1995年5月10日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十三次會議通過 根據2004年8月28日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國票據法〉的決定》修正



Negotiable Instruments Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2004 Revision)


Presidential Decree No. 22

1995510日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十三次會議通過 根據2004828日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國票據法〉的決定》修正)

(Adopted at the 13th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on May 10, 1995, and amended according to the Decision on Amending the Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on August 28, 2004)



  第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 匯票

Chapter 2 Bills of Exchange

    第一節 出票

Section 1 Issue

    第二節 背書

Section 2 endorsement

    第三節 承兌

Section 3 Acceptance

    第四節 保證

Section 4 Warranties

    第五節 付款

Section 5 Payment

    第六節 追索權

Section 6 Right of Recourse

  第三章 本票

Chapter 3 Promissory Notes

  第四章 支票

Chapter 4 Cheques

  第五章 涉外票據的法律適用

Chapter 5 Application of Law on Foreign-related Negotiable Instruments

  第六章 法律責任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities

  第七章 附則

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了規範票據行為,保障票據活動中當事人的合法權益,維護社會經濟秩序,促進社會主義市場經濟的發展,制定本法。

Article 1. This Law is formulated in order to standardise negotiable instrument activities, to protect the legal rights and interests of parties to negotiable instrument activities, to safeguard social and economic order and to promote the development of the socialist market economy.

第二條   在中華人民共和國境內的票據活動,適用本法。

Article 2 This Law applies to all negotiable instrument transactions conducted within the territory of the People's Republic of China.


For the purposes of this Law, negotiable instruments shall refer to bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques.

第三條   票據活動應當遵守法律、行政法規,不得損害社會公共利益。

Article 3 Activities concerning instruments shall abide by the laws and administrative regulations and shall not harm public interests.

第四條   票據出票人制作票據,應當按照法定條件在票據上簽章,並按照所記載的事項承擔票據責任。

Article 4 When creating an instrument, the issuer shall endorse it according to statutory conditions and bear liability for the instrument according to the items specified therein.


When exercising the rights on a negotiable instrument, the holder shall sign it according to legal procedures and present it.


Other debtors endorsing the instrument shall bear liability for the instrument according to the items specified therein.


The term "rights associated with the negotiable instruments" used in this law refers to the rights of the holder to claim payment according to the amount specified in the negotiable instruments, including the right of claim and the right of recourse.


For the purposes of this Law, responsibility under a negotiable instrument shall refer to the obligation of the debtor to pay the negotiable instrument amount to the holder.

第五條   票據當事人可以委托其代理人在票據上簽章,並應當在票據上表明其代理關系。

Article 5 A party to an instrument may authorize an agent to endorse the instrument but must specify the principal-agent relationship on the instrument.


If a negotiable instrument bears the signature or seal in the name of an agent without the power of agency, the obligations associated with the negotiable instrument shall be performed by the person or persons who have put their signatures or seals to the negotiable instrument. If an agent has gone beyond his/her powers of agency, he/she shall undertake the obligations associated with the negotiable instrument on the part that exceeds his/her powers.

第六條   無民事行為能力人或者限制民事行為能力人在票據上簽章的,其簽章無效,但是不影響其他簽章的效力。

Article 6. Where a negotiable instrument has been signed by a person with no capacity for civil acts or with limited capacity for civil acts, the signature shall be invalid. However, the validity of other signatures shall not be affected.

第七條   票據上的簽章,為簽名、蓋章或者簽名加蓋章。

Article 7 The endorsement of an instrument shall be by signature, seal or both signature and seal.


The endorsement of an instrument by a legal person or other organization which makes use of instruments shall be the official seal of the legal person or organization accompanied by the endorsement of its legal representative or its authorized agent.


The signature on a negotiable instrument shall be the true name of the party thereto.

第八條   票據金額以中文大寫和數碼同時記載,二者必須一致,二者不一致的,票據無效。

Article 8 The sum on an instrument shall be specified in both Chinese characters and Arabic numerals; the two figures must be the same, if the two figures are not the same, the instrument shall be null and void.

第九條   票據上的記載事項必須符合本法的規定。

Article 9 Items specified in an instrument must conform to the provisions of this Law.


The amount (s), date and name of the payee shall not be altered. If they are altered, the negotiable instrument shall not longer be valid.


Other contents of a negotiable instrument may be altered by the persons who originally created them, with the alteration certified by means of their signature or stamp.

第十條   票據的簽發、取得和轉讓,應當遵循誠實信用的原則,具有真實的交易關系和債權債務關系。

Article 10 The issue, acquisition and transfer of an instrument shall be made in good faith and shall constitute a real transaction and reflect the credit-debit relationship.


A negotiable instrument shall be acquired by payment of consideration, that is, the price corresponding to what is agreed upon by both parties to the instrument.

第十一條   因稅收、繼承、贈與可以依法無償取得票據的,不受給付對價的限制。但是,所享有的票據權利不得優於其前手的權利。

Article 11 Acquisition of an instrument through taxation, inheritance or legacy which may be realized in accordance with law without payment, shall not be subject to being in consideration of payment. However, the holder's rights on the instrument shall not exceed those enjoyed by the prior holder.


Prior parties shall refer to other debtors of an instrument who endorsed it prior to its endorsement by a specific signatory or bearer.

第十二條   以欺詐、偷盜或者脅迫等手段取得票據的,或者明知有前列情形,出於惡意取得票據的,不得享有票據權利。

Article 12 In cases where an instrument was acquired through fraudulence, theft or coercion, or in cases where the bearer acquired an instrument through malice while he knew well that the aforementioned circumstances existed, the bearer shall not enjoy the instrument right.


If a holder obtains, by gross negligence, a negotiable instrument which does not comply with the provisions of this Law, he shall not enjoy the rights associated with the negotiable instrument.

第十三條   票據債務人不得以自己與出票人或者與持票人的前手之間的抗辯事由,對抗持票人。但是,持票人明知存在抗辯事由而取得票據的除外。

Article 13 A debtor of an instrument shall not oppose the bearer on the basis of a dispute between the drawer or prior parties to the bearer. However, this shall not include the case where the bearer acquired the instrument with knowledge of the existence of a defense.


A debtor of an instrument may oppose a bearer who had a direct credit-debit relationship with him and did not perform the stipulated obligation.


The term "protest" used in this law refers to the act of the debtor for a negotiable instrument in refusing to perform obligations to the creditor in accordance with the provisions of this law.

第十四條   票據上的記載事項應當真實,不得偽造、變造。偽造、變造票據上的簽章和其他記載事項的,應當承擔法律責任。

Article 14 Items specified in an instrument must be genuine and cannot be forged or altered. Whoever forges or alters the signature or other particulars recorded on an instrument shall bear legal responsibility.


Forged or altered signatures or seals do not affect the validity of the true signatures or seals on the negotiable instruments.


Where other items in the instrument have been altered, persons who endorsed the instrument before it was altered shall be liable for the items originally specified in the instrument, persons who signed after it was altered shall be liable for the items specified after the instrument was altered. In cases where it cannot be determined whether the instrument was endorsed before or after it was altered, it shall be treated as an instrument which was endorsed before being altered.

第十五條   票據喪失,失票人可以及時通知票據的付款人掛失止付,但是,未記載付款人或者無法確定付款人及其代理付款人的票據除外。

Article 15 In the case where an instrument has been lost, the person who has lost the instrument may promptly notify the payer of the instrument to suspend payment, except in cases where the payer is not specified in the instrument or when the payer or his agent cannot be identified.


The payer shall temporarily suspend payment when he receives notification of the loss of the instrument.


The person losing the instrument shall in accordance with the law apply to the people's court for the publication of a public notice asserting his claim or he can bring an action in the people's court within three days of notifying the payee to suspend payment or after the loss of the instrument.

第十六條   持票人對票據債務人行使票據權利,或者保全票據權利,應當在票據當事人的營業場所和營業時間內進行,票據當事人無營業場所的,應當在其住所進行。

Article 16 The procedure by which the bearer of the instrument exercises his rights or preserves his rights against the debtor shall be carried out in the business premises of the party concerned during business hours or at their place of residence if no business premises exist.

第十七條   票據權利在下列期限內不行使而消滅:

Article 17 The rights to the negotiable instruments shall expire if not exercised within the following time limits:


(I) Within two years from the date of maturity of the instrument the right of the holder to the drawer and the acceptor of the instrument. Bills or notes payable on demand, two years from the date of issue;


(II) For rights against the drawer of a cheque, six months from the date of issue;


(III) The bearer's right of recourse over prior parties ceases to be valid six months after the date of non-acceptance or non-payment;


(IV) The bearer's right of re- recourse over prior parties ceases to be valid three months after the date of settlement or the commencement of a lawsuit.


The date of issue and the date of maturity of a negotiable instrument shall be fixed by the parties thereto according to law.

第十八條   持票人因超過票據權利時效或者因票據記載事項欠缺而喪失票據權利的,仍享有民事權利,可以請求出票人或者承兌人返還其與未支付的票據金額相當的利益。

Article 18 A holder who has lost his rights on instrument because of the expiration of his rights or because the items recorded in the instrument are not comprehensive may still enjoy civil rights, and may request that the drawer or the acceptor refunds the amount equivalent to that part of the instrument not yet paid.

第二章 匯票

Chapter 2 Bills of Exchange

第一節 出票

Section 1 Issue

第十九條   匯票是出票人簽發的,委托付款人在見票時或者在指定日期無條件支付確定的金額給收款人或者持票人的票據。

Article 19 A bill of exchange is a negotiable instrument signed by the drawer, who authorizes the drawer to pay unconditionally a sum certain in money to the payee or the holder at sight or at a specified time.


Drafts shall be divided into bank drafts and commercial drafts.

第二十條   出票是指出票人簽發票據並將其交付給收款人的票據行為。

Article 20 The drawing of a bill refers to the act of a drawer to sign and deliver a bill to a payee.

第二十一條   匯票的出票人必須與付款人具有真實的委托付款關系,並且具有支付匯票金額的可靠資金來源。

Article 21 The drawer of a draft shall have real authorized payment relations with the payers and have reliable sources of fund to pay the draft amount.


It is forbidden to sign drafts without corresponding prices for the purpose of acquiring funds from banks or other parties to the negotiable instrument by deception.

第二十二條   匯票必須記載下列事項:

Article 22 A bill must specify the following items:


1. The word "draft";


(II) Authorization of unconditional payment;


(III) A certain sum;


(IV) The name of the payer;


(V) Name of the payee;


(VI) The date of issue;


(VII) The signature of the drawer.


A bill of exchange is void if any of the above-mentioned particulars is not specified thereon.

第二十三條   匯票上記載付款日期、付款地、出票地等事項的,應當清楚、明確。

Article 23 The date of payment, place of payment and place of issue, if specified on the bill, shall be legible and unambiguous.


A bill is payable on sight if the date of payment is not specified.


If a draft does not bear the place of payment, the place of payment shall be the business site or the residence of the payer or the place where the payer often lives.


If the place of issue is not specified on a bill of exchange, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue.

第二十四條   匯票上可以記載本法規定事項以外的其他出票事項,但是該記載事項不具有匯票上的效力。

Article 24 Items relating to the issue of a bill other than those stipulated by this Law may be specified on a bill, but such items shall have no effect on the validity of the bill.

第二十五條   付款日期可以按照下列形式之一記載:

Article 25 The date of payment may be specified in either one of the following forms:


1. Payable on sight;


2. Payable on a fixed date;


(III) Payable during a fixed period after the date of issue;


(IV) Payable on a fixed date after sight.


The date of payment provided for in the preceding paragraph is the due date of the draft.

第二十六條   出票人簽發匯票後,即承擔保證該匯票承兌和付款的責任。出票人在匯票得不到承兌或者付款時,應當向持票人清償本法第七十條、第七十一條規定的金額和費用。

Article 26 After signing the draft, the drawer shall bear the responsibility of ensuring the acceptance and payment of the draft. In the event of non-acceptance or non-payment of the bill, the bearer shall be reimbursed the sum and expenses as stipulated in Articles 70 and 71 of this Law.

第二節 背書

Section 2 endorsement

第二十七條   持票人可以將匯票權利轉讓給他人或者將一定的匯票權利授予他人行使。

Article 27 A holder may transfer his rights on the bill of exchange to another person or authorize another to exercise some of his rights on the bill.


If a drawer writes the word "non-negotiable" on a draft, the draft shall not be transferred.


In exercising the rights provided for in the first paragraph, the bearer shall endorse and deliver the draft.


Endorsement refers to the recording of relevant particulars on the back of a draft or on its allonge for a signature or seal.

第二十八條   票據憑證不能滿足背書人記載事項的需要,可以加附粘單,粘附於票據憑證上。

Article 28 The person endorsing the bill may use an allonge and attach it to the bill if there is not enough space in the bill for the items.


The first person to write on an allonge shall sign the allonge.

第二十九條   背書由背書人簽章並記載背書日期。

Article 29 An endorsement shall be signed by the person making it and the date of endorsement shall be specified.


An endorsement without a specified date is deemed to be made prior to the date of maturity.

第三十條   匯票以背書轉讓或者以背書將一定的匯票權利授予他人行使時,必須記載被背書人名稱。

Article 30. If a bill of exchange is negotiated by endorsement or if certain rights under the bill of exchange are conferred by endorsement upon another person to be exercised, the name of the endorsee must be recorded.

第三十一條   以背書轉讓的匯票,背書應當連續。持票人以背書的連續,證明其匯票權利;非經背書轉讓,而以其他合法方式取得匯票的,依法舉證,證明其匯票權利。

Article 31 Where a bill of exchange is negotiated by endorsement, the endorsements shall be in succession. The bearer must prove his rights to the bill by an uninterrupted series of endorsement; a person to whom a bill is transferred by means other than endorsement or who acquires a bill by other legal means shall provide evidence in accordance with the law showing his rights to the bill.


The term "uninterrupted series" used in the preceding paragraph refers to the sequential consistency in the signatures or seals by the endorser and the endorsee in the transfer of negotiable instruments.

第三十二條   以背書轉讓的匯票,後手應當對其直接前手背書的真實性負責。

Article 32 Where a bill of exchange is negotiated by endorsement, the subsequent party shall be liable for the authenticity of the endorsement of his immediate prior party.


The subsequent party "denotes other debtors of an instrument who endorse it after its endorsement by a specific party.

第三十三條   背書不得附有條件。背書時附有條件的,所附條件不具有匯票上的效力。

Article 33 No conditions can be attached to endorsements. If conditions are attached, they shall have no effect on the bill.


An endorsement which transfers some or all of the draft amount to two or more persons shall be invalid.

第三十四條   背書人在匯票上記載“不得轉讓”字樣,其後手再背書轉讓的,原背書人對後手的被背書人不承擔保證責任。

Article 34 Where an endorser writes the word "non-negotiable" on a bill of exchange and his subsequent party negotiates it by endorsement, the original endorser shall not bear any responsibility for guaranty to the endorsee of the said subsequent party.

第三十五條   背書記載“委托收款”字樣的,被背書人有權代背書人行使被委托的匯票權利。但是,被背書人不得再以背書轉讓匯票權利。

Article 35 Where an endorsement contains the word "by procuration", the endorsee shall be entitled to exercise mandated rights to the bill on the endorser's behalf. However, the endorsee shall not transfer the rights to the bill by means of endorsement.


A draft may be pledged. When pledging a draft, the word "pledge" shall be written in the endorsement. The endorsee may exercise the rights to the bill when realizing the right of pledge according to law.

第三十六條   匯票被拒絕承兌、被拒絕付款或者超過付款提示期限的,不得背書轉讓;背書轉讓的,背書人應當承擔匯票責任。

Article 36 A bill cannot be transferred by endorsement when acceptance or payment has been refused or when the time limit for presentation in order to receive payment has expired, if the bill has been endorsed and transferred, the endorser shall bear liability for the bill.

第三十七條   背書人以背書轉讓匯票後,即承擔保證其後手所持匯票承兌和付款的責任。背書人在匯票得不到承兌或者付款時,應當向持票人清償本法第七十條、第七十一條規定的金額和費用。

Article 37 After an endorser has endorsed over a draft to others, the endorser shall be liable to ensure the draft in the hands of the subsequent holder are accepted or paid. In the event of non-acceptance or non-payment of the bill, the endorser shall compensate the holder with the sum and expenses as stipulated in Articles 70 and 71 of this Law.

第三節 承兌

Section 3 Acceptance

第三十八條   承兌是指匯票付款人承諾在匯票到期日支付匯票金額的票據行為。

Article 38 Acceptance refers to a promise of a draft payer to pay the actual amount of draft when the draft is due.

第三十九條   定日付款或者出票後定期付款的匯票,持票人應當在匯票到期日前向付款人提示承兌。

Article 39 Where a bill is payable on a fixed date or within a fixed period after the date of issue, the bearer shall present the bill to the payer for acceptance before the bill's date of maturity.


Presentment for acceptance refers to the act of a holder who presents the bill of exchange to the payer and demands a promise of payment from the payer.

第四十條   見票後定期付款的匯票,持票人應當自出票日起一個月內向付款人提示承兌。

Article 40 For drafts payable a fixed period after sight, the bearer shall prompt the payer to accept the draft within one month after the draft is issued.


If a bill of exchange is not presented for acceptance within the prescribed period, the holder thereof shall lose the right of recourse against his prior parties.


A bill payable on demand need not be presented for acceptance.

第四十一條   付款人對向其提示承兌的匯票,應當自收到提示承兌的匯票之日起三日內承兌或者拒絕承兌。

Article 41 The payer shall accept or refuse the bill within three days of receiving the bill as presented for acceptance.


On receiving a bill of exchange presented for acceptance by the holder, the payer shall sign and issue a receipt to the holder. The acknowledgment shall specify the date of the presentation for acceptance and shall be signed.

第四十二條   付款人承兌匯票的,應當在匯票正面記載“承兌”字樣和承兌日期並簽章;見票後定期付款的匯票,應當在承兌時記載付款日期。

Article 42 When accepting a bill, the payer shall write the word "accepted" and the date of acceptance on the front of the bill and sign it; after seeing a bill which is payable during a fixed period, the date of payment shall be specified at the time of acceptance.


If no date of acceptance is recorded on a draft, the last day of the time limit prescribed in the first paragraph of the preceding article shall be the date of acceptance.

第四十三條   付款人承兌匯票,不得附有條件;承兌附有條件的,視為拒絕承兌。

Article 43 When accepting a bill, the payer shall accept it unconditionally; if conditions have been added, this is deemed to be a refusal.

第四十四條   付款人承兌匯票後,應當承擔到期付款的責任。

Article 44 When the payer has accepted the bill, he shall bear the liability of paying it at maturity.

第四節 保證

Section 4 Warranties

第四十五條   匯票的債務可以由保證人承擔保證責任。

Article 45 The liability on a bill of exchange may be guaranteed by a guarantor.


The guarantor shall be someone other than the debtor of the bill.

第四十六條   保證人必須在匯票或者粘單上記載下列事項:

Article 46 The guarantor must specify the following items on the bill itself or on an allonge:


1. The word "guaranteed";


2. Name and residence of the guarantor;


3. The name of the person to whom the guaranty is given;


(IV) The date of guaranty;


(V) The signature or seal of the guarantor.

第四十七條   保證人在匯票或者粘單上未記載前條第(三)項的,已承兌的匯票,承兌人為被保證人;未承兌的匯票,出票人為被保證人。

Article 47 When the guarantor has not specified Item 3 of the preceding article on the bill itself or on an allonge, in cases where the bill has already been accepted, the person who accepted the bill is he to whom the guaranty is given; in cases where the bill has not yet been accepted, the guaranty is given to the issuer.


If the guarantor has failed to record item 4 of the preceding article, the date of draft shall be the date of guaranty.

第四十八條   保證不得附有條件;附有條件的,不影響對匯票的保證責任。

Article 48 No conditions can be attached to the guaranty; if there should be any conditions attached, these will not affect the liability of guaranty on the bill.

第四十九條   保證人對合法取得匯票的持票人所享有的匯票權利,承擔保證責任。但是,被保證人的債務因匯票記載事項欠缺而無效的除外。

Article 49 The guarantor shall be responsible for guaranteeing the bearer's rights to the bill when the bearer has acquired the bill lawfully. However, there is an exception where the obligations of the guaranteed person are invalid due to inadequacies in the items recorded on the bill of exchange.

第五十條   被保證的匯票,保證人應當與被保證人對持票人承擔連帶責任。匯票到期後得不到付款的,持票人有權向保證人請求付款,保證人應當足額付款。

Article 50 Where a bill is guaranteed, the guarantor and the person to whom the guaranty is given shall undertake joint liability to the bearer. If the draft is not paid when due, the holder has the right to demand payment from the guarantor and the guarantor shall pay the bill in full.

第五十一條   保證人為二人以上的,保證人之間承擔連帶責任。

Article 51 In cases where there are two or more guarantors, they shall undertake joint liability.

第五十二條   保證人清償匯票債務後,可以行使持票人對被保證人及其前手的追索權。

Article 52 After the guarantor has paid the debt as stipulated in the bill, the guarantor may exercise his right of recourse as enjoyed by the bearer against the person to whom the guaranty is given and his prior parties.

第五節 付款

Section 5 Payment

第五十三條   持票人應當按照下列期限提示付款:

Article 53 The bearer of a draft shall present the draft for payment within the following time limits:


1. A bill payable on sight should be presented to the payer within one month of the date of issue;


(II) A bill payable on a fixed date, within a fixed period after the date of issue or within a fixed period after being seen shall be presented for acceptance within 10 days of the date of maturity.


In cases when the bearer has failed to present the bill for payment within the prescribed period as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the bearer shall remain liable for the payment of the bill after the bearer has explained the situation.


Presentation for payment made to the payer by an authorized bank or clearing system for instruments shall be deemed as presentation by the bearer.

第五十四條   持票人依照前條規定提示付款的,付款人必須在當日足額付款。

Article 54 The payer must pay the bill in full on the day when the bearer presents the bill for payment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article.

第五十五條   持票人獲得付款的,應當在匯票上簽收,並將匯票交給付款人。持票人委托銀行收款的,受委托的銀行將代收的匯票金額轉賬收入持票人賬戶,視同簽收。

Article 55 When a holder receives payment, he/she shall sign the bill and deliver it to the payer. Where a holder authorizes a bank to receive payment on his behalf, the bill is deemed as receipted when the authorized bank credits the collected sum to the holder's account.

第五十六條   持票人委托的收款銀行的責任,限於按照匯票上記載事項將匯票金額轉入持票人賬戶。

Article 56 The bank authorized by the bearer to receive payment shall be liable only for crediting the sum on the bill to the bearer's account according to the items specified in the bill.


The liabilities of a bank entrusted with collection by the holder are confined to transferring of the amount of the draft into the account of the holder according to the recordings on the draft.

第五十七條   付款人及其代理付款人付款時,應當審查匯票背書的連續,並審查提示付款人的合法身份證明或者有效證件。

Article 57 When paying a bill, the payer or his agent shall check the continuity of the series of endorsement, as well as checking the legitimacy of the identification of the person presenting the bill, or the validity of that person's certificates.


Where the payer or its entrusted payer makes the payment out of malice or with gross negligence, they shall bear the liability on their own.

第五十八條   對定日付款、出票後定期付款或者見票後定期付款的匯票,付款人在到期日前付款的,由付款人自行承擔所產生的責任。

Article 58 In cases where the payer pays a bill before maturity which is payable on a fixed date or on sight within a fixed period, he alone shall bear liability.

第五十九條   匯票金額為外幣的,按照付款日的市場匯價,以人民幣支付。

Article 59 When the sum on a bill is expressed in a foreign currency, the sum payable shall be paid in Renminbi according to the market rate of exchange on the day of payment.


If the parties to a draft have agreements concerning the currencies for payment, the provisions of the agreement shall be followed.

第六十條   付款人依法足額付款後,全體匯票債務人的責任解除。

Article 60 Once the payer pays the bill in full, all debtors shall be discharged from liability.

第六節 追索權

Section 6 Right of Recourse

第六十一條   匯票到期被拒絕付款的,持票人可以對背書人、出票人以及匯票的其他債務人行使追索權。

Article 61 When payment is refused on a draft, the bearer may exercise their right of recourse against the endorser, drawer or other debtors of the draft.


Before the maturity of a bill, the holder may also exercise the right of recourse under any of the following circumstances:


1. In cases when the payment of the bill has been refused;


2. The acceptor or payer has died or absconded;


(III) In cases when the acceptor or the payer has been declared bankrupt according to the law or has been ordered to cease business activities due to their violations of the law.

第六十二條   持票人行使追索權時,應當提供被拒絕承兌或者被拒絕付款的有關證明。

Article 62 When exercising the right of recourse, the bearer shall be able to provide proof that acceptance or payment was refused.


In cases when the bearer's presentation of the bill for acceptance or payment has been refused, the acceptor or payer must provide proof of dishonor or a statement noting reasons for dishonor. If the acceptor or payer has failed to produce the certificate of dishonor or the statement on the ground for protest, the acceptor or payer shall bear all the civil liabilities arising therefrom.

第六十三條   持票人因承兌人或者付款人死亡、逃匿或者其他原因,不能取得拒絕證明的,可以依法取得其他有關證明。

Article 63 In cases when the bearer is unable to obtain proof of refusal to accept or pay the bill because of the death or flight of the acceptor or payer or other causes, the bearer may obtain other relevant proof according to the law.

第六十四條   承兌人或者付款人被人民法院依法宣告破產的,人民法院的有關司法文書具有拒絕證明的效力。

Article 64 In cases when the acceptor or the payer has been declared legally bankrupt by the people's court, relevant judicial documents from the people's court shall be valid as proof of refusal to accept or pay the bill.


Where an acceptor or a payer has had their business operations suspended as a result of illegal conduct, relevant penalty decisions by the competent administrative department shall be valid as proof of dishonor.

第六十五條   持票人不能出示拒絕證明、退票理由書或者未按照規定期限提供其他合法證明的,喪失對其前手的追索權。但是,承兌人或者付款人仍應當對持票人承擔責任。

Article 65. If a holder is unable to produce documentary evidence of refusal, reasons for the dishonouring of the bill or fails to provide other legal evidence within the stipulated period, he/she shall lose his/her right of recourse against prior parties. However, the acceptor or the drawee shall remain liable to the holder.

第六十六條   持票人應當自收到被拒絕承兌或者被拒絕付款的有關證明之日起三日內,將被拒絕事由書面通知其前手;其前手應當自收到通知之日起三日內書面通知其再前手。持票人也可以同時向各匯票債務人發出書面通知。

Article 66. The holder shall, within three (3) days of receiving relevant documentation relating to refused acceptance or refused payment, notify prior parties of the refusal in writing. Such prior parties shall, within three (3) days of receiving notice, notify their prior parties in writing. The holder may also simultaneously issue written notice to all debtors of the bill.


The bearer may still exercise his right of recourse even if notification is not made within the time limit prescribed in the preceding paragraph. If loss results from a delay in the giving of notice to prior parties or to the drawer, liability to compensate for that loss shall be borne by the party that failed to give notice within the stipulated time limit. However, the amount to be compensated shall be limited to the bill of exchange amount.


If the notice has been sent out according to the legal address or the addresses agreed upon within the prescribed time limit, the notification is regarded as having been issued.

第六十七條   依照前條第一款所作的書面通知,應當記明匯票的主要記載事項,並說明該匯票已被退票。

Article 67 The written notice, made out according to the first paragraph of the preceding article, shall specify the main items written on the bill and shall clarify the fact that the said bill has been returned.

第六十八條   匯票的出票人、背書人、承兌人和保證人對持票人承擔連帶責任。

Article 68 The drawer, endorser, acceptor and guarantor of a bill of exchange are jointly and severally liable to the bearer.


A holder may exercise the right of recourse against one person or several persons or all the draft debtors in disregard of the sequential order of the debtors.


After a holder has exercised the right of recourse against one person or several persons liable for the bill of exchange, the holder may still exercise the right of recourse against other debtors of the bill. When the person against whom the right of recourse is exercised has settled the debt, he shall enjoy the same rights as the holder.

第六十九條   持票人為出票人的,對其前手無追索權。持票人為背書人的,對其後手無追索權。

Article 69 In cases when the bearer is the issuer, he shall have no right of recourse against the bearer's prior parties. In the case in which the holder is the endorser, the holder has no right of recourse against subsequent parties.

第七十條   持票人行使追索權,可以請求被追索人支付下列金額和費用:

Article 70 When exercising the right of recourse, bearers may request that the person subject to recourse pay the following amounts:


1. The amount of the dishonored draft;


(II) Interest on this sum at the rate stipulated by the People's Bank of China from the date of maturity of the bill or the date upon which it was presented for payment to the date of payment;


(III) The expenses for the relevant proof of non-payment or non-acceptance and the expenses incurred by issuing notices.


When the person against whom the right of recourse is exercised has settled the debt, the holder shall deliver the bill of exchange together with the relevant evidence of dishonor and issue a receipt of interest and expenses paid.

第七十一條   被追索人依照前條規定清償後,可以向其他匯票債務人行使再追索權,請求其他匯票債務人支付下列金額和費用:

Article 71 When the person against whom the right of recourse is exercised has settled the debt in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article, he may exercise the right of re-recourse against the other debtors and recover the following expenses;


1. The total amount which has been paid off;


2. Interest on the said sum at the rate prescribed by the People's Bank of China from the day when the payment was made to the day of reimbursement;


(III) The expenses incurred by issuing notices.


When the person exercising the right of re- recourse is reimbursed, he shall hand over the bill and the relevant proof of non-payment or non-acceptance as well as a receipt detailing the expenses and interest received.

第七十二條   被追索人依照前二條規定清償債務後,其責任解除。

Article 72 When a person against whom the right of recourse is being exercised has settled the debt according to the stipulations of the two preceding articles, he shall be discharged from any liabilities.

第三章 本票

Chapter 3 Promissory Notes

第七十三條   本票是出票人簽發的,承諾自己在見票時無條件支付確定的金額給收款人或者持票人的票據。

Article 73 A promissory note is an instrument signed and issued by the issuer promising to unconditionally pay the payee or bearer a set sum of money when the note is presented.


A promissory note as used in this Law means a banker's note.

第七十四條   本票的出票人必須具有支付本票金額的可靠資金來源,並保證支付。

Article 74 The drawer of a promissory note shall have a reliable source of funds for paying the amount of the promissory note and ensure payment.

第七十五條   本票必須記載下列事項:

Article 75 A note must specify the following items:


1. The word "promissory note";


(II) A promise of unconditional payment;


(III) A certain sum;


(IV) The name of the payee;


(V) The date of issue;


(VI) The signature of the drawer.


A promissory note is invalid if one of the above items is missing.

第七十六條   本票上記載付款地、出票地等事項的,應當清楚、明確。

Article 76 The place of payment and place of issue, if specified on the note, shall be legible and unambiguous.


If the instrument does not bear the place of payment, the business site of the maker shall be taken as the place of payment.


The place of issue, if not specified on the note, shall be the business premises of the issuer.

第七十七條   本票的出票人在持票人提示見票時,必須承擔付款的責任。

Article 77 The issuer of a note must bear liability for payment when the bearer presents the note.

第七十八條   本票自出票日起,付款期限最長不得超過二個月。

Article 78 The time limit for the payment of a note shall not exceed two months from the date of issue.

第七十九條   本票的持票人未按照規定期限提示見票的,喪失對出票人以外的前手的追索權。

Article 79 In cases when the bearer of a note fails to present the note for payment within the prescribed period, he shall lose the right of recourse against prior parties other than the issuer.

第八十條   本票的背書、保證、付款行為和追索權的行使,除本章規定外,適用本法第二章有關匯票的規定。

Article 80 In addition to the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of Chapter II of this Law pertaining to bills apply to the endorsement, guaranty and payment of notes and the exercise of the right of recourse.


In addition to the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of Article 24 of this Law pertaining to bills apply to the act of issuing promissory notes.

第四章 支票

Chapter 4 Cheques

第八十一條   支票是出票人簽發的,委托辦理支票存款業務的銀行或者其他金融機構在見票時無條件支付確定的金額給收款人或者持票人的票據。

Article 81 A check is an instrument issued by a drawer, at the sight of which the check deposit bank or other financial institutions unconditionally pay the fixed amount to the payee or holder.

第八十二條   開立支票存款賬戶,申請人必須使用其本名,並提交證明其身份的合法證件。

Article 82 When opening a cheque deposit account, the applicant must use his real name and must submit legitimate certification to prove his identity.


When opening an account in which cheques can be deposited with a bank and asking for a cheque book, the applicant must enjoy financial credibility and must deposit a certain amount of funds therein.


When opening a cheque deposit account, the applicant shall leave a sample signature and seal of his/her own name in advance.

第八十三條   支票可以支取現金,也可以轉賬,用於轉賬時,應當在支票正面注明。

Article 83 A check can be cashed or transferred into other accounts. For account transfer, a clear indication of the purpose shall be written on the face of the check.


When checks are used especially for cashing, dedicated cash checks can be issued. A cash check can only be cashed.


When part of the cheque is to be specifically used for account transfer, a cheque may be drawn up separately for this purpose and the account transfer cheque shall only be used for account transfer and shall not be used for the payment of cash.

第八十四條   支票必須記載下列事項:

Article 84 A cheque must specify the following items;


1. The word "cheque";


(II) Authorization of unconditional payment;


(III) A certain sum;


(IV) The name of the payer;


(V) The date of issue;


(VI) The signature of the drawer.


A check shall be invalid if one of the above items is missing.

第八十五條   支票上的金額可以由出票人授權補記,未補記前的支票,不得使用。

Article 85 The sum on the cheque may be added to with the authorization of the issuer if the said sum is incomplete. Cheques which are incomplete cannot be used.

第八十六條   支票上未記載收款人名稱的,經出票人授權,可以補記。

Article 86 The name of the payee, if not specified on the cheque, may be completed with the authorization of the issuer.


If a check does not bear the place of payment, the business site of the payer shall be taken as the place of payment.


The place of issue, if not specified on the cheque, shall be the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawer.


The drawer may record himself on the cheque as the payee.

第八十七條   支票的出票人所簽發的支票金額不得超過其付款時在付款人處實有的存款金額。

Article 87 The amount of the check issued by the drawer shall not exceed the actual amount deposited by the payer at the time of payment.


If the amount of the check issued by the drawer has exceeded the actual amount deposited by the payer at the time of payment, the check is a rubber check. It is forbidden to issue a bad check.

第八十八條   支票的出票人不得簽發與其預留本名的簽名式樣或者印鑒不符的支票。

Article 88 The issuer shall not issue cheques upon which his signature is not the same as his specimen signature or specimen seal.

第八十九條   出票人必須按照簽發的支票金額承擔保證向該持票人付款的責任。

Article 89 A drawer shall undertake the liabilities to ensure the payment to the holder according to the amount of the check issued.


Where the money deposited by the drawer in the payer checking account is sufficient to pay the full amount of the check, the payer shall pay the full amount on the day it is presented.

第九十條   支票限於見票即付,不得另行記載付款日期。另行記載付款日期的,該記載無效。

Article 90 A cheque is payable on sight and the date of payment shall not be specified. A specification of the date of payment shall be invalid.

第九十一條   支票的持票人應當自出票日起十日內提示付款;異地使用的支票,其提示付款的期限由中國人民銀行另行規定。

Article 91 The bearer of a cheque shall present the cheque for payment within ten days of the date of issue. The time limit within which cheques may be presented for payment in places other than the place of issue shall be prescribed by the People's Bank of China.


In the case where the time limit on the presentation for payment has expired, the payer may refuse to pay. In the case where the payer refuses to pay, the drawer shall still bear liability under the negotiable instrument to the bearer.

第九十二條   付款人依法支付支票金額的,對出票人不再承擔受委托付款的責任,對持票人不再承擔付款的責任。但是,付款人以惡意或者有重大過失付款的除外。

Article 92 The payer who has paid the sum of the cheque according to the law shall no longer bear liability to the issuer as the authorized payer, nor liability for payment to the bearer. However, the exception is when the drawee pays in bad faith or with gross negligence.

第九十三條   支票的背書、付款行為和追索權的行使,除本章規定外,適用本法第二章有關匯票的規定。

Article 93 In addition to the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of Chapter II of this Law pertaining to bills apply to the endorsement and payment of cheques and the exercise of the right of recourse.


In addition to the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of Articles 24 and 26 of this Law shall apply to the issue of cheques.

第五章 涉外票據的法律適用

Chapter 5 Application of Law on Foreign-related Negotiable Instruments

第九十四條   涉外票據的法律適用,依照本章的規定確定。

Article 94 The applicable laws pertaining negotiable instruments in cases involving foreign elements shall be determined according to the provisions of this chapter.


The term "foreign-related negotiable instruments" used in the preceding paragraph refers to instruments whose draft, endorsement, acceptance, guaranty or payment occur within and outside the territory of the People's Republic of China.

第九十五條   中華人民共和國締結或者參加的國際條約同本法有不同規定的,適用國際條約的規定。但是,中華人民共和國聲明保留的條款除外。

Article 95 If an international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China contains provisions that differ from provisions of this Law, the provisions of the international treaty shall apply. However, there shall be an exception where the People's Republic of China has declared its reservations.


International practice may be applied to matters for which neither this Law nor any international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China has any provisions.

第九十六條   票據債務人的民事行為能力,適用其本國法律。

Article 96 As regards the capacity for civil conduct of a debtor of an instrument, the law of his own country shall be applicable.


If a person liable for a negotiable instrument is regarded as a person without civil capacity or with limited civil capacity according to the law of his own country, but as a person with full civil capacity according to the law of the place of his conduct, the law of the place of his conduct shall apply.

第九十七條   匯票、本票出票時的記載事項,適用出票地法律。

Article 97 Items required to be specified in the issue of bills or notes shall be bound by the law of the place of issue.


For the recordings on the checks, the law of the place of issue shall apply. However, the law of the place of payment may also apply if the parties concerned so agree.

第九十八條   票據的背書、承兌、付款和保證行為,適用行為地法律。

Article 98 The endorsement, acceptance, payment and guaranty of an instrument shall be bound by the law of the place where the said action is being carried out.

第九十九條   票據追索權的行使期限,適用出票地法律。

Article 99 The time limits within which the rights of recourse can be exercised on an instrument shall be bound by the law of the place of issue of that instrument.

第一百條   票據的提示期限、有關拒絕證明的方式、出具拒絕證明的期限,適用付款地法律。

Article 100 The time limits within which the instrument should be presented, the way in which proof of refusal to accept or to pay is drawn up and the time limits for drawing up the proof of refusal to accept or to pay shall be bound by the law of the place of payment.

第一百零一條   票據喪失時,失票人請求保全票據權利的程序,適用付款地法律。

Article 101 In cases when an instrument is lost, the procedure by which the person who has lost the instrument applies to preserve their rights to the instrument shall be bound by the law of the place of payment.

第六章 法律責任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities

第一百零二條   有下列票據欺詐行為之一的,依法追究刑事責任:

Article 102 Criminal responsibility shall be investigated and affixed on one of the following acts of deception:


1. The forgery or alteration of an instrument;


(II) The intentional use of a forged or altered instrument;


(III) The signing and issue of a cheque which will bounce or the intentional signing and issue of a cheque whereon the signature or seal is not the same as the specimen signature or seal in order to obtain property by fraudulence;


(IV) The signing and issue of a bill or note where no reliable financial sources exist in order to obtain funds by fraudulence;


(V) The false specification of items on a bill or a note by the issuer at the time of issue in order to obtain property by fraudulence;


(VI) The fraudulent use of instruments belonging to other people or the intentional use of instruments which are overdue or have been cancelled in order to obtain property by fraudulence;


(VII) The malicious collusion of the payer and the issuer or the payer and the bearer to commit any of the preceding acts.

第一百零三條   有前條所列行為之一,情節輕微,不構成犯罪的,依照國家有關規定給予行政處罰。

Article 103 If the case involving one of the acts listed in the preceding article is not serious enough to constitute a crime, administrative punishments shall be meted out according to relevant state regulations.

第一百零四條   金融機構工作人員在票據業務中玩忽職守,對違反本法規定的票據予以承兌、付款或者保證的,給予處分;造成重大損失,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 104 Any staff member of a financial institution who neglects his duties and accepts, pays or guarantees an instrument which does not conform to the provisions of this Law, shall be punished; if this act causes substantial losses and constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated according to the law for criminal responsibility.


If losses are caused to the parties to the instrument as a result of the above-mentioned act committed by a staff member of a financial institution, the said institution and the person who is directly responsible shall be liable for the losses according to law.

第一百零五條   票據的付款人對見票即付或者到期的票據,故意壓票,拖延支付的,由金融行政管理部門處以罰款,對直接責任人員給予處分。

Article 105 If a payer intentionally delays paying an instrument which is payable on sight or an instrument which has reached maturity, the financial administration department shall fine the payer and punish any personnel directly responsible.


If losses are caused to the holder due to the intentionally delayed payment, the payer shall undertake the liabilities of compensation.

第一百零六條   依照本法規定承擔賠償責任以外的其他違反本法規定的行為,給他人造成損失的,應當依法承擔民事責任。

Article 106 Whoever commits other acts in violation of the provisions of this Law than those for which one shall be liable for compensation according to the provisions of this Law, and thus causes losses to other persons, shall bear civil liability in accordance with law.

第七章 附則

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第一百零七條   本法規定的各項期限的計算,適用民法通則關於計算期間的規定。

Article 107 The calculation of all time limits stipulated in this Law shall be governed by the provisions of the General Principles of Civil Law on the calculation of time limits.


For time limit calculated monthly, the calculation shall be made according to the corresponding date of the month due; in the absence of corresponding date, the last day of the month shall be taken as the due date.

第一百零八條   匯票、本票、支票的格式應當統一。

Article 108 The form taken by bills, notes and cheques shall be standardized.


Administrative measures for the form and printing of negotiable instruments and relevant documents shall be formulated by the People's Bank of China.

第一百零九條   票據管理的具體實施辦法,由中國人民銀行依照本法制定,報國務院批準後施行。

Article 109 The specific measures taken for implementing the administration of instruments shall be formulated by the People's Bank of China in accordance with this Law, which shall go into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.

第一百一十條   本法自199611日起施行。

Article 110. This Law shall take effect from 1 January 1996.


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