2007年8月30日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議通過 根據2015年4月24日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國電力法〉等六部法律的決定》修正
Employment Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China (Revision 2015)
(2007年8月30日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議通過 根據2015年4月24日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國電力法〉等六部法律的決定》修正)
(Adopted at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on 30 August 2007, and revised according to the Decision on Revising Six Laws including the Electric Power Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 14th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on 24 April 2015)
第一章 總則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一條 為了促進就業,促進經濟發展與擴大就業相協調,促進社會和諧穩定,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to promoting employment, promoting the balance between economic development and the expansion of employment opportunities, and promoting social harmony and stability.
第二條 國家把擴大就業放在經濟社會發展的突出位置,實施積極的就業政策,堅持勞動者自主擇業、市場調節就業、政府促進就業的方針,多渠道擴大就業。
Article 2 The State shall highlight the prominent role played by employment expansion in the economic and social development, implement active employment policies, and adhere to the principle of labourers seeking employment on their own, the market regulating employment and the government promoting employment in order to expand employment through the multiple channels.
第三條 勞動者依法享有平等就業和自主擇業的權利。
Article 3 Workers are entitled by law to enjoy the right to equal employment and to seek their own employment.
No worker seeking employment shall be discriminated on the grounds of ethnicity, race, gender or religious belief.
第四條 縣級以上人民政府把擴大就業作為經濟和社會發展的重要目標,納入國民經濟和社會發展規劃,並制定促進就業的中長期規劃和年度工作計劃。
Article 4 The people's governments at and above the county level shall make employment expansion an important target of economic and social development, incorporate it into the plan for national economic and social development, and formulate a mid-term and long-term plan as well as an annual work plan for employment promotion.
第五條 縣級以上人民政府通過發展經濟和調整產業結構、規範人力資源市場、完善就業服務、加強職業教育和培訓、提供就業援助等措施,創造就業條件,擴大就業。
Article 5. The people's governments at and above the county level shall create a favorable environment for employment expansion by measures such as developing the economy and adjusting the industrial structure, regulating the human resources market, consummating employment services, strengthening vocational education and training, and providing employment assistance, etc.
第六條 國務院建立全國促進就業工作協調機制,研究就業工作中的重大問題,協調推動全國的促進就業工作。國務院勞動行政部門具體負責全國的促進就業工作。
Article 6 The State Council shall establish a coordinating mechanism for nationwide employment promotion, researching significant employment-related issues as well as coordinating and pushing forward with national employment promotion. The labor administrative department of the State Council shall be specifically responsible for the nationwide work of promoting employment.
The people's governments of the various provinces, autonomous regions and directly administered municipalities shall establish a coordinating mechanism for employment promotion based on employment promotion needs in order to coordinate and resolve the major employment promotion issues within their respective administrative regions.
The relevant departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall endeavor to promote employment in accordance with their respective duties.
第七條 國家倡導勞動者樹立正確的擇業觀念,提高就業能力和創業能力;鼓勵勞動者自主創業、自謀職業。
Article 7 The State shall advocate labourers to foster a proper awareness of employment and enhance their employability and entrepreneurship, and encourage them to set up their own businesses or seek self-employment.
The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall streamline their procedures and raise their efficiency for the convenience of workers who seek to start up their own businesses or become self-employed.
第八條 用人單位依法享有自主用人的權利。
Article 8 An employer is entitled to recruit workers at its own discretion in accordance with the law.
Employers shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers pursuant to this Law and other laws and regulations.
第九條 工會、共產主義青年團、婦女聯合會、殘疾人聯合會以及其他社會組織,協助人民政府開展促進就業工作,依法維護勞動者的勞動權利。
Article 9 Trade unions, communist youth leagues, women's federations, disabled persons' federations and other social organizations shall assist the people's governments in employment promotion and protection of workers' labor rights in accordance with the law.
第十條 各級人民政府和有關部門對在促進就業工作中作出顯著成績的單位和個人,給予表彰和獎勵。
Article 10 The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall commend and award institutions and individuals who have made remarkable contributions to employment promotion.
第二章 政策支持
Chapter 2 Policy Support
第十一條 縣級以上人民政府應當把擴大就業作為重要職責,統籌協調產業政策與就業政策。
Article 11 The people's governments at and above the county level shall make employment expansion as their important duties, and shall organize and coordinate the industrial policies and employment policies.
第十二條 國家鼓勵各類企業在法律、法規規定的範圍內,通過興辦產業或者拓展經營,增加就業崗位。
Article 12 The State shall encourage all types of enterprises to create additional job opportunities by establishing businesses or expanding operations within the scope of their permitted activities as prescribed in laws and regulations.
The State shall encourage the development of labor-intensive industries and service industries and shall support small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "SMEs") in order to create additional job opportunities through multiple channels and means.
The State shall encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector of the economy in order to create more jobs and broaden employment opportunities.
第十三條 國家發展國內外貿易和國際經濟合作,拓寬就業渠道。
Article 13 The State shall develop domestic and international trade and international economic cooperation in an effort to widen employment channels.
第十四條 縣級以上人民政府在安排政府投資和確定重大建設項目時,應當發揮投資和重大建設項目帶動就業的作用,增加就業崗位。
Article 14 While arranging governmental investment and deciding on major construction projects, the people's governments at and above the county level shall, perform the function of leading employment in investment and major construction projects so as to create more jobs.
第十五條 國家實行有利於促進就業的財政政策,加大資金投入,改善就業環境,擴大就業。
Article 15 The State shall implement employment promotion-oriented fiscal policies aimed at improving the employment environment and enlarging employment by increasing capital input.
In the light of the local employment situation and employment targets, the people's governments at and above the county level shall allocate special employment funds from their financial budgets for the purpose of promoting employment.
Special employment funds shall be used to subsidize job referrals, vocational training, public welfare positions, vocational skills testing, specific employment policies, social insurance, etc., to serve as guarantee funds for small loans and interest subsidies for small secured loans for less profitable projects, and to support public employment services, etc. The administrative procedures for the use of the special employment fund shall be formulated by the financial department and the labour administration department of the State Council.
第十六條 國家建立健全失業保險制度,依法確保失業人員的基本生活,並促進其實現就業。
Article 16 The State shall establish a sound unemployment insurance system to secure the basic subsistence of the unemployed in accordance with the law and promote their employment.
第十七條 國家鼓勵企業增加就業崗位,扶持失業人員和殘疾人就業,對下列企業、人員依法給予稅收優惠:
Article 17 The state shall encourage enterprises to increase the number of job opportunities and support the employment of unemployed persons and handicapped persons, and shall provide tax incentives to the following types of enterprises and individuals in accordance with the law:
1. enterprises that satisfy the requirements relating to the absorption of eligible unemployed persons who meet the conditions prescribed by the State;
(II) SMEs founded by unemployed persons;
3. Enterprises that reach the required ratio for the employment of disabled persons or employ a large number of disabled persons;
(IV) unemployed persons that engage in individual business operations and meet the conditions prescribed by the state;
(V) disabled persons that engage in individual business operations; and
(VI) other enterprises and individuals that are entitled to tax incentives as specified by the State Council.
第十八條 對本法第十七條第四項、第五項規定的人員,有關部門應當在經營場地等方面給予照顧,免除行政事業性收費。
Article 18 The relevant authorities shall give preferential treatment to persons as prescribed in items (4) and (5) of Article 17 hereof by providing them business premises and exempting them from administrative fees.
第十九條 國家實行有利於促進就業的金融政策,增加中小企業的融資渠道;鼓勵金融機構改進金融服務,加大對中小企業的信貸支持,並對自主創業人員在一定期限內給予小額信貸等扶持。
Article 19 The State shall implement financial policies which are beneficial to furthering employment promotion with a view to increasing financing channels for SMEs; and encourage financial institutions to improve financial services to enhance credit support for SMEs and offer small-scale credit support for self-employed persons within a prescribed period.
第二十條 國家實行城鄉統籌的就業政策,建立健全城鄉勞動者平等就業的制度,引導農業富餘勞動力有序轉移就業。
Article 20 The State shall implement employment policies with an overall planning for both urban and rural areas, aiming to guide the transfer of surplus rural labour to rural areas for employment in an orderly manner through establishing a sound and equitable employment system for both urban and rural labourers.
The people's governments at and above the county level shall push ahead with the construction of small cities and towns and accelerate the economic development of county areas to guide the employment transfer of local surplus rural labor force; in formulating plans for small cities and towns, the people's governments at and above the county level shall treat the employment transfer of local surplus rural labor force as an important part of their plans.
The people's governments at and above the county level shall guide the orderly transfer of surplus rural labour to urban areas for employment; the people's governments in the source and destination regions of the rural labour transfer shall cooperate with each other to improve the environment and conditions for rural labour to seek employment in urban areas.
第二十一條 國家支持區域經濟發展,鼓勵區域協作,統籌協調不同地區就業的均衡增長。
Article 21 The State shall support regional economic development, encourage regional collaboration, organize and coordinate balanced growth of employment across different regions.
The state shall support economic development and the expansion of employment in the ethnic minority areas.
第二十二條 各級人民政府統籌做好城鎮新增勞動力就業、農業富餘勞動力轉移就業和失業人員就業工作。
Article 22 The people's governments at all levels shall organize and coordinate the employment of the new labour force in the cities and towns, the employment transfer of the surplus rural labour and the employment of the unemployed persons.
第二十三條 各級人民政府采取措施,逐步完善和實施與非全日制用工等靈活就業相適應的勞動和社會保險政策,為靈活就業人員提供幫助和服務。
Article 23 The people's governments at all levels shall take measures to gradually improve and implement labor and social insurance policies applicable to flexible employment of non-full-time staff and provide assistance and services for persons in flexible employment.
第二十四條 地方各級人民政府和有關部門應當加強對失業人員從事個體經營的指導,提供政策諮詢、就業培訓和開業指導等服務。
Article 24 The local people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall strengthen the guidance for unemployed persons engaged in individual business operation and provide them with such services as policy consultation, vocational training and start-up of business.
第三章 公平就業
Chapter 3 Fair Employment
第二十五條 各級人民政府創造公平就業的環境,消除就業歧視,制定政策並采取措施對就業困難人員給予扶持和援助。
Article 25 The people's governments at all levels shall create a fair employment environment to eliminate employment discrimination, formulate policies and adopt measures in support and aid of persons with difficulties in seeking employment.
第二十六條 用人單位招用人員、職業中介機構從事職業中介活動,應當向勞動者提供平等的就業機會和公平的就業條件,不得實施就業歧視。
Article 26 The employment units, when recruiting new employees, and job agencies, while engaging in job placement, shall provide equal employment opportunities and equitable employment conditions to the labourers without any employment discrimination.
第二十七條 國家保障婦女享有與男子平等的勞動權利。
Article 27 The State shall guarantee that women enjoy the equal right, with men, to work.
With exception of the special types of work or post unsuitable to women as prescribed by the State, no employment unit, when recruiting new employees, shall refuse to recruit women by reason of sex or impose higher employment standards on women.
No employment unit, when recruiting a female employee, shall include a clause in the employment contract imposing marriage or childbirth restrictions on the female employee.
第二十八條 各民族勞動者享有平等的勞動權利。
Article 28 Employees of all ethnic groups shall be entitled to equal labour rights.
When recruiting workers, any employer shall grant preferential treatments to workers of ethnic minorities to an appropriate extent in accordance with the law.
第二十九條 國家保障殘疾人的勞動權利。
Article 29 The State shall safeguard the labour rights of the disabled.
The people's governments at all levels shall organize and coordinate the employment of the disabled and create favorable employment conditions for them.
No employment unit, when recruiting employees, shall discriminate against disabled persons.
第三十條 用人單位招用人員,不得以是傳染病病原攜帶者為由拒絕錄用。但是,經醫學鑒定傳染病病原攜帶者在治愈前或者排除傳染嫌疑前,不得從事法律、行政法規和國務院衛生行政部門規定禁止從事的易使傳染病擴散的工作。
Article 30 No employment unit, when recruiting employees, shall refuse to employ a job candidate on the basis that he/she is a carrier of any infectious pathogen. However, no carrier of any infectious pathogen which has been proven by the medical examination shall enter into any employment which is prone to facilitate the spread of infectious diseases and is therefore forbidden by laws, administrative regulations or the public health administration department of the State Council before he/she is cured or eliminates the suspicion of carrying such pathogen.
第三十一條 農村勞動者進城就業享有與城鎮勞動者平等的勞動權利,不得對農村勞動者進城就業設置歧視性限制。
Article 31 Rural workers seeking employment in urban areas shall enjoy equal labour rights as urban workers do. It is not allowed to impose discriminatory restrictions upon Rural workers seeking employment in urban areas.
第四章 就業服務和管理
Chapter 4 Employment Services and Administration
第三十二條 縣級以上人民政府培育和完善統一開放、競爭有序的人力資源市場,為勞動者就業提供服務。
Article 32 The people's governments at and above the county level shall foster and perfect a uniform, open, competitive and orderly human resources market to provide employment services for workers.
第三十三條 縣級以上人民政府鼓勵社會各方面依法開展就業服務活動,加強對公共就業服務和職業中介服務的指導和監督,逐步完善覆蓋城鄉的就業服務體系。
Article 33 The people's governments at and above the county level shall encourage all sectors of society to provide employment services in accordance with the law, strengthen guidance and supervision of public employment services and job intermediary services, and gradually improve the employment service system covering both urban and rural areas.
第三十四條 縣級以上人民政府加強人力資源市場信息網絡及相關設施建設,建立健全人力資源市場信息服務體系,完善市場信息發布制度。
Article 34 People's Governments of county level and above shall strengthen establishment of human resources market information network and the relevant facilities, establish and improve upon the human resources market information service system, and improve upon the market information announcement system.
第三十五條 縣級以上人民政府建立健全公共就業服務體系,設立公共就業服務機構,為勞動者免費提供下列服務:
Article 35 The people's governments at and above the county level shall establish a sound public employment service system, set up a public employment service institution and provide workers with the following free services:
1. consultation services on employment policies and regulations;
(II) Publication of information on job supply and demand, prevailing market salary levels and vocational training;
(III) vocational guidance and referrals;
(IV) Employment assistance for persons who encounter difficulties in seeking employment;
(V) Employment and unemployment registration, etc.; and
(VI) Other public employment services.
Public employment service organs should constantly improve the quality and efficiency of services, and should not engage in business activities.
The operating funds for public employment services shall be included in the fiscal budget at the same level.
第三十六條 縣級以上地方人民政府對職業中介機構提供公益性就業服務的,按照規定給予補貼。
Article 36 The local people's governments at and above the county level shall grant subsidies, in accordance with the applicable provisions, to employment agencies that provide non-profit-making employment services.
The State shall encourage all sectors of the society to provide donations and financial aid to non-profit-making employment services.
第三十七條 地方各級人民政府和有關部門不得舉辦或者與他人聯合舉辦經營性的職業中介機構。
Article 37. The local people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall not found or co-found profit-making employment agencies with any other party.
The local people's governments at all levels, the relevant departments and public employment service institutions are prohibited from charging workers for job fairs they organize.
第三十八條 縣級以上人民政府和有關部門加強對職業中介機構的管理,鼓勵其提高服務質量,發揮其在促進就業中的作用。
Article 38. The people's governments at and above the county level and the relevant departments shall strengthen the administration of employment agencies and encourage them to improve the quality of their services so as to perform their functions in employment promotion.
第三十九條 從事職業中介活動,應當遵循合法、誠實信用、公平、公開的原則。
Article 39. Engagement of job placement activities shall be subject to the principles of lawfulness, good faith, fairness and openness.
Any employment unit that recruits a new employee through an employment agency shall offer truthful information about the job position to the employment agency.
No organization or individual shall infringe the legitimate rights and interests of workers through job placement activities.
第四十條 設立職業中介機構應當具備下列條件:
Article 40 Any employment agency that seeks to be established shall:
1. having clear articles of association and management system;
(II) having fixed business premises, office facilities and operating capital sufficient for its business operation;
(III) have a certain number of full-time staff with appropriate professional qualifications;
(IV) Other conditions as prescribed by laws and regulations.
Any employment agency that seeks to become established shall obtain an administrative license in accordance with the law.
Any institution without obtaining a license and registration in accordance with the law shall not engage in job placement activities.
Where the State provides otherwise for foreign-funded employment agencies and employment agencies providing overseas employment services to workers, such provisions shall prevail.
第四十一條 職業中介機構不得有下列行為:
Article 41 No job intermediary may have the following acts:
1. providing false employment information;
2. provide recruitment services to any employment unit that is not legally licensed and certified;
(III) forge, alter or transfer its employment service license;
4. retain any worker's resident identity card or other documentation or collect a deposit from any worker; or
(V) Other acts in violation of laws or regulations.
第四十二條 縣級以上人民政府建立失業預警制度,對可能出現的較大規模的失業,實施預防、調節和控制。
Article 42 The people's governments at and above the county level shall establish an early- warning system for unemployment, and implement prevention, regulation and control over possible large-scale unemployment.
第四十三條 國家建立勞動力調查統計制度和就業登記、失業登記制度,開展勞動力資源和就業、失業狀況調查統計,並公布調查統計結果。
Article 43 The State shall establish a labour force survey statistical system and an employment/unemployment registration system to obtain the survey statistics about the labour force resources and employment and unemployment status, and shall publicize the survey statistics result.
When statistics departments and labor administrative departments carry out labor force survey statistics and employment and unemployment registration, employers and individuals shall truthfully provide the information required for the survey statistics and registration.
第五章 職業教育和培訓
Chapter 5 Vocational Education and Training
第四十四條 國家依法發展職業教育,鼓勵開展職業培訓,促進勞動者提高職業技能,增強就業能力和創業能力。
Article 44 The state shall, in accordance with the law, develop vocational education programs, encourage the delivery of vocational training, promote the enhancement of workers' vocational skills and strengthen their employability and entrepreneurship.
第四十五條 縣級以上人民政府根據經濟社會發展和市場需求,制定並實施職業能力開發計劃。
Article 45 The people's governments at and above the county level shall formulate and implement an occupational capacity development program in accordance with economic and social development and market needs.
第四十六條 縣級以上人民政府加強統籌協調,鼓勵和支持各類職業院校、職業技能培訓機構和用人單位依法開展就業前培訓、在職培訓、再就業培訓和創業培訓;鼓勵勞動者參加各種形式的培訓。
Article 46. The people's governments at and above the county level shall strengthen coordination, encourage and support all types of vocational schools, vocational training institutions and employment units to carry out pre-employment training, employment training, re-employment training and entrepreneurship training, and encourage labourers to attend various types of training.
第四十七條 縣級以上地方人民政府和有關部門根據市場需求和產業發展方向,鼓勵、指導企業加強職業教育和培訓。
Article 47 The local people's governments at and above the county level and the relevant departments shall encourage and guide enterprises to strengthen vocational education and training in accordance with market demands and the orientation of industrial development.
Vocational schools, vocational training institutions and enterprises shall liaise closely to combine production and education to serve economic development by training practical talents and skilled workers.
An enterprise shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, set up an employee education fund to deliver vocational skills training and continuing education training to the workers.
第四十八條 國家采取措施建立健全勞動預備制度,縣級以上地方人民政府對有就業要求的初高中畢業生實行一定期限的職業教育和培訓,使其取得相應的職業資格或者掌握一定的職業技能。
Article 48 The State shall take measures to establish a sound labour preparation system, under which the local people's governments at and above the county level shall provide a certain period of vocational education and training for junior and senior high school graduates who are in need of employment so as to enable them to obtain appropriate vocational qualifications or acquire certain vocational skills.
第四十九條 地方各級人民政府鼓勵和支持開展就業培訓,幫助失業人員提高職業技能,增強其就業能力和創業能力。失業人員參加就業培訓的,按照有關規定享受政府培訓補貼。
Article 49 The local people's governments at all levels shall encourage and support the delivery of vocational training to help unemployed persons to improve their vocational skills and enhance their employability and entrepreneurship. Unemployed persons participating in vocational training shall be entitled to government training subsidies in accordance with the relevant provisions.
第五十條 地方各級人民政府采取有效措施,組織和引導進城就業的農村勞動者參加技能培訓,鼓勵各類培訓機構為進城就業的農村勞動者提供技能培訓,增強其就業能力和創業能力。
Article 50 The local people's governments at all levels shall take effective measures to organize and guide rural labourers who enter the cities to seek employment to receive skills training, and encourage all types of training institutions to provide skills training for them and enhance their employability and entrepreneurship.
第五十一條 國家對從事涉及公共安全、人身健康、生命財產安全等特殊工種的勞動者,實行職業資格證書制度,具體辦法由國務院規定。
Article 51 The State shall implement a vocational qualification certificates system on labourers who engage in special types of work relating to public security, personal health, safety of life and property. The specific measures shall be provided for by the State Council.
第六章 就業援助
Chapter 6 Employment Aids
第五十二條 各級人民政府建立健全就業援助制度,采取稅費減免、貸款貼息、社會保險補貼、崗位補貼等辦法,通過公益性崗位安置等途徑,對就業困難人員實行優先扶持和重點幫助。
Article 52. The people's governments at all levels shall establish a sound employment assistance system to give priority support and assistance in major areas for persons with difficulties in seeking employment by means of tax reduction and exemption, discounted interest loans, social insurance subsidies, job position subsidies and through placement in public welfare positions, etc.
The term "persons who encounter difficulties in seeking employment" refers to those persons who find it difficult to secure employment for reasons such as unfavorable physical conditions, skill levels, family status or loss of land, and those persons who remain unemployed for a certain period of time. The specific scope of persons who encounter difficulties in seeking employment shall be stipulated by the People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities pursuant to the actual conditions of their respective administrative regions.
第五十三條 政府投資開發的公益性崗位,應當優先安排符合崗位要求的就業困難人員。被安排在公益性崗位工作的,按照國家規定給予崗位補貼。
Article 53 Public welfare positions created with government investment shall be filled first by persons with difficulties in seeking employment who satisfy the requirements of the positions. Those who have been arranged to work in the public welfare positions shall be given job position subsidies in accordance with the State provisions.
第五十四條 地方各級人民政府加強基層就業援助服務工作,對就業困難人員實施重點幫助,提供有針對性的就業服務和公益性崗位援助。
Article 54. The local people's governments at all levels shall strengthen grass-roots employment assistance services and give priority assistance to persons with difficulties in seeking employment by offering assistance in targeted employment services and public welfare positions.
The local people's governments at all levels shall encourage and support all sectors of society in providing skills training, job information and other services to persons with difficulties in seeking employment.
第五十五條 各級人民政府采取特別扶助措施,促進殘疾人就業。
Article 55 The people's governments at all levels shall take special support measures to promote the employment of disabled persons.
Employment units shall employ disabled persons in accordance with state provisions, the specific measures for which shall be formulated by the State Council.
第五十六條 縣級以上地方人民政府采取多種就業形式,拓寬公益性崗位範圍,開發就業崗位,確保城市有就業需求的家庭至少有一人實現就業。
Article 56 The local people's governments at and above the county level shall adopt multiple forms of employment, broaden the scope of public welfare positions, and create more job positions to ensure that each urban family with employment needs has at least one member in employment.
An urban resident family in which all family members of legal working age are unemployed shall apply to the public employment service institution in the road or community where it is located for employment assistance. If the case is proved, the public employment service institution in the street or community shall provide at least one family member with an appropriate job position.
第五十七條 國家鼓勵資源開采型城市和獨立工礦區發展與市場需求相適應的產業,引導勞動者轉移就業。
Article 57 The State shall encourage resource-exploiting cities and independent mining areas to develop industries catering to market demands so as to guide the employment transfer of laborers.
The people's governments at a higher level shall give necessary support and assistance to areas with a concentration of people who have encountered difficulties in seeking employment due to reasons such as the depletion of resources or economic restructuring.
第七章 監督檢查
Chapter 7 Supervision and Inspection
第五十八條 各級人民政府和有關部門應當建立促進就業的目標責任制度。縣級以上人民政府按照促進就業目標責任制的要求,對所屬的有關部門和下一級人民政府進行考核和監督。
Article 58 The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall establish a target responsibility system for employment promotion. The people's governments at and above the county level shall examine and supervise the relevant subordinate departments and the people's governments at a lower level in accordance with the requirements of the target responsibility system for employment promotion.
第五十九條 審計機關、財政部門應當依法對就業專項資金的管理和使用情況進行監督檢查。
Article 59 Auditing bodies and finance departments shall supervise and examine, in accordance with the law, on the management and use of special employment funds.
第六十條 勞動行政部門應當對本法實施情況進行監督檢查,建立舉報制度,受理對違反本法行為的舉報,並及時予以核實、處理。
Article 60 The administrative departments of labor shall supervise and inspect the implementation of this Law, establish a reporting system to receive reports on any violation of this Law, and verify and deal with such cases in a timely manner.
第八章 法律責任
Chapter 8 Legal Liabilities
第六十一條 違反本法規定,勞動行政等有關部門及其工作人員濫用職權、玩忽職守、徇私舞弊的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。
Article 61 Where the administrative department of labor or any other relevant department or any staff member thereof, in violation of the provisions of this Law, is guilty of any abuse of power or dereliction of duty or engages in malpractice for personal gain, the supervisors and any other person directly responsible shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the law.
第六十二條 違反本法規定,實施就業歧視的,勞動者可以向人民法院提起訴訟。
Article 62 The labourers shall bring an action before the peoples' court for the implementation of employment discrimination in violation of the provisions of this Law.
第六十三條 違反本法規定,地方各級人民政府和有關部門、公共就業服務機構舉辦經營性的職業中介機構,從事經營性職業中介活動,向勞動者收取費用的,由上級主管機關責令限期改正,將違法收取的費用退還勞動者,並對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。
Article 63 Where the local people's governments at all levels, the relevant departments or the public employment service institutions, in violation of the provisions of this Law, establish and run the profit-making employment agencies that engage in profit-making employment services and charge the labourers, the superior competent authorities shall order them to make rectification within a prescribed period and refund the illegal charges obtained to the labourers and impose a penalty on the supervisors and other persons who are directly responsible in accordance with the law.
第六十四條 違反本法規定,未經許可和登記,擅自從事職業中介活動的,由勞動行政部門或者其他主管部門依法予以關閉;有違法所得的,沒收違法所得,並處一萬元以上五萬元以下的罰款。
Article 64 Any unlicensed and unregistered entity which, in violation of the provisions of this Law, engages in unauthorized employment services, shall be closed down by the labour administration department or other competent departments in accordance with the law. Where there are illegal gains, they shall be confiscated and a fine of more than 10,000 yuan and less than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed concurrently.
第六十五條 違反本法規定,職業中介機構提供虛假就業信息,為無合法證照的用人單位提供職業中介服務,偽造、塗改、轉讓職業中介許可證的,由勞動行政部門或者其他主管部門責令改正;有違法所得的,沒收違法所得,並處一萬元以上五萬元以下的罰款;情節嚴重的,吊銷職業中介許可證。
Article 65 Where an employment agency, in violation of the provisions of this Law, provides false employment information or employment services to employment units that do not have legal licenses, or forges, alters or transfers its employment service license shall be ordered by the labour administration department or other competent departments to make rectification. Where there are illegal gains, they shall be confiscated and a fine of more than 10,000 yuan and less than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed concurrently. Where the case is serious, the employment service license shall be revoked.
第六十六條 違反本法規定,職業中介機構扣押勞動者居民身份證等證件的,由勞動行政部門責令限期退還勞動者,並依照有關法律規定給予處罰。
Article 66 Where an employment agency, in violation of the provisions of this Law, retains a labourer's resident identity card or other certificates shall be ordered by the labour administration department to return the item (s) to the labourer within a prescribed period and shall be given a penalty in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws.
Where an employment agency, in violation of the provisions of this Law, collects deposits from the labourers, shall be ordered by the labour administration department to refund such deposits to the labourers within a prescribed period and shall be imposed a standard fine in the amount of more than 500 yuan and less than 2,000 yuan for every labourer from whom a deposit has been collected.
第六十七條 違反本法規定,企業未按照國家規定提取職工教育經費,或者挪用職工教育經費的,由勞動行政部門責令改正,並依法給予處罰。
Article 67 Any enterprise that fails to provide for employee education funds in accordance with state provisions or misappropriates employee education funds in violation of the provisions of this Law shall be ordered by the administrative department of labor to take remedial action and penalized in accordance with the law.
第六十八條 違反本法規定,侵害勞動者合法權益,造成財產損失或者其他損害的,依法承擔民事責任;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 68 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, infringes a labourer's legitimate rights and interests and causes the loss of property or other damages, shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law; where it constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the law.
第九章 附則
Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions
第六十九條 本法自2008年1月1日起施行。
Article 69 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 2008.
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