中華人民共和國人民調解法,主席令第三十四號,(2010年8月28日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十六次會議通過 2010年8月28日公布,自2011年1月1日起施行。)



Civil Mediation Law of the People's Republic of China


Presidential Decree No. 34

2010828日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十六次會議通過 2010828日公布,自201111日起施行。)

(Adopted at the 16th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on 28 August 2010, promulgated on 28 August 2010, and effective on 1 January 2011)



Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 人民調解委員會

Chapter 2 People's Mediation Committees

  第三章 人民調解員

Chapter 3 People's Mediators

  第四章 調解程序

Chapter 4 Mediation Procedures

  第五章 調解協議

Chapter 5 Mediation Agreement


Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了完善人民調解制度,規範人民調解活動,及時解決民間糾紛,維護社會和諧穩定,根據憲法,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution with a view to improving the people's mediation system, standardizing people's mediation activities, resolving civil disputes in a timely manner, and maintaining social harmony and stability.

第二條   本法所稱人民調解,是指人民調解委員會通過說服、疏導等方法,促使當事人在平等協商基礎上自願達成調解協議,解決民間糾紛的活動。

Article 2 For the purposes of this Law, the term "civil mediation" shall refer to the activities of civil mediation committees in promoting the parties to voluntarily reach mediation agreements through consultation on the basis of equality by persuasion, guidance and other methods to resolve civil disputes.

第三條   人民調解委員會調解民間糾紛,應當遵循下列原則:

Article 3 In mediating disputes among people, civil mediation committees shall observe the following principles:


1. Mediating on the basis of willingness and equality of the parties;


(II) No violation of laws, regulations or state policies; and


(III) Respecting the rights of the parties and not preventing the parties from protecting their rights through such channels as arbitration, administration and judicature for the reason of mediation.

第四條   人民調解委員會調解民間糾紛,不收取任何費用。

Article 4 People's mediation committees do not charge any fee for mediating civil disputes.

第五條   國務院司法行政部門負責指導全國的人民調解工作,縣級以上地方人民政府司法行政部門負責指導本行政區域的人民調解工作。

Article 5 The judicial administration department under the State Council shall be responsible for guiding the civil mediation work throughout the country and the judicial administration departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for guiding the civil mediation work within their respective administrative regions.


The grassroots people's courts shall provide professional guidance to people's mediation committees in mediating civil disputes.

第六條   國家鼓勵和支持人民調解工作。縣級以上地方人民政府對人民調解工作所需經費應當給予必要的支持和保障,對有突出貢獻的人民調解委員會和人民調解員按照國家規定給予表彰獎勵。

Article 6 The state encourages and supports people's mediation work. Local people's governments above the county level should provide necessary support and guarantees in relation to the cost of carrying out people's mediation work. People's mediation committees and people's mediators with outstanding contributions should be commended and rewarded in accordance with State regulations.

第二章 人民調解委員會

Chapter 2 People's Mediation Committees

第七條   人民調解委員會是依法設立的調解民間糾紛的群眾性組織。

Article 7 People's mediation committees are mass organizations set up in accordance with the law to mediate civil disputes.

第八條   村民委員會、居民委員會設立人民調解委員會。企業事業單位根據需要設立人民調解委員會。

Article 8 Villagers' committees and residents' committees shall establish civil mediation committees. Enterprises and public institutions may establish civil mediation committees if necessary.


A people's mediation committee shall be composed of three to nine members, including one chairman and several vice-chairmen when necessary.


The civil mediation committee shall have women members and, in an area where people from more than one ethnic group live, shall have members from a minority ethnic group.

第九條   村民委員會、居民委員會的人民調解委員會委員由村民會議或者村民代表會議、居民會議推選產生;企業事業單位設立的人民調解委員會委員由職工大會、職工代表大會或者工會組織推選產生。

Article 9 Members of the people's mediation committees of villagers' committees and residents' committees shall be elected by the villagers' meetings or meetings of villagers' representatives or residents' meetings; members of the people's mediation committees established by enterprises and institutions shall be elected by workers' congresses, workers' congresses or trade unions.


The tenure of members of people's mediation committees shall be three years and members can be re-elected.

第十條   縣級人民政府司法行政部門應當對本行政區域內人民調解委員會的設立情況進行統計,並且將人民調解委員會以及人員組成和調整情況及時通報所在地基層人民法院。

Article 10 The judicial administration department under the people's government at the county level shall make statistics of the establishment of the people's mediation committees within the administrative regions and timely report the information on the people's mediation committees, the personnel composition and adjustment thereof to the local grassroots people's courts.

第十一條   人民調解委員會應當建立健全各項調解工作制度,聽取群眾意見,接受群眾監督。

Article 11 People's mediation committees shall establish and improve various mediation work systems, listen to the opinions of the masses, and accept the supervision of the masses.

第十二條   村民委員會、居民委員會和企業事業單位應當為人民調解委員會開展工作提供辦公條件和必要的工作經費。

Article 12 Villagers' committees, residents' committees, enterprises, and public institutions shall provide office conditions and necessary funds for people's mediation committees to carry out their work.

第三章 人民調解員

Chapter 3 People's Mediators

第十三條   人民調解員由人民調解委員會委員和人民調解委員會聘任的人員擔任。

Article 13 The post of civil mediators shall be held by members of civil mediation committees and personnel employed by civil mediation committees.

第十四條   人民調解員應當由公道正派、熱心人民調解工作,並具有一定文化水平、政策水平和法律知識的成年公民擔任。

Article 14 People's mediators should be adult citizens who are impartial, enthusiastic about people's mediation work, of a certain level of education, policy and legal knowledge.


The judicial administrative departments of the people's governments at the county level shall regularly conduct professional training for civil mediators.

第十五條   人民調解員在調解工作中有下列行為之一的,由其所在的人民調解委員會給予批評教育、責令改正,情節嚴重的,由推選或者聘任單位予以罷免或者解聘:

Article 15 If a civil mediator has any of the following conducts in mediation work, he shall be given criticism and education or be ordered to make corrections; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be removed from office or dismissed by the electing or employing unit:


1. Decide in favor of any party;


2. insulting a party;


(III) Soliciting or accepting property or seeking other illegitimate benefits; or


(IV) Divulging any individual privacy or trade secret of a party concerned.

第十六條   人民調解員從事調解工作,應當給予適當的誤工補貼;因從事調解工作致傷致殘,生活發生困難的,當地人民政府應當提供必要的醫療、生活救助;在人民調解工作崗位上犧牲的人民調解員,其配偶、子女按照國家規定享受撫恤和優待。

Article 16 Appropriate subsidy for loss of working time shall be given to mediators engaging in mediation work; where a mediator is injured or disabled due to engaging in mediation work and has difficulties in life, the local people's government shall provide the necessary medical and living assistance; for a civil mediator who sacrifices his life on the post of civil mediation, the spouse and children thereof shall enjoy pension and preferential treatment in accordance with the provisions of the state.

第四章 調解程序

Chapter 4 Mediation Procedures

第十七條   當事人可以向人民調解委員會申請調解;人民調解委員會也可以主動調解。當事人一方明確拒絕調解的,不得調解。

Article 17 The persons involved can apply for mediation with civil mediation committees; civil mediation committees can also take the initiative to mediate. Where one party explicitly rejects mediation, no mediation may be conducted.

第十八條   基層人民法院、公安機關對適宜通過人民調解方式解決的糾紛,可以在受理前告知當事人向人民調解委員會申請調解。

Article 18 The grassroots People's Courts and public security organs may inform the persons involved to apply to civil mediation committees for mediation with regard to disputes that are suitable to be resolved through civil mediation before accepting the cases.

第十九條   人民調解委員會根據調解糾紛的需要,可以指定一名或者數名人民調解員進行調解,也可以由當事人選擇一名或者數名人民調解員進行調解。

Article 19 In light of the needs for mediating disputes, civil mediation committees may designate one or several civil mediators to conduct mediation and the parties may also select one or several civil mediators to conduct mediation.

第二十條   人民調解員根據調解糾紛的需要,在征得當事人的同意後,可以邀請當事人的親屬、鄰裡、同事等參與調解,也可以邀請具有專門知識、特定經驗的人員或者有關社會組織的人員參與調解。

Article 20 In light of the needs for mediating disputes and after obtaining the consent of the parties, civil mediators may invite relatives, neighbors, colleagues, etc. of the parties to participate in the mediation and also may invite persons with specialized knowledge and specific experience or personnel of relevant social organizations to participate in the mediation.


People's mediation committees support local people who are just, decent, enthusiastic about mediation, and recognized by the masses to take part in mediation.

第二十一條   人民調解員調解民間糾紛,應當堅持原則,明法析理,主持公道。

Article 21 When mediating disputes among people, civil mediators shall stick to principles, explain laws and bring out reasons, and uphold justice.


The mediation of disputes among people shall be conducted timely and on the spot to prevent the aggravation of conflicts.

第二十二條   人民調解員根據糾紛的不同情況,可以采取多種方式調解民間糾紛,充分聽取當事人的陳述,講解有關法律、法規和國家政策,耐心疏導,在當事人平等協商、互諒互讓的基礎上提出糾紛解決方案,幫助當事人自願達成調解協議。

Article 22 In light of the different circumstances of disputes, civil mediators may adopt various methods to mediate civil disputes, fully listen to the statements of the parties, explain relevant laws, regulations and state policies, patiently provide guidance, propose dispute resolution solutions based on the equal consultation and mutual understanding and mutual accommodation to help the parties to reach a mediation agreement voluntarily.

第二十三條   當事人在人民調解活動中享有下列權利:

Article 23 The persons involved enjoy the following rights in civil mediation activities:


1. selecting or accepting civil mediators;


2. to accept mediation, refuse mediation or request the termination of mediation;


(III) Requiring mediation to be conducted in public or in a private manner;


(IV) Independently expressing intentions and voluntarily reaching a mediation agreement.

第二十四條   當事人在人民調解活動中履行下列義務:

Article 24 The parties shall perform the following obligations in civil mediation activities:


1. Truthfully state the facts of the dispute;


(II) Observe the order at the mediation site and respect civil mediators;


(III) Respect the exercise of rights by the opposing party.

第二十五條   人民調解員在調解糾紛過程中,發現糾紛有可能激化的,應當采取有針對性的預防措施;對有可能引起治安案件、刑事案件的糾紛,應當及時向當地公安機關或者其他有關部門報告。

Article 25 In the process of mediating disputes, if civil mediators find that the disputes may become intensive, they shall take pertinent preventive measures; for disputes that may give rise to security cases or criminal cases, they shall promptly report to local public security organs or other relevant departments.

第二十六條   人民調解員調解糾紛,調解不成的,應當終止調解,並依據有關法律、法規的規定,告知當事人可以依法通過仲裁、行政、司法等途徑維護自己的權利。

Article 26 In the mediation of disputes, if the mediation fails, civil mediators shall terminate the mediation and, in accordance with provisions of relevant laws and regulations, inform the parties of rights to defend their rights through such channels as arbitration, administration and judicature.

第二十七條   人民調解員應當記錄調解情況。人民調解委員會應當建立調解工作檔案,將調解登記、調解工作記錄、調解協議書等材料立卷歸檔。

Article 27 Civil mediators shall record the mediation information. The civil mediation committee shall establish mediation work archives and put the mediation registration, mediation work records, mediation agreement and other materials on file.

第五章 調解協議

Chapter 5 Mediation Agreement

第二十八條   經人民調解委員會調解達成調解協議的,可以制作調解協議書。當事人認為無需制作調解協議書的,可以采取口頭協議方式,人民調解員應當記錄協議內容。

Article 28 Where a mediation agreement is reached as a result of mediation efforts of a people's mediation committee, a mediation agreement letter may be prepared. If the parties deem it unnecessary to prepare a written mediation agreement, oral agreement may be adopted and the content thereof shall be recorded by civil mediators.

第二十九條   調解協議書可以載明下列事項:

Article 29 A written mediation agreement may specify the following matters:


1. basic information of the Parties concerned;


(II) the main facts of the dispute, the dispute matter and the liability of the parties; and


(III) The contents, and the methods and time limit for the parties to reach a mediation agreement.


The mediation agreement shall take effect on the day when it is signed or affixed with the seal or fingerprint of all parties, signed by civil mediators, and affixed with the seal of the civil mediation committee. Each of the parties shall keep one copy of the mediation agreement and the people's mediation committee shall keep one copy.

第三十條   口頭調解協議自各方當事人達成協議之日起生效。

Article 30 The oral mediation agreement shall take effect on the date when the parties reach the agreement.

第三十一條   經人民調解委員會調解達成的調解協議,具有法律約束力,當事人應當按照約定履行。

Article 31 A mediation agreement reached as a result of mediation efforts of a people's mediation committee is legally binding and should be implemented by the parties as agreed.


The civil mediation committee shall supervise the performance of the mediation agreement and urge the parties to perform the stipulated obligations.

第三十二條   經人民調解委員會調解達成調解協議後,當事人之間就調解協議的履行或者調解協議的內容發生爭議的,一方當事人可以向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 32 Where the parties concerned are in dispute over the performance or contents of a mediation agreement after a mediation agreement has been reached as a result of mediation efforts of a people's mediation committee, one party may file a lawsuit with a people's court.

第三十三條   經人民調解委員會調解達成調解協議後,雙方當事人認為有必要的,可以自調解協議生效之日起三十日內共同向人民法院申請司法確認,人民法院應當及時對調解協議進行審查,依法確認調解協議的效力。

Article 33 After reaching a mediation agreement through the mediation of the civil mediation committee, both parties may, if they deem necessary, jointly apply to the people's court for judicial confirmation within 30 days after the mediation agreement takes effect. The people's court shall timely examine the mediation agreement and confirm the effectiveness of the mediation agreement in accordance with the law.


After the people's court has confirmed the validity of the mediation agreement in accordance with the law, if one party refuses to perform or fails to fully perform the agreement, the other party may apply to the people's court for enforcement.


Where the People's Court confirms pursuant to the law that a mediation agreement is invalid, the parties concerned may amend the original mediation agreement through People's mediation or enter into a new mediation agreement, or file a lawsuit with a People's Court.


Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

第三十四條   鄉鎮、街道以及社會團體或者其他組織根據需要可以參照本法有關規定設立人民調解委員會,調解民間糾紛。

Article 34 Townships, sub-districts, social groups and other organizations may establish civil mediation committees as required by the relevant provisions of this Law for the mediation of disputes among people.

第三十五條   本法自201111日起施行。

Article 35 This Law shall be effective 1 January 2011.


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