1986年3月19日第六屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十五次會議通過 根據1996年8月29日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國礦產資源法〉的決定》第一次修正 根據2009年8月27日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》第二次修正



Mineral Resources Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2009 Revision)

1986319日第六屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十五次會議通過 根據1996829日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國礦產資源法〉的決定》第一次修正 根據2009827日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》第二次修正)

(Adopted at the 15th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on March 19, 1986; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 21st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on August 29, 1996; and amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Revising Certain Laws adopted at the 10th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on August 27, 2009)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了發展礦業,加強礦產資源的勘查、開發利用和保護工作,保障社會主義現代化建設的當前和長遠的需要,根據中華人民共和國憲法,特制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, with a view to developing the mining industry, promoting the exploration, development, utilization and protection of mineral resources and ensuring the present and long-term needs of the socialist modernization programme.

第二條   在中華人民共和國領域及管轄海域勘查、開采礦產資源,必須遵守本法。

Article 2 This Law must be observed in exploring and mining mineral resources within the territory of the People's Republic of China and the sea areas under its jurisdiction.

第三條   礦產資源屬於國家所有,由國務院行使國家對礦產資源的所有權。地表或者地下的礦產資源的國家所有權,不因其所依附的土地的所有權或者使用權的不同而改變。

Article 3 Mineral resources belong to the State. The State Council exercises the State's ownership of mineral resources. State ownership of mineral resources, either near the earth's surface or underground, shall not change with the alteration of ownership or right to the use of the land which the mineral resources are attached to.


The State shall guarantee the rational development and utilization of mineral resources. Seizing or damaging mineral resources by any means and by any organization or individual shall be prohibited. People's governments at various levels must improve their work in the protection of mineral resources.


Anyone who wishes to explore or mine mineral resources shall separately make an application according to law and shall register after obtaining the right of exploration or mining upon approval, with the exception of the mining enterprises that have, in accordance with law, applied for and obtained the right of mining and are conducting exploration within the designated mining area for the purpose of their own production.


The state shall protect rights of exploration and mining from violation and protect order in production and other work in the mining and exploration areas from interference and disruption.


Those engaging in the exploration and mining of mineral resources must meet the prescribed qualification conditions.

第四條   國家保障依法設立的礦山企業開采礦產資源的合法權益。

Article 4 The State protects the lawful rights and interests of mining enterprises, established in accordance with law, in mining of mineral resources.


The state-owned mining enterprises are the main body of mining mineral resources. The state shall guarantee the consolidation and expansion of state-owned mining industry.

第五條   國家實行探礦權、采礦權有償取得的制度;但是,國家對探礦權、采礦權有償取得的費用,可以根據不同情況規定予以減繳、免繳。具體辦法和實施步驟由國務院規定。

Article 5 The State practises a system wherein the exploration right and mining right shall be obtained with compensation; however, the State may, in light of specific conditions, prescribe reduction of or exemption from the compensation for acquiring the exploration right and mining right. Specific measures and implementation procedures shall be formulated by the State Council.


Anyone who exploits mineral resources must pay resource tax and compensation in accordance with relevant State regulations.

第六條   除按下列規定可以轉讓外,探礦權、采礦權不得轉讓:

Article 6 Exploration right and mining right shall not be transferred except for the transfers made according to the following provisions:


(I) A person with mineral exploration right has the right to conduct specified exploration and survey operations within the designated exploration and survey operations area (s) and has the priority to obtain the right to mine the mineral resources in the exploration and survey operations area (s). A person entitled to prospect the mineral may, upon fulfillment of the prescribed minimum exploration and survey input and approval in accordance with the law, assign his prospecting right.




(II) Where a mining enterprise that has obtained the mining right needs to change the subject of the mining right due to its merger or division, joint venture or cooperation with others, sale of its assets, or other changes in its property rights to the assets of the enterprise, it may, upon approval in accordance with law, change the subject of the mining right.


Transfer to Other Mines.


The specific measures and implementation procedures for the preceding paragraph shall be formulated by the State Council.


It is prohibited to resell rights of exploration and mining for profit.

第七條   國家對礦產資源的勘查、開發實行統一規劃、合理布局、綜合勘查、合理開采和綜合利用的方針。

Article 7 In the exploration and development of mineral resources, the State applies the principles of unified planning, rational geographical distribution, multi-purpose exploration, rational mining and multi-purpose utilization.

第八條   國家鼓勵礦產資源勘查、開發的科學技術研究,推廣先進技術,提高礦產資源勘查、開發的科學技術水平。

Article 8 The State encourages scientific and technological research on the exploration and development of mineral resources, promotes advanced technology so as to raise the scientific and technological level of mineral exploration and development.

第九條   在勘查、開發、保護礦產資源和進行科學技術研究等方面成績顯著的單位和個人,由各級人民政府給予獎勵。

Article 9 Any organization or individual that has achieved outstanding successes in the exploration, development and protection of mineral resources and in scientific and technological research shall be awarded by relevant people's government.

第十條   國家在民族自治地方開采礦產資源,應當照顧民族自治地方的利益,作出有利於民族自治地方經濟建設的安排,照顧當地少數民族群眾的生產和生活。

Article 10 In mining mineral resources in national autonomous areas, the State should give consideration to the interests of those areas and make arrangements favourable to the areas' economic development and to the production and well-being of the local minority nationalities.


In accordance with legal stipulations and unified State plans, the organs of self-government of national autonomous areas may give priority to the rational exploitation and utilization of the mineral resources that the local authorities are entitled to develop.

第十一條   國務院地質礦產主管部門主管全國礦產資源勘查、開采的監督管理工作。國務院有關主管部門協助國務院地質礦產主管部門進行礦產資源勘查、開采的監督管理工作。

Article 11 The department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council shall be responsible for supervision and administration of the exploration and mining of the mineral resources throughout the country. Other relevant competent State Council departments shall assist the State Council department in charge of geology and mineral resources in supervising and administering the exploration and mining of mineral resources.


The departments in charge of geology and mineral resources under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for supervision and administration of the exploration and mining of the mineral resources within their respective administrative areas. Relevant competent departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall assist the departments in charge of geology and mineral resources at the same level in mineral resources.


The supervision and administration of exploration and mining.

第二章 礦產資源勘查的登記和開采的審批

Chapter 2 Registration for Exploration of Mineral Resources and Examination and Approval of Mining

第十二條   國家對礦產資源勘查實行統一的區塊登記管理制度。礦產資源勘查登記工作,由國務院地質礦產主管部門負責;特定礦種的礦產資源勘查登記工作,可以由國務院授權有關主管部

Article 12 The State practises a unified regional registration system for exploration of mineral resources. The department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council shall be responsible for registering the exploration of mineral resources.


The door shall be responsible. Measures for regional registration of exploration of mineral resources shall be formulated by the State Council.

第十三條   國務院礦產儲量審批機構或者省、自治區、直轄市礦產儲量審批機構負責審查批準供礦山建設設計使用的勘探報告,並在規定的期限內批複報送單位。勘探報告未經批準,不得作

Article 13 The department in charge of examination and approval of mineral reserves under the State Council or departments in charge of examination and approval of mineral reserves of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the examination and approval of the prospecting reports to be used for mining construction designing and shall, within the prescribed time limit, give official replies to the units that submitted the reports. Exploration reports shall not be prepared without prior approval.


The design basis for mine construction.

第十四條   礦產資源勘查成果檔案資料和各類礦產儲量的統計資料,實行統一的管理制度,按照國務院規定匯交或者填報。

Article 14 Archives of mineral exploration results and statistical data of reserves of various minerals shall be subject to unified management, and shall be collected or compiled for submission in accordance with the regulations of the State Council.

第十五條   設立礦山企業,必須符合國家規定的資質條件,並依照法律和國家有關規定,由審批機關對其礦區範圍、礦山設計或者開采方案、生產技術條件、安全措施和環境保護措施等進行

Article 15 Anyone who wishes to establish a mining enterprise must meet the qualifications prescribed by the State, and the department in charge of examination and approval shall, in accordance with law and relevant State regulations conduct examination of the enterprise's mining area, its mining design or mining plan, production and technical conditions and safety and environmental protection measures.


Examination. Approval shall be granted only after the application passes the examination.

第十六條   開采下列礦產資源的,由國務院地質礦產主管部門審批,並頒發采礦許可證:

Article 16 Anyone who wishes to mine the following mineral resources shall be subject to examination and approval by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council, which shall also issue a mining license:


1. mineral resources within the mining areas that are embraced in the State plans or within the mining areas that are of great value to the national economy;


(II) Those outside the areas stipulated in the preceding item, and the mineable mineral reserves of which are large in scale;


(III) specified minerals of which protective mining is prescribed by the State;


(IV) Mineral resources in the territorial sea or other sea areas under China's jurisdiction;


(V) other mineral resources prescribed by the State Council.


Relevant competent departments authorized by the State Council may conduct examination of and grant approval to mining of such specified minerals as petroleum, natural gas and radioactive minerals, and issue the mining licenses.


The mining of mineral resources that are not covered by the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 and the mineable reserves of which are of medium quantity shall be subject to examination and approval by the departments in charge of geology and mineral resources under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, which shall issue mining licenses.


The administrative measures on mining of mineral resources other than those stipulated in the first, second and third paragraphs shall be formulated by the standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities pursuant to law.


Where examination and approval are conducted and mining licenses are issued under the provisions of paragraph 3 and paragraph 4, the departments in charge of geology and mineral resources under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall collect the cases and submit them to the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council for the record.


The standard for dividing mineral reserves into large- and medium-scale reserves shall be set by the mineral reserves approval agency of the State Council.

第十七條   國家對國家規劃礦區、對國民經濟具有重要價值的礦區和國家規定實行保護性開采的特定礦種,實行有計劃的開采;未經國務院有關主管部門批準,任何單位和個人不得開采。

Article 17 The State institutes a policy of planned mining with regard to mining areas that are embraced in State plans, mining areas that are of great value to the national economy and the specified minerals of which protective mining is prescribed by the State. Unless approved by the competent department under the State Council, no unit or individual may carry out such mining.

第十八條   國家規劃礦區的範圍、對國民經濟具有重要價值的礦區的範圍、礦山企業礦區的範圍依法劃定後,由劃定礦區範圍的主管機關通知有關縣級人民政府予以公告。

Article 18 After the limits for the mining areas that are embraced in State plans, the limits for mining areas that are of great value to the national economy, and the limits for mining areas of mining enterprises have been defined according to law, the competent departments that defined the limits of the mining areas shall notify the relevant people's governments at the county level to announce them.


In order to alter the limits of its mining area, a mining enterprise must apply to the original examination and approval authority for approval and apply to the authority which issued the original mining licence for the issue of a new mining licence.

第十九條   地方各級人民政府應當采取措施,維護本行政區域內的國有礦山企業和其他礦山企業礦區範圍內的正常秩序。

Article 19 The local people's governments at various levels shall take measures to maintain normal order in the mining areas of State-owned mining enterprises and other mining enterprises within their respective administrative areas.


No unit and individual may enter and mine in mining areas of State-owned mining enterprises and other mining enterprises which are established by others in accordance with law.

第二十條   非經國務院授權的有關主管部門同意,不得在下列地區開采礦產資源:

Article 20 Unless approved by the competent departments authorized by the State Council, no one may mine mineral resources in the following places:


1. within delimited areas of harbours, airports and national defence projects or installations;


2. within a certain distance from important industrial parks, large-scale water conservancy works or municipal engineering installations of cities and towns;


3. within certain limits on both sides of railways and important highways;


4. within certain limits on both sides of important rivers and embankments;


(V) nature reserves and important scenic spots designated by the State, major sites of immovable historical relics and places of historical interest and scenic beauty that are under State key protection; and


(VI) other areas where mineral mining is prohibited by the State.

第二十一條   關閉礦山,必須提出礦山閉坑報告及有關采掘工程、不安全隱患、土地複墾利用、環境保護的資料,並按照國家規定報請審查批準。

Article 21 If a mine is to be closed down, a report must be prepared with information about the mining operations, hidden dangers, land reclamation and utilization, and environmental protection, and an application for examination and approval must be filed in accordance with relevant State regulations.

第二十二條   勘查、開采礦產資源時,發現具有重大科學文化價值的罕見地質現象以及文化古跡,應當加以保護並及時報告有關部門。

Article 22 If, in the course of mineral exploration or mining, rare geological phenomena or ancient cultural remains of significant scientific and cultural value are discovered, they shall be protected and reported immediately to the relevant departments.

第三章 礦產資源的勘查

Chapter III Exploration of Mineral Resources

第二十三條   區域地質調查按照國家統一規劃進行。區域地質調查的報告和圖件按照國家規定驗收,提供有關部門使用。

Article 23 Regional geological surveys shall be carried out in accordance with the unified State plan. Reports and maps on regional geological surveys shall be checked for acceptance in accordance with State regulations and then provided to the relevant departments for use.

第二十四條   礦產資源普查在完成主要礦種普查任務的同時,應當對工作區內包括共生或者伴生礦產的成礦地質條件和礦床工業遠景作出初步綜合評價。

Article 24 In conducting a general survey of mineral resources, after completing survey of the major minerals, a preliminary comprehensive assessment shall be made of the minerogenetic conditions involving all paragenetic or associated minerals and of the industrial perspective of the mineral deposits in the area being surveyed.

第二十五條   礦床勘探必須對礦區內具有工業價值的共生和伴生礦產進行綜合評價,並計算其儲量。未作綜合評價的勘探報告不予批準。但是,國務院計劃部門另有規定的礦床勘探項目除外

Article 25 In prospecting for mineral deposits, a comprehensive assessment of the paragenetic and associated minerals of commercial value within the mining area must be made and their reserves calculated. Any prospecting report without such comprehensive assessment shall not be approved. However, an exception will apply to those deposit exploration projects otherwise specified by the planning department under the State Council.

第二十六條   普查、勘探易損壞的特種非金屬礦產、流體礦產、易燃易爆易溶礦產和含有放射性元素的礦產,必須采用省級以上人民政府有關主管部門規定的普查、勘探方法,並有必要的技

Article 26 In conducting general surveys and prospecting for special fragile nonmetallic minerals, fluid minerals, flammable, explosive and soluble minerals and minerals containing radioactive elements, methods prescribed by the relevant departments under the people's governments at or above the provincial level must be used, and necessary skills must be used.


Technical equipment and safety measures.

第二十七條   礦產資源勘查的原始地質編錄和圖件,岩礦心、測試樣品和其他實物標本資料,各種勘查標志,應當按照有關規定保護和保存。

Article 27 The original geological record, maps and other data of mineral exploration, rock cores, test samples, specimens of other material objects, and various exploration marks shall be protected and preserved in accordance with relevant regulations.

第二十八條   礦床勘探報告及其他有價值的勘查資料,按照國務院規定實行有償使用。

Article 28. Payment will be required, in accordance with State Council regulations, for the use of mineral deposit exploration reports and other valuable exploration information.

第四章 礦產資源的開采

Chapter 4 Mining of Mineral Resources

第二十九條   開采礦產資源,必須采取合理的開采順序、開采方法和選礦工藝。礦山企業的開采回采率、采礦貧化率和選礦回收率應當達到設計要求。

Article 29 In mining mineral resources, a mining enterprise must adopt rational mining sequence and methods and proper ore-dressing technique. A mining enterprise's recovery rate, impoverishment rate and recovery rate from ore beneficiation shall meet design requirements.

第三十條   在開采主要礦產的同時,對具有工業價值的共生和伴生礦產應當統一規劃,綜合開采,綜合利用,防止浪費;對暫時不能綜合開采或者必須同時采出而暫時還不能綜合利用的礦產

Article 30 While mining major minerals, a mining enterprise shall, in accordance with a unified plan, carry out comprehensive mining and utilization of paragenetic and associated minerals that are of industrial value, so as to avoid waste. It shall also, for minerals that cannot be comprehensively mined at the time or that must be mined at the same time but cannot be comprehensively utilized at the time.


And for tailings containing useful components, effective protection measures shall be taken to prevent any loss or damage.

第三十一條   開采礦產資源,必須遵守國家勞動安全衛生規定,具備保障安全生產的必要條件。

Article 31 In mining mineral resources, a mining enterprise or individual must abide by State regulations regarding labour, safety and health and have the necessary conditions to ensure safety in production.

第三十二條   開采礦產資源,必須遵守有關環境保護的法律規定,防止汙染環境。

Article 32 In mining mineral resources, a mining enterprise or individual must observe the legal provisions on environmental protection to prevent pollution of the environment.


When mining mineral resources, land must be used economically. In case cultivated land, grassland or forest land is damaged due to mining, the mining enterprise concerned shall take measures to utilize the land affected, such as by reclamation, tree and grass planting, as appropriate to the local conditions.


Anyone who, in mining mineral resources, causes losses to the production and well-being of other persons shall be liable for compensation and shall adopt necessary remedial measures.

第三十三條   在建設鐵路、工廠、水庫、輸油管道、輸電線路和各種大型建築物或者建築群之前,建設單位必須向所在省、自治區、直轄市地質礦產主管部門了解擬建工程所在地區的礦產資

Article 33 Before the construction of railways, factories, reservoirs, oil pipelines, transmission lines and various large structures or architectural complexes, the units responsible for the construction must obtain information from the departments in charge of geology and mineral resources under the local people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central government about the mineral resources in the areas where the construction projects are to be built.


Source distribution and mining. Those projects shall not be constructed over important mineral deposits unless approved by departments authorized by the State Council.

第三十四條   國務院規定由指定的單位統一收購的礦產品,任何其他單位或者個人不得收購;開采者不得向非指定單位銷售。

Article 34 Mineral products to be purchased exclusively by designated units, as prescribed by the State Council, may not be purchased by any other units or individuals; mining enterprises and individuals shall not sell their products to non-designated units.

第五章 集體礦山企業和個體采礦

Chapter 5 Collectively-owned Mining Enterprises and Privately-owned Mining Undertakings

第三十五條   國家對集體礦山企業和個體采礦實行積極扶持、合理規劃、正確引導、加強管理的方針,鼓勵集體礦山企業開采國家指定範圍內的礦產資源,允許個人采挖零星分散資源和只能

Article 35 The State applies the principles of vigorous support, rational planning, correct guidance and effective administration with regard to collectively-owned mining enterprises and privately-owned mining undertakings, encourages collectively-owned mining enterprises to mine mineral resources within the areas designated by the State, and permits individuals to mine scattered and dispersed mineral resources and allow them to mine only such resources.


Sand, stone and clay used as ordinary building materials and a small amount of minerals for daily use.


Mineral resources that are suited to mining by mining enterprises in terms of the quantity of reserves, specified minerals of which protective mining is prescribed by the State, and other mineral resources of which mining by individuals is prohibited by the State may not be mined by individuals.


The State provides guidance and assistance to collectively-owned mining enterprises and privately-owned mining undertakings in continuously raising their technical level and in increasing utilization rate of the mineral resources and the economic results.


Departments in charge of geology and mineral resources, units engaged in geological work and State-owned mining enterprises shall provide geological data and technical services to collectively owned mining enterprises and individual mining operations in accordance with the principles of active support and mutual benefit through payment for services provided.

第三十六條   國務院和國務院有關主管部門批準開辦的礦山企業礦區範圍內已有的集體礦山企業,應當關閉或者到指定的其他地點開采,由礦山建設單位給予合理的補償,並妥善安置群眾生

Article 36 Existing collectively-owned mining enterprises, located within the mining area of a mining enterprise to be established with the approval of the State Council or the relevant competent departments under the State Council, shall be closed down or shall conduct mining in other designated areas. The unit that undertakes to open the mine shall give them reasonable compensation and make proper arrangements for the livelihood of the masses.


Live; Or else, according to the overall arrangement of that mining enterprise, may also adopt joint operation.

第三十七條   集體礦山企業和個體采礦應當提高技術水平,提高礦產資源回收率。禁止亂挖濫采,破壞礦產資源。

Article 37 Collectively-owned mining enterprises and privately-owned mining undertakings shall raise their technical level and increase the recovery rate of the mineral resources. Indiscriminate mining or the destruction of mineral resources shall be prohibited.


Collectively-owned mining enterprises must survey and draw maps showing the correlation between surface and underground workings.

第三十八條   縣級以上人民政府應當指導、幫助集體礦山企業和個體采礦進行技術改造,改善經營管理,加強安全生產。

Article 38 People's governments at or above the county level shall provide guidance and assistance to collectively-owned mining enterprises and privately-owned mining undertakings in carrying out technological updating, improving business management and ensuring safety in production.

第六章 法律責任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities

第三十九條   違反本法規定,未取得采礦許可證擅自采礦的,擅自進入國家規劃礦區、對國民經濟具有重要價值的礦區範圍采礦的,擅自開采國家規定實行保護性開采的特定礦種的,責令停

Article 39. A party which violates the provisions of this Law by mining without a licence, by entering a State designated mining area or a mining area of significant value to the national economy to undertake mining without authorisation, or by mining specific mineral resources subject to State stipulated protective mining measures without authorisation will be ordered to suspend operations.


In the case of stopping mining, paying compensation, confiscating mined products and illegal gains, a fine may be imposed concurrently; in the case of refusing to stop mining, thus causing damages to mineral resources, the persons who are directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 156 of the Criminal Law.


Any unit or individual who enters and mines in the mining areas of a State-owned mining enterprise or other mining enterprise established by others in accordance with law shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

第四十條   超越批準的礦區範圍采礦的,責令退回本礦區範圍內開采、賠償損失,沒收越界開采的礦產品和違法所得,可以並處罰款;拒不退回本礦區範圍內開采,造成礦產資源破壞的,吊

Article 40. A party which mines outside its approved mining area will be ordered to return to its own area and compensate others for any loss. Authorities will confiscate any mineral products obtained outside approved areas, as well as any illegal income. Fines may also be imposed. If the party concerned refuses to return to its own mining area or has damaged mineral resources, a condole will be held.


In selling mining licenses, the persons who are directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 156 of the Criminal Law.

第四十一條   盜竊、搶奪礦山企業和勘查單位的礦產品和其他財物的,破壞采礦、勘查設施的,擾亂礦區和勘查作業區的生產秩序、工作秩序的,分別依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任;情節

Article 41 if a person steals or plunders mineral products or other property of mining enterprises or exploration units, damages mining or exploration facilities, or disrupts order in production and other work in mining areas or areas under exploration, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with relevant provisions of the Criminal Law;


Where the offence is obviously minor, the offender shall be punished pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Law on Security Administration and Punishment.

第四十二條   買賣、出租或者以其他形式轉讓礦產資源的,沒收違法所得,處以罰款。

Article 42 If a person purchases, sells or leases mineral resources or transfers them by other means, his unlawful proceeds shall be confiscated and he shall be fined.


If the provisions of Article 6 of this Law are violated through the sale of exploration rights or mining rights, authorities will revoke the exploration licence or mining licence, confiscate any illegal income and impose a fine.

第四十三條   違反本法規定收購和銷售國家統一收購的礦產品的,沒收礦產品和違法所得,可以並處罰款;情節嚴重的,依照刑法第一百一十七條、第一百一十八條的規定,追究刑事責任。

Article 43 If a person, in violation of the provisions of this Law, purchases or sells mineral products which are to be purchased exclusively by the State, such products and his unlawful proceeds shall be confiscated, and he may also be fined. If the case is serious, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions of Articles 117 and 118 of the Criminal Law.

第四十四條   違反本法規定,采取破壞性的開采方法開采礦產資源的,處以罰款,可以吊銷采礦許可證;造成礦產資源嚴重破壞的,依照刑法第一百五十六條的規定對直接責任人員追究刑事

Article 44. If the provisions of this Law are violated through the use of destructive mining methods to mine mineral resources, authorities will impose a fine and may revoke the mining licence. If these destructive methods result in serious damage to mineral resources, the criminal liability of the persons directly responsible will be pursued in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.



第四十五條   本法第三十九條、第四十條、第四十二條規定的行政處罰,由縣級以上人民政府負責地質礦產管理工作的部門按照國務院地質礦產主管部門規定的權限決定。第四十三條規定的

Article 45 The administrative penalties prescribed in Articles 39, 40 and 42 of this Law shall be meted out by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the people's government at or above the county level in accordance with the limits of authority prescribed by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council. Article 43 specified


Administrative punishment shall be decided by the administration for industry and commerce of a People's Government of county level and above.


The administrative penalties stipulated in Article 44 of this Law will be determined by departments in charge of geology and mineral resources of people's governments at provincial, autonomous regional and directly administered municipal level. The penalty of revoking the exploration or mining licenses shall be decided by the departments that issue such licenses.


If any department fails to give an administrative penalty, when it ought to do so in accordance with the provisions of Articles 39, 40, 42 and 44, the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the people's government at the higher level shall have the authority to order it to make corrections or shall directly give the administrative penalty.

第四十六條   當事人對行政處罰決定不服的,可以依法申請複議,也可以依法直接向人民法院起訴。

Article 46 A party concerned who disagrees with an administrative punishment decision may apply for review pursuant to the law, or may file a lawsuit directly with a People's Court pursuant to the law.


If the party concerned has failed to apply for review after the deadline and has neither taken a legal action at the people's court nor carried out the decision of sanction, the office which made the decision of sanction shall apply to the people's court for enforcement.

第四十七條   負責礦產資源勘查、開采監督管理工作的國家工作人員和其他有關國家工作人員徇私舞弊、濫用職權或者玩忽職守,違反本法規定批準勘查、開采礦產資源和頒發勘查許可證、

Article 47 State functionaries in charge of supervision and administration of exploration and mining of mineral resources or other relevant State functionaries who engage in malpractices for personal gain, abuse their powers or neglect their duties, approve exploration and mining of mineral resources or issue exploration licenses in violation of the provisions of this Law


Anyone who has a mining license, or fails to check and punish the illegal mining activities, which constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal liabilities in accordance with the law; if a crime is not constituted, he shall be given administrative sanctions. Exploration and mining licenses issued in violation of laws, and chief geology and mineral resources by people's governments at higher levels


The management has the right to cancel it.

第四十八條   以暴力、威脅方法阻礙從事礦產資源勘查、開采監督管理工作的國家工作人員依法執行職務的,依照刑法第一百五十七條的規定追究刑事責任;拒絕、阻礙從事礦產資源勘查、

Article 48 If anyone resorts to violence or intimidation when obstructing State functionaries engaged in supervision and administration of exploration and mining of mineral resources from performing their duties according to law, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 157 of the Criminal Law.


State functionaries in charge of supervision and control over exploitation who execute their duties without resorting to violence or threat shall be punished by public security organs in accordance with the Law on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.

第四十九條   礦山企業之間的礦區範圍的爭議,由當事人協商解決,協商不成的,由有關縣級以上地方人民政府根據依法核定的礦區範圍處理;跨省、自治區、直轄市的礦區範圍的爭議,由

Article 49 Disputes over the limits of mining areas between mining enterprises shall be settled by the parties involved through consultation; if consultation fails, the relevant local people's government at or above the county level shall handle the matter on the basis of the limits that have been verified and fixed according to law. Disputes over the limits of mining areas that straddle two or more provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be settled by the parties involved through consultation.


People's governments of the relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall settle the matter through consultation. If consultation fails, the matter shall be handled by the State Council.


Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第五十條   外商投資勘查、開采礦產資源,法律、行政法規另有規定的,從其規定。

Article 50 Where the laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise on foreign-funded exploration and mining of mineral resources, such provisions shall prevail.

第五十一條   本法施行以前,未辦理批準手續、未劃定礦區範圍、未取得采礦許可證開采礦產資源的,應當依照本法有關規定申請補辦手續。

Article 51 Before this Law goes into effect, anyone who mined mineral resources without going through approval procedures, without having the mining area delimited and without obtaining a mining license shall apply for completion of the formalities in accordance with relevant provisions of this Law.

第五十二條   本法實施細則由國務院制定。

Article 52 Rules for the implementation of this Law shall be formulated by the State Council.

第五十三條   本法自1986101日起施行。

Article 53 This Law shall go into effect on October 1, 1986.


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