1997年11月1日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議通過 2007年10月28日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議修訂 根據2016年7月2日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國節約能源法〉等六部法律的決定》第一次修正 根據2018年10月26日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第六次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國野生動物保護法〉等十五部法律的決定》第二次修正



Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China (Amended in 2018)

1997111日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議通過 20071028日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議修訂 根據201672日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國節約能源法〉等六部法律的決定》第一次修正 根據20181026日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第六次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國野生動物保護法〉等十五部法律的決定》第二次修正)

(Adopted at the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress on November 1, 1997; revised at the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress on October 28, 2007; amended for the first time according to the Decision on Revising Six Laws including the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on July 2, 2016; and amended for the second time according to the Decision on Revising Fifteen Laws including the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife passed at the 6th Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on October 26, 2018)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了推動全社會節約能源,提高能源利用效率,保護和改善環境,促進經濟社會全面協調可持續發展,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of promoting energy conservation in the entire society, raising energy utilisation efficiency, protecting and improving the environment, and promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economic and social development.

第二條   本法所稱能源,是指煤炭、石油、天然氣、生物質能和電力、熱力以及其他直接或者通過加工、轉換而取得有用能的各種資源。

Article 2 The term "energy" as used in this Law refers to coal, petroleum, natural gas, biomass energy and electricity, thermal power and all other resources from which useful energy can be obtained directly or through processing or transformation.

第三條   本法所稱節約能源(以下簡稱節能),是指加強用能管理,采取技術上可行、經濟上合理以及環境和社會可以承受的措施,從能源生產到消費的各個環節,降低消耗、減少損失和汙染物排放、制止浪費,有效、合理地利用能源。

Article 3 The term "energy conservation" (hereinafter referred to as "energy conservation") as used in this Law means: enhancing control in the use of energy; adopting measures which are technologically feasible, economically rational, and, at both the environmental and social levels, tolerable, to reduce consumption, reduce losses and discharge of pollutants and stop waste in all links from energy production to consumption so as to use energy effectively and rationally.

第四條   節約資源是我國的基本國策。國家實施節約與開發並舉、把節約放在首位的能源發展戰略。

Article 4 Saving resources is the basic state policy of our country. The state carries out the energy development strategy of saving and developing simultaneously, putting saving in the first place.

第五條   國務院和縣級以上地方各級人民政府應當將節能工作納入國民經濟和社會發展規劃、年度計劃,並組織編制和實施節能中長期專項規劃、年度節能計劃。

Article 5 The State Council and the local People's Governments at the county level or above shall include energy conservation work in their national economic and social development plans and annual plans, and shall take charge of the formulation and implementation of medium- and long-term special plans on energy conservation and annual energy conservation plans.


The State Council and the local People's Governments at the county level or above shall report their work in energy conservation to the People's Congress or its Standing Committee at the corresponding level.

第六條   國家實行節能目標責任制和節能考核評價制度,將節能目標完成情況作為對地方人民政府及其負責人考核評價的內容。

Article 6 The State shall implement a responsibility system and a performance evaluation system for the fulfillment of energy conservation targets. The status in achieving energy conservation targets shall be included in the performance evaluation of local people's governments and the corresponding personnel in charge.


The People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities shall report annually to the State Council on their performance of energy conservation targets and responsibilities.

第七條   國家實行有利於節能和環境保護的產業政策,限制發展高耗能、高汙染行業,發展節能環保型產業。

Article 7 The State shall implement industrial policies that are conducive to energy conservation and environmental protection, limit industries that are high in energy consumption and pollution discharge, and develop industries that are energy-saving and environmentally friendly.


The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall step up efforts in energy conservation; rationally readjust industrial structures, enterprise structures, product structures and energy consumption structures; encourage enterprises to lower their energy consumption per unit of output value and energy consumption per product; eliminate backward production capabilities; improve energy development, processing, transformation, transportation, storage and its supply; and increase energy utilization efficiency.


The State encourages and supports the development and utilization of new energy resources and renewable energy resources.

第八條   國家鼓勵、支持節能科學技術的研究、開發、示範和推廣,促進節能技術創新與進步。

Article 8 The State shall encourage and support the research, development, demonstration and dissemination of energy conservation science and technologies, and shall promote innovation and advancement of energy conservation technologies.


The State shall carry out energy conservation campaigns and education, include the knowledge of energy conservation in its national education and training systems, disseminate scientific knowledge of energy conservation among the people, enhance the nation's awareness of energy conservation, and advocate energy-saving consumption patterns.

第九條   任何單位和個人都應當依法履行節能義務,有權檢舉浪費能源的行為。

Article 9 All units and individuals shall fulfill their obligation to conserve energy according to law, and have the right to report against any waste of energy.


The news media shall publicize the laws, regulations and policies of Energy Conservation, and bring the role of supervision of public opinion into play.

第十條   國務院管理節能工作的部門主管全國的節能監督管理工作。國務院有關部門在各自的職責範圍內負責節能監督管理工作,並接受國務院管理節能工作的部門的指導。

Article 10 The department regulating energy conservation under the State Council takes charge of supervision and administration of energy conservation nationwide. The relevant departments under the State Council shall take responsibility for the work in energy conservation supervision and administration within their respective functions and responsibilities, and shall be subject to the guidance from the departments regulating energy conservation under the State Council.


The departments regulating energy conservation under the People's Governments at the county level or above shall take charge of supervision and administration of energy conservation within their respective administrative areas. The relevant departments under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall take responsibility for the work in energy conservation supervision and administration within their respective functions and duties, and shall be subject to the guidance from the departments regulating energy conservation at the same level.

第二章 節能管理

Chapter 2 Administration of Energy Conservation

第十一條   國務院和縣級以上地方各級人民政府應當加強對節能工作的領導,部署、協調、監督、檢查、推動節能工作。

Article 11 The State Council and the local people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen leadership in energy conservation, plan, coordinate, supervise, inspect and promote energy conservation.

第十二條   縣級以上人民政府管理節能工作的部門和有關部門應當在各自的職責範圍內,加強對節能法律、法規和節能標準執行情況的監督檢查,依法查處違法用能行為。

Article 12 The administrative departments for energy conservation and the relevant departments under the people's governments at or above the county level shall, within their respective functions and duties, strengthen supervision over and inspection of the implementation of laws, regulations on energy conservation and energy conservation standards, and investigate and deal with illegal acts of using energy in accordance with law.


No fees may be charged from those under such supervision and control in the performance of their duties in energy conservation supervision and control.

第十三條   國務院標準化主管部門和國務院有關部門依法組織制定並適時修訂有關節能的國家標準、行業標準,建立健全節能標準體系。

Article 13 The department of standardization under the State Council and other relevant departments under the State Council shall formulate and timely revise the relevant national and industrial standards for energy conservation and establish a system of energy conservation standards and make improvements thereto.


The department of standardisation administration under the State Council, in conjunction with the department regulating energy conservation under the State Council and other relevant departments under the State Council, shall establish mandatory energy efficiency standards for energy-consuming products and equipment, and mandatory energy consumption limits per unit of products on products with high energy consumption during production.


The State shall encourage enterprises to establish energy conservation standards that are stricter than the national or industrial standards.


Except where otherwise stipulated in this Law, where provinces, autonomous regions, and centrally-administered municipalities establish regional energy conservation standards that are stricter than the compulsory national or industrial standards, they shall be reported by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and centrally-administered municipalities to the State Council for approval.

第十四條   建築節能的國家標準、行業標準由國務院建設主管部門組織制定,並依照法定程序發布。

Article 14 The national and industrial building energy conservation standards shall be formulated by the department of construction under the State Council and be published in accordance with the legal procedure.


The administrative departments of construction under the People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and centrally-administered municipalities may formulate regional building energy conservation standards that are stricter than the national or industrial standards according to their actual local conditions, and file such regional standards with the administrative department of standardization and the administrative department of construction under the State Council for record.

第十五條   國家實行固定資產投資項目節能評估和審查制度。不符合強制性節能標準的項目,建設單位不得開工建設;已經建成的,不得投入生產、使用。政府投資項目不符合強制性節能標準的,依法負責項目審批的機關不得批準建設。具體辦法由國務院管理節能工作的部門會同國務院有關部門制定。

Article 15 The State shall implement an energy conservation assessment and review system for fixed asset investment projects. For projects which do not comply with mandatory energy conservation standards, the developer shall not commence construction; where the project is completed, the project shall not be put into production or use. For government-invested projects that do not meet the compulsory energy conservation standards, the authorities legally in charge of project examination and approval shall not approve the construction thereof. The detailed measures shall be formulated by the department regulating energy conservation under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council.

第十六條   國家對落後的耗能過高的用能產品、設備和生產工藝實行淘汰制度。淘汰的用能產品、設備、生產工藝的目錄和實施辦法,由國務院管理節能工作的部門會同國務院有關部門制定並公布。

Article 16 The State shall practise an elimination system for outdated and highly energy-consuming products, equipment and production techniques. The catalogues of energy-using products, equipment and production techniques subject to elimination and the measures for implementation shall be formulated and published by the department regulating energy conservation under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council.


The production units that consume inordinate amounts of energy during production shall be subject to per-product energy consumption limitation standards. Production units that go over such limits shall be ordered to make corrections within a specified time limit by the departments regulating energy conservation within the authority granted by the State Council.


Special high-energy-consuming equipment shall be subject to energy conservation review and regulation in accordance with the regulations of the State Council.

第十七條   禁止生產、進口、銷售國家明令淘汰或者不符合強制性能源效率標準的用能產品、設備;禁止使用國家明令淘汰的用能設備、生產工藝。

Article 17 It is prohibited to produce, import or sell energy-using products or equipment that should be phased out as explicitly ordered by the State or that do not meet the compulsory energy efficiency standards; it is prohibited to use energy-using equipment or production techniques that should be phased out as explicitly ordered by the State.

第十八條   國家對家用電器等使用面廣、耗能量大的用能產品,實行能源效率標識管理。實行能源效率標識管理的產品目錄和實施辦法,由國務院管理節能工作的部門會同國務院市場監督管理部門制定並公布。

Article 18 The State shall implement energy-efficiency labeling administration on widely-used and high-energy-consuming products such as household appliances. The catalogues and the implementation measures for the products under energy-efficiency labeling administration shall be formulated and published by the department regulating energy conservation under the State Council in conjunction with the market regulatory body under the State Council.

第十九條   生產者和進口商應當對列入國家能源效率標識管理產品目錄的用能產品標注能源效率標識,在產品包裝物上或者說明書中予以說明,並按照規定報國務院市場監督管理部門和國務院管理節能工作的部門共同授權的機構備案。

Article 19 Manufacturers and importers of energy-using products that are included in the catalogues of products subject to the State energy-efficiency labeling administration shall label energy-efficiency labels on such products, explain the labels on product packaging or product manuals, and file such information with the institutions jointly authorized by the market supervision and administration department under the State Council and the department regulating energy conservation under the State Council for record as required.


Manufacturers and importers shall be responsible for the accuracy of the energy efficiency labels and relevant information. Sales of unlabeled products that should be labeled with energy-efficiency labels are prohibited.


It is prohibited to forge or fraudulently use energy efficiency labels, or to use energy efficiency labels for false advertising.

第二十條   用能產品的生產者、銷售者,可以根據自願原則,按照國家有關節能產品認證的規定,向經國務院認證認可監督管理部門認可的從事節能產品認證的機構提出節能產品認證申請;經認證合格後,取得節能產品認證證書,可以在用能產品或者其包裝物上使用節能產品認證標志。

Article 20 Producers and sellers of energy-consuming products may submit, on a voluntary basis and in accordance with the State provisions relating to energy-saving product certification, applications for energy-saving product certification to the institutions undertaking energy-saving product certification which are accredited by the department supervising certification and accreditation under the State Council; those who pass the certification may, after obtaining energy-saving product certification certificates, affix energy-saving product certification marks on the energy-consuming products or their packaging.


It is prohibited to use forged energy-saving product certification marks or infringe upon energy-saving product certification marks.

第二十一條   縣級以上各級人民政府統計部門應當會同同級有關部門,建立健全能源統計制度,完善能源統計指標體系,改進和規範能源統計方法,確保能源統計數據真實、完整。

Article 21 The statistics departments under the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments at the same level, establish an energy statistics system and make improvements thereto, improve energy statistics index system, improve and standardize energy statistics methods, and ensure the accuracy and completeness of energy statistical data.


The statistics department under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the department regulating energy conservation under the State Council, make public announcement on energy consumption and conservation in all provinces, autonomous regions, centrally-administered municipalities and major energy-consuming industries at regular intervals.

第二十二條   國家鼓勵節能服務機構的發展,支持節能服務機構開展節能諮詢、設計、評估、檢測、審計、認證等服務。

Article 22 The State shall encourage the development of energy conservation service agencies, and support such agencies in energy conservation consultation, design, evaluation, inspection, auditing and certification services.


The State shall support energy conservation service agencies to publicise energy conservation knowledge and conduct energy conservation technology training, and to provide energy conservation information, demonstration and other energy conservation services for public welfare purposes.

第二十三條   國家鼓勵行業協會在行業節能規劃、節能標準的制定和實施、節能技術推廣、能源消費統計、節能宣傳培訓和信息諮詢等方面發揮作用。

Article 23 The State shall encourage industry associations to play a role in energy conservation planning, formulation and implementation of energy conservation standards, promotion of energy conservation technologies, energy consumption statistics, energy conservation publicity and training and information consultation, etc.

第三章 合理使用與節約能源

Chapter 3 Rational Energy Use and Conservation

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第二十四條   用能單位應當按照合理用能的原則,加強節能管理,制定並實施節能計劃和節能技術措施,降低能源消耗。

Article 24 Energy-using units shall strengthen energy conservation management, formulate and implement energy conservation plans and technical measures for energy conservation, and reduce energy consumption in accordance with the principle of rational use of energy.

第二十五條   用能單位應當建立節能目標責任制,對節能工作取得成績的集體、個人給予獎勵。

Article 25 Energy-using units shall establish a responsibility system for energy conservation targets and grant rewards to collectives and individuals that achieve successes in energy conservation.

第二十六條   用能單位應當定期開展節能教育和崗位節能培訓。

Article 26 Energy-consuming units shall regularly conduct energy conservation education and on-the-job energy conservation training.

第二十七條   用能單位應當加強能源計量管理,按照規定配備和使用經依法檢定合格的能源計量器具。

Article 27 Energy-consuming units shall strengthen energy measurement management, and shall be equipped with and use, as required, energy measuring instruments that have been legally certified.


Energy-using units shall establish a system for energy consumption statistics and energy utilization analysis, categorize and measure and compile statistics on various types of energy consumption, and ensure the accuracy and completeness of energy consumption statistical data.

第二十八條   能源生產經營單位不得向本單位職工無償提供能源。任何單位不得對能源消費實行包費制。

Article 28 Energy production and operation units shall not provide their own employees with energy resources free of charge. No units shall practice a package fee system for energy consumption.

第二節 工業節能

Section 2 Industrial Energy Conservation

第二十九條   國務院和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府推進能源資源優化開發利用和合理配置,推進有利於節能的行業結構調整,優化用能結構和企業布局。

Article 29 The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall promote the optimal exploitation and utilization of energy resources and their rational allocation, promote the adjustment of industrial structures that are conducive to energy conservation, and optimize energy consumption structure and enterprise layout.

第三十條   國務院管理節能工作的部門會同國務院有關部門制定電力、鋼鐵、有色金屬、建材、石油加工、化工、煤炭等主要耗能行業的節能技術政策,推動企業節能技術改造。

Article 30 The department regulating energy conservation under the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, formulate energy conservation technology policies for major energy-consuming industries such as power, steel, non-ferrous metal, building materials, petroleum processing, chemical engineering and coal industries, and push forward energy conservation technology reforms for enterprises.

第三十一條   國家鼓勵工業企業采用高效、節能的電動機、鍋爐、窯爐、風機、泵類等設備,采用熱電聯產、餘熱餘壓利用、潔淨煤以及先進的用能監測和控制等技術。

Article 31 The State shall encourage industrial enterprises to use such equipment as high-efficiency and energy-saving electric motors, boilers, furnaces, fans and pumps, and to adopt such technologies as combined generation of heat and electricity, utilisation of residual heat and pressure, clean coal, and advanced monitoring and control of energy consumption.

第三十二條   電網企業應當按照國務院有關部門制定的節能發電調度管理的規定,安排清潔、高效和符合規定的熱電聯產、利用餘熱餘壓發電的機組以及其他符合資源綜合利用規定的發電機組與電網並網運行,上網電價執行國家有關規定。

Article 32 Power grid enterprises shall arrange for, in accordance with the regulations of the relevant department under the State Council on energy-saving power generation dispatch management, clean, efficient and qualified cogeneration or by-product heat and pressure-based power generation units or other power generation units that comply with the regulations on comprehensive resource utilization to be connected to their power grids. The feed-in tariff shall be subject to the relevant regulations of the State.

第三十三條   禁止新建不符合國家規定的燃煤發電機組、燃油發電機組和燃煤熱電機組。

Article 33 It is prohibited to build new coal-fired generating units, oil-fired generating units or coal-fired thermal generating units that do not conform to the regulations of the State.

第三節 建築節能

Section 3 Energy Conservation in Buildings

第三十四條   國務院建設主管部門負責全國建築節能的監督管理工作。

Article 34 The administrative department of construction under the State Council shall take charge of supervision and administration of building energy conservation nationwide.


The administrative departments of construction under the People's Governments at county level or above shall take charge of supervision and administration of building energy conservation within their respective administrative regions.


The administrative departments of construction under the People's Governments at county level or above shall, in conjunction with the departments regulating energy conservation at corresponding levels, formulate plans for building energy conservation within their respective administrative regions. Building energy conservation plans shall include plans for energy conservation retrofits of existing buildings.

第三十五條   建築工程的建設、設計、施工和監理單位應當遵守建築節能標準。

Article 35 The development, design, construction and supervision units of building engineering shall comply with the building energy saving standards.


For building engineering projects that do not meet the building energy saving standards, the administrative departments of construction shall not approve the start of construction; if the construction has already started, an order shall be made to stop the construction and to make corrections within a time limit; if the construction has already been completed, the projects shall not be sold or put into use.


The departments of construction shall step up supervision and inspection of the implementation of the building energy efficiency standards in ongoing construction projects.

第三十六條   房地產開發企業在銷售房屋時,應當向購買人明示所售房屋的節能措施、保溫工程保修期等信息,在房屋買賣合同、質量保證書和使用說明書中載明,並對其真實性、準確性負責。

Article 36 Real estate developers, when selling houses, shall expressly disclose to buyers such information as the energy conservation measures and the warranty period for the heat preservation works of the houses to be sold, specify such information in the house purchase contracts, quality guarantees and instruction manuals, and be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy thereof.

第三十七條   使用空調采暖、制冷的公共建築應當實行室內溫度控制制度。具體辦法由國務院建設主管部門制定。

Article 37 Public buildings that use air conditioning for heating or cooling shall implement an indoor temperature control system. The specific measures shall be formulated by the administrative department of construction under the State Council.

第三十八條   國家采取措施,對實行集中供熱的建築分步驟實行供熱分戶計量、按照用熱量收費的制度。新建建築或者對既有建築進行節能改造,應當按照規定安裝用熱計量裝置、室內溫度調控裝置和供熱系統調控裝置。具體辦法由國務院建設主管部門會同國務院有關部門制定。

Article 38 The State shall take measures to implement, step by step, the system of household-based heating metering and usage-based heating fees to the buildings with centralised heating. In the construction of new buildings or the energy conservation retrofits of existing buildings, heating metering devices, indoor temperature controls and heating supply control devices shall be installed as required. The specific measures shall be formulated by the competent construction department of the State Council together with the relevant departments of the State Council.

第三十九條   縣級以上地方各級人民政府有關部門應當加強城市節約用電管理,嚴格控制公用設施和大型建築物裝飾性景觀照明的能耗。

Article 39 The relevant departments under the People's Governments at county level or above shall strengthen administration of electricity conservation in urban areas, and shall strictly control energy consumption by public facilities and decorative landscape lighting of large buildings.

第四十條   國家鼓勵在新建建築和既有建築節能改造中使用新型牆體材料等節能建築材料和節能設備,安裝和使用太陽能等可再生能源利用系統。

Article 40 In the construction of new buildings or the energy conservation retrofits of existing buildings, the State shall encourage the use of energy-saving building materials such as new wall materials and energy-saving equipment, as well as the installation and use of renewable energy use systems such as solar energy.

第四節 交通運輸節能

Section 4 Energy Conservation in Transportation

第四十一條   國務院有關交通運輸主管部門按照各自的職責負責全國交通運輸相關領域的節能監督管理工作。

Article 41 The relevant administrative departments of transportation under the State Council shall, in accordance with their respective functions and duties, take charge of energy conservation supervision and administration in their respective sectors nationwide.


The relevant administrative departments of transportation under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the department regulating energy conservation under the State Council, formulate energy conservation plans in their respective sectors.

第四十二條   國務院及其有關部門指導、促進各種交通運輸方式協調發展和有效銜接,優化交通運輸結構,建設節能型綜合交通運輸體系。

Article 42 The State Council and the relevant departments shall guide and promote coordinated development and effective convergence of various transportation methods, optimise transportation structure, and establish an energy-saving integrated transportation system.

第四十三條   縣級以上地方各級人民政府應當優先發展公共交通,加大對公共交通的投入,完善公共交通服務體系,鼓勵利用公共交通工具出行;鼓勵使用非機動交通工具出行。

Article 43 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall give priority to developing public transportation, increase investment in public transportation, improve public transportation service system, encourage the use of public transportation, and encourage the use of non-motorized transportation.

第四十四條   國務院有關交通運輸主管部門應當加強交通運輸組織管理,引導道路、水路、航空運輸企業提高運輸組織化程度和集約化水平,提高能源利用效率。

Article 44 The relevant administrative departments of transportation under the State Council shall step up the organization and management of the transportation sector, and guide the road, water and air transportation enterprises to improve their organizational structure and level of intensification, and improve energy utilization efficiency.

第四十五條   國家鼓勵開發、生產、使用節能環保型汽車、摩托車、鐵路機車車輛、船舶和其他交通運輸工具,實行老舊交通運輸工具的報廢、更新制度。

Article 45 The State shall encourage the development, production, and use of energy-saving and environment-friendly vehicles, motorcycles, railway locomotives, ships, and other means of transport, and implement a system of scrapping and upgrading old and outdated means of transport.


The State shall encourage the development and promotion of the use of clean fuels and alternative fuels in replacement of petroleum for transportation vehicles.

第四十六條   國務院有關部門制定交通運輸營運車船的燃料消耗量限值標準;不符合標準的,不得用於營運。

Article 46 The relevant departments under the State Council shall set limits for fuel consumption by commercial transportation vehicles and vessels; those that do not meet the requirements shall not be put into operation.


The relevant administrative departments of transportation under the State Council shall step up supervision and administration of inspections and measurement of fuel consumption by commercial transportation vehicles and vessels.

第五節 公共機構節能

Section 5 Energy Conservation in Public Institutions

第四十七條   公共機構應當厲行節約,杜絕浪費,帶頭使用節能產品、設備,提高能源利用效率。

Article 47 Public bodies shall implement energy conservation, eliminate waste, take the lead in using energy-saving products and equipment, and improve energy utilisation efficiency.


Public bodies referred to in this Law shall mean State agencies, institutions and organisations which use fiscal funds fully or partially.

第四十八條   國務院和縣級以上地方各級人民政府管理機關事務工作的機構會同同級有關部門制定和組織實施本級公共機構節能規劃。公共機構節能規劃應當包括公共機構既有建築節能改造計劃。

Article 48 The State Council and the departments of general affairs under the People's Governments at county level or above shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments at corresponding levels, formulate energy conservation plans for the public bodies at corresponding levels and organize their implementation. Energy conservation planning for public bodies shall include plans for energy conservation reform of existing buildings.

第四十九條   公共機構應當制定年度節能目標和實施方案,加強能源消費計量和監測管理,向本級人民政府管理機關事務工作的機構報送上年度的能源消費狀況報告。

Article 49 Public bodies shall develop annual energy conservation targets and implementation plans, step up management of energy consumption measurement and control, and report to the departments of general affairs under the People's Government at corresponding level on their energy consumption of the previous year.


The State Council and the departments of general affairs under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments at the same level, establish energy consumption quotas for the public bodies at the same level in accordance with their administrative authority. The departments of finance shall establish the criteria for energy consumption expenditures based on such quotas.

第五十條   公共機構應當加強本單位用能系統管理,保證用能系統的運行符合國家相關標準。

Article 50 Public bodies shall strengthen management of their own energy use systems, and ensure that the operation of their energy use systems conform to the relevant national standards.


Public bodies shall conduct energy auditing in accordance with the regulations, and adopt measures to improve energy utilisation efficiency based on the energy auditing results.

第五十一條   公共機構采購用能產品、設備,應當優先采購列入節能產品、設備政府采購名錄中的產品、設備。禁止采購國家明令淘汰的用能產品、設備。

Article 51 In procuring energy-using products and equipment, public bodies shall give priority to the products and equipment included in the catalogues of energy-saving products and equipment for government procurement. It is prohibited to purchase energy-using products and equipment that should be phased out as explicitly ordered by the State.


Government purchase catalogues of energy-saving products and equipment shall be formulated and published by the departments overseeing government procurements under the people's governments at or above the provincial level in conjunction with the relevant departments at the same level.

第六節 重點用能單位節能

Section 6 Energy Conservation in Major Energy-Consuming Units

第五十二條   國家加強對重點用能單位的節能管理。

Article 52 The State shall step up administration of energy conservation in key energy-using units.


The following energy-using units shall be the key energy-using units:


1. energy-consuming units with aggregate annual energy consumption over 10,000 tons of standard coal;


(II) energy-consuming units with an annual comprehensive energy consumption of over 5,000 tons but under 10,000 tons of standard coal designated by the departments concerned under the State Council or the departments of energy conservation administration of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.


Energy conservation management measures applicable to key energy-consuming units shall be formulated by the department regulating energy conservation under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council.

第五十三條   重點用能單位應當每年向管理節能工作的部門報送上年度的能源利用狀況報告。能源利用狀況包括能源消費情況、能源利用效率、節能目標完成情況和節能效益分析、節能措施等內容。

Article 53 Key energy-using units shall submit an annual report on their energy utilization of the previous year to the departments of energy conservation. The report on energy utilization shall cover such aspects as energy consumption, energy utilization efficiency, completion of energy conservation targets, analysis of energy conservation benefits and energy conservation measures.

第五十四條   管理節能工作的部門應當對重點用能單位報送的能源利用狀況報告進行審查。對節能管理制度不健全、節能措施不落實、能源利用效率低的重點用能單位,管理節能工作的部門應當開展現場調查,組織實施用能設備能源效率檢測,責令實施能源審計,並提出書面整改要求,限期整改。

Article 54 The departments regulating energy conservation shall review the energy utilization reports submitted by the major energy-consuming units. For those key energy-consuming units whose energy conservation management systems are incomplete, or whose energy conservation measures have not been effectively implemented, or whose energy utilisation is inefficient, the departments regulating energy conservation shall carry out on-site investigations, organise energy efficiency testing on energy-consuming equipment, order an energy audit, and issue a written request for rectification within a specified time limit.

第五十五條   重點用能單位應當設立能源管理崗位,在具有節能專業知識、實際經驗以及中級以上技術職稱的人員中聘任能源管理負責人,並報管理節能工作的部門和有關部門備案。

Article 55 Key energy-consuming units shall set up energy management posts, employ energy management personnel from among staff members with energy conservation expertise, practical experience and intermediate or higher technical titles, and file such information with the departments regulating energy conservation and the relevant departments for record.


The persons in charge of energy management shall be responsible for analyzing and evaluating the status of energy utilization of their own units, preparing the units' energy utilization reports, and proposing and implementing the improvement measures for the units' energy conservation work.


Energy management personnel shall receive training in energy conservation.

第四章 節能技術進步

Chapter 4 Technological Progress in Energy Conservation

第五十六條   國務院管理節能工作的部門會同國務院科技主管部門發布節能技術政策大綱,指導節能技術研究、開發和推廣應用。

Article 56 The department regulating energy conservation under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the department of science and technology under the State Council, issue energy-saving technology policy outlines and guide the research, development, promotion and application of energy conservation technologies.

第五十七條   縣級以上各級人民政府應當把節能技術研究開發作為政府科技投入的重點領域,支持科研單位和企業開展節能技術應用研究,制定節能標準,開發節能共性和關鍵技術,促進節能技術創新與成果轉化。

Article 57 The People's Governments at county level or above shall make research and development of energy conservation technologies as the focus of government investment in science and technology, support scientific research units and enterprises to carry out research on the application of energy conservation technologies, to formulate energy conservation standards, and to develop general and key energy conservation technologies, and shall promote innovation and commercialisation of energy conservation technologies.

第五十八條   國務院管理節能工作的部門會同國務院有關部門制定並公布節能技術、節能產品的推廣目錄,引導用能單位和個人使用先進的節能技術、節能產品。

Article 58 The department regulating energy conservation under the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, formulate and publish promotion catalogues for energy-saving technologies and products and guide energy-consuming units and individuals to use advanced energy-saving technologies and products.


The department regulating energy conservation under the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, organize major scientific research programs, demonstration programs, and key projects in respect of energy conservation.

第五十九條   縣級以上各級人民政府應當按照因地制宜、多能互補、綜合利用、講求效益的原則,加強農業和農村節能工作,增加對農業和農村節能技術、節能產品推廣應用的資金投入。

Article 59 People's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the principles of adaptation to local conditions, versatility complementation, comprehensive utilization and benefit-seeking, strengthen the work of energy conservation in agriculture and in rural areas and increase capital investment in the application and popularization of energy-saving technologies and products in agriculture and in rural areas.


The relevant departments in charge of agriculture or science and technology shall support and promote the application of energy-saving technologies and products in agricultural production and agricultural product processing, storage and transportation, and encourage the updating or elimination of high-energy-consuming agricultural machinery and fishing vessels.


The State shall encourage and support the vigorous development of marsh gas in rural areas, promote the use of renewable energy such as biomass energy, solar energy and wind energy, develop small-scale hydropower generation operations based on the principles of scientific planning and orderly development, promote energy-efficient rural houses and furnaces, encourage the utilization of non-cultivated lands for energy plants, and vigorously develop energy forests such as firewood forests.

第五章 激勵措施

Chapter 5 Incentive Measures

第六十條   中央財政和省級地方財政安排節能專項資金,支持節能技術研究開發、節能技術和產品的示範與推廣、重點節能工程的實施、節能宣傳培訓、信息服務和表彰獎勵等。

Article 60 Special energy conservation funds shall be arranged from central fiscal funds and local provincial fiscal funds to support research and development in energy conservation technologies, demonstration and promotion of energy conservation technologies and energy-saving products, implementation of key energy conservation projects, energy conservation publicity and training, information services, and commendations and awards.

第六十一條   國家對生產、使用列入本法第五十八條規定的推廣目錄的需要支持的節能技術、節能產品,實行稅收優惠等扶持政策。

Article 61 The State shall implement preferential tax and other policies supporting the production and use of the energy-saving technologies and products included in the promotion catalogues in Article 58 of this Law which need support.


The State shall support, through financial subsidies, the promotion and use of energy-saving lighting fixtures and other energy-saving products.

第六十二條   國家實行有利於節約能源資源的稅收政策,健全能源礦產資源有償使用制度,促進能源資源的節約及其開采利用水平的提高。

Article 62 The State shall implement tax policies that are conducive to energy resource conservation, improve the system for the paid use of energy and mineral resources, and promote the conservation and improvement of the exploitation and utilization levels of energy resources.

第六十三條   國家運用稅收等政策,鼓勵先進節能技術、設備的進口,控制在生產過程中耗能高、汙染重的產品的出口。

Article 63 The State, by means of using tax policies, shall encourage the import of advanced energy-saving technologies and equipment and control the export of products with high energy consumption and heavy pollution in the production process.

第六十四條   政府采購監督管理部門會同有關部門制定節能產品、設備政府采購名錄,應當優先列入取得節能產品認證證書的產品、設備。

Article 64 The departments overseeing government procurements shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments, formulate catalogues of energy-saving products and equipment for government procurement, giving priority to including products and equipment with energy-saving product authentication certificates.

第六十五條   國家引導金融機構增加對節能項目的信貸支持,為符合條件的節能技術研究開發、節能產品生產以及節能技術改造等項目提供優惠貸款。

Article 65 The State shall guide financial institutions to increase credit supports for energy conservation projects in the form of preferential loans to qualified energy-saving technology research and development, energy-saving product production, energy-saving technology innovation and other projects.


The State shall encourage and guide relevant public parties to increase capital investment in energy conservation in order to accelerate energy conservation technology reforms.

第六十六條   國家實行有利於節能的價格政策,引導用能單位和個人節能。

Article 66 The State shall practise price policies conducive to energy conservation in order to guide energy-using units and individuals to conserve energy.


The State shall use fiscal policies and price policies to support and promote energy conservation measures such as power demand side management, contractual energy management and voluntary energy conservation agreements.


The State shall implement power pricing systems, including time-of-use pricing systems, seasonal pricing systems and load interruptible pricing systems, in order to encourage power users to adjust their power consumption; the State shall implement differential pricing policies for iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, chemical engineering and other major energy-consuming industries, differentiated from those that are eliminated, restricted, permitted or encouraged.

第六十七條   各級人民政府對在節能管理、節能科學技術研究和推廣應用中有顯著成績以及檢舉嚴重浪費能源行為的單位和個人,給予表彰和獎勵。

Article 67 The people's governments at all levels shall commend and reward units and individuals that have made remarkable achievements in energy conservation management and in research, promotion and application of energy conservation science and technologies, as well as units and individuals that have reported acts of serious waste of energy resources.

第六章 法律責任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities

第六十八條   負責審批政府投資項目的機關違反本法規定,對不符合強制性節能標準的項目予以批準建設的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。

Article 68 Where an agency in charge of approving government investment projects violates the provisions of this Law by approving the construction of projects that do not meet the compulsory energy conservation standards, the persons directly in charge and the other persons directly responsible shall be disciplined according to law.


Where construction units of fixed asset investment projects start construction of projects that do not meet the compulsory energy conservation standards or put such projects into production or use, the departments regulating energy conservation shall order such units to stop construction or to stop production or use and to correct the projects within a specified time limit. Where production-oriented projects cannot be corrected or where such units fail to correct the projects within the specified time limit, the departments regulating energy conservation shall apply to the people's governments at the same level which shall order, in accordance with the authority granted by the State Council, to close such projects.

第六十九條   生產、進口、銷售國家明令淘汰的用能產品、設備的,使用偽造的節能產品認證標志或者冒用節能產品認證標志的,依照《中華人民共和國產品質量法》的規定處罰。

Article 69 Where energy-consuming products or equipment phased out by express State order are produced, imported or sold, or where energy-saving product authentication labels are forged, or where energy-saving product authentication labels are infringed upon, penalties shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions of the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China.

第七十條   生產、進口、銷售不符合強制性能源效率標準的用能產品、設備的,由市場監督管理部門責令停止生產、進口、銷售,沒收違法生產、進口、銷售的用能產品、設備和違法所得,並處違法所得一倍以上五倍以下罰款;情節嚴重的,吊銷營業執照。

Article 70 Where energy-consuming products or equipment that do not meet the compulsory energy efficiency standards are produced, imported or sold, the market supervision and administration authorities shall order the cease of production, imports or sales, confiscate the illegally produced, imported or sold energy-consuming products and equipment as well as the illegal income, and impose a fine ranging from one to five times the illegal income; in serious cases, the business licence shall be revoked.

第七十一條   使用國家明令淘汰的用能設備或者生產工藝的,由管理節能工作的部門責令停止使用,沒收國家明令淘汰的用能設備;情節嚴重的,可以由管理節能工作的部門提出意見,報請本級人民政府按照國務院規定的權限責令停業整頓或者關閉。

Article 71 Where energy-using equipment or production techniques phased out by express state order are used, the departments regulating energy conservation shall order the cease of use and confiscate the energy-using equipment phased out by express state order; where the circumstances are serious, the departments regulating energy conservation may come up with suggestions which shall be submitted to the people's governments at corresponding levels pursuant to the terms of reference prescribed by the State Council to order suspension of operations for consolidation or close-down.

第七十二條   生產單位超過單位產品能耗限額標準用能,情節嚴重,經限期治理逾期不治理或者沒有達到治理要求的,可以由管理節能工作的部門提出意見,報請本級人民政府按照國務院規定的權限責令停業整頓或者關閉。

Article 72 For production units exceeding per-product energy consumption limitation standards, where the circumstances are serious and where the production units fail to make corrections within a specified time or make corrections that meet the requirements, the departments regulating energy conservation may come up with suggestions which shall be submitted to the People's Governments at corresponding levels which shall order to suspend operations for rectification or order a shut down within the authority granted by the State Council.

第七十三條   違反本法規定,應當標注能源效率標識而未標注的,由市場監督管理部門責令改正,處三萬元以上五萬元以下罰款。

Article 73 Where, in violation of this Law, the energy efficiency labels that should be labeled are not labeled, the market supervision and administration department shall order a correction, and impose a fine of not less than 30,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan.


Where, in violation of the provisions hereof, any energy efficiency label is not filed for the record, or the energy efficiency label used does not conform with the provisions, the market supervision and administration department shall order a correction within a prescribed time limit; if the correction is not made within the time limit, a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 30,000 yuan shall be imposed.


Where energy efficiency labels are forged or infringed upon, or where energy efficiency labels are used for false advertising, the market supervision and administration authorities shall order the offender to make correction and impose a fine ranging from RMB50,000 to RMB100,000; in serious cases, the business licence shall be revoked.

第七十四條   用能單位未按照規定配備、使用能源計量器具的,由市場監督管理部門責令限期改正;逾期不改正的,處一萬元以上五萬元以下罰款。

Article 74 Energy-using units that fail to be equipped with or use energy measurement instruments in accordance with the regulations shall be ordered by the market supervision and administration departments to make corrections within a prescribed time limit; those that fail to make corrections within the prescribed time limit shall be subject to a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan.

第七十五條   瞞報、偽造、篡改能源統計資料或者編造虛假能源統計數據的,依照《中華人民共和國統計法》的規定處罰。

Article 75 Those that conceal, forge, or alter energy statistical information or falsify energy statistical data shall be subject to penalties in accordance with the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China.

第七十六條   從事節能諮詢、設計、評估、檢測、審計、認證等服務的機構提供虛假信息的,由管理節能工作的部門責令改正,沒收違法所得,並處五萬元以上十萬元以下罰款。

Article 76 Where false or misleading information is provided by agencies in consultancy, design, evaluation, inspection, auditing and authentication services in relation to energy conservation, the departments regulating energy conservation shall order to correct the situation, confiscate the illegal gains, and impose a fine of over 50,000 yuan and below 100,000 yuan.

第七十七條   違反本法規定,無償向本單位職工提供能源或者對能源消費實行包費制的,由管理節能工作的部門責令限期改正;逾期不改正的,處五萬元以上二十萬元以下罰款。

Article 77 Those who provide energy resources free of charge to their own employees or implement a package fee system on energy consumption in violation of this Law shall be ordered by the departments of energy conservation to make corrections within a specified time limit; those who fail to make corrections within the specified time limit shall be subject to a fine of between CNY50,000 and CNY200,000.

第七十八條   電網企業未按照本法規定安排符合規定的熱電聯產和利用餘熱餘壓發電的機組與電網並網運行,或者未執行國家有關上網電價規定的,由國家電力監管機構責令改正;造成發電企業經濟損失的,依法承擔賠償責任。

Article 78 Where power grid enterprises fail to arrange for, as required by this Law, qualified cogeneration or by-product heat and pressure-based power generation units to be connected to their power grids, or where power grid enterprises fail to implement the relevant state regulations on on-grid pricing, they shall be ordered by the state electricity regulatory agencies to make corrections; and they shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law if there are any economic losses to the power generation enterprises.

第七十九條   建設單位違反建築節能標準的,由建設主管部門責令改正,處二十萬元以上五十萬元以下罰款。

Article 79 Development units that violate the building energy efficiency standards shall be ordered to make corrections and be subject to a fine of between CNY200,000 and CNY500,000 by the administrative departments of construction.


Where design, construction or supervision units violate the building energy conservation standards, the administrative departments of construction shall order a correction and impose a fine of over 100,000 yuan and below 500,000 yuan; where the circumstances are serious, the departments issuing qualification certificates shall demote the qualification grade or revoke the qualification certificates; where losses are caused, they shall bear the liability for compensation in accordance with the law.

第八十條   房地產開發企業違反本法規定,在銷售房屋時未向購買人明示所售房屋的節能措施、保溫工程保修期等信息的,由建設主管部門責令限期改正,逾期不改正的,處三萬元以上五萬元以下罰款;對以上信息作虛假宣傳的,由建設主管部門責令改正,處五萬元以上二十萬元以下罰款。

Article 80 Where, in violation of this Law, a real estate development enterprise fails to expressly disclose to buyers in house sales such information as the energy conservation measures of the house for sale and the warranty period for the heat preservation project, the competent construction department shall order it to make corrections within a specified time limit; if it fails to make corrections within the specified time limit, a fine of not less than 30,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed; if it makes false publicity of the above information, the competent construction department shall order it to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan.

第八十一條   公共機構采購用能產品、設備,未優先采購列入節能產品、設備政府采購名錄中的產品、設備,或者采購國家明令淘汰的用能產品、設備的,由政府采購監督管理部門給予警告,可以並處罰款;對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分,並予通報。

Article 81 Where public bodies, in procuring energy-using products and equipment, fail to give priority to the products and equipment included in the catalogues of energy-saving products and equipment for government procurement, or purchase energy-using products and equipment phased out by express State order, the departments supervising government procurements shall issue a warning and may impose a fine at the same time; the persons directly in charge and the other directly responsible persons shall be subject to punishment in accordance with the law and shall be criticized in a circulated notice.

第八十二條   重點用能單位未按照本法規定報送能源利用狀況報告或者報告內容不實的,由管理節能工作的部門責令限期改正;逾期不改正的,處一萬元以上五萬元以下罰款。

Article 82 Where key energy-using units fail to submit reports on energy utilization as required by this Law or submit reports that contain false information, they shall be ordered by the departments of energy conservation to make corrections within a specified time limit; those that fail to make corrections within the specified time limit shall be subject to a fine of between CNY10,000 and CNY50,000.

第八十三條   重點用能單位無正當理由拒不落實本法第五十四條規定的整改要求或者整改沒有達到要求的,由管理節能工作的部門處十萬元以上三十萬元以下罰款。

Article 83 Where key energy-using units refuse to implement the rectification requirements stated in Article 54 of this Law without any justified reasons or fail to make rectification as required, they shall be subject to a fine of between CNY100 ,000 and CNY300,000 by the departments of energy conservation.

第八十四條   重點用能單位未按照本法規定設立能源管理崗位,聘任能源管理負責人,並報管理節能工作的部門和有關部門備案的,由管理節能工作的部門責令改正;拒不改正的,處一萬元以上三萬元以下罰款。

Article 84 Where key energy-using units fail to, as required by this Law, set up energy management posts, employ persons in charge of energy management, or report to the departments of energy conservation and the relevant departments for the record, they shall be ordered by the departments of energy conservation to make corrections; those that refuse to make corrections shall be subject to a fine of between CNY10,000 and CNY30,000.

第八十五條   違反本法規定,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 85 Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be imposed according to the law.

第八十六條   國家工作人員在節能管理工作中濫用職權、玩忽職守、徇私舞弊,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,依法給予處分。

Article 86 State personnel guilty of abusing official powers, dereliction of duties and corruption in energy conservation administration work shall be prosecuted for criminal liability pursuant to the law if the case constitutes a criminal offence; where the case does not constitute a criminal offence, punishment shall be imposed pursuant to the law.


Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第八十七條   本法自200841日起施行。

Article 87 This Law shall go into effect as of April 1, 2008.


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