中華人民共和國合同法(1999)主席令第十五號(1999年3月15日第九屆全國人民代表大會第二次會議通過 1999年3月15日中華人民共和國主席令第15號公布 自1999年10月1日起施行)



Contract Law of the People's Republic of China


Presidential Decree No. 15

1999315日第九屆全國人民代表大會第二次會議通過 1999315日中華人民共和國主席令第15號公布 自1999101日起施行)

(Adopted at the Second Session of the Ninth National People 's Congress on March 15, 1999 and promulgated by the Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No.15 on March 15, 1999)



第一章 一般規定

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了保護合同當事人的合法權益,維護社會經濟秩序,促進社會主義現代化建設,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to contracts, safeguarding social and economic order and promoting socialist modernisation.

第二條   本法所稱合同是平等主體的自然人、法人、其他組織之間設立、變更、終止民事權利義務關系的協議。

Article 2 A contract in this Law refers to an agreement among natural persons, legal persons or other organizations as equal subjects for the establishment, modification of a relationship involving the civil rights and obligations of such entities.


Agreements concerning personal relationships such as marriage, adoption, guardianship, etc. shall be governed by the provisions in other laws.

第三條   合同當事人的法律地位平等,一方不得將自己的意志強加給另一方。

Article 3. The parties to a contract shall have equal status in law. Neither party may impose its will on the other party.

第四條   當事人依法享有自願訂立合同的權利,任何單位和個人不得非法幹預。

Article 4 Parties have the right to lawfully enter into a contract of their own free will in accordance with the law, and no entity or individual may illegally interfere therewith.

第五條   當事人應當遵循公平原則確定各方的權利和義務。

Article 5 The parties shall observe the principle of fairness in defining their respective rights and obligations.

第六條   當事人行使權利、履行義務應當遵循誠實信用原則。

Article 6 The parties shall observe the principle of good faith in exercising their rights and performing their obligations.

第七條   當事人訂立、履行合同,應當遵守法律、行政法規,尊重社會公德,不得擾亂社會經濟秩序,損害社會公共利益。

Article 7 In concluding and performing a contract, the parties shall comply with the laws and administrative regulations, respect social ethics, and shall not disturb the social and economic order or harm public interests.

第八條   依法成立的合同,對當事人具有法律約束力。當事人應當按照約定履行自己的義務,不得擅自變更或者解除合同。

Article 8 A contract entered into in accordance with the law is legally binding on the parties. The parties shall perform their respective obligations as agreed, and shall not unilaterally modify or rescind the contract.


A contract established in accordance with the law is protected by law.

第二章 合同的訂立

Chapter 2 Conclusion of Contracts

第九條   當事人訂立合同,應當具有相應的民事權利能力和民事行為能力。

Article 9 In entering into a contract, the parties shall have appropriate capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct.


A party may authorize an agent to enter into a contract.

第十條   當事人訂立合同,有書面形式、口頭形式和其他形式。

Article 10 The parties may conclude a contract in written, oral or other forms.


A contract shall be in written form if the laws or administrative regulations so provide. The contract shall be in written form if the parties so agree.

第十一條   書面形式是指合同書、信件和數據電文(包括電報、電傳、傳真、電子數據交換和電子郵件)等可以有形地表現所載內容的形式。

Article 11 "Written form" refers to a form such as a contract, letter or electronic data (including a telegram, telex, fax, electronic data interchange and e-mail) that can tangibly express the contents contained therein.

第十二條   合同的內容由當事人約定,一般包括以下條款:

Article 12 The contents of a contract shall be agreed upon by the parties, and shall contain the following clauses in general:


1. titles or names and domiciles of the parties;


2. subject matter;


3. quantity;


(IV) quality;


(V) price or remuneration;


(VI) time limit, place and method of performance;


(VII) liabilities for breach of contract;


(VIII) dispute resolution.


The parties may conclude a contract by reference to a model text for each type of contract.

第十三條   當事人訂立合同,采取要約、承諾方式。

Article 13 The parties shall conclude a contract in the form of an offer and an acceptance.

第十四條   要約是希望和他人訂立合同的意思表示,該意思表示應當符合下列規定:

Article 14 An offer is a manifestation of intent to conclude a contract with another person. The manifestation of intent shall comply with the following:


1. Specific contents;


(II) it indicates that the offeror will be bound by it upon its acceptance by the offeree.

第十五條   要約邀請是希望他人向自己發出要約的意思表示。寄送的價目表、拍賣公告、招標公告、招股說明書、商業廣告等為要約邀請。

Article 15 An invitation to offer is an expression of a wish that another person makes an offer to him. Mailed price lists, public announcements of auction and tender, prospectuses and commercial advertisements are invitations to offer.


Where the contents of a commercial advertisement comply with the terms of an offer, it shall be deemed as an offer.

第十六條   要約到達受要約人時生效。

Article 16 An offer becomes effective when it reaches the offeree.


If a contract is concluded through the use of a data message and the recipient appoints a specific system to receive the data message, the time when the data message enters the specific system shall be regarded as the time of arrival; if no specific system is specified, the time when the data message enters any system of the recipient for the first time shall be regarded as the time of arrival.

第十七條   要約可以撤回。撤回要約的通知應當在要約到達受要約人之前或者與要約同時到達受要約人。

Article 17 An offer may be withdrawn. The withdrawal notice shall reach the offeree before or at the same time when the offer reaches the offeree.

第十八條   要約可以撤銷。撤銷要約的通知應當在受要約人發出承諾通知之前到達受要約人。

Article 18 An offer may be revoked. The revocation notice shall reach the offeree before it has dispatched a notice of acceptance.

第十九條   有下列情形之一的,要約不得撤銷:

Article 19 An offer may not be revoked if:


1. the offeror specifies an acceptance period or otherwise expressly indicates that the offer is irrevocable; or


2. the offeree has reasons to believe that the offer is irrevocable and has made preparation for performing the contract.

第二十條   有下列情形之一的,要約失效:

Article 20 An offer shall be null and void under any of the following circumstances:


1. a notice of rejection reaches the offeror;


2. the offeror revokes the offer in accordance with the law;


(III) the offeree fails to make an acceptance within the time limit for acceptance;


4. the offeree substantially alters the contents of the offer.

第二十一條   承諾是受要約人同意要約的意思表示。

Article 21 An acceptance is a manifestation of intent of an offeree to assent to an offer.

第二十二條   承諾應當以通知的方式作出,但根據交易習慣或者要約表明可以通過行為作出承諾的除外。

Article 22 An acceptance shall be made in the form of a notice, except where, in accordance with the trade practices or as indicated in the offer, an acceptance may be made by conduct.

第二十三條   承諾應當在要約確定的期限內到達要約人。

Article 23 An acceptance shall reach the offeror within the time limit prescribed in the offer.


Where no time limit is fixed in the offer, an acceptance shall reach the offeror in accordance with the following provisions:


1. if the offer is made orally, the acceptance shall be made immediately unless otherwise agreed by the parties;


(II) if the offer is made in a form other than verbal communication, the acceptance shall reach the offeror within a reasonable period of time.

第二十四條   要約以信件或者電報作出的,承諾期限自信件載明的日期或者電報交發之日開始計算。信件未載明日期的,自投寄該信件的郵戳日期開始計算。要約以電話、傳真等快速通訊方式作出的,承諾期限自要約到達受要約人時開始計算。

Article 24 Where an offer is made in a letter or a telegram, the time limit for acceptance commences from the date shown in the letter or from the date on which the telegram is handed in for dispatch. If no such date is shown in the letter, the period shall start from the date shown on the postmark for posting. Where an offer is made by means of instantaneous communication, such as by telephone or facsimile, etc., the time limit for acceptance commences from the time the offer reaches the offeree.

第二十五條   承諾生效時合同成立。

Article 25 A contract is established when the acceptance becomes effective.

第二十六條   承諾通知到達要約人時生效。承諾不需要通知的,根據交易習慣或者要約的要求作出承諾的行為時生效。

Article 26 An acceptance becomes effective when its notice reaches the offeror. If an acceptance does not require notification, it becomes effective when an act of acceptance is performed in accordance with trade practices or as required in the offer.


Where a contract is concluded through the use of electronic documents, the time at which an acceptance arrives shall be governed by the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 16 of this Law.

第二十七條   承諾可以撤回。撤回承諾的通知應當在承諾通知到達要約人之前或者與承諾通知同時到達要約人。

Article 27 An acceptance may be withdrawn. The notice of withdrawal shall reach the offeror before or at the same time when the notice of acceptance reaches the offeror.

第二十八條   受要約人超過承諾期限發出承諾的,除要約人及時通知受要約人該承諾有效的以外,為新要約。

Article 28 Where an offeree makes an acceptance beyond the time limit for acceptance, the acceptance shall constitute a new offer unless the offeror informs the offeree that the said acceptance is effective.

第二十九條   受要約人在承諾期限內發出承諾,按照通常情形能夠及時到達要約人,但因其他原因承諾到達要約人時超過承諾期限的,除要約人及時通知受要約人因承諾超過期限不接受該承諾的以外,該承諾有效。

Article 29 If the offeree dispatched the acceptance within the time limit specified for acceptance, and under normal circumstances the acceptance would reach the offeror in due time, but for other reasons the acceptance reaches the offeror after the expiry of the time limit for acceptance, such acceptance shall be effective, unless the offeror informs the offeree in a timely manner that it does not accept the acceptance due to the expiry of the time limit for acceptance.

第三十條   承諾的內容應當與要約的內容一致。受要約人對要約的內容作出實質性變更的,為新要約。有關合同標的、數量、質量、價款或者報酬、履行期限、履行地點和方式、違約責任和解決爭議方法等的變更,是對要約內容的實質性變更。

Article 30 The contents of an acceptance shall be consistent with those of the offer. Where the offeree substantially alters the contents of the offer, this shall be deemed to be a new offer. A modification relating to the subject matter, quantity, quality, price or remuneration, time or place or method of performance, liability for breach of contract or dispute resolution method, etc. constitutes a material modification of an offer.

第三十一條   承諾對要約的內容作出非實質性變更的,除要約人及時表示反對或者要約表明承諾不得對要約的內容作出任何變更的以外,該承諾有效,合同的內容以承諾的內容為準。

Article 31. Where the acceptance does not materially alter the contents of the offer, it shall be effective, and the contents of the contract shall be subject to those of the acceptance, except where the offeror objects promptly or the offer indicates that the acceptance does not permit any substantial alteration of the contents of the offer.

第三十二條   當事人采用合同書形式訂立合同的,自雙方當事人簽字或者蓋章時合同成立。

Article 32 Where the parties conclude a contract in written form, the contract is established when it is signed or sealed by the parties.

第三十三條   當事人采用信件、數據電文等形式訂立合同的,可以在合同成立之前要求簽訂確認書。簽訂確認書時合同成立。

Article 33. Where a contract is concluded by correspondence or electronic documents, either party may, before the contract is concluded, request that a letter of confirmation be signed. This Contract is formed upon the signing of the Confirmation Letter.

第三十四條   承諾生效的地點為合同成立的地點。

Article 34 An acceptance shall take effect at the place of the formation of the contract.


Where a contract is concluded through the use of electronic documents, the main place of business of the recipient of the said documents shall be deemed to be the place at which the contract is concluded; where the recipient does not have a main place of business, the recipient's habitual residence shall be deemed to be the place at which the contract is concluded. Where the parties agree otherwise, their agreement shall be applied.

第三十五條   當事人采用合同書形式訂立合同的,雙方當事人簽字或者蓋章的地點為合同成立的地點。

Article 35 Where the parties conclude a contract in written form, the place where both parties sign or affix their seals on the contract shall be the place of establishment.

第三十六條   法律、行政法規規定或者當事人約定采用書面形式訂立合同,當事人未采用書面形式但一方已經履行主要義務,對方接受的,該合同成立。

Article 36 Where a contract is to be concluded in written form as provided for by laws and administrative regulations or as agreed by the parties, and the parties fail to conclude the contract in written form, but one party has performed the principal obligation and the other party has accepted it, the contract is established.

第三十七條   采用合同書形式訂立合同,在簽字或者蓋章之前,當事人一方已經履行主要義務,對方接受的,該合同成立。

Article 37 A contract concluded in a written contractual agreement shall be deemed as established if, before the signing or sealing of the contract, one party has performed its principal obligations and the other party has accepted the performance.

第三十八條   國家根據需要下達指令性任務或者國家訂貨任務的,有關法人、其他組織之間應當依照有關法律、行政法規規定的權利和義務訂立合同。

Article 38 Where the State, in light of its needs, issues a mandatory assignment or a state procurement order, the relevant legal persons and other organizations shall conclude contracts between them in accordance with the rights and obligations as provided for in the relevant laws and administrative regulations.

第三十九條   采用格式條款訂立合同的,提供格式條款的一方應當遵循公平原則確定當事人之間的權利和義務,並采取合理的方式提請對方注意免除或者限制其責任的條款,按照對方的要求,對該條款予以說明。

Article 39 Where standard terms are adopted in a contract, the party supplying the standard terms shall observe the principle of fairness in defining the rights and obligations of the parties, draw the attention of the other party in a reasonable manner to the terms that exclude or restrict the other party's liabilities, and explain the standard terms at the request of the other party.


Standard terms are clauses which are prepared in advance for repeated use by a party and which are not negotiated with the other party at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

第四十條   格式條款具有本法第五十二條和第五十三條規定情形的,或者提供格式條款一方免除其責任、加重對方責任、排除對方主要權利的,該條款無效。

Article 40. Where a standard clause falls within the circumstances stipulated in Articles 52 or 53 of this Law, or where the party which supplied the standard clause exempts itself from its liabilities, increases the liabilities of the other party, or excludes the main rights of the other party, the clause shall be invalid.

第四十一條   對格式條款的理解發生爭議的,應當按照通常理解予以解釋。對格式條款有兩種以上解釋的,應當作出不利於提供格式條款一方的解釋。格式條款和非格式條款不一致的,應當采用非格式條款。

Article 41. If a dispute arises over the interpretation of a standard clause, it shall be interpreted in accordance with the usual understanding. Where there are two or more kinds of interpretation, an interpretation unfavorable to the party supplying the standard terms shall prevail. If a standard term is inconsistent with a non- standard term, the non- standard term shall prevail.

第四十二條   當事人在訂立合同過程中有下列情形之一,給對方造成損失的,應當承擔損害賠償責任:

Article 42 A party shall be liable for damages if it falls under any of the following circumstances when concluding a contract, thereby causing losses to the other party:


1. negotiating the contract in bad faith under the pretext of concluding a contract;

(二) 故意隱瞞與訂立合同有關的重要事實或者提供虛假情況;

2. deliberately concealing important facts relating to the conclusion of the contract or providing false information; or


(III) Having any other act violating the principle of good faith.

第四十三條   當事人在訂立合同過程中知悉的商業秘密,無論合同是否成立,不得泄露或者不正當地使用。泄露或者不正當地使用該商業秘密給對方造成損失的,應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 43. Commercial secrets of which the parties become aware in the course of concluding a contract must not be disclosed or inappropriately used, regardless of whether or not the contract is concluded. If the party discloses or improperly uses such trade secrets, thereby causing any losses to the other party, it shall be liable for damages.

第三章 合同的效力


第四十四條   依法成立的合同,自成立時生效。法律、行政法規規定應當辦理批準、登記等手續生效的,依照其規定。

Article 44 A contract established in accordance with the law shall become effective upon its establishment. Where laws and administrative regulations provide that ratification, registration and other procedures must be completed before the contract can go into effect, such provisions shall be followed.

第四十五條   當事人對合同的效力可以約定附條件。附生效條件的合同,自條件成就時生效。附解除條件的合同,自條件成就時失效。

Article 45 The parties may agree that the effectiveness of a contract be subject to certain conditions. A contract whose effectiveness is subject to a condition shall become effective upon the occurrence of the condition. A contract with conditions for its dissolution shall become null and void upon satisfaction of such conditions.


Where a party improperly prevents the satisfaction of a condition for its own interests, such condition shall be deemed to have been satisfied. Where a party improperly facilitates the satisfaction of a condition, such condition shall not be deemed to have been satisfied.

第四十六條   當事人對合同的效力可以約定附期限。附生效期限的合同,自期限屆至時生效。附終止期限的合同,自期限屆滿時失效。

Article 46. The parties may agree to attach a time limit to the validity of a contract. The contract with effective term shall come into force at expiration of the term. A contract with a termination period shall become null and void upon the expiration of such period.

第四十七條   限制民事行為能力人訂立的合同,經法定代理人追認後,該合同有效,但純獲利益的合同或者與其年齡、智力、精神健康狀況相適應而訂立的合同,不必經法定代理人追認。

Article 47 A contract concluded by a person with limited capacity for civil conduct shall be effective after being ratified retroactively by the person's statutory agent, provided that a purely beneficial contract or a contract concluded corresponding to the person's age, intelligence or mental health condition need not be ratified by the person's statutory agent.


The counterparty may urge the statutory agent to ratify the contract within one month. Where the statutory agent does not respond, subsequent confirmation shall be deemed to have been refused. A bona fide counterparty has the right to revoke the contract before the contract is ratified. The revocation shall be made by giving a notice.

第四十八條   行為人沒有代理權、超越代理權或者代理權終止後以被代理人名義訂立的合同,未經被代理人追認,對被代理人不發生效力,由行為人承擔責任。

Article 48 Without ratification by the principal, a contract concluded on his behalf by a person who has no power of agency, who oversteps the power of agency, or whose power of agency has expired shall have no binding force on the principal, and the person shall be held liable therefor.


The other party may urge the principal to ratify it within one month. Where the principal does not respond, subsequent confirmation shall be deemed to have been refused. A bona fide counterparty has the right to revoke the contract before the contract is ratified. The revocation shall be made by giving a notice.

第四十九條   行為人沒有代理權、超越代理權或者代理權終止後以被代理人名義訂立合同,相對人有理由相信行為人有代理權的,該代理行為有效。

Article 49 Where an actor has no power of agency, oversteps the power of agency, or the power of agency has expired and thus concludes a contract in the principal's name, and the other party has reasons to believe that the actor has the power of agency, the said act of agency shall be effective.

第五十條   法人或者其他組織的法定代表人、負責人超越權限訂立的合同,除相對人知道或者應當知道其超越權限的以外,該代表行為有效。

Article 50 Where the legal representative or responsible person of a legal person or other organization oversteps the power thereof and concludes a contract, the representative act shall be effective except that the counterpart knows or ought to know that he oversteps the power thereof.

第五十一條   無處分權的人處分他人財產,經權利人追認或者無處分權的人訂立合同後取得處分權的,該合同有效。

Article 51 A contract under which a person without the right of disposition disposes of the property of another person shall be valid upon the ratification by the person with such right or upon the acquisition of such right by the person without such right after the conclusion of the contract.

第五十二條   有下列情形之一的,合同無效:

Article 52 A contract shall be null and void under any of the following circumstances:


1. a contract is concluded by means of fraud or coercion by one party to the detriment of national interests;


2. malicious collusion is conducted to damage the interests of the State, a collective or a third party;


3. Illegal purposes are concealed under the guise of legitimate forms;


(IV) damaging the public interests;


(V) violating the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations.

第五十三條   合同中的下列免責條款無效:

Article 53 The following exclusion clauses in a contract shall be null and void:


1. those that cause personal injury to the other party;


(II) those involving property damage to the other party as a result of deliberate intent or gross negligence.

第五十四條   下列合同,當事人一方有權請求人民法院或者仲裁機構變更或者撤銷:

Article 54 A party shall have the right to request a people's court or an arbitration institution to modify or revoke the following contracts:


1. those concluded as a result of serious misunderstanding;


(II) those that were obviously unfair at the time of conclusion.


If a contract is concluded by one party against the other party's true intentions through the use of fraud, coercion or exploitation of the other party's unfavorable position, the injured party shall have the right to request a people's court or an arbitration institution to modify or revoke it.


Where a party requests for modification, the people's court or the arbitration institution may not cancel the contract.

第五十五條   有下列情形之一的,撤銷權消滅:

Article 55 The right of revocation shall lapse under any of the following circumstances:


1. the party with the right of revocation fails to exercise such a right within one year from the date when he knows or ought to know the cause for revocation; or


(II) the party with the right of rescission waives such a right by express statement or by its own conduct after knowing the causes of rescission.

第五十六條   無效的合同或者被撤銷的合同自始沒有法律約束力。合同部分無效,不影響其他部分效力的,其他部分仍然有效。

Article 56 A contract that is null and void or revoked shall have no legal binding force ab initio. If part of a contract is null and void without affecting the validity of the other parts, the other parts shall remain valid.

第五十七條   合同無效、被撤銷或者終止的,不影響合同中獨立存在的有關解決爭議方法的條款的效力。

Article 57 If a contract is null and void, revoked or terminated, it shall not affect the validity of the clauses on the methods of dispute settlement which exist independently in the contract.

第五十八條   合同無效或者被撤銷後,因該合同取得的財產,應當予以返還;不能返還或者沒有必要返還的,應當折價補償。有過錯的一方應當賠償對方因此所受到的損失,雙方都有過錯的,應當各自承擔相應的責任。

Article 58 The property acquired as a result of a contract shall be returned after the contract is confirmed to be null and void or has been revoked; where the property cannot be returned or the return is unnecessary, it shall be reimbursed at its estimated price. The erring party shall compensate the other party for the losses it suffered as a result of the act; if both sides are in error, they shall each bear their proper share of the responsibility.

第五十九條   當事人惡意串通,損害國家、集體或者第三人利益的,因此取得的財產收歸國家所有或者返還集體、第三人。

Article 59 If the parties have maliciously colluded to damage the interests of the State, a collective group or a third party, the property thus acquired shall be turned over to the State or returned to the collective group or the third party.

第四章 合同的履行

Chapter 4 Contract Performance

第六十條   當事人應當按照約定全面履行自己的義務。

Article 60 The parties shall fully perform their obligations as agreed.


The parties shall observe the principle of good faith and shall perform such obligations as notification, providing assistance and maintaining confidentiality according to the nature and purpose of the contract as well as trade practices.

第六十一條   合同生效後,當事人就質量、價款或者報酬、履行地點等內容沒有約定或者約定不明確的,可以協議補充;不能達成補充協議的,按照合同有關條款或者交易習慣確定。

Article 61 Where, after a contract becomes effective, there is no agreement in the contract between the parties on such matters as quality, price or remuneration, or place of performance, or such agreement is unclear, the parties may agree upon supplementary terms through consultation; if no agreement is reached, such terms shall be determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the contract or the transaction practice.

第六十二條   當事人就有關合同內容約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,適用下列規定:

Article 62 Where the relevant terms of a contract are unclear, and cannot be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the following provisions shall apply:


1. if quality requirements are unclear, state standards or industry standards shall apply; if there are no state standards or industry standards, general standards or specific standards in conformity with the purpose of the contract shall apply;


(II) if price or remuneration is not clear, performance shall be in accordance with the prevailing market price at the place of performance at the time the contract was concluded, and if the law requires the implementation of government fixed prices or government guidance prices, performance shall be in accordance with the regulations;


(III) where the place of performance is unclear, if the obligation is payment of money, performance shall be at the location of the party receiving the money; if the obligation is delivery of immovable property, performance shall be at the location of the immovable property; for any other subject matter, performance shall be at the location of the party fulfilling the obligations;


(IV) if the time of performance is unclear, the obligor may at any time fulfill, and the obligee may also demand at any time, performance, provided that a time limit for necessary preparation shall be given to the obligor;


(V) if the method of performance is not clear, performance shall be rendered in a manner which is conducive to realizing the purpose of the contract; and


(VI) if the party responsible for the expenses for performance is unclear, the expenses shall be borne by the party fulfilling the obligations.

第六十三條   執行政府定價或者政府指導價的,在合同約定的交付期限內政府價格調整時,按照交付時的價格計價。逾期交付標的物的,遇價格上漲時,按照原價格執行;價格下降時,按照新價格執行。逾期提取標的物或者逾期付款的,遇價格上漲時,按照新價格執行;價格下降時,按照原價格執行。

Article 63 Where the government-set price or government-guided price is implemented, if the government-set price is adjusted during the delivery period as agreed upon in the contract, the price shall be calculated pursuant to the price at the time of delivery. Where a party delays in delivering the subject matter, the original price shall be adopted if the price rises; and the new price shall be adopted if the price falls. Where a party delays in taking delivery of the subject matter or making payment, the new price shall be adopted if the price rises, and the original price shall be adopted if the price falls.

第六十四條   當事人約定由債務人向第三人履行債務的,債務人未向第三人履行債務或者履行債務不符合約定,應當向債權人承擔違約責任。

Article 64 Where the parties agree that the obligor performs obligations for a third party, but the obligor fails to perform the obligations for the third party or the performance does not comply with the terms of the contract, the obligor shall be liable to the obligee for breach of contract.

第六十五條   當事人約定由第三人向債權人履行債務的,第三人不履行債務或者履行債務不符合約定,債務人應當向債權人承擔違約責任。

Article 65 Where the parties agree that a third party performs obligations for the obligee, if the third party fails to perform the obligations or the performance does not comply with the terms of the contract, the obligor shall be liable to the obligee for breach of contract.

第六十六條   當事人互負債務,沒有先後履行順序的,應當同時履行。一方在對方履行之前有權拒絕其履行要求。一方在對方履行債務不符合約定時,有權拒絕其相應的履行要求。

Article 66 Where both parties have obligations towards each other and there is no order of priority in respect of the performance of the obligations, the parties shall perform the obligations simultaneously. One party has the right to refuse a request for performance before the other party performs. One party has the right to reject the other partys corresponding request for performance if the other partys performance does not comply with the terms of the contract.

第六十七條   當事人互負債務,有先後履行順序,先履行一方未履行的,後履行一方有權拒絕其履行要求。先履行一方履行債務不符合約定的,後履行一方有權拒絕其相應的履行要求。

Article 67 Where both parties have obligations towards each other and there is an order of priority in respect of the performance of the obligations, if the party which shall render its performance first has not rendered its performance, the party which shall render its performance later has the right to reject the other party's demand for performance. If the performance of the obligation of the party who is to perform first fails to conform to the agreement, the party who is to perform later has the right to reject the corresponding request for performance.

第六十八條   應當先履行債務的當事人,有確切證據證明對方有下列情形之一的,可以中止履行:

Article 68 The party which shall render its performance first may suspend its performance if it has conclusive evidence that the other party falls under any of the following circumstances:


1. its business is seriously deteriorating;


(II) Transferring its property or withdrawing its capital to evade its debts;


(III) the other party loses its business reputation; or


(IV) other circumstances where the other party loses or is likely to lose its ability to perform its obligations.


Where a party suspends performance without conclusive evidence, it shall be liable for breach of contract.

第六十九條   當事人依照本法第六十八條的規定中止履行的,應當及時通知對方。對方提供適當擔保時,應當恢複履行。中止履行後,對方在合理期限內未恢複履行能力並且未提供適當擔保的,中止履行的一方可以解除合同。

Article 69 Where a party suspends performance in accordance with Article 68 hereof, it shall timely notify the other party. Where the other party provides an appropriate guarantee, the other party shall resume performance. After the performance is suspended, if the other party fails to regain its ability to perform its obligations and fails to provide appropriate security within a reasonable period, the suspending party may terminate the contract.

第七十條   債權人分立、合並或者變更住所沒有通知債務人,致使履行債務發生困難的,債務人可以中止履行或者將標的物提存。

Article 70 Where the obligee fails to notify the obligor of its division, merger, or change of domicile, thereby making it difficult for the obligor to perform its obligations, the obligor may suspend its performance or have the subject matter in escrow.

第七十一條   債權人可以拒絕債務人提前履行債務,但提前履行不損害債權人利益的除外。

Article 71 The obligee may reject the obligor's advance performance of its obligations, except that the advance performance does not harm the obligee's interests.


Any additional expense incurred by the obligee due to the obligor's advance performance of its obligations shall be borne by the obligor.

第七十二條   債權人可以拒絕債務人部分履行債務,但部分履行不損害債權人利益的除外。

Article 72 The obligee may reject the obligor's partial performance, except that the partial performance of its obligations does not harm the obligee's interests.


Any additional expense incurred by the obligee from the obligor's partial performance shall be borne by the obligor.

第七十三條   因債務人怠於行使其到期債權,對債權人造成損害的,債權人可以向人民法院請求以自己的名義代位行使債務人的債權,但該債權專屬於債務人自身的除外。

Article 73 Where the obligor is remiss in exercising its due creditor's right, thereby harming the obligee's interests, the obligee may petition the People's Court for subrogation in its own name, except that the creditor's right exclusively belongs to the obligor.


The scope of subrogation shall be limited to the creditor's rights. The necessary expenses incurred by the obligee in exercising the subrogation shall be borne by the obligor.

第七十四條   因債務人放棄其到期債權或者無償轉讓財產,對債權人造成損害的,債權人可以請求人民法院撤銷債務人的行為。債務人以明顯不合理的低價轉讓財產,對債權人造成損害,並且受讓人知道該情形的,債權人也可以請求人民法院撤銷債務人的行為。

Article 74 Where the obligor waives its creditor's right against a third party that is due or assigns its property without reward, thereby harming the obligee's interests, the obligee may petition the People's Court for cancellation of the obligor's act. Where the obligor assigns its property at a low price which is manifestly unreasonable, thereby harming the obligee's interests, and the assignee is aware of the situation, the obligee may also petition the People's Court for cancellation of the obligor's act.


The extent to which the right to cancel can be exercised is limited to the rights of the obligee. The necessary expenses incurred by the obligee in exercising the right of revocation shall be borne by the obligor.

第七十五條   撤銷權自債權人知道或者應當知道撤銷事由之日起一年內行使。自債務人的行為發生之日起五年內沒有行使撤銷權的,該撤銷權消滅。

Article 75 The right of revocation shall be exercised within one year from the date the obligee knows or ought to know the cause for revocation. If the right of revocation is not exercised within five years from the date the act of the obligor occurs, the said right of revocation shall be extinguished.

第七十六條   合同生效後,當事人不得因姓名、名稱的變更或者法定代表人、負責人、承辦人的變動而不履行合同義務。

Article 76 Once a contract becomes effective, neither party may refuse to perform its obligations thereunder due to a change in its name, or its legal representative, the person in charge, or the person handling the contract.

第五章 合同的變更和轉讓

Chapter 5 Modification and Assignment of Contracts

第七十七條   當事人協商一致,可以變更合同。法律、行政法規規定變更合同應當辦理批準、登記等手續的,依照其規定。

Article 77 A contract may be modified if the parties reach a consensus through consultation. Where the laws and administrative regulations provide that ratification, registration and other procedures must be completed when a contract is altered, such provisions shall be followed.

第七十八條   當事人對合同變更的內容約定不明確的,推定為未變更。

Article 78 Where an agreement by the parties on the contents of a modification is ambiguous, the contract shall be presumed as not having been modified.

第七十九條   債權人可以將合同的權利全部或者部分轉讓給第三人,但有下列情形之一的除外:

Article 79 The obligee may assign, in whole or in part, its rights under a contract to a third party, except under the following circumstances:


1. such rights may not be assigned in light of the nature of the contract;


(II) such rights may not be assigned according to the agreement between the parties;


(III) such rights may not be assigned according to the provisions of the law.

第八十條   債權人轉讓權利的,應當通知債務人。未經通知,該轉讓對債務人不發生效力。

Article 80 Where the obligee assigns its rights, it shall notify the obligor. Such assignment will have no effect on the obligor without notice thereof.


The obligee's notice of assignment of rights shall not be revoked, except with the consent of the assignee.

第八十一條   債權人轉讓權利的,受讓人取得與債權有關的從權利,但該從權利專屬於債權人自身的除外。

Article 81 Where the obligee assigns its right, the assignee shall acquire the collateral rights related to the principal rights, except that the collateral rights exclusively belong to the obligee.

第八十二條   債務人接到債權轉讓通知後,債務人對讓與人的抗辯,可以向受讓人主張。

Article 82 Upon receipt of the notice of assignment of the claims, the obligor may assert against the assignee any defenses it has against the assignor.

第八十三條   債務人接到債權轉讓通知時,債務人對讓與人享有債權,並且債務人的債權先於轉讓的債權到期或者同時到期的,債務人可以向受讓人主張抵銷。

Article 83 Upon receipt by the obligor of the notice of assignment of rights, the obligor shall have vested rights against the assignor, and if the rights of the obligor vest prior to or at the same time as the assigned rights, the obligor may claim an offset from the assignee.

第八十四條   債務人將合同的義務全部或者部分轉移給第三人的,應當經債權人同意。

Article 84. Where the obligor assigns its contractual obligations in whole or in part to a third party, it must obtain the consent of the obligee.

第八十五條   債務人轉移義務的,新債務人可以主張原債務人對債權人的抗辯。

Article 85 If the obligor delegates its obligation, the new obligor may exercise any defense that the original obligor had against the obligee.

第八十六條   債務人轉移義務的,新債務人應當承擔與主債務有關的從債務,但該從債務專屬於原債務人自身的除外。

Article 86 Where the obligor delegates its obligation, the new obligor shall assume the incidental obligations related to the main obligations, except that the obligations exclusively belong to the original obligor.

第八十七條   法律、行政法規規定轉讓權利或者轉移義務應當辦理批準、登記等手續的,依照其規定。

Article 87 Where the laws or administrative regulations provide that the assignment of rights or transfer of obligations shall be subject to approval or registration procedures, such provisions shall apply.

第八十八條   當事人一方經對方同意,可以將自己在合同中的權利和義務一並轉讓給第三人。

Article 88 With the consent of the other party, one party may transfer its rights together with its obligations under contract to a third party.

第八十九條   權利和義務一並轉讓的,適用本法第七十九條、第八十一條至第八十三條、第八十五條至第八十七條的規定。

Article 89 Where the rights and obligations are transferred together, the provisions in Articles 79, Articles 81 to 83, and Articles 85 to 87 of the Law shall apply.

第九十條   當事人訂立合同後合並的,由合並後的法人或者其他組織行使合同權利,履行合同義務。當事人訂立合同後分立的,除債權人和債務人另有約定的以外,由分立的法人或者其他組織對合同的權利和義務享有連帶債權,承擔連帶債務。

Article 90 Where a party is merged after the contract has been concluded, the legal person or other organization established after the merger shall exercise the rights and obligations thereunder. Where a party is divided into smaller entities subsequent to conclusion of a contract, except where the obligee and the obligor agree otherwise, the legal persons or other organisations that result from the division shall jointly enjoy the rights and assume the obligations under the contract.

第六章 合同的權利義務終止

Chapter 6 Termination of Contractual Rights and Obligations

第九十一條   有下列情形之一的,合同的權利義務終止:

Article 91 The contractual rights and obligations shall be terminated under any of the following circumstances:


1. the debts have been discharged as agreed;


(II) Termination of the Contract;


3. the obligations are mutually offset;


(IV) the obligor has escrowed the subject matter pursuant to the law;


(V) the creditor waives the debt; or


(VI) the claims and debts are assumed by the same person; and


(VII) other termination circumstances provided by law or agreed upon by the parties concerned.

第九十二條   合同的權利義務終止後,當事人應當遵循誠實信用原則,根據交易習慣履行通知、協助、保密等義務。

Article 92 When the contractual rights and obligations are terminated, the parties shall, following the principle of good faith, perform such obligations as notification, providing assistance and maintaining confidentiality in accordance with trade practices.

第九十三條   當事人協商一致,可以解除合同。

Article 93 The parties may terminate a contract if they reach a consensus through consultation.


The parties may agree upon conditions under which either party may terminate the contract. Upon satisfaction of the conditions, the party who has the right to terminate may terminate the contract.

第九十四條   有下列情形之一的,當事人可以解除合同:

Article 94 The parties to a contract may terminate the contract under any of the following circumstances:


(1) The objective of the Contract cannot be achieved due to force majeure;


2. prior to the expiration of the period of performance, the other party expressly states, or indicates through its conduct, that it will not perform its main obligation;


3. any party to the contract delays performing its principal obligations and fails to perform the same within a reasonable period of time after being urged to do so;


(IV) the other party delays performance of its obligations, or breaches the contract in some other manner, rendering it impossible to achieve the purpose of the contract;


(V) Other circumstances stipulated by the law arise.

第九十五條   法律規定或者當事人約定解除權行使期限,期限屆滿當事人不行使的,該權利消滅。

Article 95 Where the law provides for or the parties agree upon a time limit for the exercise of the right to terminate the contract, and no party exercises it when the time limit expires, the said right shall be extinguished.


Where neither the law stipulates nor the parties make an agreement upon the time limit to exercise the right to terminate the contract, and no party exercise it within a reasonable time period after being urged, the said right shall be extinguished.

第九十六條   當事人一方依照本法第九十三條第二款、第九十四條的規定主張解除合同的,應當通知對方。合同自通知到達對方時解除。對方有異議的,可以請求人民法院或者仲裁機構確認解除合同的效力。

Article 96 A party demanding termination of a contract in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 93 and Article 94 of this Law shall notify the other party. The contract shall be terminated upon the receipt of the notice by the other party. If the other party objects to such rescission, it may petition the People's Court or an arbitration institution to determine the validity of the rescission of the contract.


Where the laws and administrative regulations provide that the rescission of a contract shall be subject to approval or registration procedures, such provisions shall govern.

第九十七條   合同解除後,尚未履行的,終止履行;已經履行的,根據履行情況和合同性質,當事人可以要求恢複原狀、采取其他補救措施,並有權要求賠償損失。

Article 97 After the termination of a contract, performance shall cease if the contract has not been performed; if the contract has been performed, a party may, in accordance with the circumstances of performance or the nature of the contract, demand the other party to restore such party to its original state or adopt other remedial measures, and such party shall have the right to demand compensation for any loss suffered.

第九十八條   合同的權利義務終止,不影響合同中結算和清理條款的效力。

Article 98 The termination of the rights and obligations under this Contract shall not affect the validity of the provisions concerning settlement and winding-up.

第九十九條   當事人互負到期債務,該債務的標的物種類、品質相同的,任何一方可以將自己的債務與對方的債務抵銷,但依照法律規定或者按照合同性質不得抵銷的除外。

Article 99 Where the parties are liable to one another for obligations that are due, and if the type and nature of the subject matter of such obligations are the same, any party may offset its own obligation against the obligation of the other party, except unless such offset is not allowed according to the laws and regulations or cannot be made given the nature of the contract.


A party which seeks to offset obligations must notify the other party. The notice shall become effective when it reaches the other party. The offset shall not be subject to any condition or time limit.

第一百條   當事人互負債務,標的物種類、品質不相同的,經雙方協商一致,也可以抵銷。

Article 100 Where the parties have obligations towards one another, and the type and nature of such obligations are different, the obligations may also be offset upon consensus between the parties after consultation.

第一百零一條   有下列情形之一,難以履行債務的,債務人可以將標的物提存:

Article 101 The obligor may place the subject matter in escrow if the obligations are difficult to be performed under any of the following circumstances:


1. the obligee refuses to accept the performance without justified reasons;


2. the whereabouts of the obligee are unknown;


3. the obligee is deceased and the successor has not been determined, or the obligee has lost its capacity for civil conduct and a guardian has not been determined;


(IV) Other circumstances stipulated by the law arise.


Where the subject matter is not fit for escrow, or the escrow expenses are too high, the obligor may auction or sell the subject matter according to law, and escrow the proceeds therefrom.

第一百零二條   標的物提存後,除債權人下落不明的以外,債務人應當及時通知債權人或者債權人的繼承人、監護人。

Article 102 Unless the whereabouts of the obligee are unknown, the obligor shall notify the obligee, or the successor or guardian of the obligor immediately after the subject matter has been placed in escrow.

第一百零三條   標的物提存後,毀損、滅失的風險由債權人承擔。提存期間,標的物的孳息歸債權人所有。提存費用由債權人負擔。

Article 103 Once the subject matter has been placed in escrow, the risk of damage to, destruction or loss of the subject matter shall be borne by the obligee. The obligee shall be entitled to any fruits of the subject matter during the escrow period. Escrow expenses shall be borne by the obligee.

第一百零四條   債權人可以隨時領取提存物,但債權人對債務人負有到期債務的,在債權人未履行債務或者提供擔保之前,提存部門根據債務人的要求應當拒絕其領取提存物。

Article 104 The obligee may claim the subject matter in escrow at any time, except that if the obligee has any due obligations toward the obligor, prior to the obligee's performance of its obligations or the obligee's provision of security for its performance, the escrow institution shall, at the request of the obligor, refuse the obligee's claim of the escrowed subject matter.


The right of the obligee to claim the subject matter in escrow shall be extinguished if it is not exercised within five years from the date the subject matter is placed in escrow, and the escrowed subject matter shall revert to the State after the deduction of the escrow expenses.

第一百零五條   債權人免除債務人部分或者全部債務的,合同的權利義務部分或者全部終止。

Article 105 Where an obligee releases the obligor of its own obligations, in whole or in part, the rights and obligations under a contract shall terminate in whole or in part.

第一百零六條   債權和債務同歸於一人的,合同的權利義務終止,但涉及第三人利益的除外。

Article 106 If the rights and obligations under a contract vest in one party, such rights and obligations thereunder shall terminate, unless they involve the interests of a third party.

第七章 違約責任

Chapter 7 Liabilities for Breach

第一百零七條   當事人一方不履行合同義務或者履行合同義務不符合約定的,應當承擔繼續履行、采取補救措施或者賠償損失等違約責任。

Article 107 Where a party fails to perform its obligations under a contract, or its performance fails to satisfy the terms of the contract, it shall bear the liabilities for breach of contract such as to continue to perform its obligations, to take remedial measures, or to compensate for losses.

第一百零八條   當事人一方明確表示或者以自己的行為表明不履行合同義務的,對方可以在履行期限屆滿之前要求其承擔違約責任。

Article 108 Where one party express explicitly or indicates by its conduct that it will not perform its obligations under a contract, the other party may demand it to bear the liability for the breach of contract before the expiry of the performance period.

第一百零九條   當事人一方未支付價款或者報酬的,對方可以要求其支付價款或者報酬。

Article 109 If a party fails to pay the price or remuneration, the other party may request it to make the payment.

第一百一十條   當事人一方不履行非金錢債務或者履行非金錢債務不符合約定的,對方可以要求履行,但有下列情形之一的除外:

Article 110 Where a party fails to perform non-monetary obligations or its performance of non-monetary obligations fails to satisfy the terms of the contract, the other party may request it to perform it except under any of the following circumstances:


1. it is unable to be performed in law or in fact;


2. the subject matter of the obligation is unfit for compulsory performance or the performance expenses are excessively high;


(III) the obligee does not require performance within a reasonable time.

第一百一十一條   質量不符合約定的,應當按照當事人的約定承擔違約責任。對違約責任沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,受損害方根據標的的性質以及損失的大小,可以合理選擇要求對方承擔修理、更換、重作、退貨、減少價款或者報酬等違約責任。

Article 111 Where the quality fails to satisfy the agreement, the breach of contract damages shall be borne in the manner as agreed upon by the parties. Where there is no agreement in the contract on the liability for breach of contract or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the aggrieved party may, in light of the nature of the subject matter and the seriousness of the loss, reasonably choose to request the other party to bear liabilities for breach of contract in such form as repair, replacement, reworking, return of the goods, and reduction in price or remuneration.

第一百一十二條   當事人一方不履行合同義務或者履行合同義務不符合約定的,在履行義務或者采取補救措施後,對方還有其他損失的,應當賠償損失。

Article 112 Where a party fails to perform its obligations under a contract or its performance fails to satisfy the terms of the contract, and after the party has performed its obligations or taken remedial measures, the other party still suffers other losses, the party shall compensate for such losses.

第一百一十三條   當事人一方不履行合同義務或者履行合同義務不符合約定,給對方造成損失的,損失賠償額應當相當於因違約所造成的損失,包括合同履行後可以獲得的利益,但不得超過違反合同一方訂立合同時預見到或者應當預見到的因違反合同可能造成的損失。

Article 113 Where one party to a contract fails to perform the contract obligations or its performance fails to satisfy the terms of the contract and cause losses to the other party, the amount of compensation for losses shall be equal to the losses caused by the breach of contract, including the interests receivable after the performance of the contract, provided not exceeding the probable losses caused by the breach of contract which has been foreseen or ought to be foreseen when the party in breach concludes the contract.


A business operator who practices fraud in providing goods or services to consumers shall be liable for compensation for damages in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests.

第一百一十四條   當事人可以約定一方違約時應當根據違約情況向對方支付一定數額的違約金,也可以約定因違約產生的損失賠償額的計算方法。

Article 114 The parties may agree that if one party breaches the contract, it shall pay a certain sum of liquidated damages to the other party in light of the circumstances of the breach, and may also agree on a method for the calculation of the amount of compensation for the damages incurred as a result of the breach.


If the agreed amount of liquidated damages is lower than the losses incurred, the party concerned may petition a people's court or an arbitration institution to increase the amount; if the agreed amount of liquidated damages is excessively higher than the losses incurred, the party concerned may petition a people's court or an arbitration institution to make an appropriate reduction.


Where the parties agree upon breach of contract damages in respect to the delay in performance, the breaching party shall perform the obligations after paying the breach of contract damages.

第一百一十五條   當事人可以依照《中華人民共和國擔保法》約定一方向對方給付定金作為債權的擔保。債務人履行債務後,定金應當抵作價款或者收回。給付定金的一方不履行約定的債務的,無權要求返還定金;收受定金的一方不履行約定的債務的,應當雙倍返還定金。

Article 115 The parties may agree that a party pay a deposit to the other party as a guaranty for the obligation in accordance with the Security Law of the People's Republic of China. After the obligor performs the obligation, the deposit shall be offset against the price or returned. Where the party which pays the deposit fails to perform its obligations under the contract, it has no right to demand the return of the deposit; where the party which receives the deposit fails to perform its obligations under the contract, it shall return twice the amount of the deposit to the other party.

第一百一十六條   當事人既約定違約金,又約定定金的,一方違約時,對方可以選擇適用違約金或者定金條款。

Article 116 Where both liquidated damages and a deposit have been stipulated by the parties to a contract, when one party breaches the contract, the other party may choose to apply the clause on liquidated damages or the deposit.

第一百一十七條   因不可抗力不能履行合同的,根據不可抗力的影響,部分或者全部免除責任,但法律另有規定的除外。當事人遲延履行後發生不可抗力的,不能免除責任。

Article 117 Would failure of performance of this contract for force majeure part or whole of duty can released therefrom in accordance to the effect thereon, but except of requirement another. The responsibility couldnt be released for force majeure after failure of duty performance.


For purposes of this Law, force majeure means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.

第一百一十八條   當事人一方因不可抗力不能履行合同的,應當及時通知對方,以減輕可能給對方造成的損失,並應當在合理期限內提供證明。

Article 118 Where a party is unable to perform a contract due to force majeure, it shall timely notify the other party so as to mitigate the losses possibly caused to the other party, and shall provide evidence within a reasonable time limit.

第一百一十九條   當事人一方違約後,對方應當采取適當措施防止損失的擴大;沒有采取適當措施致使損失擴大的,不得就擴大的損失要求賠償。

Article 119. After one of the parties has breached the contract, the other party shall take appropriate measures to prevent any increase in the losses sustained; where the other party fails to take appropriate measures, and this leads to an increase in the losses sustained, the other party may not demand compensation for the increased losses.


Any reasonable expense incurred by the other party in preventing additional losses shall be borne by the party in breach.

第一百二十條   當事人雙方都違反合同的,應當各自承擔相應的責任。

Article 120 If both parties breach a contract, each shall be commensurately liable for the breach of contract that is its responsibility.

第一百二十一條   當事人一方因第三人的原因造成違約的,應當向對方承擔違約責任。當事人一方和第三人之間的糾紛,依照法律規定或者按照約定解決。

Article 121 Where a party's breach is attributable to a third party, it shall be liable to the other party for breach of contract. Any dispute between the party and the third party shall be resolved in accordance with the law or the agreement.

第一百二十二條   因當事人一方的違約行為,侵害對方人身、財產權益的,受損害方有權選擇依照本法要求其承擔違約責任或者依照其他法律請求其承擔侵權責任。

Article 122 Where the breach of contract by one party infringes upon the other party's personal or property rights, the aggrieved party is entitled to choose to claim the assumption by the violating and infringing party of liabilities for breach of contract according to this Law, or to claim the assumption by the violating and infringing party of liabilities for infringement according to other laws.

第八章 其他規定

Chapter 8 Miscellaneous

第一百二十三條   其他法律對合同另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 123 Where other laws provide otherwise with respect to contracts, such provisions shall prevail.

第一百二十四條   本法分則或者其他法律沒有明文規定的合同,適用本法總則的規定,並可以參照本法分則或者其他法律最相類似的規定。

Article 124 Where a contract is not expressly provided for in the Specific Provisions hereof or other laws, the General Provisions hereof shall apply, and the closest corresponding provisions in the Specific Provisions hereof or in other laws may apply mutatis mutandis.

第一百二十五條   當事人對合同條款的理解有爭議的,應當按照合同所使用的詞句、合同的有關條款、合同的目的、交易習慣以及誠實信用原則,確定該條款的真實意思。

Article 125 If any disputes arise between the parties over the understanding of any clause of the contract, the true meaning thereof shall be determined according to the words and sentences used in the contract, the relevant clauses in the contract, the purpose of the contract, the transaction practices and the principle of good faith.


Where a contract is concluded in two or more languages and it is agreed that all versions are equally authentic, it shall be presumed that the words and sentences used in each version have the same meaning. In case of any discrepancy in the words or sentences used in different versions, they shall be interpreted in light of the purpose of the contract.

第一百二十六條   涉外合同的當事人可以選擇處理合同爭議所適用的法律,但法律另有規定的除外。涉外合同的當事人沒有選擇的,適用與合同有最密切聯系的國家的法律。

Article 126 The parties to a contract involving foreign interests may choose the law applicable to the settlement of their contractual disputes, except as otherwise provided by law. Where the parties to a contract with a foreign element fail to nominate the law of the country that has the closest connection with the contract.


The law of the People's Republic of China shall apply to contracts that are to be performed within the territory of the People's Republic of China, namely contracts for Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures and Chinese-foreign cooperative exploration and development of natural resources.

第一百二十七條   工商行政管理部門和其他有關行政主管部門在各自的職權範圍內,依照法律、行政法規的規定,對利用合同危害國家利益、社會公共利益的違法行為,負責監督處理;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 127 Within the scope of their respective duties, the administrative department of industry and commerce and other relevant departments shall, in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations, be responsible for monitoring and dealing with any illegal acts which, by taking advantage of contracts, harm the interests of the State or the interests of the public and society; where such an act constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the law.

第一百二十八條   當事人可以通過和解或者調解解決合同爭議。

Article 128 The parties may resolve contractual disputes through settlement or mediation.


If the parties are unwilling to participate in conciliation or mediation, or if the conciliation or mediation is unsuccessful, the parties may, in accordance with an arbitration agreement, apply to an arbitration body for arbitration. The parties to a contract involving foreign interests may, in accordance with their arbitration agreement, apply for arbitration to a Chinese arbitration institution or other arbitration institutions. In the absence of an arbitration agreement or the invalidity of the arbitration agreement, the parties may bring an action in a people's court. The parties shall perform any judgment, arbitration award or mediation agreement that is legally effective; in case of any refusal to perform the same, the other party may petition the people's court for enforcement.

第一百二十九條   因國際貨物買賣合同和技術進出口合同爭議提起訴訟或者申請仲裁的期限為四年,自當事人知道或者應當知道其權利受到侵害之日起計算。因其他合同爭議提起訴訟或者申請仲裁的期限,依照有關法律的規定。

Article 129 For a dispute arising from a contract for the international sale of goods or a technology import or export contract, the time limit for bringing a suit or applying for arbitration is four years, calculating from the date on which the party knows or ought to know the infringement on its rights. The time limit for bringing a suit or applying for arbitration regarding other contractual disputes shall be governed by the relevant laws.


Specific Provisions

第九章 買賣合同

Chapter 9 Sales Contracts

第一百三十條   買賣合同是出賣人轉移標的物的所有權於買受人,買受人支付價款的合同。

Article 130 A sales contract is a contract whereby the seller transfers the ownership of a subject matter to the buyer, and the buyer pays the price for it.

第一百三十一條   買賣合同的內容除依照本法第十二條的規定以外,還可以包括包裝方式、檢驗標準和方法、結算方式、合同使用的文字及其效力等條款。

Article 131 In addition to the terms set forth in Article 12 of this Law, a sales contract may also contain such clauses as package manner, inspection standards and method, method of settlement and clearance, language adopted in the contract and its validity.

第一百三十二條   出賣的標的物,應當屬於出賣人所有或者出賣人有權處分。法律、行政法規禁止或者限制轉讓的標的物,依照其規定。

Article 132 The subject matter to be sold shall be owned by the seller or of that the seller shall have the right to dispose. Where the transfer of a subject matter is prohibited or restricted by the laws and administrative regulations, such provisions shall apply.

第一百三十三條   標的物的所有權自標的物交付時起轉移,但法律另有規定或者當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 133 The ownership of a subject matter shall be transferred upon the delivery of the subject matter, except as otherwise provided by law or agreed by the parties.

第一百三十四條   當事人可以在買賣合同中約定買受人未履行支付價款或者其他義務的,標的物的所有權屬於出賣人。

Article 134 The parties to a sales contract may agree that the ownership shall belong to the seller if the buyer fails to pay the price or perform other obligations.

第一百三十五條   出賣人應當履行向買受人交付標的物或者交付提取標的物的單證,並轉移標的物所有權的義務。

Article 135 The seller shall perform the obligations of delivering to the buyer the subject matter or handing over the documents for the buyer to take possession of the subject matter and of transferring the ownership thereto.

第一百三十六條   出賣人應當按照約定或者交易習慣向買受人交付提取標的物單證以外的有關單證和資料。

Article 136 In addition to the document for taking possession, the seller shall deliver to the buyer the relevant documents and materials in accordance with the agreement or transaction practices.

第一百三十七條   出賣具有知識產權的計算機軟件等標的物的,除法律另有規定或者當事人另有約定的以外,該標的物的知識產權不屬於買受人。

Article 137 In a sale of any subject matter which contains intellectual property such as computer software, etc., the intellectual property in the subject matter does not belong to the buyer, except as otherwise provided by law or agreed upon by the parties.

第一百三十八條   出賣人應當按照約定的期限交付標的物。約定交付期間的,出賣人可以在該交付期間內的任何時間交付。

Article 138 The seller shall deliver the subject matter within the agreed time limit. Where a time period for delivery is agreed upon, the seller may deliver at any time within the said time period.

第一百三十九條   當事人沒有約定標的物的交付期限或者約定不明確的,適用本法第六十一條、第六十二條第四項的規定。

Article 139. Where the parties have not agreed, or have not come to a clear agreement, on a deadline for the delivery of the subject matter, the provisions of Article 61 and Article 62 (4) of this Law shall apply.

第一百四十條   標的物在訂立合同之前已為買受人占有的,合同生效的時間為交付時間。

Article 140 Where a subject matter has been possessed by the buyer prior to the conclusion of the contract, the delivery time shall be the time when the contract takes effect.

第一百四十一條   出賣人應當按照約定的地點交付標的物。

Article 141. The seller shall deliver the subject matter at the agreed location.


Where there is no agreement in the contract between the parties on the place to deliver the subject matter or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the following provisions shall apply:


1. in case the subject matter needs carriage, the seller shall deliver the subject matter to the first carrier for transportation to the buyer; and


(II) if the subject matter does not require carriage, and the seller and buyer know the place of the subject matter when concluding the contract, the seller shall deliver the subject matter at such place; if the place is unknown, the subject matter shall be delivered at the business place of the seller when concluding the contract.

第一百四十二條   標的物毀損、滅失的風險,在標的物交付之前由出賣人承擔,交付之後由買受人承擔,但法律另有規定或者當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 142 The risk of damage to or loss of a subject matter shall be borne by the seller prior to the delivery of the subject matter and by the buyer after delivery, except as otherwise stipulated by law or agreed upon by the parties.

第一百四十三條   因買受人的原因致使標的物不能按照約定的期限交付的,買受人應當自違反約定之日起承擔標的物毀損、滅失的風險。

Article 143 Where a subject matter cannot be delivered within the agreed time limit due to any reason attributable to the buyer, the buyer shall bear the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter as of the date of breach of the agreement.

第一百四十四條   出賣人出賣交由承運人運輸的在途標的物,除當事人另有約定的以外,毀損、滅失的風險自合同成立時起由買受人承擔。

Article 144 Where the seller sells a subject matter delivered to a carrier for carriage and is in transit, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the risk of damage to or missing of the subject matter shall be borne by the buyer as of the time of establishment of the contract.

第一百四十五條   當事人沒有約定交付地點或者約定不明確,依照本法第一百四十一條第二款第一項的規定標的物需要運輸的,出賣人將標的物交付給第一承運人後,標的物毀損、滅失的風險由買受人承擔。

Article 145 Where there is no agreement between the parties as to the place of delivery or such agreement is not clearly, and the subject matter needs carriage according to the provisions of Item 1, Paragraph 2 of Article 141 of this Law, the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter shall be borne by the buyer after the seller has delivered the subject matter to the first carrier.

第一百四十六條   出賣人按照約定或者依照本法第一百四十一條第二款第二項的規定將標的物置於交付地點,買受人違反約定沒有收取的,標的物毀損、滅失的風險自違反約定之日起由買受人承擔。

Article 146 Where the seller has placed the subject matter at the place of delivery in accordance with the agreement or in accordance with the provisions of Item 2 of Paragraph 2 of Article 141 of this Law, while the buyer fails to take delivery in breach of the agreement, the risk of damage to or missing of the subject matter shall be borne by the buyer as of the date of breach of the agreement.

第一百四十七條   出賣人按照約定未交付有關標的物的單證和資料的,不影響標的物毀損、滅失風險的轉移。

Article 147 The failure of the seller to deliver the documents and materials relating to the subject matter as agreed upon shall not affect the passing of the risk of damage to or missing of the subject matter.

第一百四十八條   因標的物質量不符合質量要求,致使不能實現合同目的的,買受人可以拒絕接受標的物或者解除合同。買受人拒絕接受標的物或者解除合同的,標的物毀損、滅失的風險由出賣人承擔。

Article 148 If the quality of the subject matter does not conform to the quality requirements, making it impossible to achieve the purpose of the contract, the buyer may refuse to accept the subject matter or may terminate the contract. Where the buyer refuses to accept the subject matter or rescinds the contract, the seller shall bear the risks of damage to or loss of the subject matter.

第一百四十九條   標的物毀損、滅失的風險由買受人承擔的,不影響因出賣人履行債務不符合約定,買受人要求其承擔違約責任的權利。

Article 149 Where the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter is borne by the buyer, the buyer's right to demand the seller to bear liability for breach of contract because the seller's performance of its obligations is not in conformity with the agreement shall not be affected.

第一百五十條   出賣人就交付的標的物,負有保證第三人不得向買受人主張任何權利的義務,但法律另有規定的除外。

Article 150 The seller shall have the obligation to warrant that no third party shall claim against the buyer any rights with respect to the delivered subject matter, except as otherwise provided by law.

第一百五十一條   買受人訂立合同時知道或者應當知道第三人對買賣的標的物享有權利的,出賣人不承擔本法第一百五十條規定的義務。

Article 151 Where the buyer knows or ought to know, at the time of conclusion of the contract, that a third party has rights on the subject matter to be sold, the seller shall not assume the obligation prescribed in Article 150 of this Law.

第一百五十二條   買 受人有確切證據證明第三人可能就標的物主張權利的,可以中止支付相應的價款,但出賣人提供適當擔保的除外。

Article 152 Where the buyer has conclusive evidence to prove that a third party may claim rights on the subject matter, it may suspend to pay the corresponding price, except where the seller provides a proper guarantee.

第一百五十三條   出賣人應當按照約定的質量要求交付標的物。出賣人提供有關標的物質量說明的,交付的標的物應當符合該說明的質量要求。

Article 153 The seller shall deliver the subject matter in compliance with the agreed quality requirements. Where the seller provides a description of the quality of the subject matter, the subject matter delivered shall comply with the quality requirements set forth therein.

第一百五十四條   當事人對標的物的質量要求沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,適用本法第六十二條第一項的規定。

Article 154 Where the quality requirements for the subject matter is not agreed between parties or such agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined according to the provisions of Article 61 of this Law, the provisions of Item 1 of Article 62 of this Law shall be applied.

第一百五十五條   出賣人交付的標的物不符合質量要求的,買受人可以依照本法第一百一十一條的規定要求承擔違約責任。

Article 155 If the subject matter delivered by the seller fails to comply with the quality requirements, the buyer may demand the seller to bear liability for breach of contract in accordance with Article 111 of this Law.

第一百五十六條   出賣人應當按照約定的包裝方式交付標的物。對包裝方式沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,應當按照通用的方式包裝,沒有通用方式的,應當采取足以保護標的物的包裝方式。

Article 156 The seller shall deliver the subject matter packed in the agreed manner. Where there is no agreement on packaging manner in the contract or the agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the subject matter shall be packed in a general manner, and if there is no general manner, a packaging manner sufficient to protect the subject matter shall be adopted.

第一百五十七條   買受人收到標的物時應當在約定的檢驗期間內檢驗。沒有約定檢驗期間的,應當及時檢驗。

Article 157 Upon receipt of the subject matter, the buyer shall inspect it within the agreed inspection period. Where there is no agreement on an inspection period, inspection shall be promptly carried out.

第一百五十八條   當事人約定檢驗期間的,買受人應當在檢驗期間內將標的物的數量或者質量不符合約定的情形通知出賣人。買受人怠於通知的,視為標的物的數量或者質量符合約定。

Article 158 Where the parties have agreed upon an inspection period, the buyer shall notify the seller of any non-compliance in quantity or quality of the subject matter within such inspection period. Where the buyer is negligent in giving notice, the quantity or quality of the subject matter shall be deemed to comply with the agreement.


Where no inspection period is agreed, the buyer shall notify the seller within a reasonable period, commencing on the date when the buyer discovered or should have discovered the quantity or quality non-compliance. Where the buyer fails to notify the seller within a reasonable period or fails to notify the seller within two years from the date of receipt of the subject matter, the quantity or quality of the subject matter shall be deemed to comply with the agreement, however where there is a quality guarantee period for the subject matter, the quality guarantee period shall apply, and the two-year rule shall not apply.


Where the seller knows or ought to know that the subject matter to be provided does not conform to the terms of the contract, the buyer is not subject to the time limits for notification prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs.

第一百五十九條   買受人應當按照約定的數額支付價款。對價款沒有約定或者約定不明確的,適用本法第六十一條、第六十二條第二項的規定。

Article 159 The buyer shall pay the price in the agreed amount. Where the price is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, the provisions of Article 61 and Item 2 of Article 62 shall be applied.

第一百六十條   買受人應當按照約定的地點支付價款。對支付地點沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,買受人應當在出賣人的營業地支付,但約定支付價款以交付標的物或者交付提取標的物單證為條件的,在交付標的物或者交付提取標的物單證的所在地支付。

Article 160 The buyer shall pay the price at the agreed place. Where there has been no agreement, or no clear agreement, on the place for payment, and the place for payment cannot be determined by reference to the provisions of Article 61 of this Law, the purchaser shall make payment at the seller's place of business, but if there is a condition of payment that the subject matter be delivered or that a document for the collection of the subject matter be delivered, payment shall be made at the place where the subject matter is delivered or a document for the collection of the subject matter is delivered.

第一百六十一條   買受人應當按照約定的時間支付價款。對支付時間沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,買受人應當在收到標的物或者提取標的物單證的同時支付。

Article 161 The buyer shall pay the price at the agreed time. Where the time for payment is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined in accordance with Article 61 of this Law, the buyer shall make payment at the same time it receives the subject matter or the document for taking delivery thereof.

第一百六十二條   出賣人多交標的物的,買受人可以接收或者拒絕接收多交的部分。買受人接收多交部分的,按照合同的價格支付價款;買受人拒絕接收多交部分的,應當及時通知出賣人。

Article 162 Where the seller delivers the subject matter in a quantity greater than that stipulated, the buyer may accept or reject the excess quantity. Where the buyer accepts the excess quantity, it shall pay the price based on the contract price; where the buyer refuses to accept the excess quantity, it shall promptly notify the seller.

第一百六十三條   標的物在交付之前產生的孳息,歸出賣人所有,交付之後產生的孳息,歸買受人所有。

Article 163 The fruits of the subject matter belong to the seller if accrued before delivery, and to the buyer if accrued after delivery.

第一百六十四條   因標的物的主物不符合約定而解除合同的,解除合同的效力及於從物。因標的物的從物不符合約定被解除的,解除的效力不及於主物。

Article 164 Where the contract is terminated due to non-compliance of any main component of the subject matter, the effect of termination extends to the ancillary components. Where the contract is terminated due to non-compliance of any ancillary component of the subject matter, the effect of termination does not extend to the main component.

第一百六十五條   標的物為數物,其中一物不符合約定的,買受人可以就該物解除,但該物與他物分離使標的物的價值顯受損害的,當事人可以就數物解除合同。

Article 165 Where the subject matter comprises of a number of components, one of which does not comply with the contract, the buyer may rescind the part of the contract in respect of such component, provided that if severance of such component with the other components will significantly diminish the value of the subject matter, a party may rescind the contract in respect of such number of components.

第一百六十六條   出賣人分批交付標的物的,出賣人對其中一批標的物不交付或者交付不符合約定,致使該批標的物不能實現合同目的的,買受人可以就該批標的物解除。

Article 166 Where the seller is to deliver the subject matter in installments, if the seller fails to deliver one installment of the subject matter or the delivery fails to satisfy the terms of the contract so that the said installment cannot realize the contract purpose, the buyer may terminate the portion of the contract in respect thereof.


Where the seller fails to deliver one batch of the subject matter or the delivery of such batch fails to satisfy the terms of the contract, causing the impossibility to realize the purpose of the contract in respect of the subsequent delivery of other batches of the subject matter, the buyer may rescind the part of the contract in respect of such batch and the subsequent batches of the subject matter. If the buyer dissolves with respect to one batch of the subject matter and such batch is interdependent with the other batches of the subject matter, it may dissolve with respect to the batches of the subject matter delivered and not delivered.

第一百六十七條   分期付款的買受人未支付到期價款的金額達到全部價款的五分之一的,出賣人可以要求買受人支付全部價款或者解除合同。

Article 167 Where the buyer making payment by installments fails to pay the price due and the amount unpaid accounts for one fifth of the total price, the seller may require payment of the total price from the buyer or terminate the contract.


Where the seller rescinds the contract, the seller may require the buyer to pay a user fee for the subject matter.

第一百六十八條   憑樣品買賣的當事人應當封存樣品,並可以對樣品質量予以說明。出賣人交付的標的物應當與樣品及其說明的質量相同。

Article 168 In a sale by sample, the parties shall place the sample under seal, and may specify the quality of the sample. The subject matter delivered by the seller shall comply with the sample and the specifications in terms of quality.

第一百六十九條   憑樣品買賣的買受人不知道樣品有隱蔽瑕疵的,即使交付的標的物與樣品相同,出賣人交付的標的物的質量仍然應當符合同種物的通常標準。

Article 169 In a sale by sample, if the buyer is not aware of a latent defect in the sample, the subject matter delivered by the seller shall nevertheless comply with the normal quality standard for a like item, even though the subject matter delivered complies with the sample.

第一百七十條   試用買賣的當事人可以約定標的物的試用期間。對試用期間沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,由出賣人確定。

Article 170 In a sale by trial, the parties may agree the trial period. If there is no agreement in the contract on such period or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, it shall be determined by the seller.

第一百七十一條   試用買賣的買受人在試用期內可以購買標的物,也可以拒絕購買。試用期間屆滿,買受人對是否購買標的物未作表示的,視為購買。

Article 171 In a sale by trial, the buyer may either purchase or reject the subject matter during the trial period. At the expiry of the trial period, the buyer is deemed to have purchased the subject matter if it fails to express its intention.

第一百七十二條   招標投標買賣的當事人的權利和義務以及招標投標程序等,依照有關法律、行政法規的規定。

Article 172 In a sale by tender, matters such as the rights and obligations of the parties and the tendering procedure, etc. are governed by the relevant laws and administrative regulations.

第一百七十三條   拍賣的當事人的權利和義務以及拍賣程序等,依照有關法律、行政法規的規定。

Article 173 The rights and obligations of the parties to an auction and the procedures therefor shall be governed by the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations.

第一百七十四條   法律對其他有償合同有規定的,依照其規定;沒有規定的,參照買賣合同的有關規定。

Article 174 If there are provisions in the law for other non-gratuitous contracts, such provisions shall apply; in the absence of such provisions, reference shall be made to the relevant provisions for sales contracts.

第一百七十五條   當事人約定易貨交易,轉移標的物的所有權的,參照買賣合同的有關規定。

Article 175 Where the parties agree on a barter transaction involving transfer of title to the subject matter, such transaction shall be governed by reference to the relevant provisions on sales contracts.

第十章 供用電、水、氣、熱力合同

Chapter 10 Contracts for Supply of Power, Water, Gas, Or Heat

第一百七十六條   供用電合同是供電人向用電人供電,用電人支付電費的合同。

Article 176 A power supply contract is a contract whereby the power supplier supplies power to the power customer, and the power consumer pay an electricity fee.

第一百七十七條   供用電合同的內容包括供電的方式、質量、時間,用電容量、地址、性質,計量方式,電價、電費的結算方式,供用電設施的維護責任等條款。

Article 177 The contents of a power supply contract include terms such as the method, quality, and time of power supply, and the capacity, location and nature of power use, and the metering method, electricity rate, the method of settlement of electricity fees, and the responsibility for maintenance of the power supply and use facilities, etc..

第一百七十八條   供用電合同的履行地點,按照當事人約定;當事人沒有約定或者約定不明確的,供電設施的產權分界處為履行地點。

Article 178 The place of performance of a power supply contract shall be the place agreed upon by the parties, and if there is no agreement or the agreement is not clear, the place of performance shall be the boundary where ownership of the power supply facilities is divided.

第一百七十九條   供電人應當按照國家規定的供電質量標準和約定安全供電。供電人未按照國家規定的供電質量標準和約定安全供電,造成用電人損失的,應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 179 The supplier of electricity shall safely supply electricity in accordance with the electricity supply quality standards of the State and the terms of the contract. Where the power supplier fails to supply power in a safe manner in accordance with the standards for power supply stipulated by the State and with the terms of the contract, thereby causing losses to the power customer, it shall be liable for damages.

第一百八十條   供電人因供電設施計劃檢修、臨時檢修、依法限電或者用電人違法用電等原因,需要中斷供電時,應當按照國家有關規定事先通知用電人。未事先通知用電人中斷供電,造成用電人損失的,應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 180 Where the power supplier needs to suspend the power supply due to reasons such as planned or provisional maintenance of the power supply facilities, legally restriction on power, or illegal use of power by the power customer, etc., it shall notify the power customer in advance in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. Where the supplier suspends the supply without notifying the consumer in advance, thereby causing losses to the consumer, the supplier shall be liable for compensation for damages.

第一百八十一條   因自然災害等原因斷電,供電人應當按照國家有關規定及時搶修。未及時搶修,造成用電人損失的,應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 181 Where the power supply is suspended due to natural disaster or other reasons, the power supplier shall make prompt repairs in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. Where the power supplier fails to make rush repairs in time, thereby causing losses to the power customer, it shall be liable for damages.

第一百八十二條   用電人應當按照國家有關規定和當事人的約定及時交付電費。用電人逾期不交付電費的,應當按照約定支付違約金。經催告用電人在合理期限內仍不交付電費和違約金的,供電人可以按照國家規定的程序中止供電。

Article 182 The power customer shall timely pay the electricity fees in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and with the terms of the contract. Where the power customer fails to pay the electricity fees within the time limit, it shall pay breach of contract damages in accordance with the contract. Where the supplier has called on the consumer to make a payment, but within a reasonable period of time the consumer still fails to do so, the supplier may suspend the supply of electricity in accordance with procedures stipulated by the State.

第一百八十三條   用電人應當按照國家有關規定和當事人的約定安全用電。用電人未按照國家有關規定和當事人的約定安全用電,造成供電人損失的,應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 183 The power customer shall use power in a safe manner in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and with the terms of the contract. Where the power customer fails to use power in a safe manner in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and with the terms of the contract, thereby causing losses to the power supplier, it shall be liable for damages.

第一百八十四條   供用水、供用氣、供用熱力合同,參照供用電合同的有關規定。

Article 184 A contract for the supply and consumption of water, gas or heat shall be governed by reference to the relevant provisions on power supply contracts.

第十一章 贈與合同

Chapter 11 Gift Contracts

第一百八十五條   贈與合同是贈與人將自己的財產無償給予受贈人,受贈人表示接受贈與的合同。

Article 185 A gift contract is a contract whereby the donor conveys his property to the donee gratuitously and the donee expresses his acceptance of the gift.

第一百八十六條   贈與人在贈與財產的權利轉移之前可以撤銷贈與。

Article 186 Prior to the transfer of rights to the gift property, the donor may revoke the gift.


The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to any gift contract the nature of which serves the public interests or fulfills a moral obligation, such as disaster relief, poverty relief, etc., or any gift contract which has been notarized.

第一百八十七條   贈與的財產依法需要辦理登記等手續的,應當辦理有關手續。

Article 187 Where conveyance of the gifted property is subject to such procedures as registration according to law, the relevant procedures shall be carried out.

第一百八十八條   具有救災、扶貧等社會公益、道德義務性質的贈與合同或者經過公證的贈與合同,贈與人不交付贈與的財產的,受贈人可以要求交付。

Article 188 In the case of a gift contract the nature of which serves the public interests or fulfills a moral obligation, such as disaster relief, poverty relief, etc., or a gift contract which has been notarized, if the donor fails to deliver the gift property, the donee may require delivery.

第一百八十九條   因贈與人故意或者重大過失致使贈與的財產毀損、滅失的,贈與人應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 189 Where the gifted property is damaged or lost due to any intentional misconduct or gross negligence of the donor, he shall be liable for damages.

第一百九十條   贈與可以附義務。

Article 190 The donation may be subject to obligations.


Where obligations are attached to the donation, the donee shall perform the obligations in accordance with the contract.

第一百九十一條   贈與的財產有瑕疵的,贈與人不承擔責任。附義務的贈與,贈與的財產有瑕疵的,贈與人在附義務的限度內承擔與出賣人相同的責任。

Article 191 The donor is not liable for any defect in the gifted property. In the case of a donation subject to obligations, if the donated property has defects, the donator shall bear the same liability as a seller to the extent of the obligations.


Where the donor deliberately fails to inform the donee of the defects or warrants that there are no defects, thereby causing losses to the donee, he shall be liable for damages.

第一百九十二條   受贈人有下列情形之一的,贈與人可以撤銷贈與:

Article 192 Where the donee falls under any of the following circumstances, the donor may revoke the gift:


1. seriously harming the donator or close relatives thereof;


(II) refusing to perform a duty of maintenance imposed on the donor;


(III) failing to perform the obligations under the gift contract.


The donor shall exercise its revocation right within one year after he knows, or ought to know, the cause for revocation.

第一百九十三條   因受贈人的違法行為致使贈與人死亡或者喪失民事行為能力的,贈與人的繼承人或者法定代理人可以撤銷贈與。

Article 193 Where the donor is deceased or incapacitated due to the donee's illegal act, his heir or legal agent may revoke the gift.


The heir or legal agent of the donor shall exercise the right of revocation within six months after he knows, or ought to know, the cause for revocation.

第一百九十四條   撤銷權人撤銷贈與的,可以向受贈人要求返還贈與的財產。

Article 194 In the event of revocation of the gift, the person with the revocation right may claim restitution of the gifted property from the donee.

第一百九十五條   贈與人的經濟狀況顯著惡化,嚴重影響其生產經營或者家庭生活的,可以不再履行贈與義務。

Article 195 If the donor's economic situation is deteriorated significantly, thereby seriously impacting on his business operation or family life, he may no longer perform the gift obligations.

第十二章 借款合同

Chapter 12 Loan Contract

第一百九十六條   借款合同是借款人向貸款人借款,到期返還借款並支付利息的合同。

Article 196 A contract for loan of money is a contract whereby the borrower borrows a sum of money from the lender, and repays the borrowed money with interest thereon when it becomes due.

第一百九十七條   借款合同采用書面形式,但自然人之間借款另有約定的除外。 借款合同的內容包括借款種類、幣種、用途、數額、利率、期限和還款方式等條款。

Article 197 Loan contracts shall be in writing, unless the loan is between natural persons who have agreed otherwise. The contents of a loan contract shall contain such clauses as the loan's type, currency, purpose, amount, interest rate, term and method of repayment, etc.

第一百九十八條   訂立借款合同,貸款人可以要求借款人提供擔保。擔保依照《中華人民共和國擔保法》的規定。

Article 198 In entering into a contract for loan of money, the lender may require the borrower to provide a guaranty. The guaranty shall conform to the provisions of the Security Law of the People's Republic of China.

第一百九十九條   訂立借款合同,借款人應當按照貸款人的要求提供與借款有關的業務活動和財務狀況的真實情況。

Article 199 In entering into a contract for loan of money, the borrower shall provide true information concerning its business activities and financial condition in connection with the loan as required by the lender.

第二百條   借款的利息不得預先在本金中扣除。利息預先在本金中扣除的,應當按照實際借款數額返還借款並計算利息。

Article 200 No interest shall be deducted from the principal in advance. If interest is deducted from the principal in advance, the loan shall be repaid and interest shall be calculated on the basis of the actual amount borrowed.

第二百零一條   貸款人未按照約定的日期、數額提供借款,造成借款人損失的,應當賠償損失。

Article 201 Where the lender fails to provide the loan on the agreed date and in the agreed amount, thereby causing losses to the borrower, it shall pay damages.


Where the borrower fails to collect the principal on the agreed date and/or in the agreed amount, the borrower shall pay interest according to the agreed date and/or agreed amount.

第二百零二條   貸款人按照約定可以檢查、監督借款的使用情況。借款人應當按照約定向貸款人定期提供有關財務會計報表等資料。

Article 202 The lender may inspect and supervise the use of the loan in accordance with the terms of the contract. The borrower shall provide the lender regularly with the relevant financial and accounting statements and other materials in accordance with the contract.

第二百零三條   借款人未按照約定的借款用途使用借款的,貸款人可以停止發放借款、提前收回借款或者解除合同。

Article 203 Where the borrower fails to use the proceeds for the prescribed purpose, the lender may withhold funding, call the loan, or terminate the contract.

第二百零四條   辦理貸款業務的金融機構貸款的利率,應當按照中國人民銀行規定的貸款利率的上下限確定。

Article 204 The interest rate on the loan provided by a financial institution engaged in lending operation shall be determined between the minimum and maximum rates fixed by the People's Bank of China.

第二百零五條   借款人應當按照約定的期限支付利息。對支付利息的期限沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定,借款期間不滿一年的,應當在返還借款時一並支付;借款期間一年以上的,應當在每屆滿一年時支付,剩餘期間不滿一年的,應當在返還借款時一並支付。

Article 205 The borrower shall pay the interest at the agreed time. Where there is no agreement in the contract on the time limit for payment of interest or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the interest shall be paid at the time when the loan is repaid for loans with a term of less than one year; for loans with a term of more than one year, the interest shall be paid upon expiration of each annual period, and if the remaining period is less than one year, the interest shall be paid at the time when the loan is repaid.

第二百零六條   借款人應當按照約定的期限返還借款。對借款期限沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,借款人可以隨時返還;貸款人可以催告借款人在合理期限內返還。

Article 206 The borrower shall repay the principal at the agreed time. Where there is no agreement in the contract on the loan period or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the borrower may repay the loan at any time, and the lender may demand repayment from the borrower within a reasonable time limit.

第二百零七條   借款人未按照約定的期限返還借款的,應當按照約定或者國家有關規定支付逾期利息。

Article 207. Where the borrower fails to repay the loan principal within the agreed time period, the borrower shall pay interest in arrears in accordance with the contract or the relevant State regulations.

第二百零八條   借款人提前償還借款的,除當事人另有約定的以外,應當按照實際借款的期間計算利息。

Article 208 Where the borrower prepays the loan, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the interest shall be calculated based on the actual period of loan.

第二百零九條   借款人可以在還款期限屆滿之前向貸款人申請展期。貸款人同意的,可以展期。

Article 209 The borrower may apply to the lender for extension of the loan term before its maturity. If the lender so agrees, the term may be extended.

第二百一十條   自然人之間的借款合同,自貸款人提供借款時生效。

Article 210 A contract for loan of money between natural persons becomes effective at the time the lender makes the loan amount available.

第二百一十一條   自然人之間的借款合同對支付利息沒有約定或者約定不明確的,視為不支付利息。

Article 211 Under a loan contract between natural persons, if payment of interest is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, the loan is deemed interest free.


Under a contract for loan of money between natural persons, the payment of interest shall not violate the relevant provisions of the State on restriction of loan interest rate.

第十三章 租賃合同

Chapter 13 Lease Contract

第二百一十二條   租賃合同是出租人將租賃物交付承租人使用、收益,承租人支付租金的合同。

Article 212 A lease contract refers to a contract whereby the lessor delivers to the lessee the lease item for it to use or accrue benefit from, and the lessee pays the rent.

第二百一十三條   租賃合同的內容包括租賃物的名稱、數量、用途、租賃期限、租金及其支付期限和方式、租賃物維修等條款。

Article 213 The contents of a lease contract shall contain such clauses as the name, quantity and purpose of the lease item, lease term, rent as well as time and method for its payment, and maintenance of the lease item.

第二百一十四條   租賃期限不得超過二十年。超過二十年的,超過部分無效。

Article 214 The lease term shall not exceed 20 years. If the lease term exceeds 20 years, the portion of the lease term beyond the initial 20-year period is invalid.


At the expiration of the term of the lease, the parties may renew the lease contract, provided that the renewed term of the lease agreed upon may not exceed 20 years as of the date of renewal.

第二百一十五條   租賃期限六個月以上的,應當采用書面形式。當事人未采用書面形式的,視為不定期租賃。

Article 215 Where the lease term is six months or longer, the lease shall be in writing. If the parties fail to adopt a written form, the lease is deemed a non-term lease.

第二百一十六條   出租人應當按照約定將租賃物交付承租人,並在租賃期間保持租賃物符合約定的用途。

Article 216 The lessor shall deliver the lease item to the lessee in accordance with the contract and shall, during the lease term, keep the lease item fit for the agreed purpose.

第二百一十七條   承租人應當按照約定的方法使用租賃物。對租賃物的使用方法沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,應當按照租賃物的性質使用。

Article 217 The lessee shall use the lease item in the agreed manner. Where there is no agreement in the contract on the method of use of the lease item or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the lease item shall be used in a manner consistent with the nature of the lease item.

第二百一十八條   承租人按照約定的方法或者租賃物的性質使用租賃物,致使租賃物受到損耗的,不承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 218 Where the lessee uses the lease item in the agreed manner or in a manner consistent with its nature, thereby causing wear and tear to the lease item, it is not liable for damages.

第二百一十九條   承租人未按照約定的方法或者租賃物的性質使用租賃物,致使租賃物受到損失的,出租人可以解除合同並要求賠償損失。

Article 219 Where the lessee fails to use the lease item in the agreed manner or in a manner consistent with its nature, thereby causing damage to it, the lessor may terminate the contract and claim damages.

第二百二十條   出租人應當履行租賃物的維修義務,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 220 The lessor shall perform the obligations of maintenance and repair of the leased property, except as otherwise agreed by the parties.

第二百二十一條   承租人在租賃物需要維修時可以要求出租人在合理期限內維修。出租人未履行維修義務的,承租人可以自行維修,維修費用由出租人負擔。因維修租賃物影響承租人使用的,應當相應減少租金或者延長租期。

Article 221 Where the lease item needs maintenance or repair, the lessee may require the lessor to perform maintenance or repair within a reasonable time limit. If the lessor fails to fulfill its obligations of maintenance or repair, the lessee may maintain or repair the lease item on its own at the lessor's expense. Where the maintenance and repair affects the use, the rent shall be reduced or the lease term shall be extended correspondingly.

第二百二十二條   承租人應當妥善保管租賃物,因保管不善造成租賃物毀損、滅失的,應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 222 The lessee shall keep the lease item with due care and shall be liable for damages if the lease item is damaged or lost due to improper care.

第二百二十三條   承租人經出租人同意,可以對租賃物進行改善或者增設他物。 承租人未經出租人同意,對租賃物進行改善或者增設他物的,出租人可以要求承租人恢複原狀或者賠償損失。

Article 223 Subject to consent of the lessor, the lessee may make improvement on or addition to the lease item. Where the lessee makes improvement on or addition to the lease item without consent of the lessor, the lessor may require the lessee to restore the lease item to its original condition or claim compensation for the losses.

第二百二十四條   承租人經出租人同意,可以將租賃物轉租給第三人。承租人轉租的,承租人與出租人之間的租賃合同繼續有效,第三人對租賃物造成損失的,承租人應當賠償損失。

Article 224 With the consent of the lessor, the lessee may sublease the lease item to a third party. Where the lessee subleases the lease item, the lease contract between the lessee and the lessor remains effective, and if the third party causes damage to the lease item, the lessee shall compensate for the losses.


Where the lessee subleases the leased goods without the consent of the lessor, the lessor may rescind the contract.

第二百二十五條   在租賃期間因占有、使用租賃物獲得的收益,歸承租人所有,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 225 During the lease term, any benefit accrued from the possession or use of the lease item belongs to the lessee, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

第二百二十六條   承租人應當按照約定的期限支付租金。對支付期限沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定,租賃期間不滿一年的,應當在租賃期間屆滿時支付;租賃期間一年以上的,應當在每屆滿一年時支付,剩餘期間不滿一年的,應當在租賃期間屆滿時支付。

Article 226 The lessee shall pay the rent at the agreed time. Where there is no agreement in the contract on the time limit for payment or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the rent shall be paid at the expiration of the lease term if the lease term is less than one year; if the lease term is one year or longer, the rent shall be paid at the expiration of each annual period, and if the remaining period is less than one year, the rent shall be paid at the expiration of the lease term.

第二百二十七條   承租人無正當理由未支付或者遲延支付租金的,出租人可以要求承租人在合理期限內支付。承租人逾期不支付的,出租人可以解除合同。

Article 227 Where the lessee fails to pay or delays in paying the rent without any reason, the lessor may require the lessee to pay the rent within a reasonable time limit. If the lessee fails to pay the rent at the expiration of the time limit, the lessor may rescind the contract.

第二百二十八條   因第三人主張權利,致使承租人不能對租賃物使用、收益的,承租人可以要求減少租金或者不支付租金。

Article 228 If due to any claim by a third party, the lessee is unable to use or accrue benefit from the lease item, the lessee may require reduction in rent or refuse to pay rent.


Where a third party claims an interest in the leased goods, the lessee shall promptly notify the lessor.

第二百二十九條   租賃物在租賃期間發生所有權變動的,不影響租賃合同的效力。

Article 229 Any change of ownership to the lease item does not affect the validity of the leasing contract.

第二百三十條   出租人出賣租賃房屋的,應當在出賣之前的合理期限內通知承租人,承租人享有以同等條件優先購買的權利。

Article 230 Where the lessor is to sell a dwelling unit under a lease, it shall give the lessee a notice within a reasonable time limit before the sale, and the lessee has the right of first refusal under the same conditions.

第二百三十一條   因不可歸責於承租人的事由,致使租賃物部分或者全部毀損、滅失的,承租人可以要求減少租金或者不支付租金;因租賃物部分或者全部毀損、滅失,致使不能實現合同目的的,承租人可以解除合同。

Article 231 Where, due to any reason not attributable to the lessee, part or all of the lease item is damaged, or lost, the lessee may require reduction in rent or refuse to pay rent; where the purpose of the contract cannot be achieved due to damage to or loss of part or all of the lease item, the lessee may terminate the contract.

第二百三十二條   當事人對租賃期限沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,視為不定期租賃。當事人可以隨時解除合同,但出租人解除合同應當在合理期限之前通知承租人。

Article 232 Where the term of a lease is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined in accordance with Article 61 of this Law, such lease is deemed a non-term lease. Either party may rescind the contract at any time, provided that the lessor shall give the lessee a reasonable advance notice before rescinding the contract.

第二百三十三條   租賃物危及承租人的安全或者健康的,即使承租人訂立合同時明知該租賃物質量不合格,承租人仍然可以隨時解除合同。

Article 233 Where the lease item endangers the safety or health of the lessee, the lessee may terminate the contract at any time even if the lessee knows the lease item does not meet the quality requirements when concluding the contract.

第二百三十四條   承租人在房屋租賃期間死亡的,與其生前共同居住的人可以按照原租賃合同租賃該房屋。

Article 234 Where the lessee is deceased during the term of a house lease, the persons who live together with the deceased may lease the house in accordance with the original lease contract.

第二百三十五條   租賃期間屆滿,承租人應當返還租賃物。返還的租賃物應當符合按照約定或者租賃物的性質使用後的狀態。

Article 235 The lessee shall return the lease item at the end of the lease term. The returned lease item shall be in conformity with the status after use in accordance with the agreement or in light of the nature of the lease item.

第二百三十六條   租賃期間屆滿,承租人繼續使用租賃物,出租人沒有提出異議的,原租賃合同繼續有效,但租賃期限為不定期。

Article 236. Where the lessee continues to use the leased goods after the expiry of the lease period, and the lessor does not raise any objections, the original lease contract shall continue to be effective, but the lease will become a non-term lease.

第十四章 融資租賃合同

Chapter 14 Financial Leasing Contracts

第二百三十七條   融資租賃合同是出租人根據承租人對出賣人、租賃物的選擇,向出賣人購買租賃物,提供給承租人使用,承租人支付租金的合同。

Article 237 A financial leasing contract is a contract whereby the lessor, upon purchase of the lease item from a seller selected by a lessee with respect to the seller and the lease item, provides the lease item to the lessee for its use, and the lessee pays the rent.

第二百三十八條   融資租賃合同的內容包括租賃物名稱、數量、規格、技術性能、檢驗方法、租賃期限、租金構成及其支付期限和方式、幣種、租賃期間屆滿租賃物的歸屬等條款。

Article 238 The contents of a financial leasing contract include terms such as the name, quantity, specifications, technical performance, and method of inspection of the leased property, the lease term, the rental components and the time, method and currency of payment, as well as the ownership of the leased property at the end of the lease term, etc.


A financial leasing contract shall be made in writing.

第二百三十九條   出租人根據承租人對出賣人、租賃物的選擇訂立的買賣合同,出賣人應當按照約定向承租人交付標的物,承租人享有與受領標的物有關的買受人的權利。

Article 239 Under the sales contract concluded by the lessor according to the lessee's selection of the seller and the lease item, the seller shall deliver the subject matter to the lessee in accordance with the contract, and the lessee enjoys the rights of the buyer in respect of taking delivery of the subject matter.

第二百四十條   出租人、出賣人、承租人可以約定,出賣人不履行買賣合同義務的,由承租人行使索賠的權利。承租人行使索賠權利的,出租人應當協助。

Article 240 The lessor, the seller and the lessee may agree that any claim arising from the seller's failure in the performance of its obligations under the sales contract will be made by the lessee. Where the lessee exercises the right to claim compensation, the lessor shall provide assistance.

第二百四十一條   出租人根據承租人對出賣人、租賃物的選擇訂立的買賣合同,未經承租人同意,出租人不得變更與承租人有關的合同內容。

Article 241 Without the consent of the lessee, the lessor may not amend any lessee -related term in the sales contract concluded by it according to the lessee's selection of the seller and the lease item.

第二百四十二條   出租人享有租賃物的所有權。承租人破產的,租賃物不屬於破產財產。

Article 242 The lessor shall be entitled to the ownership of the lease item. In case of bankruptcy of the lessee, the leased property does not belong to its bankruptcy property.

第二百四十三條   融資租賃合同的租金,除當事人另有約定的以外,應當根據購買租賃物的大部分或者全部成本以及出租人的合理利潤確定。

Article 243 Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the rent under a financial leasing contract shall be determined based on the major portion of or full costs of purchasing the leased property and the lessor's reasonable profit.

第二百四十四條   租賃物不符合約定或者不符合使用目的的,出租人不承擔責任,但承租人依賴出租人的技能確定租賃物或者出租人幹預選擇租賃物的除外。

Article 244 Where the lease item does not comply with the contract or is not fit for the intended purpose, the lessor is not liable, except where the lessee relies on the skills of the lessor in selecting the lease item or the lessor interferes with the selection thereof.

第二百四十五條   出租人應當保證承租人對租賃物的占有和使用。

Article 245. The lessor shall guarantee the lessee's possession and use of the leased goods.

第二百四十六條   承租人占有租賃物期間,租賃物造成第三人的人身傷害或者財產損害的,出租人不承擔責任。

Article 246 If in the possession of the lessee, the lease item causes personal injury or property damage to a third party, the lessor is not liable.

第二百四十七條   承租人應當妥善保管、使用租賃物。

Article 247 The lessee shall keep and use the lease item with due care.


The lessee shall perform the obligations of maintenance and repair of the leased property during the period when the lessee possesses the leased property.

第二百四十八條   承租人應當按照約定支付租金。承租人經催告後在合理期限內仍不支付租金的,出租人可以要求支付全部租金;也可以解除合同,收回租賃物。

Article 248 The charterer shall pay the hire as agreed upon. Where the lessee still fails to pay rent within a reasonable period of time after being urged, the lessor may either require the lessee to pay all rent, or rescind the contract and take back the leased property.

第二百四十九條   當事人約定租賃期間屆滿租賃物歸承租人所有,承租人已經支付大部分租金,但無力支付剩餘租金,出租人因此解除合同收回租賃物的,收回的租賃物的價值超過承租人欠付的租金以及其他費用的,承租人可以要求部分返還。

Article 249 Where the parties agree that the lease item shall belong to the lessee at the expiry of the lease term, the lessee has paid the majority of the rent but is unable to pay the remaining rent, and the lessor terminates the contract for this reason and takes back the lease item, if the value of the lease item taken back exceeds the rent and other expenses which the lessee owes to the lessor, the lessee may request the lessor to return a certain part.

第二百五十條   出租人和承租人可以約定租賃期間屆滿租賃物的歸屬。對租賃物的歸屬沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,租賃物的所有權歸出租人。

Article 250 The lessor and the lessee may agree on the ownership of the lease item at the expiry of the lease term. Where ownership of the lease item is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined in accordance with Article 61 of this Law, the ownership of the lease item shall belong to the lessor.

第十五章 承攬合同

Chapter 15 Contracts for Work

第二百五十一條   承攬合同是承攬人按照定作人的要求完成工作,交付工作成果,定作人給付報酬的合同。

Article 251 A contract for work is a contract whereby the contractor shall, in light of the requirements of the ordering party, complete certain work and deliver the results therefrom, and the ordering party pays the remuneration therefor.


Contracting includes processing, ordering, repair, reproduction, testing, inspection, etc.

第二百五十二條   承攬合同的內容包括承攬的標的、數量、質量、報酬、承攬方式、材料的提供、履行期限、驗收標準和方法等條款。

Article 252 The contents of a contract for work shall contain such clauses as the subject matter, quantity, quality, remuneration and method of the work, supply of materials, term of performance, and standards and method of inspection.

第二百五十三條   承攬人應當以自己的設備、技術和勞力,完成主要工作,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 253 The contractor shall use its own equipment, technology and labour to complete the main part of the work, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties.


Where the contractor assigns a major work task under the contract to a third party for completion, the contractor shall bear responsibility to the party which has placed the order in relation to the results of the said work completed by the third party; where the party which has placed the order has not consented to the work being completed by a third party, the party which has placed the order may terminate the contract.

第二百五十四條   承攬人可以將其承攬的輔助工作交由第三人完成。承攬人將其承攬的輔助工作交由第三人完成的,應當就該第三人完成的工作成果向定作人負責。

Article 254 The contractor may assign some ancillary work contracted to a third party for completion. Where the contractor assigns an auxiliary work task under the contract to a third party for completion, the contractor shall bear responsibility to the party which has placed the order in relation to the results of the said work completed by the third party.

第二百五十五條   承攬人提供材料的,承攬人應當按照約定選用材料,並接受定作人檢驗。

Article 255. Where the contractor supplies materials, the contractor shall select and use the said materials in the agreed manner, and shall accept inspection by the party which has placed the order.

第二百五十六條   定作人提供材料的,定作人應當按照約定提供材料。承攬人對定作人提供的材料,應當及時檢驗,發現不符合約定時,應當及時通知定作人更換、補齊或者采取其他補救措施。

Article 256 Where the ordering party is to supply the materials, it shall supply the materials in accordance with the contract. The hiree shall inspect the materials supplied by the hirer in time and shall, if discovering that they do not conform to the terms of the contract, notify in time the hirer to replace them, supply them or take other remedial measures.


The contractor may not replace the materials supplied by the ordering party without authorization, and may not replace any components which do not need to be repaired.

第二百五十七條   承攬人發現定作人提供的圖紙或者技術要求不合理的,應當及時通知定作人。因定作人怠於答複等原因造成承攬人損失的,應當賠償損失。

Article 257 Where the contractor discovers that the drawings or technical requirements provided by the ordering party are unreasonable, it shall timely notify the ordering party. Where the contractor suffers losses due to the hirer's delay in reply or other reasons, the hirer shall compensate for the losses.

第二百五十八條   定作人中途變更承攬工作的要求,造成承攬人損失的,應當賠償損失。

Article 258 Where the ordering party changes its requirements for the contracted work while the work is under way, thereby causing losses to the contractor, the ordering party shall be liable for making compensation.

第二百五十九條   承攬工作需要定作人協助的,定作人有協助的義務。

Article 259 Where the performance of the contracted work requires assistance of the ordering party, the ordering party shall have the obligation to provide assistance.


Where the hirer does not perform the assistance obligation, thereby making it impossible to complete the contracted work, the hiree may urge the hirer to perform its obligation within a reasonable time limit and may extend the term of its performance; where the hirer fails to perform such obligation within the time limit, the hiree may terminate the contract.

第二百六十條   承攬人在工作期間,應當接受定作人必要的監督檢驗。定作人不得因監督檢驗妨礙承攬人的正常工作。

Article 260 During the period of working, the contractor shall accept the necessary supervision over and inspection of the work by the ordering party. The supervision and inspection by the ordering party may not obstruct the normal work of the contractor.

第二百六十一條   承攬人完成工作的,應當向定作人交付工作成果,並提交必要的技術資料和有關質量證明。定作人應當驗收該工作成果。

Article 261 Upon the completion of the contracted work, the contractor shall deliver the work results to the ordering party and shall submit necessary technical materials and the relevant quality certificate. The ordering party shall conduct acceptance inspection of the work results.

第二百六十二條   承攬人交付的工作成果不符合質量要求的,定作人可以要求承攬人承擔修理、重作、減少報酬、賠償損失等違約責任。

Article 262 Where the work results delivered by the contractor fail to meet the quality requirements, the ordering party may request the contractor to bear the liabilities for the breach of contract by way of repairing, remaking, reducing remuneration, or making compensation.

第二百六十三條   定作人應當按照約定的期限支付報酬。對支付報酬的期限沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,定作人應當在承攬人交付工作成果時支付;工作成果部分交付的,定作人應當相應支付。

Article 263 The hirer shall pay remuneration at the prescribed time. Where there is no agreement in the contract on the time limit for payment of remuneration or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the ordering party shall pay remuneration at the time when the contractor delivers the work results; where the work results are only delivered in part, the ordering party shall pay a corresponding amount.

第二百六十四條   定作人未向承攬人支付報酬或者材料費等價款的,承攬人對完成的工作成果享有留置權,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 264 Where the ordering party fails to pay the remuneration or cost for the materials, etc. to the contractor, the contractor is entitled to lien upon the work results, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties.

第二百六十五條   承攬人應當妥善保管定作人提供的材料以及完成的工作成果,因保管不善造成毀損、滅失的,應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 265 The contractor shall keep the materials supplied by the ordering party and the completed work results with due care, and shall be liable for damages in case of any damage or losses due to improper care.

第二百六十六條   承攬人應當按照定作人的要求保守秘密,未經定作人許可,不得留存複制品或者技術資料。

Article 266 The contractor shall keep the relevant information confidential as required by the ordering party, and may not retain any replica or technical material without permission of the ordering party.

第二百六十七條   共同承攬人對定作人承擔連帶責任,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 267 Joint contractors are jointly and severally liable to the ordering party, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties.

第二百六十八條   定作人可以隨時解除承攬合同,造成承攬人損失的,應當賠償損失。

Article 268. The party which has placed the order may dissolve a work contract at any time, but the said party shall provide compensation for any losses sustained by the contractor as a result.

第十六章 建設工程合同

Chapter 16 Contracts for Construction Projects

第二百六十九條   建設工程合同是承包人進行工程建設,發包人支付價款的合同。

Article 269 A contract for construction project is a contract whereby the contractor performs project construction, and the employer pays the price.


Contracts for construction projects include contracts for survey, design, and construction.

第二百七十條   建設工程合同應當采用書面形式。

Article 270 A contract for construction project shall be in written form.

第二百七十一條   建設工程的招標投標活動,應當依照有關法律的規定公開、公平、公正進行。

Article 271 Tendering for a construction project shall be conducted in an open, fair and impartial manner in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws.

第二百七十二條   發包人可以與總承包人訂立建設工程合同,也可以分別與勘察人、設計人、施工人訂立勘察、設計、施工承包合同。發包人不得將應當由一個承包人完成的建設工程肢解成若幹部分發包給幾個承包人。

Article 272 The developer may enter into a contract for construction project with a prime contractor, or enter into contracts for survey, design, and construction with the surveyor, designer, and constructor respectively. The developer may not divide a construction project which should be completed by one contractor into several parts and contract them out to several contractors.


With the consent of the developer, the general contractor or the survey, design or building contractors may assign part of the work contracted thereby to a third party. The third party and the prime contractor or the contractor for survey, design, or construction shall be jointly and severally liable to the developer in respect of the work product completed by such third party. The contractor may not assign the entire contracted construction project to a third party or divide the entire contracted construction project into parts and assign them respectively to third parties in the name of subcontracting. The contractor is prohibited from subcontracting the project to any entity without the corresponding qualifications.


Subcontractors shall be prohibited from further subcontracting their subcontracted work. The main structure of the construction project must be constructed by the contractor itself.

第二百七十三條   國家重大建設工程合同,應當按照國家規定的程序和國家批準的投資計劃、可行性研究報告等文件訂立。

Article 273 A contract for a major state construction project shall be concluded in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the state and in compliance with the state-approved documents such as the investment plan and feasibility studies report, etc.

第二百七十四條   勘察、設計合同的內容包括提交有關基礎資料和文件(包括概預算)的期限、質量要求、費用以及其他協作條件等條款。

Article 274 A contract for survey and design includes terms such as the time limit for submission of the relevant basic information and documents (including budget estimate), quality requirements, costs and other conditions of cooperation, etc.

第二百七十五條   施工合同的內容包括工程範圍、建設工期、中間交工工程的開工和竣工時間、工程質量、工程造價、技術資料交付時間、材料和設備供應責任、撥款和結算、竣工驗收、質量保修範圍和質量保證期、雙方相互協作等條款。

Article 275 The contents of the construction contract include terms such as project scope, construction period, commencement and completion time for intermediate delivery, project quality, project cost, delivery time of technical documents, responsibility for material and equipment supply, appropriation and settlement, completion acceptance, quality warranty scope and quality warranty period, and mutual cooperation between the parties, etc.

第二百七十六條   建設工程實行監理的,發包人應當與監理人采用書面形式訂立委托監理合同。發包人與監理人的權利和義務以及法律責任,應當依照本法委托合同以及其他有關法律、行政法規的規定。

Article 276 Where the construction project is subject to supervision, the developer shall enter into an entrustment contract for project supervision in writing with a project supervisor. The rights, obligations and legal liabilities of the developer and supervisor shall be subject to the provisions of the Law on Commission Contracts and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.

第二百七十七條   發包人在不妨礙承包人正常作業的情況下,可以隨時對作業進度、質量進行檢查。

Article 277 The Owner may inspect the progress and quality of the work at any time provided that it does not interfere with the Contractors normal work.

第二百七十八條   隱蔽工程在隱蔽以前,承包人應當通知發包人檢查。發包人沒有及時檢查的,承包人可以順延工程日期,並有權要求賠償停工、窩工等損失。

Article 278 In the case of concealed work, the contractor shall give the developer notice for inspection prior to concealment. Where the developer fails to timely conduct inspection, the contractor may extend the relevant project milestones, and is entitled to claim damages for work stoppage or work slowdown, etc.

第二百七十九條   建設工程竣工後,發包人應當根據施工圖紙及說明書、國家頒發的施工驗收規範和質量檢驗標準及時進行驗收。驗收合格的,發包人應當按照約定支付價款,並接收該建設工程。

Article 279 The employer should, upon completion of project, make acceptance in accordance with the drawings and specification for project, in addition to the criterions of acceptance and standard of quality inspection issued by the State. Once the construction project has passed the acceptance inspection, the developer shall pay the prescribed price and accept the construction project.


A construction project may be delivered for use only after it has passed the acceptance inspection upon its completion. A construction project may not be delivered for use if it has not been inspected or has failed the acceptance inspection.

第二百八十條   勘察、設計的質量不符合要求或者未按照期限提交勘察、設計文件拖延工期,造成發包人損失的,勘察人、設計人應當繼續完善勘察、設計,減收或者免收勘察、設計費並賠償損失。

Article 280 Where the developer sustains any loss from construction delay due to non-compliance of the survey or design or due to delayed delivery of the survey or design documents, the surveyor or the designer shall continue to improve the survey or design, reduce or forgo the survey fee or design fee, and pay damages.

第二百八十一條   因施工人的原因致使建設工程質量不符合約定的,發包人有權要求施工人在合理期限內無償修理或者返工、改建。經過修理或者返工、改建後,造成逾期交付的,施工人應當承擔違約責任。

Article 281 Where the construction project fails to meet the prescribed quality requirements due to any reason attributable to the constructor, the developer is entitled to require the constructor to repair, re-construct or make alteration free of charge within a reasonable time. Where delivery of the project is delayed due to such repair, re-construction or alteration, the constructor shall be liable for breach of contract.

第二百八十二條   因承包人的原因致使建設工程在合理使用期限內造成人身和財產損害的,承包人應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 282 Where the construction project caused personal injury and property damage during its reasonable usage period due to any reason attributable to the contractor, the contractor shall be liable for damages.

第二百八十三條   發包人未按照約定的時間和要求提供原材料、設備、場地、資金、技術資料的,承包人可以順延工程日期,並有權要求賠償停工、窩工等損失。

Article 283 Where the developer fails to provide raw materials, equipment, site, funds, or technical information at the prescribed time and in accordance with the contractual requirements, the contractor may extend the relevant project milestones, and is entitled to claim damages for work stoppage or slowdown, etc.

第二百八十四條   因發包人的原因致使工程中途停建、緩建的,發包人應當采取措施彌補或者減少損失,賠償承包人因此造成的停工、窩工、倒運、機械設備調遷、材料和構件積壓等損失和實際費用。

Article 284 If, due to reasons attributable to the developer, a project is suspended or delayed in construction, the developer shall take the appropriate measures to make up or mitigate the loss, and shall indemnify the contractor for its loss and actual expenses arising from resulting work stoppage, slowdown, reshipment, re-dispatch of mechanical equipment, and excess inventory of materials and components.

第二百八十五條   因發包人變更計劃,提供的資料不準確,或者未按照期限提供必需的勘察、設計工作條件而造成勘察、設計的返工、停工或者修改設計,發包人應當按照勘察人、設計人實際消耗的工作量增付費用。

Article 285 Where in the course of survey or design, any repeating work, work stoppage or change of design results from the developer's change of plan, the incorrect information provided by it, or its failure to provide the working conditions necessary for the survey or design at the prescribed time, the developer shall increase the fees in light of the actual amount of work done by the surveyor or designer.

第二百八十六條   發包人未按照約定支付價款的,承包人可以催告發包人在合理期限內支付價款。發包人逾期不支付的,除按照建設工程的性質不宜折價、拍賣的以外,承包人可以與發包人協議將該工程折價,也可以申請人民法院將該工程依法拍賣。建設工程的價款就該工程折價或者拍賣的價款優先受償。

Article 286 If the developer fails to pay the price in accordance with the contract, the contractor may demand payment from the developer within a reasonable period. Where the contract issuer has not made the said payments within the said period of time, then except where it is not appropriate to conduct a sale at a depreciated price or an auction, due to the nature of the construction project, the contractor may conclude an agreement with the contract issuer that the project be sold off, or may apply to the people's court for the said project to be auctioned in accordance with the law. The construction project price shall be paid in priority out of proceeds from the liquidation or auction of the project.

第二百八十七條   本章沒有規定的,適用承攬合同的有關規定。

Article 287 Matters not addressed in this chapter shall be governed by the relevant provision governing contracts of hired works.

第十七章 運輸合同

Chapter 17 Transportation Contracts

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第二百八十八條   運輸合同是承運人將旅客或者貨物從起運地點運輸到約定地點,旅客、托運人或者收貨人支付票款或者運輸費用的合同。

Article 288 A transportation contract is a contract whereby the carrier carries passengers or cargoes from the starting place of carriage to the agreed destination, and the passenger, consignor or consignee pays for the ticket-fare or freight.

第二百八十九條   從事公共運輸的承運人不得拒絕旅客、托運人通常、合理的運輸要求。

Article 289 A carrier engaged in public transportation may not refuse the normal and reasonable carriage request of a passenger or consignor.

第二百九十條   承運人應當在約定期間或者合理期間內將旅客、貨物安全運輸到約定地點。

Article 290 A carrier shall safely carry the passengers or cargoes to the agreed destination within the agreed time or within a reasonable time.

第二百九十一條   承運人應當按照約定的或者通常的運輸路線將旅客、貨物運輸到約定地點。

Article 291 The carrier shall carry the passenger or goods to the agreed destination via the agreed or customary carriage route.

第二百九十二條   旅客、托運人或者收貨人應當支付票款或者運輸費用。承運人未按照約定路線或者通常路線運輸增加票款或者運輸費用的,旅客、托運人或者收貨人可以拒絕支付增加部分的票款或者運輸費用。

Article 292. Passengers, consignors or consignees shall pay fares or transport fees. Where a carrier does not travel along the agreed or the normal route and it increases fares or transport fees, passengers, consignors or consignees may refuse to pay the increased part of the fares or transport fees.

第二節 客運合同

Section 2 Section Two Passenger Transportation contracts

第二百九十三條   客運合同自承運人向旅客交付客票時成立,但當事人另有約定或者另有交易習慣的除外。

Article 293 A passenger transportation contract is established upon the carrier's delivery of the passenger ticket to the passenger, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties or there are other transaction practices.

第二百九十四條   旅客應當持有效客票乘運。旅客無票乘運、超程乘運、越級乘運或者持失效客票乘運的,應當補交票款,承運人可以按照規定加收票款。旅客不交付票款的,承運人可以拒絕運輸。

Article 294 The passenger shall board the means of transportation with a valid passenger ticket. If the passenger boards without a ticket, exceeds the distance paid for, takes a higher class or higher berth than booked, or boards with an invalid ticket, he shall make up the payment for an appropriate ticket, and the carrier may charge an additional payment in accordance with the relevant provisions. Where the passenger fails to pay the ticket-fare, the carrier may refuse to carry.

第二百九十五條   旅客因自己的原因不能按照客票記載的時間乘坐的,應當在約定的時間內辦理退票或者變更手續。逾期辦理的,承運人可以不退票款,並不再承擔運輸義務。

Article 295 Where the passenger is unable to board the means of transportation at the time stated on the passenger ticket due to any reason attributable to himself, he shall undergo the formalities for ticket refund or change within the agreed time period. Where the passenger fails to do so within the time period, the carrier may refuse to make the refund and shall no longer bear the obligation of carriage.

第二百九十六條   旅客在運輸中應當按照約定的限量攜帶行李。超過限量攜帶行李的,應當辦理托運手續。

Article 296 In the course of carriage, the passenger's carry-on luggage shall be within the agreed limit of quantity. Where luggage exceeds the relevant limits, the additional luggage shall be checked in.

第二百九十七條   旅客不得隨身攜帶或者在行李中夾帶易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蝕性、有放射性以及有可能危及運輸工具上人身和財產安全的危險物品或者其他違禁物品。

Article 297 The passenger may not bring with him or pack in the luggage such dangerous articles as are flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, or radioactive as well as those that might endanger the safety of life and property on board the means of transportation or other contraband articles.


Where the passenger violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the carrier may unload, destroy or turn over to the relevant authorities the prohibited articles. Where the passenger insists on carrying or smuggling the prohibited articles, the carrier shall refuse to carry.

第二百九十八條   承運人應當向旅客及時告知有關不能正常運輸的重要事由和安全運輸應當注意的事項。

Article 298 The carrier shall timely inform the passenger of any major causes hindering the normal carriage and the matters which shall be noted for purpose of safety carriage.

第二百九十九條   承運人應當按照客票載明的時間和班次運輸旅客。承運人遲延運輸的,應當根據旅客的要求安排改乘其他班次或者退票。

Article 299 The carrier shall carry the passenger according to the time and the carriage schedule stated on the passenger ticket. Where the carrier delays in carriage, it shall, upon request by the passenger, either arrange the passenger to take other flights or refund the ticket-fare.

第三百條   承運人擅自變更運輸工具而降低服務標準的,應當根據旅客的要求退票或者減收票款;提高服務標準的,不應當加收票款。

Article 300 Where the carrier unilaterally changes the means of transportation, thereby lowering the standards of service, it shall, upon request by the passenger, refund the ticket-fare or lower the price of the ticket; where the service standards are enhanced, no additional ticket-fare shall be charged.

第三百零一條   承運人在運輸過程中,應當盡力救助患有急病、分娩、遇險的旅客。

Article 301 In the course of carriage, the carrier shall give its best efforts to assist the passenger who is seriously ill, or who is giving birth to a child or whose life is at risk.

第三百零二條   承運人應當對運輸過程中旅客的傷亡承擔損害賠償責任,但傷亡是旅客自身健康原因造成的或者承運人證明傷亡是旅客故意、重大過失造成的除外。 前款規定適用於按照規定免票、持優待票或者經承運人許可搭乘的無票旅客。

Article 302 The carrier shall be liable for damages in case of injury or death of the passenger in the course of carriage, except where such injury or death is attributable to the passenger's own health, or the carrier proves that such injury or death is caused by the passenger's intentional misconduct or gross negligence. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to a passenger who is exempted from buying a ticket or holds a preferential ticket pursuant to the provisions, or who is permitted by the carrier to be on board without a ticket.

第三百零三條   在運輸過程中旅客自帶物品毀損、滅失,承運人有過錯的,應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 303 Where an article that the passenger takes with him on board is damaged or lost during the period of carriage, the carrier shall be liable for the damage if it has committed faults.


Where the check-in luggage of a passenger is damaged or lost, the relevant provisions governing the carriage of cargoes shall apply.

第三節 貨運合同

Section 3 Contracts of carriage

第三百零四條   托運人辦理貨物運輸,應當向承運人準確表明收貨人的名稱或者姓名或者憑指示的收貨人,貨物的名稱、性質、重量、數量,收貨地點等有關貨物運輸的必要情況。

Article 304 In undergoing the formalities for cargoes, the consignor shall precisely indicate to carrier the name of the consignee or the consignee by order, the name, nature weight, amount and the place for taking delivery of the cargoes, and other information necessary for cargo carriage.


Where a carrier suffers losses due to untrue declaration or omission of important information by the consignor, the consignor shall be liable for compensation for damages.

第三百零五條   貨物運輸需要辦理審批、檢驗等手續的,托運人應當將辦理完有關手續的文件提交承運人。

Article 305 Where carriage of the cargo is subject to such procedures as examination and approval or inspection, the consignor shall submit to the carrier the documents of fulfillment of the relevant procedure.

第三百零六條   托運人應當按照約定的方式包裝貨物。對包裝方式沒有約定或者約定不明確的,適用本法第一百五十六條的規定。

Article 306 The consignor shall pack the cargo in the agreed manner. Where the manner of packaging is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, the provisions of Article 156 of this Law shall apply.


Where a consignor violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the carrier may refuse to carry.

第三百零七條   托運人托運易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蝕性、有放射性等危險物品的,應當按照國家有關危險物品運輸的規定對危險物品妥善包裝,作出危險物標志和標簽,並將有關危險物品的名稱、性質和防範措施的書面材料提交承運人。

Article 307 In consigning any dangerous articles which are inflammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, or radioactive, the consignor shall, in accordance with the provisions of the State on the transport of dangerous articles, properly pack the dangerous articles and affix thereon signs and labels for dangerous articles, and shall submit the written papers relating to the name, nature and precautions to the carrier.


Where a consignor violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the carrier may refuse to transport the goods, and may also take corresponding measures to avoid losses, expenses thus caused shall be borne by the consignor.

第三百零八條   在承運人將貨物交付收貨人之前,托運人可以要求承運人中止運輸、返還貨物、變更到達地或者將貨物交給其他收貨人,但應當賠償承運人因此受到的損失。

Article 308 Before the carrier delivers the goods to the consignee, the consignor may request the carrier to suspend the carriage, return the goods, change the place of destination or deliver the goods to another consignee, but it shall compensate the carrier for any losses thus caused.

第三百零九條   貨物運輸到達後,承運人知道收貨人的,應當及時通知收貨人,收貨人應當及時提貨。收貨人逾期提貨的,應當向承運人支付保管費等費用。

Article 309 Upon arrival of the cargoes, if the carrier has the knowledge of the consignee, it shall timely notify the consignee and the consignee shall timely take delivery. If the consignee fails to take delivery of the goods within the prescribed time limit, the consignee shall pay the carrier custody fees and other expenses.

第三百一十條   收貨人提貨時應當按照約定的期限檢驗貨物。對檢驗貨物的期限沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,應當在合理期限內檢驗貨物。收貨人在約定的期限或者合理期限內對貨物的數量、毀損等未提出異議的,視為承運人已經按照運輸單證的記載交付的初步證據。

Article 310 When taking delivery of the cargoes, the consignee shall inspect the cargoes at the agreed time. Where there is no agreement in the contract on the time limit or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the consignee shall inspect the goods within a reasonable time limit. Where the consignee raises no objection as to the quantity of, or damage to, the goods within the agreed time limit or within a reasonable time limit, the consignee shall be deemed to have delivered the goods in conformity with the details recorded in the transport documents.

第三百一十一條   承運人對運輸過程中貨物的毀損、滅失承擔損害賠償責任,但承運人證明貨物的毀損、滅失是因不可抗力、貨物本身的自然性質或者合理損耗以及托運人、收貨人的過錯造成的,不承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 311 The carrier shall be liable for damages in case of damage to or loss of the goods in the course of carriage, provided that it is not liable for damages if it proves that such damage to or loss of the goods is caused by force majeure, the nature of the goods themselves, reasonable depletion, or the fault of the consignor or consignee.

第三百一十二條   貨物的毀損、滅失的賠償額,當事人有約定的,按照其約定;沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,按照交付或者應當交付時貨物到達地的市場價格計算。法律、行政法規對賠償額的計算方法和賠償限額另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 312 Where the parties agree on the amount of damages in case of damage to or loss of the goods, the damages payable is the agreed amount; if the amount of damages is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined in accordance with Article 61 of this Law, it shall be calculated on the basis of the prevailing market price at the destination when the goods are or ought to be delivered. Where laws or administrative regulations provide otherwise with respect to calculation methods or limits on the amount of compensation, those provisions shall apply.

第三百一十三條   兩個以上承運人以同一運輸方式聯運的,與托運人訂立合同的承運人應當對全程運輸承擔責任。損失發生在某一運輸區段的,與托運人訂立合同的承運人和該區段的承運人承擔連帶責任。

Article 313 Where two or more carriers jointly carry the cargoes using the same mode of transportation, the carrier contracting with the consignor shall be responsible for the whole course of carriage. Where the losses occurred at a particular segment, the carrier contracting with the consignor and the carrier for such segment are jointly and severally liable.

第三百一十四條   貨物在運輸過程中因不可抗力滅失,未收取運費的,承運人不得要求支付運費;已收取運費的,托運人可以要求返還。

Article 314 Where the goods are lost in the course of carriage due to force majeure, if the freight has not been collected, the carrier may not request the payment thereof; if the freight has been collected, the consignor may request the refund of the freight.

第三百一十五條   托運人或者收貨人不支付運費、保管費以及其他運輸費用的,承運人對相應的運輸貨物享有留置權,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 315 Where the consignor or the consignee fails to pay the freight, storage fees and other carriage expenses, the carrier is entitled to lien on the relevant carried cargoes, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties.

第三百一十六條   收貨人不明或者收貨人無正當理由拒絕受領貨物的,依照本法第一百零一條的規定,承運人可以提存貨物。

Article 316 Where the consignee is not clear or refuses to take delivery of the goods without a justified reason, the carrier may have the goods in escrow according to the provisions of Article 101 of this Law.

第四節 多式聯運合同

Section 4 Multi-modal Transportation contract  

第三百一十七條   多式聯運經營人負責履行或者組織履行多式聯運合同,對全程運輸享有承運人的權利,承擔承運人的義務。

Article 317 A multi-modal transportation operator shall be responsible for performing, or arranging for performance of, the multi-modal transportation contract, and shall have the rights and assume the obligations of a carrier for the entire course of carriage.

第三百一十八條   多式聯運經營人可以與參加多式聯運的各區段承運人就多式聯運合同的各區段運輸約定相互之間的責任,但該約定不影響多式聯運經營人對全程運輸承擔的義務。

Article 318 A multi-modal carriage operator may agree with the carriers participating in the multi-modal carriage in different sections of the carriage on their respective responsibilities in different sections of the carriage, provided that the obligations of the multi-modal carriage operator with respect to the entire carriage are not affected by any such agreement.

第三百一十九條   多式聯運經營人收到托運人交付的貨物時,應當簽發多式聯運單據。按照托運人的要求,多式聯運單據可以是可轉讓單據,也可以是不可轉讓單據。

Article 319 A multi-modal transportation operator shall issue a multi-modal transportation document upon receipt of the goods from a consignor. A multimodal transport document may be either negotiable or non-negotiable, as requested by the shipper.

第三百二十條   因托運人托運貨物時的過錯造成多式聯運經營人損失的,即使托運人已經轉讓多式聯運單據,托運人仍然應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 320 Where the multi-modal carriage operator sustains any loss due to the fault of the consignor in the course of consigning the goods, the consignor shall be liable for damages notwithstanding its subsequent assignment of the multi-modal carriage document.

第三百二十一條   貨物的毀損、滅失發生於多式聯運的某一運輸區段的,多式聯運經營人的賠償責任和責任限額,適用調整該區段運輸方式的有關法律規定。貨物毀損、滅失發生的運輸區段不能確定的,依照本章規定承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 321 If damage to or loss of goods occurs in a particular segment of a multi-modal carriage, the multi-modal carriage operator's liability for damages and any limitation thereon are governed by the applicable transportation law of the jurisdiction which such segment is under. Where the section of transportation in which the damage to or loss of goods occurred cannot be determined, the liability for compensation for damages shall be borne in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.

第十八章 技術合同

Chapter 18 Technology Contracts

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第三百二十二條   技術合同是當事人就技術開發、轉讓、諮詢或者服務訂立的確立相互之間權利和義務的合同。

Article 322 A technology contract is a contract the parties conclude for establishing their rights and obligations in respect of the development or transfer of technology, or in respect of technical consulting or service.

第三百二十三條   訂立技術合同,應當有利於科學技術的進步,加速科學技術成果的轉化、應用和推廣。

Article 323 The conclusion of a technology contract shall be conducive to the advancement of science and technology, and expedite the conversion, application and dissemination of scientific and technological achievements.

第三百二十四條   技術合同的內容由當事人約定,一般包括以下條款:

Article 324 The contents of a technology contract shall be agreed upon by the parties, and shall contain the following clauses in general:


1. the name of the project;


2. contents, scope and requirements of the subject matter;


(III) plan, schedule, period, place, territory and method of performance;


(IV) confidentiality of technical information and materials;


(V) allocation of responsibility for risks;


(VI) ownership of the technological achievements and method for sharing the gains therefrom;


(VII) standards and methods of acceptance;


(VIII) price, remuneration or royalties and method of payment thereof;


(IX) liquidated damages or method for calculation of damages;


(X) dispute resolution; and


(XI) Interpretation of terms and phrases.


The parties may agree to include the following materials relating to the performance of the contract as an integral part thereof: technical background information, feasibility studies and technical evaluation report, project task matrix and project plan, technical standard, technical specifications, original design and technique documents, as well as other technical documentation.


Where a technology contract involves a patent, the title of the invention or creation, the patent applicant and the patentee, the date and number of application, the patent number as well as the term of validity of the patent shall be indicated.

第三百二十五條   技術合同價款、報酬或者使用費的支付方式由當事人約定,可以采取一次總算、一次總付或者一次總算、分期支付,也可以采取提成支付或者提成支付附加預付入門費的方式。

Article 325 The method for payment of the price, remuneration or licensing fee under a technology contract shall be agreed upon by the parties, who may agree upon lump-sum payment based on one-time calculation or installment payment based on one-time calculation, and may also agree upon royalty payment or royalty payment plus advance payment of initial fee.


Where a royalty payment method is agreed upon, the royalty may be calculated as a percentage of the product price, any increase in output or profits following the exploitation of the patent or the use of the know-how, or of the sales of the product. The proportion of payment of commission may adopt fixed proportion, increasing proportion year by year or decreasing proportion. Where a royalty payment is agreed, the parties shall agree in the contract a method for inspection of the relevant accounts.

第三百二十六條   職務技術成果的使用權、轉讓權屬於法人或者其他組織的,法人或者其他組織可以就該項職務技術成果訂立技術合同。法人或者其他組織應當從使用和轉讓該項職務技術成果所取得的收益中提取一定比例,對完成該項職務技術成果的個人給予獎勵或者報酬。法人或者其他組織訂立技術合同轉讓職務技術成果時,職務技術成果的完成人享有以同等條件優先受讓的權利。

Article 326 Where the right to use and the right to transfer job-related technology belong to a legal person or an organization of any other nature, the legal person or organization may enter into a technology contract in respect of such job-related technology. The legal person or other organisation shall allocate a certain percentage from the gains derived from the use and transfer of such job-related technological achievement to reward or remunerate individuals who completed the said technological achievement. When the legal person or other organization concludes a technology contract to transfer the job-related technological achievement, the individual who accomplished this achievement shall have the priority to be the transferee under the same conditions.


A job-related technology is a technology developed in the course of carrying out a task assigned by a legal person or an organization of any other nature, or developed by primarily utilizing the material and technical resources thereof.

第三百二十七條   非職務技術成果的使用權、轉讓權屬於完成技術成果的個人,完成技術成果的個人可以就該項非職務技術成果訂立技術合同。

Article 327 The right to use and transfer a non-job-related technological achievement shall belong to the individuals who accomplished it, who may conclude technology contracts in respect thereof.

第三百二十八條   完成技術成果的個人有在有關技術成果文件上寫明自己是技術成果完成者的權利和取得榮譽證書、獎勵的權利。

Article 328 An individual who has accomplished a technological achievement shall have the right to be named as such in the documents related to the technological achievement and the right to receive certificates of honor and awards for the achievement.

第三百二十九條   非法壟斷技術、妨礙技術進步或者侵害他人技術成果的技術合同無效。

Article 329 A technology contract which illegally monopolizes technology, impedes technological advancement or infringes on the technology of a third party is invalid.

第二節 技術開發合同

Section 2 technical development agreement

第三百三十條   技術開發合同是指當事人之間就新技術、新產品、新工藝或者新材料及其系統的研究開發所訂立的合同。

Article 330 A technology development contract is a contract concluded in respect of the research and development of a new technology, product, technique or material and its system.


Technology development contracts include commissioned technology development contracts and cooperative technology development contracts.


Technology development contracts shall be in writing.


A contract on the conversion of a scientific achievement with potential for industrial application is governed by reference to the provisions on technology development contracts.

第三百三十一條   委托開發合同的委托人應當按照約定支付研究開發經費和報酬;提供技術資料、原始數據;完成協作事項;接受研究開發成果。

Article 331 The commissioning party under a commissioned development contract shall, in accordance with the contract, provide development funds and pay remuneration; supply technical materials and original data; complete its tasks of cooperation; and accept the developed technology.

第三百三十二條   委托開發合同的研究開發人應當按照約定制定和實施研究開發計劃;合理使用研究開發經費;按期完成研究開發工作,交付研究開發成果,提供有關的技術資料和必要的技術指導,幫助委托人掌握研究開發成果。

Article 332 The developer under a commissioned development contract shall, in accordance with the contract, prepare and implement the development plan; use development funds in a reasonable manner; timely complete the development and deliver the developed technology, as well as provide the relevant technical materials and necessary technical guidance so as to help the commissioning party master the technology developed.

第三百三十三條   委托人違反約定造成研究開發工作停滯、延誤或者失敗的,應當承擔違約責任。

Article 333 Where the commissioning party breaches the contract, thereby causing stoppage, delay or failure of the development, it shall be liable for the breach of contract.

第三百三十四條   研究開發人違反約定造成研究開發工作停滯、延誤或者失敗的,應當承擔違約責任。

Article 334 Where the developer breaches the contract, thereby causing stoppage, delay or failure of the development, it shall be liable for the breach of contract.

第三百三十五條   合作開發合同的當事人應當按照約定進行投資,包括以技術進行投資;分工參與研究開發工作;協作配合研究開發工作。

Article 335 Parties to a cooperative development contract shall, in accordance with the contract, make investment, including investment in the form of technology; participate in the development by performing their respective tasks; and cooperate with each other in the development.

第三百三十六條   合作開發合同的當事人違反約定造成研究開發工作停滯、延誤或者失敗的,應當承擔違約責任。

Article 336 If a party to a cooperative development contract violates the contract, thereby causing a standstill, delay or failure in research and development work, such party shall be liable for breach of contract.

第三百三十七條   因作為技術開發合同標的的技術已經由他人公開,致使技術開發合同的履行沒有意義的,當事人可以解除合同。

Article 337 Where the technology which is the subject matter of a technology development contract is made public by a third party, thereby making the performance of the technology development contract meaningless, the parties may terminate the contract.

第三百三十八條   在技術開發合同履行過程中,因出現無法克服的技術困難,致使研究開發失敗或者部分失敗的,該風險責任由當事人約定。沒有約定或者約定不明

Article 338 The liability for risks involved in failure in part or in whole in the research and development resulting from insurmountable technical difficulties occurring in the course of performance of a technology development contract shall be agreed upon by the parties. No provision or no clear provision:


Indeed, if it cannot be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of this Law, such risk liability shall be shared reasonably by the parties.


If a party discovers the circumstances set out in the preceding paragraph which may result in failure in part or in whole in the research and development, the party shall inform the other party and take appropriate measures to reduce losses in a timely manner. If the said party fails to promptly notify the other parties and take appropriate measures, thereby aggravating the losses, the said party shall be liable for the additional losses.

第三百三十九條   委托開發完成的發明創造,除當事人另有約定的以外,申請專利的權利屬於研究開發人。

Article 339 Unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties, the right to apply for patent on the invention or innovation resulting from a commissioned development belongs to the developer.


Where the developer is granted a patent, the commissioning party may exploit such patent free of charge. If the party that undertakes the research and development transfers the right to apply for a patent, the commissioning party shall have the right of first refusal under the same conditions.

第三百四十條   合作開發完成的發明創造,除當事人另有約定的以外,申請專利的權利屬於合作開發的當事人共有。當事人一方轉讓其共有的專利申請權的,其他各方享有以同等條件優先受讓的權利。

Article 340 Unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties, the right to apply for patent on the invention or innovation resulting from a cooperative development belongs to the parties therein jointly. If one party assigns its joint right to apply for a patent, the other party or parties may have the right of first refusal under the same conditions.


If a party in the cooperative development declares that it waives its joint right to apply for a patent, the other party may apply for it alone or the other parties may jointly apply for it. If a patent is granted to the applicant, the party that waived its right to apply for the patent may exploit the patent for free. Where one party in the cooperative development does not agree to apply for a patent, the other party or parties may not apply for it.

第三百四十一條   委托開發或者合作開發完成的技術秘密成果的使用權、轉讓權以及利益的分配辦法,由當事人約定。沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,當事人均有使用和轉讓的權利,但委托開發的研究開發人不得在向委托人交付研究開發成果之前,將研究開發成果轉讓給第三人。

Article 341 The right to use and transfer the technical secret resulting from a commissioned or cooperative development, and the method for allocation of benefits accrued therefrom shall be agreed upon by the parties. Where there is no such agreement in the contract or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, all the parties shall have the right to use and transfer such rights. However, the party which undertakes research and development in a commissioned development may not transfer the results of the research and development to a third party before delivering such results to the commissioning party.

第三節 技術轉讓合同

Section 3 contract of transfer of technology

第三百四十二條   技術轉讓合同包括專利權轉讓、專利申請權轉讓、技術秘密轉讓、專利實施許可合同。

Article 342 Technology transfer contracts include contracts for the transfer of patent rights, the transfer of patent application rights, the transfer of technical secrets, and patent licensing.


Technology transfer contracts shall be in writing.

第三百四十三條   技術轉讓合同可以約定讓與人和受讓人實施專利或者使用技術秘密的範圍,但不得限制技術競爭和技術發展。

Article 343 A technology transfer contract may set forth the scope of exploitation of the patent or the use of the technical secret by the transferor and the transferee, provided that it may not restrict technological competition and technological development.

第三百四十四條   專利實施許可合同只在該專利權的存續期間內有效。專利權有效期限屆滿或者專利權被宣布無效的,專利權人不得就該專利與他人訂立專利實施許可合同。

Article 344 A patent licensing contract is only valid for the duration of such patent right. A patentee may not conclude a patent licensing contract with another person once the term of the patent right expires or the patent right is declared invalid.

第三百四十五條   專利實施許可合同的讓與人應當按照約定許可受讓人實施專利,交付實施專利有關的技術資料,提供必要的技術指導。

Article 345 The transferor to a patent licensing contract shall, in accordance with the terms of the contract, license the transferee to exploit the patent, deliver the technical materials related to the exploitation of the patent and provide the necessary technical guidance.

第三百四十六條   專利實施許可合同的受讓人應當按照約定實施專利,不得許可約定以外的第三人實施該專利;並按照約定支付使用費。

Article 346 The transferee under a patent licensing contract shall exploit the patent in accordance with the contract and may not license the patent to any third party except as provided for in the contract, and shall pay royalties as agreed.

第三百四十七條   技術秘密轉讓合同的讓與人應當按照約定提供技術資料,進行技術指導,保證技術的實用性、可靠性,承擔保密義務。

Article 347 The transferor to a know-how transfer contract shall, in accordance with the terms of the contract, supply technological materials, provide technical guidance and warrant the practical applicability and reliability of the technology and maintain confidentiality.

第三百四十八條   技術秘密轉讓合同的受讓人應當按照約定使用技術,支付使用費,承擔保密義務。

Article 348 The transferee under a contract for transfer of technical secret shall, in accordance with the contract, use the technology, pay the licensing fee and abide by its confidentiality obligations.

第三百四十九條   技術轉讓合同的讓與人應當保證自己是所提供的技術的合法擁有者,並保證所提供的技術完整、無誤、有效,能夠達到約定的目標。

Article 349 The transferor under a technology transfer contract shall warrant that it is the lawful owner of the technology provided, and shall warrant that the technology provided is complete, accurate, effective, and capable of achieving the prescribed goals.

第三百五十條   技術轉讓合同的受讓人應當按照約定的範圍和期限,對讓與人提供的技術中尚未公開的秘密部分,承擔保密義務。

Article 350 The transferee under a technology transfer contract shall, in conformity with the scope and the time period as agreed upon in the contract, abide by its confidentiality obligations in respect of the non-public and secret portion of the technology provided by the transferor.

第三百五十一條   讓與人未按照約定轉讓技術的,應當返還部分或者全部使用費,並應當承擔違約責任;實施專利或者使用技術秘密超越約定的範圍的,違反約定擅自許可第三人實施該項專利或者使用該項技術秘密的,應當停止違約行為,承擔違約責任;違反約定的保密義務的,應當承擔違約責任。

Article 351 Where the transferor fails to transfer the technology in accordance with the contract, it shall refund the licensing fee in part or in whole, and shall be liable for the breach of contract; where the transferor exploits the patent or uses the technical secret beyond the agreed scope, or unilaterally allows the patent to be exploited or the technical secret to be used by a third party in violation of the contract, it shall cease the breach and be liable for the breach of contract; where the transferor breaches any agreed confidentiality obligation, it shall be liable for the breach of contract.

第三百五十二條   受讓人未按照約定支付使用費的,應當補交使用費並按照約定支付違約金;不補交使用費或者支付違約金的,應當停止實施專利或者使用技術秘密,交還技術資料,承擔違約責任;實施專利或者使用技術秘密超越約定的範圍的,未經讓與人同意擅自許可第三人實施該專利或者使用該技術秘密的,應當停止違約行為,承擔違約責任;違反約定的保密義務的,應當承擔違約責任。

Article 352 Where the transferee fails to pay the agreed licensing fee, it shall pay the overdue licensing fee and pay breach of contract damages in accordance with the contract; where it fails to pay the overdue licensing fee and breach of contract damages, it shall cease exploitation of the patent or use of the technical secret, return the technical materials, and be liable for the breach of contract; where the transferee exploits the patent or uses the technical secret beyond the agreed scope, or allows the patent to be exploited or the technical secret to be used by a third party without consent of the transferor in breach of the contract, it shall cease the breach and be liable for the breach of contract; where the transferee breaches any agreed confidentiality obligation, it shall be liable for the breach of contract.

第三百五十三條   受讓人按照約定實施專利、使用技術秘密侵害他人合法權益的,由讓與人承擔責任,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 353 Where the exploitation of a patent or the use of know-how by the transferee as agreed infringes on the lawful rights and interests of any other person, the liability shall be borne by the transferor, except as otherwise agreed by the parties.

第三百五十四條   當事人可以按照互利的原則,在技術轉讓合同中約定實施專利、使用技術秘密後續改進的技術成果的分享辦法。沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,一方後續改進的技術成果,其他各方無權分享。

Article 354 The parties may, on the basis of mutual benefit, provide in the technology transfer contract for the method of sharing any subsequent improvement resulting from the exploitation of the patent or use of the technical secret. Where there is no such agreement in the contract or such agreement is unclear, nor can it be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Law, the other parties shall have no right to share any subsequent improvement made by either party.

第三百五十五條   法律、行政法規對技術進出口合同或者專利、專利申請合同另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 355 Where the relevant laws or administrative regulations provide otherwise in respect of technology import or export contracts or in respect of patent contracts or contracts for patent application, such provisions shall prevail.

第四節 技術諮詢合同和技術服務合同

Section 4 Technical Consultancy Contract and Technical Service Contract

第三百五十六條   技術諮詢合同包括就特定技術項目提供可行性論證、技術預測、專題技術調查、分析評價報告等合同。

Article 356 Technical consultancy contracts include contracts for the provision of feasibility studies, technical forecasts, specialized technical investigations and analysis and evaluation reports in respect of specific technical projects.


A technical service contract means a contract whereby one party solves a particular technical problem for the other party by utilizing its technical knowledge, excluding a construction project contract or a work contract.

第三百五十七條   技術諮詢合同的委托人應當按照約定闡明諮詢的問題,提供技術背景材料及有關技術資料、數據;接受受托人的工作成果,支付報酬。

Article 357 The client under a technical consulting contract shall, in accordance with the contract, describe the problem on which consultancy is sought, provide the technical background information as well as relevant technical materials and data; and accept the work results from, and pay the remuneration to, the consultant.

第三百五十八條   技術諮詢合同的受托人應當按照約定的期限完成諮詢報告或者解答問題;提出的諮詢報告應當達到約定的要求。

Article 358 The consultant under a technical consulting contract shall complete the consulting report or answer the question within the agreed period; the consulting report submitted shall comply with the requirements set forth in the contract.

第三百五十九條   技術諮詢合同的委托人未按照約定提供必要的資料和數據,影響工作進度和質量,不接受或者逾期接受工作成果的,支付的報酬不得追回,未支付的報酬應當支付。

Article 359 Where the client under a technical consulting contract fails to provide the necessary materials and data in accordance with the contract, thereby impairing the progress and quality of the work, or fails to accept or delays in accepting the work results, it may not claim refund of the remuneration paid, and shall pay any unpaid remuneration.


Where the consultant under a technical consulting contract fails to provide the consulting report within the prescribed period or the consulting report submitted does not comply with the contract, it shall be liable for the breach of contract by way of reducing or foregoing the remuneration, etc.


The client under a technical consulting contract shall compensate the client for any losses arising from its making decisions based on the consulting report and opinions of the consultant which meet the requirements as agreed in the contract, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

第三百六十條   技術服務合同的委托人應當按照約定提供工作條件,完成配合事項;接受工作成果並支付報酬。

Article 360 The client under a technical service contract shall, in accordance with the contract, provide the working conditions and complete its tasks of cooperation; accept the work results and pay the remuneration.

第三百六十一條   技術服務合同的受托人應當按照約定完成服務項目,解決技術問題,保證工作質量,並傳授解決技術問題的知識。

Article 361 The service provider under a technical service contract shall, in accordance with the contract, complete the services, solve the technical problem, warrant the quality of its work, and communicate the knowledge for solving the technical problem.

第三百六十二條   技術服務合同的委托人不履行合同義務或者履行合同義務不符合約定,影響工作進度和質量,不接受或者逾期接受工作成果的,支付的報酬不得追回,未支付的報酬應當支付。

Article 362 Where the client under a technical service contract fails to perform its contractual obligations, or the performance is not in conformity with the contract, thereby impairing the progress and quality of the work, or fails to accept or delays in accepting the work results, it may not claim refund of the remuneration paid, and shall pay any unpaid remuneration.


Where the service provider under a technical service contract fails to complete services in accordance with the contract, it shall be liable for the breach of contract by way of forgoing the remuneration, etc.

第三百六十三條   在技術諮詢合同、技術服務合同履行過程中,受托人利用委托人提供的技術資料和工作條件完成的新的技術成果,屬於受托人。委托人利用受托人的工作成果完成的新的技術成果,屬於委托人。當事人另有約定的,按照其約定。

Article 363 In the course of performing a technical consulting contract or a technical service contract, any new technology developed by the consultant or service provider utilizing the technical materials and working conditions provided by the client belongs to the consultant or service provider. Any new technical results accomplished by the Client by utilizing the work results of the Client shall belong to the Client. Where the parties agree otherwise, their agreement shall be applied.

第三百六十四條   法律、行政法規對技術中介合同、技術培訓合同另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 364. Where the laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise with respect to technology intermediary service contracts and technical training contracts, such provisions shall prevail.

第十九章 保管合同

Chapter 19 Storage Contracts

第三百六十五條   保管合同是保管人保管寄存人交付的保管物,並返還該物的合同。

Article 365 A storage contract is a contract whereby the depository keeps the deposit delivered by the depositor, and eventually returns it thereto.

第三百六十六條   寄存人應當按照約定向保管人支付保管費。

Article 366 The depositor shall pay the storage fee to the depository in accordance with the contract.


Where the storage fee is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined in accordance with Article 61 of this Law, the storage shall be gratuitous.

第三百六十七條   保管合同自保管物交付時成立,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 367 A deposit contract is established at the time when the deposit is delivered, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties.

第三百六十八條   寄存人向保管人交付保管物的,保管人應當給付保管憑證,但另有交易習慣的除外。

Article 368 Upon the depositor's delivery of the deposit to the depository, the depository shall issue a deposit receipt, except as otherwise practised in transaction.

第三百六十九條   保管人應當妥善保管保管物。

Article 369 The depository shall keep the deposit with due care.


The parties may agree on the place or method of custody. The place or method of custody may not be unilaterally changed except in case of emergency or for the purpose of protecting the depositor's interests.

第三百七十條   寄存人交付的保管物有瑕疵或者按照保管物的性質需要采取特殊保管措施的,寄存人應當將有關情況告知保管人。寄存人未告知,致使保管物受損失的,保管人不承擔損害賠償責任;保管人因此受損失的,除保管人知道或者應當知道並且未采取補救措施的以外,寄存人應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 370 Where the deposit delivered by the depositor has defects or requires special storage measures in light of its nature, the depositor shall inform the depository of the relevant situation. Where the depositor fails to inform, thereby causing damage to the deposit, the depository is not liable for damages; where the depository sustains any loss as a result, the depositor shall be liable for damages, except where the depository is, or ought to be, aware of the loss and fails to take remedial measures.

第三百七十一條   保管人不得將保管物轉交第三人保管,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 371. The custodian shall not transfer the custodial goods into the custody of a third party, except where the parties agree otherwise.


Where the depository, in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, transfers the object deposited to a third party for custody, the depository shall be liable for damages if any loss is caused to the object.

第三百七十二條   保管人不得使用或者許可第三人使用保管物,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 372. The custodian shall not use the custodial goods or permit a third party to use the custodial goods, except where the parties to the contract agree otherwise.

第三百七十三條   第三人對保管物主張權利的,除依法對保管物采取保全或者執行的以外,保管人應當履行向寄存人返還保管物的義務。

Article 373 Where a third party claims a right over the deposit, the depository shall perform its obligation of returning the deposit to the depositor, except where an order of preservation or enforcement is carried out in respect of the deposit in accordance with the law.


Where a third party brings a lawsuit against the depository or applies for attachment of the deposit, the depository shall timely notify the depositor.

第三百七十四條   保管期間,因保管人保管不善造成保管物毀損、滅失的,保管人應當承擔損害賠償責任,但保管是無償的,保管人證明自己沒有重大過失的,不承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 374 Where, during the period of custody, the object deposited is damaged or lost due to lack of due care by the depository, the depository shall be liable for damages, unless the deposit is gratuitous, and the depository proves itself free from any gross negligence.

第三百七十五條   寄存人寄存貨幣、有價證券或者其他貴重物品的,應當向保管人聲明,由保管人驗收或者封存。寄存人未聲明的,該物品毀損、滅失後,保管人可以按照一般物品予以賠償。

Article 375 Where the depositor is to deposit money, negotiable securities or other valuables, it shall declare the case to the depository, and the depository shall inspect them prior to acceptance or seal them. Where the depositor fails to make such declaration and the said articles are damaged or lost, the depository may compensate for them as if they were ordinary articles.

第三百七十六條   寄存人可以隨時領取保管物。

Article 376 The depositor may retrieve the deposit at any time.


Where the parties have not agreed or have not come to a clear agreement on the custody period, the custodian may at any time demand that the depositor collect the custodial goods; where the parties have agreed on a custody period, and without special reason, the custodian may not demand that the depositor collect the goods in advance.

第三百七十七條   保管期間屆滿或者寄存人提前領取保管物的,保管人應當將原物及其孳息歸還寄存人。

Article 377 At the expiry of the deposit period, or if the depositor retrieves the deposit before the expiry of the deposit period, the depository shall return the original item together with any fruit thereof to the depositor.

第三百七十八條   保管人保管貨幣的,可以返還相同種類、數量的貨幣。保管其他可替代物的,可以按照約定返還相同種類、品質、數量的物品。

Article 378 Where the depository keeps money deposit, it may return money of the same type and quantity. Where the depository keeps any other fungible item, it may return any item of the same type, quality and quantity in accordance with the contract.

第三百七十九條   有償的保管合同,寄存人應當按照約定的期限向保管人支付保管費。當事人對支付期限沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,應當在領取保管物的同時支付。

Article 379 Under a storage contract for value, the depositor shall pay to the depository the storage fee at the agreed time. Where the time of payment of the storage fee is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined in accordance with Article 61 of this Law, the storage fee shall be paid at the same time the deposit is retrieved.

第三百八十條   寄存人未按照約定支付保管費以及其他費用的,保管人對保管物享有留置權,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 380 Where the depositor fails to pay the storage fee and other expenses, the depository is entitled to lien on the deposit, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties.

第二十章 倉儲合同

Chapter 20 Warehousing Contracts

第三百八十一條   倉儲合同是保管人儲存存貨人交付的倉儲物,存貨人支付倉儲費的合同。

Article 381 A warehousing contract is a contract whereby the safekeeping party stores the goods delivered by the depositor, and the depositor pays the warehousing fee.

第三百八十二條   倉儲合同自成立時生效。

Article 382 A warehousing contract becomes effective upon its formation.

第三百八十三條   儲存易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蝕性、有放射性等危險物品或者易變質物品,存貨人應當說明該物品的性質,提供有關資料。

Article 383 Where the depositor intends to store any dangerous article which is inflammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, or radioactive, etc., or any material susceptible to deterioration, it shall indicate the nature of the goods and provide the relevant information.


If the depositor violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the depository may reject the goods to be stored, or take appropriate measures to avoid losses. The cost consequently incurred shall be borne by the depositor.


Where the safekeeping party is to store any dangerous article that is inflammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, or radioactive, etc.,

第三百八十四條   保管人應當按照約定對入庫倉儲物進行驗收。保管人驗收時發現入庫倉儲物與約定不符合的,應當及時通知存貨人。保管人驗收後,發生倉儲物的品種、數量、質量不符合約定的,保管人應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 384 The safekeeping party shall, in accordance with the contract, conduct warehouse-in inspection of the goods. Where the depository discovers in the inspection that the goods to be stored are not in conformity with the terms of the contract, it shall inform the depositor in time. After inspection and acceptance by the depository, if it is discovered that the category, quantity or quality of the stored goods is not in conformity with the terms of the contract, the depository shall be liable for damages.

第三百八十五條   存貨人交付倉儲物的,保管人應當給付倉單。

Article 385 Upon the depositor's delivery of the goods, the safekeeping party shall issue a warehouse receipt.

第三百八十六條   保管人應當在倉單上簽字或者蓋章。倉單包括下列事項:

Article 386 The safekeeping party shall sign or affix a seal on the warehouse receipt. A warehouse receipt shall contain the following items:


1. title or name and domicile of the depositor;


(II) category, quantity, quality, package, number of pieces and mark of the stored goods;


(III) standards for wear and tear of the stored goods;


(IV) storage place;


(V) period of storage;


(VI) Storage Charges


(VII) if the goods have been insured, the amount and period of insurance and the name of the insurer; and


(VIII) the person issuing the document, the place where the document is issued and the date of issuance.

第三百八十七條   倉單是提取倉儲物的憑證。存貨人或者倉單持有人在倉單上背書並經保管人簽字或者蓋章的,可以轉讓提取倉儲物的權利。

Article 387 A warehouse receipt is the voucher for retrieving the goods. Where the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt has endorsed the warehouse receipt and the safekeeping party has signed or sealed thereon, the right to retrieve the goods may be assigned.

第三百八十八條   保管人根據存貨人或者倉單持有人的要求,應當同意其檢查倉儲物或者提取樣品。

Article 388 Upon request of the depositor or the holder of the warehouse receipt, the safekeeping party shall allow the person to inspect the goods or take samples therefrom.

第三百八十九條   保管人對入庫倉儲物發現有變質或者其他損壞的,應當及時通知存貨人或者倉單持有人。

Article 389 Where the safekeeping party discovers that the warehoused goods are deteriorating or are otherwise damaged, it shall timely notify the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt.

第三百九十條   保管人對入庫倉儲物發現有變質或者其他損壞,危及其他倉儲物的安全和正常保管的,應當催告存貨人或者倉單持有人作出必要的處置。因情況緊急,保管人可以作出必要的處置,但事後應當將該情況及時通知存貨人或者倉單持有人。

Article 390 Where the safekeeping party discovers that the warehoused goods are deteriorating or are otherwise damaged, thereby endangering the safety and normal safekeeping of other warehoused goods, it shall demand disposal of the goods by the depositor or the holder of the warehouse receipt as necessary. In an emergency situation, the safekeeping party may dispose of the goods as required, but shall promptly notify the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt of the situation afterwards.

第三百九十一條   當事人對儲存期間沒有約定或者約定不明確的,存貨人或者倉單持有人可以隨時提取倉儲物,保管人也可以隨時要求存貨人或者倉單持有人提取倉儲物,但應當給予必要的準備時間。

Article 391 Where the warehousing period is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt may retrieve the goods at any time, and the safekeeping party may require the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt to retrieve the goods at any time, provided that the other party shall be given the time required for preparation.

第三百九十二條   儲存期間屆滿,存貨人或者倉單持有人應當憑倉單提取倉儲物。存貨人或者倉單持有人逾期提取的,應當加收倉儲費;提前提取的,不減收倉儲費。

Article 392 At the expiry of the warehousing period, the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt shall retrieve the goods by presenting the warehouse receipt to the safekeeping party. Where the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt fails to collect the goods on time, additional warehousing fee shall be charged; where the goods are collected ahead of time, the warehousing fee shall not be reduced.

第三百九十三條   儲存期間屆滿,存貨人或者倉單持有人不提取倉儲物的,保管人可以催告其在合理期限內提取,逾期不提取的,保管人可以提存倉儲物。

Article 393 At the expiry of the warehousing period, if the depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt fails to retrieve the goods, the safekeeping party may demand retrieval within a reasonable period, and if the goods are not retrieved at the expiry of such period, the safekeeping party may place the goods in escrow.

第三百九十四條   儲存期間,因保管人保管不善造成倉儲物毀損、滅失的,保管人應當承擔損害賠償責任。

Article 394 Where the goods are damaged or lost during the warehousing period due to improper safekeeping by the safekeeping party, it shall be liable for damages.


If the stored goods are deteriorated or damaged due to inconformity of the nature or the packaging of the stored goods to the terms of the contract, or if the goods exceed the valid storage period, the custodian shall not be liable to provide compensation for the losses sustained.

第三百九十五條   本章沒有規定的,適用保管合同的有關規定。

Article 395 Matters not provided for in this Chapter shall be governed by the relevant provision on storage contracts.

第二十一章 委托合同

Chapter 21 Commission Contracts

第三百九十六條   委托合同是委托人和受托人約定,由受托人處理委托人事務的合同。

Article 396 A commission contract is a contract whereby the principal and the agent agree that the agent will handle the principal's affairs.

第三百九十七條   委托人可以特別委托受托人處理一項或者數項事務,也可以概括委托受托人處理一切事務。

Article 397 The principal may specifically appoint the agent to handle one or more of its affairs, or generally appoint the agent to handle all of its affairs.

第三百九十八條   委托人應當預付處理委托事務的費用。受托人為處理委托事務墊付的必要費用,委托人應當償還該費用及其利息。

Article 398 The principal shall prepay the expenses for handling the entrusted affair (s). Any expense necessary for handling the commissioned affair advanced by the agent shall be repaid with interest by the principal.

第三百九十九條   受托人應當按照委托人的指示處理委托事務。需要變更委托人指示的,應當經委托人同意;因情況緊急,難以和委托人取得聯系的,受托人應當妥善處理委托事務,但事後應當將該情況及時報告委托人。

Article 399 The agent shall handle the entrusted affair (s) according to the instruction of the principal. Where it is necessary to alter the principal's instructions, the principal's consent shall be obtained; where a situation is so urgent that it is difficult to establish contact with the principal, the agent shall handle the entrusted affair (s) properly and subsequently report to the principal the circumstances in a timely manner.

第四百條   受托人應當親自處理委托事務。經委托人同意,受托人可以轉委托。轉委托經同意的,委托人可以就委托事務直接指示轉委托的第三人,受托人僅就第三人的選任及其對第三人的指示承擔責任。轉委托未經同意的,受托人應當對轉委托的第三人的行為承擔責任,但在緊急情況下受托人為維護委托人的利益需要轉委托的除外。

Article 400 The agent shall personally handle the commissioned affair. With the consent of the principal, the agent may delegate the agency to a third party. If the delegation is approved, the principal may directly give instructions to the delegated third party for the delegated affairs, and the agent shall be liable only for the selection of the third party and its own instructions to the third party. Where the agency is delegated without consent, the agent shall be liable for any act of the delegate, except in an emergency where the agent needs to delegate the agency in order to safeguard the interests of the principal.

第四百零一條   受托人應當按照委托人的要求,報告委托事務的處理情況。委托合同終止時,受托人應當報告委托事務的結果。

Article 401 Upon request by the principal, the agent shall report on the progress of the commissioned affair. When a commission contract is terminated, the agent shall report on the results of the commissioned affair.

第四百零二條   受托人以自己的名義,在委托人的授權範圍內與第三人訂立的合同,第三人在訂立合同時知道受托人與委托人之間的代理關系的,該合同直接約束委托人和第三人,但有確切證據證明該合同只約束受托人和第三人的除外。

Article 402 Where the agent, acting within the scope of authority granted by the principal, enter into a contract in its own name with a third party who is aware of the agency relationship between the principal and agent, the contract is directly binding upon the principal and such third party, except where there is conclusive evidence establishing that the contract is only binding upon the agent and such third party.

第四百零三條   受托人以自己的名義與第三人訂立合同時,第三人不知道受托人與委托人之間的代理關系的,受托人因第三人的原因對委托人不履行義務,受托人應當向委托人披露第三人,委托人因此可以行使受托人對第三人的權利,但第三人與受托人訂立合同時如果知道該委托人就不會訂立合同的除外。

Article 403 Where the agent enter into a contract in its own name with a third party who does not know about the agency relationship between the agent and the principal, if the agent fails to perform its obligation towards the principal due to any reason attributable to such third party, the agent shall disclose the third party to the principal, and the principal may exercise the agent's rights against such third party, unless the third party would not enter into the contract with the agent if it knew the identity of the principal at the time of conclusion of the contract.


Where the agent fails to perform its obligation toward the third party due to any reason attributable to the principal, the agent shall disclose the principal to the third party, and the third party may therefore choose the agent or the principal as the other party to assert its rights, provided that the third party may not change its choice of the relevant party.


Where the principal exercises the agent's rights against the third party, the third party may raise with the principal its counterclaims against the agent. Where the third party chooses the principal as the other party to the contract, the principal may avail itself of any defense it has against the agent as well as any defense the agent has against the third party.

第四百零四條   受托人處理委托事務取得的財產,應當轉交給委托人。

Article 404 The agent shall hand over to the principal the property obtained in handling the entrusted affair (s).

第四百零五條   受托人完成委托事務的,委托人應當向其支付報酬。因不可歸責於受托人的事由,委托合同解除或者委托事務不能完成的,委托人應當向受托人支付相應的報酬。當事人另有約定的,按照其約定。

Article 405 Upon completion of the entrusted affair (s), the principal shall pay remuneration to the agent. Where, due to causes not attributable to the agent, the commission contract is rescinded or the entrusted affair (s) cannot be completed, the principal shall pay the agent corresponding remuneration. Where the parties agree otherwise, their agreement shall be applied.

第四百零六條   有償的委托合同,因受托人的過錯給委托人造成損失的,委托人可以要求賠償損失。無償的委托合同,因受托人的故意或者重大過失給委托人造成損失的,委托人可以要求賠償損失。

Article 406 With respect to mandate contracts for value, the principal may demand compensation for any losses sustained due to the fault of the agent. With respect to mandate contracts not for value, the principal may demand compensation for any losses sustained due to the deliberate intention or gross negligence of the agent.


Where the agent acts beyond the scope of authorization, thereby causing loss to the principal, it shall compensate for the loss.

第四百零七條   受托人處理委托事務時,因不可歸責於自己的事由受到損失的,可以向委托人要求賠償損失。

Article 407 In the course of handling the commissioned affair, if the agent sustains any loss due to a reason not attributable to itself, the agent may seek indemnification from the principal.

第四百零八條   委托人經受托人同意,可以在受托人之外委托第三人處理委托事務。因此給受托人造成損失的,受托人可以向委托人要求賠償損失。

Article 408 With the consent of the agent, the principal may entrust a third party other than the agent to handle the entrusted affair (s). The agent may demand that the principal provide compensation for any losses sustained as a result.

第四百零九條   兩個以上的受托人共同處理委托事務的,對委托人承擔連帶責任。

Article 409 Where two or more agents jointly handle the commissioned affair, they are jointly and severally liable to the principal.

第四百一十條   委托人或者受托人可以隨時解除委托合同。因解除合同給對方造成損失的,除不可歸責於該當事人的事由以外,應當賠償損失。

Article 410. A principal or an agent may dissolve a mandate contract at any time. A party shall be liable to provide compensation for any losses sustained by the other party due to the dissolution of the contract, except for causes not attributable to the said party.

第四百一十一條   委托人或者受托人死亡、喪失民事行為能力或者破產的,委托合同終止,但當事人另有約定或者根據委托事務的性質不宜終止的除外。

Article 411 A commission contract shall be terminated by the death, loss of capacity for civil conduct or bankruptcy of the principal or the agent, unless the parties have agreed otherwise or it is inappropriate to terminate the contract given the nature of the commissioned affair.

第四百一十二條   因委托人死亡、喪失民事行為能力或者破產,致使委托合同終止將損害委托人利益的,在委托人的繼承人、法定代理人或者清算組織承受委托事務之前,受托人應當繼續處理委托事務。

Article 412. Where the principal dies, loses its capacity for civil acts or becomes bankrupt, and the resulting termination of the mandate contract will be detrimental to the principal's interests, then prior to the principal's heirs, legal agent or liquidation organisation assuming responsibility for the delegated affairs, the agent shall continue to handle the delegated affairs.

第四百一十三條   因受托人死亡、喪失民事行為能力或者破產,致使委托合同終止的,受托人的繼承人、法定代理人或者清算組織應當及時通知委托人。因委托合同終止將損害委托人利益的,在委托人作出善後處理之前,受托人的繼承人、法定代理人或者清算組織應當采取必要措施。

Article 413 If the commission contract is terminated due to the agent's death, loss of capacity for civil conduct or bankruptcy, the agent's heir, statutory agent or liquidation group shall notify the principal in a timely manner. If termination of the mandate contract will be detrimental to the principal's interests, then prior to the principal acting to rectify the situation, the agent's heirs, legal representative or liquidation organisation shall take the necessary measures.

第二十二章 行紀合同

Chapter 22 Contracts of Commission Agency

第四百一十四條   行紀合同是行紀人以自己的名義為委托人從事貿易活動,委托人支付報酬的合同。

Article 414 A contract of commission agency is a contract whereby the commission agent conducts trading activities in its own name for the principal, and the principal pays the remuneration.

第四百一十五條   行紀人處理委托事務支出的費用,由行紀人負擔,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 415 The expenses paid by the broker in the course of handling the entrusted affairs shall be borne by the broker, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties.

第四百一十六條   行紀人占有委托物的,應當妥善保管委托物。

Article 416 Where the commission agent is in possession of the entrusted item, it shall keep the entrusted item with due care.

第四百一十七條   委托物交付給行紀人時有瑕疵或者容易腐爛、變質的,經委托人同意,行紀人可以處分該物;和委托人不能及時取得聯系的,行紀人可以合理處分。

Article 417 If an entrusted item is defective, perishable or susceptible to deterioration at the time it was delivered to the commission agent, the commission agent may dispose of the item subject to the consent of the principal. Where the commission agent is unable to contact the principal in time, it may dispose of the entrusted item in a reasonable manner.

第四百一十八條   行紀人低於委托人指定的價格賣出或者高於委托人指定的價格買入的,應當經委托人同意。未經委托人同意,行紀人補償其差額的,該買賣對委托人發生效力。

Article 418 Where the broker sells at a lower price or buys at a higher price than the price set by the principal, consent shall be obtained from the principal. If such sale is effected without consent by the principal, and the commission agent makes up the deficiency on its own, it is binding on the principal.


Where the broker sells at a higher price or buys at a lower price than the price set by the principal, remuneration may be increased in accordance with the terms of the contract. Where such matter is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined in accordance with Article 61 of this Law, the benefit belongs to the principal.


Where the principal gives special instructions with respect to the price at which the goods are to be purchased or sold, the commission agent may not act contrary to such instructions in completing the purchase or sale.

第四百一十九條   行紀人賣出或者買入具有市場定價的商品,除委托人有相反的意思表示的以外,行紀人自己可以作為買受人或者出賣人。

Article 419 Where the commission agent sells or purchases commodities the price of which is fixed by the market, the commission agent may act as the purchaser or seller itself, unless the principal expresses a contrary intention.


Under the circumstance specified in the preceding paragraph, the commission agent may still request the principal to pay the remuneration.

第四百二十條   行紀人按照約定買入委托物,委托人應當及時受領。經行紀人催告,委托人無正當理由拒絕受領的,行紀人依照本法第一百零一條的規定可以提存委托物。

Article 420. Where the commission agent purchases entrusted goods as agreed, the principal shall promptly collect the said goods. Where after receiving demand from the commission agent, the principal refuses to take delivery without cause, the commission agent may place the entrusted item in escrow in accordance with the provisions of Article 101 of this Law.


Where the entrusted goods cannot be sold or the principal withdraws the sale, and the principal fails to take back or dispose of the goods after being called upon by the commission agent to do so, the commission agent may place the entrusted goods in escrow in accordance with Article 101 of this Law.

第四百二十一條   行紀人與第三人訂立合同的,行紀人對該合同直接享有權利、承擔義務。

Article 421 Where the commission agent enters into a contract with a third party, it directly enjoys the rights and assumes the obligations thereunder.


Where the third party fails to perform its obligations, thereby causing damage to the principal, the commission agent shall be liable for damages, unless the commission agent and the principal have agreed otherwise.

第四百二十二條   行紀人完成或者部分完成委托事務的,委托人應當向其支付相應的報酬。委托人逾期不支付報酬的,行紀人對委托物享有留置權,但當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 422 Where the commission agent has completed the entrusted matter or has partially completed the entrusted matter, the principal shall pay the appropriate remuneration thereto. Where the principal fails to pay the remuneration within the prescribed period, the commission agent is entitled to lien on the entrusted goods, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.

第四百二十三條   本章沒有規定的,適用委托合同的有關規定。

Article 423 Matters not addressed in this chapter shall be governed by the relevant provision on commission contracts.

第二十三章 居間合同

Chapter 23 Intermediation contracts

第四百二十四條   居間合同是居間人向委托人報告訂立合同的機會或者提供訂立合同的媒介服務,委托人支付報酬的合同。

Article 424 An intermediation contract is a contract whereby the broker presents to the client an opportunity for entering into a contract or provides the client with intermediary services in connection with the conclusion thereof, and the client pays the remuneration.

第四百二十五條   居間人應當就有關訂立合同的事項向委托人如實報告。

Article 425 The intermediator shall report truthfully to the client on the matters related to the conclusion of a contract.


Where the intermediator intentionally conceals a material fact relating to the conclusion of the contract or provides false information, thereby harming the interests of the client, the intermediator may not require the payment of remuneration and shall be liable for damages.

第四百二十六條   居間人促成合同成立的,委托人應當按照約定支付報酬。對居間人的報酬沒有約定或者約定不明確,依照本法第六十一條的規定仍不能確定的,根據居間人的勞務合理確定。因居間人提供訂立合同的媒介服務而促成合同成立的,由該合同的當事人平均負擔居間人的報酬。居間人促成合同成立的,居間活動的費用,由居間人負擔。

Article 426. Where the intermediary facilitates the establishment of a contract, the client shall pay remuneration to the intermediary as agreed. Where remuneration to the broker is not agreed or the agreement is not clear, nor can it be determined in accordance with Article 61 of this Law, it shall be reasonably determined on the basis of the amount of labor expended by the broker. Where the provision, by the intermediary, of intermediary services relating to the conclusion of the contract facilitates the establishment of a contract, the parties to the said contract shall be equally liable to pay the intermediary's remuneration. Where the broker facilitates the formation of the proposed contract, the brokerage expenses shall be borne by the broker.

第四百二十七條   居間人未促成合同成立的,不得要求支付報酬,但可以要求委托人支付從事居間活動支出的必要費用。

Article 427 Where the intermediator fails to facilitate the establishment of a contract, the intermediator may not require the payment of remuneration, but may require the client to pay the necessary expenses for the intermediate activities.


Supplementary Provisions

第四百二十八條   本法自1999101日起施行,《中華人民共和國經濟合同法》、《中華人民共和國涉外經濟合同法》、《中華人民共和國技術合同法》同時廢止。

Article 428 This Law shall go into effect as of October 1, 1999, and the Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Foreign-related Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Technology Contract Law of the People's Republic of China shall be repealed simultaneously.


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