1995年10月30日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十六次會議通過 根據2009年8月27日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》第一次修正 根據2015年4月24日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國計量法〉等五部法律的決定》第二次修正 根據2016年11月7日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國對外貿易法〉等十二部法律的決定》第三次修正 根據2017年11月4日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員



Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China (Amended in 2018)

19951030日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十六次會議通過 根據2009827日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》第一次修正 根據2015424日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國計量法〉等五部法律的決定》第二次修正 根據2016117日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國對外貿易法〉等十二部法律的決定》第三次修正 根據2017114日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國會計法〉等十一部法律的決定》第四次修正 根據20181229日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第七次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國勞動法〉等七部法律的決定》第五次修正)

(Adopted at the 16th Session of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress on October 30, 1995; amended for the first time according to the Decision on Amending Certain Laws passed at the 10th Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on August 27, 2009; amended for the second time according to the Decision on Revising Five Laws including the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 14th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on April 24, 2015; amended for the third time according to the Decision on Revising Twelve Laws including the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on November 7, 2016; and amended for the fourth time according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending Eleven Laws Including the Accounting Law of the People's Republic of China at the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on November 4, 2017; and amended for the fifth time according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending Seven Laws Including the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China at the 7th Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on December 29, 2018)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了維護國家的領空主權和民用航空權利,保障民用航空活動安全和有秩序地進行,保護民用航空活動當事人各方的合法權益,促進民用航空事業的發展,制定本法。

Article 1. This Law is formulated in order to safeguard State sovereignty over territorial airspace and civil aviation rights, to ensure that safety and order of civil aviation activities, to protect the legal rights and interests of all parties involved in civil aviation activities and to promote the development of civil aviation operations.

第二條   中華人民共和國的領陸和領水之上的空域為中華人民共和國領空。中華人民共和國對領空享有完全的、排他的主權。

Article 2. The airspace above the territorial land and territorial waters of the People's Republic of China will be the People's Republic of China territorial air. The People's Republic of China enjoys complete and exclusive sovereignty over its territorial airspace.

第三條   國務院民用航空主 管部門對全國民用航空活動實施統一監督管理;根據法律和國務院的決定,在本部門的權限內,發布有關民用航空活動的規定、決定。

Article 3. The State Council department in charge of civil aviation will exercise uniform supervision and administration of civil aviation activities nationwide and will, in accordance with the law and the decisions of the State Council and within the limits of its authority, promulgate regulations and decisions concerning civil aviation activities.


Regional civil aviation administration office established by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation will supervise and administer civil aviation activities within their respective regions in accordance with the authority delegated by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第四條   國家扶持民用航空事業的發展,鼓勵和支持發展民用航空的科學研究和教育事業,提高民用航空科學技術水平。

The State supports the development of civil aviation operations and encourages and supports scientific research and educational undertakings which develop civil aviation, with a view to raising the scientific and technological level of civil aviation.


The State supports the development of civil aircraft manufacturing industry so as to provide safe, advanced, economical and suitable civil aircraft for civil aviation activities.

第二章 民用航空器國籍

Chapter 2 Nationality of Civil Aircraft

第五條   本法所稱民用航空器,是指除用於執行軍事、海關、警察飛行任務外的航空器。

Article 5. For the purposes of this Law, the term "civil aircraft" refers to aircraft other than those used for flight operations by the army, Customs and the police.

第六條   經中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門依法進行國籍登記的民用航空器,具有中華人民共和國國籍,由國務院民用航空主管部門發給國籍登記證書。

Article 6. Civil aircraft which have completed the nationality registration procedures with the department in charge of civil aviation under the State Council of the People's Republic of China according to the law are considered to have acquired the nationality of the People's Republic of China and will be issued a Certificate of Nationality by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.


A civil aircraft nationality register of the People's Republic of China established by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation will uniformly record all matters relating to the nationality registration of civil aircraft.

第七條   下列民用航空器應當進行中華人民共和國國籍登記:

Article 7 The following civil aircraft shall perform nationality registration of the People's Republic of China:


1. The civil aircraft of a State organ of the People's Republic of China;


2. The civil aircraft of a corporate enterprise set up in accordance with the law of the People's Republic of China; if such corporate enterprise has foreign investment in its registered capital, its organizational structure and composition of personnel, and the proportion of contribution of Chinese investor shall conform to the provisions of administrative rules and regulations;


(III) Other civil aircraft, the registration of which is approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.


The lessee of a civil aircraft leased from outside Chinese territory may apply for People's Republic of China nationality registration where the lessee complies with the provisions of the preceding paragraph and where the flight crew of the leased aircraft are provided by the lessee. However, the original nationality registration of the leased civil aircraft must first have been cancelled.

第八條   依法取得中華人民共和國國籍的民用航空器,應當標明規定的國籍標志和登記標志。

Article 8 Civil aircraft which have acquired the nationality of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the law must display the stipulated nationality and registration symbols.

第九條   民用航空器不得具有雙重國籍。未注銷外國國籍的民用航空器不得在中華人民共和國申請國籍登記。

Article 9 A civil aircraft shall not possess dual nationality. A civil aircraft which fails to cancel its original foreign nationality is not permitted to apply for nationality registration in the People's Republic of China.

第三章 民用航空器權利

Chapter III Rights of Civil Aircraft

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第十條   本章規定的對民用航空器的權利,包括對民用航空器構架、發動機、螺旋槳、無線電設備和其他一切為了在民用航空器上使用的,無論安裝於其上或者暫時拆離的物品的權利。

Article 10. The rights over civil aircraft referred to in the provisions of this Chapter will include rights in respect of the airframes, engines, screw propellers, radio equipment and all other related parts which are used on a civil aircraft, regardless of whether those parts are affixed to the aircraft or temporarily detached.

第十一條   民用航空器權利人應當就下列權利分別向國務院民用航空主管部門辦理權利登記:

Article 11 The person entitled to the rights of a civil aircraft shall register the following rights respectively with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.


1. The ownership of the civil aircraft;


2. The right for the acquisition and possession of the civil aircraft through an act of purchase;


(III) The right to possess the civil aircraft in accordance with a lease contract covering a lease term of six months or over;


4. Mortgage of the civil aircraft.

第十二條   國務院民用航空主管部門設立民用航空器權利登記簿。同一民用航空器的權利登記事項應當記載於同一權利登記簿中。

Article 12 A register of the rights of civil aircraft shall be maintained by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council. Matters registered concerning the rights of one and the same civil aircraft shall be recorded in the same register of rights.


Matters registered concerning the rights of civil aircraft may be made available to the public for inquiry, reproduction or extraction.

第十三條   除民用航空器經依法強制拍賣外,在已經登記的民用航空器權利得到補償或者民用航空器權利人同意之前,民用航空器的國籍登記或者權利登記不得轉移至國外。

Article 13. Except for civil aircraft subject to compulsory auctions in accordance with the law, neither the nationality registration nor the rights registration of a civil aircraft can be transferred outside the country before compensation has been received for the registered rights to the aircraft or before consent is obtained from the holder of the rights to the civil aircraft in question.

第二節 民用航空器所有權和抵押權

Section 2 Ownership and Mortgage of Civil Aircraft

第十四條   民用航空器所有權的取得、轉讓和消滅,應當向國務院民用航空主管部門登記;未經登記的,不得對抗第三人。

Article 14. The acquisition, assignment or termination of civil aircraft ownership must be registered with the State Council department in charge of civil aviation. Any rights which fail to be registered cannot be used against a third party.


The transference of the ownership of a civil aircraft shall be made by a contract in writing.

第十五條   國家所有的民用航空器,由國家授予法人經營管理或者使用的,本法有關民用航空器所有人的規定適用於該法人。

Article 15. The provisions of this Law concerning the owner of civil aircraft are applicable to any legal person who runs, manages or uses state-owned civil aircraft with the authorisation of the State.

第十六條   設定民用航空器抵押權,由抵押權人和抵押人共同向國務院民用航空主管部門辦理抵押權登記;未經登記的,不得對抗第三人。

Article 16. Establishment of a mortgage over a civil aircraft must be registered with the State Council department in charge of civil aviation jointly by both the mortgagee and mortgagor. A mortgage which fails to be registered cannot be used against a third party.

第十七條   民用航空器抵押權設定後,未經抵押權人同意,抵押人不得將被抵押民用航空器轉讓他人。

Article 17 Once a mortgage is established on a civil aircraft, the ownership of the mortgaged civil aircraft shall not be transferred without the consent of the mortgagee.

第三節 民用航空器優先權

Section 3 Civil Aircraft Liens

第十八條   民用航空器優先權,是指債權人依照本法第十九條規定,向民用航空器所有人、承租人提出賠償請求,對產生該賠償請求的民用航空器具有優先受償的權利。

Article 18 A civil aircraft lien is the right of the claimant, subject to the provisions of Article 19 of this Law, to take priority in compensation against the owner and lessee of the civil aircraft with respect to the civil aircraft which gave rise to the said claim.

第十九條   下列各項債權具有民用航空器優先權:

Article 19 The following obligatory rights shall be entitled to civil aircraft liens:


1. Remuneration for rescuing the civil aircraft;


(II) Necessary expenses incurred for the custody of the civil aircraft.


Of the claims stipulated above, those which arise last are to be paid first.

第二十條   本法第十九條規定的民用航空器優先權,其債權人應當自援救或者保管維護工作終了之日起三個月內,就其債權向國務院民用航空主管部門登記。

Article 20. A creditor who has the right of priority to a civil aircraft as stipulated in Article 19 of this Law must register his or her claim with the State Council department in charge of civil aviation within three (3) months of the date on which the relevant rescue, storage or maintenance work is concluded.

第二十一條   為了債權人的共同利益,在執行人民法院判決以及拍賣過程中產生的費用,應當從民用航空器拍賣所得價款中先行撥付。

Article 21 For the common interests of creditors, the expenses incurred in enforcing the decision of the People's Court and in the course of auction sale shall be deducted and paid first from the proceeds of the auction sale of the civil aircraft.

第二十二條   民用航空器優先權先於民用航空器抵押權受償。

Article 22 A civil aircraft lien shall have priority over the mortgage of a civil aircraft.

第二十三條   本法第十九條規定的債權轉移的,其民用航空器優先權隨之轉移。

Article 23 Where a claim as stipulated in Article 19 of this Law is assigned, the right of priority to that civil aircraft will also be assigned accordingly.

第二十四條   民用航空器優先權應當通過人民法院扣押產生優先權的民用航空器行使。

Article 24. Rights to civil aircraft which arose as a result of that civil aircraft being distrained by a people's court will be exercised in priority over other rights of priority.

第二十五條   民用航空器優先權自援救或者保管維護工作終了之日起滿三個月時終止;但是,債權人就其債權已經依照本法第二十條規定登記,並具有下列情形之一的除外:

Article 25 A civil aircraft lien shall be terminated at the expiry of three months commencing from the date of the end of rescue or custody; except that the creditor has registered his obligatory rights according to the provisions of Article 20 of this Law and that the case is under one of the following circumstances:


1. The creditor and debtor have reached agreement on the amount of the said obligatory rights;


(II) The legal action concerning the obligatory rights has started.


A civil aircraft lien shall not be extinguished because of the transference of the ownership of the civil aircraft; except that the civil aircraft was the subject of a forced auction sale in accordance with law.

第四節 民用航空器租賃

Section 4 Lease of Civil Aircraft

第二十六條   民用航空器租賃合同,包括融資租賃合同和其他租賃合同,應當以書面形式訂立。

Article 26 Civil aircraft lease contracts, including finance lease contracts and other types of lease contracts, must be made out in written form.

第二十七條   民用航空器的融資租賃,是指出租人按照承租人對供貨方和民用航空器的選擇,購得民用航空器,出租給承租人使用,由承租人定期交納租金。

Article 27. A finance lease of a civil aircraft refers to the situation where the lessor purchases the civil aircraft, based on the lessee's choice of supplier and civil aircraft, and then leases the civil aircraft to the lessee who pays rent to the lessor on a regular basis for its use.

第二十八條   融資租賃期間,出租人依法享有民用航空器所有權,承租人依法享有民用航空器的占有、使用、收益權。

Article 28. During the period of a finance lease, the lessor will have legal ownership of the civil aircraft, while the lessee will have the legal right to possess, use and benefit from the civil aircraft.

第二十九條   融資租賃期間,出租人不得幹擾承租人依法占有、使用民用航空器;承租人應當適當地保管民用航空器,使之處於原交付時的狀態,但是合理損耗和經出租人同意的對民用航空器的改變除外。

Article 29 During the period of a finance lease, the lessor is prohibited from interfering with the legal possession and use of the civil aircraft by the original condition as at the time it was delivered. This will not include reasonable wear and tear of the civil aircraft or changes to the civil aircraft which have been agreed to by the lessor.

第三十條   融資租賃期滿,承租人應當將符合本法第二十九條規定狀態的民用航空器退還出租人;但是,承租人依照合同行使購買民用航空器的權利或者為繼續租賃而占有民用航空器的除外。

Article 30 When the financing lease contract comes to an end, the lessee, unless exercising a right to purchase the civil aircraft or to hold the civil aircraft on lease for a further period in accordance with the contract, shall return the civil aircraft to the lessor in the condition specified in Article 29 of this Law.

第三十一條   民用航空器融資租賃中的供貨方,不就同一損害同時對出租人和承租人承擔責任。

Article 31. The supplier of a civil aircraft subject to a finance lease will not bear liability concurrently to both the lessor and lessee for the same damage sustained by the civil aircraft.

第三十二條   融資租賃期間,經出租人同意,在不損害第三人利益的情況下,承租人可以轉讓其對民用航空器的占有權或者租賃合同約定的其他權利。

Article 32. The lessee may, during the period of a finance lease, assign its right to possession of the civil aircraft or other rights stipulated in the lease contract to others. However, this must be done with the consent of the lessor and on the condition that the interests of third parties will not be harmed.

第三十三條   民用航空器的融資租賃和租賃期限為六個月以上的其他租賃,承租人應當就其對民用航空器的占有權向國務院民用航空主管部門辦理登記;未經登記的,不得對抗第三人。

Article 33. For finance leases of civil aircraft and other leases of civil aircraft with a lease period of six (6) months or more, the lessee must register its right to possession of the civil aircraft with the State Council department in charge of civil aviation. Those rights to possession of a civil aircraft which are not registered cannot be used against a third party.

第四章 民用航空器適航管理

Chapter 4 Airworthiness Management of Civil Aircraft

第三十四條   設計民用航空器及其發動機、螺旋槳和民用航空器上設備,應當向國務院民用航空主管部門申請領取型號合格證書。經審查合格的,發給型號合格證書。

Article 34 Application shall be filed with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for type certificate for the design of civil aircraft and its engines, propellers and on-board equipment. A type certificate shall be issued accordingly if found qualified.

第三十五條   生產、維修民用航空器及其發動機、螺旋槳和民用航空器上設備,應當向國務院民用航空主管部門申請領取生產許可證書、維修許可證書。經審查合格的,發給相應的證書。

Article 35 Application shall be filed with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for production certificate and maintenance certificate for the production and maintenance of civil aircraft and its engines, propellers and on-board equipment. Permits shall be issued to successful applicants.

第三十六條   外國制造人生產的任何型號的民用航空器及其發動機、螺旋槳和民用航空器上設備,首次進口中國的,該外國制造人應當向國務院民用航空主管部門申請領取型號認可證書。經審查合格的,發給型號認可證書。

Article 36 Where a civil aircraft and its engines, propellers and on-board equipment produced by a foreign manufacturer are imported into China for the first time, such foreign manufacturer shall file an application with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for type validation certificate. A type validation certificate shall be issued if found qualified through examination.


Where a model qualification certificate from a foreign country has been obtained in respect of civil aircraft, including the engines, screw propellers and apparatus used in the civil aircraft, which are to be manufactured within the territory of China for the first time, the holder of this certificate must apply to the State Council department in charge of civil aviation for a model ratification certificate. A type validation certificate shall be issued if found qualified through examination.

第三十七條   具有中華人民共和國國籍的民用航空器,應當持有國務院民用航空主管部門頒發的適航證書,方可飛行。

Article 37. Civil aircraft which have acquired the nationality of the People's Republic of China must obtain an airworthiness certificate issued by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation before commencing flight.


Application shall be filed with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council by the manufacturer for export airworthiness certificate with respect to the export of civil aircraft and its engines, propellers and on-board equipment. An export airworthiness certificate shall be issued if found qualified through examination.


A leased foreign civil aircraft must have its airworthiness certificate which was issued by its country of nationality examined and ratified by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation before commencing flight.


The regulations for the airworthiness of civil aircraft shall be formulated by the State Council.

第三十八條   民用航空器的所有人或者承租人應當按照適航證書規定的使用範圍使用民用航空器,做好民用航空器的維修保養工作,保證民用航空器處於適航狀態。

Article 38 The owner and lessee of a civil aircraft shall use the aircraft in accordance with the scope of use prescribed in airworthiness certificate, conscientiously carry out the maintenance of the aircraft and ensure its airworthy condition.


Chapter 5 Air Crew

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第三十九條   本法所稱航空人員,是指下列從事民用航空活動的空勤人員和地面人員:

Article 39 For the purposes of this Law, aviation personnel refers to the following air crew and ground crew engaged in civil aviation activities:


1. Flight personnel, including pilots, flight engineers, and cabin attendants;


(II) Ground personnel, including civil aircraft maintenance personnel, air traffic controllers, flight dispatchers and aeronautical radio station operators.

第四十條   航空人員應當接受專門訓練,經考核合格,取得國務院民用航空主管部門頒發的執照,方可擔任其執照載明的工作。

Article 40. Aviation personnel must first receive professional training, pass a qualifying examination and obtain a licence from the State Council department in charge of civil aviation before they may undertake any work which is specified in their licences.


Before obtaining a licence, air crew and air traffic controllers are also required to undergo physical check-ups conducted by physical examination units approved by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation and obtain a certificate of physical fitness issued by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第四十一條   空勤人員在執行飛行任務時,應當隨身攜帶執照和體格檢查合格證書,並接受國務院民用航空主管部門的查驗。

Article 41. When performing flight tasks, the air crew are required to carry with them their licence and the certificate of physical fitness and must be subject to inspections from the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第四十二條   航空人員應當接受國務院民用航空主管部門定期或者不定期的檢查和考核;經檢查、考核合格的,方可繼續擔任其執照載明的工作。

Article 42 Aviation personnel will undergo regular or random inspections and assessment tests conducted by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation. Only those found to qualify upon inspection and assessment may continue to carry out the work specified in their work licences.


Air crew are also required to participate in regular emergency procedure training.


Air crew personnel who resume flying after a period of absence which exceeds the time limit set by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation must be subject to inspection and assessment; Air crew personnel other than flight attendants who resume flying after a period of absence which exceeds the time limit set by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation must also undergo supervised flight. Only those qualified by inspection, assessment and instruction flight may continue to perform the work specified in their licenses.

第二節 機組

Section 2 Unit

第四十三條   民用航空器機組由機長和其他空勤人員組成。機長應當由具有獨立駕駛該型號民用航空器的技術和經驗的駕駛員擔任。

Article 43 The flight crew of a civil aircraft is composed of the pilot-in-command and other flight personnel. The position of captain of a civil aircraft must be held by a pilot who has the skills and experience to fly that model civil aircraft unaccompanied.


The composition of a crew and the number of its members shall conform to the regulations of the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.

第四十四條   民用航空器的操作由機長負責,機長應當嚴格履行職責,保護民用航空器及其所載人員和財產的安全。

Article 44 The pilot-in-command is responsible for the operation of the civil aircraft, and shall strictly perform his duties to protect the safety of the civil aircraft and persons and property carried therein.


The pilot-in-command issues orders within the scope of his functions and powers, and the orders shall be implemented by the persons carried by the civil aircraft.

第四十五條   飛行前,機長應當對民用航空器實施必要的檢查;未經檢查,不得起飛。

Article 45 The pilot-in-command shall carry out necessary inspection of the civil aircraft before flight; no civil aircraft shall takeoff unless inspected.


The captain has the authority to refuse take off if it is discovered that the civil aircraft, airport or meteorological conditions do not comply with stipulations and flight safety cannot be ensured.

第四十六條   飛行中,對於任何破壞民用航空器、擾亂民用航空器內秩序、危害民用航空器所載人員或者財產安全以及其他危及飛行安全的行為,在保證安全的前提下,機長有權采取必要的適當措施。

Article 46. During flight, the captain has the authority to adopt necessary and appropriate measures for the sake of ensuring safety, in respect of any activities which would damage the civil aircraft, create disturbances inside the civil aircraft, endanger the safety of personnel and property on board or pose a danger to flight safety.


During flight, the captain has the authority, under special circumstances, to deal with the civil aircraft so as to ensure the safety of the civil aircraft and persons on board.

第四十七條   機長發現機組人員不適宜執行飛行任務的,為保證飛行安全,有權提出調整。

Article 47 The pilot-in-command has the right to ask for a change of crew member (s) in order to ensure flight safety if he discovers that the crew member (s) are not suitable for performing the flight mission.

第四十八條   民用航空器遇險時,機長有權采取一切必要措施,並指揮機組人員和航空器上其他人員采取搶救措施。在必須撤離遇險民用航空器的緊急情況下,機長必須采取措施,首先組織旅客安全離開民用航空器;未經機長允許,機組人員不得擅自離開民用航空器;機長應當最後離開民用航空器。

Article 48 Where a civil aircraft is in distress, its captain has the authority to adopt all necessary measures and to command the flight crew and other persons on board the aircraft to adopt rescue procedures. In an emergency situation where all persons on board must abandon the civil aircraft in distress, the captain must adopt measures to first organise passengers to leave the civil aircraft safely. No member of the flight crew is permitted to leave the civil aircraft without the permission of the captain. The captain must leave the civil aircraft last.

第四十九條   民用航空器發生事故,機長應當直接或者通過空中交通管制單位,如實將事故情況及時報告國務院民用航空主管部門。

Article 49. Where a civil aircraft is involved in an accident, the captain of the civil aircraft must directly, or through the air traffic control unit, report accurate details of the accident to the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第五十條   機長收到船舶或者其他航空器的遇險信號,或者發現遇險的船舶、航空器及其人員,應當將遇險情況及時報告就近的空中交通管制單位並給予可能的合理的援助。

Article 50. Where a captain receives distress signals from a vessel or other aircraft, or discovers a vessel, aircraft or people in distress, the captain must promptly report the details of the accident to the nearest air traffic control unit and meanwhile render all reasonable assistance to those in distress.

第五十一條   飛行中,機長因故不能履行職務的,由僅次於機長職務的駕駛員代理機長;在下一個經停地起飛前,民用航空器所有人或者承租人應當指派新機長接任。

Article 51. If, for some reason, the captain is unable to carry out his or her duties during flight the pilot who holds the post second in command to the captain will become the acting captain. A new captain will be appointed by the owner or the lessee of the civil aircraft before the aircraft takes off from its next stop en route.

第五十二條   只有一名駕駛員,不需配備其他空勤人員的民用航空器,本節對機長的規定,適用於該駕駛員。

Article 52 In the case of a civil aircraft with only one pilot and without the need to have other flight personnel, the provisions of this Section concerning the pilot-in-command shall be applicable to such pilot.

第六章 民用機場

Chapter 6 Civil Airports

第五十三條   本法所稱民用機場,是指專供民用航空器起飛、降落、滑行、停放以及進行其他活動使用的劃定區域,包括附屬的建築物、裝置和設施。

Article 53. For the purposes of this Law, civil airports refer to the areas specified for the take-off, landing, taxiing, standing and other activities of civil aircraft, and also include auxiliary buildings, installations and facilities.


The civil airport referred to in this Law does not include temporary airfield.


The State Council and the Central Military Commission shall separately formulate the measures for the management of airports used by both military and civil air operations.

第五十四條   民用機場的建設和使用應當統籌安排、合理布局,提高機場的使用效率。

Article 54. So that the utilisation rate of airports will be increased, there will be overall planning and rational allocation of the construction and use of civil airports.


The plan of distribution and construction of civil airports in the whole country shall be formulated jointly by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council and other departments concerned under the State Council, and shall be implemented after being approved in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the State.


People's governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and directly administered municipalities will, in line with the comprehensive plans for the distribution and construction of national civil airports, formulate their own plans for the construction of civil airports within their own administrative regions. These plans will be incorporated in the national economic and social development program of that province, autonomous region or directly administered municipality after being approved in accordance with the stipulated procedures of the State.

第五十五條   民用機場建設規劃應當與城市建設規劃相協調。

Article 55 The civil airport construction plan shall be coordinated with city construction planning.

第五十六條   新建、改建和擴建民用機場,應當符合依法制定的民用機場布局和建設規劃,符合民用機場標準,並按照國家規定報經有關主管機關批準並實施。

Article 56. Any new construction, refurbishment and expansion of civil airports must conform to plans for the allocation and construction of civil airports which have been formulated in accordance with the law and must meet the standards for civil airports and will be implemented after being approved by relevant departments responsible in accordance with State regulations.


No civil airport construction project that does not conform to the plan for the distribution and construction of civil airports formulated in accordance with law may be approved.

第五十七條   新建、擴建民用機場,應當由民用機場所在地縣級以上地方人民政府發布公告。

Article 57. Any new construction or expansion of a civil airport will be announced publicly by the local people's government at county level or above in the place where the civil airport is located.


The public announcements mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be published in major local newspapers and posted in areas around the airport to be constructed or expanded.

第五十八條   禁止在依法劃定的民用機場範圍內和按照國家規定劃定的機場淨空保護區域內從事下列活動:

Article 58 The following activities are prohibited within the limits of civil airport defined according to law and within the airport obstacle clearance protection zone defined according to State regulations:


1. The construction of buildings or facilities that will possibly affect flight safety by emitting large amount of smoke, dust, flames and waste gas in the air;


2. The construction of buildings or facilities that will affect flight safety such as shooting range and storage of strong explosives;


(III) The construction of buildings or facilities that do not meet the requirements of obstacle clearance of the airport;


(IV) The installation of lights, signs or objects that will affect the use of airport visual navaid;


(V) The growing of plants that will affect flight safety or affect the use of airport navaid;


(VI) The keeping and setting free of birds and other objects that will affect flight safety;


(VII) The construction of buildings or facilities that will affect the electromagnetic environment of the airport.


Herding of livestock within the limits of civil airport defined according to law is prohibited.

第五十九條   民用機場新建、擴建的公告發布前,在依法劃定的民用機場範圍內和按照國家規定劃定的機場淨空保護區域內存在的可能影響飛行安全的建築物、構築物、樹木、燈光和其他障礙物體,應當在規定的期限內清除;對由此造成的損失,應當給予補償或者依法采取其他補救措施。

Article 59. Prior to the issue of the public announcement of the new construction or expansion of a civil airport, all buildings, structures, trees, lights and other obstructions which exist within areas legally designated for that civil airport and within the protected airport clearance area and which may affect flight safety must be removed within a stipulated time limit. Compensation will be granted or other remedial measures will be adopted in accordance with the law in respect of any loss occasioned by this removal.

第六十條   民用機場新建、擴建的公告發布後,任何單位和個人違反本法和有關行政法規的規定,在依法劃定的民用機場範圍內和按照國家規定劃定的機場淨空保護區域內修建、種植或者設置影響飛行安全的建築物、構築物、樹木、燈光和其他障礙物體的,由機場所在地縣級以上地方人民政府責令清除;由此造成的損失,由修建、種植或者設置該障礙物體的人承擔。

Article 60. If, following a public announcement of the new construction or expansion of a civil airport, any unit or individual, in violation of the provisions of this Law or relevant administrative regulations, builds, plants or installs buildings, structures, trees, lights or other obstacles within the area legally designated for that civil airport or within the area designated for protective airport clearance pursuant to State regulations, where these obstacles will affect flight safety, the local people's government at county level or above at the place where the airport is located will order their removal. Any loss occasioned by this removal will be borne by those who built, planted or installed the obstacles.

第六十一條   在民用機場及其按照國家規定劃定的淨空保護區域以外,對可能影響飛行安全的高大建築物或者設施,應當按照國家有關規定設置飛行障礙燈和標志,並使其保持正常狀態。

Article 61. High-rise buildings or facilities outside a civil airport or outside the area designated by the State regulations as its protective clearance area and which may affect flight safety must have flight obstacle indication lights and signs erected in accordance with relevant State regulations. These indication lights and signs must be maintained so as to be in normal working order.

第六十二條   國務院民用航空主管部門規定的對公眾開放的民用機場應當取得機場使用許可證,方可開放使用。其他民用機場應當按照國務院民用航空主管部門的規定進行備案。

Article 62. Civil airports which are open to the public as specified by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation must obtain an airport operating licence before they can be opened and put into use. Other civil airports shall file records pursuant to the provisions of the civil aviation authorities of the State Council.


The following conditions shall be satisfied and the airport use permit shall be checked and accepted as qualified in accordance with State provisions:


1. It has available a movement area, a terminal area, a working area and service facilities and personnel corresponding to its operation;


(II) It has available air traffic control, communication, navigation and meteorological facilities and personnel that can ensure flight safety;


(III) It has available security protection conditions conforming to State regulations;


(IV) It has an emergency plan to deal with extraordinary circumstances and corresponding facilities and personnel;


(V) It has available other conditions prescribed by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.


An international airport shall also have the conditions for operating international air transport and be provided with customs and other port inspection organs.

第六十三條   民用機場使用許可證由機場管理機構向國務院民用航空主管部門申請,經國務院民用航空主管部門審查批準後頒發。

Article 63. The application for a permit to operate as an airport will be submitted to the State Council department in charge of civil aviation by the airport administration office and the permit will be issued upon examination and approval by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第六十四條   設立國際機場,由國務院民用航空主管部門報請國務院審查批準。

Article 64. Establishment of an international airport must be reported by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation to the State Council for examination and approval.


The opening to traffic of an international airport shall be announced to the public by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council; the data of an international airport shall be exclusively provided by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.

第六十五條   民用機場應當按照國務院民用航空主管部門的規定,采取措施,保證機場內人員和財產的安全。

Article 65. A civil airport must adopt measures to ensure the safety of personnel and property within the airport in accordance with regulations of the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第六十六條   供運輸旅客或者貨物的民用航空器使用的民用機場,應當按照國務院民用航空主管部門規定的標準,設置必要設施,為旅客和貨物托運人、收貨人提供良好服務。

Article 66. In order that proper service is provided for passengers, consignors and consignees, civil airports to be used by civil passenger aircraft and air freight craft must install necessary facilities pursuant to the standards set by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第六十七條   民用機場管理機構應當依照環境保護法律、行政法規的規定,做好機場環境保護工作。

Article 67 A civil airport administrative organ shall protect well the environment of the civil airport in accordance with the provisions of the laws and administrative rules and regulations concerning environmental protection.

第六十八條   民用航空器使用民用機場及其助航設施的,應當繳納使用費、服務費;使用費、服務費的收費標準,由國務院民用航空主管部門制定。

Article 68. Civil aircraft which use civil airports and civil airport navigational aid facilities must pay utilisation fees and service fees. Fee standards for these charges will be formulated by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第六十九條   民用機場廢棄或者改作他用,民用機場管理機構應當依照國家規定辦理報批手續。

Article 69 Where a civil airport is abandoned or put to use for other purposes, the civil airport administrative organ shall go through the formalities of reporting and approval in accordance with State regulations.

第七章 空中航行

Chapter 7 Air navigation

第一節 空域管理

Section 1 Airspace Management

第七十條   國家對空域實行統一管理。

Article 70 The State exercises unified management over the airspace.

第七十一條   劃分空域,應當兼顧民用航空和國防安全的需要以及公眾的利益,使空域得到合理、充分、有效的利用。

Article 71 In delineating the airspace, consideration shall be given to the requirements of both civil aviation and the security of national defense and to public interest for the rational, full and effective utilization of the airspace.

第七十二條   空域管理的具體辦法,由國務院、中央軍事委員會制定。

Article 72. Detailed measures for airspace control will be formulated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.

第二節 飛行管理

Section 2 Flight Management

第七十三條   在一個劃定的管制空域內,由一個空中交通管制單位負責該空域內的航空器的空中交通管制。

Article 73. For each designated controlled airspace, one air traffic control unit will be responsible for controlling the air traffic of all aircraft flying within that designated airspace.

第七十四條   民用航空器在管制空域內進行飛行活動,應當取得空中交通管制單位的許可。

Article 74. Civil aircraft must first obtain the permission of the air traffic control unit in order to conduct flights within controlled airspace.

第七十五條   民用航空器應當按照空中交通管制單位指定的航路和飛行高度飛行;因故確需偏離指定的航路或者改變飛行高度飛行的,應當取得空中交通管制單位的許可。

Article 75. Civil aircraft must fly along the air route and at the altitudes designated by the air traffic control unit. Where it is legitimately necessary to deviate from the designated air route or change flight altitudes, the permission of the air traffic control unit must be obtained.

第七十六條   在中華人民共和國境內飛行的航空器,必須遵守統一的飛行規則。

Article 76 Aircraft flying within the territory of the People's Republic of China must observe the country's uniform flight rules and regulations.


Civil aircraft on visual flight must observe visual flight rules and regulations and maintain a safe distance from other aircraft and land-base obstacles.


A civil aircraft performing instrument flight shall observe instrument flight rules.


The rules of the air shall be formulated jointly by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.

第七十七條   民用航空器機組人員的飛行時間、執勤時間不得超過國務院民用航空主管部門規定的時限。

Article 77. The flight time and hours of duty of the flight crew of civil aircraft must not exceed the time limit stipulated by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.


No crew member of a civil aircraft shall perform a flight mission if his work capacity is impaired by the effect of alcohol, narcotics or other drugs.

第七十八條   民用航空器除按照國家規定經特別批準外,不得飛入禁區;除遵守規定的限制條件外,不得飛入限制區。

Article 78 No civil aircraft shall fly into a prohibited area unless it is specially approved in accordance with State regulations; no civil aircraft shall fly into a restricted area unless it observes the prescribed conditions of restriction.


The prohibited areas and restricted areas specified in the preceding paragraph are defined in accordance with State regulations.

第七十九條   民用航空器不得飛越城市上空;但是,有下列情形之一的除外:

Article 79 No civil aircraft shall fly over urban areas except in one of the following circumstances:


1. It is necessary for takeoff, landing or specified air route;


2. The flight altitude is high enough to permit the civil aircraft to leave the airspace over the city in the event of emergency without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface;


(III) The flight has been approved in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the State.

第八十條   飛行中,民用航空器不得投擲物品;但是,有下列情形之一的除外:

Article 80 Nothing shall be dropped or sprayed from a civil aircraft in flight except in one of the following circumstances:


1. It is indispensable for flight safety;


(II) It is indispensable for performing a rescue mission or other flight missions conforming to the public interest of the society.

第八十一條   民用航空器未經批準不得飛出中華人民共和國領空。

Article 81 No civil aircraft shall fly out of the territorial airspace of the People's Republic of China without approval.


In the situation where a civil aircraft is flying out of the territorial airspace of the People's Republic of China without approval, relevant departments will have the authority to adopt necessary measures in the light of the specific situation to stop that aircraft.

第三節 飛行保障

Section 3 Flight Support

第八十二條   空中交通管制單位應當為飛行中的民用航空器提供空中交通服務,包括空中交通管制服務、飛行情報服務和告警服務。

Article 82. Air traffic control units must provide air traffic services for civil aircraft in flight. These services will include air traffic control services, flight information services and warning services.


The provision of air traffic control services is aimed at preventing collisions between civil aircraft and between civil aircraft and obstacles nd to maintain and improve the orderliness of air traffic activities.


The provision of flight information service is aimed at providing intelligence and recommendations for the safe and efficient conduct of the flight.


The provision of warning services is aimed at ensuring that, when the need for search and rescue arises in relation to a civil aircraft, the relevant departments will be notified and also to assist these departments to carry out search and rescue in accordance with requirements.

第八十三條   空中交通管制單位發現民用航空器偏離指定航路、迷失航向時,應當迅速采取一切必要措施,使其回歸航路。

Article 83. When an air traffic control unit discovers that a civil aircraft has drifted off the designated air route or has lost direction, the air traffic control unit must promptly adopt all necessary measures to being the aircraft back to the correct course.

第八十四條   航路上應當設置必要的導航、通信、氣象和地面監視設備。

Article 84. Necessary air navigation, telecommunications, meteorological and ground surveillance equipment must be installed along the air routes.

第八十五條   航路上影響飛行安全的自然障礙物體,應當在航圖上標明;航路上影響飛行安全的人工障礙物體,應當設置飛行障礙燈和標志,並使其保持正常狀態。

Article 85. Any natural obstacles along the air routes which will affect flight safety must be clearly indicated on the flight chart. Flight obstacle lights and signs must be installed to indicate any artificial obstacles along the air routes which will affect flight safety. These lights and signs must be maintained in normal working order.

第八十六條   在距離航路邊界三十公裡以內的地帶,禁止修建靶場和其他可能影響飛行安全的設施;但是,平射輕武器靶場除外。

Article 86 The construction of a shooting range or other facilities that will possibly affect flight safety is prohibited within the area extending 30 kilometers from the edges of an air route, unless it is a shooting range for flat trajectory light weapon.


The construction of a fixed or temporary shooting ground beyond the area prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to approval according to relevant State regulations; the shooting direction of an air shooting range shall not intersect an air route.

第八十七條   任何可能影響飛行安全的活動,應當依法獲得批準,並采取確保飛行安全的必要措施,方可進行。

Article 87 Any activity which may affect flight safety shall be approved in accordance with law and measures necessary to ensure flight safety shall be taken.

第八十八條   國務院民用航空主管部門應當依法對民用航空無線電臺和分配給民用航空系統使用的專用頻率實施管理。

Article 88 The competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall exercise control over civil aviation radio stations and the special frequencies assigned to be used by civil aviation system according to law.


Radio transmitter-receivers and other instruments and equipment used by any units or individuals must not obstruct the normal functions of frequencies assigned for the special use of civil aviation radios. In case of harmful interference with the special radio frequencies for civil aviation, the relevant unit or individual shall eliminate such interference as soon as possible; and the use of such radio station or other instrument and device shall be stopped before the elimination of such interference.

第八十九條   郵電通信企業應當對民用航空電信傳遞優先提供服務。

Article 89. Postal and telecommunications enterprises must give priority to providing services for civil aviation telecommunications transmission.


State meteorological authorities must provide necessary meteorological data to the civil aviation meteorological authorities.

第四節 飛行必備文件

Section 4 Essential Flight Documents

第九十條   從事飛行的民用航空器,應當攜帶下列文件:

Article 90 A civil aircraft engaged in flight operation shall carry the following documents:


1. Civil aircraft certificate of nationality registration;


(II) Civil aircraft certificate of airworthiness;


(III) Appropriate licences for crew members;


(IV) Civil aircraft journey log book;


(V) If the civil aircraft is equipped with radio apparatus, its radio station licence;


(VI) If the civil aircraft carries passengers, a list of their names and places of departure and destination;


(VII) If the civil aircraft carries cargo, a manifest and detailed declarations of the cargo;


(VIII) Other documents that should be carried according to the flight mission.


The State Council department in charge of civil aviation or other authorised regional civil aviation administrations must forbid any civil aircraft from take off if the aircraft crew fails to present all the documents stipulated in the preceding paragraph.

第八章 公共航空運輸企業

Chapter 8 Public Air Transport Enterprises

第九十一條   公共航空運輸企業,是指以營利為目的,使用民用航空器運送旅客、行李、郵件或者貨物的企業法人。

Article 91. Public air transport enterprises refer to corporate enterprises which use civil aircraft to transport passengers, luggage, mail or cargo for the purpose of making a profit.

第九十二條   企業從事公共航空運輸,應當向國務院民用航空主管部門申請領取經營許可證。

Article 92 An enterprise that intends to engage in public air transport shall apply to the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for a business license.

第九十三條   取得公共航空運輸經營許可,應當具備下列條件:

Article 93 The following conditions shall be met for obtaining a public air transport license:


1. It has the civil aircraft conforming to the requirements of ensuring flight safety as stipulated by the State;


2. It has the necessary airmen who have been issued licences according to law;


(III) It has the minimum registered capital prescribed by the State Council;


(IV) Other conditions prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.

第九十四條   公共航空運輸企業的組織形式、組織機構適用公司法的規定。

Article 94 The provisions of the Company Law shall be applicable to the form of organization and institutional framework of public air transport enterprises.


Public air transport enterprises which were established prior to the implementation of this Law, and whose organisational form and structure do not completely comply with the provisions of the Company Law, may continue to follow the original regulations. The date that the provisions stipulated in the preceding paragraph will apply will be determined by the State Council.

第九十五條   公共航空運輸企業應當以保證飛行安全和航班正常,提供良好服務為準則,采取有效措施,提高運輸服務質量。

Article 95 A public air transport enterprise must, on the principle of providing sound services by means of ensuring air safety and maintaining a normal flight schedule, adopt effective measures to enhance the quality of its transport services.


A public air transport enterprise must educate and require its staff and workers to strictly fulfil their duties, have a civilised, polite, courteous and considerate service manner and strive to provide sound services for both passenger and cargo transportation.


Any delay of passenger flights shall be announced in time within the airport.

第九十六條   公共航空運輸企業申請經營定期航班運輸(以下簡稱航班運輸)的航線,暫停、終止經營航線,應當報經國務院民用航空主管部門批準。

Article 96 A public air transport enterprise shall apply to the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for approval with respect to the air route to be operated for scheduled air services, and the suspension or termination of the operation of air route.


A public air transport enterprise operating scheduled air services shall have its timetable published.) >

第九十七條   公共航空運輸企業的營業收費項目,由國務院民用航空主管部門確定。

Article 97. Items for which operating fees can be charged by public air transport enterprises will be determined by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.


Administrative measures for the control of domestic air transport prices will be formulated by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation in conjunction with the State Council department in charge of commodity prices. These measures will be implemented upon approval by the State Council.


The tariff of international air transport shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the agreements signed between the Government of the People's Republic of China and foreign governments; in the absence of any agreement, the tariff shall be formulated with reference to the market price of international air transport.

第九十八條   公共航空運輸企業從事不定期運輸,應當經國務院民用航空主管部門批準,並不得影響航班運輸的正常經營。

Article 98. A public air transport enterprise which intends to engage in any ad hoc transport business must be subject to approval by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation and must guarantee that such business will not affect the normal operation of flight transport.

第九十九條   公共航空運輸企業應當依照國務院制定的公共航空運輸安全保衛規定,制定安全保衛方案,並報國務院民用航空主管部門備案。

Article 99 A public air transport enterprise shall formulate a security plan in accordance with the public air transport security regulations formulated by the State Council, and report to the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for the record.

第一百條   公共航空運輸企業不得運輸法律、行政法規規定的禁運物品。

Article 100. Public air transport enterprises must not transport any articles which are prohibited under the provisions of laws or administrative regulations.


No public air transport enterprise shall carry munitions of war or implements of war unless approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.


Passengers bringing on their persons articles the transport of which is prohibited by the provisions of laws and administrative regulations are prohibited from flying in a civil aircraft.

第一百零一條   公共航空運輸企業運輸危險品,應當遵守國家有關規定。

Article 101 Public air transport enterprises engaged in the transport of dangerous cargo must observe relevant State regulations.


It is forbidden to consign dangerous goods under the name of non-dangerous goods.


Passengers carrying dangerous articles are prohibited from flying in a civil aircraft. Except for those exercising pubic functions who have obtained approval according to relevant State regulations, passengers are prohibited from carrying guns and controlled knives on board civil aircraft. It is prohibited to check in dangerous articles as luggage in violation of the stipulations of the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.


The names of dangerous articles shall be prescribed and published by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.

第一百零二條   公共航空運輸企業不得運輸拒絕接受安全檢查的旅客,不得違反國家規定運輸未經安全檢查的行李。

Article 102. Public air transport enterprises must not transport passengers who refuse to undergo security checks and must not violate State regulations by transporting luggage which has not been subject to security check procedures.


Public air transport enterprises must conduct security checks of consigned cargo or adopt other measures to ensure security in accordance with regulations of the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第一百零三條   公共航空運輸企業從事國際航空運輸的民用航空器及其所載人員、行李、貨物應當接受邊防、海關等主管部門的檢查;但是,檢查時應當避免不必要的延誤。

Article 103 Public air transport enterprises engaged in international air transport must subject their civil aircraft, including the personnel, luggage and cargo on board, to inspections conducted by competent departments in charge of frontier defence and Customs affairs. However, unnecessary delays must be avoided in the course of these inspections.

第一百零四條   公共航空運輸企業應當依照有關法律、行政法規的規定優先運輸郵件。

Article 104. Public air transport enterprises must, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations, give priority to the transport of mail.

第一百零五條   公共航空運輸企業應當投保地面第三人責任險。

Article 105. Public air transport enterprises must take out liability insurance in respect of third parties on the ground.

第九章 公共航空運輸

Chapter 9 Public Air Transport

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第一百零六條   本章適用於公共航空運輸企業使用民用航空器經營的旅客、行李或者貨物的運輸,包括公共航空運輸企業使用民用航空器辦理的免費運輸。

Article 106. The provisions of this Chapter are applicable to the transport of passengers, luggage and cargo by public air transport enterprises using civil aircraft. This includes gratuitous transport handled by public air transport enterprises using civil aircraft.


This Chapter is not applicable to the transport of mail by the use of civil aircraft.


The provisions of this Chapter are applicable to the air transport sectors of multimodal transport.

第一百零七條   本法所稱國內航空運輸,是指根據當事人訂立的航空運輸合同,運輸的出發地點、約定的經停地點和目的地點均在中華人民共和國境內的運輸。

Article 107. Domestic air transport stated in this Law refers to transport which is conducted according to an air transport contract entered into between the parties concerned and where the place of departure, agreed en route stops and the place of destination are all located within the territory of the People's Republic of China.


International air transport stated in this Law refers to transport which is conducted according to an air transport contract entered into between the parties concerned and where the place of departure, the place of destination or one of the agreed en route stops is not located within the territory of the People's Republic of China, regardless of whether the transport is in an interrupted or transit process.

第一百零八條   航空運輸合同各方認為幾個連續的航空運輸承運人辦理的運輸是一項單一業務活動的,無論其形式是以一個合同訂立或者數個合同訂立,應當視為一項不可分割的運輸。

Article 108 If all parties to an air transport contract consider that transport by several air transport carriers in succession is actually one single business activity, this will be regarded as an individual item of transport, regardless of whether it is established in the form of one contract or in several contracts.

第二節 運輸憑證

Section 2 Transport Documents

第一百零九條   承運人運送旅客,應當出具客票。旅客乘坐民用航空器,應當交驗有效客票。

Article 109 For the transport of passengers the carrier shall deliver a passenger ticket. Passengers travelling by civil aircraft must present valid tickets for checking.

第一百一十條   客票應當包括的內容由國務院民用航空主管部門規定,至少應當包括以下內容:

Article 110 The contents of a passenger ticket shall be prescribed by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council. A passenger ticket shall at least contain the following particulars:


1. The place of departure and of destination;


2. If the places of departure and destination are within the territory of the People's Republic of China, one or more agreed stopping places being outside such territory, an indication of at least one such stopping place;


(III) If the ultimate destination, the place of departure or the agreed stopping place of the passenger's journey is not situated within the territory of the People's Republic of China, a notice indicating the international air transport convention applicable to such transport, in case such convention requires the inclusion of the notice in the passenger ticket.

第一百一十一條   客票是航空旅客運輸合同訂立和運輸合同條件的初步證據。

Article 111 The passenger ticket shall constitute prima facie evidence of the conclusion and conditions of the contract of transport of passenger by air.


The existence or the validity of a transport contract will not be affected by the fact that a passenger is unable to present his or her passenger ticket, the passenger ticket does not meet the requirements of relevant regulations or the passenger ticket has been lost.


Where a carrier agrees to allow a passenger to board a civil aircraft without presenting his or her passenger ticket for domestic air transport, the carrier will have no right to invoke the provisions in Article 128 of this Law concerning limitation of liability for compensation.


In international air transport, if, with the consent of the carrier, the passenger embarks on a civil aircraft without a passenger ticket having been delivered, or if the ticket does not include the notice required by sub-paragraph 3. of Article 110 of this Law, the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Article 129 of this Law concerning the limit of liability.

第一百一十二條   承運人載運托運行李時,行李票可以包含在客票之內或者與客票相結合。除本法第一百一十條的規定外,行李票還應當包括下列內容:

Article 112 In respect of the transport of checked baggage by a carrier, a baggage check may be combined with or incorporated in a passenger ticket. In addition to the provisions of Article 110 of this Law, a baggage check shall also include the following particulars:


1. The number of packages and weight of the baggage;


(II) If a declaration of interest in delivery at destination of the checked baggage is required, indicate the sum of declared interest.


The baggage check is prima facie evidence of the checking and conditions of the contract of transport.


The existence or the validity of the transport contract will not be affected by the fact that a passenger is unable to present his or her luggage ticket, the luggage ticket does not meet the requirements of relevant regulations or the luggage ticket has been lost.


Where a carrier agrees to transport consigned luggage without issuing a luggage ticket during domestic air transport, that carrier will have no right to invoke the provisions of Article 128 of this Law concerning limitation of liability for compensation.


In international air transport, if the carrier carries the checked baggage without a baggage check having been delivered, or if the baggage check does not include the notice required by sub-paragraph 3. of Article 110 of this Law, the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Article 129 of this Law concerning the limit of liability.

第一百一十三條   承運人有權要求托運人填寫航空貨運單,托運人有權要求承運人接受該航空貨運單。托運人未能出示航空貨運單、航空貨運單不符合規定或者航空貨運單遺失,不影響運輸合同的存在或者有效。

Article 113 The carrier has the right to require the shipper to make out an air waybill; a shipper has the right to require the carrier to accept the air waybill. The failure of the shipper to produce the air waybill, or the irregularity or loss of the air waybill shall not affect the existence or validity of the contract of transport.

第一百一十四條   托運人應當填寫航空貨運單正本一式三份,連同貨物交給承運人。

Article 114. The consignor must complete the air waybill in triplicate and hand it over to the carrier together with the consigned cargo.


The first copy of the air waybill must be market "For the Carrier" and will be signed and sealed by the consignor; the second copy must be market "For the Consignee" and will be signed and sealed by both the consignor and the carrier; and the third copy will be signed and sealed by the carrier upon receipt of the cargo and then be returned to the consignor.


Provided that there is no evidence to the contrary, the air waybill completed by the carrier at the request of the consignor will be regarded as have been completed on behalf of the consignor.

第一百一十五條   航空貨運單應當包括的內容由國務院民用航空主管部門規定,至少應當包括以下內容:

Article 115 The contents of an air waybill shall be prescribed by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council. An air waybill shall at least contain the following particulars:


1. The place of departure and of destination;


2. If the places of departure and destination are within the territory of the People's Republic of China, one or more agreed stopping places being outside such territory, an indication of at least one such stopping place;


(III) If the ultimate destination, the place of departure or the agreed stopping place of the cargo transport is not situated within the territory of the People's Republic of China, a notice indicating the international air transport convention applicable to such transport, in case such convention requires the inclusion of the notice in the air waybill.

第一百一十六條   在國內航空運輸中,承運人同意未經填具航空貨運單而載運貨物的,承運人無權援用本法第一百二十八條有關賠償責任限制的規定。

Article 116 Where a carrier agrees to transport cargo without completing an air waybill for domestic air transport, the carrier will have no right to invoke the provisions of Article 128 of this Law concerning limitation of liability for compensation.


In international air transport, if, with the consent of the carrier, cargo is carried without an air waybill having been made out, or if the air waybill does not include the notice required by sub-paragraph 3. of Article 115 of this Law, the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Article 129 of this Law concerning the limit of liability.

第一百一十七條   托運人應當對航空貨運單上所填關於貨物的說明和聲明的正確性負責。

Article 117. The consignor will be held responsible for the accuracy of the description of the cargo and the declaration on the air waybill.


The consignor will bear liability for any loss incurred by the carrier or by any other persons for whom the carrier is responsible, where this loss is due to the description or declaration on the air waybill not complying with regulations or being incorrect or incomplete.

第一百一十八條   航空貨運單是航空貨物運輸合同訂立和運輸條件以及承運人接受貨物的初步證據。

Article 118 The air waybill shall be prima facie evidence of the conclusion of the contract of transport of cargo by air, of the conditions of transport and of the receipt of the cargo by the carrier.


Descriptions of the weight, size, packing and number of packages on the air waybill have the effect of prima facie evidence. Descriptions of the quantity, volume and conditions on the air waybill cannot constitute any evidence against the carrier unless verification of this is made by both the carrier and the consignor in each other's presence and this verification is specified in the air waybill or a written description of the external conditions of the cargo is made on the air waybill.

第一百一十九條   托運人在履行航空貨物運輸合同規定的義務的條件下,有權在出發地機場或者目的地機場將貨物提回,或者在途中經停時中止運輸,或者在目的地點或者途中要求將貨物交給非航空貨運單上指定的收貨人,或者要求將貨物運回出發地機場;但是,托運人不得因行使此種權利而使承運人或者其他托運人遭受損失,並應當償付由此產生的費用。

Article 119. Under the condition of performing the obligations stipulated in the airfreight transport contract, the consignor will have the right to do the following: withdraw the cargo from the airport at either the place of departure or the place of destination; suspend the transport in transit at an en route stop; demand delivery of the cargo to a consignee not specified on the air waybill along the transport route or at the place of destination; or demand that the cargo be sent back to the airport of the place of departure. However, the consignor, when exercising these rights, must not cause the carrier or other consignors to suffer loss. The consignor must pay for any expenses arising as a result of the exercise of these rights.


The carrier must notify the consignor immediately if it is unable to carry out the consignor's instructions.


If a carrier handles cargo pursuant to the consignor's instructions and does not request the consignor to present its certified air waybill and this causes the legal holder of the air waybill to suffer loss, the carrier will be liable for this loss. However, this does not hinder the right of the carrier to seek compensation from the consignor.


The rights of the consignor will terminate when the rights of the consignee commence according to the provisions of Article 120 of this Law. However, the consignor will resume its right of dealing with the cargo where the consignee refuses to accept the air waybill or the cargo, or where the carrier has no way of making contact with the consignee.

第一百二十條   除本法第一百一十九條所列情形外,收貨人於貨物到達目的地點,並在繳付應付款項和履行航空貨運單上所列運輸條件後,有權要求承運人移交航空貨運單並交付貨物。

Article 120. Except for the situations described in Article 119 of this Law, the consignee has the right to request the carrier to hand over the air waybill and deliver the cargo at the place of destination for the cargo upon payment of all payable charges and upon honouring all the transport conditions listed on the air waybill.


Unless otherwise agreed, the carrier must notify the consignee immediately after the cargo arrives.


Where the carrier concedes that the cargo has been lost or where the cargo fails to arrive seven (7) days after the scheduled arrival date, the consignee has the right to execute all its rights under the airfreight transport contract against the carrier.

第一百二十一條   托運人和收貨人在履行航空貨物運輸合同規定的義務的條件下,無論為本人或者他人的利益,可以以本人的名義分別行使本法第一百一十九條和第一百二十條所賦予的權利。

Article 121. Provided that the consignor and the consignee perform the obligations stipulated on the airfreight transportation contract, they may execute separately, each in their own name, their rights as provided by Articles 119 and 120 of this Law, either for the sake of their own interests or for the interests of others.

第一百二十二條   本法第一百一十九條、第一百二十條和第一百二十一條的規定,不影響托運人同收貨人之間的相互關系,也不影響從托運人或者收貨人獲得權利的第三人之間的關系。

Article 122 The provisions of Articles 119, 120 and 121 of this Law will not affect the mutual relationship between the consignor and the consignee, nor will they affect relations between third parties who have obtained rights from either the consignor or the consignee.


Any contractual terms which differ from the provisions of Articles 119, 120 and 121 of this Law must be clearly stated on the air waybill.

第一百二十三條   托運人應當提供必需的資料和文件,以便在貨物交付收貨人前完成法律、行政法規規定的有關手續;因沒有此種資料、文件,或者此種資料、文件不充足或者不符合規定造成的損失,除由於承運人或者其受雇人、代理人的過錯造成的外,托運人應當對承運人承擔責任。

Article 123 The shipper shall furnish such information and documents as are necessary to meet the formalities provided by laws and administrative rules and regulations before the cargo can be delivered to the consignee. The shipper shall be liable to the carrier for any damage occasioned by the absence, insufficiency or irregularity of any such information or documents, unless the damage is due to the fault of the carrier, his servants or agents.


The carrier is under no obligation to check such information or documents unless otherwise provided by laws and administrative rules and regulations.

第三節 承運人的責任

Section 3 Carrier's Responsibilities

第一百二十四條   因發生在民用航空器上或者在旅客上、下民用航空器過程中的事件,造成旅客人身傷亡的,承運人應當承擔責任;但是,旅客的人身傷亡完全是由於旅客本人的健康狀況造成的,承運人不承擔責任。

Article 124 The carrier shall be liable for the death or personal injury of a passenger, if the accident took place on board the civil aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking on or disembarking from the civil aircraft; provided that the carrier is not liable if the death or injury resulted solely from the state of health of the passenger.

第一百二十五條   因發生在民用航空器上或者在旅客上、下民用航空器過程中的事件,造成旅客隨身攜帶物品毀滅、遺失或者損壞的,承運人應當承擔責任。因發生在航空運輸期間的事件,造成旅客的托運行李毀滅、遺失或者損壞的,承運人應當承擔責任。

Article 125 The carrier shall be liable for the destruction or loss of, or damage to, any carry-on articles of the passenger, if the occurrence took place on board the civil aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking on or disembarking from the civil aircraft of the passenger. The carrier will also bear liability for the destruction or loss of or damage to the consigned luggage of a passenger which is caused by events occurring during the period of air transport.


The carrier shall not be liable for the destruction or loss of, or damage to, any carry-on articles or checked baggage of the passenger if such destruction or loss or damage resulted solely from the inherent defect, quality or vice of the baggage.


For the purposes of this Chapter, baggage includes both checked baggage and the carry-on articles of the passenger.


The carrier shall be liable for the destruction or loss of, or damage to, any cargo if the occurrence took place during the transport by air; provided that the carrier is not liable if he proves that the destruction or loss of, or damage to, the cargo resulted solely from one or more of the following:


1. Inherent defect, quality or vice of that cargo;


(II) Defective packing of that cargo performed by a person other than the carrier or his servants or agents;


3. An act of war or an armed conflict;


(IV) An act of public authority carried out in connection with the entry, exit or transit of the cargo.


The period of air transport mentioned in this Article refers to the entire period during which the consigned luggage and cargo is handled inside the airport, on board the civil aircraft or at any landing sites outside the airport under the jurisdiction of the carrier.


The period of the transport by air does not extend to any transport by land, by sea or by river performed outside an airport; provided that if such transport is used for loading, delivery or transhipment for the performance of a contract of transport by air, any damage took place during such transport is presumed, subject to proof to the contrary, to have been the damage taken place during the period of transport by air.

第一百二十六條   旅客、行李或者貨物在航空運輸中因延誤造成的損失,承運人應當承擔責任;但是,承運人證明本人或者其受雇人、代理人為了避免損失的發生,已經采取一切必要措施或者不可能采取此種措施的,不承擔責任。

Article 126 The carrier shall be liable for damage occasioned by delay in the transport by air of passengers, baggage or cargo; provided that the carrier is not liable if he proves that he and his servants or agents have taken all necessary measures to avoid the damage or that it was impossible for him or them to take such measures.

第一百二十七條   在旅客、行李運輸中,經承運人證明,損失是由索賠人的過錯造成或者促成的,應當根據造成或者促成此種損失的過錯的程度,相應免除或者減輕承運人的責任。旅客以外的其他人就旅客死亡或者受傷提出賠償請求時,經承運人證明,死亡或者受傷是旅客本人的過錯造成或者促成的,同樣應當根據造成或者促成此種損失的過錯的程度,相應免除或者減輕承運人的責任。

Article 127 In the transport of passengers and baggage, if the carrier proves that the damage was caused by or contributed to by the fault of the claimant, the carrier may be wholly or partly exonerated from his liability in accordance with the extent of the fault that caused or contributed to such damage. Similarly, if it is proved by the carrier that the death or injury of a passenger is caused or contributed to by the passenger himself of herself, the carrier against whom compensation claims for such death or injury have been filed by people other than the passenger himself or herself, will be exempted or reduced according to the seriousness of that fault.


In the transport of cargo, if the carrier proves that the damage was caused by or contributed to by the fault of the person claiming compensation, or the person from whom he derived his right, the carrier shall be wholly or partly exonerated from his liability in accordance with the extent of the fault that caused or contributed to such damage.

第一百二十八條   國內航空運輸承運人的賠償責任限額由國務院民用航空主管部門制定,報國務院批準後公布執行。

Article 128 The limits of carrier's liability in domestic air transport shall be formulated by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council and put in force after being approved by the State Council.


If the passenger or the shipper has made, at the time when the package was handed over to the carrier, a special declaration of interest in delivery at destination and has paid a supplementary sum if the case so requires, the carrier will be liable to pay a sum not exceeding the declared sum, unless he proves that the sum declared by the passenger or shipper is greater than the actual interest of the checked baggage or cargo in delivery at destination; the other provisions of Article 129 of this Law shall be applicable to domestic air transport except the limits of liability.

第一百二十九條   國際航空運輸承運人的賠償責任限額按照下列規定執行:

Article 129 In international air transport, the liability of the carrier shall be as the following:


1. The liability of the carrier for each passenger is limited to the sum of 16600 units of account. Nevertheless, the passenger may agree with the carrier in writing to a limit of liability higher than that prescribed by this sub-paragraph;


(II) The liability of the carrier for each kilogram of checked baggage or cargo is limited to a sum of 17 units of account. Where the passenger or the shipper has made, at the time when the package was handed over to the carrier, a special declaration of interest in delivery at destination and has paid a supplementary sum if the case so requires, the carrier will be liable to pay a sum not exceeding the declared sum, unless he proves that the sum declared by the passenger or shipper is greater than the actual interest of the checked baggage or cargo in delivery at destination.


The limit on liability for compensation for the carrier for destruction, loss, damage or delay in relation to part of or any piece of the consigned luggage or cargo will be determined by the total weight of one or several pieces of such consigned luggage or cargo. However, the limit on liability for compensation for the carrier for the decrease in value of other pieces included in the same luggage ticket or in the same air waybill caused by the destruction, loss, damage or delay in relation to part of or any piece of the consigned luggage or cargo will be determined with reference to the total weight of the devalued pieces.


(III) The liability of the carrier for carry-on baggage of a passenger is limited to 332 units of account per passenger.

第一百三十條   任何旨在免除本法規定的承運人責任或者降低本法規定的賠償責任限額的條款,均屬無效;但是,此種條款的無效,不影響整個航空運輸合同的效力。

Article 130. Any clauses aimed at exempting the carrier from the liabilities stipulated in this Law or aimed at reducing the limits on liability for compensation stipulated in this Law are invalid. However, the invalidity of such clauses will not affect the validity of the entire air transport contract.

第一百三十一條   有關航空運輸中發生的損失的訴訟,不論其根據如何,只能依照本法規定的條件和賠償責任限額提出,但是不妨礙誰有權提起訴訟以及他們各自的權利。

Article 131. Any lawsuits over loss incurred during air transport, based on whatever grounds, may only be filed on the basis of the conditions and limits on liability for compensation stipulated in this Law. However, this will not restrict persons with rights from filing a lawsuit or exercising any other of their rights.

第一百三十二條   經證明,航空運輸中的損失是由於承運人或者其受雇人、代理人的故意或者明知可能造成損失而輕率地作為或者不作為造成的,承運人無權援用本法第一百二十八條、第一百二十九條有關賠償責任限制的規定;證明承運人的受雇人、代理人有此種作為或者不作為的,還應當證明該受雇人、代理人是在受雇、代理範圍內行事。

Article 132 The carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Articles 128 and 129 of this Law concerning the limit of liability if it is proved that the damage in the air transport resulted from an act or omission of the carrier, his servants or agents, done with intent to cause damage or recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result; provided that, in the case of such act or omission of a servant or agent of the carrier, it is also proved that he was acting within the scope of his employment.

第一百三十三條   就航空運輸中的損失向承運人的受雇人、代理人提起訴訟時,該受雇人、代理人證明他是在受雇、代理範圍內行事的,有權援用本法第一百二十八條、第一百二十九條有關賠償責任限制的規定。

Article 133 When a lawsuit has been brought against the employee or the agent of the carrier in respect of the loss incurred during air transport, the employee or the agent has the right to invoke the provisions of Articles 128 and 129 of this Law concerning the limits on liability for compensation if he or she can prove that he or she acted within the scope of his or her employment or agency.


The aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the carrier, his servants and agents, in the case provided in the preceding paragraph, shall not exceed the statutory limits of liability.


The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall not apply if it is proved that the damage in air transport resulted from an act or omission of the servant or agent of the carrier done with the intent to cause damage or recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result.

第一百三十四條   旅客或者收貨人收受托運行李或者貨物而未提出異議,為托運行李或者貨物已經完好交付並與運輸憑證相符的初步證據。

Article 134 The fact that a passenger or the consignee has claimed his or her consigned luggage or cargo without making any objection is prima facie evidence that there has been complete and proper delivery of the consigned luggage or cargo and compliance with relevant transport vouchers.


In the case of damage to checked baggage or cargo, the passenger or consignee must complain to the carrier promptly after the discovery of the damage. Complaints about loss of consigned luggage must be made within seven (7) days from the date of receipt of the luggage in question; while complaints about loss of cargo must be made within 14 days from the date of receipt of the cargo in question. In the case of delay the complaint must be made at the latest within 21 days from the date on which the checked baggage or cargo have been placed at the disposition of the passenger or consignee.


Every complaint must be made in writing upon the document of transport or by separate notice dispatched within the periods prescribed in the preceding paragraph.


Unless the carrier is proved to have engaged in misleading conduct, the passenger or the consignee who fails to make a complaint within the time limits stipulated in paragraph 2 of this Article has no right to claim compensation from the carrier.

第一百三十五條   航空運輸的訴訟時效期間為二年,自民用航空器到達目的地點、應當到達目的地點或者運輸終止之日起計算。

Article 135. The prescribed period of validity for air transport litigation is two (2) years, commencing from the arrival date of the civil aircraft at the place of destination, the originally scheduled arrival date at the place of destination or the date of termination of the transport.

第一百三十六條   由幾個航空承運人辦理的連續運輸,接受旅客、行李或者貨物的每一個承運人應當受本法規定的約束,並就其根據合同辦理的運輸區段作為運輸合同的訂約一方。

Article 136. In relation to connecting transport undertaken by several air transport carriers in succession, each of these carriers handling the passenger, the luggage or the cargo will be bound by the provisions of this Law and will act as one of the signing parties to the transport contract under which it is responsible for one specified transport zone.


With regard to connecting transport as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, unless the contract states in explicit terms that the first carrier will bear liability for the entire transport process, the passenger or his or her beneficiaries can only take legal proceedings against the carrier responsible for the specified transport zone where the accident or delays occurred.


As regards checked baggage or cargo, the passenger or shipper shall have the right of action against the first carrier, and the passenger or consignee shall have the right of action against the last carrier, and further, each may take action against the carrier who performed the part of transport during which the destruction, loss, damage, or delay took place. The carriers mentioned above must bear joint liability to passengers, consignors or consignees.

第四節 實際承運人履行航空運輸的特別規定

Section 4 Special Provisions Governing Air Transport Performed by Actual Carrier  

第一百三十七條   本節所稱締約承運人,是指以本人名義與旅客或者托運人,或者與旅客或者托運人的代理人,訂立本章調整的航空運輸合同的人。

Article 137. The contracting carrier mentioned in this Section refers to a person who, in his or her own name, enters into, with a passenger or a consignor, or with an agent of the passenger or the consignor, the air transport contracts regulated in this Chapter.


The actual carrier mentioned in this Section refers to a person who performs the whole or part of the transport process stipulated in the preceding paragraph upon authorisation of the contracting carrier. The actual carrier will not be considered as a connecting carrier as stipulated in this Chapter. Provided that there is no evidence to the contrary, this authorisation is regarded as valid.

第一百三十八條   除本節另有規定外,締約承運人和實際承運人都應當受本章規定的約束。締約承運人應當對合同約定的全部運輸負責。實際承運人應當對其履行的運輸負責。

Article 138. Except if otherwise stipulated in this Section, the contracting carrier and the actual carrier will both be bound by the provisions of this Chapter. The contracting carrier shall be responsible for all the transport specified in the contract. The actual carrier shall be responsible for the transport which he performs.

第一百三十九條   實際承運人的作為和不作為,實際承運人的受雇人、代理人在受雇、代理範圍內的作為和不作為,關系到實際承運人履行的運輸的,應當視為締約承運人的作為和不作為。

Article 139 The acts and omissions of an actual carrier and of his servants and agents acting within the scope of their employment shall, in relation to the transport performed by the actual carrier, be deemed to be also those of the contracting carrier.


The acts and omissions of the contracting carrier and of his servants and agents acting within the scope of their employment shall, in relation to the transport performed by the actual carrier, be deemed to be also those of the actual carrier. Nevertheless, no such act or omission shall subject the actual carrier to liability exceeding the legal limits.


Except if agreed by the actual carrier, any special agreements entered into by the contracting carrier concerning the performance of obligations not stipulated in this Chapter or concerning the waiving of any rights under this Chapter, or any special declarations made by the contracting carrier about the interests at the time of delivery in the place of destination in accordance with the provisions of Articles 128 and 129 of this Law, will not affect the actual carrier.

第一百四十條   依照本章規定提出的索賠或者發出的指示,無論是向締約承運人還是向實際承運人提出或者發出的,具有同等效力;但是,本法第一百一十九條規定的指示,只在向締約承運人發出時,方有效。

Article 140. All compensation claims or instructions regardless of whether they are filed against or issued to the contracting carrier or to the actual carrier, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, will be equally valid. However, the instructions stipulated in Article 119 of this Law will become effective only when issued to the contracting carrier.

第一百四十一條   實際承運人的受雇人、代理人或者締約承運人的受雇人、代理人,證明他是在受雇、代理範圍內行事的,就實際承運人履行的運輸而言,有權援用本法第一百二十八條、第一百二十九條有關賠償責任限制的規定,但是依照本法規定不得援用賠償責任限制規定的除外。

Article 141 In relation to the transport performed by the actual carrier, any servant or agent of that carrier or of the contracting carrier shall, if he proves that he acted within the scope of his employment, be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Articles 128 and 129 of this Law concerning the limits of liability, unless he acted in a manner which, under the provisions of this Law, prevents the limits of liability from being invoked.

第一百四十二條   對於實際承運人履行的運輸,實際承運人、締約承運人以及他們的在受雇、代理範圍內行事的受雇人、代理人的賠償總額不得超過依照本法得以從締約承運人或者實際承運人獲得賠償的最高數額;但是,其中任何人都不承擔超過對他適用的賠償責任限額。

Article 142. In relation to transport carried out by the actual carrier, the total amount of compensation paid by the actual carrier and the contracting carrier, as well as by their employee or agent within the scope of his or her employment or agency, must not exceed the maximum amount of compensation that can be obtained from the contracting carrier or the actual carrier in accordance with the law. The amount of compensation must not exceed the limits on liability for compensation applicable to any of the above persons.

第一百四十三條   對實際承運人履行的運輸提起的訴訟,可以分別對實際承運人或者締約承運人提起,也可以同時對實際承運人和締約承運人提起;被提起訴訟的承運人有權要求另一承運人參加應訴。

Article 143. A lawsuit concerning transport carried out by the actual carrier may be initiated either separately against the actual carrier and the contracting carrier or jointly against both. The carrier sued in a lawsuit has the right to request another carrier to participate as a defendant in the litigation.

第一百四十四條   除本法第一百四十三條規定外,本節規定不影響實際承運人和締約承運人之間的權利、義務。

Article 144 Except for the provisions of Article 143 of this Law, the provisions of this Section will not affect the rights and obligations between the actual carrier and the contracting carrier.

第十章 通用航空

Chapter 10 General Aviation

第一百四十五條   通用航空,是指使用民用航空器從事公共航空運輸以外的民用航空活動,包括從事工業、農業、林業、漁業和建築業的作業飛行以及醫療衛生、搶險救災、氣象探測、海洋監測、科學實驗、教育訓練、文化體育等方面的飛行活動。

Article 145. General purpose aviation refers to the use of civil aircraft for civil aviation activities other than public air transport, Such activities include the flights for industrial, agricultural, forestry, fishery and construction sectors and the flight activities carried out in the fields of public health and medicine, disaster relief and rescue, meteorological survey, ocean monitoring, scientific experiments, educational training, culture and sports.

第一百四十六條   從事通用航空活動,應當具備下列條件:

Article 146 The operation of general aviation shall satisfy the following conditions:


1. The availability of civil aircraft suitable to the general aviation activities to be operated and conforming to the requirements of ensuring flight safety;


2. It has the necessary airmen who have been issued licences according to law;


(III) Other conditions as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.


The operation of general aviation for commercial purposes is limited to corporate enterprises.

第一百四十七條   從事非經營性通用航空的,應當向國務院民用航空主管部門辦理登記。

Article 147 Those engaged in general aviation operations not for commercial purposes shall register with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.


Those engaged in general aviation operations for commercial purposes shall apply to the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for general aviation operating licences.

第一百四十八條   通用航空企業從事經營性通用航空活動,應當與用戶訂立書面合同,但是緊急情況下的救護或者救災飛行除外。

Article 148. A general purpose aviation enterprise engaged in general purpose aviation activities of a business nature must enter into written contracts with its clients, except for emergency rescues or disaster relief flights.

第一百四十九條   組織實施作業飛行時,應當采取有效措施,保證飛行安全,保護環境和生態平衡,防止對環境、居民、作物或者牲畜等造成損害。

Article 149 In organizing and carrying out aerial work, effective measures shall be taken to ensure flight safety, protect environment and ecological balance and prevent damage to be caused to environment, residents, crops or livestock.

第一百五十條   從事通用航空活動的,應當投保地面第三人責任險。

Article 150 Those engaged in general aviation operations shall be covered by insurance against liability for third parties on the surface.

第十一章 搜尋援救和事故調查

Chapter 11 Search, Rescue and Accident Investigation

第一百五十一條   民用航空器遇到緊急情況時,應當發送信號,並向空中交通管制單位報告,提出援救請求;空中交通管制單位應當立即通知搜尋援救協調中心。民用航空器在海上遇到緊急情況時,還應當向船舶和國家海上搜尋援救組織發送信號。

Article 151 A civil aircraft in emergency shall flash signals and report to air traffic control unit to request rescue; the air traffic control unit shall notify immediately the search and rescue coordination centre. In case of civil aircraft emergency at sea, the civil aircraft must also send distress signals to nearby vessels and to the State's maritime search and rescue bodies.

第一百五十二條   發現民用航空器遇到緊急情況或者收聽到民用航空器遇到緊急情況的信號的單位或者個人,應當立即通知有關的搜尋援救協調中心、海上搜尋援救組織或者當地人民政府。

Article 152. Units or individuals who discover civil aircraft in distress or receive the distress signals sent by civil aircraft must immediately inform the relevant search and rescue coordination centre, maritime search and rescue bodies or local people's governments.

第一百五十三條   收到通知的搜尋援救協調中心、地方人民政府和海上搜尋援救組織,應當立即組織搜尋援救。

Article 153 Upon receiving the notification, the search and rescue coordination centre, the local People's Government and the maritime search and rescue service shall immediately organize the search and rescue operation.


Upon receipt of notice of an emergency, the search and rescue coordination centre must try all possible means to inform the civil aircraft in distress of the fact that search-and-rescue measures are being carried out.


The specific measures for searching and rescuing civil aircraft shall be formulated by the State Council.

第一百五十四條   執行搜尋援救任務的單位或者個人,應當盡力搶救民用航空器所載人員,按照規定對民用航空器采取搶救措施並保護現場,保存證據。

Article 154. Units or individuals carrying out the search-and-rescue task must do their utmost to rescue the personnel on board the civil aircraft in distress, adopt measures to save the civil aircraft, keep the scene of the accident intact and preserve evidence in accordance with relevant regulations.

第一百五十五條   民用航空器事故的當事人以及有關人員在接受調查時,應當如實提供現場情況和與事故有關的情節。

Article 155. During an investigation of a civil aircraft accident, the parties directly involved and relevant personnel must give a true account of the accident and detailed information related to the accident.

第一百五十六條   民用航空器事故調查的組織和程序,由國務院規定。

Article 156 The organization and procedures of the investigation of civil aircraft accident shall be prescribed by the State Council.

第十二章 對地面第三人損害的賠償責任

Chapter 12 Liability for Damage to Third Parties on the Surface

第一百五十七條   因飛行中的民用航空器或者從飛行中的民用航空器上落下的人或者物,造成地面(包括水面,下同)上的人身傷亡或者財產損害的,受害人有權獲得賠償;但是,所受損害並非造成損害的事故的直接後果,或者所受損害僅是民用航空器依照國家有關的空中交通規則在空中通過造成的,受害人無權要求賠償。

Article 157 Any person on the surface (including water surface, the same below) who suffers death or personal injury or damage to property caused by a civil aircraft in flight or by any person or thing falling therefrom shall be entitled to compensation. Nevertheless, the person suffers damage shall have no right to compensation if the damage is not a direct consequence of the incident giving rise thereto, or if the damage results from the mere fact of passage of the civil aircraft through the airspace in conformity with air traffic regulations concerned of the State.


The term "in flight" mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the process which starts from the moment civil aircraft uses engine power to effect a take-off and ends with the termination of the taxiing of the civil aircraft at landing. In case of civil aircraft lighter than air, the term "in flight" refers to the process which starts from the moment the aircraft leaves the ground and ends with the moment it touches down again.

第一百五十八條   本法第一百五十七條規定的賠償責任,由民用航空器的經營人承擔。

Article 158 The liability for compensation stipulated in Article 157 of this Law will be borne by the operator of the civil aircraft.


The operator mentioned in the preceding paragraph means the person who was making use of the civil aircraft at the time the damage was caused. A person will still be regarded as the operator of civil aircraft if he or she retains the right of flight control in respect of the civil aircraft, even if the right to use the civil aircraft has been directly or indirectly delegated to others.


The operator shall be considered to be making use of a civil aircraft when his servants or agents are using the civil aircraft in the course of their employment, whether or not within the scope of their employment.


The registered owner of a civil aircraft will be regarded as the operator of the civil aircraft and will assume the responsibilities of the operator. This will not be the case if the owner can prove in a lawsuit which make orders on liabilities that the operator is another person. The owner may then adopt measures permitted by legal procedures to have that other person become a defendant in the lawsuit.

第一百五十九條   未經對民用航空器有航行控制權的人同意而使用民用航空器,對地面第三人造成損害的,有航行控制權的人除證明本人已經適當注意防止此種使用外,應當與該非法使用人承擔連帶責任。

Article 159 If a person makes use of a civil aircraft without the consent of the person entitled to its navigational control and caused a damage to third parties on the surface, the person entitled to the navigation control, unless he proves that he has exercised due care to prevent such use, shall be jointly and severally liable with the unlawful user.

第一百六十條   損害是武裝沖突或者騷亂的直接後果,依照本章規定應當承擔責任的人不承擔責任。

Article 160 Any person who would otherwise be liable under the provisions of this Chapter shall not be liable if the damage is the direct consequence of armed conflict or civil disturbance.


The person liable for damage as stipulated in this Chapter will not be held responsible for the lawful deprivation by the State of the right to use civil aircraft.

第一百六十一條   依照本章規定應當承擔責任的人證明損害是完全由於受害人或者其受雇人、代理人的過錯造成的,免除其賠償責任;應當承擔責任的人證明損害是部分由於受害人或者其受雇人、代理人的過錯造成的,相應減輕其賠償責任。但是,損害是由於受害人的受雇人、代理人的過錯造成時,受害人證明其受雇人、代理人的行為超出其所授權的範圍的,不免除或者不減輕應當承擔責任的人的賠償責任。

Article 161. The person liable for damage as stipulated in this Chapter will be exempted from his or her liability for compensation if he or she can prove that the damage was entirely caused by the fault of the aggrieved person or by the fault of the employee or the agent of the aggrieved person. The liability for compensation of the person liable for the damage will be reduced accordingly if he or she can prove that the damage was partly caused by the fault of the aggrieved person or by the fault of the employee or the agent of the aggrieved person. However, where damage is caused by the employee or the agent of the aggrieved person and where the aggrieved person can prove that the conduct of his or her employee or agent has exceeded the scope of his or her authorization, the liability for compensation of the person liable for damage will neither be exempted nor reduced.


The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply to the case where one person brings a lawsuit against another person to claim for compensation for death or injury and the loss is caused by the fault of that other person or their employee or agent.

第一百六十二條   兩個以上的民用航空器在飛行中相撞或者相擾,造成本法第一百五十七條規定的應當賠償的損害,或者兩個以上的民用航空器共同造成此種損害的,各有關民用航空器均應當被認為已經造成此種損害,各有關民用航空器的經營人均應當承擔責任。

Article 162 Where two or more civil aircraft collide with or disturb one another resulting in damage for which there is a liability for compensation as stipulated in Article 157, or where such damage was caused jointly by two or more civil aircraft, every civil aircraft involved will be considered the cause of the damage and the operator of every civil aircraft involved will bear liability accordingly.

第一百六十三條   本法第一百五十八條第四款和第一百五十九條規定的人,享有依照本章規定經營人所能援用的抗辯權。

Article 163. The persons stipulated in paragraph 4 of Article 158 and in Article 159 of this Law have the right of counterplea stipulated in this Chapter which can be invoked by the operator.

第一百六十四條   除本章有明確規定外,經營人、所有人和本法第一百五十九條規定的應當承擔責任的人,以及他們的受雇人、代理人,對於飛行中的民用航空器或者從飛行中的民用航空器上落下的人或者物造成的地面上的損害不承擔責任,但是故意造成此種損害的人除外。

Article 164 Neither the operator, the owner, any person liable under Article 159 of this Law, nor their respective servants or agents, shall be liable for damage on the surface caused by a civil aircraft in flight or any person or thing falling therefrom otherwise than as expressly provided in this Chapter, except any such person who has caused the damage deliberately.

第一百六十五條   本章不妨礙依照本章規定應當對損害承擔責任的人向他人追償的權利。

Article 165. The provisions of this Chapter will not prevent the right of the person liable for damages stipulated in this Chapter to seek compensation from others.

第一百六十六條   民用航空器的經營人應當投保地面第三人責任險或者取得相應的責任擔保。

Article 166 The operator of civil aircraft must take out liability insurance for third parties on the ground or secure an equivalent liability guarantee.

第一百六十七條   保險人和擔保人除享有與經營人相同的抗辯權,以及對偽造證件進行抗辯的權利外,對依照本章規定提出的賠償請求只能進行下列抗辯:

Article 167 The insurer or the guarantor may, in addition to the defences available to the operator, and the defence of forgery, set up only the following defences against claims brought up in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter:


1. That the damage occurred after the insurance or guarantee ceased to be effective. However, if the insurance or guarantee expires during a flight, it should be continued in force until the next landing specified in the flight plan, but no longer than twenty-four hours;


(II) That the damage occurred outside the territorial limits provided by the insurance or guarantee, unless flight outside of such limits was caused by force majeure, assistance justified by the circumstances or an error in piloting, operation or navigation.


The continuation in force of the insurance and guarantee under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply only for the benefit of the person suffering damage.

第一百六十八條   僅在下列情形下,受害人可以直接對保險人或者擔保人提起訴訟,但是不妨礙受害人根據有關保險合同或者擔保合同的法律規定提起直接訴訟的權利:

Article 168 Without prejudice to any right of direct action which the person suffering damage may have under the law governing the contract of insurance or guarantee, such person may bring a direct action against the insurer or guarantor only in the following cases:


1. Where the insurance or guarantee is continued in force under the provisions of sub-paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 167 of this Law,


(II) The bankruptcy of the operator.


Except for the right of counterplea stipulated in paragraph 1 of Article 167 of this Law, the insurer or guarantor may not rely on the invalidity of or termination of the retrospective force of the insurance or guarantee to counter a direct lawsuit initiated by an aggrieved person pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.

第一百六十九條   依照本法第一百六十六條規定提供的保險或者擔保,應當被專門指定優先支付本章規定的賠償。

Article 169. The insurance or guarantee that is provided in accordance with the provisions of Article 166 of this Law must be used first to pay the compensation stipulated in this Chapter.

第一百七十條   保險人應當支付給經營人的款項,在本章規定的第三人的賠償請求未滿足前,不受經營人的債權人的扣留和處理。

Article 170 Any sum due to an operator from an insurer shall be exempt from seizure and execution by creditors of the operator until claims of third parties under this Chapter have been satisfied.

第一百七十一條   地面第三人損害賠償的訴訟時效期間為二年,自損害發生之日起計算;但是,在任何情況下,時效期間不得超過自損害發生之日起三年。

Article 171. The limitation period for lawsuits over compensation for damage to a third party on the ground is two (2) years and will be calculated from the day when the damage occurred. However, the limitation period for lawsuits over compensation cannot, under any circumstances, exceed three (3) years starting on the day when the damage occurred.

第一百七十二條   本章規定不適用於下列損害:

Article 172 The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the following damages:


1. The damage caused to a civil aircraft in flight, or to persons or cargo on board such aircraft;


(II) The damage which is regulated either by a contract between the person who suffers such damage and the operator or the person entitled to use the civil aircraft at the time the damage occurred, or by the law relating to workman's compensation applicable to a contract of employment between such persons;


3. Nuclear damage.

第十三章 對外國民用航空器的特別規定

Chapter 13 Special Provisions Governing Foreign Civil Aircraft

第一百七十三條   外國人經營的外國民用航空器,在中華人民共和國境內從事民用航空活動,適用本章規定;本章沒有規定的,適用本法其他有關規定。

Article 173 The provisions of this Chapter are applicable to foreign civil aircraft operated by foreigners and engaged in civil aviation activities in the territory of the People's Republic of China; where no provisions are available in this Chapter, other provisions concerned in this Law shall apply.

第一百七十四條   外國民用航空器根據其國籍登記國政府與中華人民共和國政府簽訂的協定、協議的規定,或者經中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門批準或者接受,方可飛入、飛出中華人民共和國領空和在中華人民共和國境內飛行、降落。

Article 174. Foreign civil aircraft can only fly into and out of the territorial airspace of the People's Republic of China or fly and land within the territory of the People's Republic of China on the condition that they observe the provisions of treaties and agreements signed between the countries of their nationality registration and the government of the People's Republic of China, or that they have obtained permission or approval from the State Council department in charge of civil aviation of the People's Republic of China.


Where foreign civil aircraft, without authorisation, fly into and out of the territorial airspace of the People's Republic of China in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, relevant organs of the People's Republic of China will have the right to adopt necessary measures to force such foreign civil aircraft to land at designated airports. Where foreign civil aircraft comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph but the relevant organs decide it necessary on reasonable grounds to conduct checks on such foreign civil aircraft, the organs will have the right to order the foreign civil aircraft to land in designated airports.

第一百七十五條   外國民用航空器飛入中華人民共和國領空,其經營人應當提供有關證明書,證明其已經投保地面第三人責任險或者已經取得相應的責任擔保;其經營人未提供有關證明書的,中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門有權拒絕其飛入中華人民共和國領空。

Article 175 The operator of foreign civil aircraft entering the airspace of the People's Republic of China shall furnish relevant certificate (s) to prove that he has been covered by insurance against liability for third parties on the surface, or obtained corresponding guarantee; where the operator fails to furnish the relevant certificate (s), the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council of the People's Republic of China has the right to refuse him to operate into the airspace of the People's Republic of China.

第一百七十六條   外國民用航空器的經營人經其本國政府指定,並取得中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門頒發的經營許可證,方可經營中華人民共和國政府與該外國政府簽訂的協定、協議規定的國際航班運輸;外國民用航空器的經營人經其本國政府批準,並獲得中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門批準,方可經營中華人民共和國境內一地和境外一地之間的不定期航空運輸。

Article 176 The operator of a foreign civil aircraft may operate the international scheduled air services specified in the air transport agreement concluded between the Government of the People's Republic of China and his own government only after he has been designated by his own government and obtained the operating licence issued by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council of the People's Republic of China; the operator of a foreign civil aircraft may operate non-scheduled air transport between a place within the territory of the People's Republic of China and a place without said territory only after he has been approved by his own government and by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council of the People's Republic of China.


The operator of foreign civil aircraft mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall, in accordance with the provisions of the laws and administrative rules and regulations of the People's Republic of China, formulate corresponding plan of security and submit it to the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council of the People's Republic of China for the record.

第一百七十七條   外國民用航空器的經營人,不得經營中華人民共和國境內兩點之間的航空運輸。

Article 177 No operator of foreign civil aircraft shall operate the air transport between two points in the People's Republic of China.

第一百七十八條   外國民用航空器,應當按照中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門批準的班期時刻或者飛行計劃飛行;變更班期時刻或者飛行計劃的,其經營人應當獲得中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門的批準;因故變更或者取消飛行的,其經營人應當及時報告中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門。

Article 178. Foreign civil aircraft must fly in accordance with the flight schedule or the flight plan approved by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation of the People's Republic of China. The operator must obtain the approval of the State Council department in charge of civil aviation of the People's Republic of China in case the operator needs to make any changes to the flight schedule or the flight plan. The operator must promptly inform the State Council department in charge of civil aviation of the People's Republic of China of any changes to or cancellation of the flights.

第一百七十九條   外國民用航空器應當在中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門指定的設關機場起飛或者降落。

Article 179. Foreign civil aircraft must take off or land at airports with Customs inspection services which are designated by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation of the People's Republic of China.

第一百八十條   中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門和其他主管機關,有權在外國民用航空器降落或者飛出時查驗本法第九十條規定的文件。

Article 180. The State Council department in charge of civil aviation and other competent departments of the People's Republic of China have the right to examine the documents stipulated in Article 90 of this Law upon the landing or departure of foreign civil aircraft.


Foreign civil aircraft and the persons, baggage and cargo carried therein shall be subject to entry, exit, customs, quarantine and other inspections exercised by the competent authorities concerned of the People's Republic of China according to law.


In exercising the inspections prescribed in the two preceding paragraphs, unnecessary delay shall be prevented.

第一百八十一條   外國民用航空器國籍登記國發給或者核準的民用航空器適航證書、機組人員合格證書和執照,中華人民共和國政府承認其有效;但是,發給或者核準此項證書或者執照的要求,應當等於或者高於國際民用航空組織制定的最低標準。

Article 181 The civil aircraft certificates of airworthiness and certificates of competency and licences of crew members issued or rendered valid by the State in which the nationality of a foreign civil aircraft is registered, shall be recognized as valid by the Government of the People's Republic of China, provided that the requirements under which such certificates or licences were issued or rendered valid shall be equal to or above the minimum standards established by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

第一百八十二條   外國民用航空器在中華人民共和國搜尋援救區內遇險,其所有人或者國籍登記國參加搜尋援救工作,應當經中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門批準或者按照兩國政府協議進行。

Article 182. Where a foreign civil aircraft is in distress within the search-and-rescue zone of the People's Republic of China, the owner or the country of nationality registration of the civil aircraft which intends to participate in the search-and-rescue work will first be subject to approval by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation of the People's Republic of China or must act in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the agreements entered into between the two governments.

第一百八十三條   外國民用航空器在中華人民共和國境內發生事故,其國籍登記國和其他有關國家可以指派觀察員參加事故調查。事故調查報告和調查結果,由中華人民共和國國務院民用航空主管部門告知該外國民用航空器的國籍登記國和其他有關國家。

Article 183. Where a foreign civil aircraft is involved in an accident within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the country of nationality registration and other relevant countries of the civil aircraft may send people to participate in the accident investigation as observers. The report and results of the accident investigation will be conveyed by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation of the People's Republic of China to the country of nationality registration of the civil aircraft and to other relevant countries.

第十四章 涉外關系的法律適用

Chapter 14 Application of Law in Foreign Affairs

第一百八十四條   中華人民共和國締結或者參加的國際條約同本法有不同規定的,適用國際條約的規定;但是,中華人民共和國聲明保留的條款除外。

Article 184 If any international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China contains provisions differing from those of this Law, the provisions of the international treaty shall apply, unless the provisions are ones on which the People's Republic of China has made reservations.


In respect of cases which are not provided by the law of the People's Republic of China or by the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China, international practices may apply.

第一百八十五條   民用航空器所有權的取得、轉讓和消滅,適用民用航空器國籍登記國法律。

Article 185. The laws of the country of nationality registration of civil aircraft will apply to the acquisition, assignment and termination of the ownership of civil aircraft.

第一百八十六條   民用航空器抵押權適用民用航空器國籍登記國法律。

Article 186 The law of the State in which the nationality of a civil aircraft is registered shall be applicable to the mortgage of the civil aircraft.

第一百八十七條   民用航空器優先權適用受理案件的法院所在地法律。

Article 187 The law of the location of the court which accepts a case will apply to the rights of priority to civil aircraft.

第一百八十八條   民用航空運輸合同當事人可以選擇合同適用的法律,但是法律另有規定的除外;合同當事人沒有選擇的,適用與合同有最密切聯系的國家的法律。

Article 188. Except if otherwise stipulated by law, the parties to a civil air transport contract may choose which laws apply to that contract. Where the parties to a contract do not so choose, the law of the country which is most closely related to the contract will apply.

第一百八十九條   民用航空器對地面第三人的損害賠償,適用侵權行為地法律。

Article 189 The law of the place where an act of tort occurred shall be applicable to indemnity for damage caused by a civil aircraft to third parties on the surface.


The law of the location of the court which takes up the case shall be applicable to the indemnity for damage caused by civil aircraft over the high seas to third parties on the surface.

第一百九十條   依照本章規定適用外國法律或者國際慣例,不得違背中華人民共和國的社會公共利益。

Article 190 The application of foreign laws or international custom in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter must not infringe upon the social and public interests of the People's Republic of China.

第十五章 法律責任

Chapter 15 Legal Liabilities

第一百九十一條   以暴力、脅迫或者其他方法劫持航空器的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。

Article 191. Those who hijack civil aircraft by force, threat or other means will be held criminally liable in accordance with the Decision on the Punishment of Hijackings.

第一百九十二條   對飛行中的民用航空器上的人員使用暴力,危及飛行安全的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。

Article 192 Those who, during the flight of a civil aircraft, endanger flight safety by means of force but serious consequences do not result, will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 105 of the Criminal Law. Where serious consequences do result, perpetrators will be held criminally liable in accordance with provisions of Article 106 of the Criminal Law.

第一百九十三條   違反本法規定,隱匿攜帶炸藥、雷管或者其他危險品乘坐民用航空器,或者以非危險品品名托運危險品的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。

Article 193 Those who violate provisions of this Law by concealing and carrying explosives, detonators or other dangerous articles on board a civil aircraft or by consigning dangerous articles as non- dangerous articles buy serious consequences do not result, will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 163 of the Criminal Law. Where serious consequences do result, perpetrators will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 110 of the Criminal Law.


A fine will be imposed on an enterprise or institution which has committed the crimes stated in the preceding paragraph. Principal personnel in charge who are directly responsible and other personnel directly responsible will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


A person who conceals and brings firearms, ammunition and controlled knives while flying in a civil aircraft shall be investigated for his criminal responsibility in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.

第一百九十四條   公共航空運輸企業違反本法第一百零一條的規定運輸危險品的,由國務院民用航空主管部門沒收違法所得,可以並處違法所得一倍以下的罰款。

Article 194 Where a public air transport enterprise carries dangerous articles in violation of the provisions of Article 101 of this Law, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall confiscate its unlawful earnings and may also impose a fine of not more than 100% of the unlawful earnings.


If a public air transport enterprise commits acts stated in the preceding paragraph and a major accident results, any illicit gains will be confiscated and a fine will be imposed. Principal personnel in charge who are directly responsible and other personnel directly responsible will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 187 of the Criminal Law.

第一百九十五條   故意在使用中的民用航空器上放置危險品或者唆使他人放置危險品,足以毀壞該民用航空器,危及飛行安全的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。

Article 195 Those who deliberately install dangerous articles on civil aircraft which are in use or incite others to do so and where this is sufficient to destroy the civil aircraft and endanger flight safety buy serious consequences do not result, will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 108 of the Criminal Law. Where serious consequences do result, perpetrators will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 110 of the Criminal Law.

第一百九十六條   故意傳遞虛假情報,擾亂正常飛行秩序,使公私財產遭受重大損失的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。

Article 196 Those who deliberately give false information so as to disrupt the normal flight order and where heavy losses result to both public and private property will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 158 of the Criminal Law.

第一百九十七條   盜竊或者故意損毀、移動使用中的航行設施,危及飛行安全,足以使民用航空器發生墜落、毀壞危險的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。

Article 197 Those who steal or deliberately destroy or move aviation equipment on a civil aircraft which is in use so as to endanger flight safety sufficiently to cause a crash or the destruction of the civil aircraft, buy serious consequences do not result, will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 108 of the Criminal Law. Where serious consequences do result, perpetrators will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 110 of the Criminal Law.

第一百九十八條   聚眾擾亂民用機場秩序的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。

Article 198. Those who assemble crowds to disrupt the order of civil airports will be held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 158 of the Criminal Law.

第一百九十九條   航空人員玩忽職守,或者違反規章制度,導致發生重大飛行事故,造成嚴重後果的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。

Article 199. Aviation personnel involved in major flight accidents which lead to serious consequences as a result of these personnel neglecting their duty or violating work regulations and systems will be held criminally liable in accordance with and in reference to the provisions of Article 187 or Article 114 of the Criminal Law respectively.

第二百條   違反本法規定,尚不夠刑事處罰,應當給予治安管理處罰的,依照治安管理處罰法的規定處罰。

Article 200. Those who violate the provisions of this Law and for whom criminal penalties are insufficient will have public security penalties imposed. These penalties will be imposed in accordance with the provisions of rules regarding public security penalties.

第二百零一條   違反本法第三十七條的規定,民用航空器無適航證書而飛行,或者租用的外國民用航空器未經國務院民用航空主管部門對其原國籍登記國發給的適航證書審查認可或者另發適航證書而飛行的,由國務院民用航空主管部門責令停止飛行,沒收違法所得,可以並處違法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罰款;沒有違法所得的,處以十萬元以上一百萬元以下的罰款。

Article 201. Those who violate the provisions of Article 37 of this Law by operating civil aircraft without an airworthiness certificate, or who operate leased foreign civil aircraft and have not had the airworthiness certificate issued by the country of nationality registration examined or approved by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation or have not had the certificate changed to a new one, will be ordered by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation to suspend flights and to turn over any illicit gains. A fine of more than an amount equal to and less than six times the amount of the illicit gains may also be imposed. Where there are no illicit gains, a fine of more than RMB100,000 yuan and less than RMB1 million will be imposed.


Where a certificate of airworthiness has lost its effect or a flight was conducted beyond the scope prescribed in the certificate of airworthiness, the punishment prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall apply.

第二百零二條   違反本法第三十四條、第三十六條第二款的規定,將未取得型號合格證書、型號認可證書的民用航空器及其發動機、螺旋槳或者民用航空器上的設備投入生產的,由國務院民用航空主管部門責令停止生產,沒收違法所得,可以並處違法所得一倍以下的罰款;沒有違法所得的,處以五萬元以上五十萬元以下的罰款。

Article 202. Those who violate the provisions of Article 34 and paragraph 2 of Article 36 of this Law by producing civil aircraft, including the engines, screw propellers, or apparatus on the civil aircraft, without first acquiring a model qualification certificate and a model ratification certificate will be order by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation to suspend production and turn over any illicit gains. A fine of up to an amount equal to the amount of the illicit gains will also be imposed. Where there are no illicit gains a fine of more than RMB50,000 yuan and less than RMB500,000 yuan will be imposed.

第二百零三條   違反本法第三十五條的規定,未取得生產許可證書、維修許可證書而從事生產、維修活動的,違反本法第九十二條、第一百四十七條第二款的規定,未取得公共航空運輸經營許可證或者通用航空經營許可證而從事公共航空運輸或者從事經營性通用航空的,國務院民用航空主管部門可以責令停止生產、維修或者經營活動。

Article 203 Those who violate the provisions of Article 35 of this Law by engaging in production and maintenance activities without first acquiring a production permit or a maintenance permit or those who violate the provisions of Article 92 and paragraph 2 of Article 147 of this Law by engaging in public air transport or in general purpose aviation of a business nature without first acquiring a business permit for public air transport or a business permit for general purpose aviation, will be order by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation to suspend their production, maintenance or business activities.

第二百零四條   已取得本法第三十五條規定的生產許可證書、維修許可證書的企業,因生產、維修的質量問題造成嚴重事故的,國務院民用航空主管部門可以吊銷其生產許可證書或者維修許可證書。

Article 204. Enterprises which cause serious accidents as a result of the inferior quality of their production and maintenance, wand which have acquired a production permit and a maintenance permit in accordance with the provisions of Article 35 of this Law, may have their production permit and the maintenance permit revoked by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第二百零五條   違反本法第四十條的規定,未取得航空人員執照、體格檢查合格證書而從事相應的民用航空活動的,由國務院民用航空主管部門責令停止民用航空活動,在國務院民用航空主管部門規定的限期內不得申領有關執照和證書,對其所在單位處以二十萬元以下的罰款。

Article 205. Those who violate the provisions of Article 40 of this Law by engaging in corresponding civil aviation activities without an aviation personnel licence or certificate of physical fitness will be ordered by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation to suspend their civil aviation activities and will not be permitted to apply for relevant licences and certificates within a time limit stipulated by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation. Units to which such people belong will be fined up to RMB200,000 yuan.

第二百零六條   有下列違法情形之一的,由國務院民用航空主管部門對民用航空器的機長給予警告或者吊扣執照一個月至六個月的處罰,情節較重的,可以給予吊銷執照的處罰:

Article 206 In one of the following circumstances in which the law is violated, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall punish the pilot-in-command by warning or by withholding his licence for a period of one to six months, or under aggravating circumstances, punish him by canceling his licence:


1. the pilot-in-command, in violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 45 of this Law, takes off without carrying out an inspection of the civil aircraft;


(II) A civil aircraft, in violation of the provisions of Article 75 of this Law, fails to follow the air route and to fly at the altitude specified by the air traffic unit, or in violation of the provisions of Article 79 of this Law, flies across the airspace over a city.

第二百零七條   違反本法第七十四條的規定,民用航空器未經空中交通管制單位許可進行飛行活動的,由國務院民用航空主管部門責令停止飛行,對該民用航空器所有人或者承租人處以一萬元以上十萬元以下的罰款;對該民用航空器的機長給予警告或者吊扣執照一個月至六個月的處罰,情節較重的,可以給予吊銷執照的處罰。

Article 207. Civil aircraft which engage in flight activities without first seeking permission from the air traffic control unit which is in violation of the provisions of Article 74 of this Law will be ordered by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation to suspend the flights. The owner or the lessee of the civil aircraft in question will be fined more than RMB10,000 yuan and less than RMB100,000 yuan, while the captain of the civil aircraft will be issued a disciplinary warning or will have his or her licence suspended for a period of one (1) to six (6) months. In very serious cases, the captain in question may face the penalty of having his or her licence revoked.

第二百零八條   民用航空器的機長或者機組其他人員有下列行為之一的,由國務院民用航空主管部門給予警告或者吊扣執照一個月至六個月的處罰;有第(二)項或者第(三)項所列行為的,可以給予吊銷執照的處罰:

Article 208 Where the pilot-in-command of a civil aircraft or another member of the crew commits one of the following acts, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall punish him by warning or by withholding his licence for a period of one to six months; if the act listed in sub-paragraph (2) or (3) is committed, he shall be punished by having his licence cancelled:


1. Failure to carry on his person licence and physical examination certificate in performing a flight mission as required by the provisions of Article 41 of this Law;


2. Leaving the civil aircraft in distress in violation of the provisions of Article 48 of this Law;


(III) Performing a flight mission in violation of the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 77 of this Law.

第二百零九條   違反本法第八十條的規定,民用航空器在飛行中投擲物品的,由國務院民用航空主管部門給予警告,可以對直接責任人員處以二千元以上二萬元以下的罰款。

Article 209. Civil aircraft which eject objects in flight in violation of the provisions of Article 80 of this Law will be issued a warning by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation, while personnel directly responsible may have a fine of more than 2,000 yuan and less than 20,000 yuan imposed.

第二百一十條   違反本法第六十二條的規定,未取得機場使用許可證開放使用民用機場的,由國務院民用航空主管部門責令停止開放使用;沒收違法所得,可以並處違法所得一倍以下的罰款。

Article 210 Where a civil airport is opened to traffic without obtaining an airport operating licence in violation of the provisions of Article 62 of this Law, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall order it to stop its opening to traffic, confiscate its unlawful earnings, and may impose a fine of not exceeding 100% of the unlawful earnings.

第二百一十一條   公共航空運輸企業、通用航空企業違反本法規定,情節較重的,除依照本法規定處罰外,國務院民用航空主管部門可以吊銷其經營許可證。

Article 211. Public air transport enterprises and general purpose aviation enterprises involved in violation of this Law in serious cases will not only be penalised in accordance with the provisions of this Law, but will also have their business permits revoked by the State Council department in charge of civil aviation.

第二百一十二條   國務院民用航空主管部門和地區民用航空管理機構的工作人員,玩忽職守、濫用職權、徇私舞弊,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,依法給予行政處分。

Article 212. Staff members of the State Council department in charge of civil aviation and of the regional civil aviation administrative organs who neglect their duty, abuse their power for personal gain or practise favouritism will, it this constitutes a crime, be held criminally liable in accordance with the law. If these activities do not constitute a crime, disciplinary sanctions will be imposed.

第十六章 附則

Chapter 16 Supplementary Provisions

第二百一十三條   本法所稱計算單位,是指國際貨幣基金組織規定的特別提款權;其人民幣數額為法院判決之日、仲裁機構裁決之日或者當事人協議之日,按照國家外匯主管機關規定的國際貨幣基金組織的特別提款權對人民幣的換算辦法計算得出的人民幣數額。

Article 213. For the purposes of this Law, the term "calculation unit" refers to the special drawing rights stipulated by the international monetary fund. The amount in renminbi will be calculated on the basis of conversion rates stipulated by the State administration in charge of exchange control between the international monetary fund's special drawing rights and the renminbi on the date on which court judgment is made, an award is given by an arbitration body, or agreement is entered into between the parties concerned.

第二百一十四條   國務院、中央軍事委員會對無人駕駛航空器的管理另有規定的,從其規定。

Article 214 Where it is otherwise provided by the State Council and the Central Military Commission for the administration of UAVs, such provisions shall prevail.

第二百一十五條   本法自199631日起施行。

Article 215 This Law shall go into effect as of March 1, 1996.


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