2003年8月27日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第四次會議通過 根據2019年4月23日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國建築法〉等八部法律的決定》修正



Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China (Amended in 2019)

2003827日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第四次會議通過 根據2019423日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國建築法〉等八部法律的決定》修正)

(Adopted at the 4th session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 27, 2003, and revised according to the Decision on Revising Eight Laws including the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 10th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 23, 2019)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了規範行政許可的設定和實施,保護公民、法人和其他組織的合法權益,維護公共利益和社會秩序,保障和監督行政機關有效實施行政管理,根據憲法,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution in order to regulate the establishment and implementation of administrative licenses, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, to safeguard public interests and social order, to ensure and supervise the effective implementation of administrative management.

第二條   本法所稱行政許可,是指行政機關根據公民、法人或者其他組織的申請,經依法審查,準予其從事特定活動的行為。

Article 2 The term "administrative license" as mentioned in the Law refers to the acts that the administrative organs permit, upon examination according to law, the citizens, legal persons or other organizations to engage in special activities according to their applications.

第三條   行政許可的設定和實施,適用本法。

Article 3. This Law shall apply to the establishment and implementation of administrative licensing.


This Law shall not be applicable to the examination and approval of such matters as personnel, finance and foreign affairs of relevant administrative organs to other organs or public institutions directly thereunder.

第四條   設定和實施行政許可,應當依照法定的權限、範圍、條件和程序。

Article 4 The establishment and implementation of an administrative license shall tally with legal authority, scope, conditions and procedures.

第五條   設定和實施行政許可,應當遵循公開、公平、公正、非歧視的原則。

Article 5. Establishment and implementation of administrative licensing shall comply with the principles of transparency, fairness, justice and non-discrimination.


Relevant regulations on administrative licensing shall be promulgated to provide the basis for the implementation of administrative licensing. The implementation and results of administrative licensing shall be announced, except where State secrets, commercial secrets or personal privacy are involved. Without the consent of the applicant, the administrative authorities and their staff, and the personnel participating in expert review etc shall not disclose commercial secrets submitted by the applicant, undisclosed information or confidential commercial information, unless otherwise stipulated by the laws or where the national security or significant public interest is involved; where the administrative authorities have announced the aforesaid information of the applicant pursuant to the law, the applicant shall be allowed to raise an objection within a reasonable period.


The applicants who meet the statutory conditions and standards shall have the equal right to obtain an administrative license in accordance with the law. The administrative organ shall not discriminate against any person in this regard.

第六條   實施行政許可,應當遵循便民的原則,提高辦事效率,提供優質服務。

Article 6 In the implementation of administrative licensing, the principle of facilitating people shall be abided by so as to enhance the efficiency and to render quality services.

第七條   公民、法人或者其他組織對行政機關實施行政許可,享有陳述權、申辯權;有權依法申請行政複議或者提起行政訴訟;其合法權益因行政機關違法實施行政許可受到損害的,有權依法要求賠償。

Article 7 With regard to an administrative organ's implementation of an administrative licensing, the citizens, legal person or other institutions shall be entitled to make statements, to defend themselves, to apply for administrative reconsideration or to file an administrative lawsuit in accordance with the law. Where any of their legal rights and interests is impaired because of the administrative organs' unlawful implementation of the administrative licensing, it shall be entitled to demand compensation in accordance with the law.

第八條   公民、法人或者其他組織依法取得的行政許可受法律保護,行政機關不得擅自改變已經生效的行政許可。

Article 8. Administrative licenses granted to citizens, legal persons or other organisations in accordance with laws shall be protected by the laws. Administrative authorities shall not alter a valid administrative license arbitrarily.


Where any of the laws, regulations and rules that the administrative licensing is based on is amended or abolished, or the objective circumstances that the administrative licensing rests on change greatly, in order to meet the demand of public interests, the administrative organ may modify or revoke the effective administrative licensing. The damages caused to the properties of citizens, legal persons or other organizations shall be compensated for by the administrative organ in accordance with the law.

第九條   依法取得的行政許可,除法律、法規規定依照法定條件和程序可以轉讓的外,不得轉讓。

Article 9 An administrative license obtained in accordance with the law shall not be transferred except for those that may be transferred in light of the legal conditions and procedures of the laws and regulations.

第十條   縣級以上人民政府應當建立健全對行政機關實施行政許可的監督制度,加強對行政機關實施行政許可的監督檢查。

Article 10 The people's governments above the county level shall establish and perfect the supervisory system for the administrative licensing implemented by administrative organs, and shall strengthen the supervision and inspection over the administrative licensing implemented by administrative organs.


The administrative organs shall effectively supervise the activities of the citizens, legal persons or other institutions concerning the matters under administrative license.

第二章 行政許可的設定

Chapter II Establishment of an Administrative License

第十一條   設定行政許可,應當遵循經濟和社會發展規律,有利於發揮公民、法人或者其他組織的積極性、主動性,維護公共利益和社會秩序,促進經濟、社會和生態環境協調發展。

Article 11 The establishment of an administrative license shall be in line with the rule of economic and social development, shall be propitious to the full play of the enthusiasm and initiative of the citizens, legal persons or other institutions, safeguard the public interests and social order, promote the harmonious development of the economy, society and ecological environment.

第十二條   下列事項可以設定行政許可:

Article 12 An administrative licensing may be established for any of the following matters:


1. The special activities that directly bear on the state security, public security, macro-economic control, ecological environment protection, and those directly relate to the human health, safety of life and property, which shall be approved according to the legal requirements;


(II) The development and utilization of the limited natural resources, allocation of public resources and the market entry of the special trades that directly concern public interests, which shall be entitled with special rights;


(III) The vocations and trades that provide public services and directly relate to the public interests, which need qualification of special credit, conditions or skills;


(IV) The important equipment, facilities, products, articles that directly concern public security, human health, the safety of life and property, which shall be examined and approved by means of inspection, testing, and quarantine according to the technical standards or criterions;


(V) The establishment of the enterprises or other institutions, which need to determine the subject qualification;


(VI) Other matters, for which administrative licensing may be established in accordance with the laws and regulations.

第十三條   本法第十二條所列事項,通過下列方式能夠予以規範的,可以不設行政許可:

Article 13 For the matters listed in Article 12 of the Law, which may be regulated through the following methods, the administrative licensing are not required to be established:


1. Those can be decided by the citizens, legal person or other institutions themselves;


2. Those can be effectively regulated by the market competition mechanism;


(III) Those may be subject to the self-discipline management of the industrial organizations or intermediary institutions;


(IV) The matters that can be solved by the administrative organs by means of supervision afterwards or through other administrative methods.

第十四條   本法第十二條所列事項,法律可以設定行政許可。尚未制定法律的,行政法規可以設定行政許可。

Article 14. Administrative licensing may be established by laws for matters listed in Article 12. Where there is no governing law, administrative licensing may be established by means of administrative regulations.


Where necessary, the State Council may adopt the form of releasing decisions to establish administrative licensing. After implementation, except for the matters under temporary administrative licensing, the State Council shall timely propose to the National People 's Congress and its Standing Committee to formulate laws, or formulate administrative regulations by itself.

第十五條   本法第十二條所列事項,尚未制定法律、行政法規的,地方性法規可以設定行政許可;尚未制定法律、行政法規和地方性法規的,因行政管理的需要,確需立即實施行政許可的,省、自治區、直轄市人民政府規章可以設定臨時性的行政許可。臨時性的行政許可實施滿一年需要繼續實施的,應當提請本級人民代表大會及其常務委員會制定地方性法規。

Article 15 If there is no governing law or administrative regulation yet, an administrative licensing may be established by means of local regulations for any of the matters listed in Article 12 of the Law; if there is no governing law, administrative regulation and local regulation yet, but it is really necessary to establish an administrative licensing to conduct administrative management immediately, an temporary administrative licensing may be established by means of a regulation of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. In case it is necessary to keep on implementing the administrative licensing after a year, the people 's congress and its standing committee of the same level shall be proposed to formulate a local regulation.


No local regulation or government rule of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish any administrative licensing for the qualifications of the citizens, legal persons or other institutions that shall be determined by the state; no administrative licensing and pre-administrative licensing may be established for the establishment and registration of enterprises or other institutions. The administrative licensing established thereby shall not hinder the individuals or enterprises of other regions from dealing in production and business and providing services in one region, shall not restrict the commodities of other regions from entering into the market of the local region.

第十六條   行政法規可以在法律設定的行政許可事項範圍內,對實施該行政許可作出具體規定。

Article 16 An administrative regulation may have specific requirements for the implementation of an administrative licensing within the scope of the matters prescribed by a statutory administrative licensing.


A local regulation may, within the scope of the matters of administrative licensing established by the laws and administrative regulations, make specific requirements for the implementation of the administrative licensing.


The regulation may make specific requirements for the implementation of the administrative licensing within the scope of the matters established by the upper law.


The regulations and rules shall not make specific requirements for the implementation of the administrative licensing set down by the upper law, shall not increase administrative licensing; for the specific conditions of administrative licensing, they shall not establish any other condition in violation of the upper law.

第十七條   除本法第十四條、第十五條規定的外,其他規範性文件一律不得設定行政許可。

Article 17 Except for Articles 14 and 15 of the Law, no administrative licensing shall be set in any other regulatory document.

第十八條   設定行政許可,應當規定行政許可的實施機關、條件、程序、期限。

Article 18 In the establishment of an administrative licensing, the implementing organ, conditions, procedures and time limit shall be specified.

第十九條   起草法律草案、法規草案和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府規章草案,擬設定行政許可的,起草單位應當采取聽證會、論證會等形式聽取意見,並向制定機關說明設定該行政許可的必要性、對經濟和社會可能產生的影響以及聽取和采納意見的情況。

Article 19 Where an administrative license is to be established by means of drafting a law, a regulation or a regulation of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, the drafting entity shall consult the opinions through hearing and argumentation, etc., and shall give explanations to the law (regulation) making organ about the necessity to establish the administrative license, the potential effects on the economy and society and the opinions heard and adopted.

第二十條   行政許可的設定機關應當定期對其設定的行政許可進行評價;對已設定的行政許可,認為通過本法第十三條所列方式能夠解決的,應當對設定該行政許可的規定及時予以修改或者廢止。

Article 20 The establishment organ of the administrative license shall periodically evaluate the administrative license it set. If it considers that an already established administrative license can be solved through any of the methods listed in Article 13 of the Law, it shall modify the requirements for the establishment of the administrative license or abolish it in time.


The executive organ of an administrative license shall evaluate the information of the implementation of the administrative license and necessity of its existence, and shall report the relevant opinions to the establishing organ of the administrative license.


Citizens, legal persons and other organizations may put forward opinions and suggestions to the establishment organ and executive organ about the establishment and implementation of the administrative licensing.

第二十一條   省、自治區、直轄市人民政府對行政法規設定的有關經濟事務的行政許可,根據本行政區域經濟和社會發展情況,認為通過本法第十三條所列方式能夠解決的,報國務院批準後,可以在本行政區域內停止實施該行政許可。

Article 21 Where any of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government considers an administrative licensing on economic affairs, which is established by means of administrative regulation, can be solved through any of the methods listed in Article 13 of the Law according to the economic and social development of this administrative area, it may stop implementing the administrative licensing within the administrative area upon reporting to and obtaining the approval of the State Council.

第三章 行政許可的實施機關

Chapter III Executive Organ for Administrative Licensing

第二十二條   行政許可由具有行政許可權的行政機關在其法定職權範圍內實施。

Article 22 An administrative licensing shall be implemented by the empowered administrative organ within its statutory functions.

第二十三條   法律、法規授權的具有管理公共事務職能的組織,在法定授權範圍內,以自己的名義實施行政許可。被授權的組織適用本法有關行政機關的規定。

Article 23 The organization with a function of managing public affairs under the authorization of a law or regulation shall, within the authorized scope, implement the administrative licensing in its own name. The provisions concerning the administrative organ in the Law shall be applicable to the empowered organizations.

第二十四條   行政機關在其法定職權範圍內,依照法律、法規、規章的規定,可以委托其他行政機關實施行政許可。委托機關應當將受委托行政機關和受委托實施行政許可的內容予以公告。

Article 24 An administrative organ may, within its statutory functions, authorize other administrative organs to implement the administrative licensing in light of the laws, regulations and rules. The authorizing organ shall announce to the public the authorized administrative organs and the authorized particulars of the administrative license.


The authorizing administrative organ shall be responsible for supervising the implementation of the administrative licensing by the authorized administrative organs, and shall bear the legal liabilities for the consequences of implementation.


An authorized administrative organ shall, within the authorized scope, implement the administrative licensing in the name of the authorizing administrative organ; it shall not authorize any other organization or individual to implement the administrative licensing.

第二十五條   經國務院批準,省、自治區、直轄市人民政府根據精簡、統一、效能的原則,可以決定一個行政機關行使有關行政機關的行政許可權。

Article 25 Upon approval of the State Council, the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities may decide one administrative organ to exercise the power of administrative license of the relevant administrative organs according to the principle of simplification, unification and efficiency.

第二十六條   行政許可需要行政機關內設的多個機構辦理的,該行政機關應當確定一個機構統一受理行政許可申請,統一送達行政許可決定。

Article 26 Where it is necessary to handle the administrative licensing through several interior institutions of the administrative organ, this administrative organ shall determine one institution to accept all the applications for the administrative licensing and serve all the decisions about the administrative licensing.


Where the administrative licensing is implemented separately by at least two departments of the local people's government in accordance with the law, the people's government of the same level shall determine one department to accept the applications for administrative licensing and inform the relevant departments of them, and handle these applications after the relevant departments have put forward their own opinions, organize the relevant departments to handle the applications jointly and intensively.

第二十七條   行政機關實施行政許可,不得向申請人提出購買指定商品、接受有償服務等不正當要求。

Article 27 When implementing the administrative license, the administrative organ may not require any applicant to buy the designated commodities and to accept paid services or have other unreasonable requests.


In handling an administrative licensing, the functionaries of the administrative organ may not exert any property from or accept any property of the applicants, neither may they seek for any other interests.

第二十八條   對直接關系公共安全、人身健康、生命財產安全的設備、設施、產品、物品的檢驗、檢測、檢疫,除法律、行政法規規定由行政機關實施的外,應當逐步由符合法定條件的專業技術組織實施。專業技術組織及其有關人員對所實施的檢驗、檢測、檢疫結論承擔法律責任。

Article 28 The inspection, testing, and quarantine of the equipments, facilities, products, articles that directly concern public security, human health, the safety of life and property shall be gradually organized and implemented by the professional technical organizations that meet the statutory requirements. The professional technical organizations and the relevant personnel shall bear the legal liabilities for the conclusions they reach.

第四章 行政許可的實施程序

Chapter IV Procedures for the Implementation of Administrative Licensing


Section 1 Application and Acceptance

第二十九條   公民、法人或者其他組織從事特定活動,依法需要取得行政許可的,應當向行政機關提出申請。申請書需要采用格式文本的,行政機關應當向申請人提供行政許可申請書格式文本。申請書格式文本中不得包含與申請行政許可事項沒有直接關系的內容。

Article 29 Where a citizen, legal person or any of other institutions has to obtain an administrative license prior to dealing in a special activity, it shall file an application with the administrative organ. Where a standard application is required, the administrative organ shall provide the applicants with standard administrative licensing application. The application shall not contain any content that has no direct relationship with the licensing matters applied for.


An applicant may entrust an agent to file an administrative licensing application. However, exceptions shall be applied for where the applicant shall go to the office of the administrative authority to file the application for administrative licensing.


An administrative licensing application may be filed by means of letter, telegraph, telex, fax, electronic data interchange and email.

第三十條   行政機關應當將法律、法規、規章規定的有關行政許可的事項、依據、條件、數量、程序、期限以及需要提交的全部材料的目錄和申請書示範文本等在辦公場所公示。

Article 30 An administrative organ shall display the licensing matters, basis, conditions, quantity, procedures and time limit as provided for in the laws, regulations and rules, the catalogue of the complete set of materials that shall be submitted and the exemplary application in its office place.


Where an applicant requests explanations or clarifications about the displayed contents, the administrative organ shall do so and shall provide accurate and reliable information.

第三十一條   申請人申請行政許可,應當如實向行政機關提交有關材料和反映真實情況,並對其申請材料實質內容的真實性負責。行政機關不得要求申請人提交與其申請的行政許可事項無關的技術資料和其他材料。

Article 31 When applying for administrative licensing, an applicant shall faithfully submit relevant materials to the administrative organ, report the actual information, and shall be liable for the authenticity of the substantial contents of the application materials. The administrative organ may not ask the applicant to submit technical materials and other materials that have nothing to do with the matters under the administrative license it applies for.


The administrative organ and its working personnel shall not require transfer of technology as the condition for obtaining an administrative license; shall not require transfer of technology directly or indirectly in the process of implementing an administrative license.

第三十二條   行政機關對申請人提出的行政許可申請,應當根據下列情況分別作出處理:

Article 32 The administrative organ shall handle the applications for administrative license differently according to the following circumstances:


1. For the matter applied for that are not subject to administrative licensing in accordance with the law, it shall inform the applicant of the rejection immediately;


(II) If the matter applied for is not within the functions of the administrative organ, it shall make a decision of rejection immediately and shall inform the applicant to file an application for it with the relevant administrative organ;


(III) Where the errors in the application materials can be corrected on the spot, the applicant shall be permitted to correct them on the spot;


(IV) Where the application materials are incomplete or inconsistent with the statutory form, it shall inform the applicant on the spot or inform it of all the items that need to be supplemented or corrected within 5 days; if it fails to do so within the time limit, the day when the application materials are accepted shall be considered as the acceptance day; or


(V) Where the matter applied for falls within the functions of the administrative organ and the application materials are complete and in consistency with the statutory form, or the applicant has supplemented and corrected all the items as required, the application for administrative license shall be accepted.


When accepting or rejecting an application for administrative licensing, the administrative organ shall issue a written proof with the special seal of the administrative organ and the clear indication of date.

第三十三條   行政機關應當建立和完善有關制度,推行電子政務,在行政機關的網站上公布行政許可事項,方便申請人采取數據電文等方式提出行政許可申請;應當與其他行政機關共享有關行政許可信息,提高辦事效率。

Article 33. Administrative authorities shall establish and improve the relevant systems for electronic administration, publish administrative licensing matters on the administrative authority's website and facilitate electronic submission of administrative licensing applications by applicants. Administrative authorities shall share relevant administrative licensing information with other administrative authorities for the purpose of improving work efficiency.


Section 2 Examination and Determination

第三十四條   行政機關應當對申請人提交的申請材料進行審查。

Article 34 The administrative organ shall examine the application materials submitted by the applicant.


Where the application materials are complete and tally with the statutory form, the administrative organ shall make a written decision about the administrative licensing on the spot if it is able to do so.


Where it is necessary to verify the substantial content of the application in accordance with the statutory conditions and procedures, the administrative organ shall designate at least two functionaries to conduct verifications.

第三十五條   依法應當先經下級行政機關審查後報上級行政機關決定的行政許可,下級行政機關應當在法定期限內將初步審查意見和全部申請材料直接報送上級行政機關。上級行政機關不得要求申請人重複提供申請材料。

Article 35 Where an administrative licensing is subject to the examination of the lower administrative organ before it is reported and submitted to the upper administrative organ for decision, the lower administrative organ shall directly submit the preliminary examination opinions and the complete set of application materials to the upper administrative organ within the statutory time limit. The administrative authorities at a higher level shall not require applicants to provide application materials repeatedly.

第三十六條   行政機關對行政許可申請進行審查時,發現行政許可事項直接關系他人重大利益的,應當告知該利害關系人。申請人、利害關系人有權進行陳述和申辯。行政機關應當聽取申請人、利害關系人的意見。

Article 36 When examining the applications for administrative license, if the administrative organ finds that any party has important direct interests to the matters under the administrative license, it shall inform the interested party. The applicant and the interested party shall have the right to state and defend themselves. The administrative organ shall listen to the opinions of the applicant and the interested party.

第三十七條   行政機關對行政許可申請進行審查後,除當場作出行政許可決定的外,應當在法定期限內按照規定程序作出行政許可決定。

Article 37 After the administrative organ has examined the application for administrative license, it shall make a decision about the administrative license in light of the prescribed procedures within the statutory time limit, unless the decision on the administrative license shall be made on the spot.

第三十八條   申請人的申請符合法定條件、標準的,行政機關應當依法作出準予行政許可的書面決定。

Article 38. Administrative authorities shall issue an approval decision in writing for administrative licensing applications which comply with statutory requirements and standards in accordance with laws.


Where the Administrative Organ makes a decision about the disapproval of the administrative licensing in accordance with the law, it shall give explanations to and inform the applicant that it is entitled to apply for administrative reconsideration or to file an administrative lawsuit.

第三十九條   行政機關作出準予行政許可的決定,需要頒發行政許可證件的,應當向申請人頒發加蓋本行政機關印章的下列行政許可證件:

Article 39 For an administrative organ that makes a decision about the approval of the administrative licensing, it shall issue one of the following certificates for administrative licensing with the seal of this administrative organ:


1. Permit, license or other kinds of licensing certificates;


2. qualification certificate or other qualification certificates;


(III) Documents of approval of the administrative organ or evidential documents;


(IV) other administrative licensing certificates as provided by the laws and regulations.


Where an administrative organ conducts inspection, testing or quarantine, it may affix a label on the equipment, facilities, products or articles that have passed the inspection, testing or quarantine or affix a seal of inspection, testing or quarantine.

第四十條   行政機關作出的準予行政許可決定,應當予以公開,公眾有權查閱。

Article 40 Administrative organs shall give publicity to the decisions about the approval of the administrative licensing, which the general public are entitled to consult.

第四十一條   法律、行政法規設定的行政許可,其適用範圍沒有地域限制的,申請人取得的行政許可在全國範圍內有效。

Article 41 For an administrative license set down by laws and regulations, if there is no regional limit on its application scope, the administrative license obtained by an applicant shall be of nationwide validity.


Section 3 Time Limits

第四十二條   除可以當場作出行政許可決定的外,行政機關應當自受理行政許可申請之日起二十日內作出行政許可決定。二十日內不能作出決定的,經本行政機關負責人批準,可以延長十日,並應當將延長期限的理由告知申請人。但是,法律、法規另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 42 An administrative organ shall make a decision on the administrative licensing within 20 days from the day when it accepts such an application unless it can make a decision on the spot. If it cannot make a decision within 20 days, it may extend for 10 days upon the approval of the person in charge of this administrative organ, and shall give explanations about the extension to the applicant. However, if it is otherwise provided for in any law and regulation, the latter shall prevail.


In accordance with Article 26 of this Law, where an administrative licensing is handled uniformly or jointly or collectively, the period shall not exceed 45 days; if it cannot be completed within 45 days, it may, upon the approval of the people's government of the same level, be extended for 15 days, and the applicant shall be notified of the reasons for extension.

第四十三條   依法應當先經下級行政機關審查後報上級行政機關決定的行政許可,下級行政機關應當自其受理行政許可申請之日起二十日內審查完畢。但是,法律、法規另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 43 For an administrative licensing that is subject to the examination of a lower administrative organ before it is reported and submitted to an upper administrative organ, the lower administrative organ shall complete the examination within 20 days from the day when the application for administrative licensing is accepted. However, if it is otherwise provided for in any law and regulation, the latter shall prevail.

第四十四條   行政機關作出準予行政許可的決定,應當自作出決定之日起十日內向申請人頒發、送達行政許可證件,或者加貼標簽、加蓋檢驗、檢測、檢疫印章。

Article 44 If an administrative organ makes a decision of administrative licensing, it shall issue and serve the applicant the certificate of administrative licensing, or stamp a label, affix a seal of inspection, testing or quarantine, within 10 days from the day when such a decision is made.

第四十五條   行政機關作出行政許可決定,依法需要聽證、招標、拍賣、檢驗、檢測、檢疫、鑒定和專家評審的,所需時間不計算在本節規定的期限內。行政機關應當將所需時間書面告知申請人。

Article 45 In accordance with the law, where an administrative organ needs hearing, bid invitation, auction, inspection, testing, quarantine or expert evaluation, the required time shall not be included in the time limit specified in this Section. The administrative authorities shall notify the applicant in writing of the time required.


Section 4 Hearing

第四十六條   法律、法規、規章規定實施行政許可應當聽證的事項,或者行政機關認為需要聽證的其他涉及公共利益的重大行政許可事項,行政機關應當向社會公告,並舉行聽證。

Article 46 For a hearing as provided for the implementation of administrative licensing in any law, regulation or rule, or for any other licensing matters of great importance to the public interests that the administrative organ considers it necessary to hold a hearing, the administrative organ shall announce it to the public and hold a hearing.

第四十七條   行政許可直接涉及申請人與他人之間重大利益關系的,行政機關在作出行政許可決定前,應當告知申請人、利害關系人享有要求聽證的權利;申請人、利害關系人在被告知聽證權利之日起五日內提出聽證申請的,行政機關應當在二十日內組織聽證。

Article 47 Where an administrative license is of direct significance to the interests of the applicant or others, before the administrative organ makes a decision about the administrative license, it shall inform the applicant or the interested party of the right to request for a hearing. Where the applicant or interested party applies for a hearing within 5 days from the day when it is informed of such right, the administrative organ shall organize a hearing within 20 days.


The applicant and interested party shall not bear the expenses for the hearing organized by the administrative organ.

第四十八條   聽證按照下列程序進行:

Article 48 The hearing shall be held according to the following procedures:


1. The administrative organ shall notify the applicant and interested party of the time and place of the hearing 7 days before it is held, and shall announce it to the public where necessary;


(II) The hearing shall be held openly;


(III) The administrative organ shall designate a person to host the hearing, the person shall not be from the persons who are responsible for the examination of the application for administrative license, where the applicant or interested party considers that the host or hostess of the hearing is of direct interest to the matters under administrative license, it shall be entitled to apply for withdrawal;


(IV) While holding a hearing, the persons who are responsible for the examination of an application for administrative licensing shall provide proofs, reasons for the examination opinions, the applicant and the interested party may produce evidence, defend and conduct cross-examinations;


(V) Written records about the hearing shall be made. The hearing participants shall sign their names on or affix their seals to the records after they have confirmed them as inerrant.


The administrative organ shall make a decision on the administrative license according to the transcripts of the hearing.


Section 5. Change and Extension

第四十九條   被許可人要求變更行政許可事項的,應當向作出行政許可決定的行政機關提出申請;符合法定條件、標準的,行政機關應當依法辦理變更手續。

Article 49. Administrative licensees requesting for amendment (s) to an administrative license shall apply to the original administrative authority which has granted the administrative license. The administrative authority shall process the amendment (s) in accordance with laws where the application satisfies statutory requirements and standards.

第五十條   被許可人需要延續依法取得的行政許可的有效期的,應當在該行政許可有效期屆滿三十日前向作出行政許可決定的行政機關提出申請。但是,法律、法規、規章另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 50 Where a licensee needs to extend the valid period of an administrative licensing it obtained in accordance with the law, it shall file an application with the administrative organ that made the decision about the administrative licensing 30 days prior to the expiry of the valid period of this administrative licensing. However, if it is otherwise provided for in any law, regulation or rule, the latter shall prevail.


An administrative organ shall decide whether to approve the extension prior to the expiry of the valid period of this administrative license; if it fails to make a decision within the time limit, it shall be deemed that the extension has been approved.


Section 6 Specific Provisions

第五十一條   實施行政許可的程序,本節有規定的,適用本節規定;本節沒有規定的,適用本章其他有關規定。

Article 51. The provisions of this Section shall apply to implementation of administrative licensing. Other provisions of this Chapter shall apply to matters not covered in this Section.

第五十二條   國務院實施行政許可的程序,適用有關法律、行政法規的規定。

Article 52 The procedures for the State Council to implement an administrative license shall be governed by the relevant laws and administrative regulations.

第五十三條   實施本法第十二條第二項所列事項的行政許可的,行政機關應當通過招標、拍賣等公平競爭的方式作出決定。但是,法律、行政法規另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 53 When implementing the licensing matters listed in Article 12 (2) of the Law, the administrative organ shall make a decision by adopting fair competitive methods, such as bid invitation and auction. Where the laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.


The specific procedures for the administrative organ to decide an administrative license by means of bid invitation and auction shall be in line with the relevant laws and administrative regulations.


After the administrative organ has determined the bid winner or buyer according to the bid or auction procedures, in accordance with the law, it shall issue a certificate for the administrative license to the bid winner or buyer.


Where an administrative organ fails to adopt the forms of bid invitation and auction in violation of this Article, or violates the procedures for bid invitation or auction, impairing the lawful rights and interests of the applicant, the applicant may apply for administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit according to law.

第五十四條   實施本法第十二條第三項所列事項的行政許可,賦予公民特定資格,依法應當舉行國家考試的,行政機關根據考試成績和其他法定條件作出行政許可決定;賦予法人或者其他組織特定的資格、資質的,行政機關根據申請人的專業人員構成、技術條件、經營業績和管理水平等的考核結果作出行政許可決定。但是,法律、行政法規另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 54 When implementing the licensing matters listed in Article 12 (3) of the Law, namely, holding a national examinations for the purpose of granting the citizens any special qualification in accordance with the law, the administrative organ shall make decisions about the administrative licensing according to the examination results and other statutory conditions; when granting a special qualification to the legal persons or other organizations, the administrative organ shall make decisions about the administrative licensing according to the evaluation results in the aspects of the structure of professionals of the applicants, technical conditions, business performance and management level. Where the laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.


Examination for specific qualifications of citizens shall be implemented by the administrative authorities or industry organisations pursuant to the law and shall be conducted openly. The administrative organ or industrial organization shall announce in advance the requirements for enrolling for the qualification examination, how to get enrolled, the examination subjects and the examination syllabus. However, no compulsory pre-examination training for the qualification examination shall be organized, nor shall any teaching material or other materials supporting the examination be specified.

第五十五條   實施本法第十二條第四項所列事項的行政許可的,應當按照技術標準、技術規範依法進行檢驗、檢測、檢疫,行政機關根據檢驗、檢測、檢疫的結果作出行政許可決定。

Article 55 When implementing the licensing matters listed in Article 12 (4) of the Law, namely, conducting inspection, testing or quarantine according to the technical standards or criteria, the administrative organ shall make decisions according to the pertinent results.


Within 5 days from the day when the administrative organ accepts an application, at least 2 functionaries shall be designated to do inspection, testing or quarantine according to the technical standards or criteria. If it is able to determine whether the equipment, facilities, products or articles accord with the technical standard or criteria and it is unnecessary make further analysis to the results of the inspection, testing or quarantine, the administrative organ shall make a decision about the administrative license on the spot.


If the administrative organ decides to disapprove the administrative license according to the results of inspection, testing and quarantine, it shall make a written explanation about the technical standard or criterion on which the decision is based.

第五十六條   實施本法第十二條第五項所列事項的行政許可,申請人提交的申請材料齊全、符合法定形式的,行政機關應當當場予以登記。需要對申請材料的實質內容進行核實的,行政機關依照本法第三十四條第三款的規定辦理。

Article 56. Administrative authorities shall grant registration on the spot for administrative licensing applications set out under Item (5) of Article 12 which are complete and comply with the statutory format. If it is necessary to verify the substantial content of the application materials, the administrative organ shall implement Article 34 (3) of the Law.

第五十七條   有數量限制的行政許可,兩個或者兩個以上申請人的申請均符合法定條件、標準的,行政機關應當根據受理行政許可申請的先後順序作出準予行政許可的決定。但是,法律、行政法規另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 57 For an administrative licensing with quantitative restrictions, where the applications of at least 2 applicants meet the statutory conditions and standards, the administrative organ shall decide to approve the administrative licensing according to the priority order of accepting the applications for the administrative licensing. Where the laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

第五章 行政許可的費用

Chapter 5 Costs of Administrative Licensing

第五十八條   行政機關實施行政許可和對行政許可事項進行監督檢查,不得收取任何費用。但是,法律、行政法規另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 58. Administrative authorities shall not collect fees for implementation of administrative licensing and supervision and inspection of administrative licensing matters. Where the laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.


When offering exemplary application form of administrative licensing, the administrative organ shall not charge anything for that.


The essential fund for the administrative organ to implement an administrative licensing shall listed in the budget of this administrative organ, which shall be ensured, checked and appropriated by the finance department of the same level according to the ratified budget.

第五十九條   行政機關實施行政許可,依照法律、行政法規收取費用的,應當按照公布的法定項目和標準收費;所收取的費用必須全部上繳國庫,任何機關或者個人不得以任何形式截留、挪用、私分或者變相私分。財政部門不得以任何形式向行政機關返還或者變相返還實施行政許可所收取的費用。

Article 59 Where an administrative organ charges fees for the implementation of administrative licensing in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations, the fees shall accord with the announced statutory items and standards; the fees collected shall be totally turned in to the treasury, which shall not be withheld, impropriated, privately divided openly or in disguised form by any organ or individual. The finance departments shall not refund openly or in disguised form the fees charged for the implementation of the administrative licensing.


Chapter 6 Supervision and Inspection

第六十條   上級行政機關應當加強對下級行政機關實施行政許可的監督檢查,及時糾正行政許可實施中的違法行為。

Article 60. Superior administrative authorities shall reinforce supervision and inspection of the implementation of administrative licensing by subordinate administrative authorities and promptly redress any misconduct in the implementation of administrative licensing.

第六十一條   行政機關應當建立健全監督制度,通過核查反映被許可人從事行政許可事項活動情況的有關材料,履行監督責任。

Article 61 The administrative organs shall establish and perfect the supervision system, shall perform the supervisory duties by means of checking the relevant materials reflecting the information about the licensees' activities under the administrative licensing.


When conducting supervision and inspection over a licensee 'activities under the administrative license, an administrative organ shall note down the information about the supervision and inspection and the handling result, and transfer the notes to the archival department upon the signatures of the supervisors or inspectors. The public shall have the right to consult the supervision and inspection records of the administrative organ.


The administrative organ shall create conditions to link with the archival computer systems of the licensees and other relevant administrative organs to check the licensees' activities under the administrative licensing.

第六十二條   行政機關可以對被許可人生產經營的產品依法進行抽樣檢查、檢驗、檢測,對其生產經營場所依法進行實地檢查。檢查時,行政機關可以依法查閱或者要求被許可人報送有關材料;被許可人應當如實提供有關情況和材料。

Article 62 In accordance with the law, an administrative organ may conduct random examination, check and testing on the products manufactured and run by a licensee, and shall examine the production and operation places on the spot. When conducting examination, the administrative organ may consult or require the licensee to submit relevant materials in accordance with the law; the licensee shall faithfully provide the relevant information and materials.


The administrative authorities shall conduct regular inspection of important equipment and facilities which relate directly to public security, personal health and life and property security pursuant to the provisions of laws and administrative regulations. The administrative organ shall issue relevant certificates to those that pass the examination.

第六十三條   行政機關實施監督檢查,不得妨礙被許可人正常的生產經營活動,不得索取或者收受被許可人的財物,不得謀取其他利益。

Article 63 When conducting supervision and examination, the administrative organ may not hinder the licensee from engaging in normal production and operation activities, may not ask for or accept the licensee's property, and may not seek for other interests.

第六十四條   被許可人在作出行政許可決定的行政機關管轄區域外違法從事行政許可事項活動的,違法行為發生地的行政機關應當依法將被許可人的違法事實、處理結果抄告作出行政許可決定的行政機關。

Article 64. Licensees engaging in illegal administrative licensing activities outside the jurisdiction of the original administrative authority which has granted the administrative license shall be reported by the administrative authority at the place where the illegal activities are conducted to the original administrative authority which has granted the administrative license in accordance with laws.

第六十五條   個人和組織發現違法從事行政許可事項的活動,有權向行政機關舉報,行政機關應當及時核實、處理。

Article 65 Where any individual or organization discovers any activity in violation of the matters under an administrative license, it shall be entitled to inform the administrative organ, which shall verify and deal with such activity in time.

第六十六條   被許可人未依法履行開發利用自然資源義務或者未依法履行利用公共資源義務的,行政機關應當責令限期改正;被許可人在規定期限內不改正的,行政機關應當依照有關法律、行政法規的規定予以處理。

Article 66 Where a licensee fails to perform the obligation of exploiting and utilizing of natural resources in accordance with the law, or of utilizing public resources, the administrative organ shall order it to get right within a time limit; where the licensee fails to get right within the time limit, the administrative organ shall punish it in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations.

第六十七條   取得直接關系公共利益的特定行業的市場準入行政許可的被許可人,應當按照國家規定的服務標準、資費標準和行政機關依法規定的條件,向用戶提供安全、方便、穩定和價格合理的服務,並履行普遍服務的義務;未經作出行政許可決定的行政機關批準,不得擅自停業、歇業。

Article 67 A licensee, who has acquired the administrative license for the market access to a special trade of direct importance to the public interests, shall provide the users with safe, convenient and stable services at a fair price in accordance with the service and charging standards as provided for by the state and the conditions as specified by the administrative organ in accordance with the law, and shall perform the obligation of offering universal services. Without the approval of the licensing administrative organ, it may not stop or suspend its business.


Where a licensee fails to perform the obligations specified in the preceding paragraph, the administrative organ shall order him to make corrections within a time limit or take effective measures to urge him to perform his obligations according to law.

第六十八條   對直接關系公共安全、人身健康、生命財產安全的重要設備、設施,行政機關應當督促設計、建造、安裝和使用單位建立相應的自檢制度。

Article 68 For the important equipment and facilities that directly concern public security, human health and safety of life and property, the administrative organ shall supervise and urge the design, construction, installation and use entities to establish relevant self-check system.


Where the administrative authorities discover in the course of supervision and inspection that there are safety hazards in the key equipment and facilities which relate directly to public security, personal health and security of life and property, they shall order that the construction, installation and use be suspended, and that the design, construction, installation and use organisations shall forthwith make correction.

第六十九條   有下列情形之一的,作出行政許可決定的行政機關或者其上級行政機關,根據利害關系人的請求或者依據職權,可以撤銷行政許可:

Article 69 The decision-making administrative organ or its upper administrative organ may, under any of the following circumstances, annul an administrative licensing according to the request of the interested party or according to its functions:


1. The functionaries of the administrative organ decide to approve an administrative licensing as the result of abusing their power and neglecting their duties;


2. Where they make a decision on granting an administrative license beyond their statutory authority;


(III) A decision on approving an administrative licensing is made in violation of the statutory procedures;


(IV) An applicant who doesn't meet the applying qualification or the statutory conditions has been approved of an administrative license; or


5. other circumstances under which an administrative license may be revoked in accordance with the law.


Where a licensee obtains an administrative licensing through cheating, offering bribes or any other illegal methods, such administrative licensing shall be annulled;


Where the annulment of an administrative license in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs may seriously impair the public interests, it shall not be annulled.


Where the annulment of an administrative license in accordance with the first paragraph of this Article has impaired the legitimate rights and interests of the licensee, the administrative organ shall compensate for it in accordance with the law. Where an administrative license is annulled according to the second paragraph of this Article, the interests obtained by the licensee on the basis of this administrative license shall not be protected.

第七十條   有下列情形之一的,行政機關應當依法辦理有關行政許可的注銷手續:

Article 70 In accordance with the law, an administrative organ shall, under any of the following circumstances, handle the procedures for the cancellation of the pertinent administrative licenses:


1. An administrative license fails to be extended at the expiry of its valid period;


2. An administrative license grants a citizen special qualification, but the citizen is dead or loses capacity for action;


(III) A legal person or any other organization is terminated according to law;


(IV) An administrative license is annulled or withdrawn, or the certificate for administrative license is revoked in light of the law;


(V) The matters under an administrative licensing are unable to be implemented due to force majeure;


(VI) Other circumstances specified by the laws and regulations in which the administrative license shall be canceled.


Chapter 7 Legal Liability

第七十一條   違反本法第十七條規定設定的行政許可,有關機關應當責令設定該行政許可的機關改正,或者依法予以撤銷。

Article 71 Where an administrative organ establishes an administrative license in violation of Article 17 of the Law, it shall be ordered to get right by the relevant organ, or the administrative license shall be annulled in accordance with the law.

第七十二條   行政機關及其工作人員違反本法的規定,有下列情形之一的,由其上級行政機關或者監察機關責令改正;情節嚴重的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予行政處分:

Article 72 Where an administrative organ and any of its functionaries violates any of the provisions of this Law under any of the following circumstances, it shall be ordered to get right by the superior administrative organ or the supervisory organ; if the circumstances are serious, the direct liable persons in charge and other direct liable persons shall be given an administrative sanction in accordance with the law:


1. failing to accept the administrative licensing application which meets the statutory conditions;


(II) Failing to display materials in offices that shall be displayed in accordance with laws;


(III) Failing to perform the statutory duty of keeping the applicant and the interested party informed during the period of accepting, examining and deciding an administrative license;


(IV) For an applicant whose application materials are incomplete or inconsistent with the statutory form, it fails to inform, once and for all, the applicant of all the items that shall be supplemented or corrected;


(V) illegally disclosing trade secrets, undisclosed information or confidential business information submitted by the applicant; or


(VI) The acquisition of an administrative license is based on the transfer of technology, or the transfer is required directly or indirectly during the implementation of the administrative license;


(VII) Failing to explain why an administrative licensing application is rejected or why an administrative licensing is disapproved in accordance with the law;


(VIII) Failing to hold a hearing as required by the law.

第七十三條   行政機關工作人員辦理行政許可、實施監督檢查,索取或者收受他人財物或者謀取其他利益,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,依法給予行政處分。

Article 73 Where any of the functionaries asks for or accepts the property of others' or seeks for other interests when implementing an administrative licensing and exercising supervision and inspection, if a crime is constituted, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities in accordance with the law. If the violation does not constitute a crime, he shall be imposed upon an administrative sanction in accordance with the law.

第七十四條   行政機關實施行政許可,有下列情形之一的,由其上級行政機關或者監察機關責令改正,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:

Article 74 When implementing an administrative licensing, an administrative organ is under any of the following circumstances shall be ordered to get right by its superior administrative organ or by the supervisory organ, the direct liable persons in charge and other direct liable persons shall be given an administrative sanction; if the violation constitutes a crime, they shall be subject to criminal responsibilities.


1. Granting an administrative license to an applicant who doesn't meet the statutory requirements or making a decision about the approval of an administrative license by exceeding its statutory functions;


2. Failing to grant an administrative license to an applicant who meets the statutory requirements or to make a decision about the approval of the administrative license within the statutory time limit;


(III) Having made a decision on approving an administrative licensing, which shall be decided according to the results of bid invitation or auction, or the exam scores that the applicants get in the examination, without taking the forms of bid invitation, auction or examination, or inconsistent with the results of bid invitation or auction, or with the exam scores the applicants get.

第七十五條   行政機關實施行政許可,擅自收費或者不按照法定項目和標準收費的,由其上級行政機關或者監察機關責令退還非法收取的費用;對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予行政處分。

Article 75 When implementing an administrative licensing, an administrative organ that charges fees without permission or fails to charges fees according to the statutory items and standards shall be ordered to refund the fees collected illegally by its superior administrative organ or by the supervisory organ. The direct liable persons in charge and other liable persons shall be given an administrative sanction in accordance with the law.


The fees collected in implementing an administrative licensing in accordance with the law are withheld, misappropriated, divided privately or divided in a disguised form shall be ordered to be refunded; the direct liable persons in charge and other direct liable persons shall be given an administrative sanction; those who constitute a crime shall be subject to criminal responsibilities.

第七十六條   行政機關違法實施行政許可,給當事人的合法權益造成損害的,應當依照國家賠償法的規定給予賠償。

Article 76 Where an administrative organ impairs the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned due to its illegal implementation of an administrative licensing, it shall make compensations in accordance with the Law on State Compensation.

第七十七條   行政機關不依法履行監督職責或者監督不力,造成嚴重後果的,由其上級行政機關或者監察機關責令改正,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 77 Where an administrative organ fails to perform its supervisory functions or fails to do a good job in this aspect, which causes serious consequences, it shall be ordered to get right by its superior administrative organ or by the supervisory organ, the direct liable persons in charge and other direct liable persons shall be given an administrative sanction; and those whose violation has constituted a crime shall be subject to criminal responsibilities.

第七十八條   行政許可申請人隱瞞有關情況或者提供虛假材料申請行政許可的,行政機關不予受理或者不予行政許可,並給予警告;行政許可申請屬於直接關系公共安全、人身健康、生命財產安全事項的,申請人在一年內不得再次申請該行政許可。

Article 78 Where an applicant for administrative license conceals any relevant information or provides false materials in applying for an administrative license, the administrative organ shall not accept its application or shall not grant it such administrative license, and shall give it a warning; if such an application for administrative license directly concerns the public security, human health and safety of life and property, the applicant shall not re-apply for this administrative license within a year thereafter.

第七十九條   被許可人以欺騙、賄賂等不正當手段取得行政許可的,行政機關應當依法給予行政處罰;取得的行政許可屬於直接關系公共安全、人身健康、生命財產安全事項的,申請人在三年內不得再次申請該行政許可;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 79 Where a licensee obtains an administrative licensing through cheating, offering bribes or any other illegal methods, it shall be given an administrative punishment by the administrative organ in accordance with the law. If the administrative licensing directly concerns public security, human health and safety of life and property, the applicant shall not re-apply for it within 3 years thereafter. If any crime is constituted, it shall be subject to criminal liabilities.

第八十條   被許可人有下列行為之一的,行政機關應當依法給予行政處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:

Article 80 Where a licensee commits any of the following acts, he shall be given an administrative punishment by the administrative organ in accordance with the law; if a crime is constituted, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities:


1. Altering, buying and selling at a profit, leasing or lending a certificate of administrative license, or transferring an administrative license by other illegal means;


2. Conducting activities that exceed the scope of an administrative license;


(III) Concealing the relevant information from the administrative organ responsible for the supervision and check, providing false materials or refusing to provide authentic materials reflecting its activities; or


(IV) other illegal acts as provided for in any law, regulation or rule.

第八十一條   公民、法人或者其他組織未經行政許可,擅自從事依法應當取得行政許可的活動的,行政機關應當依法采取措施予以制止,並依法給予行政處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 81 Without an administrative license, any of the citizens, legal persons or other institutions engaged in the activities under an administrative license shall be stopped by the administrative organ in accordance with the law, and shall be given an administrative punishment; those whose violation has constituted any crime shall be subject to criminal responsibilities.


Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

第八十二條   本法規定的行政機關實施行政許可的期限以工作日計算,不含法定節假日。

Article 82. Time limits stipulated in this Law for implementation of administrative licensing by administrative authorities shall be based on working days and shall exclude statutory holidays.

第八十三條   本法自200471日起施行。

Article 83. This Law shall be effective 1 July 2004.


In accordance with the Law, the legislative organs shall clean up the relevant regulations prior to the implementation of the Law; those inconsistent with the Law shall be abolished from the day when it is implemented.


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