


Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China


Order of the President No.69


The Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the 29th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 30, 2007, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of November 1, 2007.

中華人民共和國主席 胡錦濤

President Hu Jintao


August 30, 2007


(Adopted at the 29th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on August 30, 2007)



Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 預防與應急準備

Chapter 2 Prevention and Emergency Preparedness

  第三章 監測與預警

Chapter 3 Monitoring and Early Warning

  第四章 應急處置與救援

Chapter 4 Emergency Response and Rescue

  第五章 事後恢複與重建

Chapter 5 Recovery and Reconstruction

  第六章 法律責任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities


Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了預防和減少突發事件的發生,控制、減輕和消除突發事件引起的嚴重社會危害,規範突發事件應對活動,保護人民生命財產安全,維護國家安全、公共安全、環境安全和社會秩序,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted in order to prevent and reduce the occurrence of emergencies, control, mitigate and eliminate the serious social harm caused by emergencies, regulate the activities in response to emergencies, protect the life and property of the people, and maintain national security, public security, environmental safety and social order.

第二條   突發事件的預防與應急準備、監測與預警、應急處置與救援、事後恢複與重建等應對活動,適用本法。

Article 2 This Law is applicable to such activities as the prevention and preparation, monitoring and early warning, emergency disposal and rescue, and post- emergency rehabilitation and reconstruction for emergencies.

第三條   本法所稱突發事件,是指突然發生,造成或者可能造成嚴重社會危害,需要采取應急處置措施予以應對的自然災害、事故災難、公共衛生事件和社會安全事件。

Article 3 For the purposes of this Law, emergencies include natural disasters, calamitous accidents, public health incidents and public security incidents, which occur suddenly and have caused or may cause serious social harm and for which measures for handling emergencies need to be adopted.


According to such factors as the degree of social damage and scope of impact, natural disasters, accidental disasters and public health incidents are classified into four levels: extremely serious, serious, relatively serious and ordinary. Where the laws, administrative regulations or the State Council stipulate otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.


The standards for classification of emergencies shall be formulated by the State Council or the department designated by the State Council.

第四條   國家建立統一領導、綜合協調、分類管理、分級負責、屬地管理為主的應急管理體制。

Article 4 The State establishes a system for administration of emergency response, which is characterized by unified leadership, comprehensive coordination, categorized management, responsibility at different levels and, chiefly, territorial management.

第五條   突發事件應對工作實行預防為主、預防與應急相結合的原則。國家建立重大突發事件風險評估體系,對可能發生的突發事件進行綜合性評估,減少重大突發事件的發生,最大限度地減輕重大突發事件的影響。

Article 5 The principle of putting prevention first and combining prevention with emergency response shall be applied in the response to emergencies. The State shall establish a risk assessment system for major emergencies, carry out comprehensive assessment of potential emergencies, reduce the occurrence of major emergencies, and minimize the impact of major emergencies.

第六條   國家建立有效的社會動員機制,增強全民的公共安全和防範風險的意識,提高全社會的避險救助能力。

Article 6 The State shall establish an effective social mobilization mechanism to enhance all citizens' awareness of public security and risk prevention and control and improve the ability of the whole society to avoid risks and give assistance.

第七條   縣級人民政府對本行政區域內突發事件的應對工作負責;涉及兩個以上行政區域的,由有關行政區域共同的上一級人民政府負責,或者由各有關行政區域的上一級人民政府共同負責。

Article 7 The people's government at the county level shall be responsible for making a response to an emergency incident within its administrative region; where two or more administrative regions are involved in an emergency incident, the common people's government at the next higher level for the relevant administrative regions or the people's governments at the next higher level for the relevant administrative regions shall be responsible for making a joint response.


After the occurrence of an emergency incident, the people's government at the county level at the place of occurrence shall immediately take measures to control the development of the incident, organize and carry out emergency response rescue activities and operations, and immediately report the matter to the people's government at the next higher level or, when necessary, do so by bypassing the people's government at the next higher level.


Where the people's government at the county level at the place where an emergency occurs is unable to eliminate or effectively control the serious social harm caused by the emergency, it shall, in a timely manner, report the matter to the people's government at a higher level. The people's government at the next higher level shall promptly take measures and be solely responsible for directing emergency response operations.


Where laws or administrative regulations provide that the relevant department of the State Council shall be responsible for making a response to an emergency incident, such provisions shall prevail; and local people's governments shall actively cooperate and provide the necessary support.

第八條   國務院在總理領導下研究、決定和部署特別重大突發事件的應對工作;根據實際需要,設立國家突發事件應急指揮機構,負責突發事件應對工作;必要時,國務院可以派出工作組指導有關工作。

Article 8 The State Council shall, under the leadership of the Premier, study, decide on, and make deployment for, response to especially serious emergencies; it shall, in light of actual need, establish a national command for emergency response, which shall be responsible for work in this respect; and when necessary, it may send a work team to guide the relevant work.


Local people's governments at or above the county level shall set up a command for emergency response, which is composed of the principal leading persons of the said people's government, the leading persons of the departments concerned and the relevant leading persons of the units of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and of the People's Armed Police Force stationed there, to exercise unified leadership over and coordinate the work of the relevant departments of the said people's government and the people's governments at lower levels in responding to emergencies; and they shall, in light of actual need, set up commands commensurate with the types of emergencies, which shall organize, coordinate and direct the work of responding to emergencies.


The competent departments of the people's governments at higher levels shall, within the scope of their respective duties, give guidance and assistance to the people's governments at lower levels and their relevant departments in making a success of the response to a relevant emergency incident.

第九條   國務院和縣級以上地方各級人民政府是突發事件應對工作的行政領導機關,其辦事機構及具體職責由國務院規定。

Article 9 The State Council and the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be the leading administrative organs for response to emergencies, and their offices and specific duties shall be defined by the State Council.

第十條   有關人民政府及其部門作出的應對突發事件的決定、命令,應當及時公布。

Article 10 Decisions and orders made by a relevant people's government and its departments in response to an emergency incident shall be made public in a timely manner.

第十一條   有關人民政府及其部門采取的應對突發事件的措施,應當與突發事件可能造成的社會危害的性質、程度和範圍相適應;有多種措施可供選擇的,應當選擇有利於最大程度地保護公民、法人和其他組織權益的措施。

Article 11 The measures taken by the relevant people's government and its departments in response to an emergency shall be commensurate with the nature, extent and scope of the social harm that may be caused by the emergency; and where multiple measures are available, the measures shall be taken to protect the rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations to the maximum extent.


Citizens, legal persons and other organizations are obligated to participate in emergency response activities.

第十二條   有關人民政府及其部門為應對突發事件,可以征用單位和個人的財產。被征用的財產在使用完畢或者突發事件應急處置工作結束後,應當及時返還。財產被征用或者征用後毀損、滅失的,應當給予補償。

Article 12 To respond to an emergency, the relevant people's government and its departments may expropriate the property of units and individuals. The expropriated property shall be timely returned after the completion of use or emergency response operations. Where property is expropriated or the property is damaged or lost after expropriation, appropriate compensation shall be made.

第十三條   因采取突發事件應對措施,訴訟、行政複議、仲裁活動不能正常進行的,適用有關時效中止和程序中止的規定,但法律另有規定的除外。

Article 13 Where litigation, administrative reconsideration or arbitration cannot be conducted normally because of the adoption of emergency response measures, the provisions on suspension of limitation period or of proceedings shall apply, unless otherwise provided by law.

第十四條   中國人民解放軍、中國人民武裝警察部隊和民兵組織依照本法和其他有關法律、行政法規、軍事法規的規定以及國務院、中央軍事委員會的命令,參加突發事件的應急救援和處置工作。

Article 14 The People's Liberation Army of China, People's Armed Police Force and militia organizations shall participate in the emergency response rescue activities and operations in accordance with the provisions of this Law and other relevant laws, administrative regulations and military regulations as well as orders of the State Council and the Central Military Commission.

第十五條   中華人民共和國政府在突發事件的預防、監測與預警、應急處置與救援、事後恢複與重建等方面,同外國政府和有關國際組織開展合作與交流。

Article 15 The Government of the People's Republic of China shall carry out cooperation and exchange with the governments of other countries and the international organizations concerned in areas of emergency prevention, monitoring, early warning, emergency handling, rescue and relief, and post-emergency rehabilitation and reconstruction.

第十六條   縣級以上人民政府作出應對突發事件的決定、命令,應當報本級人民代表大會常務委員會備案;突發事件應急處置工作結束後,應當向本級人民代表大會常務委員會作出專項工作報告。

Article 16 Decisions and orders made by a people's government at or above the county level in response to an emergency incident shall be submitted for the record to the standing committee of the people's congress at the same level; and after the completion of emergency response operations, the people's government shall make a special work report to the standing committee of the people's congress at the same level.

第二章 預防與應急準備

Chapter 2 Prevention and Emergency Preparedness

第十七條   國家建立健全突發事件應急預案體系。

Article 17 The State establishes a sound emergency response plan system.


The State Council shall make an overall state emergency response plan, and make arrangements for making a special state emergency response plan; and relevant departments of the State Council shall make a departmental state emergency response plan according to their respective functions and duties and in line with the relevant emergency response plans of the State Council.


Local people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments of the Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, rules, and the contingency plans prepared by the people's governments at higher levels and their relevant departments, and in light of the actual local conditions, make appropriate contingency plans for emergencies.


The authority making contingency plans shall modify the contingency plans from time to time according to actual needs and changes in situations. The procedures for making and amending contingency plans shall be formulated by the State Council.

第十八條   應急預案應當根據本法和其他有關法律、法規的規定,針對突發事件的性質、特點和可能造成的社會危害,具體規定突發事件應急管理工作的組織指揮體系與職責和突發事件的預防與預警機制、處置程序、應急保障措施以及事後恢複與重建措施等內容。

Article 18 In a precautionary plan in response to an emergency shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the relevant laws and regulations and in light of the nature and characteristics of the emergency and the potential social harm it may cause, be specified the organizational setup of command in response to the emergency and the duties of administration, the mechanism for prevention and early warning, the procedure for emergency handling, the guarantee measures in response to the emergency, the measures for post-emergency rehabilitation and reconstruction, etc.

第十九條   城鄉規劃應當符合預防、處置突發事件的需要,統籌安排應對突發事件所必需的設備和基礎設施建設,合理確定應急避難場所。

Article 19 Urban or rural planning shall meet the needs for prevention and handling of an emergency, make overall arrangements for equipment and infrastructure construction necessary for emergency response, and rationally determine emergency shelters.

第二十條   縣級人民政府應當對本行政區域內容易引發自然災害、事故災難和公共衛生事件的危險源、危險區域進行調查、登記、風險評估,定期進行檢查、監控,並責令有關單位采取安全防範措施。

Article 20 The people's government at the county level shall, within its administrative area, check and register the sources of danger, which are liable to give rise to natural disasters, calamitous accidents and public health incidents, and the dangerous areas, assess the risks, regularly inspect and monitor such sources and areas, and order the units concerned to take safety and prevention measures.


People's governments at the provincial level or the people's governments of cities with districts shall make investigations, registrations and risk assessments of hazard sources and hazardous areas within their respective administrative regions which is likely to give rise to extremely serious or serious emergencies, make arrangements for inspections and monitoring and control, and order the entities concerned to take appropriate preventive safety measures.


The sources of danger and the dangerous areas registered according to the provisions of this Law by the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with State regulations, be made known to the public in a timely manner.

第二十一條   縣級人民政府及其有關部門、鄉級人民政府、街道辦事處、居民委員會、村民委員會應當及時調解處理可能引發社會安全事件的矛盾糾紛。

Article 21 The people's governments at the county level and their relevant departments, the people's governments at the township level, the sub- district offices, the residents' committees and the villagers' committees shall, in a timely manner, mediate and handle the conflicts and disputes which may cause incidents endangering public security.

第二十二條   所有單位應當建立健全安全管理制度,定期檢查本單位各項安全防範措施的落實情況,及時消除事故隱患;掌握並及時處理本單位存在的可能引發社會安全事件的問題,防止矛盾激化和事態擴大;對本單位可能發生的突發事件和采取安全防範措施的情況,應當按照規定及時向所在地人民政府或者人民政府有關部門報告。

Article 22 Every unit shall establish a sound safety management system, regularly inspect the implementation of all its safety and prevention measures, and eliminate the hidden dangers in a timely manner; it shall grasp the problems existing in the unit that may cause incidents endangering public security and deal with them in a timely manner, in order to prevent the conflicts from intensifying and the situation from going out of control; and it shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, report in a timely manner the emergency that may occur in the unit and the safety and prevention measures taken therefor to the local people's government or its relevant department.

第二十三條   礦山、建築施工單位和易燃易爆物品、危險化學品、放射性物品等危險物品的生產、經營、儲運、使用單位,應當制定具體應急預案,並對生產經營場所、有危險物品的建築物、構築物及周邊環境開展隱患排查,及時采取措施消除隱患,防止發生突發事件。

Article 23 Mines, construction units, and the units manufacturing, distributing, storing, transporting or using such hazardous articles as inflammable and explosive substances, dangerous chemicals and radioactive substances shall make emergency response plans, conduct screening inspection of the production and business operation sites, buildings and structures where hazardous articles are placed and the surrounding environment, and take timely measures to eliminate the hidden dangers and prevent the occurrence of emergencies.

第二十四條   公共交通工具、公共場所和其他人員密集場所的經營單位或者管理單位應當制定具體應急預案,為交通工具和有關場所配備報警裝置和必要的應急救援設備、設施,注明其使用方法,並顯著標明安全撤離的通道、路線,保證安全通道、出口的暢通。

Article 24 The units that operate or manage public means of transportation, public places or other places with a high density of people shall make emergency preplans, equip means of transportation or relevant places with alarm devices and necessary emergency rescue and relief equipment and facilities, clearly indicate their usage, mark the passages and routes for safe evacuation, and ensure that the safety passages and exits are unblocked.


The relevant units shall have the alarm devices and the emergency rescue and relief equipment and facilities regularly checked and maintained, in order that they are kept in good repair and ready for normal use.

第二十五條   縣級以上人民政府應當建立健全突發事件應急管理培訓制度,對人民政府及其有關部門負有處置突發事件職責的工作人員定期進行培訓。

Article 25 People's governments at or above the county level shall establish a sound training system for emergency response management to periodically train personnel of such people's governments and of their relevant departments who are responsible for emergency response operations.

第二十六條   縣級以上人民政府應當整合應急資源,建立或者確定綜合性應急救援隊伍。人民政府有關部門可以根據實際需要設立專業應急救援隊伍。

Article 26 People's governments at or above the county level shall integrate their resources for emergency response, and form or designate teams for comprehensive emergency response rescue and relief. The relevant departments of the people's governments may, in light of actual need, build a professional emergency response rescue team.


People's governments at and above the county level and their relevant departments may establish an emergency response rescue team consisting of adult volunteers. An entity shall establish a full-time or part-time emergency rescue team composed of its employees.


People's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen cooperation between professional and non-professional teams for emergency rescue, by conducting joint training and joint drills, in order to raise their ability of combined and coordinated response to emergencies.

第二十七條   國務院有關部門、縣級以上地方各級人民政府及其有關部門、有關單位應當為專業應急救援人員購買人身意外傷害保險,配備必要的防護裝備和器材,減少應急救援人員的人身風險。

Article 27 The relevant departments of the State Council, local people's governments at and above the county level and their relevant departments and relevant units shall purchase personal accident insurance for professional emergency rescue personnel, equip them with necessary protective equipment and instruments, and reduce the personal risks of emergency rescue personnel.

第二十八條   中國人民解放軍、中國人民武裝警察部隊和民兵組織應當有計劃地組織開展應急救援的專門訓練。

Article 28 The Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and the militia shall, in a planned way, organize and conduct special training for emergency rescue.

第二十九條   縣級人民政府及其有關部門、鄉級人民政府、街道辦事處應當組織開展應急知識的宣傳普及活動和必要的應急演練。

Article 29 People's governments at the county level and their relevant departments, people's governments at the township level, and sub- district offices shall organize and conduct publicity of emergency response knowledge and necessary emergency response drills.


Residents' committees, villagers' committees, enterprises and public institutions shall, in compliance with the requirements of the people's government at the place where they are located and in light of their respective actual conditions, conduct dissemination of the knowledge on emergency response and the necessary emergency response drills.


News media shall carry out free and charitable publicity activities with respect to emergency incident prevention and response, self-rescue and mutual rescue.

第三十條   各級各類學校應當把應急知識教育納入教學內容,對學生進行應急知識教育,培養學生的安全意識和自救與互救能力。

Article 30 Schools at various levels and of various types shall include emergency response knowledge education in their curriculum to educate students on emergency response knowledge and foster the safety awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue abilities of students.


The competent education departments shall guide and supervise schools in carrying out education on emergency response knowledge.

第三十一條   國務院和縣級以上地方各級人民政府應當采取財政措施,保障突發事件應對工作所需經費。

Article 31 The State Council and the local people's governments at or above the county level shall take fiscal measures to guarantee the funds needed for emergency response.

第三十二條   國家建立健全應急物資儲備保障制度,完善重要應急物資的監管、生產、儲備、調撥和緊急配送體系。

Article 32 The State establishes a sound guarantee system for material reserves for emergency response, and improves the system of supervision, production, reserve, allocation and urgent distribution of the important materials for emergency response.


People's governments at or above the level of a city divided into districts and people's governments at the county level at the places where emergencies are liable to occur or occur frequently shall establish a system for reservation of materials for emergency rescue, of the daily necessities and of the gears for emergency handling.


Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of their local realities, enter into agreements with the enterprises concerned to ensure the production and supply of the materials for emergency rescue, of the daily necessities and of the gears for emergency handling.

第三十三條   國家建立健全應急通信保障體系,完善公用通信網,建立有線與無線相結合、基礎電信網絡與機動通信系統相配套的應急通信系統,確保突發事件應對工作的通信暢通。

Article 33 The State establishes a sound guarantee system for emergency communication, improves the public communication network, and establishes an emergency communication system which combines wire and wireless communication and which combines the basic telecommunication network and the mobile communication system, in order to ensure the smoothness of communications for emergency response.

第三十四條   國家鼓勵公民、法人和其他組織為人民政府應對突發事件工作提供物資、資金、技術支持和捐贈。

Article 34 The State encourages citizens, legal persons and other organizations to provide materials, funds and technical support and make donations to people's governments for emergency response activities.

第三十五條   國家發展保險事業,建立國家財政支持的巨災風險保險體系,並鼓勵單位和公民參加保險。

Article 35 The State develops the insurance industry, establishes a risk insurance system for huge disasters, which is financed by the government, and encourages entities and citizens to buy insurance.

第三十六條   國家鼓勵、扶持具備相應條件的教學科研機構培養應急管理專門人才,鼓勵、扶持教學科研機構和有關企業研究開發用於突發事件預防、監測、預警、應急處置與救援的新技術、新設備和新工具。

Article 36 The State encourages and supports the teaching and scientific research institutions which meet the corresponding requirements to train professionals in administration of emergency response, and encourages and supports such institutions and the enterprises concerned to research and develop new technologies, equipment and instruments for prevention, monitoring and early warning of emergencies and for emergency handling and rescue.

第三章 監測與預警

Chapter 3 Monitoring and Early Warning

第三十七條   國務院建立全國統一的突發事件信息系統。

Article 37 The State Council shall establish a unified national information system for emergencies.


Local people's governments at or above the county level shall establish or set up local unified information systems for emergencies, collect, store, analyze and transmit information on emergencies, and connect their systems with those of the people's governments at higher levels and their relevant departments, the people's governments at lower levels and their relevant departments, the specialized institutions and the monitoring networks, in order to strengthen inter-departmental and inter-regional exchange of information and intelligence cooperation.

第三十八條   縣級以上人民政府及其有關部門、專業機構應當通過多種途徑收集突發事件信息。

Article 38 People's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments and the professional institutions shall collect information on emergencies through a variety of channels.


People's Governments at county level shall establish a full-time or part-time information reporter system for residents' committees, villagers' committees and the relevant organisations.


A citizen, legal person or any other organization that has knowledge of emergency incident information shall immediately report to the local people's government, the relevant competent department or the designated professional institution.

第三十九條   地方各級人民政府應當按照國家有關規定向上級人民政府報送突發事件信息。縣級以上人民政府有關主管部門應當向本級人民政府相關部門通報突發事件信息。專業機構、監測網點和信息報告員應當及時向所在地人民政府及其有關主管部門報告突發事件信息。

Article 39 Local people's governments at various levels shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, submit information on emergencies to the people's governments at higher levels. The relevant competent departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall notify the relevant departments of the said people's governments of emergencies. Specialized institutions, monitoring networks and information reporters shall, in a timely manner, report information on emergencies to the local people's governments and their relevant competent departments.


When the relevant entities and persons submit or report information on emergencies, they shall do so in a timely, objective and truthful manner, and may not delay the submission or report, give false report, conceal facts or make omissions in the report.

第四十條   縣級以上地方各級人民政府應當及時匯總分析突發事件隱患和預警信息,必要時組織相關部門、專業技術人員、專家學者進行會商,對發生突發事件的可能性及其可能造成的影響進行評估;認為可能發生重大或者特別重大突發事件的,應當立即向上級人民政府報告,並向上級人民政府有關部門、當地駐軍和可能受到危害的毗鄰或者相關地區的人民政府通報。

Article 40 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in a timely manner, collect and analyze the information on the hidden dangers that may lead to emergencies and the early warnings about emergencies and, when necessary, they shall organize consultation among the departments concerned, professional technicians, experts and scholars to assess the possibility of occurrence of emergencies and the repercussions of the emergencies; and if they believe that a serious or especially serious emergency is likely to occur, they shall report the matter immediately to the people's government at the higher level and notify the relevant departments of the people's government at the higher level, the army units stationed there and the people's governments of the adjacent or related areas which may be endangered.

第四十一條   國家建立健全突發事件監測制度。

Article 41 The State establishes a sound emergency monitoring system.


People's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments shall, in light of the types and characteristics of natural disasters, calamitous accidents and public health incidents, establish a sound basic information database, improve their monitoring networks, divide the regions for monitoring, determine the sites and define the items for monitoring, provide the necessary equipment and facilities, and assign full-time or part-time personnel to monitor potential emergencies.

第四十二條   國家建立健全突發事件預警制度。

Article 42 The State establishes a sound early warning system for emergencies.


The early warnings about natural disasters, calamitous accidents and public health incidents that can be forewarned shall, according to the urgency, development trend and possible damage of emergencies, be classified into four levels, which shall be indicated respectively in red, orange, yellow and blue, one being the highest level.


The standards for classifying the grades of early warnings shall be formulated by the State Council or the department designated by the State Council.

第四十三條   可以預警的自然災害、事故災難或者公共衛生事件即將發生或者發生的可能性增大時,縣級以上地方各級人民政府應當根據有關法律、行政法規和國務院規定的權限和程序,發布相應級別的警報,決定並宣布有關地區進入預警期,同時向上一級人民政府報告,必要時可以越級上報,並向當地駐軍和可能受到危害的毗鄰或者相關地區的人民政府通報。

Article 43 When a natural disaster, calamitous accident or public health incident that can be forewarned is imminent or the possibility of its occurrence increases, the local people's government at or above the county level shall, within the limits of its power and in compliance with the procedures, as prescribed by relevant laws and administrative regulations and by the State Council, give an alarm of the appropriate grade, decide and declare that the areas concerned enter a period of early warning and, at the same time, report the matter to the people's government at the next higher level and, when necessary, it may do so by bypassing the government at the next higher level, and it shall notify the troops stationed there and the people's governments of the adjacent or related areas which may be endangered.

第四十四條   發布三級、四級警報,宣布進入預警期後,縣級以上地方各級人民政府應當根據即將發生的突發事件的特點和可能造成的危害,采取下列措施:

Article 44 After issuing a third or fourth alarm and making a declaration with respect to the commencement of an early warning period, local people's governments at and above the county levels shall, in light of the characteristics and possible damage of emergency incidents to occur very soon, take the following measures:


1. Putting into practice emergency response plans;


(II) ordering the relevant departments, professional institutions, monitoring networks and persons with specific duties to timely collect and report the relevant information, make available to the public channels for reporting emergency incidents, and strengthening the monitoring, forecasting and early-warning activities with respect to the occurrence and development of emergency incidents;


(III) Organizing the relevant departments and institutions, professional technicians, relevant experts and scholars to make analysis and assessment on the information about emergencies at any time and to predict the possibility of emergency incidents, the scope and intensity of their repercussions and the grades of emergency incidents likely to occur;


(IV) Making known to the public on a regular basis the forecast information on any emergency incident related to the public and the results of analysis and evaluation, and managing the reporting of relevant information; and


(V) Promptly issuing to the public a warning of damage likely to be caused by an emergency incident pursuant to relevant provisions, giving publicity to common knowledge concerning the avoidance or mitigation of damage, and making public the consulting telephone number.

第四十五條   發布一級、二級警報,宣布進入預警期後,縣級以上地方各級人民政府除采取本法第四十四條規定的措施外,還應當針對即將發生的突發事件的特點和可能造成的危害,采取下列一項或者多項措施:

Article 45 After issuing a first or second alarm and making a declaration with respect to the commencement of an early-warning period, local people's governments at and above the county levels shall, in addition to the measures specified in Article 44 hereof, take one or more of the following measures in light of the characteristics and possible damage of emergency incidents to occur very soon:


1. ordering emergency rescue teams and persons with specific duties to be in a standby state, and mobilizing reserve personnel to make preparations for participating in emergency rescue and disposal;


(II) Allocating materials, equipment and instruments necessary for emergency response rescue activities, making preparation for emergency response facilities and shelters and ensuring that such facilities and shelters are in good condition and can be normally put into use at any time;


(III) Strengthening the safety protection of key entities, important parts and important infrastructures, and maintaining the public security order;


(IV) take necessary measures to ensure the safety and normal operation of public facilities such as transportation, communication, water supply, drainage, power supply, gas supply, or heating supply facilities; and


(V) Releasing to the public recommendations or advice relating to the avoidance or mitigation of damage by taking specific measures;


(VI) Transferring, dispersing or evacuating people likely to be affected by the emergency incidents and making proper arrangements for them and transferring important property;


(VII) Closing down or restricting the use of places vulnerable to the damage caused by emergencies, and controlling or restricting activities in public places which are likely to cause the expansion of damage; and


(VIII) other necessary preventive and protective measures specified in laws, regulations and rules.

第四十六條   對即將發生或者已經發生的社會安全事件,縣級以上地方各級人民政府及其有關主管部門應當按照規定向上一級人民政府及其有關主管部門報告,必要時可以越級上報。

Article 46 With regard to public security incidents that are about to occur or have occurred, local people's governments at or above the county level and their relevant competent departments shall, in accordance with the regulations, report the incidents to the people's governments at the next higher level and their relevant competent departments and may, when necessary, report by bypassing the immediate authority.

第四十七條   發布突發事件警報的人民政府應當根據事態的發展,按照有關規定適時調整預警級別並重新發布。

Article 47 The people's government giving the alarm of an emergency shall, in accordance with relevant regulations and, in light of the development of the situation, make an appropriate adjustment of the grade of the early warning and publish the same anew.


Where there is any fact proving that it is impossible for an emergency incident to occur or the danger of such an emergency incident has been removed, any people's government that issues a warning shall immediately make a declaration for the removal of the warning, terminate the period of early warning and remove the relevant measures that have been taken.

第四章 應急處置與救援

Chapter 4 Emergency Response and Rescue

第四十八條   突發事件發生後,履行統一領導職責或者組織處置突發事件的人民政府應當針對其性質、特點和危害程度,立即組織有關部門,調動應急救援隊伍和社會力量,依照本章的規定和有關法律、法規、規章的規定采取應急處置措施。

Article 48 After the occurrence of an emergency incident, any people's government which discharges the functions and duties of unified leadership or makes arrangements for emergency response operations shall, in light of the nature, characteristics and degree of damage of the emergency incident, immediately arrange for relevant departments to mobilize emergency response rescue teams and social forces and take emergency response operation measures in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and relevant laws, regulations and rules.

第四十九條   自然災害、事故災難或者公共衛生事件發生後,履行統一領導職責的人民政府可以采取下列一項或者多項應急處置措施:

Article 49 After the occurrence of a natural disaster, accidental disaster or public health incident, any people's government which performs the functions and duties of unified leadership may take one or more of the following emergency response operation measures:


1. Making arrangements to rescue and cure injured people, dispersing, evacuating and making proper arrangements for endangered people, and taking other salvation measures;


2. Promptly keeping hazard sources under control, marking dangerous areas, closing off dangerous places, delimiting security areas, and imposing traffic control and other control measures;


(III) Immediately rushing to repairing public facilities such as transportation, communication, water supply, drainage, power supply, gas supply, or heating supply facilities which are damaged, providing people who are endangered with shelters and necessities of life, giving medical aid, taking sanitation and epidemic prevention measures and taking other safeguard measures;


(IV) prohibiting or restricting the use of relevant equipment or facilities, closing or restricting the use of relevant places, suspending people-intensive activities or production or operation activities that may cause the expansion of damage, and taking other protective measures;


(V) using financial reserve funds set and emergency response rescue resources reserved by any such people's government and transferring other resources, equipment, facilities and instruments in urgent need where necessary; and


(VI) organizing citizens to participate in emergency rescue and handling, and requiring persons with specific expertise to provide services;


(VII) Ensuring the supply of food, drinking water, fuel and other basic necessities of life;


(VIII) Punishing severely in accordance with the law any party who corners the market, drives up prices, produces or sells fake goods and commits other acts which disturb the order of the market, stabilizing the market price and maintaining the order of the market; and


(IX) Punishing severely in accordance with the law any party who plunders another party's property, interferes with or disrupts the emergency response and any other act that disturbs the social order so as to maintain public order; and


(X) Taking necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of any secondary or derivative incident.

第五十條   社會安全事件發生後,組織處置工作的人民政府應當立即組織有關部門並由公安機關針對事件的性質和特點,依照有關法律、行政法規和國家其他有關規定,采取下列一項或者多項應急處置措施:

Article 50 After a social security incident occurs, the people's government responsible for organizing the handling of the incident shall immediately make arrangements for relevant departments to take one or more of the following emergency response handling measures according to the nature and characteristics of the incident and in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations and other relevant provisions of the State:


1. Compulsorily segregating parties who fight each other with devices or participate in conflicts with violence, properly resolving disputes and conflicts at the scene, and controlling the development of the situation;


(II) Control buildings, transportation vehicles, equipment, facilities and the supply of fuel, gas, power and water in a given area;


(III) Closing off relevant places and roads, examining the identity certificates of people on the scene, and restricting the activities at relevant public places;


(IV) Making more efforts to protect the security of core organs and entities which are vulnerable, and establishing temporary security lines around state organs, military organs, state news agencies, radio stations, television stations, foreign embassies and consulates in China and other entities;


(V) other necessary measures specified by laws, administrative regulations and the State Council.


When an incident seriously endangering public security occurs, the public security organ shall immediately send out policemen and, in light of the situation at the scene, take appropriate compulsory measures according to law to restore social order as soon as possible.

第五十一條   發生突發事件,嚴重影響國民經濟正常運行時,國務院或者國務院授權的有關主管部門可以采取保障、控制等必要的應急措施,保障人民群眾的基本生活需要,最大限度地減輕突發事件的影響。

Article 51 Where the occurrence of an emergency incident seriously affects the normal operation of the national economy, the State Council or the relevant competent departments authorized by the State Council may take safeguard, control and other necessary emergency response measures to ensure the supply of basic necessities of life to the people and to the maximum extent mitigate the effect of such an emergency incident.

第五十二條   履行統一領導職責或者組織處置突發事件的人民政府,必要時可以向單位和個人征用應急救援所需設備、設施、場地、交通工具和其他物資,請求其他地方人民政府提供人力、物力、財力或者技術支援,要求生產、供應生活必需品和應急救援物資的企業組織生產、保證供給,要求提供醫療、交通等公共服務的組織提供相應的服務。

Article 52 The people's government performing the duty of unified leadership or being responsible for organizing the handling of an emergency may, when necessary, expropriate from units or individuals equipment, facilities, premises, means of transport and other materials needed for emergency response rescue, request other local people's governments to provide manpower, material resources, financial or technical support, require the enterprises that produce or supply daily necessities and materials for emergency response rescue to organize production and ensure supply, and require the organizations that provide public services such as medical treatment and transportation to provide corresponding services.


Any people's government which discharges the functions and duties of unified leadership or makes arrangements for emergency response operations shall make arrangements for and bring into line entities engaged in transport services to first transport materials, equipment and instruments necessary for emergency response operations, emergency response rescue staff and people affected by the emergency.

第五十三條   履行統一領導職責或者組織處置突發事件的人民政府,應當按照有關規定統一、準確、及時發布有關突發事件事態發展和應急處置工作的信息。

Article 53 The people's government performing the duty of unified leadership or being responsible for organizing the handling of an emergency shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations, publish uniform, accurate and timely information on the development and handling of the emergency.

第五十四條   任何單位和個人不得編造、傳播有關突發事件事態發展或者應急處置工作的虛假信息。

Article 54 No entity or individual may fabricate or disseminate false information on the development or handling of an emergency.

第五十五條   突發事件發生地的居民委員會、村民委員會和其他組織應當按照當地人民政府的決定、命令,進行宣傳動員,組織群眾開展自救和互救,協助維護社會秩序。

Article 55 Residents' committees, villagers' committees or other organizations at the places where emergencies occur shall, according to the decisions and orders of the local people's governments, conduct publicity and mobilization, organize the people to rescue themselves and each other, and help maintain the order of society.

第五十六條   受到自然災害危害或者發生事故災難、公共衛生事件的單位,應當立即組織本單位應急救援隊伍和工作人員營救受害人員,疏散、撤離、安置受到威脅的人員,控制危險源,標明危險區域,封鎖危險場所,並采取其他防止危害擴大的必要措施,同時向所在地縣級人民政府報告;對因本單位的問題引發的或者主體是本單位人員的社會安全事件,有關單位應當按照規定上報情況,並迅速派出負責人趕赴現場開展勸解、疏導工作。

Article 56 The unit that suffers natural disaster or in which a calamitous accident or public health incident occurs shall immediately mobilize its own rescue teams and staff members to rescue the victims, disperse and evacuate the persons endangered and have them resettled, take control of the sources of danger, clearly mark the endangered areas, blockade the endangered premises, and take other necessary measures for preventing the expansion of the scale of damage, and at the same time, it shall report the matter to the local people's government at the county level; if a social safety incident is caused by the problem of the unit itself or if its own staff members constitute the main participants in the incident, the said unit shall, according to relevant regulations, report the matter to the authority at a higher level and promptly send its leading persons to rush to the scene and conduct persuasion and mediation.


The other units in the place where an emergency occurs shall obey the decisions and orders issued by the people's government, cooperate with the people's government in implementing the measures it adopts for handling the emergency, do a good job of emergency rescue in their own units and actively organize persons to participate in emergency rescue and handling in their own localities.

第五十七條   突發事件發生地的公民應當服從人民政府、居民委員會、村民委員會或者所屬單位的指揮和安排,配合人民政府采取的應急處置措施,積極參加應急救援工作,協助維護社會秩序。

Article 57 Citizens at the place where an emergency occurs shall follow the direction and arrangements of the people's government, residents' committees, villagers' committees or the units to which they belong, cooperate with the people's government in implementing the measures it adopts for handling the emergency, actively participate in emergency rescue and help maintain social order.

第五章 事後恢複與重建

Chapter 5 Recovery and Reconstruction

第五十八條   突發事件的威脅和危害得到控制或者消除後,履行統一領導職責或者組織處置突發事件的人民政府應當停止執行依照本法規定采取的應急處置措施,同時采取或者繼續實施必要措施,防止發生自然災害、事故災難、公共衛生事件的次生、衍生事件或者重新引發社會安全事件。

Article 58 After the threat and damage of an emergency incident is controlled or eliminated, any people's government which discharges the functions and duties of unified leadership or makes arrangements for emergency response operations shall cease implementing emergency response operation measures which are taken in accordance with the provisions of this Law and at the same time take or continue to implement necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of any natural disaster, calamitous accident or secondary or derivative public health incident or the recurrence of any public security incident.

第五十九條   突發事件應急處置工作結束後,履行統一領導職責的人民政府應當立即組織對突發事件造成的損失進行評估,組織受影響地區盡快恢複生產、生活、工作和社會秩序,制定恢複重建計劃,並向上一級人民政府報告。

Article 59 After the completion of emergency response operations with respect to an emergency incident, any people's government which discharges the functions and duties of unified leadership shall immediately arrange for the evaluation of losses incurred as a result of the emergency incident, make arrangements for the affected areas to restore production, life, work and social order as soon as possible, make rehabilitation and reconstruction plans and report the plans to the people's government at the next higher level.


The people's government of a region affected by an emergency incident shall timely organize and coordinate the efforts of the relevant departments such as public security, transportation, railway, civil aviation, post and telecommunications, and construction departments to restore public order and repair as soon as possible public facilities such as transportation, communications, water supply, drainage, power supply, gas supply, or heating supply facilities which are damaged.

第六十條   受突發事件影響地區的人民政府開展恢複重建工作需要上一級人民政府支持的,可以向上一級人民政府提出請求。上一級人民政府應當根據受影響地區遭受的損失和實際情況,提供資金、物資支持和技術指導,組織其他地區提供資金、物資和人力支援。

Article 60 Where the people's government of a region affected by an emergency incident needs the support of the people's government at the next higher level in carrying out rehabilitation and reconstruction activities, it may make a request to the people's government at the next higher level. The people's government at the next higher level shall, in light of losses suffered by and actual circumstances in the affected area, provide financial or material resources support and technical guidance, and make arrangements for other areas to provide financial, material resources and manpower support.

第六十一條   國務院根據受突發事件影響地區遭受損失的情況,制定扶持該地區有關行業發展的優惠政策。

Article 61 The State Council shall, in light of losses suffered by a region affected by an emergency incident, formulate preferential policies in support of the development of relevant industries in such a region.


The people's government of the area affected by an emergency incident shall, in light of losses suffered by the area, make plans for relief, compensation, comfort, consolation, resettlement and other activities after the incident, arrange for the implementation of such plans, and properly settle the conflicts and disputes caused in the course of emergency incident disposal.


During the period when a citizen participates in emergency rescue or assists in maintaining social order, his/her wages, benefits and welfare in the entity in which he/she works shall remain unchanged. If he/she has made outstanding and remarkable achievements in this regard, the people's government at or above the county level shall commend or reward him/her.


People's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with law, make compensation to the persons who are injured or killed in the course of emergency rescue.

第六十二條   履行統一領導職責的人民政府應當及時查明突發事件的發生經過和原因,總結突發事件應急處置工作的經驗教訓,制定改進措施,並向上一級人民政府提出報告。

Article 62 Any people's government which discharges the functions and duties of unified leadership shall ascertain through investigations in a timely manner the cause and the process of an emergency incident, draw lessons from emergency response operations with respect to the emergency incident, formulate improvement measures, and make a report to the people's government at the next higher level.

第六章 法律責任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities

第六十三條   地方各級人民政府和縣級以上各級人民政府有關部門違反本法規定,不履行法定職責的,由其上級行政機關或者監察機關責令改正;有下列情形之一的,根據情節對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分:

Article 63 Where local people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments under the people's governments at or above the county level, in violation of the provisions of this Law, fail to perform their statutory duties, administrative organs at higher levels or supervisory organs shall order them to make rectification; under any of the following circumstances, the leading person directly in charge and the other persons directly responsible shall be given sanctions according to law in light of the circumstances:


1. Where they fail to take preventive measures in accordance with relevant provisions, thereby leading to the occurrence of any emergency incident, or fail to take necessary preventive measures, thereby leading to the occurrence of any secondary or derivative incident;


(II) Where they delay in reporting, misreport, conceal from being reported, or fail to report information on an emergency incident, or circulate, report, or release false information, thereby leading to any consequences;


(III) Where they fail to timely issue a warning with respect to an emergency incident or take measures for an early-warning period in accordance with the relevant provisions, thereby leading to the occurrence of any damage;


(IV) Where they fail to timely take measures to deal with an emergency incident in accordance with relevant provisions or deal with it improperly, thereby leading to any consequences;


(V) Where they fail to follow the unified leadership, direction and coordination of the people's government at the next higher level for emergency response operations with respect to an emergency incident;


(VI) Where they fail to timely organize and carry out self-help production, rehabilitation, reconstruction and other rehabilitation work;


(VII) Where the entity withholds, misappropriates, shares privately or does so in disguised form;


(VIII) Where they fail to timely return property expropriated from any entity or individual or fail to give compensation in accordance with relevant provisions to any entity or individual whose property is expropriated.

第六十四條   有關單位有下列情形之一的,由所在地履行統一領導職責的人民政府責令停產停業,暫扣或者吊銷許可證或者營業執照,並處五萬元以上二十萬元以下的罰款;構成違反治安管理行為的,由公安機關依法給予處罰:

Article 64 Where an entity falls under any of the following circumstances, the local people's government performing the duty of unified leadership shall order it to cease production and business, temporarily withhold or revoke its permit or business license, and impose on it a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan; if the violation constitutes an act against public security administration, the public security organ shall impose on it a penalty in accordance with the law:


1. Where they fail to take preventive measures in accordance with relevant provisions, thereby leading to the occurrence of any serious emergency incident;


(II) Where the entity fails to timely eliminate any discovered hidden danger that may give rise to an emergency incident, thereby leading to the occurrence of any serious emergency incident;


(III) failing to properly maintain and test emergency equipment and facilities, causing the occurrence of any serious emergency incident or the expansion of any damage caused by an emergency incident; or


(IV) Where the entity fails to make timely arrangements for emergency response rescue activities after the occurrence of an emergency incident, thereby leading to any serious consequences.


Where other laws or administrative regulations provide that the punishment for any of the acts specified in the preceding paragraph shall be decided in accordance with the law by the relevant department under the people's government, such provisions shall apply.

第六十五條   違反本法規定,編造並傳播有關突發事件事態發展或者應急處置工作的虛假信息,或者明知是有關突發事件事態發展或者應急處置工作的虛假信息而進行傳播的,責令改正,給予警告;造成嚴重後果的,依法暫停其業務活動或者吊銷其執業許可證;負有直接責任的人員是國家工作人員的,還應當對其依法給予處分;構成違反治安管理行為的,由公安機關依法給予處罰。

Article 65 Any unit or individual that, in violation of the provisions of this Law, fabricates and disseminates false information on the development or handling of an emergency, or knowingly disseminates such false information, shall be ordered to put it right and shall be given a disciplinary warning; if serious consequences are caused, its business activities shall be suspended or its practicing license shall be revoked according to law; if the person directly responsible is a State functionary, he shall, in addition, be given sanctions according to law; and if a violation of the regulations for administration of public security is constituted, a penalty shall be imposed by the public security organ according to law.

第六十六條   單位或者個人違反本法規定,不服從所在地人民政府及其有關部門發布的決定、命令或者不配合其依法采取的措施,構成違反治安管理行為的,由公安機關依法給予處罰。

Article 66 Where an entity or individual, in violation of the provisions of this Law, fails to follow any decisions or orders issued by the local people's government or its relevant departments, or refuses to cooperate with the measures taken thereby in accordance with the law, which constitutes a violation of public security administration, a penalty shall be imposed by the public security organ in accordance with the law.

第六十七條   單位或者個人違反本法規定,導致突發事件發生或者危害擴大,給他人人身、財產造成損害的,應當依法承擔民事責任。

Article 67 Where the occurrence of an emergency incident or the expansion of its damage caused by a violation of this Law by an entity or individual causes personal injuries or property damage, such an entity or individual shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.

第六十八條   違反本法規定,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 68 Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be imposed according to the law.


Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第六十九條   發生特別重大突發事件,對人民生命財產安全、國家安全、公共安全、環境安全或者社會秩序構成重大威脅,采取本法和其他有關法律、法規、規章規定的應急處置措施不能消除或者有效控制、減輕其嚴重社會危害,需要進入緊急狀態的,由全國人民代表大會常務委員會或者國務院依照憲法和其他有關法律規定的權限和程序決定。

Article 69 Where an extremely serious emergency occurs, which poses a serious threat to the safety of the lives and property of the people, to national security, public security, environmental safety or social order, and the serious harm which inflicts on the society cannot be eliminated, kept under effective control or mitigated by taking the measures for handling emergency, as provided for in this Law and in other relevant laws, regulations and rules, therefore it is necessary to enter into a state of emergency, the matter shall be subject to decision made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress or the State Council within the limits of their power and according to procedure as provided for by the Constitution and the relevant laws.


The extraordinary measures taken during the period of a state of emergency shall be carried out according to the provisions of the relevant laws or be enacted separately by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

第七十條   本法自2007111日起施行。

Article 70 This Law shall go into effect as of November 1, 2007.


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