


Tort Law of the People's Republic of China


Presidential Decree No. 21


The Tort Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the 12th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 26, 2009, is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect on July 1, 2010.

中華人民共和國主席 胡錦濤

President Hu Jintao


December 26, 2009


(Adopted at the 12th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on 26 December 2009)



  第一章 一般規定

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 責任構成和責任方式

Chapter 2 Composition and Manner of Liability

  第三章 不承擔責任和減輕責任的情形

Chapter 3 Circumstances under which Liability is Waived or Mitigated

  第四章 關於責任主體的特殊規定

Chapter 4 Special Provisions on Liable Parties

  第五章 產品責任

Chapter 5 Product Liability

  第六章 機動車交通事故責任

Chapter 6 Liability for Traffic Accidents of Motor Vehicles

  第七章 醫療損害責任

Chapter 7 Medical Injury Liability

  第八章 環境汙染責任

Chapter 8 Environmental Pollution Liability

  第九章 高度危險責任

Chapter 9 High Risk Liability

  第十章 飼養動物損害責任

Chapter 10 Liability for Damage Caused by Domesticated Animals

  第十一章 物件損害責任

Chapter 11 Article Eleven Liability for Damage to Articles

  第十二章 附則

Chapter 12 Supplementary Provisions

第一章 一般規定

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為保護民事主體的合法權益,明確侵權責任,預防並制裁侵權行為,促進社會和諧穩定,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of civil entities, specifying tort liability, preventing and sanctioning tortious acts and promoting social harmony and stability.

第二條   侵害民事權益,應當依照本法承擔侵權責任。

Article 2 Anyone who infringes a civil right or interest shall be liable for the infringement in accordance with this Law.


Civil rights and interests referred to in this Law shall include personal and property rights and interests such as right to life, right to health, right to name, right to reputation, right to honour, portrait rights, privacy rights, marital autonomy, guardianship, ownership, usufruct, security interests, copyright, patent, exclusive trademark rights, discovery right, equity, inheritance right, etc.

第三條   被侵權人有權請求侵權人承擔侵權責任。

Article 3 An infringed party shall have the right to request that the tortfeasor bear tort liability.

第四條   侵權人因同一行為應當承擔行政責任或者刑事責任的,不影響依法承擔侵權責任。

Article 4 Administrative liability or criminal liability to be borne by an infringer for the same act shall not prejudice bearing of tort liability by the tortfeasor pursuant to the law.


Where an infringing party shall bear tort liability and administrative liability or criminal liability for the same act but its assets are insufficient for payment, tort liability shall rank first.

第五條   其他法律對侵權責任另有特別規定的,依照其規定。

Article 5 Where other laws have special provisions on tort liability, such provisions shall prevail.

第二章 責任構成和責任方式

Chapter 2 Composition and Manner of Liability

第六條   行為人因過錯侵害他人民事權益,應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 6 A doer whose negligence has harmed the civil rights and interests of others shall bear tort liability.


Where the provisions of the laws presume that a doer has committed negligence and the doer cannot prove that it has not committed negligence, the doer shall bear tort liability.

第七條   行為人損害他人民事權益,不論行為人有無過錯,法律規定應當承擔侵權責任的,依照其規定。

Article 7 Where a doer has harmed the civil rights and interests of others, regardless if the doer has committed negligence, and the laws provide that the doer shall bear tort liability, such provisions shall prevail.

第八條   二人以上共同實施侵權行為,造成他人損害的,應當承擔連帶責任。

Article 8 Where two or more persons have committed a tortious act jointly and caused others to suffer damages, they shall bear connected liability.

第九條   教唆、幫助他人實施侵權行為的,應當與行為人承擔連帶責任。

Article 9 Persons who instigate or assist others in committing a tortious act shall bear connected liability with the doer.


Persons who instigate or assist persons with no capacity for civil conduct or persons with limited capacity for civil conduct in committing a tortious act shall bear tort liability; where the guardian of a person with no capacity for civil conduct or a person with limited capacity for civil conduct has not performed guardianship responsibilities, he/she shall bear the corresponding liability.

第十條   二人以上實施危及他人人身、財產安全的行為,其中一人或者數人的行為造成他人損害,能夠確定具體侵權人的,由侵權人承擔責任;不能確定具體侵權人的,行為人承擔連帶責任。

Article 10 Where two or more persons have committed an act that endangers another person's personal or property safety, and the act of one or more of such persons causes damage to that person, if the specific infringing party can be determined, the infringing party shall be liable; otherwise, all persons involved shall be jointly and severally liable.

第十一條   二人以上分別實施侵權行為造成同一損害,每個人的侵權行為都足以造成全部損害的,行為人承擔連帶責任。

Article 11 Where the tortious acts committed by two or more persons have caused the same damages, and the tortious act of each person is able to cause all the damages, the doers shall bear connected liability.

第十二條   二人以上分別實施侵權行為造成同一損害,能夠確定責任大小的,各自承擔相應的責任;難以確定責任大小的,平均承擔賠償責任。

Article 12 Where the tortious acts committed by two or more persons have caused the same damages, and the extents of responsibilities can be determined, such persons shall bear the corresponding liability; where it is difficult to determine the extents of responsibilities, such persons shall bear compensation liability equally.

第十三條   法律規定承擔連帶責任的,被侵權人有權請求部分或者全部連帶責任人承擔責任。

Article 13 Where the law provides that joint and several liability shall be assumed, the party whose rights are infringed upon shall be entitled to claim liability in whole or in part against all parties jointly and severally liable.

第十四條   連帶責任人根據各自責任大小確定相應的賠償數額;難以確定責任大小的,平均承擔賠償責任。

Article 14 Persons who are required to bear connected liability shall determine the corresponding compensation amount pursuant to their respective extent of responsibilities; where it is difficult to determine the extent of responsibilities, such persons shall bear compensation liability equally.


Where a person who is required to bear connected liability has paid a compensation amount which exceeds his/her compensation amount, he/she shall have the right to seek recourse against other persons who are required to bear connected liability.

第十五條   承擔侵權責任的方式主要有:

Article 15 Tort liability can be borne mainly by:


1. cessation of infringement;


(II) Removal of obstacles;


(III) elimination of dangers;


(IV) return of property;


(V) restoration to the original state;


(VI) compensation for losses;


(VII) extension of apology; and


(VIII) Elimination of ill effects and rehabilitation of reputation.


The above methods may be applied exclusively or concurrently.

第十六條   侵害他人造成人身損害的,應當賠償醫療費、護理費、交通費等為治療和康複支出的合理費用,以及因誤工減少的收入。造成殘疾的,還應當賠償殘疾生活輔助具費和殘疾賠償金。造成死亡的,還應當賠償喪葬費和死亡賠償金。

Article 16 Whoever harms another person and causes personal injury shall compensate his reasonable expenses for treatment and rehabilitation such as medical expenses, nursing expenses and transportation expenses as well as his lost income due to absence from work. In the event of disability, compensation for disability assisted living facilities and disability compensation shall be made. In the event of death, the business operator shall also make compensation for funeral expenses and death compensation.

第十七條   因同一侵權行為造成多人死亡的,可以以相同數額確定死亡賠償金。

Article 17 Where the same tortious act causes several persons to die, the amount of death compensation payable may be the same.

第十八條   被侵權人死亡的,其近親屬有權請求侵權人承擔侵權責任。被侵權人為單位,該單位分立、合並的,承繼權利的單位有權請求侵權人承擔侵權責任。

Article 18 In the event of death of an infringed party, his/her immediate relatives shall have the right to request that the infringer bears tort liability. Where the infringed party is an organisation and the organisation is divided or merged, the organisation which succeeds its rights shall have the right to request that the infringor bear tort liability.


Where the party whose rights are infringed upon dies, the party who has paid reasonable expenses such as medical expenses and funeral expenses shall be entitled to request the infringing party to make compensation, unless the infringing party has already paid such expenses.

第十九條   侵害他人財產的,財產損失按照損失發生時的市場價格或者其他方式計算。

Article 19 Where a tortious act has caused others to suffer damages to assets, the asset loss shall be computed in accordance with the market price at the time of the loss or by way of any other method.

第二十條   侵害他人人身權益造成財產損失的,按照被侵權人因此受到的損失賠償;被侵權人的損失難以確定,侵權人因此獲得利益的,按照其獲得的利益賠償;侵權人因此獲得的利益難以確定,被侵權人和侵權人就賠償數額協商不一致,向人民法院提起訴訟的,由人民法院根據實際情況確定賠償數額。

Article 20 Where property damages have been caused by an infringement of the personal rights of another person, compensation shall be paid on the basis of the damage suffered by the infringed party. Where it is difficult to determine the damage suffered by the infringed party and the infringer derives benefits therefrom, compensation shall be paid on the basis of the benefits received by the infringer. Where it is difficult to determine the benefits received by the infringer therefrom, but the infringee and the infringer fail to reach an agreement on the amount of damages and file a suit with a people's court, the damages shall be determined by the people's court in accordance with the actual circumstances.

第二十一條   侵權行為危及他人人身、財產安全的,被侵權人可以請求侵權人承擔停止侵害、排除妨礙、消除危險等侵權責任。

Article 21 Where a tortious act endangers the personal or property safety of another person, the party whose rights are infringed upon may request that the infringing party assume tort liability such as ceasing infringement, removing obstruction, eliminating danger, etc.

第二十二條   侵害他人人身權益,造成他人嚴重精神損害的,被侵權人可以請求精神損害賠償。

Article 22 Where the infringements upon a person's personal rights and interests cause the person to suffer from serious mental suffering, the infringed party may request compensation for mental suffering.

第二十三條   因防止、制止他人民事權益被侵害而使自己受到損害的,由侵權人承擔責任。侵權人逃逸或者無力承擔責任,被侵權人請求補償的,受益人應當給予適當補償。

Article 23 Where a person is harmed as a result of preventing or stopping others' civil rights and interests from being infringed, the infringer shall be held liable. Where a tortfeasor has fled or is unable to bear liability, and the infringed party requests for compensation, the beneficiary shall make appropriate compensation.

第二十四條   受害人和行為人對損害的發生都沒有過錯的,可以根據實際情況,由雙方分擔損失。

Article 24 Where neither the victim nor the doer is at fault in the occurrence of the damage, they may share the losses according to the actual circumstances.

第二十五條   損害發生後,當事人可以協商賠償費用的支付方式。協商不一致的,賠償費用應當一次性支付;一次性支付確有困難的,可以分期支付,但應當提供相應的擔保。

Article 25 Upon occurrence of damages, the parties concerned may negotiate the payment method for compensation expenses. Where the negotiation is unsuccessful, one-off payment of the compensation expenses shall be made; where there is genuine difficulty in making a one-off payment, instalments may be made but the corresponding guarantee shall be provided.

第三章 不承擔責任和減輕責任的情形

Chapter 3 Circumstances under which Liability is Waived or Mitigated

第二十六條   被侵權人對損害的發生也有過錯的,可以減輕侵權人的責任。

Article 26 Where the infringed party has committed negligence in respect of the occurrence of the damages, the liability of the infringer may be mitigated.

第二十七條   損害是因受害人故意造成的,行為人不承擔責任。

Article 27 Where damage is intentionally caused by a victim, the actor shall not be liable.

第二十八條   損害是因第三人造成的,第三人應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 28 Where damage is caused by a third party, the third party shall bear tortious liability.

第二十九條   因不可抗力造成他人損害的,不承擔責任。法律另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 29 Persons who have caused others to suffer damages due to a force majeure event shall not be held liable. Where the laws provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

第三十條   因正當防衛造成損害的,不承擔責任。正當防衛超過必要的限度,造成不應有的損害的,正當防衛人應當承擔適當的責任。

Article 30 No party shall be liable for damage caused in self-defence. If justifiable defence exceeds the limits of necessity and undue harm is caused, the person exercising justifiable defence shall be liable on a reasonable basis.

第三十一條   因緊急避險造成損害的,由引起險情發生的人承擔責任。如果危險是由自然原因引起的,緊急避險人不承擔責任或者給予適當補償。緊急避險采取措施不當或者超過必要的限度,造成不應有的損害的,緊急避險人應當承擔適當的責任。

Article 31 If an injury is caused by an action taken to avoid an imminent danger, the person who gave rise to such danger shall be liable. The person acting to avoid danger shall not be liable or shall be given reasonable compensation if the danger arose from natural causes. If the action taken to avoid such danger is improper or exceeds the limits of necessity and undue harm is caused, the person acting to avoid such danger shall be liable on a reasonable basis.

第四章 關於責任主體的特殊規定

Chapter 4 Special Provisions on Liable Parties

第三十二條   無民事行為能力人、限制民事行為能力人造成他人損害的,由監護人承擔侵權責任。監護人盡到監護責任的,可以減輕其侵權責任。

Article 32 If a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct causes damage to others, his guardian shall bear tort liability. Where the guardian has performed guardianship responsibilities, his/her tort liability may be mitigated.


If a person who has property but is without or with limited capacity for civil conduct causes damage to others, the expenses of compensation shall be paid from his property. Any deficiency shall be paid by the guardian.

第三十三條   完全民事行為能力人對自己的行為暫時沒有意識或者失去控制造成他人損害有過錯的,應當承擔侵權責任;沒有過錯的,根據行為人的經濟狀況對受害人適當補償。

Article 33 Where a person with full capacity for civil conduct has a temporary loss of awareness or has lost control over his/her action and caused others to suffer damages, he/she shall bear tort liability; where the person has no fault, he/she shall make appropriate compensation to the victim in accordance with his/her financial status.


Where a person with full capacity for civil conduct has a temporary loss of awareness or has lost control over his/her action as a result of drunken state or abuse of narcotic drugs or psychotropic drugs and has caused others to suffer damages, he/she shall bear tort liability.

第三十四條   用人單位的工作人員因執行工作任務造成他人損害的,由用人單位承擔侵權責任。

Article 34 Where an employee of an employer has caused others to suffer damages as a result of performance of work assignment, the employer shall bear tort liability.


In the course of labour secondment, where the seconded personnel have caused others to suffer damages as a result of performance of work assignment, the employer which accepts the secondment shall bear tort liability; where the secondment organisation is at fault, it shall bear the corresponding supplementary liability.

第三十五條   個人之間形成勞務關系,提供勞務一方因勞務造成他人損害的,由接受勞務一方承擔侵權責任。提供勞務一方因勞務自己受到損害的,根據雙方各自的過錯承擔相應的責任。

Article 35 Where a labour relationship has formed between individuals and the party providing labour services has caused others to suffer damages as a result of the labour services, the party accepting labour services shall bear tort liability. If any damage is caused by the labor of the party providing labor, the party shall bear corresponding liabilities according to their respective faults.

第三十六條   網絡用戶、網絡服務提供者利用網絡侵害他人民事權益的,應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 36 Network users and network service providers shall bear tort liability in the event of making use of network to harm the civil rights and interests of others.


Where an internet user engages in tortious conduct through internet services, the injured party shall have the right to inform the internet service provider that it should take necessary action such as by deleting content, screening, breaking links, etc. Where the network service provider failed to adopt the requisite measures promptly upon notification, it shall bear joint and several liability with the network user in respect of the extended damages.


Where the network service provider is aware that the network user has used its network services to harm the civil rights and interests of others but does not adopt the requisite measures, it shall bear connected liability with the network user.

第三十七條   賓館、商場、銀行、車站、娛樂場所等公共場所的管理人或者群眾性活動的組織者,未盡到安全保障義務,造成他人損害的,應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 37 Managers of public premises such as hotels, shopping malls, banks, stations, entertainment premises, etc or organisers of mass activities who failed to perform safety assurance obligations and caused others to suffer damages shall bear tort liability.


In the event of damages of others caused by a third party, the third party shall bear tort liability; where the manager or the organiser fails to perform safety assurance obligations, it shall bear the corresponding supplementary liability.

第三十八條   無民事行為能力人在幼兒園、學校或者其他教育機構學習、生活期間受到人身損害的,幼兒園、學校或者其他教育機構應當承擔責任,但能夠證明盡到教育、管理職責的,不承擔責任。

Article 38 Where a person with no capacity for civil conduct has suffered personal injury during learning or living in a kindergarten, school or any other educational institution, the kindergarten, school or educational institution shall be held liable; however, if it can be proven that the kindergarten, school or educational institution has performed educational and management duties, it shall not be held liable.

第三十九條   限制民事行為能力人在學校或者其他教育機構學習、生活期間受到人身損害,學校或者其他教育機構未盡到教育、管理職責的,應當承擔責任。

Article 39 Where a person with limited capacity for civil conduct has suffered personal injury during learning or living in a school or any other educational institution, the school or educational institution shall be liable for failure to perform education and management duties.

第四十條   無民事行為能力人或者限制民事行為能力人在幼兒園、學校或者其他教育機構學習、生活期間,受到幼兒園、學校或者其他教育機構以外的人員人身損害的,由侵權人承擔侵權責任;幼兒園、學校或者其他教育機構未盡到管理職責的,承擔相應的補充責任。

Article 40 Where a person with no capacity for civil conduct or a person with limited capacity for civil conduct has suffered personal injury inflicted by non-personnel of the kindergarten, school or any other educational institution during learning or living in the kindergarten, school or educational institution, the tortfeasor (s) shall bear tort liability; where the kindergarten, school or educational institution has failed to perform management duties, it shall bear the corresponding supplementary liability.

第五章 產品責任

Chapter 5 Product Liability

第四十一條   因產品存在缺陷造成他人損害的,生產者應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 41 Producers shall bear tortious liability for damage caused to others by their defective products.

第四十二條   因銷售者的過錯使產品存在缺陷,造成他人損害的,銷售者應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 42 Sellers shall bear tortious liability for damage caused to others by defective products where the seller is at fault.


Sellers shall be liable for infringement if they cannot identify the producers or suppliers of the defective products.

第四十三條   因產品存在缺陷造成損害的,被侵權人可以向產品的生產者請求賠償,也可以向產品的銷售者請求賠償。

Article 43 In the event of damages caused by product defects, the infringed party may seek compensation from the manufacturer of the products or the seller of the products.


Where the product defects are caused by the manufacturer, the seller shall have the right to seek recourse against the manufacturer after the seller has made compensation.


Where the product defect is caused by the seller, the producer may, after paying compensation, claim the same from the seller.

第四十四條   因運輸者、倉儲者等第三人的過錯使產品存在缺陷,造成他人損害的,產品的生產者、銷售者賠償後,有權向第三人追償。

Article 44 Where the product defect is caused by the transporter, the warehouse or another third party, the producer and the seller may, after paying compensation, claim the same from the third party.

第四十五條   因產品缺陷危及他人人身、財產安全的,被侵權人有權請求生產者、銷售者承擔排除妨礙、消除危險等侵權責任。

Article 45 In the event of product defects which compromise the personal safety or property safety of others, the infringed party shall have the right to request that the manufacturer and the seller bear tort liability such as elimination of obstruction, elimination of danger, etc.

第四十六條   產品投入流通後發現存在缺陷的,生產者、銷售者應當及時采取警示、召回等補救措施。未及時采取補救措施或者補救措施不力造成損害的,應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 46 Where defects are discovered after the products are put into circulation, the manufacturer and the seller shall promptly adopt remedial measures such as warning, recall, etc. In the event of damages caused by failure to adopt remedial measures promptly or failure to adopt effective remedial measures, the manufacturer and the seller shall bear tort liability.

第四十七條   明知產品存在缺陷仍然生產、銷售,造成他人死亡或者健康嚴重損害的,被侵權人有權請求相應的懲罰性賠償。

Article 47 Where any producer or seller knowingly produces or sells defective products that cause death or serious damage to the health of others, the infringed may claim appropriate punitive damages.

第六章 機動車交通事故責任

Chapter 6 Liability for Traffic Accidents of Motor Vehicles

第四十八條   機動車發生交通事故造成損害的,依照道路交通安全法的有關規定承擔賠償責任。

Article 48 In the event of damages caused by a traffic accident involving a motor vehicle, compensation liability shall be borne pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law.

第四十九條   因租賃、借用等情形機動車所有人與使用人不是同一人時,發生交通事故後屬於該機動車一方責任的,由保險公司在機動車強制保險責任限額範圍內予以賠償。不足部分,由機動車使用人承擔賠償責任;機動車所有人對損害的發生有過錯的,承擔相應的賠償責任。

Article 49 Where the owner and user of a motor vehicle are not the same person in circumstances such as a lease, lending, etc., in the event liability for a traffic accident is borne by the person driving the vehicle, such liability may be covered by the insurance company within the compensation limit under the compulsory insurance procured for said vehicle. The user of the motor vehicle shall bear compensation liability for any shortfall; where the owner of the motor vehicle has committed negligence in respect of the occurrence of damages, the owner shall bear the corresponding compensation liability.

第五十條   當事人之間已經以買賣等方式轉讓並交付機動車但未辦理所有權轉移登記,發生交通事故後屬於該機動車一方責任的,由保險公司在機動車強制保險責任限額範圍內予以賠償。不足部分,由受讓人承擔賠償責任。

Article 50 Where the parties concerned have transferred and delivered the motor vehicle by way of sale and purchase, etc, but the formalities for transfer of ownership have not been completed, and the motor vehicle party is liable for occurrence of a traffic accident, the insurance company shall make compensation within the scope of limits for motor vehicle compulsory insurance liability. Any shortfall shall be borne by the transferee.

第五十一條   以買賣等方式轉讓拼裝或者已達到報廢標準的機動車,發生交通事故造成損害的,由轉讓人和受讓人承擔連帶責任。

Article 51 Where an assembled motor vehicle or a motor vehicle that is due to be scrapped is sold or transferred by other means, the transferor and the transferee shall be jointly and severally liable for damage caused by the traffic accident.

第五十二條   盜竊、搶劫或者搶奪的機動車發生交通事故造成損害的,由盜竊人、搶劫人或者搶奪人承擔賠償責任。保險公司在機動車強制保險責任限額範圍內墊付搶救費用的,有權向交通事故責任人追償。

Article 52 In the event of damages caused by a traffic accident involving a motor vehicle which is stolen, robbed or looted, the thief, robber or looter shall bear compensation liability. Where an insurance company pays the rescue expenses in advance within the limit of the compulsory insurance for motor vehicles, it shall have the right to recover the rescue expenses from the person liable for the traffic accident.

第五十三條   機動車駕駛人發生交通事故後逃逸,該機動車參加強制保險的,由保險公司在機動車強制保險責任限額範圍內予以賠償;機動車不明或者該機動車未參加強制保險,需要支付被侵權人人身傷亡的搶救、喪葬等費用的,由道路交通事故社會救助基金墊付。道路交通事故社會救助基金墊付後,其管理機構有權向交通事故責任人追償。

Article 53 Where a motor vehicle driver flees after a traffic accident, if it is covered by the compulsory insurance, the insurance company shall make compensation within the compensation limit under the compulsory insurance procured for said motor vehicle; if the motor vehicle is unknown or if it is not covered by the compulsory insurance, thus, the costs paid for rescuing or burying the injured party and other relevant costs shall be advanced from the social aid fund for road traffic accidents. After the social aid fund for road traffic accidents has been advanced, its management institution has the right to recover the payment from the persons liable for the traffic accidents.

第七章 醫療損害責任

Chapter 7 Medical Injury Liability

第五十四條   患者在診療活動中受到損害,醫療機構及其醫務人員有過錯的,由醫療機構承擔賠償責任。

Article 54 Where a patient suffers damages in medical activities, and the medical institution and its medical personnel are at fault, the medical institution shall bear compensation liability.

第五十五條   醫務人員在診療活動中應當向患者說明病情和醫療措施。需要實施手術、特殊檢查、特殊治療的,醫務人員應當及時向患者說明醫療風險、替代醫療方案等情況,並取得其書面同意;不宜向患者說明的,應當向患者的近親屬說明,並取得其書面同意。

Article 55 Medical personnel shall explain illnesses and medical procedures to patients in clinic activities. Where a patient needs to undergo surgery, special examination or special treatment, the medical personnel shall promptly explain medical risks, alternative medical procedures, etc to the patient and obtain his/her written consent; where it is not advisable to explain to the patient, the medical personnel shall explain to the immediate relatives of the patient and obtain their written consent.


In the event of damages suffered by a patient due to failure of the medical personnel to perform the obligations in the preceding paragraph, the medical institution shall bear compensation liability.

第五十六條   因搶救生命垂危的患者等緊急情況,不能取得患者或者其近親屬意見的,經醫療機構負責人或者授權的負責人批準,可以立即實施相應的醫療措施。

Article 56 Under emergency circumstances such as rescue of critical patients or where the consent of the patient or his/her immediate relatives cannot be obtained, the corresponding medical measures may be forthwith implemented upon approval by the person-in-charge of the medical institution or the authorised person-in-charge.

第五十七條   醫務人員在診療活動中未盡到與當時的醫療水平相應的診療義務,造成患者損害的,醫療機構應當承擔賠償責任。

Article 57 Where a medical professional fails to perform his diagnosis and treatment obligations according to current standards, thereby resulting in damage to the patient, the medical institution concerned shall be liable to pay compensation.

第五十八條   患者有損害,因下列情形之一的,推定醫療機構有過錯:

Article 58 Where any damage is caused to the patient under any of the following circumstances, the medical institution shall be deemed to be at fault:


1. Violation of laws, administrative regulations, rules and other provisions on diagnosis and treatment norms;


(II) Concealing or refusing to provide medical records relating to the dispute; or


(III) Forging, tampering with or destroying medical records.

第五十九條   因藥品、消毒藥劑、醫療器械的缺陷,或者輸入不合格的血液造成患者損害的,患者可以向生產者或者血液提供機構請求賠償,也可以向醫療機構請求賠償。患者向醫療機構請求賠償的,醫療機構賠償後,有權向負有責任的生產者或者血液提供機構追償。

Article 59 If any damage is caused to the patient due to defective drugs, disinfectants, or medical devices, or unqualified blood, the patient may claim compensation from the producer, the agency supplying the blood, or the medical institution. Where the patient seeks compensation from the medical institution, the medical institution shall have the right to seek recourse against the liable manufacturer or the liable organisation which provides the blood after it has made compensation.

第六十條   患者有損害,因下列情形之一的,醫療機構不承擔賠償責任:

Article 60 If any damage is caused to the patient under any of the following circumstances, the medical institution shall not be liable to pay compensation:


1. The patient or any of his close relatives fails to cooperate with the medical institution in the course of qualified medical treatment;


(II) The medical personnel have performed their reasonable obligations to provide emergency treatment to critically ill patients;


(III) Existing medical standards are not high enough to treat the patient.


Where the medical institution and its medical personnel have committed negligence under the circumstances stipulated in item (1) of the preceding paragraph, the medical institution and its medical personnel shall bear the corresponding compensation liability.

第六十一條   醫療機構及其醫務人員應當按照規定填寫並妥善保管住院志、醫囑單、檢驗報告、手術及麻醉記錄、病理資料、護理記錄、醫療費用等病曆資料。

Article 61 Medical institutions and their medical personnel shall fill in and keep medical records such as hospitalisation records, medical advice, examination report, operation and anesthesia records, pathological materials, nursing records, medical expenses, etc properly pursuant to the provisions.


Where a patient requests for inspection or photocopying of medical records stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the medical institution shall provide.

第六十二條   醫療機構及其醫務人員應當對患者的隱私保密。泄露患者隱私或者未經患者同意公開其病曆資料,造成患者損害的,應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 62 Medical institutions and their medical personnel shall keep confidentiality of patient privacy. Where patient privacy is divulged or the medical records of a patient are made public without the consent of the patient and the patient suffers damages, tort liability shall be borne.

第六十三條   醫療機構及其醫務人員不得違反診療規範實施不必要的檢查。

Article 63 Medical institutions and their medical staff shall not violate medical norms in carrying out unnecessary examination.

第六十四條   醫療機構及其醫務人員的合法權益受法律保護。幹擾醫療秩序,妨害醫務人員工作、生活的,應當依法承擔法律責任。

Article 64 The legitimate rights and interests of medical institutions and their medical personnel are protected by law. Anyone who disturbs the order of medical treatment or hinders the work or life of medical workers shall bear legal liability according to law.

第八章 環境汙染責任

Chapter 8 Environmental Pollution Liability

第六十五條   因汙染環境造成損害的,汙染者應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 65 In the event of damages caused by environmental pollution, polluters shall bear tort liability.

第六十六條   因汙染環境發生糾紛,汙染者應當就法律規定的不承擔責任或者減輕責任的情形及其行為與損害之間不存在因果關系承擔舉證責任。

Article 66 In the event of a dispute over environmental pollution, the polluter shall bear the burden of proof regarding any exemption from or mitigation of liability and the causal relationship between his conduct and the damage.

第六十七條   兩個以上汙染者汙染環境,汙染者承擔責任的大小,根據汙染物的種類、排放量等因素確定。

Article 67 Where two or more polluters pollute the environment, the extent of responsibility borne by the polluters shall be determined pursuant to factors such as the type of pollutant, emission, etc.

第六十八條   因第三人的過錯汙染環境造成損害的,被侵權人可以向汙染者請求賠償,也可以向第三人請求賠償。汙染者賠償後,有權向第三人追償。

Article 68 In the event of damages caused by environmental pollution caused by negligence of a third party, the infringed party may seek compensation from the polluter or the third party. The polluter has the right of recourse to the third party after paying compensation.

第九章 高度危險責任

Chapter 9 High Risk Liability

第六十九條   從事高度危險作業造成他人損害的,應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 69 Persons engaging in ultrahazardous activities which have caused others to suffer damages shall bear tort liability.

第七十條   民用核設施發生核事故造成他人損害的,民用核設施的經營者應當承擔侵權責任,但能夠證明損害是因戰爭等情形或者受害人故意造成的,不承擔責任。

Article 70 Where any damage is caused by a civil nuclear facility, the operator of said civil nuclear facility shall bear tortious liability unless he can prove that the damage was caused by war or that the victim deliberately incurred the damage.

第七十一條   民用航空器造成他人損害的,民用航空器的經營者應當承擔侵權責任,但能夠證明損害是因受害人故意造成的,不承擔責任。

Article 71 Where any damage is caused by a civil aircraft, the operator of said civil aircraft shall bear tortious liability unless he can prove that that the victim deliberately incurred the damage.

第七十二條   占有或者使用易燃、易爆、劇毒、放射性等高度危險物造成他人損害的,占有人或者使用人應當承擔侵權責任,但能夠證明損害是因受害人故意或者不可抗力造成的,不承擔責任。被侵權人對損害的發生有重大過失的,可以減輕占有人或者使用人的責任。

Article 72 Where any damage is caused by the possession or use of flammable, explosive, toxic, radioactive, or other high-risk materials, the person in possession or use thereof shall bear tortious liability unless he can prove that that that the victim deliberately incurred the damage or that the damage was caused by a force majeure event. Where the infringed party has committed gross negligence in respect of the occurrence of damages, the liability of the owner or the user may be mitigated.

第七十三條   從事高空、高壓、地下挖掘活動或者使用高速軌道運輸工具造成他人損害的,經營者應當承擔侵權責任,但能夠證明損害是因受害人故意或者不可抗力造成的,不承擔責任。被侵權人對損害的發生有過失的,可以減輕經營者的責任。

Article 73 Where any damage is caused by high-altitude operations, high-pressure operations, underground mining activities or the use of high-speed rail transport, the operator shall bear tortious liability unless he can prove that that that the victim deliberately incurred the damage or that the damage was caused by a force majeure event. If the infringed party is at fault in the occurrence of the damage, the liability of the operator may be mitigated.

第七十四條   遺失、拋棄高度危險物造成他人損害的,由所有人承擔侵權責任。所有人將高度危險物交由他人管理的,由管理人承擔侵權責任;所有人有過錯的,與管理人承擔連帶責任。

Article 74 Where any damage is caused by discarding or abandoning high-risk materials, the owner shall bear tortious liability. Where the owner has arranged for others to manage the ultrahazardous substances, the manager shall bear tort liability; where the owner has committed negligence, it shall bear connected liability with the manager.

第七十五條   非法占有高度危險物造成他人損害的,由非法占有人承擔侵權責任。所有人、管理人不能證明對防止他人非法占有盡到高度注意義務的,與非法占有人承擔連帶責任。

Article 75 In the event of damages of others caused by illegal possession of ultrahazardous substances, the party who possesses the ultrahazardous substances illegally shall bear tort liability. If the owner or the administrator cannot prove that they have performed a high degree of care to prevent others from unlawfully possessing the goods, they shall be jointly and severally liable for the possession.

第七十六條   未經許可進入高度危險活動區域或者高度危險物存放區域受到損害,管理人已經采取安全措施並盡到警示義務的,可以減輕或者不承擔責任。

Article 76 In the event of damages caused by unauthorised entry into ultrahazardous activities areas or storage areas for ultrahazardous substances, where the manager has adopted safety measures and performed warning obligations, the liability of the manager may be mitigated or the manager may not be held liable.

第七十七條   承擔高度危險責任,法律規定賠償限額的,依照其規定。

Article 77 Where the law provides limits for compensation for liability for ultrahazardous activities, such provisions shall prevail.

第十章 飼養動物損害責任

Chapter 10 Liability for Damage Caused by Domesticated Animals

第七十八條   飼養的動物造成他人損害的,動物飼養人或者管理人應當承擔侵權責任,但能夠證明損害是因被侵權人故意或者重大過失造成的,可以不承擔或者減輕責任。

Article 78 In the event of damages of others caused by domesticated animals, the animal keeper or the manager shall bear tort liability; however, if it can be proven that the damages are caused deliberately by the infringed party or caused by gross negligence of the infringed party, the animal keeper or the manager may be exempted or mitigated of liability.

第七十九條   違反管理規定,未對動物采取安全措施造成他人損害的,動物飼養人或者管理人應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 79 In the event of damages of others caused by violation of administrative provisions in failure to adopt safety measures for animals, the animal keeper or the manager shall bear tort liability.

第八十條   禁止飼養的烈性犬等危險動物造成他人損害的,動物飼養人或者管理人應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 80 In the event of damages of others caused by dangerous animals such as fierce dogs for which keeping is prohibited, the animal keeper or the manager shall bear tort liability.

第八十一條   動物園的動物造成他人損害的,動物園應當承擔侵權責任,但能夠證明盡到管理職責的,不承擔責任。

Article 81 In the event of damages of others caused by zoo animals, the zoo shall bear tort liability; however, if it can be proven that the zoo has performed management duties, the zoo shall not be held liable.

第八十二條   遺棄、逃逸的動物在遺棄、逃逸期間造成他人損害的,由原動物飼養人或者管理人承擔侵權責任。

Article 82 In the event of damages of others caused by deserted or runaway animals during the desertion or runaway period, the original animal keeper or the manager shall bear tort liability.

第八十三條   因第三人的過錯致使動物造成他人損害的,被侵權人可以向動物飼養人或者管理人請求賠償,也可以向第三人請求賠償。動物飼養人或者管理人賠償後,有權向第三人追償。

Article 83 Where any damage is caused by an animal for which a third party is at fault, the injured party may seek compensation either from the keeper or manager thereof or from the third party. The keeper or manager may, after paying compensation, claim the same from the third party.

第八十四條   飼養動物應當遵守法律,尊重社會公德,不得妨害他人生活。

Article 84 Anyone who raises animals shall abide by laws and show respect for social ethics, and shall refrain from hindering the lives of others.

第十一章 物件損害責任

Chapter 11 Article Eleven Liability for Damage to Articles

第八十五條   建築物、構築物或者其他設施及其擱置物、懸掛物發生脫落、墜落造成他人損害,所有人、管理人或者使用人不能證明自己沒有過錯的,應當承擔侵權責任。所有人、管理人或者使用人賠償後,有其他責任人的,有權向其他責任人追償。

Article 85 In the event of damages of others caused by detached or fallen objects stored in or suspended from buildings, structures or other facilities, the owner, the manager or the user shall bear tort liability if it cannot prove that it has not committed negligence. Where there are any other responsible persons, the owner, the manager or the user shall have the right to seek recourse against such responsible persons after the owner, the manager or the user has made compensation.

第八十六條   建築物、構築物或者其他設施倒塌造成他人損害的,由建設單位與施工單位承擔連帶責任。建設單位、施工單位賠償後,有其他責任人的,有權向其他責任人追償。

Article 86 In the event of damages of others caused by collapsed buildings, structures or other facilities, the developer and the builder shall bear joint and several liability. Where there are any other responsible persons, the developer or the builder shall have the right to seek recourse against such responsible persons after the developer or the builder has made compensation.


Where any damage is caused by a collapsing building, structure or other facility due to the fault of other liable persons, such persons shall bear tortious liability.

第八十七條   從建築物中拋擲物品或者從建築物上墜落的物品造成他人損害,難以確定具體侵權人的,除能夠證明自己不是侵權人的外,由可能加害的建築物使用人給予補償。

Article 87 Where any damage is caused by an object thrown or falling from a building, if it is difficult to identify the infringing party, the user of the building who is the potential infringing party shall pay compensation unless he can prove that he is not the infringing party.

第八十八條   堆放物倒塌造成他人損害,堆放人不能證明自己沒有過錯的,應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 88 In the event of damages of others caused by collapse of stacked materials, the party which stacks the materials shall bear tort liability if it cannot prove that it has not committed negligence.

第八十九條   在公共道路上堆放、傾倒、遺撒妨礙通行的物品造成他人損害的,有關單位或者個人應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 89 In the event of damages of others caused by stacking, dumping and scattering of objects on public roads which obstruct access, the relevant organisation (s) or individual (s) shall bear tort liability.

第九十條   因林木折斷造成他人損害,林木的所有人或者管理人不能證明自己沒有過錯的,應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 90 Where any damage is caused by a damaged tree, the owner or manager of the tree shall bear tortious liability unless he can prove that he was not at fault.

第九十一條   在公共場所或者道路上挖坑、修缮安裝地下設施等,沒有設置明顯標志和采取安全措施造成他人損害的,施工人應當承擔侵權責任。

Article 91 Any constructor who engages in excavation, repairs or installation of underground facilities in a public place or on a road without setting up clear signs and adopting safety measures and thereby causes damage to others shall bear tortious liability.


Where any damage is caused by a manhole or other underground facilities, the manager shall bear tortious liability unless he can prove that he has fulfilled his management responsibilities.

第十二章 附則

Chapter 12 Supplementary Provisions

第九十二條   本法自2010年7月1日起施行。

Article 92 This Law shall come into effect on July 1, 2010.


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