


Law of the People's Republic of China on Mediation and Arbitration of Labor Disputes


Presidential Decree No. 80


The Law of the People's Republic of China on Mediation and Arbitration of Labor Disputes, adopted at the 31st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 29, 2007, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of May 1, 2008.

中華人民共和國主席 胡錦濤

President Hu Jintao


December 29, 2007


(Adopted at the 31st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on December 29, 2007)

目 錄


  第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 調解

Chapter 2 Mediation

  第三章 仲裁

Chapter 3 Arbitration

    第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

    第二節 申請和受理

Section 2 Application and Acceptance

    第三節 開庭和裁決

Section 3 Hearings and Awards

  第四章 附則

Chapter 4 Supplementary Provisions


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了公正及時解決勞動爭議,保護當事人合法權益,促進勞動關系和諧穩定,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of resolving labour disputes equitably and promptly, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned, and promoting harmonious and stable labour relationships.

第二條   中華人民共和國境內的用人單位與勞動者發生的下列勞動爭議,適用本法:

Article 2 This Law shall be applicable to the following labor disputes between employing units and laborers within the territory of the People's Republic of China:


1. disputes arising from the confirmation of labor relations;


2. disputes arising from the conclusion, performance, modification, rescission or termination of labor contracts; and


3. disputes arising from name removal, dismissal, resignation or departure;


(IV) Disputes arising out of working hours, rest and vacation, social insurance, welfare, training and labor protection;


(V) disputes arising from labor remunerations, work-related injury medical expenses, economic compensation or damages; and


(VI) other labor disputes prescribed by laws and regulations.

第三條   解決勞動爭議,應當根據事實,遵循合法、公正、及時、著重調解的原則,依法保護當事人的合法權益。

Article 3 The settlement of a labor dispute shall be based on facts and follow the principle of legality, impartiality, timeliness and mediation-oriented so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties in accordance with the law.

第四條   發生勞動爭議,勞動者可以與用人單位協商,也可以請工會或者第三方共同與用人單位協商,達成和解協議。

Article 4 In the event of a labour dispute, the worker may negotiate with the employer, or request the labour union or a third party to negotiate with the employer and reach a settlement agreement.

第五條   發生勞動爭議,當事人不願協商、協商不成或者達成和解協議後不履行的,可以向調解組織申請調解;不願調解、調解不成或者達成調解協議後不履行的,可以向勞動爭議仲裁委員會申請仲裁;對仲裁裁決不服的,除本法另有規定的外,可以向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 5 Where a labor dispute arises, the parties are not willing to have a consultation, the consultation fails or the settlement agreement is reached but not performed, an application for mediation may be made to a mediation organization. Where the parties are not willing to mediate, the mediation fails or the mediation agreement is reached but not performed, an application for arbitration may be made to the labor dispute arbitration commission. Where there is objection to the arbitral award, litigation may be initiated to a people's court unless otherwise specified herein.

第六條   發生勞動爭議,當事人對自己提出的主張,有責任提供證據。與爭議事項有關的證據屬於用人單位掌握管理的,用人單位應當提供;用人單位不提供的,應當承擔不利後果。

Article 6 Where a labor dispute arises, the parties have the responsibility to provide evidence for their own claims. Where the evidence relevant to the dispute is in the possession and management of the employer unit, the employer unit shall produce the evidence. Where the employer unit refuses to produce it, the unit shall bear the adverse consequence.

第七條   發生勞動爭議的勞動者一方在十人以上,並有共同請求的,可以推舉代表參加調解、仲裁或者訴訟活動。

Article 7 Where the party in a labour dispute consists of 10 workers or more, and they have a common request, they may elect a representative to participate in mediation, arbitration or litigation activities.

第八條   縣級以上人民政府勞動行政部門會同工會和企業方面代表建立協調勞動關系三方機制,共同研究解決勞動爭議的重大問題。

Article 8 The labour administration authorities of People's Governments of county level and above shall, jointly with the labour unions and enterprise representatives, establish a tripartite labour relationship coordination mechanism to jointly study and resolve significant labour disputes.

第九條   用人單位違反國家規定,拖欠或者未足額支付勞動報酬,或者拖欠工傷醫療費、經濟補償或者賠償金的,勞動者可以向勞動行政部門投訴,勞動行政部門應當依法處理。

Article 9 Where an employer, in violation of State regulations, defaults in the payment of labour remuneration or fails to pay it in full, or defaults in the payment of medical expenses for job-related injury, economic compensation or damages, the worker concerned may make a complaint to the administrative department of labour, which shall handle the complaint in accordance with law.

第二章 調

Chapter 2 Mediation

第十條   發生勞動爭議,當事人可以到下列調解組織申請調解:

Article 10 Where a labor dispute arises, the parties may apply for mediation to the following mediation organizations:


1. Enterprise labor dispute mediation commission;


2. grassroots people's mediation organizations established in accordance with the law;


(III) Organizations with the function of labor dispute mediation established in townships or sub-districts.


The enterprise labor dispute mediation commission shall be composed of representatives of employees and of the enterprise. The representatives of employees shall be trade union members or be elected by all employees, and the representatives of the enterprise shall be designated by the responsible person of the enterprise. The chairman of the enterprise labor dispute mediation commission shall be a trade union member or a person recommended by both parties.

第十一條   勞動爭議調解組織的調解員應當由公道正派、聯系群眾、熱心調解工作,並具有一定法律知識、政策水平和文化水平的成年公民擔任。

Article 11 The mediators of labor dispute mediation organizations shall be adult citizens who are impartial, connected with the masses, enthusiastic in mediation work, and have certain legal knowledge, policy level and cultural level.

第十二條   當事人申請勞動爭議調解可以書面申請,也可以口頭申請。口頭申請的,調解組織應當當場記錄申請人基本情況、申請調解的爭議事項、理由和時間。

Article 12 To apply for mediation of a labour dispute, the parties may apply in writing or orally. In the case of an oral application, the mediation organisation shall record the basic information of the applicant, the disputed matter for which the mediation application is made, the reason and time on the spot.

第十三條   調解勞動爭議,應當充分聽取雙方當事人對事實和理由的陳述,耐心疏導,幫助其達成協議。

Article 13 When mediating labour disputes, the mediator shall pay full heed to the facts and reasons stated by both parties, persuade them with patience and help them reach an agreement.

第十四條   經調解達成協議的,應當制作調解協議書。

Article 14 Where an agreement is reached upon mediation, a mediation agreement shall be prepared.


The mediation agreement shall be signed or sealed by both parties, and signed by the mediator and sealed by the mediation organisation to take effect. It shall be binding on both parties and performed by them.


Where no mediation agreement is reached within 15 days from the date the labour-dispute mediation institution receives the application for mediation, the parties may apply for arbitration in accordance with law.

第十五條   達成調解協議後,一方當事人在協議約定期限內不履行調解協議的,另一方當事人可以依法申請仲裁。

Article 15 After the mediation agreement is reached, if one party fails to perform the agreement within the time limit prescribed in the agreement, the other party may apply for arbitration according to law.

第十六條   因支付拖欠勞動報酬、工傷醫療費、經濟補償或者賠償金事項達成調解協議,用人單位在協議約定期限內不履行的,勞動者可以持調解協議書依法向人民法院申請支付令。人民法院應當依法發出支付令。

Article 16 Where a mediation agreement is reached on the payment of labor remunerations, work injury medical expenses, economic compensation or damages in arrears and the employer fails to perform the agreement within the time limit prescribed in the agreement, the employee may, on the strength of the mediation agreement, apply to a people's court for a payment order in accordance with the law. The people's court shall issue the payment order in accordance with law.


Chapter 3 Arbitration

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第十七條   勞動爭議仲裁委員會按照統籌規劃、合理布局和適應實際需要的原則設立。省、自治區人民政府可以決定在市、縣設立;直轄市人民政府可以決定在區、縣設立。直轄市、設區的市也可以設立一個或者若幹個勞動爭議仲裁委員會。勞動爭議仲裁委員會不按行政區劃層層設立。

Article 17 Labor dispute arbitration commissions shall be established pursuant to the principles of overall planning, reasonable layout and meeting actual needs. The people's government of a province or autonomous region may decide to set up such an office in the city or county concerned; and the people's government of a municipality directly under the Central Government may decide to set up such an office in the district or county concerned. One or more labor dispute arbitration commissions may also be established in municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities divided into districts. Labor dispute arbitration commissions shall not be set up level by level according to administrative divisions.

第十八條   國務院勞動行政部門依照本法有關規定制定仲裁規則。省、自治區、直轄市人民政府勞動行政部門對本行政區域的勞動爭議仲裁工作進行指導。

Article 18 The labour administration department of the State Council shall formulate arbitration rules in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law. The labour administration authorities of the People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities shall guide labour dispute arbitration work within their administrative region.

第十九條   勞動爭議仲裁委員會由勞動行政部門代表、工會代表和企業方面代表組成。勞動爭議仲裁委員會組成人員應當是單數。

Article 19 A labour-dispute arbitration commission shall be composed of representatives of the administrative department of labour, the trade unions and the enterprises. The composition of the labor dispute arbitration commission shall be odd in number.


A labor dispute arbitration commission shall perform the following duties in accordance with the law:


1. appointment and dismissal of full-time or part-time arbitrators;


2. Accepting cases of labor disputes;


(III) discussing major or difficult labor dispute cases;


(IV) supervising arbitration activities.


A labour-dispute arbitration commission shall set up an office to handle its day-to-day work.

第二十條   勞動爭議仲裁委員會應當設仲裁員名冊。

Article 20 Labor dispute arbitration commissions shall have a register of arbitrators.


Arbitrators shall be impartial and honest, and shall meet one of the following requirements:


1. having served as a judge;


(II) engaging in legal research or teaching with a professional title at or above the intermediate level; or


(III) having legal knowledge and engaging in human resources management, labor union work or other professional work for five full years; or


(IV) the lawyer has been in practice for three full years.

第二十一條   勞動爭議仲裁委員會負責管轄本區域內發生的勞動爭議。

Article 21 Labor dispute arbitration commissions shall be responsible for the labor disputes occurred in the district under their jurisdiction.


A labour dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the labour-dispute arbitration commission at the place where the labour contract is performed or where the employer is located. Where both parties apply for arbitration respectively to the labour-dispute arbitration commission at the place where the labour contract is performed and to the labour-dispute arbitration commission at the place where the employer is located, the labour dispute shall fall within the jurisdiction of the labour-dispute arbitration commission at the place where the labour contract is performed.

第二十二條   發生勞動爭議的勞動者和用人單位為勞動爭議仲裁案件的雙方當事人。

Article 22 The laborer and the employing unit in a labor dispute shall be the parties to the labor dispute arbitration case.


In the event of a labour dispute between a labour secondment unit or an employer and a worker, the labour secondment unit and the employer shall be the common parties concerned.

第二十三條   與勞動爭議案件的處理結果有利害關系的第三人,可以申請參加仲裁活動或者由勞動爭議仲裁委員會通知其參加仲裁活動。

Article 23 A third party that has an interest in the result of a labor dispute case may apply for participating in arbitration activities or be notified to participate in arbitration activities by the labor dispute arbitration commission.

第二十四條   當事人可以委托代理人參加仲裁活動。委托他人參加仲裁活動,應當向勞動爭議仲裁委員會提交有委托人簽名或者蓋章的委托書,委托書應當載明委托事項和權限。

Article 24 The parties may appoint agents to participate in arbitration activities. To appoint an agent to participate in arbitration, a letter of appointment signed or sealed by the appointer shall be submitted to the labour-dispute arbitration commission, in which the entrusted matters and the limit of authority shall clearly be stated.

第二十五條   喪失或者部分喪失民事行為能力的勞動者,由其法定代理人代為參加仲裁活動;無法定代理人的,由勞動爭議仲裁委員會為其指定代理人。勞動者死亡的,由其近親屬或者代理人參加仲裁活動。

Article 25 A worker who has lost all or part of his/her capacity for civil conduct shall have his/her statutory agent participate in arbitration on his/her behalf; where there is no statutory agent, the labour dispute arbitration committee shall appoint an agent for the worker. Where the worker is dead, his close relative or agent shall participate in arbitration activities.

第二十六條   勞動爭議仲裁公開進行,但當事人協議不公開進行或者涉及國家秘密、商業秘密和個人隱私的除外。

Article 26 The arbitration of labor disputes shall be conducted openly, unless the parties agree otherwise or state secrets, trade secrets or personal privacy is involved.

第二節 申請和受理

Section 2 Application and Acceptance

第二十七條   勞動爭議申請仲裁的時效期間為一年。仲裁時效期間從當事人知道或者應當知道其權利被侵害之日起計算。

Article 27 The time limit for application for arbitration in labor disputes is one year. The limitation period for arbitration shall run from the date when the parties concerned know or should have known that their rights have been infringed.


The limitation period for arbitration as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be discontinued when one party claims its rights against the other party or requests the relevant department for remedy, or when the other party agrees to perform its obligations. The limitation period for arbitration shall be recalculated from the time of interruption.


Where the parties cannot apply for arbitration within the validity of arbitration as stipulated in Paragraph 1 of this article due to force majeure or other proper reasons, the validity of arbitration is suspended. The period of limitation for arbitration shall continue to run from the date on which the causes for the suspension are eliminated.


In the case of a dispute over arrears of labour remuneration during the validity period of labour relationship, application for arbitration by the worker shall not be restricted by the limitation period for arbitration stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article; however, where the labour relationship is terminated, the application for arbitration shall be made within one year from termination of the labour relationship.

第二十八條   申請人申請仲裁應當提交書面仲裁申請,並按照被申請人人數提交副本。

Article 28 Any applicant who seeks to apply for arbitration shall submit a written arbitration application and submit copies of the application according to the number of respondents.


The following particulars shall be specified in an application for arbitration:


1. the name, gender, age, occupation, employer and domicile of the worker, the name and domicile of the employer and the name and duties of the legal representative or main responsible person;


(II) the request for arbitration and the facts and reasons on which such request is based; and


(III) evidence and sources of evidence, and the names and domiciles of witnesses.


Where there is difficulty in writing an application for arbitration, an oral application may be made and recorded by the labour dispute arbitration commission which informs the other party.

第二十九條   勞動爭議仲裁委員會收到仲裁申請之日起五日內,認為符合受理條件的,應當受理,並通知申請人;認為不符合受理條件的,應當書面通知申請人不予受理,並說明理由。對勞動爭議仲裁委員會不予受理或者逾期未作出決定的,申請人可以就該勞動爭議事項向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 29 The labour-dispute arbitration commission shall, within five days from the date it receives the arbitration application, accept the application and notify the applicant of its acceptance, if it considers that the application meets the conditions for acceptance; otherwise, it shall notify the applicant in writing and state the reasons. Where the labor dispute arbitration commission does not accept or fails to make a decision within the time limit, the applicant may file a lawsuit with the people's court in respect of such labor dispute.

第三十條   勞動爭議仲裁委員會受理仲裁申請後,應當在五日內將仲裁申請書副本送達被申請人。

Article 30 The labour-dispute arbitration commission shall, within five days after accepting an application for arbitration, serve a duplicate of the said application on the respondent.


The respondent shall, upon receipt of the duplicate of arbitration application, submit a statement of defense to the labor dispute arbitration commission within ten days. The labour-dispute arbitration commission shall, within five days after it receives the statement of defense, serve a copy of the statement of defense on the applicant. Non-submission of a statement of defence by the respondent shall not affect the arbitration proceedings.

第三節 開庭和裁決

Section 3 Hearings and Awards

第三十一條   勞動爭議仲裁委員會裁決勞動爭議案件實行仲裁庭制。仲裁庭由三名仲裁員組成,設首席仲裁員。簡單勞動爭議案件可以由一名仲裁員獨任仲裁。

Article 31 The award of labor disputes cases by labor dispute arbitration committees adopts the arbitral tribunal system. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators and have a presiding arbitrator. Simple labor dispute cases may be arbitrated solely by one arbitrator.

第三十二條   勞動爭議仲裁委員會應當在受理仲裁申請之日起五日內將仲裁庭的組成情況書面通知當事人。

Article 32 The labour-dispute arbitration commission shall, within five days from the date it accepts an application for arbitration, notify the parties in writing of the composition of the arbitral tribunal.

第三十三條   仲裁員有下列情形之一,應當回避,當事人也有權以口頭或者書面方式提出回避申請:

Article 33 Where an arbitrator is under any of the following circumstances, he shall withdraw, and the parties also have the right to submit oral or written withdrawal application:


1. the judicial officer is a party or a close relative of a party or agent of the case;


(II) He is an interested party to the case;


(III) He has some other kind of relationship with a party to the case or with his agent, which might affect the impartial award; or


(IV) privately meets a party or his agent, or accepts a treat or gift from a party or agent thereof.


The labour-dispute arbitration commission shall, in a timely manner, make a decision on the application for withdrawal and notify the parties of the decision orally or in writing.

第三十四條   仲裁員有本法第三十三條第四項規定情形,或者有索賄受賄、徇私舞弊、枉法裁決行為的,應當依法承擔法律責任。勞動爭議仲裁委員會應當將其解聘。

Article 34 Where an arbitrator is under the circumstances prescribed in Subparagraph (4) of Article 33 of this Law, or extorts for or accepts bribes, engages in malpractices for personal gain, or perverts the law in making awards, he shall bear legal liability in accordance with law. The labour-dispute arbitration commission shall dismiss him.

第三十五條   仲裁庭應當在開庭五日前,將開庭日期、地點書面通知雙方當事人。當事人有正當理由的,可以在開庭三日前請求延期開庭。是否延期,由勞動爭議仲裁委員會決定。

Article 35 The arbitration tribunal shall notify both parties of the date and place of the hearing in writing five days before the hearing. Any party may, three days before the first hearing session, request to adjourn the first hearing session on proper grounds. The labor dispute arbitration commission shall make a decision on whether or not to postpone the hearing.

第三十六條   申請人收到書面通知,無正當理由拒不到庭或者未經仲裁庭同意中途退庭的,可以視為撤回仲裁申請。

Article 36 Where the applicant has received the written notification but fails to be present for the hearing without justifiable reasons or, without approval of the arbitral tribunal, withdraws from the hearing before it is over, it may be deemed to withdraw the arbitration application.


Where the respondent, after receiving a written notice, refuses to appear before the arbitral tribunal without any proper reasons or leaves in the course of a hearing session without the consent of the arbitral tribunal, an award by default may be given.

第三十七條   仲裁庭對專門性問題認為需要鑒定的,可以交由當事人約定的鑒定機構鑒定;當事人沒有約定或者無法達成約定的,由仲裁庭指定的鑒定機構鑒定。

Article 37 If the arbitration tribunal deems it necessary to authenticate a technical issue, it may submit the issue to the authentication institution agreed upon by the parties for authentication. If there is no agreement between the parties or the parties cannot reach an agreement, the issue shall be authenticated by the authentication institution designated by the arbitration tribunal.


At the request of the parties or the arbitral tribunal, the authentication institution shall send an expert to participate in the hearing. Upon the permission of the arbitration tribunal, the parties may ask the expert questions.

第三十八條   當事人在仲裁過程中有權進行質證和辯論。質證和辯論終結時,首席仲裁員或者獨任仲裁員應當征詢當事人的最後意見。

Article 38 The parties shall have the right in the course of arbitration to cross-examine evidence and debate. Upon completion of cross-examination and debate, the chief arbitrator or sole arbitrator shall seek the final opinion of the parties concerned.

第三十九條   當事人提供的證據經查證屬實的,仲裁庭應當將其作為認定事實的根據。

Article 39 Where the evidence provided by the parties is substantiated upon verification, the arbitral tribunal shall make it the basis on which to confirm the facts.


Where a laborer fails to provide the evidence in relation to the arbitration request under the control and management of the employer, the arbitration tribunal may require the employer to provide such evidence within a prescribed time limit. If the employer fails to do so, it shall bear the adverse consequences.

第四十條   仲裁庭應當將開庭情況記入筆錄。當事人和其他仲裁參加人認為對自己陳述的記錄有遺漏或者差錯的,有權申請補正。如果不予補正,應當記錄該申請。

Article 40 An arbitral tribunal shall make a written record of the hearing. Where the parties concerned and other persons participating in the arbitration think there are omissions or errors in the records of their own statements, they are entitled to apply for addition and correction. If no supplementation is made, such application shall be recorded.


The written record shall be signed or sealed by the arbitrators, recording personnel, the parties and other participants of arbitration.

第四十一條   當事人申請勞動爭議仲裁後,可以自行和解。達成和解協議的,可以撤回仲裁申請。

Article 41 After applying for arbitration of a labour dispute, the parties may settle the dispute among themselves through conciliation. Where a settlement agreement is reached, the arbitration application may be withdrawn.

第四十二條   仲裁庭在作出裁決前,應當先行調解。

Article 42 The arbitral tribunal shall mediate before making an award.


Where an agreement is reached through mediation, the arbitration tribunal shall make a mediation decision.


A conciliation statement shall set forth the arbitration claims and the results of the agreement between the parties. The statement of mediation shall be signed by the arbitrators, sealed by the labour-dispute arbitration commission and served on the parties. The mediation agreement shall come into force after both parties sign for it.


Where mediation is unsuccessful or either party reneges on the agreement before service of the mediation letter, the arbitral tribunal shall promptly make an award.

第四十三條   仲裁庭裁決勞動爭議案件,應當自勞動爭議仲裁委員會受理仲裁申請之日起四十五日內結束。案情複雜需要延期的,經勞動爭議仲裁委員會主任批準,可以延期並書面通知當事人,但是延長期限不得超過十五日。逾期未作出仲裁裁決的,當事人可以就該勞動爭議事項向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 43 Where the arbitral tribunal is to make an award of a labour dispute case, it shall do so within 45 days from the date the labour-dispute arbitration commission accepts the application for arbitration. If an extension is required due to complexity of the case, an extension may be allowed with the approval of the director of the labour-dispute arbitration commission and the parties shall be informed in writing. However, the period of extension may not exceed 15 days. If no arbitral award is made after the time limit, the parties may file a lawsuit with a people's court with respect to the labor dispute.


When making an award of a labour dispute case, in which part of the facts are clear, the arbitral tribunal may make an award first on the basis of the said facts.

第四十四條   仲裁庭對追索勞動報酬、工傷醫療費、經濟補償或者賠償金的案件,根據當事人的申請,可以裁決先予執行,移送人民法院執行。

Article 44 In respect of cases for the recovery of remuneration, medical expenses for work-related injury, economic compensation or damages, the arbitral tribunal may, pursuant to the application of the parties, make an award on advance execution and transfer the award to the people's court for execution.


Where the arbitral tribunal makes an award on advance execution, the following conditions shall be met:


1. there is a clear relationship of rights and obligations between the parties; and


(II) if there is no advance execution, the living of the applicant will be seriously affected.


Where a laborer applies for advance execution, no security may be provided.

第四十五條   裁決應當按照多數仲裁員的意見作出,少數仲裁員的不同意見應當記入筆錄。仲裁庭不能形成多數意見時,裁決應當按照首席仲裁員的意見作出。

Article 45 An award shall be made on the basis of the opinions of the majority of arbitrators, and the different opinions of the minority of arbitrators shall be recorded. When a majority opinion can not be reached by the arbitration tribunal, an award shall be made according to the chief arbitrator's opinion.

第四十六條   裁決書應當載明仲裁請求、爭議事實、裁決理由、裁決結果和裁決日期。裁決書由仲裁員簽名,加蓋勞動爭議仲裁委員會印章。對裁決持不同意見的仲裁員,可以簽名,也可以不簽名。

Article 46 An award shall set out the arbitration claims, the facts in dispute, the reasons for award, the results of award and the date of award. The award shall be signed by arbitrators and sealed by the labour-dispute arbitration commission. An arbitrator with a different view on the award may either sign or not sign the award.

第四十七條   下列勞動爭議,除本法另有規定的外,仲裁裁決為終局裁決,裁決書自作出之日起發生法律效力:

Article 47 For the following labor disputes, the arbitral award shall be the final award and the arbitral award shall come into force as of the date of issuance, unless otherwise provided herein:


1. disputes in relation to the recovery of labour remuneration, work injury medical treatment expenses, economic compensation or damages which do not exceed 12 months of the local minimum monthly wage standard;


(II) disputes arising over working hours, rest and vacation, and social insurance, etc. in the implementation of state labor standards.

第四十八條   勞動者對本法第四十七條規定的仲裁裁決不服的,可以自收到仲裁裁決書之日起十五日內向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 48 Where a worker is dissatisfied with the arbitral award as prescribed in Article 47 of this Law, he may, within 15 days from the date he receives the written award, bring a lawsuit to a People's Court.

第四十九條   用人單位有證據證明本法第四十七條規定的仲裁裁決有下列情形之一,可以自收到仲裁裁決書之日起三十日內向勞動爭議仲裁委員會所在地的中級人民法院申請撤銷裁決:

Article 49 Where an employer has evidence to prove that the arbitral award prescribed in Article 47 hereof is under any of the following circumstances, it may apply for revocation of award to the intermediate people's court at the place where the labor dispute arbitration commission locates within 30 days of the receipt of the award:


1. The application of law or regulation is wrong;


2. The labor dispute arbitration commission has no jurisdiction;


(III) Statutory procedures are violated;


(IV) the evidence on which the award is based is forged;


(V) the other party has concealed evidence that is sufficient to affect the impartial award; or


(VI) the arbitrator accepts bribe, practices graft or perverts the law in making the award.


The peoples' court shall rule to cancel the award if the existence of one of the circumstances prescribed in the preceding clause is confirmed by its collegiate bench.


Where the arbitral award is revoked upon decision by the people's court, the parties may, within 15 days from the date they receive the award, initiate litigation to the people's court with respect to the labour dispute in question.

第五十條   當事人對本法第四十七條規定以外的其他勞動爭議案件的仲裁裁決不服的,可以自收到仲裁裁決書之日起十五日內向人民法院提起訴訟;期滿不起訴的,裁決書發生法律效力。

Article 50 Where a party is not satisfied with the arbitral award of a labour dispute case other than those prescribed in Article 47 of this Law, it may bring a lawsuit before a people's court within 15 days from the date it receives the award. If it fails to bring a lawsuit within the time limit, the award shall take legal effect.

第五十一條   當事人對發生法律效力的調解書、裁決書,應當依照規定的期限履行。一方當事人逾期不履行的,另一方當事人可以依照民事訴訟法的有關規定向人民法院申請執行。受理申請的人民法院應當依法執行。

Article 51 The parties shall execute the legally effective mediation paper or arbitral award within the specified time limit. If one party fails to do so within the time limit, the other party may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law, apply to a people's court for execution. The people's court that accepts the application shall execute in accordance with the law.


Chapter 4 Supplementary Provisions

第五十二條   事業單位實行聘用制的工作人員與本單位發生勞動爭議的,依照本法執行;法律、行政法規或者國務院另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 52 Where the working personnel on the appointment system of institutions have a labor dispute with the unit, this Law shall be followed; if laws, administrative regulations or the provisions of the State Council provide otherwise, such provisions shall be followed.

第五十三條   勞動爭議仲裁不收費。勞動爭議仲裁委員會的經費由財政予以保障。

Article 53 Arbitration of labour disputes is free of charge. Funding for labour-dispute arbitration commissions shall be guaranteed by the government.

第五十四條   本法自200851日起施行。

Article 54 This Law shall go into effect as of May 1, 2008.


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