中華人民共和國商標法(2013修正),1982年8月23日第五屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十四次會議通過 根據1993年2月22日第七屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國商標法〉的決定》第一次修正 根據2001年10月27日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國商標法〉的決定》第二次修正 根據2013年8月30日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國商標法〉的決定》第三次修正



Trademark Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2013 Revision)

1982823日第五屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十四次會議通過 根據1993222日第七屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國商標法〉的決定》第一次修正 根據20011027日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國商標法〉的決定》第二次修正 根據2013830日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第四次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國商標法〉的決定》第三次修正)

(Adopted by the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress on 23 August 1982 First Revision made pursuant to the Decision on Revision of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" by the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on 22 February 1993 Second Revision made pursuant to the Decision on Revision of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" by the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on 27 October 2001 Third Revision made pursuant to the Decision on Revision of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" by the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on 30 August 2013)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了加強商標管理,保護商標專用權,促使生產、經營者保證商品和服務質量,維護商標信譽,以保障消費者和生產、經營者的利益,促進社會主義市場經濟的發展,特制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purposes of improving the administration of trademarks, protecting the exclusive right to use a trademark, and of encouraging producers to guarantee the quality of their goods and maintain the reputation of their trademarks, with a view to protecting the interests of consumers, producers and proprietors and to promoting the development of the socialist market economy.

第二條   國務院工商行政管理部門商標局主管全國商標注冊和管理的工作。

Article 2 The Trademark Office of the administrative authority for industry and commerce under the State Council shall be responsible for the registration and administration of trademarks throughout the country.


The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board, established under the administrative authority for industry and commerce under the State Council, shall be responsible for handling trademark disputes.

第三條   經商標局核準注冊的商標為注冊商標,包括商品商標、服務商標和集體商標、證明商標;商標注冊人享有商標專用權,受法律保護。

Article 3 Registered trademarks refer to trademarks that have been approved and registered by the Trademark Office, including goods marks, service marks, collective marks and certification marks. Trademark registrants shall enjoy an exclusive right to use a trademark, which shall be protected by law.


For the purposes of this law, a collective mark refers to a mark registered in the name of a group, association, or any other organization and used in business by its members to indicate membership.


For the purposes of this law, a certification mark refers to a mark which is owned by an organization that exercises supervision over a particular product or service and which is used to indicate that third-party goods or services meet certain standards pertaining to place of origin, raw materials, mode of manufacture, quality, or other characteristics.


The special matters relating to the registration and administration of collective and certification trademarks shall be prescribed by the administrative authority for industry and commerce under the State Council.

第四條   自然人、法人或者其他組織在生產經營活動中,對其商品或者服務需要取得商標專用權的,應當向商標局申請商標注冊。

Article 4 Natural persons, legal persons or any other organisations that need to obtain exclusive rights to use trademark for their commodities or services in the course of their manufacturing and business activities shall apply to a trademark bureau for trademark registration.


The provisions made in this Law concerning goods trademarks shall apply to service marks.

第五條   兩個以上的自然人、法人或者其他組織可以共同向商標局申請注冊同一商標,共同享有和行使該商標專用權。

Article 5 Two or more natural persons, legal persons or other organizations may jointly file an application for the registration of a trademark and jointly enjoy and exercise an exclusive right to use the trademark.

第六條   法律、行政法規規定必須使用注冊商標的商品,必須申請商標注冊,未經核準注冊的,不得在市場銷售。

Article 6 Commodities for which the use of registered trademark is stipulated by laws and administrative regulations shall apply for trademark registration, the commodities shall not be sold in the market prior to approval and registration.

第七條   申請注冊和使用商標,應當遵循誠實信用原則。

Article 7 Application for registration and use of trademarks shall comply with the principles of honesty and trustworthiness.


Any user of a trademark shall be responsible for the quality of the goods in respect of which the trademark is used. All levels of administration for industry and commerce shall curb consumer fraud through trademark administration.

第八條   任何能夠將自然人、法人或者其他組織的商品與他人的商品區別開的標志,包括文字、圖形、字母、數字、三維標志、顏色組合和聲音等,以及上述要素的組合,均可以作為商標申請注冊。

Article 8 Any sign that can distinguish the goods of a natural person, legal person or other organization from those of others, including any word, device, any letter of the alphabet, any number, three-dimensional symbol, color combination, sound, etc. or any combination thereof, may be applied for registration as a trademark.

第九條   申請注冊的商標,應當有顯著特征,便於識別,並不得與他人在先取得的合法權利相沖突。

Article 9 A trademark in respect of which an application for registration is filed shall have distinctive characteristics that can be easily identified, and shall not conflict with the prior legitimate rights acquired by others.


A trademark registrant shall have the right to indicate the words "registered trademark" or a sign indicating that the trademark is registered.

第十條   下列標志不得作為商標使用:

Article 10 The following signs shall not be used as trademarks:


1. those identical with or similar to the State name, national flag, national emblem, national anthem, military flag, military emblem, military anthem, military medal, etc. of the People's Republic of China, and those identical with the names and symbols of central state organs, names of their locations or names and designs of their landmark buildings;


2. those identical with or similar to the state names, national flags, national emblems or military flags of foreign countries, except with the consent of the government of the country;


(III) those identical with or similar to the names, flags, emblems, etc. of international inter-governmental organizations, except with the permission of the organization concerned or where no likelihood of public confusion exists


(IV) those identical with or similar to an official mark or inspection seal that indicates control and guarantee, except where authorized


(V) those identical with or similar to the symbols or names of the Red Cross or the Red Crescent


(VI) those having the nature of discrimination against any nationality;


(VII) those having the nature of fraud which easily lead the public to misunderstand the quality and other characteristics or the place of origin of the goods; and


(VIII) those detrimental to socialist morals or customs, or having other unhealthy influences.


The geographical names of administrative divisions at or above the county level and foreign geographical names well-known to the public shall not be used as trademarks. Where a trademark using any of the above-mentioned geographical names has been registered, it shall continue to be valid.

第十一條   下列標志不得作為商標注冊:

Article 11 The following marks shall not be registered as trademarks:


1. those only having the generic names, designs or models of the commodities concerned;


2. those having direct reference to the quality, main raw materials, function, use, weight, quantity or other features of the goods in respect of which the trademark is used; and


(III) Other commodities lacking distinctiveness.


Those symbols listed in the previous paragraph that acquire prominent characteristics through use and are easy to identify may be registered as trademarks.

第十二條   以三維標志申請注冊商標的,僅由商品自身的性質產生的形狀、為獲得技術效果而需有的商品形狀或者使商品具有實質性價值的形狀,不得注冊。

Article 12. Where application is made to register trademarks that are three dimensional symbols, if the shape has merely been derived from the properties of the product per se, if the shape of a product is necessary to achieve a technical effect, or if the shape gives the product substantive value, registration must not be granted.

第十三條   為相關公眾所熟知的商標,持有人認為其權利受到侵害時,可以依照本法規定請求馳名商標保護。

Article 13 Where the holder of a trademark which is well known by the relevant public is of the opinion that its rights are infringed upon, it may request for protection of well-known trademark pursuant to the provisions of this Law.


. If there are identical or similar products where application has been made to register a trademark that copies, imitates or is a translation of a well-known trademark from elsewhere that has not been registered in China and that will be liable to cause confusion, registration will not be granted and the use of such a trademark is prohibited.


If there are products that are not identical or similar where application has been made to register a trademark that copies, imitates or is a translation of a well-known trademark from elsewhere that has been registered in China and that misleads the public, possibly causing harm to the interests of the registrant of the well-known trademark, registration will not be granted and the use of such a trademark is prohibited.

第十四條   馳名商標應當根據當事人的請求,作為處理涉及商標案件需要認定的事實進行認定。認定馳名商標應當考慮下列因素:

Article 14 Well-known trademarks shall be ascertained pursuant to the request of the party concerned for the purpose of ascertaining facts for handling of trademark cases. The following factors shall be considered in the determination of well-known trademarks:


1. The extent to which the relevant public knows the trademark;


(II) the period during which that trademark has been in use;


(III) the period, extent and geographic scope of any publicity of that trademark;


(IV) records of protection of the mark as a well-known trademark; and


(V) other factors relevant to the fame of the trademark.


In the course of examination of trademark registration and handling of trademark-related illegal cases by the administration for industry and commerce, where a party concerned asserts its rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of this Law, the trademark bureau may ascertain a well-known trademark based on the needs of examination and handling of the case.


In the course of handling trademark disputes, where a party concerned asserts its rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of this Law, the trademark review and adjudication board may ascertain a well-known trademark based on the needs of handling the case.


In the course of trial of trademark-related civil and administrative cases, where a party concerned asserts its rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of this Law, a People's Court designated by the Supreme People's Court may ascertain a well-known trademark based on the needs of trying the case.


Manufacturers and business operators shall not state the wordings "well-known trademarks" on commodities, commodity packaging or containers, or use the wordings in advertisements, promotions, exhibitions and other commercial activities.

第十五條   未經授權,代理人或者代表人以自己的名義將被代理人或者被代表人的商標進行注冊,被代理人或者被代表人提出異議的,不予注冊並禁止使用。

Article 15. Where an agent or representative carries out registration in their own name of a trademark that belongs to a party for whom they are an agent or representative without authorisation, and the party for whom they are an agent or representative raises objections, registration will not be granted and the use of such a trademark is prohibited.


For an application for registration of a trademark which is identical or similar to a unregistered trademark which has been used by another person for use on the same type of commodities or similar commodities, where the applicant is aware of the existence of the trademark due to contractual or business relationship or any other relationship with such person other than those stipulated in the preceding paragraph, and such person has raised an objection, registration shall not be granted.

第十六條   商標中有商品的地理標志,而該商品並非來源於該標志所標示的地區,誤導公眾的,不予注冊並禁止使用;但是,已經善意取得注冊的繼續有效。

Article 16 Where a trademark includes a geographical indication that does not describe the location or the origin of the goods in question, and causes confusion to the public, registration shall not be granted and the use of the mark shall be prohibited. However trademarks that have already been registered in good faith shall continue to be valid.


The geographical indication referred to in the preceding paragraph means that it is the place of origin of the goods at issue and that the special qualities, reputation or other characteristics of the goods are primarily determined by the natural or cultural factors of the geographical location involved.

第十七條   外國人或者外國企業在中國申請商標注冊的,應當按其所屬國和中華人民共和國簽訂的協議或者共同參加的國際條約辦理,或者按對等原則辦理。

Article 17 Where a foreigner or a foreign enterprise applies for trademark registration in China, the matter shall be handled in accordance with any agreement concluded between the country to which the applicant belongs and the People's Republic of China, or any international treaty to which both countries are parties, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity.

第十八條   申請商標注冊或者辦理其他商標事宜,可以自行辦理,也可以委托依法設立的商標代理機構辦理。

Article 18 Applicants for trademark registration or any other trademark matters may handle the matter personally or entrust a trademark agency established pursuant to the law to handle the matter.


Foreigners or foreign enterprises applying for trademark registration in China and handling any other trademark matters shall entrust a trademark agency established pursuant to the law to handle the matter.

第十九條   商標代理機構應當遵循誠實信用原則,遵守法律、行政法規,按照被代理人的委托辦理商標注冊申請或者其他商標事宜;對在代理過程中知悉的被代理人的商業秘密,負有保密義務。

Article 19 Trademark agencies shall comply with the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, comply with laws and administrative regulations, handle trademark registration applications or any other trademark matters in accordance with the entrustment by the entrusting party; keep confidentiality of the entrusting party's commercial secrets which have come into its knowledge in the course of acting as an agent.


Where the trademark to be registered by the entrusting party may fall under the scope stipulated by this Law in which registration is not allowed, the trademark agency shall notify the entrusting party clearly.


Where a trademark agency is or should be aware that the trademark to be registered by the entrusting party falls under the circumstances stipulated in Article 15 and Article 32 of this Law, it shall not accept the entrustment.


The trademark agency shall not apply for registration of any other trademark in addition to the trademark registration as entrusted.

第二十條   商標代理行業組織應當按照章程規定,嚴格執行吸納會員的條件,對違反行業自律規範的會員實行懲戒。商標代理行業組織對其吸納的會員和對會員的懲戒情況,應當及時向社會公布。

Article 20 Trademark agency industry organisations shall implement their member admission criteria stringently pursuant to the provisions of their articles of association and impose punishment on members who have violated the industry self-discipline norms. Trademark agency industry organisations shall promptly announce information pertaining to admission of members and punishment imposed on their members.

第二十一條   商標國際注冊遵循中華人民共和國締結或者參加的有關國際條約確立的制度,具體辦法由國務院規定。

Article 21 International registration of trademarks shall comply with the system established by the relevant international treaty to which the People's Republic of China has concluded or acceded, the detailed measures shall be stipulated by the State Council.

第二章 商標注冊的申請

Chapter 2 application for registration of a mark

第二十二條   商標注冊申請人應當按規定的商品分類表填報使用商標的商品類別和商品名稱,提出注冊申請。

Article 22 Applicants for trademark registration shall fill in the category and name of the commodities for which the trademark is used pursuant to the stipulated classification of commodities for the registration application.


Applicants for trademark registration may apply for registration of the same trademark through one application for commodities of various categories.


Trademark registration applications and other relevant documents may be submitted in writing or electronically.

第二十三條   注冊商標需要在核定使用範圍之外的商品上取得商標專用權的,應當另行提出注冊申請。

Article 23 Where it is necessary to obtain exclusive rights to use trademark for use of a registered trademark on commodities beyond the approved scope of use, a separate registration application shall be submitted.

第二十四條   注冊商標需要改變其標志的,應當重新提出注冊申請。

Article 24 Where there is a need to change a registered trademark, a new registration application shall be submitted.

第二十五條   商標注冊申請人自其商標在外國第一次提出商標注冊申請之日起六個月內,又在中國就相同商品以同一商標提出商標注冊申請的,依照該外國同中國簽訂的協議或者共同參加的國際條約,或者按照相互承認優先權的原則,可以享有優先權。

Article 25. If, within 6 months of having made an application to register a trademark overseas for the first time, a trademark registrant makes an application to register that trademark for the same type of product in China, they will receive priority registration in accordance with signed agreements between that foreign country and China or international treaties that both countries are a party to, or in accordance with mutually recognized principles of priority registration.


An applicant claiming priority in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall so state in writing at the time of filing the application and shall submit within three months a copy of the original trademark registration application. An applicant who fails to claim priority in writing or to submit a copy of the original trademark registration application by the specified time shall be deemed as not claiming priority.

第二十六條   商標在中國政府主辦的或者承認的國際展覽會展出的商品上首次使用的,自該商品展出之日起六個月內,該商標的注冊申請人可以享有優先權。

Article 26 Where an applicant uses a trademark for the first time on goods displayed at an international exhibition organized or recognized by the Chinese Government, it may claim priority provided that it files an application to register the mark within six months from the date of the exhibition.


An applicant claiming priority in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall so state in writing at the time of filing the application and shall submit within three months the name of the exhibition, evidence proving the use of the mark on the goods displayed, and documents validating the date of the exhibition. An applicant who fails to claim priority in writing or to submit the documents shall be deemed as not claiming priority.

第二十七條   為申請商標注冊所申報的事項和所提供的材料應當真實、準確、完整。

Article 27 Matters declared and materials provided for trademark registration applications shall be true, accurate and complete.

第三章 商標注冊的審查和核準

Chapter 3 Examination and Approval of Trademark Registration

第二十八條   對申請注冊的商標,商標局應當自收到商標注冊申請文件之日起九個月內審查完畢,符合本法有關規定的,予以初步審定公告。

Article 28 For trademark registration applications, the trademark bureau shall complete examination within nine months from the date of receipt of the trademark registration application documents, a preliminary validation gazette shall be made for applications which comply with the relevant provisions of this Law.

第二十九條   在審查過程中,商標局認為商標注冊申請內容需要說明或者修正的,可以要求申請人做出說明或者修正。申請人未做出說明或者修正的,不影響商標局做出審查決定。

Article 29 During the examination process, where the Trademark Bureau held that an explanation or correction is necessary for the contents of a trademark registration application, it may require the applicant to make the explanation or correction. The applicant's failure to make explanation or correction shall not affect the trademark bureau's making of an examination decision.

第三十條   申請注冊的商標,凡不符合本法有關規定或者同他人在同一種商品或者類似商品上已經注冊的或者初步審定的商標相同或者近似的,由商標局駁回申請,不予公告。

Article 30 Where a trademark the registration of which has been applied for is not in conformity with the relevant provisions of this Law, or it is identical with or similar to the trademark of another person that has, in respect of the same or similar goods, been registered or, after examination, preliminarily approved, the Trademark Office shall refuse the application and shall not publish the said trademark.

第三十一條   兩個或者兩個以上的商標注冊申請人,在同一種商品或者類似商品上,以相同或者近似的商標申請注冊的,初步審定並公告申請在先的商標;同一天申請的,初步審定並公告使用在先的商標,駁回其他人的申請,不予公告。

Article 31 Where two or more applicants apply for the registration of identical or similar trademarks for the same or similar goods, the preliminary approval, after examination, and the publication shall be made for the trademark which was first filed. Where applications are filed on the same day, the preliminary approval, after examination, and the publication shall be made for the trademark which was the earliest used, and the applications of the others shall be refused and their trademarks shall not be published.

第三十二條   申請商標注冊不得損害他人現有的在先權利,也不得以不正當手段搶先注冊他人已經使用並有一定影響的商標。

Article 32 Trademark registration applications shall not harm existing prior rights of others, use of improper means to forestall registration of a trademark which is in use by others and carries certain influence shall not be allowed.

第三十三條   對初步審定公告的商標,自公告之日起三個月內,在先權利人、利害關系人認為違反本法第十三條第二款和第三款、第十五條、第十六條第一款、第三十條、第三十一條、第三十二條規定的,或者任何人認為違反本法第十條、第十一條、第十二條規定的,可以向商標局提出異議。公告期滿無異議的,予以核準注冊,發給商標注冊證,並予公告。

Article 33 A prior rights holder or a stakeholder who held that a preliminarily validated and gazetted trademark violates the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article 13, Article 15, the first paragraph of Article 16, Article 30, Article 31 and Article 32 of this Law, or any person who held that a preliminarily validated and gazetted trademark violates the provisions of Article 10, Article 11 and Article 12 of this Law may raise an objection to the trademark bureau within three months from the date of gazette. Where no objection is raised during the gazette period, the trademark shall be registered, a trademark registration certificate shall be issued and the registered trademark shall be gazetted.

第三十四條   對駁回申請、不予公告的商標,商標局應當書面通知商標注冊申請人。商標注冊申請人不服的,可以自收到通知之日起十五日內向商標評審委員會申請複審。商標評審委員會應當自收到申請之日起九個月內做出決定,並書面通知申請人。有特殊情況需要延長的,經國務院工商行政管理部門批準,可以延長三個月。當事人對商標評審委員會的決定不服的,可以自收到通知之日起三十日內向人民法院起訴。

Article 34 Where the application for registration of a trademark is refused and no publication of the trademark is made, the Trademark Office shall notify the applicant of the same in writing. Where the applicant is dissatisfied, it may, within fifteen days from receipt of the notification, apply for a review. The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall make a decision within nine months from the date of receipt of the application, and notify the applicant in writing. Where there is a need for extension of time under special circumstances, upon approval by the administration for industry and commerce department of the State Council, a three-month extension may be allowed. Where the party concerned disagrees with the decision of the trademark review and adjudication board, it may file a lawsuit with a People's Court within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice.

第三十五條   對初步審定公告的商標提出異議的,商標局應當聽取異議人和被異議人陳述事實和理由,經調查核實後,自公告期滿之日起十二個月內做出是否準予注冊的決定,並書面通知異議人和被異議人。有特殊情況需要延長的,經國務院工商行政管理部門批準,可以延長六個月。

Article 35 In the case of an objection raised for a preliminarily validated and gazetted trademark, the trademark bureau shall heed the facts and reasons stated by the party which raises the objection and the party against whom the objection is raised, upon investigation and verification, the trademark bureau shall decide on registration or non-registration within 12 months from the date of expiry of the gazette period, and notify the party which raises the objection and the party against whom the objection is raised in writing. Where there is a need for extension of time under special circumstances, upon approval by the administration for industry and commerce department of the State Council, a six-month extension may be allowed.


Where a decision for registration is made, the trademark bureau shall issue a trademark registration certificate to successful registrants and the registered trademark shall be gazetted. Where the party which raises the objection disagrees with the decision, it may apply to the trademark review and adjudication board pursuant to the provisions of Article 44 and Article 45 of this Law for invalidation of the said registered trademark.


Where a decision for non-registration is made by the trademark bureau and the party against whom the objection is made disagrees with the decision, it may apply to the trademark review and adjudication board for review within 15 days from the date of receipt of the notice. The trademark review and adjudication board shall make a review decision within 12 months from the date of receipt of the application, and notify the party which raises the objection and the party against whom the objection is raised in writing. Where there is a need for extension of time under special circumstances, upon approval by the administration for industry and commerce department of the State Council, a six-month extension may be allowed. Where the party against which the objection is made disagrees with the decision of the trademark review and adjudication board, it may file a lawsuit with a People's Court within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice. The People's Court shall notify the party which raises the objection that it is listed as a third party in the lawsuit.


Where the determination of prior rights involved in a review by the trademark review and adjudication board pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph is to be based on the outcome of the trial of a lawsuit by a People's Court or the outcome of another case currently handled by the administrative authorities, examination may be suspended. Examination procedures shall be resumed upon elimination of the reason (s) for suspension.

第三十六條   法定期限屆滿,當事人對商標局做出的駁回申請決定、不予注冊決定不申請複審或者對商標評審委員會做出的複審決定不向人民法院起訴的,駁回申請決定、不予注冊決定或者複審決定生效。

Article 36 Upon expiry of the statutory period, where a party concerned does not apply for review for a decision of the trademark bureau to throw out an application or a non-registration decision of the trademark bureau or does not file a lawsuit with a People's Court against a review decision of the trademark review and adjudication board, the decision to throw out an application, non-registration decision or review decision shall take effect.


For a trademark which is registered after an objection is examined and found to be not justified, the trademark registration applicant shall be deemed to have obtained exclusive rights to use the trademark on the date of expiry of a three-month period from the preliminary validation and gazette. During the period from the date of expiry of gazette period for the said trademark to the date of registration decision, the rights shall not apply retrospectively on the use of a mark identical or similar to the said trademark by others on the same type of commodities or similar commodities; however, the user shall make compensation for losses suffered by the trademark registrant as a result of malice.

第三十七條   對商標注冊申請和商標複審申請應當及時進行審查。

Article 37 Trademark registration applications and trademark review applications shall be promptly examined.

第三十八條   商標注冊申請人或者注冊人發現商標申請文件或者注冊文件有明顯錯誤的,可以申請更正。商標局依法在其職權範圍內作出更正,並通知當事人。

Article 38. If an applicant or a registrant discovers that there are obvious errors in the trademark application documents or registration documents, they may apply to have the errors corrected. The Trademark Office shall make corrections to the extent permitted by its functions and powers in accordance with the law and shall notify the panty concerned.


The correction of mistakes referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not involve substantive contents of the trademark application documents or registration documents.

第四章 注冊商標的續展、變更、轉讓和使用許可

Chapter 4 Renewal, Modification, Assignment and License of Registered Trademarks

第三十九條   注冊商標的有效期為十年,自核準注冊之日起計算。

Article 39 A registered trademark shall be valid for 10 years, commencing from the date of registration.

第四十條   注冊商標有效期滿,需要繼續使用的,商標注冊人應當在期滿前十二個月內按照規定辦理續展手續;在此期間未能辦理的,可以給予六個月的寬展期。每次續展注冊的有效期為十年,自該商標上一屆有效期滿次日起計算。期滿未辦理續展手續的,注銷其注冊商標。

Article 40 Upon expiry of the validity period of a registered trademark, where the trademark registrant intends to continue using the trademark, it shall complete renewal formalities pursuant to the provisions within 12 months before the expiry date; where renewal formalities are not completed within the stipulated period, a six-month extension may be allowed. The validity period of each renewal shall be 10 years, commencing from the day following expiry of the previous validity period of the said trademark. Where renewal formalities are not completed upon expiry of the validity period, the registered trademark shall be cancelled.


The Trademark Office shall publish the renewed trademark.

第四十一條   注冊商標需要變更注冊人的名義、地址或者其他注冊事項的,應當提出變更申請。

Article 41 Where, after the registration of a trademark, the name, address or other registered matters concerning the registrant change, an application regarding the change shall be filed.

第四十二條   轉讓注冊商標的,轉讓人和受讓人應當簽訂轉讓協議,並共同向商標局提出申請。受讓人應當保證使用該注冊商標的商品質量。

Article 42 In the case of transfer of a registered trademark, the transferor and the transferee shall enter into a transfer agreement, and jointly submit an application to the Trademark Bureau. The assignee shall guarantee the quality of the goods in respect of which the registered trademark is used.


In the case of transfer of registered trademark, any similar trademark registered by the trademark registrant for the same type of commodities, or any identical or similar trademark for similar commodities shall be transferred together.


Transfers which may easily cause confusion or any other adverse impact shall not be approved by the trademark bureau, the applicant shall be notified in writing and the reason shall be stated.


The assignment of a registered trademark shall be published after it has been approved. The transferee shall enjoy exclusive rights to the trademark from the date of gazette.

第四十三條   商標注冊人可以通過簽訂商標使用許可合同,許可他人使用其注冊商標。許可人應當監督被許可人使用其注冊商標的商品質量。被許可人應當保證使用該注冊商標的商品質量。

Article 43 A trademark registrant may, by signing a trademark license contract, authorize another person to use its registered trademark. The licensor shall supervise the quality of the goods on which the licensee uses his registered trademark. The licensee shall guarantee the quality of the goods in respect of which the registered trademark is used.


Where any party is authorized to use a registered trademark of another person, the name of the licensee and the origin of the goods must be indicated on the goods that bear the registered trademark.


For licensed use of a registered trademark, the licensor shall file record of the licensing of the said trademark with the trademark bureau, and the licensing shall be gazetted by the trademark bureau. Non-filing of the licensing of a trademark shall not be contested against a good faith third party.

第五章 注冊商標的無效宣告

Chapter 5 Invalidation of Registered Trademarks

第四十四條   已經注冊的商標,違反本法第十條、第十一條、第十二條規定的,或者是以欺騙手段或者其他不正當手段取得注冊的,由商標局宣告該注冊商標無效;其他單位或者個人可以請求商標評審委員會宣告該注冊商標無效。

Article 44 Where a registered trademark stands in violation of the provisions of Articles 10, 11 and 12 of this Law, or the registration of a trademark was acquired by fraud or any other unfair means, the Trademark Office shall nullify the registered trademark in question; and any other organization or individual may request the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board to nullify the registered trademark in question.


The Trademark Office shall notify the party concerned in writing of its decision to declare a registered trademark invalid. Where a party concerned disagrees with the decision of the trademark bureau, it may apply to the trademark review and adjudication board for review within 15 days from the date of receipt of the notice. The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall make a decision within nine months from the date of receipt of the application, and notify the party concerned in writing. Where there is a need for extension of time under special circumstances, upon approval by the administration for industry and commerce department of the State Council, a three-month extension may be allowed. Where the party concerned disagrees with the decision of the trademark review and adjudication board, it may file a lawsuit with a People's Court within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice.


Where an organisation or individual requests that the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board declares a registered trademark invalid, the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall notify the relevant parties concerned in writing upon receipt of the application, and request them to submit a defence within a stipulated period. The trademark review and adjudication board shall make a ruling on upholding or invalidation of the registered trademark within nine months from the date of receipt of the application, and notify the party concerned in writing. Where there is a need for extension of time under special circumstances, upon approval by the administration for industry and commerce department of the State Council, a three-month extension may be allowed. Where a party concerned disagrees with the ruling of the trademark review and adjudication board, it may file a lawsuit with a People's Court within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice. The People's Court shall notify the counterparty in the trademark adjudication procedures that it is listed as a third party in the lawsuit.

第四十五條   已經注冊的商標,違反本法第十三條第二款和第三款、第十五條、第十六條第一款、第三十條、第三十一條、第三十二條規定的,自商標注冊之日起五年內,在先權利人或者利害關系人可以請求商標評審委員會宣告該注冊商標無效。對惡意注冊的,馳名商標所有人不受五年的時間限制。

Article 45 Where a registered trademark violates the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article 13, Article 15, the first paragraph of Article 16, Article 30, Article 31 or Article 32 of this Law, a prior rights holder or a stakeholder may, within five years from the date of trademark registration, request that the trademark review and adjudication board declares the said registered trademark invalid. In the event of malicious registration, the owner of a well-known trademark shall not be subject to the five-year limitation.


Upon receipt of an application for invalidation of a registered trademark, the TRAB shall notify the relevant parties in writing, and request them to respond with a stipulated period. The trademark review and adjudication board shall make a ruling on upholding or invalidation of the registered trademark within 12 months from the date of receipt of the application, and notify the party concerned in writing. Where there is a need for extension of time under special circumstances, upon approval by the administration for industry and commerce department of the State Council, a six-month extension may be allowed. Where a party concerned disagrees with the ruling of the trademark review and adjudication board, it may file a lawsuit with a People's Court within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice. The People's Court shall notify the counterparty in the trademark adjudication procedures that it is listed as a third party in the lawsuit.


During the examination of a request for invalidation by the trademark review and adjudication board pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, where the determination of prior rights involved is to be based on the outcome of the trial of a lawsuit by a People's Court or the outcome of another case currently handled by the administrative authorities, examination may be suspended. Examination procedures shall be resumed upon elimination of the reason (s) for suspension.

第四十六條   法定期限屆滿,當事人對商標局宣告注冊商標無效的決定不申請複審或者對商標評審委員會的複審決定、維持注冊商標或者宣告注冊商標無效的裁定不向人民法院起訴的,商標局的決定或者商標評審委員會的複審決定、裁定生效。

Article 46 Upon expiry of the statutory period, where a party concerned does not apply for a review in respect of the decision of the trademark bureau on invalidation of a registered trademark or does not file a lawsuit with a People's Court against the review decision of the trademark review and adjudication board or the ruling on upholding or invalidation of registered trademark, the decision of the trademark bureau or the review decision or ruling of the trademark review and adjudication board shall take effect.

第四十七條   依照本法第四十四條、第四十五條的規定宣告無效的注冊商標,由商標局予以公告,該注冊商標專用權視為自始即不存在。

Article 47 Registered trademarks invalidated pursuant to the provisions of Article 44 or Article 45 of this Law shall be gazetted by the trademark bureau, the exclusive rights to use the said registered trademark shall be deemed non-existent from the beginning.


A decision or ruling on invalidation of registered trademark shall not apply retrospectively on a judgment or ruling for a trademark infringement lawsuit passed by a People's Court prior to the invalidation which has been implemented, a mediation letter, a handling decision on a trademark infringement case made by the administration for industry and commerce which has been implemented or a trademark transfer or licensing contract which has been performed. However, where the malice of the trademark registrant causes others to suffer losses, the trademark registrant shall make compensation.


Where non-refund of trademark infringement compensation, trademark transfer fee or trademark licensing fee pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph is evidently in violation of the principle of fairness, full or partial amount shall be refunded.

第六章 商標使用的管理

Chapter 6 Administration of the Use of Trademarks

第四十八條   本法所稱商標的使用,是指將商標用於商品、商品包裝或者容器以及商品交易文書上,或者將商標用於廣告宣傳、展覽以及其他商業活動中,用於識別商品來源的行為。

Article 48 Trademark use referred to in this Law shall mean use of a trademark on commodities, commodity packaging or containers and commercial transaction documents, or use of a trademark in advertising, exhibition and other commercial activities, for identifying the source of commodities.

第四十九條   商標注冊人在使用注冊商標的過程中,自行改變注冊商標、注冊人名義、地址或者其他注冊事項的,由地方工商行政管理部門責令限期改正;期滿不改正的,由商標局撤銷其注冊商標。

Article 49 Trademark registrants who make arbitrary changes to a registered trademark, the registrant's name or address or any other registration matter in the course of use of a registered trademark shall be ordered by the local administration for industry and commerce to make correction within a stipulated period; where correction is not made within the stipulated period, the registered trademark shall be revoked by the trademark bureau.


Where a registered trademark becomes a generic name of the commodities for which it is approved or a registered trademark has not been used for three years consecutively without a proper reason, any organisation or individual may apply to the trademark bureau for revocation of the said registered trademark. The Trademark Office shall make a decision within nine months from the date of receipt of the application. Where there is a need for extension of time under special circumstances, upon approval by the administration for industry and commerce department of the State Council, a three-month extension may be allowed.

第五十條   注冊商標被撤銷、被宣告無效或者期滿不再續展的,自撤銷、宣告無效或者注銷之日起一年內,商標局對與該商標相同或者近似的商標注冊申請,不予核準。

Article 50 Where a registered trademark is revoked, invalidated or not renewed upon expiry of its validity period, the trademark bureau shall, within one year from the date of revocation, invalidation or cancellation, not approve trademark registration applications for trademarks identical or similar to the said trademark.

第五十一條   違反本法第六條規定的,由地方工商行政管理部門責令限期申請注冊,違法經營額五萬元以上的,可以處違法經營額百分之二十以下的罰款,沒有違法經營額或者違法經營額不足五萬元的,可以處一萬元以下的罰款。

Article 51 Persons who violate the provisions of Article 6 of this Law shall be ordered by the local administration for industry and commerce to submit registration application within a stipulated period; where the illegal turnover is RMB50,000 or more, a fine of not more than 20% of the illegal turnover may be imposed; where there is no illegal turnover or the illegal turnover is below RMB50,000, a fine of not more than RMB10,000 may be imposed.

第五十二條   將未注冊商標冒充注冊商標使用的,或者使用未注冊商標違反本法第十條規定的,由地方工商行政管理部門予以制止,限期改正,並可以予以通報,違法經營額五萬元以上的,可以處違法經營額百分之二十以下的罰款,沒有違法經營額或者違法經營額不足五萬元的,可以處一萬元以下的罰款。

Article 52 Persons who use a unregistered trademark to pose off as a registered trademark or whose use of a unregistered trademark violates the provisions of Article 10 of this Law shall be curbed by the local administration for industry and commerce and ordered to make correction within a stipulated period, and the matter may be circulated, a fine of not more than 20% of the illegal turnover may be imposed on persons whose illegal turnover is RMB50,000 or more; where there is no illegal turnover or the illegal turnover is below RMB50,000, a fine of not more than RMB10,000 may be imposed.

第五十三條   違反本法第十四條第五款規定的,由地方工商行政管理部門責令改正,處十萬元罰款。

Article 53 Persons who violate the provisions of the fifth paragraph of Article 14 of this Law shall be ordered by the local administration for industry and commerce to make correction and be subject to a fine of RMB100,000.

第五十四條   對商標局撤銷或者不予撤銷注冊商標的決定,當事人不服的,可以自收到通知之日起十五日內向商標評審委員會申請複審。商標評審委員會應當自收到申請之日起九個月內做出決定,並書面通知當事人。有特殊情況需要延長的,經國務院工商行政管理部門批準,可以延長三個月。當事人對商標評審委員會的決定不服的,可以自收到通知之日起三十日內向人民法院起訴。

Article 54 Any party dissatisfied with the decision of the Trademark Office to revoke or not to revoke a registered trademark may, within fifteen days from receipt of the notification, apply for a review. The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall make a decision within nine months from the date of receipt of the application, and notify the party concerned in writing. Where there is a need for extension of time under special circumstances, upon approval by the administration for industry and commerce department of the State Council, a three-month extension may be allowed. Where the party concerned disagrees with the decision of the trademark review and adjudication board, it may file a lawsuit with a People's Court within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice.

第五十五條   法定期限屆滿,當事人對商標局做出的撤銷注冊商標的決定不申請複審或者對商標評審委員會做出的複審決定不向人民法院起訴的,撤銷注冊商標的決定、複審決定生效。

Article 55 Upon expiry of the statutory period, where a party concerned does not apply for a review in respect of the decision of the trademark bureau on revocation of a registered trademark or does not file a lawsuit with a People's Court against the review decision of the trademark review and adjudication board, the decision on revocation of registered trademark or the review decision shall take effect.


Revoked registered trademarks shall be gazetted by the trademark bureau, the exclusive rights to use registered trademarks shall terminate on the date of gazette.

第七章 注冊商標專用權的保護

Chapter 7 Protection of the Exclusive Right to Use a Registered Trademark

第五十六條   注冊商標的專用權,以核準注冊的商標和核定使用的商品為限。

Article 56 The exclusive right to use a registered trademark is limited to the trademark which has been approved for registration and to the goods in respect of which the use of the trademark has been approved.

第五十七條   有下列行為之一的,均屬侵犯注冊商標專用權:

Article 57 Any of the following acts shall be an infringement of the exclusive right to use a registered trademark:


1. Using a trademark identical to a registered trademark on the same type of commodities without the licensing of the trademark registrant;


(II) Using a trademark similar to a registered trademark on the same type of commodities without licensing by the trademark registrant, or using a trademark identical or similar to the registered trademark on similar commodities which easily causes confusion;


3. to sell goods that violate the exclusive right to use a registered trademark;


(IV) counterfeiting, or making, without authorization, representations of a registered trademark of another person, or selling such representations


(V) altering another party's registered trademark without authorization and selling goods bearing such an altered trademark


(VI) Intentionally facilitating infringement of exclusive rights to use trademarks, assisting others in infringement of exclusive rights to use trademarks;


(VII) Causing harm to other's exclusive rights to use registered trademarks.

第五十八條   將他人注冊商標、未注冊的馳名商標作為企業名稱中的字號使用,誤導公眾,構成不正當競爭行為的,依照《中華人民共和國反不正當競爭法》處理。

Article 58 Use of other's registered trademark or an unregistered well-known trademark as an enterprise name to mislead the public which constitutes unfair competition shall be dealt with pursuant to the Anti-unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China.

第五十九條   注冊商標中含有的本商品的通用名稱、圖形、型號,或者直接表示商品的質量、主要原料、功能、用途、重量、數量及其他特點,或者含有的地名,注冊商標專用權人無權禁止他人正當使用。

Article 59 In the case of a generic name, figure or model number of commodities in a registered trademark or direct expression of the quality, key ingredients, functions, purposes, weight, quantity and other characteristics of commodities in a registered trademark or a geographical name in a registered trademark, the holder of exclusive rights to use trademarks shall have no right to prohibit proper use by others.


In the case of a shape arising from the characteristics of the commodities in a registered three-dimensional trademark or a shape of commodities required to obtain technical results in a registered three-dimensional trademark or a shape which gives the commodities substantial value in a registered three-dimensional trademark, the holder of exclusive rights to use trademarks shall have no right to prohibit proper use by others.


Prior to a trademark registration application by a trademark registrant, where another party has used a trademark which is identical or similar to the registered trademark and has a certain reputation on the same type of commodities or similar commodities before the trademark registrant, the holder of exclusive rights to use registered trademarks shall have no right to prohibit the said user to continue use of the said trademark within the original scope of use, but may request that the user to insert appropriate additional distinguishing mark (s).

第六十條   有本法第五十七條所列侵犯注冊商標專用權行為之一,引起糾紛的,由當事人協商解決;不願協商或者協商不成的,商標注冊人或者利害關系人可以向人民法院起訴,也可以請求工商行政管理部門處理。

Article 60 In the event of a dispute arising from any of the acts of infringement of exclusive rights to use registered trademarks mentioned in Article 57 of this Law, the parties concerned shall negotiate for resolution; where the parties concerned are unwilling to negotiate or where negotiation is unsuccessful, the trademark registrant or a stakeholder may file a lawsuit with a People's Court or request that the administration for industry and commerce handles the dispute.


Where the administration for industry and commerce handling the dispute held that there is infringement, the infringor shall be ordered to stop the infringing act, the infringing commodities and the tools mainly used for manufacturing of the infringing commodities and forgery of registered trademark labels shall be confiscated and destroyed; for persons whose illegal turnover is RMB50,000 or more, a fine of not more than five times the amount of illegal turnover may be imposed; where there is no illegal turnover or the illegal turnover is below RMB50,000, a fine of not more than RMB250,000 may be imposed. Persons who have committed trademark infringement on two or more occasions within five years or persons who have committed other serious offences shall be subject to severe punishment. Where a person who engages in sale of commodities which infringe upon exclusive rights to use registered trademarks without knowledge of the infringement can prove that the said commodities are obtained legitimately and the supplier of the said commodities can be stated, the administration for industry and commerce shall order the person to stop selling the infringing commodities.


In the case of a dispute over the compensation amount for infringement of exclusive rights to use trademarks, the party concerned may request for mediation by the administration for industry and commerce handling the matter, and may file a lawsuit with a People's Court pursuant to the Civil Procedural Law of the People's Republic of China. Upon mediation by the administration for industry and commerce, where the parties concerned are unable to conclude an agreement or the mediation letter which has taken effect is not performed, the parties concerned may file a lawsuit with a People's Court pursuant to the Civil Procedural Law of the People's Republic of China.

第六十一條   對侵犯注冊商標專用權的行為,工商行政管理部門有權依法查處;涉嫌犯罪的,應當及時移送司法機關依法處理。

Article 61 The administrative department for industry and commerce shall have the right to investigate into and punish the acts infringing upon the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark; if a crime is suspected to be constituted, the case shall be promptly transferred to the judicial departments for handling according to law.

第六十二條   縣級以上工商行政管理部門根據已經取得的違法嫌疑證據或者舉報,對涉嫌侵犯他人注冊商標專用權的行為進行查處時,可以行使下列職權:

Article 62 When investigating and handling an act suspected of infringing upon another panty's exclusive right to use a registered trademark, an administrative authority for industry and commerce at or above the county level may, according to the obtained evidence or report on the suspicion of illegality, exercise the following functions and powers:


1. To question the interested parties and investigate the circumstances surrounding the infringement of the exclusive right to use a registered trademark;


(II) consulting and copying the parties' contracts, invoices, books and other materials related to the infringement; and


(III) to inspect the site where the panty has carried out activities suspected of infringing upon another panty's exclusive right to use a registered trademark;


(IV) to examine the articles relating to the infringing activities; the articles that are proved to have infringed upon another person's exclusive right to use a registered trademark may be sealed up or seized.


When the administration for industry and commerce performs the duties set out above, the parties concerned shall assist and cooperate and shall not refuse or obstruct the administration for industry and commerce.


In the course of investigation of a trademark infringement case, where there is dispute over the ownership of trademark rights or the rights holder has simultaneously filed a trademark infringement lawsuit with a People's Court, the administration for industry and commerce may suspend investigation of the case. After the causes for the suspension are eliminated, the investigation procedures shall be resumed or terminated.

第六十三條   侵犯商標專用權的賠償數額,按照權利人因被侵權所受到的實際損失確定;實際損失難以確定的,可以按照侵權人因侵權所獲得的利益確定;權利人的損失或者侵權人獲得的利益難以確定的,參照該商標許可使用費的倍數合理確定。對惡意侵犯商標專用權,情節嚴重的,可以在按照上述方法確定數額的一倍以上三倍以下確定賠償數額。賠償數額應當包括權利人為制止侵權行為所支付的合理開支。

Article 63 The compensation amount for infringement of exclusive rights to use trademarks shall be determined in accordance with the actual losses suffered by the rights holder due to the infringement; where it is difficult to determine the actual losses, the compensation amount may be determined in accordance with the gains derived by the infringor from the infringement; where it is difficult to determine the losses of the rights holder or the gains derived by the infringor, the compensation amount shall be determined reasonably with reference to the multiples of the licensing fee of the said trademark. In the case of malicious infringement of exclusive rights to use trademarks and serious cases, the compensation amount shall be determined in accordance with the aforesaid method based on one to three times of the determined amount. The compensation amount shall include the reasonable expenses incurred by the rights holder to stop the infringement act.


In the determination of compensation amount by the People's Court, where the rights holder has provided proof to its best effort, and the accounts books and materials relating to the infringement are held by the infringer, the People's Court may order the infringer to provide accounts books and materials relating to the infringement; where the infringer does not provide accounts books and materials or where the accounts books and materials provided are false, the People's Court may determine the compensation amount with reference to the assertion of the rights holder and the evidence provided.


Where it is difficult to determine the actual losses suffered by the rights holder due to the infringement or the gains derived by the infringor from the infringement or the licensing fee of the registered trademark, the People's Court shall rule on a compensation amount of not more than RMB3 million based on the extent of the infringement.

第六十四條   注冊商標專用權人請求賠償,被控侵權人以注冊商標專用權人未使用注冊商標提出抗辯的,人民法院可以要求注冊商標專用權人提供此前三年內實際使用該注冊商標的證據。注冊商標專用權人不能證明此前三年內實際使用過該注冊商標,也不能證明因侵權行為受到其他損失的,被控侵權人不承擔賠償責任。

Article 64 Where a holder of exclusive rights to use registered trademarks seeks compensation, the alleged infringor pleaded that the holder of exclusive rights to use registered trademarks has not used the registered trademark, the People's Court may require the holder of exclusive rights to use registered trademarks to provide evidence of actual use of the said registered trademark during the preceding three-year period. Where the holder of exclusive rights to use registered trademark cannot prove that it has actually used the said registered trademark during the preceding three-year period, and cannot prove that it has suffered other losses due to the infringement, the alleged infringor shall not bear compensation liability.


Where a party unknowingly sells goods that infringe upon another party's exclusive right to use a registered trademark but can prove that it has obtained the goods lawfully and is able to identify the supplier, it shall not be held liable for damages.

第六十五條   商標注冊人或者利害關系人有證據證明他人正在實施或者即將實施侵犯其注冊商標專用權的行為,如不及時制止將會使其合法權益受到難以彌補的損害的,可以依法在起訴前向人民法院申請采取責令停止有關行為和財產保全的措施。

Article 65 Where a trademark registrant or interested person has evidence to prove that another person is committing or is going to commit an act infringing upon its exclusive right to use its registered trademark, and that its lawful rights and interests will suffer the damage which is difficult to make up if it does not stop it in time, it may, before bringing a lawsuit, apply to the people's court for ordering the suspension of the relevant act and the preservation of property.

第六十六條   為制止侵權行為,在證據可能滅失或者以後難以取得的情況下,商標注冊人或者利害關系人可以依法在起訴前向人民法院申請保全證據。

Article 66 For the purpose of curbing an infringement, where the evidence may be lost or destroyed or difficult to obtain in the future, a trademark registrant or a stakeholder may, prior to the lawsuit, apply to the People's Court for preservation of evidence pursuant to the law.

第六十七條   未經商標注冊人許可,在同一種商品上使用與其注冊商標相同的商標,構成犯罪的,除賠償被侵權人的損失外,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 67 Where the use of a trademark identical to a registered trademark on the same type of commodities without licensing by the trademark registrant constitutes a criminal offence, in addition to compensation of the losses of the infringed party, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.


Where the forgery or unauthorised manufacturing of other's registered trademark labels or sale of forged or unauthorised registered trademark labels constitutes a criminal offence, in addition to compensation of the losses of the infringed party, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.


Where any party sells goods that he knows bear a counterfeited registered trademark, and the case is so serious as to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted, according to law, for his criminal liabilities in addition to his compensation for the damages suffered by the infringee.

第六十八條   商標代理機構有下列行為之一的,由工商行政管理部門責令限期改正,給予警告,處一萬元以上十萬元以下的罰款;對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員給予警告,處五千元以上五萬元以下的罰款;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:

Article 68 Trademark agencies which commit any of the following acts shall be ordered by the administration for industry and commerce to make correction within a stipulated period and be subject to a warning and a fine ranging from RMB10,000 to RMB100,000; the person (s) -in-charge who is/are directly accountable and other directly accountable personnel shall be subject to a warning and a fine ranging from RMB5,000 to RMB50,000; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law:


1. forging or altering legal documents, seals or signatures or using forged or altered legal documents, seals or signatures during the process of handling trademark matters;


2. Soliciting agency business by slandering other trademark agencies or disturbing the order of trademark agency market by other improper means;


3. where any provision of paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 19 of this Law is violated.


Trademark agencies which commit any of the acts stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be recorded in the integrity files of the administration for industry and commerce; in serious cases, the trademark bureau and the trademark review and adjudication board may decide to suspend acceptance of applications submitted by them as a trademark agent, and an announcement shall be made.


Trademark agencies which violate the principles of honesty and trustworthiness and harm the legitimate interests of an entrusting party shall bear civil liability pursuant to the law, and shall be punished by the trademark agency industry organisation pursuant to the provisions of its articles of association.

第六十九條   從事商標注冊、管理和複審工作的國家機關工作人員必須秉公執法,廉潔自律,忠於職守,文明服務。

Article 69. Personnel from state agencies engaged in trademark registration, administration and review must execute the law impartially, be honest and disciplined, adhere to their duty, and have a civil attitude to service.


State personnel in the Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board and other personnel engaged in trademark registration, administration and review shall not be involved in trademark agency services or in the production or trading of goods.

第七十條   工商行政管理部門應當建立健全內部監督制度,對負責商標注冊、管理和複審工作的國家機關工作人員執行法律、行政法規和遵守紀律的情況,進行監督檢查。

Article 70 Administrative authorities for industry and commerce shall establish and improve their internal supervision systems, and supervise and inspect the implementation of laws and administrative regulations and the observance of discipline by State personnel responsible for trademark registration, administration and review.

第七十一條   從事商標注冊、管理和複審工作的國家機關工作人員玩忽職守、濫用職權、徇私舞弊,違法辦理商標注冊、管理和複審事項,收受當事人財物,牟取不正當利益,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,依法給予處分。

Article 71 Where any State functionary for the registration, administration and review of trademarks neglects his duty, abuses his power, engages in malpractice for personal gain, handles the registration, administration and review of trademarks in violation of law, accepts money or property from any interested party or seeks improper gain, which constitutes a crime, he or she shall be prosecuted for his or her criminal liability according to law; if the violation is not serious enough to constitute a crime, he or she shall be given a sanction according to law.

第八章 附則

Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

第七十二條   申請商標注冊和辦理其他商標事宜的,應當繳納費用,具體收費標準另定。

Article 72 Any application for a trademark registration and for other matters concerning a trademark shall be subject to payment of the fee as prescribed. The schedule of fees shall be prescribed separately.

第七十三條   本法自198331日起施行。1963410日國務院公布的《商標管理條例》同時廢止;其他有關商標管理的規定,凡與本法抵觸的,同時失效。

Article 73 This Law shall go into effect on March 1, 1983. The "Regulations Governing Trademarks" promulgated by the State Council on April 10, 1963 shall be abrogated on the same date, and any other provisions concerning trademarks contrary to this Law shall cease to be effective at the same time.


Trademarks registered before the entry into force of this Law shall continue to be valid.


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