designated by it.

第七十三條   農村集體經濟組織或者村民委員會為發展生產或者興辦公益事業,需要向其成員(村民)籌資籌勞的,應當經成員(村民)會議或者成員(村民)代表會議過半數通過後,方可進行。

Article 73 Where rural collective economic organizations or villagers committees need to raise funds or obtain manpower from their members (villagers) for the development of production or initiation of public welfare undertakings, the matter shall be subject to adoption by a simple majority of the members (villagers) assembly or the members (villagers) representative assembly.


Where rural collective economic organizations or villagers committees raise funds or obtain manpower in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they are not allowed to exceed the ceiling of the control norm fixed by the people's governments at or above the provincial level, and compulsory substitution of funds for manpower is prohibited.


Rural collective economic organizations and villagers committees shall make known to farmers important matters that have a bearing on the interests of the farmers and regularly publish their financial accounts to accept supervision by the farmers.

第七十四條   任何單位和個人向農民或者農業生產經營組織提供生產、技術、信息、文化、保險等有償服務,必須堅持自願原則,不得強迫農民和農業生產經營組織接受服務。

Article 74 Any unit or individual that provided compensatory services in respect of production, technology, information, culture, insurance, etc. to farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations shall adhere to the principle of voluntariness, and is not allowed to compel farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations to accept such services.

第七十五條   農產品收購單位在收購農產品時,不得壓級壓價,不得在支付的價款中扣繳任何費用。法律、行政法規規定代扣、代收稅款的,依照法律、行政法規的規定辦理。

Article 75 When purchasing agricultural products, no purchasing units may force down the grade or price or withhold any fees from the money paid. Any withholding of taxes to be made under laws or administrative rules and regulations shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws or administrative rules and regulations.


Where a dispute arises over the grade of quality of agricultural products between the unit purchasing the agricultural products and the seller of the products, they may entrust a statutory qualified authority for quality inspection of agricultural products with the inspection of the products.

第七十六條   農業生產資料使用者因生產資料質量問題遭受損失的,出售該生產資料的經營者應當予以賠償,賠償額包括購貨價款、有關費用和可得利益損失。

Article 76 Where a user of the means of agricultural production suffers losses due to the dubious quality of the means of production, seller of such means of production shall pay the user compensation, and the amount of compensation shall include the purchasing price, the relevant expenses and the losses of the benefits available.

第七十七條   農民或者農業生產經營組織為維護自身的合法權益,有向各級人民政府及其有關部門反映情況和提出合法要求的權利,人民政府及其有關部門對農民或者農業生產經營組織提出的合理要求,應當按照國家規定及時給予答複。

Article 77 Farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations shall, for the purpose of safeguarding their own legitimate rights and interests, have the right to report what happens and put forth their lawful requests to people's governments at different levels and the relevant departments, and the people's governments and the relevant departments shall, in accordance with the regulations of the State and without delay, give replies to the reasonable requests put forth by the farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations.

第七十八條   違反法律規定,侵犯農民權益的,農民或者農業生產經營組織可以依法申請行政複議或者向人民法院提起訴訟,有關人民政府及其有關部門或者人民法院應當依法受理。

Article 78 Where the rights and interests of farmers are infringed upon in violation of the provisions of laws, the farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations may, according to law, apply for administrative reconsideration or bring a lawsuit in the People's Court; and the relevant people's governments and departments or the People's Court shall accept the case according to law.


People's courts and competent administrative organs of justice shall provide legal assistance to farmers in accordance with relevant regulations.

第十章 農村經濟發展

Chapter 10 Development of Rural Economy

第七十九條   國家堅持城鄉協調發展的方針,扶持農村第二、第三產業發展,調整和優化農村經濟結構,增加農民收入,促進農村經濟全面發展,逐步縮小城鄉差別。

Article 79 The State upholds the principle of coordinated development of town and country, supports and helps the development of the secondary and tertiary industries in the rural areas, and readjusts and optimizes the rural economic structure, in order to help increase the income of farmers, promote the all-round development of the rural economy and gradually narrow the difference between town and country.

第八十條   各級人民政府應當采取措施,發展鄉鎮企業,支持農業的發展,轉移富餘的農業勞動力。

Article 80 People's governments at all levels shall take measures to develop enterprises in townships and towns, support agricultural development and transfer the surplus labor force in agriculture to other fields of endeavor.


The State improves the supporting measures for the development of town and township enterprises, and guides the enterprises to optimize their structure, update their technologies and enhance their qualification.

第八十一條   縣級以上地方人民政府應當根據當地的經濟發展水平、區位優勢和資源條件,按照合理布局、科學規劃、節約用地的原則,有重點地推進農村小城鎮建設。

Article 81 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the level of local economic development, the advantages of their location and the conditions of resources, promote the building of small rural cities and towns, giving priority to selected ones and acting on the principles of rational geographic distribution, scientific planning and economy in the use of land.


Local people's governments at various levels shall attach importance to the application of the market mechanism, improve the relevant policies, attract investment by farmers and public funds in the development and building of small towns and the development of the secondary and tertiary industries, and provide guidance to town and township enterprises in order that they develop in a relatively concentrated manner.

第八十二條   國家采取措施引導農村富餘勞動力在城鄉、地區間合理有序流動。地方各級人民政府依法保護進入城鎮就業的農村勞動力的合法權益,不得設置不合理限制,已經設置的應當取消。

Article 82 The State takes measures to guide the rational and orderly flow of the surplus rural labor force between cities and the countryside and among different regions. Local people's governments at all levels shall, according to law, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the rural workers who get employed in cities and towns, and they are not allowed to establish unreasonable restrictions, and they shall remove such restrictions, if established.

第八十三條   國家逐步完善農村社會救濟制度,保障農村五保戶、貧困殘疾農民、貧困老年農民和其他喪失勞動能力的農民的基本生活。

Article 83 The State gradually improves the public relief system in the rural areas and guarantees the basic living standards of the households of infirm and childless old people enjoying the five guarantees (namely, food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses), poor disabled farmers, poor aged farmers and other farmers who have lost the ability to work.

第八十四條   國家鼓勵、支持農民鞏固和發展農村合作醫療和其他醫療保障形式,提高農民健康水平。

Article 84 The State encourages and supports farmers to consolidate and expand rural cooperative medical service and other medical guarantee forms in order to foster farmers' health.

第八十五條   國家扶持貧困地區改善經濟發展條件,幫助進行經濟開發。省級人民政府根據國家關於扶持貧困地區的總體目標和要求,制定扶貧開發規劃,並組織實施。

Article 85 The State supports and helps poverty-stricken areas to improve the conditions of their economic development and assists them to develop their economy. People's governments at the provincial level shall, on the basis of the State's overall objective of and requirements for supporting and helping the poverty-stricken areas, draw up plans for alleviating poverty through development, and make arrangements for their implementation.


People's governments at all levels shall adhere to the developmental principle in helping alleviate poverty, making arrangements for farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations in poverty-stricken areas to rationally use the funds for fighting poverty and lift themselves from poverty and backwardness by relying on their own efforts, and guide farmers in poverty-stricken areas to readjust their economic structure and develop their local resources. In alleviating poverty through development, they shall uphold the principle of combining with the protection of resources and ecological development and promote the coordinated economic development and all-round social progress in the poverty-stricken areas.

第八十六條   中央和省級財政應當把扶貧開發投入列入年度財政預算,並逐年增加,加大對貧困地區的財政轉移支付和建設資金投入。

Article 86 The Central and provincial governments shall include their input to the fight against poverty throw development in their fiscal financial budgets, and keep increasing such input year by year, and increase the transfer of payments and the input of construction funds for the poverty-stricken areas.


The State encourages and supports financial institutions, other enterprises and institutions and individuals to invest funds in the development and construction of the poverty-stricken areas.


All units and individuals are prohibited from withholding and misappropriating the funds earmarked for the fight against poverty. Audit institutions shall tighten supervision over such funds through auditing.

第十一章 執法監督

Chapter 11 Supervision over Law Enforcement

第八十七條   縣級以上人民政府應當采取措施逐步完善適應社會主義市場經濟發展要求的農業行政管理體制。

Article 87 People's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to gradually improve the agricultural administration system to meet the requirements for the development of the socialist market economy.


The competent administrative departments for agriculture under the people's governments at or above the county level and the relevant competent administrative departments shall rigorously perform their duties of planning, guidance, administration, coordination, supervision and service, exercise their functions according to law and enforce laws impartially.


The competent administrative departments for agriculture under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, within the limits of their duties, build up the contingent of personnel for administrative enforcement of laws and carry out comprehensive law-enforcement, in order to enhance the efficiency and level of law-enforcement.

第八十八條   縣級以上人民政府農業行政主管部門及其執法人員履行執法監督檢查職責時,有權采取下列措施:

Article 88 The competent administrative departments for agriculture under the local people's governments at or above the county level and their law enforcement officials shall have the right to take the following measures when performing their duties of law enforcement, supervision and inspection:


1. Requiring the entity or individual under inspection to make explanations and provide relevant documents, certificates, licenses, etc.;


(II) ordering the unit or individual under inspection to desist from violating this Law and to perform their statutory obligations.


When performing their duties of supervision and inspection, law enforcement officials in charge of agricultural administration shall show their papers of administrative law enforcement to the units or individuals under inspection and observe the procedure for law enforcement. The units or individuals concerned shall cooperate with the law enforcement officials in charge of agricultural administration who are performing their duties according to law, and they are not allowed to refuse to do so or obstruct such performance.

第八十九條   農業行政主管部門與農業生產、經營單位必須在機構、人員、財務上徹底分離。農業行政主管部門及其工作人員不得參與和從事農業生產經營活動。

Article 89 The competent departments of agriculture administration shall completely be separated from agricultural production or management units in terms of organization, personnel and finance. The competent administrative departments for agriculture and their staff members may not participate or be engaged in agricultural production or operation.

第十二章 法律責任

Chapter 12 Legal Liabilities

第九十條   違反本法規定,侵害農民和農業生產經營組織的土地承包經營權等財產權或者其他合法權益的,應當停止侵害,恢複原狀;造成損失、損害的,依法承擔賠償責任。

Article 90 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, infringes upon such property rights of farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations as the right to land contractual management or other legitimate rights and interests of theirs shall cease such infringement and restore the original state; and if losses or damages are caused, he shall bear the responsibility to pay compensation according to law.


Any State functionary who, taking advantage of his position or under other guise, infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations shall make compensation for losses, and shall be given administrative sanctions by the unit he belongs to or the competent authority at a higher level.

第九十一條   違反本法第十九條、第二十五條、第六十二條、第七十一條規定的,依照相關法律或者行政法規的規定予以處罰。

Article 91 Any unit or individual that violates the provisions in Articles 19, 25, 62 and 71 of this Law shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations.

第九十二條   有下列行為之一的,由上級主管機關責令限期歸還被截留、挪用的資金,沒收非法所得,並由上級主管機關或者所在單位給予直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:

Article 92 Any unit or individual that commits one of the following acts shall be ordered by the competent authority at a higher level to return the funds withheld or misappropriated within a time limit, its/his illegal gains shall be confiscated, and the persons directly in charge and the other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions by the competent authority at a higher level or by the unit they belong to; and if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law:


1. in violation of the provisions in the third paragraph of Article 33 of this Law, withholding or misappropriating funds for purchasing grain;


2. in violation of the provisions in the second paragraph of Article 39 of this Law, withholding or misappropriating financial or credit funds to be used for agriculture; or


(III) in violation of the provisions in the third paragraph of Article 86 of this Law, withholding or misappropriating funds for the fight against poverty.

第九十三條   違反本法第六十七條規定,向農民或者農業生產經營組織違法收費、罰款、攤派的,上級主管機關應當予以制止,並予公告;已經收取錢款或者已經使用人力、物力的,由上級主管機關責令限期歸還已經收取的錢款或者折價償還已經使用的人力、物力,並由上級主管機關或者所在單位給予直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員行政處分;情節嚴重,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 93 Any government department or unit that, in violation of the provisions in Article 67 of this Law, collects fees from, or imposes fines upon, or apportions costs among farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations shall be stopped by the competent authority at a higher level and be made known to the public; where money has already been collected, or human or material resources have already been used, the said authority shall order it to return, within a time limit, the money collected or pay compensation at market price for the human or material resources used, and the persons directly in charge and the other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions by the competent authority at a higher level or the unit they belong to; and if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

第九十四條   有下列行為之一的,由上級主管機關責令停止違法行為,並給予直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員行政處分,責令退還違法收取的集資款、稅款或者費用:

Article 94 Any government department or unit that commits one of the following acts shall be ordered by the competent authority at a higher level to cease the unlawful act, the persons directly in charge and the other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions, and the department or unit shall be ordered to return the funds raised, the taxes paid or the fees collected illegally:


1. in violation of the provisions in Article 68 of this Law, raising funds, conducting activities for reaching a certain standard, for upgrading, or for accepting a project after inspection in the countryside;


(II) in violation of the provisions in Article 69 of this Law, levying taxes on farmers by illegitimate means; or


(III) in violation of the provisions in Article 70 of this Law, collecting fees from farmers in excess of the quotas and items through rural primary and secondary schools.

第九十五條   違反本法第七十三條第二款規定,強迫農民以資代勞的,由鄉(鎮)人民政府責令改正,並退還違法收取的資金。

Article 95 Any rural collective economic organization or villagers committee that, in violation of the provisions in the second paragraph of Article 73 of this Law, compels farmers to substitute funds for manpower shall be ordered by the people's government of the township (town) concerned to rectify, and return the funds illegitimately collected.

第九十六條   違反本法第七十四條規定,強迫農民和農業生產經營組織接受有償服務的,由有關人民政府責令改正,並返還其違法收取的費用;情節嚴重的,給予直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員行政處分;造成農民和農業生產經營組織損失的,依法承擔賠償責任。

Article 96 Any unit or individual that, in violation of the provisions in Article 74 of this Law, compels farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations to accept compensatory services shall be ordered by the people's government concerned to rectify and return the fees illegitimately collected; if the circumstances are serious, the persons directly in charge and the other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions; and if losses are caused to the farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations, it/he shall bear the responsibility to pay compensation according to law.

第九十七條   縣級以上人民政府農業行政主管部門的工作人員違反本法規定參與和從事農業生產經營活動的,依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 97 Any staff member of the competent administrative department for agriculture under the people's government at or above the county level, in violation of the provisions of this Law, participates or engages in activities of agricultural production and operation shall be given administrative sanctions; and if a crime is constituted, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.


Chapter 13 Supplementary Provisions

第九十八條   本法有關農民的規定,適用於國有農場、牧場、林場、漁場等企業事業單位實行承包經營的職工。

Article 98 The provisions of this Law concerning farmers shall be applicable to the staff members and workers who carry out contractual operations in such enterprises and institutions as State-owned farms, livestock farms, tree farms and fish farms.

第九十九條   本法自200331日起施行。

Article 99 This Law shall go into effect as of March 1, 2003.


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