2002年6月29日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議通過 根據2012年2月29日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十五次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國清潔生產促進法〉的決定》修正



Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Clean Production (Revised in 2012)

(2002年6月29日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議通過 根據2012年2月29日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十五次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國清潔生產促進法〉的決定》修正)

(Adopted at the 28th session of the Standing Committee of the 9th National People's Congress on June 29, 2002, and revised according to the Decision on Revising the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Cleaner Production passed at the 25th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on February 29, 2012)

第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了促進清潔生產,提高資源利用效率,減少和避免汙染物的產生,保護和改善環境,保障人體健康,促進經濟與社會可持續發展,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of promoting clean production, raising the efficiency of utilizing resources, reducing and avoiding the production of pollutants, protecting and improving the environment, safeguarding human health, and promoting the sustainable development of the economy and society.

第二條   本法所稱清潔生產,是指不斷采取改進設計、使用清潔的能源和原料、采用先進的工藝技術與設備、改善管理、綜合利用等措施,從源頭削減汙染,提高資源利用效率,減少或者避免生產、服務和產品使用過程中汙染物的產生和排放,以減輕或者消除對人類健康和環境的危害。

Article 2 The term "clean production" as mentioned in this Law refers to reducing pollution from its source, raising the efficiency of utilizing resources, reducing or avoiding the production and emission of pollutants in the process of production, services and using products by means of incessantly improving designs, using clean energy and raw materials, adopting advanced techniques, technologies and equipment, improving management, making comprehensive utilizations, and other measures so as to alleviate or eliminate the harm done to the health of the human being and the environment.

第三條   在中華人民共和國領域內,從事生產和服務活動的單位以及從事相關管理活動的部門依照本法規定,組織、實施清潔生產。

Article 3 Within the territory of the People's Republic of China, entities engaged in production and service activities and the departments engaged in relevant administration shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, organize efforts to implement cleaner production.

第四條   國家鼓勵和促進清潔生產。國務院和縣級以上地方人民政府,應當將清潔生產促進工作納入國民經濟和社會發展規劃、年度計劃以及環境保護、資源利用、產業發展、區域開發等規劃。

Article 4 The State encourages and promotes clean production. The State Council and the local people's governments on the county level and above shall incorporate the work of promoting clean production into the programs of national economic and social development and the annual plans as well as the plans of environmental protection, utilization of resources, industrial development, and regional development, etc.

第五條   國務院清潔生產綜合協調部門負責組織、協調全國的清潔生產促進工作。國務院環境保護、工業、科學技術、財政部門和其他有關部門,按照各自的職責,負責有關的清潔生產促進工作。

Article 5 The general conciliation department of clean production under the State Council shall be responsible for organizing and conciliating the promotion of clean production within the whole country. The administrative departments under the State Council in charge of environmental protection, industry, science and technology, finance and other related fields shall, according to their respective functions and responsibilities, be responsible for the relevant PCP.


The Local Governments shall be in charge of directing the PCP under their respective administrative jurisdictions. The general conciliation department of clean production of the local people's governments at the county level and above shall be responsible for organizing and conciliating the promotion of clean production within their respective administrative jurisdictions. Other relevant departments of the Local Governments shall be responsible for the relevant PCP subject to their respective functions and responsibilities.

第六條   國家鼓勵開展有關清潔生產的科學研究、技術開發和國際合作,組織宣傳、普及清潔生產知識,推廣清潔生產技術。

Article 6 The State encourages scientific research, technological development and international cooperation in the field of cleaner production, organizes efforts to disseminate knowledge about cleaner production and spreads the use of technologies for cleaner production.


The State encourages public organizations and the general public to participate in the publicity, education, promotion, implementation and supervision of clean production.

第二章 清潔生產的推行


第七條   國務院應當制定有利於實施清潔生產的財政稅收政策。

Article 7 The State Council shall formulate financial and taxation policies that can contribute to the implementation of clean production.


The State Council, the relevant departments under it and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate industrial and technological development and promotion policies that can contribute to the implementation of cleaner production.

第八條   國務院清潔生產綜合協調部門會同國務院環境保護、工業、科學技術部門和其他有關部門,根據國民經濟和社會發展規劃及國家節約資源、降低能源消耗、減少重點汙染物排放的要求,編制國家清潔生產推行規劃,報經國務院批準後及時公布。

Article 8 The general conciliation department of clean production under the State Council shall, in collaboration with the administrative departments of environmental protection, industry and science and technology, etc. under the State Council, and according to the programs of national economic and social development and the State's requirements for resources conservation, reduction in consumption of energy sources and reduction in emissions of major pollutants, work out national plans for the promotion of clean production that shall be timely issued after being submitted to the State Council for approval.


The national plans for the promotion of clean production shall include the goal of promoting clean production, major tasks and measures, and the key fields, industries and projects in which clean production will be carried out according to consumption of resources and energy sources and the emission level of pollutants.


The competent departments under the State Council in charge of the concerned industries shall, according to the national PSCP, identify their key projects in the clean production, formulate and organize to implement their special industrial PSCP.


The local people's governments at the county level and above shall, according to the national plans for the promotion of clean production and the relevant special industrial plans for the promotion of clean production, and as required for resources conservation, reduction in consumption of energy sources and reduction in emissions of major pollutants in their administrative regions, determine the major projects for clean production in their administrative regions, and work out and organize the implementation of the plans for the promotion of clean production.

第九條   中央預算應當加強對清潔生產促進工作的資金投入,包括中央財政清潔生產專項資金和中央預算安排的其他清潔生產資金,用於支持國家清潔生產推行規劃確定的重點領域、重點行業、重點工程實施清潔生產及其技術推廣工作,以及生態脆弱地區實施清潔生產的項目。中央預算用於支持清潔生產促進工作的資金使用的具體辦法,由國務院財政部門、清潔生產綜合協調部門會同國務院有關部門制定。

Article 9 The capital contribution to the PCP from the budget of central government (the "BCG") shall be enhanced, including the special capital and other capital for cleaner production from the BCG, to support the implementation and promotion of cleaner production in the key fields, industries and projects defined by the national PSCP, and to implement the cleaner production projects in the ecologically fragile areas. The specific measures for the use of the funds under the central budget in support of the promotion of clean production shall be formulated by the finance department and the general conciliation department of clean production under the State Council, in collaboration with the competent departments under the State Council.


The Local Governments shall plan the capital contribution to the PCP from the local financial budget as a whole, and guide the public funds to support the key projects in the clean production.

第十條   國務院和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府的有關部門,應當組織和支持建立促進清潔生產信息系統和技術諮詢服務體系,向社會提供有關清潔生產方法和技術、可再生利用的廢物供求以及清潔生產政策等方面的信息和服務。

Article 10 The competent departments of the State Council as well as the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall organize and support the establishment of information systems for the promotion of clean production and systems of technological consultation services so as to provide to the general public the methods and technologies of clean production, information and services concerning the demand and supply of reproducible wastes, and the policies concerning clean production, etc.

第十一條   國務院清潔生產綜合協調部門會同國務院環境保護、工業、科學技術、建設、農業等有關部門定期發布清潔生產技術、工藝、設備和產品導向目錄。

Article 11 The general conciliation department of clean production under the State Council shall, in collaboration with the competent departments of environmental protection, industry, science and technology, construction and agriculture, etc. under the State Council, regularly publish directories on technologies, techniques, equipment and products for clean production.


The general conciliation department of clean production and the environmental protection department under the State Council and the general conciliation departments of clean production and the environmental protection departments of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in collaboration with the competent departments at the corresponding level, organize the preparation of the guidance on clean production for major industries or regions, so as to guide the implementation of clean production.

第十二條   國家對浪費資源和嚴重汙染環境的落後生產技術、工藝、設備和產品實行限期淘汰制度。國務院有關部門按照職責分工,制定並發布限期淘汰的生產技術、工藝、設備以及產品的名錄。

Article 12 The production technologies, techniques, equipments and products that are lagging behind, wasting resources or seriously polluting the environment shall be eliminated during prescribed time periods. The competent departments under the State Council shall, according to their respective functions and duties, formulate and publish catalogues of the production technologies, techniques, equipment and products to be eliminated within the prescribed time periods.

第十三條   國務院有關部門可以根據需要批準設立節能、節水、廢物再生利用等環境與資源保護方面的產品標志,並按照國家規定制定相應標準。

Article 13 The relevant departments under the State Council may, where necessary, grant approval to marks for products made for environment and resources protection, such as energy- or water-conservation products and products made out of recycled waste, and they shall lay down corresponding standards according to the State regulations.

第十四條   縣級以上人民政府科學技術部門和其他有關部門,應當指導和支持清潔生產技術和有利於環境與資源保護的產品的研究、開發以及清潔生產技術的示範和推廣工作。

Article 14 The departments in charge of science and technology and other relevant departments under the Local Governments shall guide and support the research in the development of technologies for cleaner production and products conducive to protection of the environment and resources and the demonstration and wide use of technologies for cleaner production.

第十五條   國務院教育部門,應當將清潔生產技術和管理課程納入有關高等教育、職業教育和技術培訓體系。

Article 15 The education department under the State Council shall incorporate the courses of cleaner production technology and management into the related systems of higher education, vocational education and technical training.


The relevant departments under the Local Governments shall organize to disseminate knowledge about cleaner production, give training in this area, to enhance the awareness of cleaner production among government functionaries, enterprise administrators and the general public, and train managerial and technical personnel for cleaner production.


The press, publishing, radio, film, television and cultural institutions and relevant public organizations shall give play to their own advantages and make a success of promotion for cleaner production.

第十六條   各級人民政府應當優先采購節能、節水、廢物再生利用等有利於環境與資源保護的產品。

Article 16 People's governments at various levels shall give first priority to purchasing energy- and water-conservation products and products made out of recycled waste which are conducive to protection of the environment and resources.


The people's governments at each level shall, by way of promotion, education or other means, encourage the general public to purchase and use energy and water conserving products, recycled products or other environmental friendly products.

第十七條   省、自治區、直轄市人民政府負責清潔生產綜合協調的部門、環境保護部門,根據促進清潔生產工作的需要,在本地區主要媒體上公布未達到能源消耗控制指標、重點汙染物排放控制指標的企業的名單,為公眾監督企業實施清潔生產提供依據。

Article 17 The general conciliation departments of clean production and the environmental protection departments of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, according to the demand of promoting clean production, publish the names of enterprises whose consumption of energy sources or emission of major pollutants has surpassed the prescribed limits in the local major mass media, so as to provide a basis for the general public to supervise the implementation of clean production by the enterprises.


The enterprises included into the said list shall, according to the provisions of the general conciliation department of clean production and the environmental protection department of the State Council, publish the information on their consumption of energy sources or generation and emission of major pollutants, so as to be subject to the supervision of the public.

第三章 清潔生產的實施

Chapter III Implementation of Cleaner Production

第十八條   新建、改建和擴建項目應當進行環境影響評價,對原料使用、資源消耗、資源綜合利用以及汙染物產生與處置等進行分析論證,優先采用資源利用率高以及汙染物產生量少的清潔生產技術、工藝和設備。

Article 18 For the projects of new building, rebuilding and expanded building, appraisals shall be made with regard to their effects upon the environment, analytical argumentations shall be made about the use of raw materials, consumption of resources, comprehensive utilization of resources, and the generation and disposal of pollutants, etc., and priority shall be placed on the adoption of clean production technologies, techniques and equipment that have high use rate of resources and generate few pollutants.

第十九條   企業在進行技術改造過程中,應當采取以下清潔生產措施:

Article 19 Enterprises shall, in their technological renovations, adopt the following clean production measures:


1. replacing highly toxic and harmful raw materials with nontoxic, harmless or less toxic and harmful ones;


2. replacing techniques and equipment which serve to make less effective use of resources to generate greater amount of pollutants with ones which serve to make highly effective use of resources and generate pollutants;


(III) making comprehensive or cycle use of solid waste and waste water and heat discharged in the course of production; and


(IV) adopting pollution prevention technologies being able to meet the national or local pollutant discharge standards and total pollutant discharge control targets;

第二十條   產品和包裝物的設計,應當考慮其在生命周期中對人類健康和環境的影響,優先選擇無毒、無害、易於降解或者便於回收利用的方案。

Article 20 For the design of products and packages, the effects thereof upon the health of the human beings and the environment within their life cycles shall be taken into consideration, and priority shall be placed on products and packages that are innocuous, harmless, easily degradable and convenient for recurrent utilization.


The enterprises shall package their products in reasonable ways, and the materials, structure and costs of the packages shall correspond to the quality, specifications and costs of the products in the packages, so as to reduce the generation of packaging waste and the excessive use of packaging materials.

第二十一條   生產大型機電設備、機動運輸工具以及國務院工業部門指定的其他產品的企業,應當按照國務院標準化部門或者其授權機構制定的技術規範,在產品的主體構件上注明材料成分的標準牌號。

Article 21 Enterprises producing large mechanical and electrical equipment, motor-driven means of transport and other products designated by the industrial department under the State Council shall, in adherence to the technical specifications laid down by the department for standardization under the State Council or the institutions authorized by it, indicate the standard brands of the material composition on the principal parts of the products.

第二十二條   農業生產者應當科學地使用化肥、農藥、農用薄膜和飼料添加劑,改進種植和養殖技術,實現農產品的優質、無害和農業生產廢物的資源化,防止農業環境汙染。

Article 22 Agricultural producers shall use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural film and feed additives in a scientific way and improve planting and breeding technologies, so as to produce quality and harmless agricultural products, turn agricultural waste into resources, and prevent the agricultural environment from pollution.


It shall be prohibited to use noxious or harmful wastes as fertilizers or for cultivating new farmland.

第二十三條   餐飲、娛樂、賓館等服務性企業,應當采用節能、節水和其他有利於環境保護的技術和設備,減少使用或者不使用浪費資源、汙染環境的消費品。

Article 23 The service enterprises such as restaurants, entertainment, hotels, etc. shall use the technologies and equipments that are good for saving energy, water and other environmental protection purposes, reduce or stop the use of consumer goods that waste resources or pollute the environment.

第二十四條   建築工程應當采用節能、節水等有利於環境與資源保護的建築設計方案、建築和裝修材料、建築構配件及設備。

Article 24 For construction projects, the construction designs and schemes, construction and decoration materials, construction component parts and equipments used shall be good for the protection of the environment and resources.


Construction and decoration materials shall conform to the norms of the State. It shall be prohibited to produce, sell and use noxious or harmful construction and decoration materials that have surpassed the national standards.

第二十五條   礦產資源的勘查、開采,應當采用有利於合理利用資源、保護環境和防止汙染的勘查、開采方法和工藝技術,提高資源利用水平。

Article 25 In prospecting and exploiting mineral resources, it is required to use the methods, techniques and technologies conducive to rational use of resources, environmental protection and prevention of pollution for better use of resources.

第二十六條   企業應當在經濟技術可行的條件下對生產和服務過程中產生的廢物、餘熱等自行回收利用或者轉讓給有條件的其他企業和個人利用。

Article 26 Enterprises shall, if possible in financial and technological conditions, retrieve wastes and waste heat discharged in the production and services, or transfer them to other enterprises or individuals with the required capability.

第二十七條   企業應當對生產和服務過程中的資源消耗以及廢物的產生情況進行監測,並根據需要對生產和服務實施清潔生產審核。

Article 27 Enterprises shall monitor the consumption of resources and discharge of waste in the production and services and, where necessary, examine whether their production and services achieve the cleaner production.


Any enterprise under any of the following circumstances shall implement the compulsory clean production check:


1. discharge pollutants in excess of the norms specified by the State or local authorities, or not exceeding the above norms but exceeding the total controlling indicator of the main pollutants discharge;


2. exceed the limited energy-consumption standards for unit products and constitute high energy-consumption;


3. use toxic or harmful raw materials in production or discharge toxic or harmful substances in the course of production.


Any enterprise that has emission of pollutants that exceeds the national or local standards shall harness the pollution in accordance with the relevant laws on environmental protection.


Any enterprise that implements the compulsory clean production check shall report the results of the check to the general conciliation department of clean production and the environmental protection department of the local people's government at the county level or above, and publish the results in the local major media, so as to be subject to the supervision of the public, except for those involving business secrets.


The competent departments of the local people's governments at the county level or above shall supervise the enterprises that implement the compulsory clean production check, and if necessary, may organize the appraisal and inspection on the results of implementation of clean production, with the expenses to be included into the budget of the government at the corresponding level. The departments or entities in charge of the said appraisal and inspection shall not charge any fees from the enterprises subject to appraisal and inspection.


The specific measures for reviewing clean production shall be formulated by the GCDCP and the environmental protection department under the State Council together with its relevant departments.

第二十八條   本法第二十七條第二款規定以外的企業,可以自願與清潔生產綜合協調部門和環境保護部門簽訂進一步節約資源、削減汙染物排放量的協議。該清潔生產綜合協調部門和環境保護部門應當在本地區主要媒體上公布該企業的名稱以及節約資源、防治汙染的成果。

Article 28 The enterprises other than those as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of Article 27 of this Law may, on the basis of willingness, enter into agreements with the GCDCP and the environmental protection departments for further saving resources and reducing the emission of pollutants. The said general conciliation departments of clean production and the environmental protection departments shall publish the names of the said enterprises and the achievements of saving resources and preventing and controlling pollution in the local major mass media.

第二十九條   企業可以根據自願原則,按照國家有關環境管理體系等認證的規定,委托經國務院認證認可監督管理部門認可的認證機構進行認證,提高清潔生產水平。

Article 29 The enterprises may, on the basis of willingness and according to the provisions of the State concerning the authentication of environmental management systems and other relevant provisions, entrust the authentication institutions acknowledged by the supervision and administration department for authentication ratification under the State Council to conduct authentication, so as to improve their clean production.

第四章 鼓勵措施

Chapter 4 Encouragement Measures

第三十條   國家建立清潔生產表彰獎勵制度。對在清潔生產工作中做出顯著成績的單位和個人,由人民政府給予表彰和獎勵。

Article 30 The State establishes a commending and awarding system for cleaner production. The entities and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in the work of clean production shall be commended and awarded by the people's government.

第三十一條   對從事清潔生產研究、示範和培訓,實施國家清潔生產重點技術改造項目和本法第二十八條規定的自願節約資源、削減汙染物排放量協議中載明的技術改造項目,由縣級以上人民政府給予資金支持。

Article 31 The research, demonstration and training projects of clean production, the national technological renovation projects for implementing clean production as well as the technological renovation projects that have been specified in the agreements for voluntarily conserving resources and reducing the emission of pollutants concluded according to the provisions of Article 28 of this Law shall be funded by the people's government at the county level or above.

第三十二條   在依照國家規定設立的中小企業發展基金中,應當根據需要安排適當數額用於支持中小企業實施清潔生產。

Article 32 An appropriate amount shall, where necessary, be set aside from the funds established for developing small and medium-sized enterprises in accordance with State regulations, to support such enterprises in their efforts to implement cleaner production.

第三十三條   依法利用廢物和從廢物中回收原料生產產品的,按照國家規定享受稅收優惠。

Article 33 Enterprises which use waste materials or recover raw materials from waste in accordance with the law shall enjoy preferential tax treatment in accordance with State regulations.

第三十四條   企業用於清潔生產審核和培訓的費用,可以列入企業經營成本。

Article 34 The expenses of the enterprises for the check and training of clean production may be taken as operational costs of the enterprises.

第五章 法律責任

Chapter 5 Legal Liabilities

第三十五條   清潔生產綜合協調部門或者其他有關部門未依照本法規定履行職責的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。

Article 35 Where the general conciliation departments of clean production or other competent departments fail to perform their functions and duties according to this Law, the managers directly in charge and other persons directly liable shall be punished according to law.

第三十六條   違反本法第十七條第二款規定,未按照規定公布能源消耗或者重點汙染物產生、排放情況的,由縣級以上地方人民政府負責清潔生產綜合協調的部門、環境保護部門按照職責分工責令公布,可以處十萬元以下的罰款。

Article 36 Any entity that violates the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 17 of this Law by failing to publish according to the prescribed requirements its consumption of energy sources or generation and emission of major pollutants shall be ordered to publish the same by the general conciliation department of clean production and the environmental protection department of the local people's government at the county level or above according to their respective functions and duties, and may be imposed with a fine of not more than 100,000 yuan.

第三十七條   違反本法第二十一條規定,未標注產品材料的成分或者不如實標注的,由縣級以上地方人民政府質量技術監督部門責令限期改正;拒不改正的,處以五萬元以下的罰款。

Article 37 Where an enterprise, in violation of Article 21 of this Law, fails to indicate the composition of product materials or indicates the same untruthfully, the department for quality and technical supervision of the local people's government at or above the county level shall instruct it to rectify within a time limit; if it refuses to do so, it shall be fined not more than 50,000 yuan.

第三十八條   違反本法第二十四條第二款規定,生產、銷售有毒、有害物質超過國家標準的建築和裝修材料的,依照產品質量法和有關民事、刑事法律的規定,追究行政、民事、刑事法律責任。

Article 38 Any one who violates the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the present law by producing or selling noxious or harmful construction or decoration materials that surpass the national standards shall be subject to administrative, civil or criminal liabilities according to the product quality law and other civil and criminal statutory provisions.

第三十九條   違反本法第二十七條第二款、第四款規定,不實施強制性清潔生產審核或者在清潔生產審核中弄虛作假的,或者實施強制性清潔生產審核的企業不報告或者不如實報告審核結果的,由縣級以上地方人民政府負責清潔生產綜合協調的部門、環境保護部門按照職責分工責令限期改正;拒不改正的,處以五萬元以上五十萬元以下的罰款。

Article 39 Any entity that violates the provisions of Paragraphs 2 or 4 of Article 27 of this Law by failing to implementing compulsory clean production checks or making falsification in clean production checks, failing to report or truthfully report the result of checks although the compulsory clean production checks are implemented, shall be ordered by the general conciliation department of clean production and the environmental protection department of the local people's government at the county level or above to make rectification within a prescribed time period. If it refuses to make such rectification, it shall be fined not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan.


Where a department or entity or its personnel dealing with the evaluation and inspection, in violation of Paragraph 5 of Article 27 of this Law, charge an enterprise under evaluation and inspection a fee, make false evaluation or inspection, or seek personal gain by taking advantage of its post, its directly responsible directors and other directly responsible persons shall be given sanctions according to the law; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to the law.

第六章 附則

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

第四十條   本法自2003年1月1日起施行。

Article 40 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 2003.


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