Island Protection Law of the People's Republic of China
中華人民共和國主席令第 二十二 號
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No. 22
The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Sea Islands, which was adopted at the 12th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 26, 2009, is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect on March 1, 2010.
中華人民共和國主席 胡錦濤
President Hu Jintao
December 26, 2009
(Adopted at the 12th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on 26 December 2009)
第一章 總則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第二章 海島保護規劃
Chapter 2 Planning for the Protection of Sea Islands
第三章 海島的保護
Chapter 3 Protection of Islands
第一節 一般規定
Section 1 General Provisions
第二節 有居民海島生態系統的保護
Section 2 Protection of the Ecosystem of Inhabited Islands
第三節 無居民海島的保護
Section 3 Protection of Uninhabited Islands
第四節 特殊用途海島的保護
Section 4 Protection of Islands for Special Purposes
第四章 監督檢查
Chapter 4 Supervision and Inspection
第五章 法律責任
Chapter 5 Legal Liabilities
第六章 附則
Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions
第一章 總 則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一條 為了保護海島及其周邊海域生態系統,合理開發利用海島自然資源,維護國家海洋權益,促進經濟社會可持續發展,制定本法。
Article 1 The Law is formulated for the purpose of protecting the ecosystems of islands and their surrounding waters, rationally developing and utilizing natural resources of islands, safeguarding the maritime rights and interests of the State, and promoting the sustainable economic and social development.
第二條 從事中華人民共和國所屬海島的保護、開發利用及相關管理活動,適用本法。
Article 2 This Law shall be applicable to the protection, development, utilization and related administrative activities regarding sea islands that belong to the People's Republic of China.
For the purposes of this Law, the term "islands" shall refer to naturally formed land areas that are surrounded by sea water and are above the surface of the water at high tide, including inhabited islands and uninhabited islands.
For the purpose of the Law, the term "the protection of sea islands" shall refer to the protection of the ecosystems of sea islands and their surrounding waters, protection of the natural resources of uninhabited sea islands, and protection of the sea islands designated for special purposes.
第三條 國家對海島實行科學規劃、保護優先、合理開發、永續利用的原則。
Article 3 The State shall apply the principles of scientific planning, protection as priority, reasonable development and sustainable utilisation towards islands.
The State Council and local people's governments at all levels of coastal regions shall incorporate the protection and reasonable opening up and utilisation of islands into their national economic and social development plans, adopt effective measures to strengthen the protection and administration of islands and prevent the ecosystems of islands and their surrounding waters from being damaged.
第四條 無居民海島屬於國家所有,國務院代表國家行使無居民海島所有權。
Article 4 Uninhabited sea islands shall be owned by the State, and the State Council shall exercise the ownership of Uninhabited sea islands on behalf of the State.
第五條 國務院海洋主管部門和國務院其他有關部門依照法律和國務院規定的職責分工,負責全國有居民海島及其周邊海域生態保護工作。沿海縣級以上地方人民政府海洋主管部門和其他有關部門按照各自的職責,負責本行政區域內有居民海島及其周邊海域生態保護工作。
Article 5 The competent marine department of the State Council and other relevant departments of the State Council shall, in accordance with the law and the division of duties prescribed by the State Council, be responsible for the nationwide ecological protection of inhabited islands and their surrounding waters. Competent marine departments of local people's governments at or above the county level along the coastal area and other relevant departments shall, according to their respective functions and duties, be responsible for the ecological protection of inhabited islands and their surrounding waters within their respective administrative areas.
The competent marine department of the State Council shall be responsible for the administration over the protection, opening up and utilisation of uninhabited islands nationwide. Competent marine departments of local people's governments at or above the county level of coastal regions shall be responsible for the relevant work of administering the protection, opening up and utilisation of uninhabited islands within their respective administrative regions.
第六條 海島的名稱,由國家地名管理機構和國務院海洋主管部門按照國務院有關規定確定和發布。
Article 6 The names of islands shall be determined and announced by the State authority for place names and the competent marine department of the State Council according to the relevant provisions of the State Council.
Local people's governments at or above the county level along the coastal area shall, pursuant to state regulations, set name markers in sea islands where name markers are needed.
Damaging or moving signs showing the names of islands without authorization shall be prohibited.
第七條 國務院和沿海地方各級人民政府應當加強對海島保護的宣傳教育工作,增強公民的海島保護意識,並對在海島保護以及有關科學研究工作中做出顯著成績的單位和個人予以獎勵。
Article 7 The State Council and local people's governments at all levels of coastal regions shall strengthen publicity and education on the protection of sea islands, enhance the awareness of citizens on the protection of sea islands, and reward entities and individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the protection and relevant scientific research of sea islands.
All entities and individuals shall comply with the legal obligations to protect sea islands, and shall have the right to report to the competent administrative departments of marine affairs or other relevant departments acts that are in violation of the laws on the protection of sea islands or that damage the ecology of sea islands.
第二章 海島保護規劃
Chapter 2 Planning for the Protection of Sea Islands
第八條 國家實行海島保護規劃制度。海島保護規劃是從事海島保護、利用活動的依據。
Article 8 The State shall implement the system of island protection planning. The planning for the protection of sea islands is used as the basis for the protection and utilization activities of sea islands.
The formulation of the planning for the protection of sea islands shall be conducive to the protection and improvement of the ecosystems of sea islands and their surrounding waters and promote the sustainable economic and social development of sea islands.
Prior to the submission for examination and approval of the planning for the protection of sea islands, the opinions of relevant experts and the public shall be solicited and the planning shall be promptly announced to the public upon approval. However, those involving state secrets shall be excluded.
第九條 國務院海洋主管部門會同本級人民政府有關部門、軍事機關,依據國民經濟和社會發展規劃、全國海洋功能區劃,組織編制全國海島保護規劃,報國務院審批。
Article 9 The competent administrative department of marine affairs of the State Council together with the relevant departments and military organs of the people's government at that level shall, according to the national economic and social development plan and the national marine functional zoning plan, organise the formulation of the national island protection plan which shall be submitted to the State Council for examination and approval.
The national planning for the protection of sea islands shall, in accordance with such natural attributes as the location, natural resources and environment of sea islands and the protection and utilization conditions thereof, determine the principle of classified protection of sea islands, uninhabited sea islands that are utilizable and sea islands whose restoration shall be focused upon, etc.
The national planning for the protection of sea islands shall be connected with the national planning of urban and town systems and the national overall planning of land use.
第十條 沿海省、自治區人民政府海洋主管部門會同本級人民政府有關部門、軍事機關,依據全國海島保護規劃、省域城鎮體系規劃和省、自治區土地利用總體規劃,組織編制省域海島保護規劃,報省、自治區人民政府審批,並報國務院備案。
Article 10 Competent marine departments of people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions along the coastal area shall, in conjunction with relevant departments of people's governments and military authorities at the same level, and in light of the national planning for the protection of sea islands, the provincial planning of urban and town systems and the overall planning of land use in provinces and autonomous regions, organize the preparation of the provincial planning for the protection of sea islands, submit the same to people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions for examination and approval, and report the same to the State Council for record-filing purposes.
The overall urban planning prepared under the organization of people's governments of municipalities directly under the Central Government along the coastal area shall include special planning for the protection of sea islands within their respective administrative regions.
The provincial planning for the protection of sea islands and the special planning for the protection of sea islands of municipalities directly under the Central Government shall provide for the specific measures for the classified protection of sea islands.
第十一條 省、自治區人民政府根據實際情況,可以要求本行政區域內的沿海城市、縣、鎮人民政府組織編制海島保護專項規劃,並納入城市總體規劃、鎮總體規劃;可以要求沿海縣人民政府組織編制縣域海島保護規劃。
Article 11 The people's government of a province or an autonomous region may, according to the actual situation, require the government of a coastal city, county, or town within that administrative region to organise the formulation of special plans of island protection and incorporate such special plans into the overall urban plans or overall town plans; and may require the government of a coastal county to organise the formulation of island protection plans for the county.
The special planning for the protection of sea islands of coastal cities and towns as well as the planning for the protection of sea islands countywide shall conform to the national and provincial planning for the protection of sea islands.
The opinions of the competent administrative department of marine affairs of the people's government at the next higher level shall be solicited for the formulation of the special plans of island protection of coastal cities and towns.
The planning for the protection of sea islands countywide shall be submitted to people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions for examination and approval and to the competent marine department of the State Council for record-filing purposes.
第十二條 沿海縣級人民政府可以組織編制全國海島保護規劃確定的可利用無居民海島的保護和利用規劃。
Article 12 People's governments at the county level along the coastal area may organize the preparation of the planning for the protection and utilization of uninhabited sea islands that are determined as utilizable by the national planning for the protection of sea islands.
第十三條 修改海島保護規劃,應當依照本法第九條、第十條、第十一條規定的審批程序報經批準。
Article 13 The revision of the planning for the protection of sea islands shall be submitted for approval in accordance with the examination and approval procedures as specified in Article 9, Article 10 and Article 11 herein.
第十四條 國家建立完善海島統計調查制度。國務院海洋主管部門會同有關部門擬定海島綜合統計調查計劃,依法經批準後組織實施,並發布海島統計調查公報。
Article 14 The State shall establish and improve the statistical survey system of sea islands. The competent marine department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, draft the comprehensive statistical survey plan of sea islands, organize the implementation thereof upon approval in accordance with the law and release the bulletin on the statistical survey of sea islands.
第十五條 國家建立海島管理信息系統,開展海島自然資源的調查評估,對海島的保護與利用等狀況實施監視、監測。
Article 15 The State shall establish a management information system of sea islands to carry out the investigation and assessment of natural resources of sea islands as well as the surveillance and monitoring of the protection and utilization of sea islands.
第三章 海島的保護
Chapter 3 Protection of Islands
第一節 一般規定
Section 1 General Provisions
第十六條 國務院和沿海地方各級人民政府應當采取措施,保護海島的自然資源、自然景觀以及曆史、人文遺跡。
Article 16 The State Council and local people's governments at all levels of coastal regions shall take measures to protect the natural resources, natural landscapes, and historical and cultural relics of islands.
It is prohibited to change the coastline of islands within nature reserves. The excavation and destruction of coral and coral reefs are prohibited. Cutting down mangrove forests in the waters surrounding islands shall be prohibited.
第十七條 國家保護海島植被,促進海島淡水資源的涵養;支持有居民海島淡水儲存、海水淡化和島外淡水引入工程設施的建設。
Article 17 The State shall protect the vegetation cover on islands, promote the conservation of freshwater resources of islands; and shall support the construction of facilities for projects of freshwater storage, desalination and introduction of freshwater outside islands in inhabited islands.
第十八條 國家支持利用海島開展科學研究活動。在海島從事科學研究活動不得造成海島及其周邊海域生態系統破壞。
Article 18 The State shall support the utilisation of islands for conducting scientific research activities. Scientific research activities carried out on islands shall not cause damage to the ecosystems of islands and their surrounding waters.
第十九條 國家開展海島物種登記,依法保護和管理海島生物物種。
Article 19 The State shall carry out registration of island species, and protect and manage the island species in accordance with the law.
第二十條 國家支持在海島建立可再生能源開發利用、生態建設等實驗基地。
Article 20 The State shall support the establishment in sea islands of experimental bases for the development and utilization of renewable energy, ecological construction, etc.
第二十一條 國家安排海島保護專項資金,用於海島的保護、生態修複和科學研究活動。
Article 21 The State shall arrange special funds for the protection of sea islands for the purposes of the protection, ecological restoration and scientific research activities of sea islands.
第二十二條 國家保護設置在海島的軍事設施,禁止破壞、危害軍事設施的行為。
Article 22 The State shall protect military facilities established in sea islands and prohibit behaviors of destroying and endangering military facilities.
The State shall protect, in accordance with the law, such facilities for public benefits as facilities for navigation assistance, surveying, meteorological observation, marine monitoring and seismic monitoring that are established on islands, and prohibit the destruction or unauthorized removal that impedes the normal use thereof.
第二節 有居民海島生態系統的保護
Section 2 Protection of the Ecosystem of Inhabited Islands
第二十三條 有居民海島的開發、建設應當遵守有關城鄉規劃、環境保護、土地管理、海域使用管理、水資源和森林保護等法律、法規的規定,保護海島及其周邊海域生態系統。
Article 23 The opening up and development of inhabited islands shall comply with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations on urban-rural planning, environmental protection, land administration, administration of the use of sea areas, protection of water resources and forests etc., so as to protect the ecosystems of islands and their surrounding waters.
第二十四條 有居民海島的開發、建設應當對海島土地資源、水資源及能源狀況進行調查評估,依法進行環境影響評價。海島的開發、建設不得超出海島的環境容量。新建、改建、擴建建設項目,必須符合海島主要汙染物排放、建設用地和用水總量控制指標的要求。
Article 24 With regard to the development and construction of inhabited islands, investigation and assessment shall be conducted on the conditions of the land resources, water resources and energy of the islands and environmental impact assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the law. The opening up and development of an island shall not exceed its environmental capacity. New construction, reconstruction or expansion construction projects shall meet the requirements of the indicators as to the discharge of major pollutants, construction land and total water utilization in sea islands.
The development and construction of inhabited sea islands shall give priority to the use of renewable energy such as wind energy, ocean energy and solar energy and of technologies such as rainwater collection, desalination and sewage recycling.
Zones in which development is prohibited and restricted shall be designated on inhabited islands and their surrounding waters; and measures shall be adopted to protect the habitats of island species to prevent degradation of island vegetation and decrease in biodiversity.
第二十五條 在有居民海島進行工程建設,應當堅持先規劃後建設、生態保護設施優先建設或者與工程項目同步建設的原則。
Article 25 Project construction carried out in inhabited islands shall adhere to the principles of construction after planning, giving priority to the construction of ecological protection facilities, or simultaneous construction thereof with construction projects.
Where ecological damage has been caused by project construction, restoration shall be carried out by the party subject to liability; where the party is unable to carry out the restoration, people's governments at or above the county level shall order the said party to cease construction, and may designate relevant departments to carry out the restoration whose costs shall be borne by the entity or individual causing the ecological damage.
第二十六條 嚴格限制在有居民海島沙灘建造建築物或者設施;確需建造的,應當依照有關城鄉規劃、土地管理、環境保護等法律、法規的規定執行。未經依法批準在有居民海島沙灘建造的建築物或者設施,對海島及其周邊海域生態系統造成嚴重破壞的,應當依法拆除。
Article 26 Construction of buildings or facilities in the beaches of inhabited islands shall be strictly restricted; where there is a real need for construction, it shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations on urban and rural planning, land administration, environmental protection, etc. Buildings or facilities that are constructed on beaches of inhabited sea islands without approval in accordance with the law and cause serious damage to the ecosystem of sea islands and their surrounding waters shall be dismantled in accordance with the law.
The excavation of sea sand on beaches of inhabited islands shall be strictly restricted. Where the excavation is necessary, the provisions of the laws and regulations concerning the administration of the use of sea areas and mineral resources shall be observed.
第二十七條 嚴格限制填海、圍海等改變有居民海島海岸線的行為,嚴格限制填海連島工程建設;確需填海、圍海改變海島海岸線,或者填海連島的,項目申請人應當提交項目論證報告、經批準的環境影響評價報告等申請文件,依照《中華人民共和國海域使用管理法》的規定報經批準。
Article 27 Reclamation, enclosing the sea and other acts changing the coastline of inhabited islands shall be strictly restricted, and reclamation and linking up an island with another island or with the continent shall be strictly restricted. Where reclamation or enclosing the sea is necessary and thus the coastline of an island is changed, or where linking up an island with another island or with the continent with the continent is necessary, the applicant of such a project shall submit application documents such as the report on the deliberation of the project and the approved environmental impact assessment report to the higher authorities for approval in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas.
For those reclamation works for linking up an island with another island or with the continent conducted on the inhabited islands before the implementation of this Law and cause serious damage to the ecosystems of the islands and their surrounding waters, the competent administrative department of marine affairs of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the concerned island is located shall work with relevant departments of the people's government at that particular level to formulate a plan for restoring the ecology, and organise the implementation thereof upon the approval of the people's government at that particular level.
第三節 無居民海島的保護
Section 3 Protection of Uninhabited Islands
第二十八條 未經批準利用的無居民海島,應當維持現狀;禁止采石、挖海砂、采伐林木以及進行生產、建設、旅遊等活動。
Article 28 The status quo of uninhabited islands that are not approved to be utilized shall be maintained; quarrying, sea sand excavation, wood felling and activities such as production, construction and tourism shall be prohibited.
第二十九條 嚴格限制在無居民海島采集生物和非生物樣本;因教學、科學研究確需采集的,應當報經海島所在縣級以上地方人民政府海洋主管部門批準。
Article 29 Collection of samples of living things and non-living things from uninhabited islands shall be strictly restricted. The collection of samples necessary for teaching or scientific research shall be reported to the competent administrative department of marine affairs of the local people's government at or above the county level of the place where the island is located.
第三十條 從事全國海島保護規劃確定的可利用無居民海島的開發利用活動,應當遵守可利用無居民海島保護和利用規劃,采取嚴格的生態保護措施,避免造成海島及其周邊海域生態系統破壞。
Article 30 Engaging in activities of opening up and utilising those utilisable uninhabited islands which are identified in the national island protection plan shall comply with the utilisable uninhabited island protection and utilisation plan, and strict ecological protection measures shall be adopted to avoid damage to the ecosystems of islands and their surrounding waters.
Where one is to open up and utilise the utilisable uninhabited islands prescribed in the preceding paragraph, he/she shall file an application with the competent administrative department of marine affairs of the people's government of the province, or the autonomous region or the municipality directly under the Central Government, and the application documents such as the report on the deliberation of the project and the specific plan for the opening up and utilisation of the island shall be submitted to the competent administrative department of marine affairs of the people's government of the province, or the autonomous region or the municipality directly under the Central Government, which shall organise relevant departments and experts to examine the application and put forward opinions on the examination.
Where the opening up and utilisation of an uninhabited island involves the utilisation of an island with special functions, or where reclamation is necessary to link up an island with another island or with the continent or where the natural landform or topography of an island is significantly changed, that shall be subject to the examination and approval of the State Council.
The specific measures for the examination and approval of the development and utilization of uninhabited sea islands shall be prescribed by the State Council.
第三十一條 經批準開發利用無居民海島的,應當依法繳納使用金。但是,因國防、公務、教學、防災減災、非經營性公用基礎設施建設和基礎測繪、氣象觀測等公益事業使用無居民海島的除外。
Article 31 Royalties shall be paid in accordance with the law for the approved opening up and utilisation of uninhabited islands. However, the utilisation of uninhabited islands for the purpose of national defence, public duties, teaching, disaster prevention and mitigation, construction of non-business public infrastructure and public welfare undertakings such as basic mapping and meteorological observation shall be excluded.
The administrative measures for the imposition of use funds for uninhabited sea islands shall be formulated by the finance department of the State Council in conjunction with the competent marine department of the State Council.
第三十二條 經批準在可利用無居民海島建造建築物或者設施,應當按照可利用無居民海島保護和利用規劃限制建築物、設施的建設總量、高度以及與海岸線的距離,使其與周圍植被和景觀相協調。
Article 32 Construction of buildings or facilities on uninhabited sea islands that are utilizable upon approval shall be limited according to the planning for the protection and utilization of uninhabited sea islands that are utilizable in terms of construction gross capacity and height as well as the distance from the coastline, so as to make it in harmony with the surrounding vegetation and landscape.
第三十三條 無居民海島利用過程中產生的廢水,應當按照規定進行處理和排放。
Article 33 The wastewater generated from the utilisation of uninhabited islands shall be handled and discharged in accordance with provisions.
Solid waste generated during the process of the utilization of uninhabited sea islands shall be subject to harmless treatment and disposal in accordance with the provisions; the disposal thereof to uninhabited sea islands or the dumping thereof to the surrounding waters shall be prohibited.
第三十四條 臨時性利用無居民海島的,不得在所利用的海島建造永久性建築物或者設施。
Article 34 No permanent buildings or facilities shall be built on an uninhabited island which is being utilised temporarily.
第三十五條 在依法確定為開展旅遊活動的可利用無居民海島及其周邊海域,不得建造居民定居場所,不得從事生產性養殖活動;已經存在生產性養殖活動的,應當在編制可利用無居民海島保護和利用規劃中確定相應的汙染防治措施。
Article 35 On those utilisable uninhabited islands lawfully identified for developing tourism and surrounding waters of these islands, no residential settlement shall be built and no culturing activities for the purpose of production shall be allowed. For those uninhabited islands where there are already culturing activities for the purpose of production, corresponding measures for pollution prevention and control shall be determined in the course of formulating the protection and utilisation plan for the utilisable uninhabited islands.
第四節 特殊用途海島的保護
Section 4 Protection of Islands for Special Purposes
第三十六條 國家對領海基點所在海島、國防用途海島、海洋自然保護區內的海島等具有特殊用途或者特殊保護價值的海島,實行特別保護。
Article 36 The State shall implement special protection of sea islands where territorial sea base points are located, sea islands for national defense use, sea islands within marine nature reserves and other sea islands with special purposes or special protection value.
第三十七條 領海基點所在的海島,應當由海島所在省、自治區、直轄市人民政府劃定保護範圍,報國務院海洋主管部門備案。領海基點及其保護範圍周邊應當設置明顯標志。
Article 37 For sea islands where territorial sea base points are located, the scope of protection shall be delimited by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government of the places of the sea islands and reported to the competent marine department of the State Council for record-filing purposes. Base points of territorial waters and the area surrounding the scope of protection shall be clearly marked.
It is prohibited to carry out project construction and other activities that may change the topography or landscape of the areas within the scope of protection of base points of territorial waters. Where there is a genuine need to carry out project construction for the protection of territorial sea base points, scientific demonstration shall be conducted, and examination and approval formalities shall be completed pursuant to the law upon consent by the marine administrative authorities of the State Council.
Destruction or unauthorized removal of marks of base points of territorial waters shall be prohibited.
Competent marine departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the provisions of the State, carry out surveillance and monitoring of the ecosystems of islands where base points of territorial waters are located and their surrounding waters.
Any entity or individual shall have the obligation to protect the base points of the territorial sea of islands. Where damage to the base points of territorial waters as well as to the topography and landform within the scope of protection of the base points of territorial waters are discovered, report shall be made promptly to local people's governments or competent marine departments.
第三十八條 禁止破壞國防用途無居民海島的自然地形、地貌和有居民海島國防用途區域及其周邊的地形、地貌。
Article 38 Damage made to the natural landform or topography of uninhabited sea islands for national defense use, the areas used for national defense on inhabited sea islands and the topography or topography of their surrounding areas shall be prohibited.
The use of uninhabited islands for national defence for purposes other than national defence is prohibited. Upon the termination of the national defense use, sea islands, together with the materials on the protection of the ecology of such islands, shall be transferred to people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government at the places of the sea islands upon the approval of military authorities.
第三十九條 國務院、國務院有關部門和沿海省、自治區、直轄市人民政府,根據海島自然資源、自然景觀以及曆史、人文遺跡保護的需要,對具有特殊保護價值的海島及其周邊海域,依法批準設立海洋自然保護區或者海洋特別保護區。
Article 39 The State Council, the relevant departments of the State Council and the people's governments of the coastal provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, according to the needs of the protection of the natural resources, natural landscapes, and historical and cultural relics of islands, approve according to law the establishment of marine nature reserves or special marine protection zones in respect of islands with special protection value and their surrounding waters.
第四章 監督檢查
Chapter 4 Supervision and Inspection
第四十條 縣級以上人民政府有關部門應當依法對有居民海島保護和開發、建設進行監督檢查。
Article 40 Relevant departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall supervise and inspect the protection, opening up and development of inhabited islands according to law.
第四十一條 海洋主管部門應當依法對無居民海島保護和合理利用情況進行監督檢查。
Article 41 Competent marine departments shall carry out supervision and inspection over the protection and reasonable utilization of uninhabited sea islands in accordance with the law.
Competent marine departments and marine monitoring agencies thereof shall carry out supervision and inspection over the protection of the ecosystem of waters surrounding islands in accordance with the law.
第四十二條 海洋主管部門依法履行監督檢查職責,有權要求被檢查單位和個人就海島利用的有關問題作出說明,提供海島利用的有關文件和資料;有權進入被檢查單位和個人所利用的海島實施現場檢查。
Article 42 Competent marine departments shall fulfill the duties of supervision and inspection in accordance with the law, and shall be entitled to require the entities and individuals under inspection to give explanations on the utilization of sea islands and provide the relevant documents and information on the utilization of sea islands; and shall be entitled to enter the sea islands being utilized by the entities or individuals under inspection to conduct on-site inspection.
When performing inspection duties, the inspectors shall show their valid law enforcement certificates. The relevant entities and individuals shall be cooperative in the inspection, truthfully report the situation, provide the relevant documents and information, etc.; and shall not refuse or obstruct the inspection.
第四十三條 檢查人員必須忠於職守、秉公執法、清正廉潔、文明服務,並依法接受監督。在依法查處違反本法規定的行為時,發現國家機關工作人員有違法行為應當給予處分的,應當向其任免機關或者監察機關提出處分建議。
Article 43 Inspectors shall be devoted to their duties, enforce the law impartially, be honest and upright, provide services with civility, and accept supervision in accordance with the law. When investigating and dealing with any act in violation of this Law in accordance with the law, where it is found that a staff member of a state organ commits an illegal act that should be punished, the said staff member shall be proposed to the organ in charge of appointing or dismissing the staff member or the supervisory organ.
第五章 法律責任
Chapter 5 Legal Liabilities
第四十四條 海洋主管部門或者其他對海島保護負有監督管理職責的部門,發現違法行為或者接到對違法行為的舉報後不依法予以查處,或者有其他未依照本法規定履行職責的行為的,由本級人民政府或者上一級人民政府有關主管部門責令改正,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。
Article 44 Where the competent administrative departments of marine affairs or other departments that are responsible for the supervision and administration of the protection of sea islands fail to investigate and deal with illegal acts according to law after finding them or receiving reports of illegal acts, or fail to perform other duties in accordance with the provisions hereof, the relevant competent departments of the people's governments at the corresponding level or the next higher level shall order them to make corrections and impose punishment according to the law on the persons directly in charge and other directly responsible persons.
第四十五條 違反本法規定,改變自然保護區內海島的海岸線,填海、圍海改變海島海岸線,或者進行填海連島的,依照《中華人民共和國海域使用管理法》的規定處罰。
Article 45 Where, in violation of the provisions of this Law, the coastline of sea islands within nature reserves is changed, or the coastline of sea islands is changed due to land reclamation from seawaters, or land reclamation from seawaters to link islands is carried out, penalties shall be imposed in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas.
第四十六條 違反本法規定,采挖、破壞珊瑚、珊瑚礁,或者砍伐海島周邊海域紅樹林的,依照《中華人民共和國海洋環境保護法》的規定處罰。
Article 46 Where, in violation of the provisions of this Law, excavation, destruction of coral or coral reefs, or felling of mangroves in waters surrounding islands is carried out, penalties shall be imposed in accordance with the Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.
第四十七條 違反本法規定,在無居民海島采石、挖海砂、采伐林木或者采集生物、非生物樣本的,由縣級以上人民政府海洋主管部門責令停止違法行為,沒收違法所得,可以並處二萬元以下的罰款。
Article 47 Where, in violation of the provisions of this Law, quarrying, sea sand excavation, wood felling or collection of biological or non-biological samples in uninhabited sea islands is carried out, competent marine departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall order cessation of illegal conducts, confiscate the illegal gains, and may concurrently impose a fine of not more than RMB 20,000.
Where, in violation of this Law, production or construction activities are carried out or tourism activities are organized in uninhabited sea islands, competent marine departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall order cessation of illegal conducts, confiscate illegal gains, and impose a fine of not less than RMB 20,000 but not more than RMB 200,000.
第四十八條 違反本法規定,進行嚴重改變無居民海島自然地形、地貌的活動的,由縣級以上人民政府海洋主管部門責令停止違法行為,處以五萬元以上五十萬元以下的罰款。
Article 48 Where, in violation of the provisions of this Law, activities that substantially change the natural topography or landscape of uninhabited sea islands are carried out, competent marine departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall order cessation of illegal conducts and impose a fine of not less than RMB 50,000 but not more than RMB 500,000.
第四十九條 在海島及其周邊海域違法排放汙染物的,依照有關環境保護法律的規定處罰。
Article 49 Whoever illegally discharges pollutants in sea islands and their surrounding waters shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of relevant environmental protection laws.
第五十條 違反本法規定,在領海基點保護範圍內進行工程建設或者其他可能改變該區域地形、地貌活動,在臨時性利用的無居民海島建造永久性建築物或者設施,或者在依法確定為開展旅遊活動的可利用無居民海島建造居民定居場所的,由縣級以上人民政府海洋主管部門責令停止違法行為,處以二萬元以上二十萬元以下的罰款。
Article 50 Where, in violation of the provisions of this Law, engineering construction or other activities which may change the landform or topography of a region within the scope of protection of base points of territorial waters are carried out, or permanent buildings or facilities are constructed on an uninhabited island which is being utilised temporarily, or a residential settlement is constructed on a utilisable uninhabited island which is identified according to law for carrying out tourism, the competent administrative department of marine affairs of the people's government at or above the county level shall order the cessation of the illegal act and impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan.
第五十一條 損毀或者擅自移動領海基點標志的,依法給予治安管理處罰。
Article 51 Destroying or moving the signs for base points of the territorial sea without authorization shall be punished for violation of public security administration according to law.
第五十二條 破壞、危害設置在海島的軍事設施,或者損毀、擅自移動設置在海島的助航導航、測量、氣象觀測、海洋監測和地震監測等公益設施的,依照有關法律、行政法規的規定處罰。
Article 52 Destruction or endangerment of military facilities established in islands, or destruction or unauthorized removal of such facilities for public benefits as facilities for navigation assistance, surveying, meteorological observation, marine monitoring and seismic monitoring shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations.
第五十三條 無權批準開發利用無居民海島而批準,超越批準權限批準開發利用無居民海島,或者違反海島保護規劃批準開發利用無居民海島的,批準文件無效;對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。
Article 53 Where the development and utilization of uninhabited sea islands is approved without the approval authority, beyond the approval authority or approved in violation of the planning of the protection of sea islands, the approval documents shall be invalid; and the persons directly in charge and other directly liable persons shall be given sanctions in accordance with the law.
第五十四條 違反本法規定,拒絕海洋主管部門監督檢查,在接受監督檢查時弄虛作假,或者不提供有關文件和資料的,由縣級以上人民政府海洋主管部門責令改正,可以處二萬元以下的罰款。
Article 54 Where, in violation of the provisions of this Law, relevant entities or individuals refuse the supervision and inspection of competent marine departments, or make falsification when accepting supervision and inspection, or fail to provide relevant documents and information, competent marine departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall order correction, and may impose a fine of not more than RMB 20,000.
第五十五條 違反本法規定,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 55 Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be imposed according to the law.
Whoever causes damage to the ecosystems of islands and their surrounding waters shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.
第六章 附則
Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions
第五十六條 低潮高地的保護及相關管理活動,比照本法有關規定執行。
Article 56 The protection of low-tide elevations and relevant administrative activities shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of this Law.
第五十七條 本法中下列用語的含義:
Article 57 For purposes of this Law, the definitions of the following terms are:
1. the ecosystem of sea islands and their surrounding waters shall refer to the organic complex that maintain the existence of sea islands, which is composed of biological communities such as the island body, coastline, beaches, vegetation, freshwater and the surrounding waters as well as the non-biological environment.
(II) "Uninhabited sea islands" refer to sea islands that are not registered addresses under household registration administration.
(III) low-tide elevation shall refer to areas of naturally formed land that are surrounded by sea water at low tide and are higher than the surface of the water but are submerged into the water at high tide.
(IV) land reclamation from seawaters to link islands shall refer to the conduct of linking sea islands with the land or linking sea islands together by means of land reclamation.
(V) temporary utilization of uninhabited sea islands shall refer to the conduct of short-term boarding or berthing of uninhabited sea islands for the needs of official business, education, scientific research, disaster relief, and risk avoidance.
第五十八條 本法自2010年3月1日起施行。
Article 58 This Law shall come into effect as of March 1, 2010.
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