


Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs


Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No.5


The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection for Heroes and Martyrs, adopted at the Second Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 27, 2018, is hereby promulgated, effective as of May 1, 2018.

中華人民共和國主席 習近平

President Xi Jinping


27 April 2018


(Adopted at the Second Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on April 27, 2018)

第一條   為了加強對英雄烈士的保護,維護社會公共利益,傳承和弘揚英雄烈士精神、愛國主義精神,培育和踐行社會主義核心價值觀,激發實現中華民族偉大複興中國夢的強大精神力量,根據憲法,制定本法。

Article 1 The Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution in order to strengthen the protection for heroes and martyrs, safeguard the interests of the general public, inherit and carry forward the spirit of heroes and martyrs and the spirit of patriotism, cultivate and practice socialist core values, and inspire the powerful spiritual force to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

第二條   國家和人民永遠尊崇、銘記英雄烈士為國家、人民和民族作出的犧牲和貢獻。

Article 2 The State and the people venerate and bear in mind forever the sacrifices and contributions made by heroes and martyrs to the country, the people and the nation.


In modern times, in order to strive for national independence and people's liberation, to achieve national prosperity and people's happiness, and to promote world peace and human progress, heroic dedication of heroes and martyrs, meritorious deeds, immortal spirit.

第三條   英雄烈士事跡和精神是中華民族的共同曆史記憶和社會主義核心價值觀的重要體現。

Article 3 The deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs are the common historical memory of the Chinese nation and the important embodiment of socialist core values.


The State protects heroes and martyrs, commends and commends heroes and martyrs, steps up efforts in publicizing and providing education about the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs, and protects their dignity and lawful rights and interests.


The whole society shall venerate, learn from and defend heroes and martyrs.

第四條   各級人民政府應當加強對英雄烈士的保護,將宣傳、弘揚英雄烈士事跡和精神作為社會主義精神文明建設的重要內容。

Article 4 All levels of people's governments shall strengthen the protection for heroes and martyrs, and take the work of publicizing and carrying forward the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs as an important part of socialist spiritual civilization construction.


Departments in charge of the protection for heroes and martyrs in people's governments above the county level and other relevant departments shall fulfill their duties according to the law, and work effectively on the protection for heroes and martyrs.


Relevant military departments shall work effectively on the protection for heroes and martyrs, in accordance with the rules of the State Council and the Central Military Commission.


People's governments above the county level shall include funds earmarked for the protection for heroes and martyrs in the budget of the corresponding level.

第五條   每年930日為烈士紀念日,國家在首都北京天安門廣場人民英雄紀念碑前舉行紀念儀式,緬懷英雄烈士。

Article 5 September 30 of each year is taken as the memorial day for martyrs, on which the State will hold a memorial ceremony in front of the Monument to the People's Heroes at Tiananmen Square in the Capital City Beijing to remember heroes and martyrs.


People's governments at or above the county level and relevant military departments shall hold memorial activities on the memorial day for martyrs.


Heroes and Martyrs Memorial Day will be held to invite representatives of Heroes and Martyrs.

第六條   在清明節和重要紀念日,機關、團體、鄉村、社區、學校、企業事業單位和軍隊有關單位根據實際情況,組織開展英雄烈士紀念活動。

Article 6 On Tomb-sweeping Day and important anniversaries, organs, groups, villages, communities, schools, enterprises, public institutions and relevant military units shall organize memorial activities for heroes and martyrs, depending on the actual situations.

第七條   國家建立並保護英雄烈士紀念設施,紀念、緬懷英雄烈士。

Article 7 The State builds and protects memorials for heroes and martyrs to commemorate and remember heroes and martyrs.


The Monument to the People's Heroes erected in Tiananmen Square in the Capital City Beijing, as a permanent memorial facility built by the country and the people to commemorate and remember heroes and martyrs, symbolizes the efforts of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation in the recent history to achieve national independence and liberation, freedom and happiness of the people, and the prosperity, strength and spirit of the country.


The Monument to the People's Heroes, as well as its name, title of the monument, the inscription, relief, graphs, and marks, are protected by law.

第八條   縣級以上人民政府應當將英雄烈士紀念設施建設和保護納入國民經濟和社會發展規劃、城鄉規劃,加強對英雄烈士紀念設施的保護和管理;對具有重要紀念意義、教育意義的英雄烈士紀念設施依照《中華人民共和國文物保護法》的規定,核定公布為文物保護單位。

Article 8 People's governments above the county level shall incorporate the construction and protection of memorials for heroes and martyrs into the national economic and social development planning and urban and rural planning, and strengthen the protection and management of memorials for heroes and martyrs. They shall also, in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics, approve and announce the memorials for heroes and martyrs that are of important commemoration significance and educational significance as protected cultural relics.


For the renovation and protection for memorials for heroes and martyrs in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas and poverty-stricken areas, subsidies will be provided from the central finance according to applicable rules of the State.

第九條   英雄烈士紀念設施應當免費向社會開放,供公眾瞻仰、悼念英雄烈士,開展紀念教育活動,告慰先烈英靈。

Article 9 Memorials for heroes and martyrs shall be made accessible to the general public for free to enable the public to pay their respects and mourn heroes and martyrs, carry out memorial and educational activities, and praise the spirit of martyrs.


Where memorials as mentioned in the preceding paragraph are administered by relevant military entities, they shall be made accessible to the public in accordance with the provisions of the army.

第十條   英雄烈士紀念設施保護單位應當健全服務和管理工作規範,方便瞻仰、悼念英雄烈士,保持英雄烈士紀念設施莊嚴、肅穆、清淨的環境和氛圍。

Article 10 Entities in charge of protecting memorials for heroes and martyrs shall improve the norms concerning services and management in this regard, to make it convenient to pay their respects and mourn heroes and martyrs and maintain the solemn, respectful and tranquil environment of memorials for heroes and martyrs.


No organization or individual shall carry out any activity which damages the environment and climate of memorials for heroes and martyrs, within the protective scope of memorials for heroes and martyrs, occupy land or facilities within the protective scope of memorials for heroes and martyrs, or destroy or stain memorials for heroes and martyrs.

第十一條   安葬英雄烈士時,縣級以上人民政府、軍隊有關部門應當舉行莊嚴、肅穆、文明、節儉的送迎、安葬儀式。

Article 11 When heroes and martyrs are being buried, people's governments above the county level and relevant military departments shall hold solemn, respectful, civilized and economical ceremonies for the purpose of farewells and burying.

第十二條   國家建立健全英雄烈士祭掃制度和禮儀規範,引導公民莊嚴有序地開展祭掃活動。

Article 12 The State establishes and improves tomb-sweeping systems and etiquette for heroes and martyrs, to guide citizens to carry out tomb-sweeping activities in a solemn and orderly manner.


Relevant departments of people's governments above the county level shall provide convenience for the family members of deceased heroes and martyrs to sweep tombs.

第十三條   縣級以上人民政府有關部門應當引導公民通過瞻仰英雄烈士紀念設施、集體宣誓、網上祭奠等形式,銘記英雄烈士的事跡,傳承和弘揚英雄烈士的精神。

Article 13 Relevant departments of the people's governments above the county level shall instruct citizens to keep firmly in mind the deeds of heroes and martyrs and inherit and carry forward their spirit through visiting memorials for heroes and martyrs, taking an oath collectively or holding online memorial ceremonies.

第十四條   英雄烈士在國外安葬的,中華人民共和國駐該國外交、領事代表機構應當結合駐在國實際情況組織開展祭掃活動。

Article 14 Where heroes and martyrs are buried abroad, the diplomatic mission or the consulate established by the People's Republic of China in the foreign country shall organize tomb-sweeping activities, in consideration of the actual conditions of that foreign country.


The State will strengthen cooperation with relevant countries to search for and collect skeletal remains, remains, and historical materials and step up the renovation and protection for memorials for heroes and martyrs.

第十五條   國家鼓勵和支持開展對英雄烈士事跡和精神的研究,以辯證唯物主義和曆史唯物主義為指導認識和記述曆史。

Article 15 The State encourages and supports studies into the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs, and recognizes and records history under the guidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism.

第十六條   各級人民政府、軍隊有關部門應當加強對英雄烈士遺物、史料的收集、保護和陳列展示工作,組織開展英雄烈士史料的研究、編纂和宣傳工作。

Article 16 All levels of people's governments and relevant military departments shall step up their efforts to collect, protect and display the remains of heroes and martyrs, and organize studies, compilation and publicity of historical materials for heroes and martyrs.


The State encourages and supports efforts in taking advantage of local resources in old revolutionary areas to carry out research, publicity and education programs on the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs.

第十七條   教育行政部門應當以青少年學生為重點,將英雄烈士事跡和精神的宣傳教育納入國民教育體系。

Article 17 Administrative departments of education shall incorporate the publicity and education of the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs into the national education system, focusing on young students.


Administrative departments of education and various schools at all levels shall include the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs in educational content, organize memorial educational activities, and strengthen the education of patriotism, collectivism and socialism among students.

第十八條   文化、新聞出版、廣播電視、電影、網信等部門應當鼓勵和支持以英雄烈士事跡為題材、弘揚英雄烈士精神的優秀文學藝術作品、廣播電視節目以及出版物的創作生產和宣傳推廣。

Article 18 Departments of culture, news and press, radio and television, film, and cyberspace shall encourage and support the creation, production, publicity and promotion of excellent literary and artistic works, radio and television programs, publications that are themed on the deeds of heroes and martyrs and carry forward the spirit of heroes and martyrs.

第十九條   廣播電臺、電視臺、報刊出版單位、互聯網信息服務提供者,應當通過播放或者刊登英雄烈士題材作品、發布公益廣告、開設專欄等方式,廣泛宣傳英雄烈士事跡和精神。

Article 19 Radio stations, TV stations, newspaper and periodical publishers and internet information service providers shall widely publicize the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs by broadcasting or publishing works related to heroes and martyrs, publishing public service advertisements, setting up special columns or otherwise.

第二十條   國家鼓勵和支持自然人、法人和非法人組織以捐贈財產、義務宣講英雄烈士事跡和精神、幫扶英雄烈士遺屬等公益活動的方式,參與英雄烈士保護工作。

Article 20 The State encourages and supports natural persons, legal persons and unincorporated organizations to participate in the protection for heroes and martyrs through the donation of property, voluntary preaching of the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs, assistance for survivors of heroes and martyrs and other public welfare activities.


Natural persons, legal persons and unincorporated organizations that donate property for the protection for heroes and martyrs may enjoy tax preferences according to the law.

第二十一條   國家實行英雄烈士撫恤優待制度。英雄烈士遺屬按照國家規定享受教育、就業、養老、住房、醫療等方面的優待。撫恤優待水平應當與國民經濟和社會發展相適應並逐步提高。

Article 21 The State applies the pension and preferential treatment system for heroes and martyrs. Family members of deceased heroes and martyrs shall enjoy preferential treatment in education, employment, pension, housing, medical care and other aspects according to the relevant provisions of the State. The pension and preferential treatment shall be adaptable to national economic and social development and be gradually improved.


Relevant departments of the State Council, relevant military departments and local people's governments shall show concern to the living conditions of family members of deceased heroes and martyrs, and pay regular visits to and condole the family members of deceased heroes and martyrs every year.

第二十二條   禁止歪曲、醜化、亵渎、否定英雄烈士事跡和精神。

Article 22 Any practices that distort, vilify, desecrate or negate the deeds or spirit of any heroes and martyrs are prohibited.


Names, portraits, fame and honors of heroes and martyrs are protected by the law. No organization or individual shall damage the names, portraits, fame or honors of heroes and martyrs in an insulting or defamatory way or otherwise, in a public place or on the Internet, or make use of radio or television programs, films or publications. No organization or individual may use the names or portraits of heroes and martyrs directly or in a disguised manner in trademarks or commercial advertisements, to damage the fame and honors of heroes and martyrs.


Departments of public security, culture, news and press, radio and television, film, cyberspace and market supervision and management, and departments in charge of the protection for heroes and martyrs shall respond promptly to any behavior stated in the preceding paragraph according to the law if they find such behavior.

第二十三條   網信和電信、公安等有關部門在對網絡信息進行依法監督管理工作中,發現發布或者傳輸以侮辱、誹謗或者其他方式侵害英雄烈士的姓名、肖像、名譽、榮譽的信息的,應當要求網絡運營者停止傳輸,采取消除等處置措施和其他必要措施;對來源於中華人民共和國境外的上述信息,應當通知有關機構采取技術措施和其他必要措施阻斷傳播。

Article 23 Where relevant departments of cyberspace, telecommunications and public security detect any information published or transmitted on the internet to damage the names, portraits, fame or honors of heroes and martyrs in an insulting or defamatory way or otherwise, when they supervise and regulate information on the internet according to the law, they shall request the network operators to stop the transmission, take measures to eliminate such information and take other necessary measures; where such information is sourced from places outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, they shall notify the relevant institutions to adopt technical measures and take other necessary measures to stop the transmission of such information.


Network operators who discover that their users publish the information specified in the preceding paragraph shall immediately stop the transmission of such information, take disposal measures such as deletion to prevent the information from spreading, save relevant records, and report the same to the relevant competent departments. Where the network operator fails to take disposal measures such as ceasing transmission or eliminating the information, it shall be punished in accordance with the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China.

第二十四條   任何組織和個人有權對侵害英雄烈士合法權益和其他違反本法規定的行為,向負責英雄烈士保護工作的部門、網信、公安等有關部門舉報,接到舉報的部門應當依法及時處理。

Article 24 Any organization or individual shall have the right to report to the department in charge of the protection for heroes and martyrs or departments of cyberspace or public security any acts that damage the lawful rights and interests of heroes and martyrs or violate the provisions herein, and the department receiving such report shall respond to it according to the law in a timely manner.

第二十五條   對侵害英雄烈士的姓名、肖像、名譽、榮譽的行為,英雄烈士的近親屬可以依法向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 25 The close relatives of heroes and martyrs may lawfully bring charges against acts that damage the names, portraits, fame or honors of heroes and martyrs.


Where heroes or martyrs do not have any close relatives, or their close relatives do not bring charges, the procuratorial organs may bring charges against acts that damage the names, portraits, fame or honors of heroes and martyrs or impair public interests in the people's courts according to the law.


Where departments in charge of the protection for heroes and martyrs or other relevant departments find out acts as specified in the first paragraph when they are performing their functions, and need procuratorial organs to bring charges against such acts, they shall report the same to procuratorial organs.


Where close relatives of heroes or martyrs bring charges in accordance with the rules set out in the first paragraph, legal aid agencies shall offer legal aid services according to the law.

第二十六條   以侮辱、誹謗或者其他方式侵害英雄烈士的姓名、肖像、名譽、榮譽,損害社會公共利益的,依法承擔民事責任;構成違反治安管理行為的,由公安機關依法給予治安管理處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 26 Any party that damages the names, portraits, fame or honors of heroes or martyrs in an insulting or defamatory way or otherwise and jeopardizes the public interests shall bear civil liability according to the law; where its act constitutes a violation of public security regulations, the public security organ shall impose public security penalties according to the law; where a crime is constituted, its criminal liability shall be pursued.

第二十七條   在英雄烈士紀念設施保護範圍內從事有損紀念英雄烈士環境和氛圍的活動的,紀念設施保護單位應當及時勸阻;不聽勸阻的,由縣級以上地方人民政府負責英雄烈士保護工作的部門、文物主管部門按照職責規定給予批評教育,責令改正;構成違反治安管理行為的,由公安機關依法給予治安管理處罰。

Article 27 Where any activity which is harmful to the environment and atmosphere of memorials for heroes and martyrs is carried out within the scope of protection for heroes and martyrs, the protection agency for memorials shall dissuade the party concerned in a timely manner; if the party concerned refuses to listen to the dissuasion, the department in charge of the protection for heroes and martyrs under the local people's government at or above the county level or the competent authority in charge of cultural relics shall criticize the party concerned according to its duties and order it to make corrections; if the circumstance constitutes a violation of public security administration, the public security organ shall impose punishments according to the law.


Where any party that desecrates or negates the deeds or spirit of any heroes and martyrs, or advocates or glorifies wars or acts of aggression, or picks a quarrel and makes trouble, which disrupts the public order, the public security organ shall impose the punishment of public security administration according to the law if the behavior constitutes a violation of public security administration; where a crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be pursued according to the law.

第二十八條   侵占、破壞、汙損英雄烈士紀念設施的,由縣級以上人民政府負責英雄烈士保護工作的部門責令改正;造成損失的,依法承擔民事責任;被侵占、破壞、汙損的紀念設施屬於文物保護單位的,依照《中華人民共和國文物保護法》的規定處罰;構成違反治安管理行為的,由公安機關依法給予治安管理處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 28 Whoever misappropriates, destroys, or defaces memorials for heroes and martyrs shall be ordered by the department in charge of the protection for heroes and martyrs under the people's governments above the county level to make corrections; any losses thus caused shall be subject to civil liability according to the law; where the misappropriated, destroyed, or defaced memorials belong to protected historical and cultural sites, penalties shall be imposed according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics; where a violation of public security administration is constituted, the public security organ shall impose public security administration penalties according to the law; where a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to the law.

第二十九條   縣級以上人民政府有關部門及其工作人員在英雄烈士保護工作中濫用職權、玩忽職守、徇私舞弊的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,依法給予處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 29 Where relevant departments of people's governments above the county level, as well as their functionaries, abuse their power, neglect their duties or play favoritism and commit irregularities, individuals directly in charge and other personnel directly held liable shall be punished according to the law; where a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued according to the law.

第三十條   本法自201851日起施行。

Article 30 The Law shall come into force as of May 1, 2018.


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