Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate (Revision 2009)
(Adopted at the 8th session of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress on July 5, 2007; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate adopted at the 29th session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress on August 30, 2007; and amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Amending Certain Laws adopted at the 10th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on August 27, 2009)
第一章 總則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一條 為了加強對城市房地產的管理,維護房地產市場秩序,保障房地產權利人的合法權益,促進房地產業的健康發展,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of strengthening administration of urban real estate, safeguarding the order of real estate market, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of real estate rights holders and promoting the healthy development of real estate industry.
第二條 在中華人民共和國城市規劃區國有土地(以下簡稱國有土地)範圍內取得房地產開發用地的土地使用權,從事房地產開發、房地產交易,實施房地產管理,應當遵守本法。
Article 2 Obtaining the land-use right for development of real estate, engaging in development of real estate and transaction of real estate, and exercising administration of real estate in the State-owned land within a planned urban district in the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the State-owned land) shall comply with this Law.
"Houses" as used in this Law means buildings and structures such as houses on the land. "
Development of real estate "as used in this Law means acts of building infrastructure and houses on the State-owned land, the land-use right for which has been obtained in accordance with this Law.
Real estate transactions referred to in this Law shall include transfer, mortgage and leasing of real estate.
第三條 國家依法實行國有土地有償、有限期使用制度。但是,國家在本法規定的範圍內劃撥國有土地使用權的除外。
Article 3 The State shall practise a compensatory and terminable system for the use of State-owned land in accordance with law. However, allocation of the land-use right by the State under this Law shall be excepted.
第四條 國家根據社會、經濟發展水平,扶持發展居民住宅建設,逐步改善居民的居住條件。
Article 4 The State shall, based on the social and economic development, support the development of construction of residential houses so as to gradually improve the housing conditions of residents.
第五條 房地產權利人應當遵守法律和行政法規,依法納稅。房地產權利人的合法權益受法律保護,任何單位和個人不得侵犯。
Article 5 Obligees of real estate shall abide by the laws, administrative rules and regulations and pay taxes according to law. The legitimate rights and interests of real estate right holders shall be protected by the law and shall not be infringed by any organisation or individual.
第六條 為了公共利益的需要,國家可以征收國有土地上單位和個人的房屋,並依法給予拆遷補償,維護被征收人的合法權益;征收個人住宅的,還應當保障被征收人的居住條件。具體辦法由國務院規定。
Article 6 For public interests, houses of units or individuals on the State-owned land may be expropriated by the State, compensations for their resettlement shall be paid according to law, and their lawful rights and interests shall be protected; and where the housings of individuals are expropriated, their living conditions shall be guaranteed. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
第七條 國務院建設行政主管部門、土地管理部門依照國務院規定的職權劃分,各司其職,密切配合,管理全國房地產工作。
Article 7 The department of construction administration and the department of land administration under the State Council shall, in accordance with the division of functions and powers prescribed by the State Council, attend to their own duties, act in close coordination and manage the work concerning real estate of the whole country.
Institutional structures, and functions and powers of the departments of housing administration and land administration under the people's governments at or above the county level shall be determined by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
第二章 房地產開發用地
Chapter 2 Land Used for Development of Real Estate
第一節 土地使用權出讓
Section 1 Grant of Land Use Right
第八條 土地使用權出讓,是指國家將國有土地使用權(以下簡稱土地使用權)在一定年限內出讓給土地使用者,由土地使用者向國家支付土地使用權出讓金的行為。
Article 8 Granting of the land-use right refers to acts that the State grants land users the right to use the State-owned land (hereinafter referred to as the land-use right) for a certain number of years and the users shall pay the State a granting fee for the land-use right.
第九條 城市規劃區內的集體所有的土地,經依法征收轉為國有土地後,該幅國有土地的使用權方可有償出讓。
Article 9 The land-use right for the collective-owned land within a planned urban district may be granted with payment only after it is requisitioned in accordance with the law and turned into State-owned land.
第十條 土地使用權出讓,必須符合土地利用總體規劃、城市規劃和年度建設用地計劃。
Article 10 Granting of the land-use right must conform to the overall planning for land utilization, urban planning and the annual plan for land to be used for construction.
第十一條 縣級以上地方人民政府出讓土地使用權用於房地產開發的,須根據省級以上人民政府下達的控制指標擬訂年度出讓土地使用權總面積方案,按照國務院規定,報國務院或者省級人民政府批準。
Article 11 Where the local people's governments at or above the county level grant land-use right for development of real estate, they must, based on the quota set by the people's governments at or above the provincial level, draw up plans for the total area for annual granting of the land-use right, which shall, according to the regulations of the State Council, be reported to the State Council or the provincial people's government for approval.
第十二條 土地使用權出讓,由市、縣人民政府有計劃、有步驟地進行。出讓的每幅地塊、用途、年限和其他條件,由市、縣人民政府土地管理部門會同城市規劃、建設、房產管理部門共同擬定方案,按照國務院規定,報經有批準權的人民政府批準後,由市、縣人民政府土地管理部門實施。
Article 12 Granting of the land-use right shall be carried out by the people's governments of the cities or counties in a planned and step-by-step way. With regard to each lot granted, plans for its purposes, term of use, and other conditions shall be worked out by the departments of land administration under the people's governments of the cities and counties in conjunction with the competent departments of urban planning, construction and housing administration. Such plans shall, according to the provisions of the State Council, be implemented by the departments of land administration under the people's governments of the cities or counties after their submission to and approval by the people's governments with due authority for approval.
The limit of authority of a county People's Government of a centrally-administered municipality and its relevant departments in respect of the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be stipulated by the People's Government of the centrally-administered municipality.
第十三條 土地使用權出讓,可以采取拍賣、招標或者雙方協議的方式。
Article 13 The land-use right may be granted by means of auction, bidding or agreement between the two parties.
For Land used for commercial, tourism, recreation and luxury housing purposes, where conditions permit, the means of auction or bidding shall be adopted; where conditions do not permit and it is impossible to adopt the means of auction or bidding, the means of agreement between the two parties may be adopted.
Fees for granting the land-use right by means of agreement between the two parties shall not be lower than the minimum price determined in accordance with the provisions of the State.
第十四條 土地使用權出讓最高年限由國務院規定。
Article 14 The maximum term for the granting of the land-use right shall be prescribed by the State Council.
第十五條 土地使用權出讓,應當簽訂書面出讓合同。
Article 15 Granting of the land-use right shall be conducted through concluding a written granting contract.
The contract for granting the land-use right shall be concluded between the departments of land administration under the people's governments of the cities or counties and the land users.
第十六條 土地使用者必須按照出讓合同約定,支付土地使用權出讓金;未按照出讓合同約定支付土地使用權出讓金的,土地管理部門有權解除合同,並可以請求違約賠償。
Article 16 A land user must pay the fees for the granting of the land-use right as agreed upon in the granting contract. In default of such payments, the department of land administration shall have the power to rescind the contract and may demand compensation for the breach of contract.
第十七條 土地使用者按照出讓合同約定支付土地使用權出讓金的,市、縣人民政府土地管理部門必須按照出讓合同約定,提供出讓的土地;未按照出讓合同約定提供出讓的土地的,土地使用者有權解除合同,由土地管理部門返還土地使用權出讓金,土地使用者並可以請求違約賠償。
Article 17 Where a land user has paid the fees for the granting of the land-use right as agreed upon in the granting contract, the department of land administration under the people's government of the city or county must provide the land granted as agreed upon in the granting contract; In default of such provision, the land user shall have the right to cancel the contract, the fees for granting the land-use right shall be returned by the department of land administration, and the land user may demand compensation for the breach of contract.
第十八條 土地使用者需要改變土地使用權出讓合同約定的土地用途的,必須取得出讓方和市、縣人民政府城市規劃行政主管部門的同意,簽訂土地使用權出讓合同變更協議或者重新簽訂土地使用權出讓合同,相應調整土地使用權出讓金。
Article 18 Where a land user who needs to modify the land-use purpose agreed upon in the contract for granting the land-use right, he must obtain the consent of the granting party and the competent administrative department for urban planning under the people's government of the city or county, conclude an agreement on the modification of the granting contract or conclude a new contract for granting the land-use right and the fees for granting the land-use right shall be accordingly readjusted.
第十九條 土地使用權出讓金應當全部上繳財政,列入預算,用於城市基礎設施建設和土地開發。土地使用權出讓金上繳和使用的具體辦法由國務院規定。
Article 19 All the fees for granting the land-use right shall be turned over to the State Treasury and incorporated into the budget so as to be used for the construction of urban infrastructure and for land development. Specific measures for the turning over and use of the fees for granting the land-use right shall be formulated by the State Council.
第二十條 國家對土地使用者依法取得的土地使用權,在出讓合同約定的使用年限屆滿前不收回;在特殊情況下,根據社會公共利益的需要,可以依照法律程序提前收回,並根據土地使用者使用土地的實際年限和開發土地的實際情況給予相應的補償。
Article 20 Before the term for the use of land specified in the contract for granting the land-use right expires, the State is not to recover the land-use right obtained by the land user in accordance with the law. Under special circumstances as required by public interests, the State may, in accordance with legal procedures, recover the land-use right before the expiration of the term and shall make appropriate compensation based on the number of years of utilization and the actual development of the land by the land user.
第二十一條 土地使用權因土地滅失而終止。
Article 21 The land-use right shall be terminated with loss of the Land.
第二十二條 土地使用權出讓合同約定的使用年限屆滿,土地使用者需要繼續使用土地的,應當至遲於屆滿前一年申請續期,除根據社會公共利益需要收回該幅土地的,應當予以批準。經批準準予續期的,應當重新簽訂土地使用權出讓合同,依照規定支付土地使用權出讓金。
Article 22 Where the term for the use of land specified in the contract for granting the land-use right expires, and the land user needs to continue the use of the land, the land user shall apply for an extension of the term no later than one year ahead of the expiration. Such an application shall be approved except for the land to be reclaimed as required by public interests. Upon approval of the extension, the land user shall enter into a new contract for the granting of the land-use right and pay fees for the granting in accordance with the relevant regulations.
Where the term for the use of land specified in the contract for granting the land-use right expires, and the land user has not applied for an extension of the term or his application therefore is not approved in accordance with the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the land-use right shall be reclaimed by the State without compensation.
第二節 土地使用權劃撥
Section 2 Grant of Land-use Right
第二十三條 土地使用權劃撥,是指縣級以上人民政府依法批準,在土地使用者繳納補償、安置等費用後將該幅土地交付其使用,或者將土地使用權無償交付給土地使用者使用的行為。
Article 23 Allocation of the land-use right refers to acts that the people's government at or above the county level, after the land user has paid compensation and expenses for resettlement, etc., approves in accordance with the law to allocate the land to the land user or gratuitously allocates the land-use right to the land user.
Where the land-use right has been obtained by means of allocation in accordance with the provisions of this Law, except as otherwise provided by laws, administrative rules and regulations, there shall be no restriction with respect to the term of use.
第二十四條 下列建設用地的土地使用權,確屬必需的,可以由縣級以上人民政府依法批準劃撥:
Article 24 The land-use right for the following land used for construction may, if really necessary, be allocated upon approval by the people's government at or above the county level in accordance with the law:
1. Land used for State organs or military purposes;
2. Land for urban infrastructure or public welfare;
3. Land used for projects of energy, communications or water conservancy, etc. which are selectively supported by the State; and
(IV) Other land as provided for by laws or administrative regulations.
第三章 房地產開發
Chapter III Development of Real Estate
第二十五條 房地產開發必須嚴格執行城市規劃,按照經濟效益、社會效益、環境效益相統一的原則,實行全面規劃、合理布局、綜合開發、配套建設。
Article 25 The development of real estate must be strictly subjected to the urban planning and carried out in a manner of overall planning, rational distribution, comprehensive development and construction with supporting facilities, in line with the principle of combining the economic, social and environmental benefits.
第二十六條 以出讓方式取得土地使用權進行房地產開發的,必須按照土地使用權出讓合同約定的土地用途、動工開發期限開發土地。超過出讓合同約定的動工開發日期滿一年未動工開發的,可以征收相當於土地使用權出讓金百分之二十以下的土地閑置費;滿二年未動工開發的,可以無償收回土地使用權;但是,因不可抗力或者政府、政府有關部門的行為或者動工開發必需的前期工作造成動工開發遲延的除外。
Article 26 Where the land-use right has been obtained by means of granting for development of real estate, the land must be developed according to the land-use purpose and the time limit for starting the development as agreed upon in the contract for granting the land-use right. Where one year has elapsed from the date for starting the development as agreed upon in the granting contract and the land is not yet developed, fees for idle land which is equivalent to twenty percent or less of the fees for granting the land-use right shall be collected; where two years have elapsed and the land is still not developed, the land-use right may be reclaimed without compensation, however, the circumstances wherein the delay in starting the development is caused by force majeure or acts of governments or their departments concerned or by the early preparations necessary for starting the development shall be excepted.
第二十七條 房地產開發項目的設計、施工,必須符合國家的有關標準和規範。
Article 27 Design and construction of real estate development projects shall comply with the relevant standards and norms of the State.
A completed real estate development project may be delivered for use only upon passing inspection.
第二十八條 依法取得的土地使用權,可以依照本法和有關法律、行政法規的規定,作價入股,合資、合作開發經營房地產。
Article 28 The land-use right obtained pursuant to the law may, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and relevant laws, administrative rules and regulations, be valued and contributed as shares in developing and operating real estate in the form of joint ventures or contractual joint ventures.
第二十九條 國家采取稅收等方面的優惠措施鼓勵和扶持房地產開發企業開發建設居民住宅。
Article 29 The State shall adopt preferential measures in aspects such as taxation to encourage and support real estate development enterprises to develop and construct residential houses.
第三十條 房地產開發企業是以營利為目的,從事房地產開發和經營的企業。設立房地產開發企業,應當具備下列條件:
Article 30 A real estate development enterprise is an enterprise engaged in real estate development and operation for purpose of profit. To establish a real estate development enterprise, the following conditions shall be met:
1. Having its own name and organizational structure;
2. Having a fixed business place;
3. have registered capital conforming to the provisions of the State Council;
(IV) having sufficient professional and technical personnel; and
(V) Other conditions prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
To establish a real estate development enterprise, an application for registration of establishment shall be submitted to the administration for industry and commerce. Where conditions specified in this Law are met, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall register the establishment and issue a business license. Registration shall not be made, where such conditions are not met.
To establish a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company engaged in real estate development and operation, relevant provisions of the Company Law shall also be complied with.
A real estate development enterprise shall file records with the department stipulated by a People's Government of county level and above at the location of the registration authorities within one month from collection of the business licence.
第三十一條 房地產開發企業的注冊資本與投資總額的比例應當符合國家有關規定。
Article 31 The ratio of registered capital to total investment amount of a real estate development enterprise shall comply with the relevant provisions of the State.
Where a real estate development enterprise develops real estate in phases, the amount of phased investment shall be commensurate with the scale of the project and the capital shall be put into construction of the project on schedule as agreed upon in the contract for granting the land-use right.
第四章 房地產交易
Chapter 4 Transaction of Real Estate
第一節 一般規定
Section 1 General Provisions
第三十二條 房地產轉讓、抵押時,房屋的所有權和該房屋占用範圍內的土地使用權同時轉讓、抵押。
Article 32 In the transfer or mortgage of real estate, the ownership of the house and the land-use right to the house site shall be transferred or mortgaged therewith.
第三十三條 基準地價、標定地價和各類房屋的重置價格應當定期確定並公布。具體辦法由國務院規定。
Article 33 The basic land price, standard land price and replacement prices for houses of various types shall be determined and made public regularly. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
第三十四條 國家實行房地產價格評估制度。
Article 34 The State shall practise an appraisal system for real estate prices.
Valuation of real estate prices shall comply with the principles of equitableness, fairness and transparency; valuation shall be carried out pursuant to the technical standards and valuation procedures stipulated by the State and based on the benchmark land price, valuated land price and replacement price for various types of buildings and with reference to the local market prices.
第三十五條 國家實行房地產成交價格申報制度。
Article 35 The State shall practise a report system for real estate transaction prices.
An obligee of real estate shall, in transfer of his real estate, truthfully report the transaction price to the department designated by the local people's government at or above the county level and shall not make a concealed or false report.
第三十六條 房地產轉讓、抵押,當事人應當依照本法第五章的規定辦理權屬登記。
Article 36 Where real estate is transferred or mortgaged, the party concerned shall register the ownership of the real estate pursuant to the provisions of Chapter V of this Law.
第二節 房地產轉讓
Section 2 Transfer of Real Property
第三十七條 房地產轉讓,是指房地產權利人通過買賣、贈與或者其他合法方式將其房地產轉移給他人的行為。
Article 37 Transfer of real estate refers to acts that an obligee of real estate transfers his real estate to another person through sale, donation or other legal means.
第三十八條 下列房地產,不得轉讓:
Article 38 No following real estate shall be transferred:
1. The land-use right has been obtained by means of granting, however, not meeting conditions set forth in Article 39 of this Law;
2. the judicial department or administrative agency adjudicated or decided to seal up the right to the real estate or restrict the owner in other forms;
3. The land-use right has been reclaimed in accordance with the law;
(IV) For jointly-owned real estate, written consent of other co-owners has not been obtained;
(V) The ownership is under dispute;
(VI) The real estate has not been registered in accordance with the law and the certificate of the ownership has not been obtained;
(VII) Other circumstances under which transfer is prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.
第三十九條 以出讓方式取得土地使用權的,轉讓房地產時,應當符合下列條件:
Article 39 Where the land-use right has been obtained by means of granting, transfer of the real estate shall meet the following conditions:
1. All assignment fees for the land use right have been paid according to the assignment contract, and the land use right certificate has been obtained;
(II) Having invested for development as agreed upon in the granting contract and having fulfilled twenty-five percent or more of the total investment for development in the case of housing projects, or having constituted conditions of land-use for industrial purposes or other construction projects in the case of developing tracts of land.
Where real estate is transferred with the construction of houses completed, the certificate of the house ownership shall be acquired.
第四十條 以劃撥方式取得土地使用權的,轉讓房地產時,應當按照國務院規定,報有批準權的人民政府審批。有批準權的人民政府準予轉讓的,應當由受讓方辦理土地使用權出讓手續,並依照國家有關規定繳納土地使用權出讓金。
Article 40 Where the land-use right has been obtained by means of allocation, the transfer of the real estate shall, according to the regulations of the State Council, be reported for examination and approval to the people's government that has the authority for approval. Upon approval of the transfer by the people's government with the authority for approval, the transferee shall go through the formalities for the granting of the land-use right and pay the fees therefore according to the relevant regulations of the State.
Where the land-use right has been obtained by means of allocation and where, when the transfer of the real estate is reported for approval, the people's government that has the authority for approval decides in accordance with the regulations of the State Council that the formalities for granting the land-use right need not be gone through, the transferor shall, pursuant to the regulations of the State Council, turn over to the State the proceeds obtained from land in the transfer of the real estate or dispose of such proceeds otherwise.
第四十一條 房地產轉讓,應當簽訂書面轉讓合同,合同中應當載明土地使用權取得的方式。
Article 41 For the transfer of real estate, a written transfer contract shall be concluded in which the means of obtaining the land-use right shall be stated.
第四十二條 房地產轉讓時,土地使用權出讓合同載明的權利、義務隨之轉移。
Article 42 When real estate is transferred, the rights and obligations stated in the contract for granting the land-use right shall be transferred therewith.
第四十三條 以出讓方式取得土地使用權的,轉讓房地產後,其土地使用權的使用年限為原土地使用權出讓合同約定的使用年限減去原土地使用者已經使用年限後的剩餘年限。
Article 43 Where the land-use right has been obtained by means of granting and after the real estate has been transferred, the term for the use of the land-use right shall be the remaining years after subtracting the years of use by the former land user from the original term agreed upon in the contract for granting the land-use right.
第四十四條 以出讓方式取得土地使用權的,轉讓房地產後,受讓人改變原土地使用權出讓合同約定的土地用途的,必須取得原出讓方和市、縣人民政府城市規劃行政主管部門的同意,簽訂土地使用權出讓合同變更協議或者重新簽訂土地使用權出讓合同,相應調整土地使用權出讓金。
Article 44 Where the land-use right has been obtained by means of granting and after the real estate has been transferred, the transferee modifies the land-use purpose agreed upon in the contract for granting the land-use right, the transferee must obtain consent from the transferor and the administrative department for urban planning under the people's government of the relevant city or county, and conclude an agreement on the modification of the contract for granting the land-use right or enter into a new contract for granting the land-use right and readjust the fees for granting the land-use right accordingly.
第四十五條 商品房預售,應當符合下列條件:
Article 45 For the presale of commercial houses, the following conditions shall be met:
1. Having paid all the fees for the granting of the land-use right and obtained the certificate of the land-use right;
2. Having a permit for construction project planning;
(III) The funds put into the development construction having reached twenty-five percent or more of the total investment for the construction project, computed on the basis of the commercial houses provided for pre-sale, and the schedule of construction and the date of completion for delivery having been set; and
(IV) Having made registration for presale with the administrative department in charge of house property under the people's government at or above the county level and having obtained the certificate of permission for the presale of commercial houses.
Pre-sellers of commercial houses shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, submit the presale contracts to the departments of housing administration and departments of land administration under the people's governments at or above the county level for registration and record.
Proceeds from the presale of commercial houses must be used for the relevant construction projects.
第四十六條 商品房預售的,商品房預購人將購買的未竣工的預售商品房再行轉讓的問題,由國務院規定。
Article 46 In the case of presale of commercial houses, matters concerning the transfer of unfinished presale commercial houses that the buyers have purchased shall be prescribed by the State Council.
第三節 房地產抵押
Section 3 Mortgage of Real Estate
第四十七條 房地產抵押,是指抵押人以其合法的房地產以不轉移占有的方式向抵押權人提供債務履行擔保的行為。債務人不履行債務時,抵押權人有權依法以抵押的房地產拍賣所得的價款優先受償。
Article 47 Mortgage of real estate refers to acts that a mortgagor provides the mortgagee security for the payment of a debt with his legal real estate in the manner that the possession of his real estate is not transferred. Where a debtor fails to pay his debt, the mortgagee shall have the right in accordance with the law to enjoy the priority in compensation to be paid with funds obtained from auction of the real estate mortgaged.
第四十八條 依法取得的房屋所有權連同該房屋占用範圍內的土地使用權,可以設定抵押權。
Article 48 A mortgage may be created on the ownership of a house obtained according to law together with the land-use right to the house site.
A mortgage may be created on the land-use right obtained by means of granting.
第四十九條 房地產抵押,應當憑土地使用權證書、房屋所有權證書辦理。
Article 49 The mortgage of real estate shall be dealt with on the strength of the certificate of the land-use right and the certificate of ownership of the house.
第五十條 房地產抵押,抵押人和抵押權人應當簽訂書面抵押合同。
Article 50 For the mortgage of real estate, the mortgagor and the mortgagee shall enter into a written mortgage contract.
第五十一條 設定房地產抵押權的土地使用權是以劃撥方式取得的,依法拍賣該房地產後,應當從拍賣所得的價款中繳納相當於應繳納的土地使用權出讓金的款額後,抵押權人方可優先受償。
Article 51 Where the land-use right on which a mortgage is created has been obtained by means of allocation, the mortgagee may enjoy the priority in compensation only after the amount equal to the fees for the granting of the land-use right has been paid from the funds obtained from auction of the real estate done in accordance with the law.
第五十二條 房地產抵押合同簽訂後,土地上新增的房屋不屬於抵押財產。需要拍賣該抵押的房地產時,可以依法將土地上新增的房屋與抵押財產一同拍賣,但對拍賣新增房屋所得,抵押權人無權優先受償。
Article 52 After a contract for the mortgage of the real estate has been concluded, newly-built houses on the land shall not be regarded as the mortgaged asset. If the mortgaged real estate needs to be sold by auction, the newly-built houses on the land may be auctioned off according to law together with the mortgaged assets. However, the mortgagee shall not have the priority in compensation with respect to the funds obtained from auction of the newly-built houses.
第四節 房屋租賃
Section 4 Lease of the Premises
第五十三條 房屋租賃,是指房屋所有權人作為出租人將其房屋出租給承租人使用,由承租人向出租人支付租金的行為。
Article 53 Leasing of real estate shall refer to the act of lease of building by the owner to a lessee and payment of rent by the lessee to the lessor.
第五十四條 房屋租賃,出租人和承租人應當簽訂書面租賃合同,約定租賃期限、租賃用途、租賃價格、修缮責任等條款,以及雙方的其他權利和義務,並向房產管理部門登記備案。
Article 54 In the lease of a house, the leaser and the leasee shall conclude a written lease contract defining such matters as the term, purpose and price of the lease, liability for repair, as well as other rights and obligations of both parties, and shall register the lease with the department of housing administration for the record.
第五十五條 住宅用房的租賃,應當執行國家和房屋所在城市人民政府規定的租賃政策。租用房屋從事生產、經營活動的,由租賃雙方協商議定租金和其他租賃條款。
Article 55 Lease of residential houses shall be carried out in accordance with policies on lease formulated by the State and the people's government of the city where the houses are located. Where houses are leased for activities of production and business operation, the rent and other terms for the lease shall be determined by both parties through consultation.
第五十六條 以營利為目的,房屋所有權人將以劃撥方式取得使用權的國有土地上建成的房屋出租的,應當將租金中所含土地收益上繳國家。具體辦法由國務院規定。
Article 56 Where an owner of a house, for profit-making purposes, leases the house built on the State-owned land, the land-use right for which has been obtained by means of allocation, he shall turn over to the State the proceeds derived from the land and contained in the rent. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
第五節 中介服務機構
Section 5 Intermediary Service Agencies
第五十七條 房地產中介服務機構包括房地產諮詢機構、房地產價格評估機構、房地產經紀機構等。
Article 57 Intermediary service agencies for real estate include real estate consultant agencies, real estate price appraisal agencies and real estate broking agencies.
第五十八條 房地產中介服務機構應當具備下列條件:
Article 58 Intermediary service agencies for real estate shall meet the following conditions:
1. Having its own name and organizational structure;
2. Having fixed service places;
(III) to have necessary property and funds;
(IV) to have sufficient professional personnel; and
(V) Other conditions prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
For establishing an intermediary service agency for real estate, an application for registration of the establishment shall be submitted to the administrative department for industry and commerce and a business license shall be obtained, before it starts its business.
第五十九條 國家實行房地產價格評估人員資格認證制度。
Article 59 The State shall practise a qualification authentication system for real estate price appraisers.
第五章 房地產權屬登記管理
Chapter 5 Administration of Real Estate Ownership Registration
第六十條 國家實行土地使用權和房屋所有權登記發證制度。
Article 60 The State shall practise a system of registration and certification for land-use right and ownership of houses.
第六十一條 以出讓或者劃撥方式取得土地使用權,應當向縣級以上地方人民政府土地管理部門申請登記,經縣級以上地方人民政府土地管理部門核實,由同級人民政府頒發土地使用權證書。
Article 61 Where the land-use right is to be obtained by means of granting or allocation, an application for registration shall be submitted to the department of land administration under the local people's government at or above the county level. Upon verification by the department of land administration under the local people's government at or above the county level, the certificate of the land-use right shall be issued by the people's government at the corresponding level.
Where a house is built on the land for real estate development obtained pursuant to the law, an application for registration shall, on the strength of the certificate of land-use right, be submitted to the department of housing administration under the local people's government at or above the county level. The department of housing administration under the local people's government at or above the county level shall issue a certificate of the ownership of the house after verification.
Where transfer or modification of real estate is to be made, an application for registration of the modification of house property shall be submitted to the department of housing administration under the local people's government at or above the county level and on the strength of the certificate of the modified ownership of the house, an application for registration of the modification of the land-use right shall be submitted to the department of land administration under the people's government at the corresponding level. Upon verification by the department of land administration under the people's government at the corresponding level, a new or a modified certificate of the land-use right shall be issued by the people's government at the corresponding level.
Where provided otherwise by laws, the provisions of such laws shall apply.
第六十二條 房地產抵押時,應當向縣級以上地方人民政府規定的部門辦理抵押登記。
Article 62 Where real estate is to be mortgaged, registration of mortgage shall be made with the department designated by the local people's government at or above the county level.
Where the land-use right and the ownership of a house have been obtained from disposal of mortgaged real estate, the change of ownership for the land-use right and the house shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
第六十三條 經省、自治區、直轄市人民政府確定,縣級以上地方人民政府由一個部門統一負責房產管理和土地管理工作的,可以制作、頒發統一的房地產權證書,依照本法第六十一條的規定,將房屋的所有權和該房屋占用範圍內的土地使用權的確認和變更,分別載入房地產權證書。
Article 63 Where a department of the local people's government at or above the county level is in charge of both housing administration and land administration as determined by the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, such department may make and issue the uniform certificate of the ownership of real estate, in which the confirmation and modification of the ownership of houses and the land-use right of the house site shall be recorded respectively in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of this Law.
第六章 法律責任
Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities
第六十四條 違反本法第十一條、第十二條的規定,擅自批準出讓或者擅自出讓土地使用權用於房地產開發的,由上級機關或者所在單位給予有關責任人員行政處分。
Article 64 Persons accountable for violation of the provisions of Article 11 and Article 12 in approving assignment or making assignment of land use right arbitrarily for real estate development use shall be subject to administrative punishment meted out by the superior authorities or their reporting unit.
第六十五條 違反本法第三十條的規定,未取得營業執照擅自從事房地產開發業務的,由縣級以上人民政府工商行政管理部門責令停止房地產開發業務活動,沒收違法所得,可以並處罰款。
Article 65 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of Article 30 of this Law, engages in business of real estate development without obtaining a business license shall be ordered to stop activities of real estate development and confiscated of his unlawful proceeds and may be concurrently imposed a fine by the administrative department for industry and commerce under the people's government at or above the county level.
第六十六條 違反本法第三十九條第一款的規定轉讓土地使用權的,由縣級以上人民政府土地管理部門沒收違法所得,可以並處罰款。
Article 66 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 39 of this Law, transfers the land-use right shall be confiscated of his unlawful proceeds and may be concurrently imposed a fine by the department of land administration under the people's government at or above the county level.
第六十七條 違反本法第四十條第一款的規定轉讓房地產的,由縣級以上人民政府土地管理部門責令繳納土地使用權出讓金,沒收違法所得,可以並處罰款。
Article 67 Persons guilty of violation of the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 40 on transfer of real estate shall be ordered by the land administration authorities of a People's Government of county level and above to pay land use right assignment fee; illegal income shall be confiscated and a fine may be imposed.
第六十八條 違反本法第四十五條第一款的規定預售商品房的,由縣級以上人民政府房產管理部門責令停止預售活動,沒收違法所得,可以並處罰款。
Article 68 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 45 of this Law, pre-sells commercial houses shall be ordered to stop activities of presale, confiscated of his unlawful proceeds and may concurrently be imposed a fine by the department of housing administration under the people's government at or above the county level.
第六十九條 違反本法第五十八條的規定,未取得營業執照擅自從事房地產中介服務業務的,由縣級以上人民政府工商行政管理部門責令停止房地產中介服務業務活動,沒收違法所得,可以並處罰款。
Article 69 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of Article 58 of this Law, engages in intermediary services for real estate business without obtaining a business license shall be ordered to stop activities of intermediary services for real estate business, confiscated of his unlawful proceeds and may concurrently be imposed a fine by the administrative department for industry and commerce under the people's government at or above the county level.
第七十條 沒有法律、法規的依據,向房地產開發企業收費的,上級機關應當責令退回所收取的錢款;情節嚴重的,由上級機關或者所在單位給予直接責任人員行政處分。
Article 70 Whoever collects fees from a real estate development enterprise without the basis of laws, rules and regulations shall be ordered by the organ at a higher level to return the fees thus collected; if the circumstances are serious, the person who is held directly responsible shall be given an administrative sanction by the organ at a higher level or by the unit to which he belongs.
第七十一條 房產管理部門、土地管理部門工作人員玩忽職守、濫用職權,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;不構成犯罪的,給予行政處分。
Article 71 Where functionaries of departments of housing administration or land administration commit negligence of duty or abuse of power and the case constitutes a crime, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities in accordance with the law; if the case does not constitute a crime, they shall be given administrative sanctions.
Personnel of real estate administration authorities and land administration authorities guilty of taking advantage of their positions to accept property from others illegally shall be subject to administrative punishment if the case does not constitute a criminal offence; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.
第七章 附則
Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions
第七十二條 在城市規劃區外的國有土地範圍內取得房地產開發用地的土地使用權,從事房地產開發、交易活動以及實施房地產管理,參照本法執行。
Article 72 This Law shall be applied mutatis mutandis in obtaining the land-use right for development of real estate, engaging in development of real estate and transaction of real estate, and exercising administration of real estate in the State-owned land outside of a planned urban district.
第七十三條 本法自1995年1月1日起施行。
Article 73 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 1995.
轉載請注明出處: 法總荟 » 中華人民共和國城市房地產管理法(2009修正)(中英文對照版)
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