Passport Law of the People’s Republic of China
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No.50
The Passport Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the 21st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 29, 2006, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of January 1, 2007.
中華人民共和國主席 胡錦濤
President Hu Jintao
April 29, 2006
(Adopted at the 21st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on April 29, 2006)
第一條 為了規範中華人民共和國護照的申請、簽發和管理,保障中華人民共和國公民出入中華人民共和國國境的權益,促進對外交往,制定本法。
Article 1 The present law is formulated in order to regulate the application, issuance and management of passports of the People's Republic of China, guarantee the rights and interests of the citizens of the People's Republic of China exiting and entering the People's Republic of China and promote the intercourse with foreign countries.
第二條 中華人民共和國護照是中華人民共和國公民出入國境和在國外證明國籍和身份的證件。
Article 2 Passports of the People's Republic of China are the certificates, upon which the citizens of the People's Republic of China exit and enter China and prove their nationalities and identities when they are staying abroad.
No organization or individual may forge, alter, transfer, deliberately damage or destroy, or illegally detain any passport.
第三條 護照分為普通護照、外交護照和公務護照。
Article 3 Passports are classified into ordinary passports, diplomatic passports and service passports.
Passports are recommended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to foreign governments through diplomatic channels.
第四條 普通護照由公安部出入境管理機構或者公安部委托的縣級以上地方人民政府公安機關出入境管理機構以及中華人民共和國駐外使館、領館和外交部委托的其他駐外機構簽發。
Article 4 Ordinary passports shall be issued by the exit/entry administrative departments of the Ministry of Public Security or the exit/entry administrative departments of the public security organs of the local people's governments at or above the county level as authorized by the Ministry of Public Security, and the embassies or consulates stationed abroad of the People's Republic of China or other institutions stationed abroad upon the authorization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Diplomatic passports are issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Service passports shall be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PRC embassies and consulates stationed abroad, other institutions stationed abroad upon the authorization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the foreign affairs departments of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities divided into districts upon the authorization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
第五條 公民因前往外國定居、探親、學習、就業、旅行、從事商務活動等非公務原因出國的,由本人向戶籍所在地的縣級以上地方人民政府公安機關出入境管理機構申請普通護照。
Article 5 Where a citizen goes abroad for residence, visiting relatives, study, employment, travel, business activities or other non-official service reasons, he shall file an application with the exit/entry administrative department of the public security organ of the local people's government at the county level or above where his own permanent residence is located.
第六條 公民申請普通護照,應當提交本人的居民身份證、戶口簿、近期免冠照片以及申請事由的相關材料。國家工作人員因本法第五條規定的原因出境申請普通護照的,還應當按照國家有關規定提交相關證明文件。
Article 6 When applying for an ordinary passport, a citizen shall submit his own resident identity card, residence register, recent full-face photos without hat and materials related to the reasons for the application. Where a state functionary applies for an ordinary passport for any reason as prescribed in Article 5 of the present Law, he shall additionally submit the relevant certification documents according to the relevant provisions of the state.
The exit/entry administrative department of the public security organ shall issue an ordinary passport within 15 days after receiving the application materials. If it disapproves the issuance of a passport because the application materials do not meet the relevant provisions, it shall give an explanation and shall inform the applicant of the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or to file an administrative lawsuit.
If the passport cannot be issued within the time limit because of the remoteness of the area, inconvenient transport or for special reasons, the period may be extended to 30 days with the approval of the responsible person of the passport issuing authority.
If a citizen requests for an urgent handling of his application for reasonable emergency reasons, the exit/entry administrative department of the public security organ shall handle the application in a timely manner.
第七條 普通護照的登記項目包括:護照持有人的姓名、性別、出生日期、出生地,護照的簽發日期、有效期、簽發地點和簽發機關。
Article 7 The items registered on an ordinary passport shall include the name, gender, birth date and birth place of the passport holder, as well as the issuance date, valid period, issuance place and issuance organ of the passport.
Ordinary passports shall be valid for five years if the holder is under 16 years of age and for 10 years if the holder is above 16 years of age.
The specific measures for the issuance of ordinary passports shall be formulated by the Ministry of Public Security.
第八條 外交官員、領事官員及其隨行配偶、未成年子女和外交信使持用外交護照。
Article 8 Diplomatic officials, consular officials and their accompanying spouses and minor children, and diplomatic messengers shall hold and use diplomatic passports.
The staff assigned by the Chinese Government to work in foreign embassies, consulates or the United Nations, the special agencies of the United Nations and other international inter-governmental organizations and their accompanying spouses and minor children shall hold and use service passports.
Where any citizen other than those as prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs goes abroad to execute any official business, his working entity shall file an application with the department of foreign affairs according to the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 4 of the present Law. And the department of foreign affairs shall, in light of actual needs, issue a diplomatic passport or service passport.
第九條 外交護照、公務護照的登記項目包括:護照持有人的姓名、性別、出生日期、出生地,護照的簽發日期、有效期和簽發機關。
Article 9 The items registered on a diplomatic passport or service passport shall include the name, gender, birth date and birth place of the passport holder, as well as the issuance date, valid period and issuance organ of the passport.
The issuance scope, issuance measures and valid period of diplomatic and service passports, and the specific category of service passports shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
第十條 護照持有人所持護照的登記事項發生變更時,應當持相關證明材料,向護照簽發機關申請護照變更加注。
Article 10 Where any passport holder modifies any of the items registered on the passport, he shall, upon the strength of relevant certification materials, file an application with the issuance organ for modifying the passport or adding a note to the passport.
第十一條 有下列情形之一的,護照持有人可以按照規定申請換發或者補發護照:
Article 11 Under any of the following circumstances, the passport holder may apply for changing the passport for a new one or reissuing a passport according to relevant provisions:
1. The valid period of the passport will expire soon;
2. The visa pages of the passport will be used up;
(III) The passport is damaged or destroyed and it cannot be used any more;
(IV) The passport is lost or stolen;
(V) Other circumstances under which it is justifiable to change or reissue a passport.
When applying for changing an ordinary passport for a new one or reissuing a ordinary passport, the passport holder, if within China, shall file an application with the exit/entry administrative department of the public security organ of the local people's government at the county level or above where his permanent residence is located; if outside China, he himself shall file an application with the embassy or consulate stationed abroad of the People's Republic of China, or with any other institution stationed abroad upon the authorization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Where a Chinese citizen, who resides abroad, after returning to China, applies for changing an ordinary passport for a new one or reissuing a new one, he himself shall file an application with the exit/entry administrative department of the public security organ of the local people's government at the county level or above where his temporary residence is located.
The change or replacement of diplomatic and service passports shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
第十二條 護照具備視讀與機讀兩種功能。
Article 12 Passports can be read by sight or by machine.
The anti-counterfeiting performance of a passport shall be made by referring to the international technical standards.
The passport issuance departments and their functionaries shall keep confidential the personal information of the citizens that they have accessed to when making or issuing passports.
第十三條 申請人有下列情形之一的,護照簽發機關不予簽發護照:
Article 13 Under any of the following circumstances, the passport issuance departments shall not issue any passport to the applicant:
1. He does not have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;
2. being unable to prove his identity;
(III) He cheats during the process of application;
(IV) He has been sentenced to any criminal punishment and is serving the sentence at present;
(V) He is not permitted to leave the country because the people's court has notified him of any pending civil case;
(VI) He is a defendant or criminal suspect of a criminal case; or
(VII) being a person whose exit will, in the opinion of the competent department of the State Council, be harmful to State security or cause a major loss to the interests of the State.
第十四條 申請人有下列情形之一的,護照簽發機關自其刑罰執行完畢或者被遣返回國之日起六個月至三年以內不予簽發護照:
Article 14 In case an applicant is under any of the following circumstances, the passport issuance departments shall not issue to him any passport within 6 months to 3 years as of the day when he completes the criminal punishment or he is repatriated:
1. he/she is subject to criminal punishment for hindering territory (border) administration;
(II) Being repatriated for illegal leaving the country, residing or working abroad illegally.
第十五條 人民法院、人民檢察院、公安機關、國家安全機關、行政監察機關因辦理案件需要,可以依法扣押案件當事人的護照。
Article 15 The people's courts, people's procuratorate, organs of public security, organs of state security, organs of administrative supervision may, in light of the needs for handling cases, detain the passports of the parties concerned in the cases.
Where a party concerned in a case refuses to hand over his passport, the state organs as mentioned in the preceding paragraph may request the passport issuance department to announce the invalidation of the passport of the party concerned.
第十六條 護照持有人喪失中華人民共和國國籍,或者護照遺失、被盜等情形,由護照簽發機關宣布該護照作廢。
Article 16 Where a passport holder loses his nationality of the People's Republic of China, or the passport of the holder is lost or stolen, the passport shall be announced to be invalidated by the passport issuance department.
Passports that are forged, altered and fraudulently obtained, and passports declared invalid by the passport issuing authorities shall be invalid.
第十七條 弄虛作假騙取護照的,由護照簽發機關收繳護照或者宣布護照作廢;由公安機關處二千元以上五千元以下罰款;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 17 Where any person obtains a passport by cheating, the passport shall be taken over by the passport issuance department or be announced invalid. The organ of public security shall give him a fine not less than 2, 000 Yuan but not more than 5, 000 Yuan. If any crime is constituted, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities.
第十八條 為他人提供偽造、變造的護照,或者出售護照的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不夠刑事處罰的,由公安機關沒收違法所得,處十日以上十五日以下拘留,並處二千元以上五千元以下罰款;非法護照及其印制設備由公安機關收繳。
Article 18 Where any person offers to others any fabricated or altered passport, or sells any passport, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities. If the circumstance is not serious enough to make him subject to criminal liabilities, the public security organs shall confiscate his illegal gains, detain him for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days, and impose a fine upon him not less than 2, 000 Yuan but not more than 5, 000 Yuan. The illegal passports as well as the printing and production equipments shall also be taken over by the public security organs.
第十九條 持用偽造或者變造的護照或者冒用他人護照出入國(邊)境的,由公安機關依照出境入境管理的法律規定予以處罰;非法護照由公安機關收繳。
Article 19 Where a person exits/enters the national border (frontier) by holding a fabricated or altered passport or by holding the passport of another person, he shall be punished by the public security organs according to the laws and provisions on exit/entry administration, and the illegal passport shall be taken over by the public security organs.
第二十條 護照簽發機關工作人員在辦理護照過程中有下列行為之一的,依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:
Article 20 Where any functionary of a passport issuance department commits any of the following acts during the process of handling a passport, he shall be given an administrative sanction. If any crime is constituted, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities:
1. Failing to accept an application that he should have accepted;
2. Without any justifiable reason, not issuing a passport within the statutory time limit;
(III) Charging any fee beyond the criterions as prescribed by the state;
4. Extorting or accepting bribes from any applicant;
(V) Divulging any citizen's personal information gained through making or issuing a passport, thus infringing the citizen's lawful rights and interests; or
(VI) Other acts of abusing powers, neglecting duties or practicing favoritism for himself or his relative.
第二十一條 普通護照由公安部規定式樣並監制;外交護照、公務護照由外交部規定式樣並監制。
Article 21. The Ministry of Public Security shall stipulate the format of and oversee the production of ordinary passports. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall stipulate the format of and oversee the production of diplomatic and service passports.
第二十二條 護照簽發機關可以收取護照的工本費、加注費。收取的工本費和加注費上繳國庫。
Article 22 The passport issuance departments may collect the costs of passports and the note fees for passports. The cost of production and the note fee shall be turned over to the state treasury.
The standards of such fees shall be set and announced by the State Council administrative department in charge of pricing in conjunction with the State Council department of finance.
第二十三條 短期出國的公民在國外發生護照遺失、被盜或者損毀不能使用等情形,應當向中華人民共和國駐外使館、領館或者外交部委托的其他駐外機構申請中華人民共和國旅行證。
Article 23 As for a citizen whose passport is lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged while he stays abroad for a short period, he shall file an application for a travel certificate with the embassy or consulate stationed abroad by of the People's Republic of China or with any other institution stationed abroad upon the authorization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
第二十四條 公民從事邊境貿易、邊境旅遊服務或者參加邊境旅遊等情形,可以向公安部委托的縣級以上地方人民政府公安機關出入境管理機構申請中華人民共和國出入境通行證。
Article 24 A citizen, who engages in border trade, border travel service or participates in border travel, may file an application for a exit/entry pass with the exit/entry administrative department of the public security organ of the local people's government at or above the county level upon the authorization of the Ministry of Public Security.
第二十五條 公民以海員身份出入國境和在國外船舶上從事工作的,應當向交通部委托的海事管理機構申請中華人民共和國海員證。
Article 25 A citizen, who exits and enters the national border and works in a foreign ship as a seaman, shall file an application for a seaman certificate of the People's Republic of China with the maritime administrative department upon the authorization of the Ministry of Communications.
第二十六條 本法自2007年1月1日起施行。本法施行前簽發的護照在有效期內繼續有效。(完)
Article 26 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 2007. Passports issued before the implementation of this law shall continue to be valid during their period of validity. (End)
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