


Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China (Revision 2018)


Presidential Decree No. 20


The Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China, revised and adopted at the Seventh Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on 29 December 2018, is hereby promulgated, effective 1 June 2019.

中華人民共和國主席 習近平

President Xi Jinping


December 29, 2018

2005427日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十五次會議通過 根據201791日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國法官法〉等八部法律的決定》修正 20181229日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第七次會議修訂)

(Adopted at the 15th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 27, 2005; amended according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending Eight Laws Including the Judges Law of the People's Republic of China at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on September 1, 2017; and revised at the 7th Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on December 29, 2018)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了規範公務員的管理,保障公務員的合法權益,加強對公務員的監督,促進公務員正確履職盡責,建設信念堅定、為民服務、勤政務實、敢於擔當、清正廉潔的高素質專業化公務員隊伍,根據憲法,制定本法。

Article 1 The present Law is formulated according to the Constitution with a view to regulating the administration of civil servants, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of civil servants, intensifying the supervision on civil servants, promoting civil servants to correctly fulfill their duties and responsibilities and building up a contingent of high-quality and professional civil servants with firm faith, serving the people, being diligent and pragmatic, being brave in assuming responsibilities and being upright and honest.

第二條   本法所稱公務員,是指依法履行公職、納入國家行政編制、由國家財政負擔工資福利的工作人員。

Article 2 For the purpose of the Law, civil servants refer to the personnel who perform public duties in accordance with the law and have been included in the national administrative staffing with their salaries and welfare borne by the national finance.


Civil servants are an important part of the cadre ranks, the backbone of the socialist cause, is the public servant of the people.

第三條   公務員的義務、權利和管理,適用本法。

Article 3 The obligations, rights and administration of civil servants shall be subject to the present Law.


Where there are other provisions on the appointment, dismissal and supervision of leading members of civil servants and the obligations, rights and administration of supervisors, judges and procurators, such provisions shall prevail.

第四條   公務員制度堅持中國共產黨領導,堅持以馬克思列寧主義、毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論、“三個代表”重要思想、科學發展觀、習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,貫徹社會主義初級階段的基本路線,貫徹新時代中國共產黨的組織路線,堅持黨管幹部原則。

Article 4 The civil servant system shall stick to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, insist on being guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the basic route of the primary stage of socialism, carry out the organizational route of the Communist Party of China in the new era and uphold the principle of the Party exercising the administration of cadres.

第五條   公務員的管理,堅持公開、平等、競爭、擇優的原則,依照法定的權限、條件、標準和程序進行。

Article 5 Public servants shall be administered in adherence to the principles of openness, equality, competition and selection on the basis of merits, and in compliance with the statutory limits of authority, requirements, standards and procedures.

第六條   公務員的管理,堅持監督約束與激勵保障並重的原則。

Article 6 The administration of civil servants shall adhere to the principle of paying equal attention to supervisory restriction and incentive guarantee.

第七條   公務員的任用,堅持德才兼備、以德為先,堅持五湖四海、任人唯賢,堅持事業為上、公道正派,突出政治標準,注重工作實績。

Article 7 When appointing public servants, it is required to adhere to the principle that "both ability and political integrity shall be ensured, morality shall be the first priority, all corners of the country shall be appointed on merit, career shall be the first, fairness and uprightness shall be adhered to, political standards shall be highlighted, and actual achievements shall be emphasized.

第八條   國家對公務員實行分類管理,提高管理效能和科學化水平。

Article 8 The state shall adopt classified administration on civil servants to enhance the administrative efficiency and level of scientific administration.

第九條   公務員就職時應當依照法律規定公開進行憲法宣誓。

Article 9 When public servants take office, they shall publicly swear under the Constitution in accordance with law.

第十條   公務員依法履行職責的行為,受法律保護。

Article 10 Any act of a civil servant in performing his duties according to law shall be protected by law.

第十一條   公務員工資、福利、保險以及錄用、獎勵、培訓、辭退等所需經費,列入財政預算,予以保障。

Article 11 The expenditure on salaries, welfare, insurance, employment, awards, trainings and dismissal and etc. of civil servants shall be listed into the fiscal budget so as to provide guarantee for them.

第十二條   中央公務員主管部門負責全國公務員的綜合管理工作。縣級以上地方各級公務員主管部門負責本轄區內公務員的綜合管理工作。上級公務員主管部門指導下級公務員主管部門的公務員管理工作。各級公務員主管部門指導同級各機關的公務員管理工作。

Article 12 The central competent department of civil servants shall be responsible for the comprehensive administration on civil servants. The local competent departments of civil servants above the county level shall be responsible for the comprehensive administration on civil servants within their respective jurisdictional divisions. The department in charge of public servants at a higher level shall direct the administration of public servants conducted by such department at a lower level. The competent departments of civil servants at all levels shall guide the administration on civil servants of all organs at the same level.

第二章 公務員的條件、義務與權利

Chapter 2 Qualifications, Obligations and Rights of a Civil Servant

第十三條   公務員應當具備下列條件:

Article 13 A civil servant shall satisfy the following qualifications:


1. Having the nationality of the People's Republic of China;


2. Having reached the age of 18;


(III) to endorse the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system;


(IV) having good political quality and moral conduct;


(V) Having the physical conditions and psychological quality for normal performance of duties; and


(VI) having the educational level and working capacity as required by the post; and


(VII) Other conditions stipulated by the law.

第十四條   公務員應當履行下列義務:

Article 14 A civil servant shall perform the following obligations:


1. being loyal to the Constitution, playing an exemplary role in observing and consciously maintaining the Constitution and the law, and consciously accepting the leadership of the Communist Party of China;


(II) Be loyal to the country, and maintain the security, honor and interests of the country;


(III) Being loyal to the people, serving the people wholeheartedly, and accepting the supervision of the people;


(IV) being loyal to his duties, being diligent and responsible, obeying and implementing the decisions and orders made by the superior organ in accordance with the law, performing his duties in light of the prescribed power limit and procedures, and making efforts to elevate the work quality and efficiency;


(V) To keep the secrets of the state and the secrets relating to his work;


(VI) take the lead in fulfilling core socialist values, uphold the rule of law, observe discipline and professional ethics, and set an example in observing social and family virtues;


(VII) being honest and clean, just and upright;


(VIII) Other obligations stipulated by laws.

第十五條   公務員享有下列權利:

Article 15 A civil servant may enjoy the following rights:


1. Having the working conditions necessary for performing their duties;


(II) to be not removed from the post or demoted or dismissed, and to be not given a sanction, without statutory basis and without going through statutory procedures;


(III) to receive remuneration and enjoy welfare and insurance benefits;


(IV) to receive training;


(V) Bringing forward criticisms or suggestions on the work or leaders of the organ he works for;


(VI) to lodge petitions and complaints; and


(VII) Applying for resignation;


(VIII) other rights as provided for by law.

第三章 職務、職級與級別

Chapter 3 Position, Rank and Rank

第十六條   國家實行公務員職位分類制度。

Article 16 The state adopts classified system of posts of civil servants.


The posts held by public servants shall, in light of the nature and characteristics of the post and administrative needs, be categorized as comprehensive administration, specialized technology or administrative law enforcement. Where separate administration is required for a post due to its specific characteristics, another post category may be added according to this Law. The scope of application of each position category shall be specified by the state separately.

第十七條   國家實行公務員職務與職級並行制度,根據公務員職位類別和職責設置公務員領導職務、職級序列。

Article 17 The state shall adopt the post and rank parallel system for civil servants, and shall establish a sequence of leading posts and ranks for civil servants according to the categories of posts and functions thereof.

第十八條   公務員領導職務根據憲法、有關法律和機構規格設置。

Article 18 The leading posts of public servants shall be set in accordance with the Constitution, relevant laws and institutional specifications.


The levels of the leading posts are divided into: chief and deputy at the state level, chief and deputy at the provincial and ministerial level, chief and deputy at the department and bureau level, chief and deputy at the county and division level, chief and deputy at the township and section level.

第十九條   公務員職級在廳局級以下設置。

Article 19 The ranks of civil servants shall be below the department and bureau level.


The order of posts for civil servants under the category of comprehensive administration shall include: Level 1 inspector, Level 2 inspector, Level 1 investigator, Level 2 investigator, Level 3 investigator, Level 4 investigator, Level 1 chief section member, Level 2 chief section member, Level 3 chief section member, Level 4 chief section member, Level 1 section member, and Level 2 section member.


The sequence of civil servant ranks for the posts other than the category of comprehensive administration shall be otherwise prescribed by the state according to the present Law.

第二十條   各機關依照確定的職能、規格、編制限額、職數以及結構比例,設置本機關公務員的具體職位,並確定各職位的工作職責和任職資格條件。

Article 20 All organs shall, according to the functions, specifications, staffing quota, number of posts and structural proportion determined, set up specific posts for civil servants within their respective organs, and determine the functions and duties of each post and the qualifications for assuming the post.

第二十一條   公務員的領導職務、職級應當對應相應的級別。公務員領導職務、職級與級別的對應關系,由國家規定。

Article 21 The leading posts and ranks of civil servants shall correspond with the corresponding ranks. The relationship between the leadership, rank and rank of a civil servant shall be prescribed by the state.


In light of the need of work and the correspondence between the leading posts and their ranks, the leading posts and the ranks held by a civil servant may be transferred to another post or held concurrently; and a civil servant who meets the prescribed qualification conditions may be promoted to a higher leading post or rank.


The rank of a civil servant shall be determined on the basis of his leading post, rank, moral integrity and ability, work achievement and seniority. A civil servant at the same leading post or rank may be promoted according to the provisions of the state.


The leading post, rank and rank of a civil servant is the basis for determining the salary and other treatment of the civil servant.

第二十二條   國家根據人民警察、消防救援人員以及海關、駐外外交機構等公務員的工作特點,設置與其領導職務、職級相對應的銜級。

Article 22 The State shall establish ranks corresponding to such civil servants as the people's police, fire control and rescue personnel and the customs, diplomatic missions stationed abroad and so on according to their working characteristics.


Chapter 4 Employment

第二十三條   錄用擔任一級主任科員以下及其他相當職級層次的公務員,采取公開考試、嚴格考察、平等競爭、擇優錄取的辦法。

Article 23 Public servants to be employed who hold the posts at the first level or below or at other levels of equal rank shall be recruited through open examination, strict inspection, competition on an equal footing and selection on the merits.


Where there is any employment of civil servants in an autonomous region according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the applicants of ethnic minorities shall be given appropriate preferential treatment according to laws and other relevant provisions.

第二十四條   中央機關及其直屬機構公務員的錄用,由中央公務員主管部門負責組織。地方各級機關公務員的錄用,由省級公務員主管部門負責組織,必要時省級公務員主管部門可以授權設區的市級公務員主管部門組織。

Article 24 The employment of civil servants in the state organs of the Central Government and the institutions directly under them shall be organized by the administrative department of civil servants of the Central Government. The employment of civil servants in local organs at all levels shall be organized by the administrative departments of civil servants at the provincial level. Where necessary, an administrative department of civil servants at the provincial level may authorize the administrative department of civil servants in the districted cities to do so.

第二十五條   報考公務員,除應當具備本法第十三條規定的條件以外,還應當具備省級以上公務員主管部門規定的擬任職位所要求的資格條件。

Article 25 Anyone entering for the examination for civil servants shall, besides the requirements as prescribed in Article 13 of the present Law, satisfy the qualifications for the would-be posts as prescribed by the administrative departments of civil servants above the provincial level.


Civil servants who engage in the review of administrative penalty decisions, administrative reconsideration, administrative adjudication or legal consulting for the first time in administrative organs shall be subject to the unified legal profession qualification examination system implemented by the State, which shall be organized and implemented by the judicial administrative department under the State Council in consultation with the relevant departments.

第二十六條   下列人員不得錄用為公務員:

Article 26 The following persons shall not be employed as civil servants:


1. Having been imposed on a criminal punishment;


2. Where he or she is expelled from the CPC;


(III) having been discharged from public employment;


(IV) the investor is listed as a dishonest person subject to joint punishments in accordance with the law;


(V) any other circumstance as prescribed by laws, under which one shouldn't be employed as a civil servant.

第二十七條   錄用公務員,應當在規定的編制限額內,並有相應的職位空缺。

Article 27 Where anyone is to be employed as a civil servant, he shall be within the prescribed staffing quota, and there is a corresponding post vacancy.

第二十八條   錄用公務員,應當發布招考公告。招考公告應當載明招考的職位、名額、報考資格條件、報考需要提交的申請材料以及其他報考須知事項。

Article 28 A notice of recruiting civil servants through examination shall be publicized for the employment of civil servants. The posts, quota, qualifications for the said examination, application materials needed to be submitted and other points of attention for examination application shall be indicated in the notice.


Recruiting departments shall take measures to facilitate citizens' registration for examination.

第二十九條   招錄機關根據報考資格條件對報考申請進行審查。報考者提交的申請材料應當真實、準確。

Article 29 The employing organ shall conduct examination on the examination application in light of the qualification requirements for the applicants. The application materials as submitted by the applicants shall be authentic and accurate.

第三十條   公務員錄用考試采取筆試和面試等方式進行,考試內容根據公務員應當具備的基本能力和不同職位類別、不同層級機關分別設置。

Article 30 The employment examination of civil servants shall be carried out in written form and by interviews. The examination content shall be determined respectively according to the basic capabilities of civil servants as required and the different categories of posts and the different organs at different levels.

第三十一條   招錄機關根據考試成績確定考察人選,並進行報考資格複審、考察和體檢。

Article 31 The employing organ shall decide candidates to be inspected pursuant to the results of examination, and shall conduct a re-examination over the qualifications for applying for the examination, inspection and health checkup.


The items and standard of health checkup are defined by the position requirements. The specific measures in this regard shall be formulated by the department in charge of public servants at the central level, in conjunction with the health administration department under the State Council.

第三十二條   招錄機關根據考試成績、考察情況和體檢結果,提出擬錄用人員名單,並予以公示。公示期不少於五個工作日。

Article 32 The employing organ shall, according to examination results and results of inspection and health checkup, bring forward a name list of candidates to be employed and publicize it to the general public. The publication shall last for no less than five working days.


Where the period of public announcement expires, the employing organ at the central level shall report the name list to the administrative department of civil servants of the Central Government for archival filing. The employing organs at the local level shall report the name list to the administrative department of civil servants at the provincial level or of the cities divided into districts for examination and approval.

第三十三條   錄用特殊職位的公務員,經省級以上公務員主管部門批準,可以簡化程序或者采用其他測評辦法。

Article 33 As for the employment of civil servants for any special post, the procedures thereof may, upon the approval of the administrative department of civil servants at the provincial level or above, be simplified and other measures for test and appraisal may be adopted.

第三十四條   新錄用的公務員試用期為一年。試用期滿合格的,予以任職;不合格的,取消錄用。

Article 34 The probation term of newly employed civil servants is 1 year. If he is qualified at the expiration of the probation period, he shall be employed; otherwise, his recruitment shall be cancelled.


Chapter 5 Assessment

第三十五條   公務員的考核應當按照管理權限,全面考核公務員的德、能、勤、績、廉,重點考核政治素質和工作實績。考核指標根據不同職位類別、不同層級機關分別設置。

Article 35 Assessment of public servants shall be conducted in compliance with the limits of authorized administration, and in an all-round way, covering their political quality and work achievements. Assessment indexes shall be set up respectively according to different categories of posts and administrative organs at different levels.

第三十六條   公務員的考核分為平時考核、專項考核和定期考核等方式。定期考核以平時考核、專項考核為基礎。

Article 36 The assessment of a civil servant includes usual assessment, special assessment and periodical assessment. The periodical assessment shall be based on the routine assessment and special assessment.

第三十七條   非領導成員公務員的定期考核采取年度考核的方式。先由個人按照職位職責和有關要求進行總結,主管領導在聽取群眾意見後,提出考核等次建議,由本機關負責人或者授權的考核委員會確定考核等次。

Article 37 The periodical assessment of a non-leading civil servant shall be conducted in the form of annual assessment. The leaders in charge shall, after listening to the opinions of the masses, make suggestions on the grades of assessment, and the leaders of their own organs or the authorized committees of assessment shall decide on the grades of assessment.


The assessment of leading members shall be conducted by the department in charge in accordance with relevant regulations.

第三十八條   定期考核的結果分為優秀、稱職、基本稱職和不稱職四個等次。

Article 38 The results of periodical assessment shall be divided into four grades: excellent, competent, basically competent and incompetent.


The civil servant concerned shall be notified of the periodical assessment result thereof in written form.

第三十九條   定期考核的結果作為調整公務員職位、職務、職級、級別、工資以及公務員獎勵、培訓、辭退的依據。

Article 39 The result of periodical assessment shall be considered as the basis for adjustment of the posts, posts, ranks, ranks and wages of civil servants as well as for rewards, trainings and dismissal of civil servants.

第六章 職務、職級任免

Chapter 6 Title, Rank and Removal

第四十條   公務員領導職務實行選任制、委任制和聘任制。公務員職級實行委任制和聘任制。

Article 40 The election system, appointment system and appointment system shall be applied to the leading posts of civil servants. The appointment system and the appointment system shall be implemented for civil servants.


The tenure system shall be adopted for the posts of leading members according to the provisions of the state.

第四十一條   選任制公務員在選舉結果生效時即任當選職務;任期屆滿不再連任或者任期內辭職、被罷免、被撤職的,其所任職務即終止。

Article 41 A civil servant under the system of employment through selection may assume the post when the election result takes effect, if he is not re-elected at the expiration of his tenure, or resigns, is dismissed or is dismissed from his post during the tenure, his tenure shall be terminated.

第四十二條   委任制公務員試用期滿考核合格,職務、職級發生變化,以及其他情形需要任免職務、職級的,應當按照管理權限和規定的程序任免。

Article 42 For a civil servant employed by the system of employment through appointment, if he is assessed to be qualified at the expiration of his probation term, or his post or post is changed, or if it is necessary to appoint or remove him in any other circumstance, he shall be appointed or removed within the power limit of administration as well as pursuant to the prescribed procedures.

第四十三條   公務員任職應當在規定的編制限額和職數內進行,並有相應的職位空缺。

Article 43 The post appointment of a civil servant shall be carried out within the prescribed staffing quota and the amount of posts, and there is an corresponding post vacancy.

第四十四條   公務員因工作需要在機關外兼職,應當經有關機關批準,並不得領取兼職報酬。

Article 44 A civil servant, who has a part-time job outside his organ due to his work, shall be subject to the approval of the relevant organs and shall not draw any reward from his part-time job.

第七章 職務、職級升降

Chapter 7 Title, Promotion and Demotion

第四十五條   公務員晉升領導職務,應當具備擬任職務所要求的政治素質、工作能力、文化程度和任職經曆等方面的條件和資格。

Article 45 For the promotion of a civil servant to a leading post, he shall satisfy the requirements in such aspects as the political quality, working capability, educational level and working experience.


The leading posts of civil servants shall be promoted level by level. Those who are exceptionally excellent or are required by special work may be promoted exceptionally or by means of passing the established ranks.

第四十六條   公務員晉升領導職務,按照下列程序辦理:

Article 46 The promotion of a civil servant to a leading post shall be subject to the following procedures:


1. motion;


2. democratic recommendation;


(III) to determine the objects for inspection, and to organize the inspection;


(IV) discussing the decision according to the power limit of administration; and


(V) Perform the formalities of appointment.

第四十七條   廳局級正職以下領導職務出現空缺且本機關沒有合適人選的,可以通過適當方式面向社會選拔任職人選。

Article 47 Where there is any vacancy for a leading post lower than the chief of the department or bureau and there is no suitable candidate for the post, the candidate may be selected through an appropriate method from the society.

第四十八條   公務員晉升領導職務的,應當按照有關規定實行任職前公示制度和任職試用期制度。

Article 48 The system of public announcement before assuming the post and the system of probation for assuming the post shall be adopted in the promotion of a civil servant to a leading post according to relevant provisions.

第四十九條   公務員職級應當逐級晉升,根據個人德才表現、工作實績和任職資曆,參考民主推薦或者民主測評結果確定人選,經公示後,按照管理權限審批。

Article 49 The promotion of a public servant shall be conducted level by level, and the public servant candidates shall be determined by considering the person's performance in ethics and ability, actual achievements in work and seniority and by referring to the result of democratic recommendation or democratic assessment, and after making public the candidates shall be examined and approved in accordance with the limits of authorized administration.

第五十條   公務員的職務、職級實行能上能下。對不適宜或者不勝任現任職務、職級的,應當進行調整。

Article 50 The posts and ranks of public servants shall be based on the ability to be promoted or demoted. Adjustment shall be made to those who are not suitable for or qualified for their current posts or ranks.


Where a civil servant is assessed as incompetent in the annual assessment, he shall be demoted to a post or a post level according to the prescribed procedures.


Chapter 8 Rewards

第五十一條   對工作表現突出,有顯著成績和貢獻,或者有其他突出事跡的公務員或者公務員集體,給予獎勵。獎勵堅持定期獎勵與及時獎勵相結合,精神獎勵與物質獎勵相結合、以精神獎勵為主的原則。

Article 51 A public servant or a collective of public servants that has fulfilled the official duties outstandingly, or has made remarkable achievements and contributions, or has performed other outstanding deeds shall be rewarded. The awarding shall adhere to the principle of combining regular awards and timely awards, and combining spiritual awards and material ones with the focus on spiritual awards.


The reward to a collective of public servants shall be applicable to an organization set up in accordance with the order of establishment or to a working group formed for the fulfillment of a special task.

第五十二條   公務員或者公務員集體有下列情形之一的,給予獎勵:

Article 52 A civil servant or a collective of civil servants shall, under any of the following circumstances, be rewarded:


1. Being loyal to his duties, working actively, undertaking a responsibility bravely, and having prominent work achievements;


(II) observing disciplines and laws, being clean and honest in performing official duties, working in an upright way, playing an outstanding exemplary role;


(III) having any invention or creation or having raised any rationalization proposal in work, or having achieved obvious economic benefits or social benefits;


(IV) having made outstanding contributions to promoting national unity and maintaining social stability;


(V) having taken good care of public property, saved the state assets, and led to outstanding results;


(VI) having meritorious acts in preventing or eliminating accidents so that the interests of the state and the masses are prevented from loss or the loss thereof is reduced;


(VII) Outstanding contributions to emergency rescue or disaster relief;


(VIII) having made achievements in fighting against illegal or discipline-violating acts;


(IX) Having won honors and interests for the state in foreign affairs; or


(X) Having any other outstanding achievement.

第五十三條   獎勵分為:嘉獎、記三等功、記二等功、記一等功、授予稱號。

Article 53 The awards include: Citation for Meritorious Deeds, Merit Citation Class III, Merit Citation Class II, Merit Citation Class I, and a title granted.


A public servant or a collective of public servants rewarded shall be commended and a lump sum of bonuses or other benefits shall be given to the individual rewarded.

第五十四條   給予公務員或者公務員集體獎勵,按照規定的權限和程序決定或者審批。

Article 54 The rewards as conferred to a civil servant or a collective of civil servants shall be decided in light of the prescribed power limit and procedures, or shall be subject to examination and approval.

第五十五條   按照國家規定,可以向參與特定時期、特定領域重大工作的公務員頒發紀念證書或者紀念章。

Article 55 A commemorative certificate or commemorative medal may, in accordance with the provisions of the State, be issued to a civil servant who takes part in important work in a specific period or field.

第五十六條   公務員或者公務員集體有下列情形之一的,撤銷獎勵:

Article 56 The reward of a civil servant or a collective of civil servants shall be revoked if under any of the following circumstances:


1. Practicing fraud or cheating to obtain rewards;


2. Concealing any serious mistake when filing an application for rewards, or severely violating the prescribed procedures; or


3. Having serious violation of disciplines or laws, which influences the reputation of the title;


(IV) any other circumstance as prescribed by laws or regulations, under which the rewards thereof shall be revoked.

第九章 監督與懲戒

Chapter 9 Supervision and Punishment

第五十七條   機關應當對公務員的思想政治、履行職責、作風表現、遵紀守法等情況進行監督,開展勤政廉政教育,建立日常管理監督制度。

Article 57 An organ shall supervise the ideology, politics, performance of duties, style of work, observance of disciplines and laws and other acts of the civil servants, carry out education of diligent and honest government and establish a daily administration and supervision system.


Where a civil servant finds any problem in supervision, the case shall be classified into different situations, and a talk reminding, criticism and education, ordering for self-criticism, admonishment, organizational adjustment and punishment shall be given.


Where a civil servant is suspected of any duty-related violation or crime, he shall be transferred to the supervisory organ for treatment.

第五十八條   公務員應當自覺接受監督,按照規定請示報告工作、報告個人有關事項。

Article 58 A civil servant shall consciously accept supervision, ask for instructions and report relevant work and personal matters as required.

第五十九條   公務員應當遵紀守法,不得有下列行為:

Article 59 A civil servant shall observe disciplines and laws, and shall not have any of the following acts:


1. disseminating any speech that impairs the authority of the Constitution or the reputation of the Communist Party of China or the State, organizing or participating in activities such as assemblies, processions and demonstrations designed to oppose the Constitution, the leadership of the Communist Party of China or the State;


(II) Organizing or participating in any illegal organization, or organizing or participating in any strike;


(III) provoke or destroy ethnic relations, participate in activities concerning national secession or organize or use religious activities to undermine ethnic unity and social stability;


(IV) Not taking responsibility, not taking action, neglecting duty, thus affecting the work adversely;


(V) refusing to carry out the decision or order as made by the superior thereof;


(VI) Suppressing or retaliating against the criticism, petition, charge or accusation;


(VII) practicing fraud in order to mislead or cheat the leader thereof or the general public;


(VIII) embezzlement and bribery, and seeking personal benefits for themselves or others by taking advantage of their positions;


(IX) violating the financial and economic disciplines and wasting state assets;


(X) Abusing his power to infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of any citizen, legal person or any other organization;


(XI) Divulging any state secret or work secret;


(XII) damaging the state reputation or interests in foreign affairs;


(XIII) participating in or supporting activities such as pornography, drug abuse, gambling and superstition, etc.;


(XIV) to go against professional ethics, social ethics or family virtues;


(XV) violating the relevant provisions and participating in the network dissemination acts or activities prohibited; or


(XVI) Engaging in or participating in any profit-making activity, or holding a concurrent post in an enterprise or any other profit-making organization, in violation of the relevant provisions;


(XVII) being absent from work or in the event of a business trip or a leave, failing to return at the expiration of the leave of trip without any justified reason; or


(XVIII) Other acts in violation of discipline or laws.

第六十條   公務員執行公務時,認為上級的決定或者命令有錯誤的,可以向上級提出改正或者撤銷該決定或者命令的意見;上級不改變該決定或者命令,或者要求立即執行的,公務員應當執行該決定或者命令,執行的後果由上級負責,公務員不承擔責任;但是,公務員執行明顯違法的決定或者命令的,應當依法承擔相應的責任。

Article 60 If a public servant, when performing official duties, deems that a decision or an order made by higher authorities is erroneous, he may put forward a proposal to the higher authorities for correcting or revoking the decision or order. If the higher authorities refuse to change the decision or order, or demands immediate implementation, he shall implement the decision or order, and the higher authorities shall be held responsible for the consequences of such implementation, and the public servant shall bear no liability. However, if he implements a decision or an order which is obviously illegal, he shall bear due responsibility according to law.

第六十一條   公務員因違紀違法應當承擔紀律責任的,依照本法給予處分或者由監察機關依法給予政務處分;違紀違法行為情節輕微,經批評教育後改正的,可以免予處分。

Article 61 In case a civil servant is subject to disciplinary liability due to any disciplinary breach or illegality, he shall be given a punishment according to the present Law or shall be given an administrative sanction by the supervisory organ according to law. If the disciplinary breach or illegality is lenient, he may be immune from punishment after he has made corrections upon criticism and education.


For the same act in violation of disciplines or laws, if the supervisory organ has made a decision on disciplinary action, the organ where the civil servant works shall not impose any disciplinary action on him.

第六十二條   處分分為:警告、記過、記大過、降級、撤職、開除。

Article 62 The sanctions include: a disciplinary warning, a demerit recorded, a grave demerit recorded, demotion, dismissal from the post and discharge from public employment.

第六十三條   對公務員的處分,應當事實清楚、證據確鑿、定性準確、處理恰當、程序合法、手續完備。

Article 63 A disciplinary action taken against a civil servant shall be conducted based on clear facts, irrefutable evidence, accurately determined nature, proper handling, legal procedures and complete formalities.


Where a civil servant violates any discipline or law, the organ that makes the decision on punishment shall carry out an investigation into the disciplinary violation or law of the civil servant, and shall notify the civil servant concerned of the fact as acknowledged through investigation and the basis for the proposed punishment. A civil servant may have the right to state and defend himself. The organ that makes the punishment decision shall not impose any severer punishment on him due to his defense.


If a department imposing disciplinary actions deems that a disciplinary action should be taken against a public servant, it shall make a decision to such an effect within the prescribed time limit and in compliance with the limits of authorized administration and the prescribed procedure. The civil servant concerned shall be informed of the decision in written form.

第六十四條   公務員在受處分期間不得晉升職務、職級和級別,其中受記過、記大過、降級、撤職處分的,不得晉升工資檔次。

Article 64 A civil servant may not enjoy any post, rank or rank promotion during the duration of punishment. In particular, the civil servant who is given a demerit, gross demerit, demotion or dismissal may not enjoy any elevation of wage grade.


The durations of punishments are: 6 months of warning, 12 months of demerit, 18 months of gross demerit, 24 months of demotion/dismissal.


A public servant who has been removed from office shall be demoted in rank in accordance with relevant regulations.

第六十五條   公務員受開除以外的處分,在受處分期間有悔改表現,並且沒有再發生違紀違法行為的,處分期滿後自動解除。

Article 65 Where a civil servant who is imposed upon any punishment other than expulsion shows repentance during the duration of punishment and has committed no more disciplinary breach or illegal act, the punishment shall be removed at the expiry of the term of punishment.


After a disciplinary action is relieved, the elevation of wage grade, wage level, post and rank shall no longer be affected by the former disciplinary action. However, the removal of such disciplinary action as demotion or dismissal shall not be deemed as a reinstatement in the original rank, post or rank.


Chapter 10 Training

第六十六條   機關根據公務員工作職責的要求和提高公務員素質的需要,對公務員進行分類分級培訓。

Article 66 An organ shall, pursuant to the functions and duties of civil servants or the requirements for improving the qualities of civil servants, conduct categorized and graded trainings to civil servants.


The state shall establish special institutions for the training of civil servants. The organs may, when necessary, entrust any other training institution to undertake the trainings for civil servants.

第六十七條   機關對新錄用人員應當在試用期內進行初任培訓;對晉升領導職務的公務員應當在任職前或者任職後一年內進行任職培訓;對從事專項工作的公務員應當進行專門業務培訓;對全體公務員應當進行提高政治素質和工作能力、更新知識的在職培訓,其中對專業技術類公務員應當進行專業技術培訓。

Article 67 The organs shall carry out trainings for those newly-employed civil servants who assume their posts for the first time. Those civil servants who have been promoted to leading posts shall be given trainings before assuming their posts or within 1 year after assuming their posts. Those civil servants who are engaged in special work shall be given special trainings. In-service trainings shall be carried out for all civil servants so as to improve their political quality and working abilities and update their knowledge. In particular, special technical trainings shall be carried out for special technical civil servants.


The State has planned to strengthen the training of outstanding young civil servants.

第六十八條   公務員的培訓實行登記管理。

Article 68 Training of public servants shall be administered through registration.


The time for a civil servant to participate in trainings shall be determined by the administrative department of civil servants according to the provisions of Article 67 of the present Law.


Training received by a public servant and his academic record shall serve as one of the bases for his assessment, appointment and promotion.

第十一章 交流與回避

Chapter 11 Exchange and Challenge

第六十九條   國家實行公務員交流制度。

Article 69 The State applies an exchange system among public servants.


Public servants may be exchanged within the ranks of public servants and the staff administered by reference to this Law, and may also be exchanged with persons engaged in public service in State-owned enterprises and institutions not administered by reference to this Law.


Communication methods include transfer, transfer.

第七十條   國有企業、高等院校和科研院所以及其他不參照本法管理的事業單位中從事公務的人員,可以調入機關擔任領導職務或者四級調研員以上及其他相當層次的職級。

Article 70 Persons engaged in public service in State-owned enterprises, institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutes and other institutions which are not administered with reference to this Law may be transferred to government organs to hold leading posts or investigation and research personnel with four grades or above and positions at corresponding levels.


The candidate to be transferred shall meet the qualifications specified in Article 13 of this Law and the qualification requirements of the post to be taken, and he shall not be a person as specified in Article 26 of this Law. The state organ to which such personnel to be transferred shall conduct a strict inspection on the candidates for transfer, carry out examination and approval in light of the power limit of administration, and, when necessary, hold an examination for the candidates for transfer.

第七十一條   公務員在不同職位之間轉任應當具備擬任職位所要求的資格條件,在規定的編制限額和職數內進行。

Article 71 Public servants transferred between different posts shall possess the qualifications required by the posts to be taken, and such transfer shall be made within the limits of the authorized size and the number of posts.


As for those leading members below the level of provincial and ministerial chief, the inter-region or inter-department transfer to another post shall be carried out in a planned and focused way.


For a civil servant who assumes a leading post in an entity of an organ or assumes any other work with special nature, the transfer to another post thereof shall be carried out within the organ in a planned manner.


The organ at the higher level shall attach importance to publicly selecting civil servants from grass-roots organs.

第七十二條   根據工作需要,機關可以采取掛職方式選派公務員承擔重大工程、重大項目、重點任務或者其他專項工作。

Article 72 An organ may, as required by work, select civil servants by way of assuming temporary leading posts to undertake major projects, major tasks or any other special work.


For a civil servant taking the temporary post, his personnel relationship with the original organ shall not be changed.

第七十三條   公務員應當服從機關的交流決定。

Article 73 A civil servant shall obey the decision on intercommunication made by his entity.


Where a civil servant applies for intercommunication, the examination and approval shall be conducted according to the power limit of administration.

第七十四條   公務員之間有夫妻關系、直系血親關系、三代以內旁系血親關系以及近姻親關系的,不得在同一機關雙方直接隸屬於同一領導人員的職位或者有直接上下級領導關系的職位工作,也不得在其中一方擔任領導職務的機關從事組織、人事、紀檢、監察、審計和財務工作。

Article 74 Where there is such relationship as husband and wife, lineal descent, collateral consanguinity within three generations or close affinity between civil servants, the civil servants shall not assume posts immediately subordinate to the same leader in the same organ or hold posts with an relation of immediate superior and subordinator, or engage in such work as organization, human resource, disciplinary investigation, supervision and inspection, auditing and finance in the organ where one party holds the leading post.


A public servant shall not be a leading member in the supervisory sector or the department in charge of the enterprises run by his spouse, children and their spouses, or in the profit-making organizations.


Where it needs to avoid taking posts due to the peculiarities of a region or work features, the avoidance shall be decided by the administrative department of civil servants above the provincial level.

第七十五條   公務員擔任鄉級機關、縣級機關、設區的市級機關及其有關部門主要領導職務的,應當按照有關規定實行地域回避。

Article 75 Where a civil servant assumes the leading post in an organ at the township level, county level, districted city or any other relevant department, the regional avoidance shall be carried out according to relevant provisions.

第七十六條   公務員執行公務時,有下列情形之一的,應當回避:

Article 76 If a public servant is in one of the following situations, he shall withdraw:


1. Where his personal interest is involved;


(II) Where any of the interests of his relatives as described in paragraph 1 of Article 74 of the present Law is involved; or


(III) Any other circumstance that may influence the impartial implementation of public duties.

第七十七條   公務員有應當回避情形的,本人應當申請回避;利害關系人有權申請公務員回避。其他人員可以向機關提供公務員需要回避的情況。

Article 77 Where there is any circumstance under which a civil servant shall make avoidance, he shall apply for avoidance by himself. Any interested party may have the right to apply for avoidance of the civil servant concerned. Other people may provide the organ with the information on the withdrawal of a civil servant.


The organ shall, according to the application of a civil servant himself or any interested party, decide whether or not the civil servant shall make avoidance after making examination or may make a direct decision on avoidance without the civil servant filing an application.

第七十八條   法律對公務員回避另有規定的,從其規定。

Article 78 Where it is otherwise provided for by laws on the avoidance of a civil servant, such provisions shall prevail.

第十二章 工資、福利與保險

Chapter 12 Wages, Welfare and Insurance

第七十九條   公務員實行國家統一規定的工資制度。

Article 79 The wage system uniformly prescribed by the state shall apply to civil servants.


The principle "distribution according to work" shall be carried out in the wage system of civil servants so as to embody factors such as functions, capabilities, practical achievements and seniority and maintain a reasonable wage gap between different leadership positions, ranks and ranks.


The state shall establish a mechanism for normal wage increase of civil servants.

第八十條   公務員工資包括基本工資、津貼、補貼和獎金。

Article 80 The wage of a civil servant shall include the basic pay, allowances, subsidies and bonuses.


A civil servant may enjoy the regional additional allowances, difficult and outlying region allowances, subsidy appropriate to particular posts and other allowances according to the provisions of the state.


A civil servant may enjoy subsidies or allowances such as housing and medical treatment according to the provisions of the state.


Where a civil servant is confirmed as excellent or competent through regular assessment, he shall enjoy the year-end bonus according to the provisions of the state.


The salaries of public servants shall be paid on time and in full.

第八十一條   公務員的工資水平應當與國民經濟發展相協調、與社會進步相適應。

Article 81 The wage level of a civil servant shall match the national economic development and conform to the social progress.


The state shall adopt the wage investigation system, investigate and compare periodically the wage levels of civil servants and the counterparts in enterprises, and the result thereof shall be the basis for adjusting the wage levels of the civil servants.

第八十二條   公務員按照國家規定享受福利待遇。國家根據經濟社會發展水平提高公務員的福利待遇。

Article 82 A civil servant may enjoy welfare treatment as provided for by the state. The State shall raise the welfare standards of public servants in line with the level of economic and social development.


Public servants shall follow the working hours system prescribed by the State and take holidays according to State regulations. Where a civil servant works for extra hours beyond the legal workdays, he shall enjoy corresponding deferred holidays. Where he cannot enjoy deferred holidays, he shall be given a subsidy according to the provisions of the state.

第八十三條   公務員依法參加社會保險,按照國家規定享受保險待遇。

Article 83 A civil servant may participate in social insurance according to law and enjoy insurance benefits according to the provisions of the state.


Where a civil servant sacrifices himself for his post or dies from an illness, the relatives thereof may enjoy pensions and preferential treatments as prescribed by the state.

第八十四條   任何機關不得違反國家規定自行更改公務員工資、福利、保險政策,擅自提高或者降低公務員的工資、福利、保險待遇。任何機關不得扣減或者拖欠公務員的工資。

Article 84 No organ may violate the provisions of the state and unlawfully alter the policies on wage, welfare and insurance by itself, or unlawfully raise or reduce the treatment of wage, welfare or insurance for civil servants. No departments shall deduct or delay the payment of public servants' wages.

第十三章 辭職與辭退

Chapter 13 Resignation and Dismissal

第八十五條   公務員辭去公職,應當向任免機關提出書面申請。任免機關應當自接到申請之日起三十日內予以審批,其中對領導成員辭去公職的申請,應當自接到申請之日起九十日內予以審批。

Article 85 If a public servant wishes to resign from public employment, he shall submit a written application to the office in charge of appointment and removal. The said department shall, within 30 days from the date it receives the application, examine the application before giving approval, and in the case of the application submitted by a leading person who wishes to resign from public office, it shall do so within 90 days from the date it receives the application.

第八十六條   公務員有下列情形之一的,不得辭去公職:

Article 86 A civil servant, under any of the following circumstances, shall not resign his public office:


(1) having not reached the minimum term of service as provided for by the state;


(II) assuming any special post involving secrets of the state, or having not reached the term to open the secret when leaving the aforesaid post;


(III) Having not finished his important public duties which shall continue to be handled by him;


(IV) being subject to an auditing, disciplinary inspection, supervision investigation or suspected crime and the judicial procedure has not been concluded;


(V) any other circumstance as provided for by laws or administrative regulations, under which one shouldn't resign his public post.

第八十七條   擔任領導職務的公務員,因工作變動依照法律規定需要辭去現任職務的,應當履行辭職手續。

Article 87 A civil servant who holds a leading post shall, when it is necessary for him to resign the present post due to the change of work according to the provisions of the law, go through the formalities for resignation.


A public servant holding a leading post, owing to his personal or other reasons, may apply for resignation from the leading post of his own accord.


Where a leader causes any serious damage or negative social impact due to his severe mistakes in work or breach of duties, or bears the leading liabilities for any serious accident, he shall take the blame and resign his leading post.


Where a leading member, due to other reasons, is no longer suitable for the present leading post, or shall take the blame and resign himself, and does not apply for resignation, he shall be ordered to resign the leading post.

第八十八條   公務員有下列情形之一的,予以辭退:

Article 88 If a public servant is in one of the following situations, the person shall be discharged:


1. Having been assessed as "incompetent" in the annual assessment for 2 consecutive years;


(II) to be unqualified for the present post and decline to accept other arrangement;


(III) refusing a reasonable arrangement due to the adjustment, withdrawal, merge or reduction of staffing members of the organ where he works;


4. Failing to perform his duties as a civil servant or abide by the laws and disciplines of civil servants, making no improvement upon education, and being unsuitable for continuing his work in the organ but it is not proper to give him the disciplinary action of expulsion; or


(V) being absent from work or failing to return after the expiration of the term of a business trip or leave for more than 15 days or for an accumulative 30 days in a year.

第八十九條   對有下列情形之一的公務員,不得辭退:

Article 89 A civil servant, under any of the following circumstances, shall not be dismissed:


1. being disabled due to the performance of his duties, and having been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his working ability;


2. The laborer is ill or injured and is under medical treatment;


(III) For female civil servants, during the periods of pregnancy, maternity leave or lactation; or


(IV) any other circumstance as provided for by laws or administrative regulations, under which a civil servant may not be dismissed.

第九十條   辭退公務員,按照管理權限決定。辭退決定應當以書面形式通知被辭退的公務員,並應當告知辭退依據和理由。

Article 90 The dismissal of a civil servant shall be subject to the determination within the power limit of administration. The civil servant dismissed shall be notified of the decision on dismissal in written form, and shall be informed of the basis and reasons for dismissal.


The civil servant may draw the dismissal fee or enjoy unemployment insurance according to the provisions of the state.

第九十一條   公務員辭職或者被辭退,離職前應當辦理公務交接手續,必要時按照規定接受審計。

Article 91 The civil servant, who resigns his post or is dismissed, shall go through the hand-over formalities before leaving his post, and, when necessary, shall be subject to auditing according to relevant provisions.

第十四章 退

Chapter 14 Retirement

第九十二條   公務員達到國家規定的退休年齡或者完全喪失工作能力的,應當退休。

Article 92 A civil servant shall retire, when he reaches the age of retirement as provided for by the state or where he has lost his working ability entirely.

第九十三條   公務員符合下列條件之一的,本人自願提出申請,經任免機關批準,可以提前退休:

Article 93 A civil servant may, under any of the following conditions, apply for retirement in advance on his own initiative and retire upon the approval of the organ in charge of appointment and dismissal:


1. the length of service is more than 30 years;


(II) having worked for 20 years and being 5 years younger than the retirement age as provided for by the state;


(III) Other circumstances as provided for by the state, under which one may retire in advance.

第九十四條   公務員退休後,享受國家規定的養老金和其他待遇,國家為其生活和健康提供必要的服務和幫助,鼓勵發揮個人專長,參與社會發展。

Article 94 A civil servant may, after retirement, enjoy the pension and other treatments as provided for by the state. The state shall provide necessary service and help for the life and health of the retired civil servants and encourages them to give full play to their specialties and participate in social development.

第十五章 申訴與控告

Chapter 15 Complaint and Complaint

第九十五條   公務員對涉及本人的下列人事處理不服的,可以自知道該人事處理之日起三十日內向原處理機關申請複核;對複核結果不服的,可以自接到複核決定之日起十五日內,按照規定向同級公務員主管部門或者作出該人事處理的機關的上一級機關提出申訴;也可以不經複核,自知道該人事處理之日起三十日內直接提出申訴:

Article 95 If a public servant is not satisfied with the following decisions on the handling of personnel affairs related to him/her, he/she may, within 30 days from the date when he/she becomes aware of the handling, apply to the original department that imposed the sanction for a review; if he/she is not satisfied with the result of the review, he/she may, within 15 days from the date of receiving the decision made after the review, appeal to the department in charge of public servants at the same level or to the department at the next higher level of the department that imposed the sanction, in accordance with relevant provisions; and he/she may, without going through the review, directly appeal within 30 days from the date when he/she becomes aware of the handling:


1. Disciplinary actions;


(II) dismissal or cancellation of employment;


3. demotion;


(IV) being assessed as "incompetent" in the periodical assessment;


(V) dismissal;


(VI) his application for resignation or retirement in advance being rejected;


(VII) Failing to determine or deduct his wage, welfare or insurance treatment according to relevant provisions;


(VIII) any other circumstance as prescribed by any law or regulation on appealing.


If a public servant is not satisfied with the decision made after handling of his appeal by a department at or below the provincial level, he may appeal again to a department at the next higher level than the department that made the decision.


The organ that accepts the appeal of a civil servant shall form an appeal equity committee of the civil servant concerned, which shall be responsible for accepting and trying the appeal case as filed by the civil servant.


Where a civil servant is dissatisfied with the treatment decision as made by the supervisory organ and applies for reexamination or review to the supervisory organ, he shall dealt with it according to the relevant provisions.

第九十六條   原處理機關應當自接到複核申請書後的三十日內作出複核決定,並以書面形式告知申請人。受理公務員申訴的機關應當自受理之日起六十日內作出處理決定;案情複雜的,可以適當延長,但是延長時間不得超過三十日。

Article 96 The original organ that has imposed the punishment shall make a decision on the administrative review within 30 days as of acceptance of an application for review, and inform the applicant of the decision in written form. The organ that has accepted the appeal of a civil servant shall make a settlement decision within 60 days as of the date of acceptance. Where the case is complicated, the period may be extended but shall not be extended for more than 30 days.


The execution of personnel punishment shall not be stopped during the period of an administration review or appeal.


A civil servant may not be given any heavier punishment due to his applying for review or filing an appeal.

第九十七條   公務員申訴的受理機關審查認定人事處理有錯誤的,原處理機關應當及時予以糾正。

Article 97 Where the organ that has accepted the appeal of a civil servant deems that the personnel punishment is wrong upon examination, the original organ that has imposed the punishment shall correct it in a timely manner.

第九十八條   公務員認為機關及其領導人員侵犯其合法權益的,可以依法向上級機關或者監察機關提出控告。受理控告的機關應當按照規定及時處理。

Article 98 Where a civil servant believes that any leader thereof has infringed upon his legitimate rights and interests, he may lodge an accusation to the organ at a higher level or the supervisory organ. The organ that has accepted the accusation shall handle the case according to relevant provisions in a timely manner.

第九十九條   公務員提出申訴、控告,應當尊重事實,不得捏造事實,誣告、陷害他人。對捏造事實,誣告、陷害他人的,依法追究法律責任。

Article 99 Where a civil servant lodges an appeal or accusation, he shall respect the facts, and shall not fabricate facts, make false charge against any other person, or frame any other person. If a judge makes up a story, lodges a false accusation or frame others, he shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

第十六章 職位聘任

Chapter 16 Appointment to a Position

第一百條   機關根據工作需要,經省級以上公務員主管部門批準,可以對專業性較強的職位和輔助性職位實行聘任制。

Article 100 The state organ may, in light of the needs of work, adopt the appointment system on posts with strong specialty and auxiliary posts, upon the approval of the administrative department of civil servants above the provincial level.


Where the positions specified in the preceding paragraph involve State secrets, the appointment system shall not be implemented.

第一百零一條   機關聘任公務員可以參照公務員考試錄用的程序進行公開招聘,也可以從符合條件的人員中直接選聘。

Article 101 Where a state organ employs civil servants, it may conduct an open invitation for employment according to the procedures for civil servant examination and employment, or may make selection from those who meet the requirements.


A department shall engage public servants within the specified size of the establishment and the norm for its expenditure on salaries.

第一百零二條   機關聘任公務員,應當按照平等自願、協商一致的原則,簽訂書面的聘任合同,確定機關與所聘公務員雙方的權利、義務。聘任合同經雙方協商一致可以變更或者解除。

Article 102 Where an organ employs a civil servant, a written employment contract shall be concluded so as to clarify the rights and obligations of the organ and the civil servant employed, adhering to the principle of equality, willingness, consensus reached through consultation. The employment contract can be changed or canceled upon agreement by both parties through consultation.


The conclusion, alteration or termination of an appointment contract shall be reported to the department in charge of public servants at the same level for the record.

第一百零三條   聘任合同應當具備合同期限,職位及其職責要求,工資、福利、保險待遇,違約責任等條款。

Article 103 An employment contract shall include clauses such as contract term, post and the requirements thereof, wage, welfare, insurance treatment and breach liabilities.


The term of an employment contract is one to five years. A probation period may be agreed upon in an appointment contract, and it shall be one to twelve months.


The negotiated wage system shall be adopted for civil servants in the appointment system. The specific measures thereof shall be formulated by the administrative department of civil servants of the Central Government.

第一百零四條   機關依據本法和聘任合同對所聘公務員進行管理。

Article 104 The state organs shall conduct administration on civil servants they employ according to the present Law and the employment contracts.

第一百零五條   聘任制公務員與所在機關之間因履行聘任合同發生爭議的,可以自爭議發生之日起六十日內申請仲裁。

Article 105 Where a civil servant in the appointment system has a dispute with the organ he works for due to the performance of the employment contract thereof, he may apply for arbitration within 60 days as of the day when the dispute arises.


The department in charge of public servants at or above the provincial level shall set up a personnel dispute arbitration commission as needed to accept arbitration applications. The arbitration committee of personnel disputes shall be composed of representatives of the administrative department of civil servants, representatives of the employment organ, representatives of civil servants under the appointment system and legal experts.


If a party refuses to accept the arbitration award, it may file a lawsuit with a people's court within 15 days after receiving the arbitration award. After an arbitration award goes into effect, if one party concerned refuses to implement it, the other party may apply to the people's court for enforcement.

第十七章 法律責任

Chapter 17 Legal Liabilities

第一百零六條   對有下列違反本法規定情形的,由縣級以上領導機關或者公務員主管部門按照管理權限,區別不同情況,分別予以責令糾正或者宣布無效;對負有責任的領導人員和直接責任人員,根據情節輕重,給予批評教育、責令檢查、誡勉、組織調整、處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:

Article 106 Under any of the following circumstances violating of the present Law, the leading organ or the administrative department of civil servants above the county level shall, in light of the power limit of administration and the different situations, give an order for correction or announces it to be invalid; as for the responsible leader and the persons directly liable, a criticism and education, an order for inspection, admonishment, organizational adjustment or punishment shall be given according to the seriousness of the case; where a crime is constituted, the criminal liabilities shall be investigated according to law:


1. failing to carry out employment, post transfer, post change, appointment and promotion for civil servants according to the staffing quota, number of posts or the requirements for the qualification of post assumption;


2. failing to go through rewards, punishments, avoidance and retirement formalities according to requirements;


(III) failing to carry out employment, post transfer, post change, appointment, promotion, examination and rewards and punishments according to prescribed procedures;


(IV) violating the provisions of the state by altering the standard of wage, welfare, insurance treatment of civil servants;


(V) divulging test questions in employment, open selection or any other work, breaching the disciplines of the examination room or any other act that seriously affects the openness and impartiality;


(VI) Failing to accept or handle any appeal or accusation of a civil servant according to relevant provisions;


(VII) any other violation of this Law.

第一百零七條   公務員辭去公職或者退休的,原系領導成員、縣處級以上領導職務的公務員在離職三年內,其他公務員在離職兩年內,不得到與原工作業務直接相關的企業或者其他營利性組織任職,不得從事與原工作業務直接相關的營利性活動。

Article 107 Where a civil servant resigns his post or retires, he shall not take any post in an enterprise or any other profit-making organization, which is directly related to his original work, or shall not engage in any profit-making activity directly related to his original work within 3 years after he leaves his post, if he is a leader before resignation or a leader above the county or division level, or within 2 years after he leaves his post.


Where a civil servant commits any act in violation of the preceding paragraph after resignation or retirement, the administrative department of civil servants at the same level as the original organ he works for shall order him to make corrections within a prescribed time limit; where he fails to make corrections within the prescribed time limit, the market regulation department at the county level or above shall confiscate the illegal gains obtained by him during his employment, order the accepting entity to dismiss him, and impose on the accepting entity a fine of one to five times the illegal gains of the punished.

第一百零八條   公務員主管部門的工作人員,違反本法規定,濫用職權、玩忽職守、徇私舞弊,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,給予處分或者由監察機關依法給予政務處分。

Article 108 Where a staff member of the department in charge of public servants, in violation of the provisions of this Law, abuses his power, neglects his duty or engages in malpractices for personal gain, which constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law; if the violation is not serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be given administrative sanctions or by the supervisory organ in accordance with law.

第一百零九條   在公務員錄用、聘任等工作中,有隱瞞真實信息、弄虛作假、考試作弊、擾亂考試秩序等行為的,由公務員主管部門根據情節作出考試成績無效、取消資格、限制報考等處理;情節嚴重的,依法追究法律責任。

Article 109 Where a civil servant conceals any true information, practices frauds, cheats in the examination or disturbs the order of the examination when he is employed or engaged, the administrative department of civil servants shall invalidate the examination result, cancel his qualification, restrict him from registering for the examination or impose any other punishment on him; if the circumstance is serious, he shall be subject to legal liabilities according to law.

第一百一十條   機關因錯誤的人事處理對公務員造成名譽損害的,應當賠禮道歉、恢複名譽、消除影響;造成經濟損失的,應當依法給予賠償。

Article 110 Where an organ causes any reputation damage to a civil servant due to a wrong personnel punishment, it shall make a formal apology to the civil servant, rehabilitate his reputation and eliminate the ill impact; where any economic damage has been caused, a compensation shall be paid according to law.


Chapter 18 Supplementary Provisions

第一百一十一條   本法所稱領導成員,是指機關的領導人員,不包括機關內設機構擔任領導職務的人員。

Article 111 The term "leading member" as mentioned in the present Law refers to the leading members in state organs, which shall not include those personnel assuming the leading posts in the entities established within the organs.

第一百一十二條   法律、法規授權的具有公共事務管理職能的事業單位中除工勤人員以外的工作人員,經批準參照本法進行管理。

Article 112 Those personnel except those logistics workers in public institutions which are authorized by any law or regulation to exercise the function of managing public affairs shall be subject to the present Law upon approval.

第一百一十三條   本法自201961日起施行。

Article 113 This Law shall come into force as of June 1, 2019.


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