中華人民共和國老年人權益保障法(2018修正),1996年8月29日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十一次會議通過 根據2009年8月27日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》第一次修正 2012年12月28日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議修訂 根據2015年4月24日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國電力法〉等六部法律的決定》第二次修正 根據2018年12月29日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第七次會議《關於



Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly (2018 Revision)

1996829日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十一次會議通過 根據2009827日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》第一次修正 20121228日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議修訂 根據2015424日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國電力法〉等六部法律的決定》第二次修正 根據20181229日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第七次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國勞動法〉等七部法律的決定》第三次修正)

(Adopted at the 21st session of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress on August 29, 1996; amended for the first time according to the Decision on Amending Certain Laws passed at the 10th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on August 27, 2009; revised at the 30th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on December 28, 2012; amended for the second time according to the Decision on Revising Six Laws including the Electric Power Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 14th session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on April 24, 2015; and amended for the third time according to the Decision on Revising Seven Laws Including the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 7th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on December 29, 2018)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了保障老年人合法權益,發展老齡事業,弘揚中華民族敬老、養老、助老的美德,根據憲法,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution to protect the lawful rights and interests of the elderly, develop the undertakings related to the elderly and promote the Chinese people's virtues of respecting, providing for and helping the elderly.

第二條   本法所稱老年人是指六十周歲以上的公民。

Article 2 The elderly referred to in this Law are citizens at or above the age of 60.

第三條   國家保障老年人依法享有的權益。

Article 3 The State protects the lawful rights and interests of the elderly.


The elderly have the right to obtain material assistance from the State and the society, to enjoy social services and social preferential treatments, to participate in social development and share the development achievements.


It is forbidden to discriminate against, insult, maltreat or abandon the elderly.

第四條   積極應對人口老齡化是國家的一項長期戰略任務。

Article 4 It is a long-term strategic task for the country to actively respond to the aging of the population.


The State and society shall take measures to improve various systems for protection of the rights and interests of the elderly and gradually better the conditions that contribute toward their well-being, good health, safety and participation in social development, so that they are provided for, have access to necessary medical care, have opportunities for their own pursuits and studies and enjoy themselves.

第五條   國家建立多層次的社會保障體系,逐步提高對老年人的保障水平。

Article 5 The State will establish a multi-level social security system, and gradually improve the level of social security for the elderly.


The State shall establish and improve the home-based elderly care system which is backed by communities and supported by institutions.


Advocate the preferential treatment of the elderly.

第六條   各級人民政府應當將老齡事業納入國民經濟和社會發展規劃,將老齡事業經費列入財政預算,建立穩定的經費保障機制,並鼓勵社會各方面投入,使老齡事業與經濟、社會協調發展。

Article 6 People's governments at all levels shall incorporate the undertakings related to the elderly into the plans for national economic and social development, include the funds used for these undertakings into their budgets, establish a stable funds guarantee mechanism, and encourage investment from all sectors of society, so that these undertakings and the economy and society develop in a coordinated manner.


The State Council shall formulate a national plan on the elderly. People's governments at the county level or above shall, in accordance with the national development programs for the undertakings related to the elderly, formulate the development programs and annual plans for the undertakings related to the elderly within their respective administrative regions.


The institutions responsible for the work relating to the elderly under the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for organizing, coordinating, guiding and urging the work relating to the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly by the relevant departments.

第七條   保障老年人合法權益是全社會的共同責任。

Article 7 It is the common responsibility of the entire society to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly.


State organs, social groups, enterprises, public institutions and other organizations shall, according to their respective functions and responsibilities, protect the rights and interests of the elderly.


Grassroots autonomous organizations and organizations of the elderly established in accordance with the law shall make known the demands of the elderly, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and serve them.


Voluntary service for the elderly is advocated and encouraged.

第八條   國家進行人口老齡化國情教育,增強全社會積極應對人口老齡化意識。

Article 8 The State shall educate the people about our country's aging population, and enhance the awareness of actively responding to the aging population.


Publicity and education should be conducted throughout the society to establish the social values under which the elderly are respected, taken care of and helped.


The organizations of young people, schools and kindergartens shall carry out moral and legal education among young people and children, so that the latter will have the right to respect, provide for and help the elderly.


Radio programs, films, television programs, newspapers, periodicals and the Internet shall serve the elderly by covering their life and publicizing the need to safeguard their lawful rights and interests.

第九條   國家支持老齡科學研究,建立老年人狀況統計調查和發布制度。

Article 9 The State supports the scientific research on the elderly, and establishes the system for statistical survey into and release of the situation of the elderly.

第十條   各級人民政府和有關部門對維護老年人合法權益和敬老、養老、助老成績顯著的組織、家庭或者個人,對參與社會發展做出突出貢獻的老年人,按照國家有關規定給予表彰或者獎勵。

Article 10 People's governments at various levels and relevant local departments shall, in accordance with relevant State regulations, commend or reward the organizations, families or individuals that have made remarkable achievements in protecting the lawful rights and interests of the elderly or in respecting, providing for or helping the elderly, as well as the elderly who have made outstanding contributions to social development.

第十一條   老年人應當遵紀守法,履行法律規定的義務。

Article 11 The elderly shall observe law and discipline and perform their duties prescribed by law.

第十二條   每年農曆九月初九為老年節。

Article 12 The ninth day of the ninth lunar month in each year is designated as the Elderly Day.

第二章 家庭贍養與扶養

Chapter 2 Support and Maintenance by Families

第十三條   老年人養老以居家為基礎,家庭成員應當尊重、關心和照料老年人。

Article 13 The elderly shall be provided for mainly by their families at home, and their family members shall respect, care for and look after them.

第十四條   贍養人應當履行對老年人經濟上供養、生活上照料和精神上慰藉的義務,照顧老年人的特殊需要。

Article 14 Supporters of the elderly shall perform the obligations to financially provide for the elderly, take care of them in daily life and spiritually comfort them, and cater to their special needs.


Supporters refer to the sons and daughters of the elderly and other people who are under the legal obligation to support the elderly.


The spouses of the supporters shall assist the supporters in performing their obligation to provide for the elderly.

第十五條   贍養人應當使患病的老年人及時得到治療和護理;對經濟困難的老年人,應當提供醫療費用。

Article 15 Supporters shall make sure the elderly suffering from illnesses receive timely treatment and care, and pay medical expenses for those suffering from financial difficulties.


For the elderly who cannot take care of themselves, the supporters shall take care; if the elderly cannot take care in person, they may entrust others or elderly care institutions as willed by the elderly to take care.

第十六條   贍養人應當妥善安排老年人的住房,不得強迫老年人居住或者遷居條件低劣的房屋。

Article 16 Supporters shall properly arrange for the housing of the elderly and shall not compel the latter to live in or move to inferior houses.


The sons and daughters or other relatives of the elderly shall not seize the houses owned or rented by the elderly, nor shall they, without permission of the elderly, change the property right or leasehold relationship.


The supporters of the elderly have the duty to keep the houses owned by the elderly in good repair.

第十七條   贍養人有義務耕種或者委托他人耕種老年人承包的田地,照管或者委托他人照管老年人的林木和牲畜等,收益歸老年人所有。

Article 17 Supporters have the duty to help farm or entrust others to farm the land the elderly contract for, and take care of the trees and livestock of the elderly, but the earnings therefrom shall go to the elderly.

第十八條   家庭成員應當關心老年人的精神需求,不得忽視、冷落老年人。

Article 18 The family members of the elderly shall care about the spiritual needs of the elderly, and shall not ignore or desolate the elderly.


The family members who live apart from the elderly shall visit or send regards to the latter on a regular basis.


Employers shall guarantee the right to home leave and family visit for the supporters in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

第十九條   贍養人不得以放棄繼承權或者其他理由,拒絕履行贍養義務。

Article 19 Supporters may not refuse to perform their duties of providing for the elderly on the ground that they will give up their right of inheritance or for any other reasons.


If supporters do not perform their duties of providing for the elderly, the latter have the right to demand support payments from the former.


Supporters shall not ask the elderly to work beyond their ability.

第二十條   經老年人同意,贍養人之間可以就履行贍養義務簽訂協議。贍養協議的內容不得違反法律的規定和老年人的意願。

Article 20 With the consent of the elderly, an agreement may be concluded among the supporters on the performance of their obligations to support the elderly. The content of the maintenance agreement shall not violate laws or the wishes of the elderly.


Grassroots autonomous organizations, organizations of the elderly or units where the supporters are employed shall supervise the fulfillment of the agreement.

第二十一條   老年人的婚姻自由受法律保護。子女或者其他親屬不得幹涉老年人離婚、再婚及婚後的生活。

Article 21 The freedom of marriage of the elderly is protected by law. Their sons, daughters or other relatives shall not interfere in their divorce, remarriage or married life.


The maintenance obligation of the supporter shall not be eliminated due to the change of the marriage relationship of the aged person.

第二十二條   老年人對個人的財產,依法享有占有、使用、收益和處分的權利,子女或者其他親屬不得幹涉,不得以竊取、騙取、強行索取等方式侵犯老年人的財產權益。

Article 22 The elderly have the right to possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of their personal property in accordance with the law, and their children or other relatives may not interfere, and may not infringe upon the property rights and interests of the elderly by stealing, cheating, extorting or other means.


The elderly have the right to inherit the legacy of their parents, spouses, children or other relatives according to law and the right to accept donations. Their sons, daughters or other relatives may not encroach upon, seize, transfer, conceal or destroy the property that shall be inherited or accepted by the elderly.


In disposal of the elderly's property under a will, a necessary portion of such property shall be reserved for the elderly's spouses according to law.

第二十三條   老年人與配偶有相互扶養的義務。

Article 23 The elderly and their spouses have the duty to support each other.


If those who were brought up by their elder brothers or sisters can bear the burden, they shall provide for their elder brothers or sisters should the latter do not have supporters when they are advanced in years.

第二十四條   贍養人、扶養人不履行贍養、扶養義務的,基層群眾性自治組織、老年人組織或者贍養人、扶養人所在單位應當督促其履行。

Article 24 If the supporters do not perform their duties of providing for the elderly, grassroots autonomous organizations, organizations of the elderly or the units where the supporters are employed shall urge them to perform such duties.

第二十五條   禁止對老年人實施家庭暴力。

Article 25 Domestic violence against the elderly is prohibited.

第二十六條   具備完全民事行為能力的老年人,可以在近親屬或者其他與自己關系密切、願意承擔監護責任的個人、組織中協商確定自己的監護人。監護人在老年人喪失或者部分喪失民事行為能力時,依法承擔監護責任。

Article 26 The elderly with full capacity for civil conduct may determine their guardians through consultation among their close relatives or other individuals or organizations who are close to them and willing to assume the guardianship responsibility. When the elderly lose all or part of their capacity for civil conduct, their guardians shall bear the guardianship responsibility according to law.


If the elderly fail to determine their guardians in advance, when they lose all or part of their capacity for civil conduct, their guardians shall be determined in accordance with the relevant laws.

第二十七條   國家建立健全家庭養老支持政策,鼓勵家庭成員與老年人共同生活或者就近居住,為老年人隨配偶或者贍養人遷徙提供條件,為家庭成員照料老年人提供幫助。

Article 27 The State shall establish and improve the family-based elderly care support policies, encourage family members to live together with or close to the elderly, create conditions for the migration of the elderly with their spouses or supporters and provide help for family members in taking care of the elderly.


Chapter Three Social Protection

第二十八條   國家通過基本養老保險制度,保障老年人的基本生活。

Article 28 The State establishes an endowment insurance system to ensure the basic needs in the life of the elderly.

第二十九條   國家通過基本醫療保險制度,保障老年人的基本醫療需要。享受最低生活保障的老年人和符合條件的低收入家庭中的老年人參加新型農村合作醫療和城鎮居民基本醫療保險所需個人繳費部分,由政府給予補貼。

Article 29 The State establishes a basic medical insurance system to ensure the basic needs of the elderly for medical care. The government shall grant subsidies for individual contributions by the elderly who enjoy subsistence allowances and from eligible low-income families to the new rural cooperative medical system and basic medical insurance for urban residents.


When formulating medical insurance regulations, the departments concerned shall give favorable consideration to the elderly.

第三十條   國家逐步開展長期護理保障工作,保障老年人的護理需求。

Article 30 The State will gradually make long-term efforts to ensure the nursing needs of the elderly are satisfied.


For the elderly who cannot take care of themselves for a long time and have financial difficulties, local people's governments at all levels shall grant nursing subsidies to them in light of the seriousness of their disability.

第三十一條   國家對經濟困難的老年人給予基本生活、醫療、居住或者其他救助。

Article 31 The State provides assistance to the elderly with financial difficulties in terms of basic life, medical care, residence or others.


Local people's governments at various levels shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, provide support or relief to the elderly who are unable to work and have no sources of income or supporters or whose supporters are truly unable to provide for or support them.


For the elderly who live a vagrant life and go begging without living sources or being abandoned, local people's governments at all levels shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, give them relief.

第三十二條   地方各級人民政府在實施廉租住房、公共租賃住房等住房保障制度或者進行危舊房屋改造時,應當優先照顧符合條件的老年人。

Article 32 Local people's governments at various levels shall, in implementing low-rent housing, public rental housing and other housing security systems or carrying out the renovation of dilapidated and old houses, give priority to the eligible elderly.

第三十三條   國家建立和完善老年人福利制度,根據經濟社會發展水平和老年人的實際需要,增加老年人的社會福利。

Article 33 The State establishes and improves the welfare system for the elderly, and according to the level of economic and social development and the actual needs of the elderly, increases the social welfare for the elderly.


The State encourages local governments to establish an old-age allowance system for the low-income elderly over 80 years of age.


The State establishes and improves the support system for the elderly from families practicing family planning.


Some of the collectively owned land, forests, bodies of water, shoals, or other assets that are not contracted out in rural areas may be made as the bases for the benefit of the elderly, and the earnings therefrom shall be used for the elderly.

第三十四條   老年人依法享有的養老金、醫療待遇和其他待遇應當得到保障,有關機構必須按時足額支付,不得克扣、拖欠或者挪用。

Article 34 The pensions, medical benefits and other benefits the elderly enjoy according to law shall be guaranteed and paid by the relevant institutions on time and in full without deduction, default or misappropriation.


The State will, in light of the economic development, increase in the average salary of workers and rise in commodity prices, enhance the level of pension security in due time.

第三十五條   國家鼓勵慈善組織以及其他組織和個人為老年人提供物質幫助。

Article 35 The State encourages charitable organizations and other organizations as well as individuals to provide material assistance to the elderly.

第三十六條   老年人可以與集體經濟組織、基層群眾性自治組織、養老機構等組織或者個人簽訂遺贈扶養協議或者其他扶助協議。

Article 36 The elderly may conclude a legacy support agreement or other support agreements with organizations, grassroots autonomous organizations, elderly care institutions and other organizations or individuals.


The organization or individual that has maintenance obligation shall, under the legacy support agreement, assume the duty to support the elderly during their lifetime and bury them after death in return for the right to the legacy.


Chapter 4 Social security services

第三十七條   地方各級人民政府和有關部門應當采取措施,發展城鄉社區養老服務,鼓勵、扶持專業服務機構及其他組織和個人,為居家的老年人提供生活照料、緊急救援、醫療護理、精神慰藉、心理諮詢等多種形式的服務。

Article 37 Local people's governments at various levels and relevant local departments shall take measures to develop community elderly care services in both urban and rural areas, encourage and support professional service agencies and other organizations and individuals to provide the home-based elderly with various services such as daily care, emergency rescue, medical care, spiritual consolation and psychological counseling.


If the elderly suffer from financial difficulties, local people's governments at various levels shall gradually give them elderly care subsidies.

第三十八條   地方各級人民政府和有關部門、基層群眾性自治組織,應當將養老服務設施納入城鄉社區配套設施建設規劃,建立適應老年人需要的生活服務、文化體育活動、日間照料、疾病護理與康複等服務設施和網點,就近為老年人提供服務。

Article 38 Local people's governments at various levels, relevant local departments and grassroots autonomous organizations shall incorporate elderly care facilities into community supporting facilities construction planning in urban and rural areas, and establish service facilities and networks for the life services, cultural and sports activities, day care, disease nursing and rehabilitation as required by the elderly to provide services for the elderly in the neighborhood.


Carry forward the tradition of neighbourhood help, promote neighborhood care, help the elderly have difficulties.


Charitable organizations and volunteers are encouraged in their effort to serve the elderly. Promote mutual assistance services for the elderly.

第三十九條   各級人民政府應當根據經濟發展水平和老年人服務需求,逐步增加對養老服務的投入。

Article 39 People's governments at various levels shall gradually increase their investment in elderly care services according to the level of economic development and the demand for elderly care services.


People's governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall take measures in such aspects as finance, taxation, land and financing to encourage and support enterprises, public institutions, social organizations or individuals to establish and operate the facilities for the elderly including old-age support, day care and cultural and sports activities.

第四十條   地方各級人民政府和有關部門應當按照老年人口比例及分布情況,將養老服務設施建設納入城鄉規劃和土地利用總體規劃,統籌安排養老服務設施建設用地及所需物資。

Article 40 Local people's governments at various levels and relevant local departments shall, according to the proportion and distribution of the elderly population, incorporate the building of elderly care facilities into urban or rural development plans and overall plans for land utilization, and make overall arrangements for the land and materials required in the building of elderly care facilities.


For public welfare elderly care facilities, the allocated state-owned land or the land collectively owned by farmers may be used according to law.


Land for elderly care facilities shall not be used for other purposes without legal procedures.

第四十一條   政府投資興辦的養老機構,應當優先保障經濟困難的孤寡、失能、高齡等老年人的服務需求。

Article 41 Elderly service institutions invested by the government shall give priority to guarantee the service demands of the solitary, widowed, disabled, advanced aged and other old people with financial difficulties.

第四十二條   國務院有關部門制定養老服務設施建設、養老服務質量和養老服務職業等標準,建立健全養老機構分類管理和養老服務評估制度。

Article 42 Relevant departments of the State Council shall formulate standards for the construction of elderly care facilities, elderly care quality and elderly care profession, and establish and improve the classified management of elderly care agencies and the assessment system for elderly care services.


People's governments at all levels shall standardize charging items and standards for elderly care services, and strengthen supervision and management.

第四十三條   設立公益性養老機構,應當依法辦理相應的登記。

Article 43 Public welfare elderly care agencies shall be registered according to law.


The establishment of a for-profit elderly care agency shall be registered with the market supervision and administration department.


An elderly service institution may carry out service activities immediately after registration and shall file for record with the civil affairs department of the people's government at the county level or above.

第四十四條   地方各級人民政府加強對本行政區域養老機構管理工作的領導,建立養老機構綜合監管制度。

Article 44 Local people's governments at various levels shall strengthen the leadership over the management of elderly service institutions within their respective administrative areas and establish a comprehensive regulatory system for elderly service institutions.


The civil affairs departments of the people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for the guidance, supervision and management of elderly service institutions, and other relevant departments shall carry out supervision over elderly service institutions in accordance with the division of their duties.

第四十五條   縣級以上人民政府民政部門依法履行監督檢查職責,可以采取以下措施:

Article 45 The civil affairs departments of the people's governments at the county level or above may take the following measures in the course of legally performing their supervision and inspection duties:


1. To acquire relevant information from elderly service institutions and individuals;


(II) Conduct on-site inspection at the elderly service institution which is suspected of violating laws;


(III) consult or copy relevant contracts, notes, account books and other relevant materials;


(IV) Where an elderly service institution is found to have potential risks endangering personal health and life and property safety, it shall be ordered to rectify within a time limit; if it fails to rectify within the time limit, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification.


The civil affairs departments of people's governments at the county level or above shall abide by the Administrative Coercion Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and administrative regulations when investigating the alleged illegal acts of elderly service institutions.

第四十六條   養老機構變更或者終止的,應當妥善安置收住的老年人,並依照規定到有關部門辦理手續。有關部門應當為養老機構妥善安置老年人提供幫助。

Article 46 Where there is any change to or termination of an elderly service institution, it shall properly settle the elderly it has accepted, and go through the formalities for alteration or termination with the relevant departments. Relevant departments shall assist the elderly service institutions in settling the elderly properly.

第四十七條   國家建立健全養老服務人才培養、使用、評價和激勵制度,依法規範用工,促進從業人員勞動報酬合理增長,發展專職、兼職和志願者相結合的養老服務隊伍。

Article 47 The State shall establish and improve the training, use, evaluation and incentive system for elderly care talents, regulate employment according to law, and promote the reasonable growth of remunerations of practitioners, so as to develop a team of full-time, part-time and volunteers for elderly care services.


The State shall encourage higher education institutions, secondary vocational schools and vocational training institutions to set up relevant professional or training programs to cultivate elderly care professionals.

第四十八條   養老機構應當與接受服務的老年人或者其代理人簽訂服務協議,明確雙方的權利、義務。

Article 48 An elderly service institution shall sign a service agreement with the elderly it serves or the agent thereof, specifying the rights and obligations of both parties.


An elderly care agency or any of its personnel shall not infringe on the rights or interests of the elderly by any means.

第四十九條   國家鼓勵養老機構投保責任保險,鼓勵保險公司承保責任保險。

Article 49 The State shall encourage elderly service institutions to take out liability insurance and insurance companies to underwrite liability insurance.

第五十條   各級人民政府和有關部門應當將老年醫療衛生服務納入城鄉醫療衛生服務規劃,將老年人健康管理和常見病預防等納入國家基本公共衛生服務項目。鼓勵為老年人提供保健、護理、臨終關懷等服務。

Article 50 People's governments at various levels and relevant departments shall incorporate medical and health services for the elderly into plans for urban and rural medical and health services, and incorporate the health management and common disease prevention of the elderly into the national basic public health service items. Encourage the provision for health care, nursing, hospice care and other services for the elderly.


The State shall encourage medical institutions to set up specialist or outpatient services for geriatrics.


Medical and health institutions shall provide health services and carry out prevention and treatment of diseases for the elderly.

第五十一條   國家采取措施,加強老年醫學的研究和人才培養,提高老年病的預防、治療、科研水平,促進老年病的早期發現、診斷和治療。

Article 51 The State will take measures to strengthen research in geriatrics, train more geriatricians, improve prevention, treatment and scientific research of geriatric diseases, and promote the early detection, diagnosis and treatment of geriatric diseases.


The State and society shall take measures to conduct health education in various forms to disseminate knowledge about health care of the elderly and enhance their awareness of the importance for them to maintain good health.

第五十二條   國家采取措施,發展老齡產業,將老齡產業列入國家扶持行業目錄。扶持和引導企業開發、生產、經營適應老年人需要的用品和提供相關的服務。

Article 52 The State shall take measures to develop the aging industry, and include the aging industry into the catalogue of industries supported by the State. Support and guide enterprises to develop, produce and operate supplies needed by the elderly and provide relevant services.



第五十三條   縣級以上人民政府及其有關部門根據經濟社會發展情況和老年人的特殊需要,制定優待老年人的辦法,逐步提高優待水平。

Article 53 People's governments at or above the county level and the relevant departments shall, in light of economic and social developments and the special needs of the elderly, formulate preferential treatment measures for the elderly and gradually improve the level of the preferential treatment.


The same preferential treatment shall be given to the elderly living in other areas of the administrative areas.

第五十四條   各級人民政府和有關部門應當為老年人及時、便利地領取養老金、結算醫療費和享受其他物質幫助提供條件。

Article 54 People's governments at various levels and relevant departments shall facilitate the elderly to receive pensions, settle medical expenses and enjoy other material assistance in a timely and convenient manner.

第五十五條   各級人民政府和有關部門辦理房屋權屬關系變更、戶口遷移等涉及老年人權益的重大事項時,應當就辦理事項是否為老年人的真實意思表示進行詢問,並依法優先辦理。

Article 55 When people's governments at various levels and relevant departments handle major matters concerning the rights and interests of the elderly, such as changes to house ownership and registered permanent residence, they shall inquire about whether the matter to be handled is the true intention of the elderly and give priority to dealing with such matter according to law.

第五十六條   老年人因其合法權益受侵害提起訴訟交納訴訟費確有困難的,可以緩交、減交或者免交;需要獲得律師幫助,但無力支付律師費用的,可以獲得法律援助。

Article 56 If the elderly really have difficulty in paying the cost of lawsuits they bring for infringement of their lawful rights and interests, they may postpone paying it, pay a smaller amount or be exempted from it. If they need the assistance of lawyers but cannot afford it, they may get legal aid.


Law firms, notary offices, grassroots legal service offices and other legal service institutions are encouraged to provide free services or give preferential treatment to the elderly with financial difficulties.

第五十七條   醫療機構應當為老年人就醫提供方便,對老年人就醫予以優先。有條件的地方,可以為老年人設立家庭病床,開展巡回醫療、護理、康複、免費體檢等服務。

Article 57 Medical institutions shall make it easy for the elderly to get medical treatment and let them enjoy priority in this regard. Where conditions permit, hospital beds may be placed in the homes of the elderly patients and doctors are encouraged to go round to provide medical, nursing, rehabilitation and free physical examination services.


Advocate free medical treatment for the elderly.

第五十八條   提倡與老年人日常生活密切相關的服務行業為老年人提供優先、優惠服務。

Article 58 Service industries closely related to the daily life of the elderly are encouraged to provide priority and preferential services for the elderly.


Urban public transport, roads, railways, waterways and air passenger transport shall provide preferential treatment and care for the elderly.

第五十九條   博物館、美術館、科技館、紀念館、公共圖書館、文化館、影劇院、體育場館、公園、旅遊景點等場所,應當對老年人免費或者優惠開放。

Article 59 The places such as museums, art galleries, science and technology museums, memorial halls, public libraries, cultural centers, cinemas and theaters, stadiums, parks and scenic spots shall be open to the elderly for free or at preferential price.

第六十條   農村老年人不承擔興辦公益事業的籌勞義務。

Article 60 The elderly in rural areas are not obliged to establish public welfare undertakings.


Chapter 6 Suitable Environment

第六十一條   國家采取措施,推進宜居環境建設,為老年人提供安全、便利和舒適的環境。

Article 61 The State will take measures to promote the construction of a favorable environment to provide a safe, convenient and comfortable environment for the elderly.

第六十二條   各級人民政府在制定城鄉規劃時,應當根據人口老齡化發展趨勢、老年人口分布和老年人的特點,統籌考慮適合老年人的公共基礎設施、生活服務設施、醫療衛生設施和文化體育設施建設。

Article 62 When formulating urban and rural plans, people's governments at various levels shall, in light of the development trend of the aging population, the distribution of the elderly population and the characteristics of the elderly, take into full account the construction of public infrastructure, living service facilities, medical and health facilities and cultural and sports facilities that are suitable for the elderly.

第六十三條   國家制定和完善涉及老年人的工程建設標準體系,在規劃、設計、施工、監理、驗收、運行、維護、管理等環節加強相關標準的實施與監督。

Article 63 The State will formulate and improve the standards for construction of the projects involving the elderly, and strengthen the implementation of and supervision over the relevant standards in the aspects of planning, design, construction, supervision, acceptance, operation, maintenance and management.

第六十四條   國家制定無障礙設施工程建設標準。新建、改建和擴建道路、公共交通設施、建築物、居住區等,應當符合國家無障礙設施工程建設標準。

Article 64 The State shall formulate standards for the construction of barrier-free facilities. Newly-built, reconstructed or extended roads, public transport facilities, buildings, residential areas, etc., shall meet the national standards therefor.


People's governments at various levels and relevant departments shall, in accordance with the national standards for construction of barrier-free facilities, give priority to renovating public service facilities that are closely related to the daily life of the elderly.


Owners and managers of barrier-free facilities shall ensure that these facilities work properly.

第六十五條   國家推動老年宜居社區建設,引導、支持老年宜居住宅的開發,推動和扶持老年人家庭無障礙設施的改造,為老年人創造無障礙居住環境。

Article 65 The State will promote the development of livable communities for the elderly, guide and support the development of livable housing for the elderly, and promote and support the renovation of barrier-free facilities at home for the elderly, so as to create a barrier-free environment for the elderly.

第七章 參與社會發展

Chapter 7 Participation in Social Development

第六十六條   國家和社會應當重視、珍惜老年人的知識、技能、經驗和優良品德,發揮老年人的專長和作用,保障老年人參與經濟、政治、文化和社會生活。

Article 66 The State and society shall attach importance to and cherish the knowledge, skills, experience and good moral character of the elderly, give play to their special skills and role, and guarantee their participation in economic, political, cultural and social life.

第六十七條   老年人可以通過老年人組織,開展有益身心健康的活動。

Article 67 The organizations of the elderly shall carry out activities beneficial to the physical and mental health of the elderly.

第六十八條   制定法律、法規、規章和公共政策,涉及老年人權益重大問題的,應當聽取老年人和老年人組織的意見。

Article 68 When formulating laws, regulations, rules and public policies involving the rights and interests of the elderly, relevant authorities shall listen to the opinions of the elderly and the organizations of the elderly.


The elderly and the organizations of the elderly have the right to put forward opinions and suggestions on protection of the rights and interests of the elderly, development of the undertakings relating to the elderly, etc.

第六十九條   國家為老年人參與社會發展創造條件。根據社會需要和可能,鼓勵老年人在自願和量力的情況下,從事下列活動:

Article 69 The State creates conditions for the elderly to take part in social development. If society so needs and if conditions permit, the elderly are encouraged to engage in the following activities on a voluntary basis and according to their capacity:


1. to help educate the youth and children in socialism, patriotism, collectivism, hard struggle and other fine traditions;


2. to pass on their cultural, scientific and technological knowledge;


(III) to provide consulting services;


(IV) Participating in the development and application of science and technology according to law;


(V) Engaging in business and production activities according to law;


(VI) to participate in volunteer service, and establish public welfare undertakings;


(VII) to take part in maintaining public order and help mediate civil disputes; and


(VIII) to participate in other social activities.

第七十條   老年人參加勞動的合法收入受法律保護。

Article 70 The lawful earnings of the elderly from their work are protected by law.


No entity or individual may arrange the elderly to engage in any work or dangerous operation that endangers their physical or mental health.

第七十一條   老年人有繼續受教育的權利。

Article 71 The elderly have the right to receive continued education.


The State develops education for the elderly, incorporates education for the elderly into the lifelong education system, and encourages the society to run well all types of schools for the elderly.


People's governments at various levels shall give more effective leadership to education for the elderly, make unified plans for the education, and increase their investment in this field.

第七十二條   國家和社會采取措施,開展適合老年人的群眾性文化、體育、娛樂活動,豐富老年人的精神文化生活。

Article 72 The State and society shall take measures to carry out cultural, sports and recreational activities of a mass character that are suited to the elderly as to enrich their cultural life.


Chapter 8 Legal Liability

第七十三條   老年人合法權益受到侵害的,被侵害人或者其代理人有權要求有關部門處理,或者依法向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 73 When the lawful rights and interests of the elderly are infringed upon, they or their agents shall have the right to refer the matter to the department concerned for handling or bring a lawsuit to a people's court according to law.


The people's court and the department concerned shall, without delay, accept and handle the complaints, charges against or exposures of the infringement of the lawful rights and interests of the elderly according to law.

第七十四條   不履行保護老年人合法權益職責的部門或者組織,其上級主管部門應當給予批評教育,責令改正。

Article 74 Departments or organizations that do not perform their duties to protect the lawful rights and interests of the elderly shall be educated through criticism by the competent departments at the higher level and be ordered to make rectification.


Where State functionaries neglect their duties in violation of the law and thus impair the lawful rights and interests of the elderly, the units to which they belong or the organs at the higher level shall order them to make corrections or shall give them administrative sanctions according to law. If the case constitutes a crime, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

第七十五條   老年人與家庭成員因贍養、扶養或者住房、財產等發生糾紛,可以申請人民調解委員會或者其他有關組織進行調解,也可以直接向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 75 When the elderly have disputes with their family members over their support or maintenance or over housing or property, they may apply to the people's mediation committee or other relevant organizations for mediation. They may also bring a lawsuit directly to a people's court.


When mediating disputes mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the people's mediation committee or other relevant organizations shall resolve conflicts or disputes by such means as persuasion and the giving of advice; and if the family members are found to be in the wrong, they shall be educated through criticism.


When the elderly apply to a people's court to claim alimony or payments for support, the court may order advance execution according to law.

第七十六條   幹涉老年人婚姻自由,對老年人負有贍養義務、扶養義務而拒絕贍養、扶養,虐待老年人或者對老年人實施家庭暴力的,由有關單位給予批評教育;構成違反治安管理行為的,依法給予治安管理處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 76 Anyone who interferes with the freedom of marriage of the elderly, refuses to provide for or support the elderly whom he has the obligation to provide for or support, maltreats the elderly or commits domestic violence against the elderly shall be criticized and educated by the relevant organizations; if the case constitutes a violation of public security administration, he shall be punished in accordance with public security administration; if the case constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

第七十七條   家庭成員盜竊、詐騙、搶奪、侵占、勒索、故意損毀老年人財物,構成違反治安管理行為的,依法給予治安管理處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 77 The family members of the elderly who steal, defraud, seize, misappropriate, extort or deliberately damage the property of the elderly, and violate the public security administration, shall be punished in accordance with the public security administration; if the case constitutes a crime, they shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with the law.

第七十八條   侮辱、誹謗老年人,構成違反治安管理行為的,依法給予治安管理處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 78 In the case that anyone insults or defames the elderly, where a violation of public security administration is constituted, he or she shall be subject to public security administration punishment; and where a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

第七十九條   養老機構及其工作人員侵害老年人人身和財產權益,或者未按照約定提供服務的,依法承擔民事責任;有關主管部門依法給予行政處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 79 Where any elderly service institutions and their staff infringe upon the personal and property rights and interests of the elderly or fail to provide services in accordance with the agreement, they shall bear the civil liability according to law; the relevant competent authorities shall impose administrative penalties according to law; if a crime is constituted, they shall be investigated for criminal liability according to law.

第八十條   對養老機構負有管理和監督職責的部門及其工作人員濫用職權、玩忽職守、徇私舞弊的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 80 Where any department responsible for administration and supervision over elderly service institutions or the personnel thereof abuses its power, neglects its duty or engages in malpractices for personal gains, the person directly in charge and other persons directly liable shall be punished according to law; if the act constitutes a crime, the wrongdoer shall be prosecuted for criminal liability according to law.

第八十一條   不按規定履行優待老年人義務的,由有關主管部門責令改正。

Article 81 If anyone fails to perform the duty of giving the elderly preferential treatment in accordance with the provisions, he or she shall be ordered to make corrections by the relevant competent departments.

第八十二條   涉及老年人的工程不符合國家規定的標準或者無障礙設施所有人、管理人未盡到維護和管理職責的,由有關主管部門責令改正;造成損害的,依法承擔民事責任;對有關單位、個人依法給予行政處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 82 If any project involving the elderly fails to meet the standards prescribed by the State or the owner or manager of barrier-free facilities fails to fulfill his or her maintenance or management duties, the relevant competent department shall order the project or owner or manager to make corrections. If any damage is caused, civil liability shall be borne in accordance with the law. Administrative penalty shall be imposed on relevant entities or individuals in accordance with the law. If the case constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the law.


Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

第八十三條   民族自治地方的人民代表大會,可以根據本法的原則,結合當地民族風俗習慣的具體情況,依照法定程序制定變通的或者補充的規定。

Article 83 The people's congresses of national autonomous areas may, in accordance with the principles of this Law, in light of the special customs and habits of the local nationalities and in pursuance of legal procedures, formulate regulations with appropriate adaptations or supplements.

第八十四條   本法施行前設立的養老機構不符合本法規定條件的,應當限期整改。具體辦法由國務院民政部門制定。

Article 84 If elderly service institutions established before the implementation of the Law fail to meet the conditions stipulated herein, they shall make rectification within a time limit. The specific measures shall be formulated by the civil affairs department under the State Council.

第八十五條   本法自201371日起施行。

Article 85 This Law shall be effective 1 July 2013.


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