1989年4月4日第七屆全國人民代表大會第二次會議通過 根據2014年11月1日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國行政訴訟法〉的決定》第一次修正 根據2017年6月27日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國民事訴訟法〉和〈中華人民共和國行政訴訟法〉的決定》第二次修正



Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised in 2017)

198944日第七屆全國人民代表大會第二次會議通過 根據2014111日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國行政訴訟法〉的決定》第一次修正 根據2017627日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國民事訴訟法〉和〈中華人民共和國行政訴訟法〉的決定》第二次修正)

(Adopted at the 2nd Session of the 7th National People 's Congress on April 4, 1989; amended for the first time according to the Decision on Revising the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China at the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on November 1, 2014; and amended for the second time according to the Decision on Revising the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China at the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on June 27, 2017)

目 錄



Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 受案範圍

Chapter 2 Scope of Case


Chapter 3 Jurisdiction

  第四章 訴訟參加人

Chapter 4 Participants in Legal Actions


Chapter 5 EVIDENCE

  第六章 起訴和受理


  第七章 審理和判決

Chapter 7 Trial and Judgment

    第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

    第二節 第一審普通程序

Section 2 Ordinary Procedure at First Instance

    第三節 簡易程序

Section 3 Summary Procedure

    第四節 第二審程序

Section 4 Procedure at Second Instance

    第五節 審判監督程序

Section 5 Procedure for Trial Supervision


Chapter 8 Enforcement

  第九章 涉外行政訴訟

Chapter 9 Foreign-related Administrative Litigation


Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為保證人民法院公正、及時審理行政案件,解決行政爭議,保護公民、法人和其他組織的合法權益,監督行政機關依法行使職權,根據憲法,制定本法。

Article 1 In accordance with the Constitution, this Law is enacted for the purpose of ensuring the impartial and timely hearing of administrative cases and settlement of administrative disputes by people's courts, protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations and supervising the exercise of functions and powers by administrative organs in accordance with the law.

第二條   公民、法人或者其他組織認為行政機關和行政機關工作人員的行政行為侵犯其合法權益,有權依照本法向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 2 Where citizens, legal persons or other organizations which consider that administrative acts of administrative organs or their personnel have infringed their legitimate rights and interests, they shall have the right to institute proceedings in people's courts according to this Law.


An administrative act referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include an administrative act made by an organisation authorised by laws, regulations and rules.

第三條   人民法院應當保障公民、法人和其他組織的起訴權利,對應當受理的行政案件依法受理。

Article 3 A people's court shall guarantee the rights of citizens, legal persons and other organizations to file a lawsuit and shall accept an administrative case that shall be accepted in accordance with the law.


Administrative organs and their personnel shall not intervene or hamper the acceptance of administrative cases by a people's court.


The person in charge of an administrative organ sued shall appear in court. If he cannot appear in court, he shall appoint the corresponding personnel of the administrative organ to appear in court.

第四條   人民法院依法對行政案件獨立行使審判權,不受行政機關、社會團體和個人的幹涉。

Article 4 A people's court shall hear administrative cases independently in accordance with the law and shall not be subject to interference from any administrative organ, social organization or individual.


A people's court shall set up an administrative tribunal to hear administrative cases.

第五條   人民法院審理行政案件,以事實為根據,以法律為準繩。

Article 5 People's courts shall hear administrative cases based on the facts of such cases and in accordance with the law.

第六條   人民法院審理行政案件,對行政行為是否合法進行審查。

Article 6 In hearing administrative cases, people's courts shall examine the legality of administrative acts.

第七條   人民法院審理行政案件,依法實行合議、回避、公開審判和兩審終審制度。

Article 7 In hearing administrative cases, people's courts shall implement a collegiate system, a challenge system, a system of public hearings and a system of the court of second instance being the court of last instance according to the law.

第八條   當事人在行政訴訟中的法律地位平等。

Article 8 Parties to administrative proceedings shall have equal legal status.

第九條   各民族公民都有用本民族語言、文字進行行政訴訟的權利。

Article 9 Citizens of all nationalities shall have the right to use their native spoken and written languages in administrative proceedings.


Where minority nationalities live in concentrated communities or where several nationalities live together in one area, the people's courts shall conduct hearings and issue legal documents in the spoken and written languages commonly used by the local nationalities.


The people's courts shall provide translations for any participant in the proceedings who is not familiar with the spoken or written languages commonly used by the local nationalities.

第十條   當事人在行政訴訟中有權進行辯論。

Article 10 Parties to administrative proceedings shall have the right to engage in debate.

第十一條   人民檢察院有權對行政訴訟實行法律監督。

Article 11 People's procuratorates shall have the right to exercise legal supervision over administrative proceedings.

第二章 受案範圍

Chapter 2 Scope of Case

第十二條   人民法院受理公民、法人或者其他組織提起的下列訴訟:

Article 12 A people's court shall accept the following types of proceedings instituted by citizens, legal persons or other organizations that:


1. are dissatisfied with an administrative penalty such as administrative detention, suspension or revocation of a permit or license, an order to suspend production or business activities, confiscation of illegal gains or property, imposition of a fine and warning;


(II) refusing to accept a compulsory administrative measure or administrative execution, such as restriction of personal freedom or sealing up, seizing or freezing property;


3. in case of an application for administrative licensing, are dissatisfied with the administrative organs' refusal to accept or failure to respond to the application within a legal time limit, or with other decisions made by the administrative organs on administrative licensing;


(IV) refuse to accept decisions made by administrative organs concerning the right of ownership in or the right to the use of natural resources such as land, mineral resources, waters, forests, mountains or hills, grasslands, wasteland, tidal flats and sea areas;


(V) are dissatisfied with the decisions on expropriation, requisition and compensation therefor;


6. in case of an application for performance of the statutory duties to protect the personal right and property right as well as other legitimate rights and interests by the administrative organs, are dissatisfied with the administrative organs' refusal to perform or to respond to the application;


(VII) consider that the administrative organs have infringed their autonomy in management or rural land contractual management right and rural land management right;


(VIII) consider that the administrative organs abuse administrative powers to eliminate or restrict competition;


(IX) consider that the administrative organs raise funds, amortize expenses or require them to perform other obligations in an illegal way;


(X) consider that the administrative organs fail to pay pensions, the subsistence allowances or social insurance benefits in accordance with the law;


(XI) consider that the administrative organs fail to perform in accordance with the law or the agreement, or illegally change or terminate government franchise agreements, agreements on land and house expropriation and compensation and other agreements; or


(XII) consider that the administrative organs have infringed other legitimate rights and interests such as personal rights and property rights.


In addition to the provisions in the preceding paragraph, people's courts shall accept other administrative cases for which proceedings may be instituted under laws and regulations.

第十三條   人民法院不受理公民、法人或者其他組織對下列事項提起的訴訟:

Article 13 People's courts shall not accept the proceedings instituted by citizens, legal persons or other organizations for the following matters:


1. acts of the State in areas such as national defence and foreign affairs;


2. administrative rules and regulations, or decisions and orders with general binding force formulated and promulgated by administrative organs;


(III) decisions of administrative organs to reward, punish, appoint or dismiss personnel of administrative organs; and


(IV) administrative acts for which the law provides that final adjudication is to be conducted by administrative organs.


Chapter 3 Jurisdiction

第十四條   基層人民法院管轄第一審行政案件。

Article 14 The basic people's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over administrative cases.

第十五條   中級人民法院管轄下列第一審行政案件:

Article 15 Intermediate people's courts shall have jurisdiction over the following administrative cases of first instance:


1. proceedings instituted against the administrative acts of any department under the State Council or the people's government at county level or above;


2. cases handled by the customs;


3. grave and complicated cases which arise in their areas of jurisdiction; and


(IV) other cases under the jurisdiction of the intermediate people's courts as stipulated by law.

第十六條   高級人民法院管轄本轄區內重大、複雜的第一審行政案件。

Article 16 Higher people's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over grave and complicated administrative cases in areas under their jurisdiction.

第十七條   最高人民法院管轄全國範圍內重大、複雜的第一審行政案件。

Article 17 The Supreme People's Court shall have jurisdiction as a court of first instance over grave and complicated administrative cases in the whole country.

第十八條   行政案件由最初作出行政行為的行政機關所在地人民法院管轄。經複議的案件,也可以由複議機關所在地人民法院管轄。

Article 18 Jurisdiction over administrative cases shall be exercised by the people's court at the place where the administrative organ which originally performed the administrative act (from which the case arose) is located. For cases which have been reconsidered, jurisdiction over such cases may be exercised by the people's court at the place where such reconsideration organ is located.


Upon the approval of the Supreme People's Court, a higher people's court may, according to the actual situation of the trial, determine several people's courts to have cross-regional jurisdiction over administrative cases.

第十九條   對限制人身自由的行政強制措施不服提起的訴訟,由被告所在地或者原告所在地人民法院管轄。

Article 19 Jurisdiction over cases arising from dissatisfaction with administrative orders which restrict personal freedom shall be exercised by the people's court at the place of residence of the defendant or plaintiff.

第二十條   因不動產提起的行政訴訟,由不動產所在地人民法院管轄。

Article 20 Jurisdiction over administrative litigation involving real property shall be exercised by the people's court at the place where the real property is located.

第二十一條   兩個以上人民法院都有管轄權的案件,原告可以選擇其中一個人民法院提起訴訟。原告向兩個以上有管轄權的人民法院提起訴訟的,由最先立案的人民法院管轄。

Article 21 When two or more people's courts have jurisdiction over a case, the plaintiff may have the option to bring the suit in one of these people's courts. Where the plaintiff institutes proceedings in two or more people's courts with jurisdiction, the people's court that first places the case on its trial docket shall have jurisdiction.

第二十二條   人民法院發現受理的案件不屬於本院管轄的,應當移送有管轄權的人民法院,受移送的人民法院應當受理。受移送的人民法院認為受移送的案件按照規定不屬於本院管轄的,應當報請上級人民法院指定管轄,不得再自行移送。

Article 22 If a people's court finds that a case it has entertained is not under its jurisdiction, it shall refer the case to the people's court that has jurisdiction over the case. The people's court to which a case has been referred shall entertain the case, and if it considers that, according to the relevant regulations, the case referred to it is not under its jurisdiction, it shall report to a superior people's court for the designation of jurisdiction and shall not independently refer the case again to another people's court.

第二十三條   有管轄權的人民法院由於特殊原因不能行使管轄權的,由上級人民法院指定管轄。

Article 23 If, due to special reasons, a people's court with jurisdiction over a case is not in a position to exercise such jurisdiction, a superior people's court shall designate jurisdiction.


If a dispute arises over jurisdiction between people's courts, it shall be resolved by the parties to the dispute through consultation. If the consultation fails, it shall be reported to a peoples court superior to the courts in dispute for the designation of jurisdiction.

第二十四條   上級人民法院有權審理下級人民法院管轄的第一審行政案件。

Article 24 People's courts at higher levels shall have the power to hear administrative cases over which people's courts at lower levels have jurisdiction as courts of first instance.


If a lower level people's court considers that an administrative case of first instance within its jurisdiction shall be tried by or subject to a jurisdiction designated by a higher level people's court, it may report to a higher level people's court for decision.

第四章 訴訟參加人

Chapter 4 Participants in Legal Actions

第二十五條   行政行為的相對人以及其他與行政行為有利害關系的公民、法人或者其他組織,有權提起訴訟。

Article 25 The concerned person to an administrative act and other citizens, legal persons or other organizations that have an interest in the administrative act are entitled to institute proceedings.


If a citizen who has the right to bring a suit is deceased, his near relatives may bring the suit.


Where legal persons or other organizations which have the right to institute proceedings are terminated, the legal persons or other organizations which succeed to their rights may institute proceedings.


Where the people's procuratorate finds that administrative organs responsible for the supervision and management of such areas as the ecological environment and resources protection, food and drug safety, state-owned assets protection and grant of land use rights for state-owned land perform duties unlawfully or omit to perform duties, infringing upon the national or public interests, it may institute a procuratorial proposal to the administrative authority to urge such authority to perform its duty in accordance with the law. If such administrative authority fails to perform its duty in accordance with the law, the people's procuratorate shall institute a lawsuit to the people's court.

第二十六條   公民、法人或者其他組織直接向人民法院提起訴訟的,作出行政行為的行政機關是被告。

Article 26 Defendants shall be the administrative organs which performed the administrative act (which are the subjects of the proceedings) where citizens, legal persons or other organizations directly institute proceedings in people's courts.


For cases which have been reconsidered, where the reconsideration organ decides to uphold the original decision, the co-defendants shall be the administrative organ which performed the original administrative act and the reconsideration organ. Where the reconsideration organ orders the amendment of the original administrative act, the defendant shall be such reconsideration organ.


Where a reconsideration organ fails to make a reconsideration decision within the statutory period, and citizens, legal persons or other organizations sue the original administrative act, the defendant is the administrative organ which performed the original administrative act; where the reconsideration organ is accused of dereliction of duty, the defendant shall be such reconsideration organ.


Where two or more administrative organs perform the same administrative act, the administrative organs that jointly performed the administrative act shall be co-defendants.


Where the administrative act is performed by an organization entrusted by an administrative organ, such organ shall be the defendant.


Where an administrative organ is dissolved or its functions and powers are changed, the administrative organ which continues to exercise the original organ's functions and powers shall be the defendant.

第二十七條   當事人一方或者雙方為二人以上,因同一行政行為發生的行政案件,或者因同類行政行為發生的行政案件、人民法院認為可以合並審理並經當事人同意的,為共同訴訟。

Article 27 Administrative cases arising from the same or similar administrative act shall be deemed to be cases of joint litigation where one party or both parties consist of two or more persons, the people's court considers that the cases can be jointly heard and the parties concerned agree.

第二十八條   當事人一方人數眾多的共同訴訟,可以由當事人推選代表人進行訴訟。代表人的訴訟行為對其所代表的當事人發生效力,但代表人變更、放棄訴訟請求或者承認對方當事人的訴訟請求,應當經被代表的當事人同意。

Article 28 If the persons comprising a party to a joint action is large in number, the party may elect representatives from among themselves to act for them in the litigation. The acts of such representatives in the litigation shall be valid for the party they represent. However, modification or waiver of claims or admission of the claims of the other party by the representatives shall be subject to the consent of the party they represent.

第二十九條   公民、法人或者其他組織同被訴行政行為有利害關系但沒有提起訴訟,或者同案件處理結果有利害關系的,可以作為第三人申請參加訴訟,或者由人民法院通知參加訴訟。

Article 29 Citizens, legal persons or other organizations that have an interest in an administrative act against which proceedings are instituted and fail to institute proceedings, or that have an interest in the outcomes of a case, may apply to participate in the proceedings as third parties or may be ordered by people's courts to participate in the proceedings.


A third party who is ruled by a people's court to bear an obligation or have its rights or interests undermined is entitled to institute an appeal in accordance with the law.

第三十條   沒有訴訟行為能力的公民,由其法定代理人代為訴訟。法定代理人互相推诿代理責任的,由人民法院指定其中一人代為訴訟。

Article 30 Where a citizen has no capacity to institute proceedings, his statutory agents shall commence proceedings on his behalf. If the statutory agents try to shift responsibility as agents ad litem upon one another, the people's court shall appoint one of them to represent the person in litigation.

第三十一條   當事人、法定代理人,可以委托一至二人作為訴訟代理人。

Article 31 Parties and statutory agents may entrust one to two agents ad litem.


The following persons may be entrusted as agents ad litem:


1. lawyers and law service providers at the grass-roots level;


2. close relatives or employees of the parties; and


3. citizens recommended by the community where the party resides, the employer of the party or any other social organization concerned.

第三十二條   代理訴訟的律師,有權按照規定查閱、複制本案有關材料,有權向有關組織和公民調查,收集與本案有關的證據。對涉及國家秘密、商業秘密和個人隱私的材料,應當依照法律規定保密。

Article 32 Lawyers acting as agents ad litem are entitled to gain access to or copy any information relating to the case in question according to the relevant provisions and are entitled to investigate and collect evidence related to the case from organizations and citizens concerned. The confidentiality of state secrets, trade secrets and personal privacy shall be maintained in accordance with the law.


The parties and other agents ad litem are entitled to gain access to or copy the court trial-related documents concerning the case in question according to the relevant provisions, except for information involving state and commercial secrets and individual privacy.


Chapter 5 EVIDENCE

第三十三條   證據包括:

Article 33 The evidence shall include:


1. documentary evidence;


2. physical evidence;


(III) audio-visual materials;


(IV) electronic data;


(V) testimony of witnesses;


(VI) statements of parties;


(VII) expert opinions; and


(VIII) written records of inquests and records made on the scene.


Any of the above-mentioned evidence must be verified by the court before it can be taken as a basis for ascertaining a fact.

第三十四條   被告對作出的行政行為負有舉證責任,應當提供作出該行政行為的證據和所依據的規範性文件。

Article 34 A defendant shall bear the burden of proof in respect of its administrative act, and provide evidence of having performed such administrative act and the normative documents on which such administrative act is based.


Where the defendant fails to provide evidence or provides evidence beyond the specified period without justified reasons, it shall be deemed that there is no corresponding evidence. However, if the administrative act against which proceedings are instituted involves the legitimate rights and interests of a third party, the evidence provided by the third party shall be an exception.

第三十五條   在訴訟過程中,被告及其訴訟代理人不得自行向原告、第三人和證人收集證據。

Article 35 During the proceedings, the defendant and its agent ad litem may not collect evidence from the plaintiff, third party or witness (es) on its own initiative.

第三十六條   被告在作出行政行為時已經收集了證據,但因不可抗力等正當事由不能提供的,經人民法院準許,可以延期提供。

Article 36 Where the defendant has already collected the evidence before performing an administrative act but is unable to provide it as a result of force majeure or for other legitimate reasons, the defendant may provide the said evidence later upon the approval of the people's court.


Where the plaintiff or the third party presents the reasons or evidence not presented during the administrative handling progress, the defendant may supplement the evidence upon the approval of the people's court.

第三十七條   原告可以提供證明行政行為違法的證據。原告提供的證據不成立的,不免除被告的舉證責任。

Article 37 A plaintiff may provide the evidence proving that an administrative act is illegal. Where the evidence provided by the plaintiff is false, the defendant shall not be exempted from the burden of proof.

第三十八條   在起訴被告不履行法定職責的案件中,原告應當提供其向被告提出申請的證據。但有下列情形之一的除外:

Article 38 In a case in which the defendant is sued for non- performance of statutory duties, the plaintiff shall provide the evidence proving that it has ever applied to the defendant. Other than in the following circumstances:


1. the defendant shall actively perform the relevant statutory duties in accordance with its functions and powers; or


(II) the plaintiff fails to provide the evidence for justified reasons.


In the cases in which an administrative compensation or reimbursement is required, the plaintiff shall provide evidence proving the damages incurred by the administrative act. Where the plaintiff fails to provide the evidence due to reasons attributable to the defendant, the burden of proof shall be borne by the defendant.

第三十九條   人民法院有權要求當事人提供或者補充證據。

Article 39 A people's court is entitled to require the concerned parties to provide or supplement evidence.

第四十條   人民法院有權向有關行政機關以及其他組織、公民調取證據。但是,不得為證明行政行為的合法性調取被告作出行政行為時未收集的證據。

Article 40 A people's court is entitled to obtain evidence from the relevant administrative organs and other organizations and citizens. However, it shall not obtain the evidence that was not collected when the defendant performed an administrative act so as to prove the legality of the administrative act.

第四十一條   與本案有關的下列證據,原告或者第三人不能自行收集的,可以申請人民法院調取:

Article 41 Where the plaintiff or the third party cannot collect the following evidence related to the case on their own, they may apply to the people's court for obtaining the evidence:


1. the evidence that is kept by the State organs and must be obtained by the people's court;


(II) evidence involving any state secret, trade secret or personal privacy; and


(III) other evidence that cannot be collected by themselves due to objective reasons.

第四十二條   在證據可能滅失或者以後難以取得的情況下,訴訟參加人可以向人民法院申請保全證據,人民法院也可以主動采取保全措施。

Article 42 Under circumstances where there is a likelihood that evidence may be destroyed or lost, or difficult to obtain later, the participants in the proceedings may apply to the people's court for preservation of the evidence. The people's court may also on its own initiative take measures to preserve such evidence.

第四十三條   證據應當在法庭上出示,並由當事人互相質證。對涉及國家秘密、商業秘密和個人隱私的證據,不得在公開開庭時出示。

Article 43 Evidence shall be presented in court and cross-examined by the parties concerned. The evidence involving state and commercial secrets and individual privacy shall not be presented in public court.


A people's court shall comprehensively and objectively examine and verify the evidence according to the statutory procedures. For evidence not accepted, reasons shall be explained in the judgment.


No evidence obtained by illegal means may be used as the basis for ascertaining the facts of any case.

第六章 起訴和受理


第四十四條   對屬於人民法院受案範圍的行政案件,公民、法人或者其他組織可以先向行政機關申請複議,對複議決定不服的,再向人民法院提起訴訟;也可以直接向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 44 Citizens, legal persons or other organizations may first apply to the administrative organ for reconsideration of administrative cases which fall within the scope of administrative adjudication of a people's court. If such citizens, legal persons or other organizations are dissatisfied with the reconsideration decision, they may institute proceedings with a people's court afterwards. Alternatively, they may institute proceedings directly with a people's court.


Where the laws and regulations provide that a party shall first apply to an administrative organ for reconsideration and that a proceeding may be instituted with a people's court only if the party is dissatisfied with the reconsideration decision, such provisions shall apply.

第四十五條   公民、法人或者其他組織不服複議決定的,可以在收到複議決定書之日起十五日內向人民法院提起訴訟。複議機關逾期不作決定的,申請人可以在複議期滿之日起十五日內向人民法院提起訴訟。法律另有規定的除外。

Article 45 Where any citizens, legal persons or other organizations are dissatisfied with the reconsideration decision, they may, within 15 days after receiving the decision, institute proceedings with a people's court. If the reconsideration organ fails to make a decision on the expiration of the time limit, the applicant may bring a suit before a people's court within 15 days after the time limit for reconsideration expires. Unless otherwise required by law.

第四十六條   公民、法人或者其他組織直接向人民法院提起訴訟的,應當自知道或者應當知道作出行政行為之日起六個月內提出。法律另有規定的除外。

Article 46 If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization brings a suit directly before a people's court, he or it shall do so within six months from the date when he or it knows or should know that a specific administrative act has been taken. Unless otherwise required by law.


Where proceedings are not initiated within 20 years as of the date of performance of the administrative action for cases with the proceedings initiated due to real property or within five years as of the date performance of the administrative action for other cases, the people's court shall not accept such cases.

第四十七條   公民、法人或者其他組織申請行政機關履行保護其人身權、財產權等合法權益的法定職責,行政機關在接到申請之日起兩個月內不履行的,公民、法人或者其他組織可以向人民法院提起訴訟。法律、法規對行政機關履行職責的期限另有規定的,從其規定。

Article 47 Where citizens, legal persons or other organizations apply to an administrative organ for performance its statutory duties to protect their personal rights, property rights and other legitimate rights and interests and the administrative organ fails to perform its duties within two months as of the date of receipt of the applications, the citizens, legal persons or other organizations may institute proceedings with a people's court. Where the laws and regulations provide otherwise on deadlines for performance of duties by administrative authorities, such provisions shall prevail.


Where citizens, legal persons or other organizations ask an administrative organ to perform its statutory duties to protect their personal rights, property rights and other legitimate rights and interests under an emergency circumstance and the administrative organ fails to perform its duties, the institution of proceedings shall not be subject to the time limit prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

第四十八條   公民、法人或者其他組織因不可抗力或者其他不屬於其自身的原因耽誤起訴期限的,被耽誤的時間不計算在起訴期限內。

Article 48 Where citizens, legal persons or other organizations fail to meet the deadline for institution of proceedings due to force majeure or other reasons not attributable to themselves, the delayed time shall not be included in the time limit for institution of proceedings.


Citizens, legal persons or other organizations that fail to meet the deadline for institution f proceedings due to special circumstances other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph may, within ten days upon removal of the obstacles, apply to a people's court for an extension of the time limit. The extension applied shall be subject to the approval of the people's court.

第四十九條   提起訴訟應當符合下列條件:

Article 49 The institution of proceedings shall meet the following conditions:


1. the plaintiff shall be any of citizens, legal persons or other organizations as specified in Article 25 hereof;


2. there must be a definite defendant;


3. there must be a specific claim and a corresponding factual basis; and


(IV) the suit must fall within the scope of cases acceptable to the people's courts and the jurisdiction of the people's court where it is filed.

第五十條   起訴應當向人民法院遞交起訴狀,並按照被告人數提出副本。

Article 50 When instituting an action, a statement of claim shall be submitted to the people's court, together with a number of copies corresponding to the number of defendants.


Where there is actually a difficulty in writing a statement of claim, a proceeding may be instituted in an oral way, and the people's court shall be responsible for making a written record, issuing a written document with the specific date of receipt marked and notifying the other party concerned.

第五十一條   人民法院在接到起訴狀時對符合本法規定的起訴條件的,應當登記立案。

Article 51 When a people's court receives a bill of complaint and finds that it meets the requirements for acceptance as specified in this Law, the court shall file the case.


For a case where it cannot decide whether the conditions for instituting a proceeding specified herein are met or not, the people's court shall accept the statement of claim, issue a written document with the date of receipt marked, and decide whether the case shall be filed within seven days. Where the conditions for the institution of an action are not met, a ruling not to file the case shall be made. The verdict shall explicitly state the reasons for the refusal. The plaintiff who is not satisfied with the verdict may file an appeal.


Where a statement of claim is incomplete in terms of its contents or has other errors, the concerned party shall be given guidance and explanation and informed of contents to be supplemented and corrected at one stroke. A people's court shall not refuse to receive a statement of claim in the name of the statement of claim failing to meet the relevant conditions without giving any guidelines or explanations.


Where a people's court refuses to accept a statement of claim, or fails to issue a written document after the receipt of a statement of claim or fails to inform the concerned parties of the information on the statement of claim to be supplemented and corrected at one stroke, the concerned parties may complain to a higher-level people's court and the higher-level people's court shall order the people's court to make corrections and punish the persons directly in charge or other persons directly responsible.

第五十二條   人民法院既不立案,又不作出不予立案裁定的,當事人可以向上一級人民法院起訴。上一級人民法院認為符合起訴條件的,應當立案、審理,也可以指定其他下級人民法院立案、審理。

Article 52 Where a people's court neither places a case on its trial docket nor makes a verdict on refusal to place the case on its trial docket, the concerned party may institute a proceeding with a higher-level people's court. The higher-level people's court that considers the conditions for filing a lawsuit are met may either place the case on its trial docket and try the case or designate another lower-level people's court to do so.

第五十三條   公民、法人或者其他組織認為行政行為所依據的國務院部門和地方人民政府及其部門制定的規範性文件不合法,在對行政行為提起訴訟時,可以一並請求對該規範性文件進行審查。

Article 53 Where citizens, legal persons or other organizations consider that the normative documents which are formulated by the departments under the State Council and local people's governments and their departments and on which an administrative act is based are illegal, when instituting a proceeding for the administrative act, they may apply for examination of the normative documents at the same time.


The regulatory documents as mentioned in the preceding paragraph do not include rules.

第七章 審理和判決

Chapter 7 Trial and Judgment

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第五十四條   人民法院公開審理行政案件,但涉及國家秘密、個人隱私和法律另有規定的除外。

Article 54 People's courts shall hear administrative cases in public, except where state secrets or private affairs of individuals are involved and in cases where the law provides otherwise.


A case involving trade secrets may not be heard in public if a party so requests.

第五十五條   當事人認為審判人員與本案有利害關系或者有其他關系可能影響公正審判,有權申請審判人員回避。

Article 55 Where a party considers that judicial personnel have an interest in the case or are concerned with the case in any other way which might affect the impartiality of the trial, such party shall have the right to request such personnel to withdraw (from the case).


If a member of the judicial personnel considers himself to have an interest in the case or to be otherwise related to it, he shall apply for withdrawal.


The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply to court clerks, interpreters, examiners and inspectors.


The withdrawal of the president of the court serving as the presiding judge shall be decided by the court's adjudication committee; the withdrawal of a member of the judicial personnel shall be decided by the president of the court; the withdrawal of other personnel shall be decided by the presiding judge. A party who is dissatisfied with the decision may apply for reconsideration once.

第五十六條   訴訟期間,不停止行政行為的執行。但有下列情形之一的,裁定停止執行:

Article 56 During the period of legal proceedings, execution of the administrative act shall not be suspended. However, execution of such acts shall be suspended under one of the following circumstances:


1. where the defendant considers that it is necessary to suspend the act;


2. where the plaintiff or an interested person applies for suspension of the act and the people's court rules that such administrative act shall be suspended as, in the opinion of the people's court, the execution would cause irremediable losses and the suspension of the act would not harm the national interests and public interests;


(III) the people's court rules that such administrative act may cause great damage to the national interests and public interests; and


(IV) where suspension of execution is required by the provisions of laws or regulations.


If the party concerned is dissatisfied with the ruling on suspension or not suspension, it may apply for reconsideration once.

第五十七條   人民法院對起訴行政機關沒有依法支付撫恤金、最低生活保障金和工傷、醫療社會保險金的案件,權利義務關系明確、不先予執行將嚴重影響原告生活的,可以根據原告的申請,裁定先予執行。

Article 57 For any case in which a proceeding is instituted against an administrative organ for not paying pensions or subsistence allowances or work-related injury, medical, or social insurance premiums, if the relationships of rights and obligations are definite and no advance enforcement will seriously affect the life of the plaintiff, the people's court may rule advance enforcement according to the application of the plaintiff.


If the party concerned is dissatisfied with the ruling on advance execution, it may apply for reconsideration once. Enforcement of the ruling shall not be suspended during the review period.

第五十八條   經人民法院傳票傳喚,原告無正當理由拒不到庭,或者未經法庭許可中途退庭的,可以按照撤訴處理;被告無正當理由拒不到庭,或者未經法庭許可中途退庭的,可以缺席判決。

Article 58 If a plaintiff, having been served with a summons, refuses to appear in court without justified reasons, or if he withdraws during a court session without the permission of the court, the case may be considered as withdrawn by him; if a defendant, having been served with a summons, refuses to appear in court without justified reasons, or if he withdraws during a court session without the permission of the court, the court may make a judgment by default.

第五十九條   訴訟參與人或者其他人有下列行為之一的,人民法院可以根據情節輕重,予以訓誡、責令具結悔過或者處一萬元以下的罰款、十五日以下的拘留;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:

Article 59 If litigants or any other person commits any of the following acts, the people's court may, according to the seriousness of his offence, reprimand him, order him to sign a statement of repentance or impose upon him a fine of not more than CNY10,000 or detain him for not longer than 15 days; if a crime is constituted, his criminal responsibility shall be investigated:


1. delaying or refusing to assist in or obstructing without reason the execution of the notice of a people's court for assistance in investigation and execution by a person who isobliged to render assistance;


2. forging, concealing or destroying evidence or providing false evidential materials to hinder the people's court from hearing a case;


(III) instigating, suborning or coercing others to commit perjury, or hindering witnesses from giving testimony;


(IV) concealing, transferring, selling or destroying the property that has been sealed up, seized or frozen;


(V) Making the plaintiff withdraw the case by deception, coercion or other illegal means;


(VI) hindering the personnel of a people's court from performing their duties through violent, threatening or other means, or disturbing the order of the work of a people's court by creating uproars, rushing at the court or other means; or


(VII) threatening, insulting, slandering, framing, beating, sieging or retaliating against the judicial personnel or other personnel of the people's court, litigants or personnel who assist in the investigation and execution.


A People's Court may impose a fine or detention on the key person-in-charge or directly accountable personnel of an organisation which has committed any of the acts stipulated in the preceding paragraph pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.


A fine or detention must be approved by the president of a people's court. A party concerned who disagrees with the decision may apply to a higher-level People's Court for review once. The execution of the decision shall not be suspended during the period of reconsideration.

第六十條   人民法院審理行政案件,不適用調解。但是,行政賠償、補償以及行政機關行使法律、法規規定的自由裁量權的案件可以調解。

Article 60 A people's court shall not apply conciliation in handling an administrative case. However, a case involving administrative indemnity or compensation or a case for which an administrative organ may exercise the discretion as prescribed by laws or regulations may be settled through mediation.


The mediation shall be conducted on the principles of voluntariness and legality and shall not harm the national interests, public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of others.

第六十一條   在涉及行政許可、登記、征收、征用和行政機關對民事爭議所作的裁決的行政訴訟中,當事人申請一並解決相關民事爭議的,人民法院可以一並審理。

Article 61 If a party applies for concurrent settlement of the relevant civil dispute in an administrative litigation involving administrative licensing, registration, collection, expropriation and the ruling for the civil dispute made by the administrative organ, the people's court may hear the case concurrently.


In an administrative proceeding, if the people's court rules that the hearing of the administrative case shall be based on the judgment of the civil litigation, the people's court may award the suspension of administrative proceeding.

第六十二條   人民法院對行政案件宣告判決或者裁定前,原告申請撤訴的,或者被告改變其所作的行政行為,原告同意並申請撤訴的,是否準許,由人民法院裁定。

Article 62 Where, before the people's court pronounces judgment or gives a ruling, the plaintiff applies for withdrawal of the case, or the defendant alters its administrative act and the plaintiff agrees and applies for withdrawal of the case, the people's court shall rule on whether or not to approve such alteration.

第六十三條   人民法院審理行政案件,以法律和行政法規、地方性法規為依據。地方性法規適用於本行政區域內發生的行政案件。

Article 63 People's courts shall try administrative cases in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and local regulations. Local regulations shall be applicable to administrative cases within the corresponding administrative areas.


In handling administrative cases of a national autonomous area, the people's courts shall also take the regulations on autonomy and separate regulations of the national autonomous area as the criteria.


People's courts shall hear administrative cases by referring to rules and regulations.

第六十四條   人民法院在審理行政案件中,經審查認為本法第五十三條規定的規範性文件不合法的,不作為認定行政行為合法的依據,並向制定機關提出處理建議。

Article 64 If a people's court finds through examination that the normative documents specified in Article 53 hereof are illegal in the course of hearing an administrative case, such documents shall not be taken as the basis on which an administrative act is identified as lawful, and the people's courts shall propose solutions to the organs that formulate the aforesaid normative documents.

第六十五條   人民法院應當公開發生法律效力的判決書、裁定書,供公眾查閱,但涉及國家秘密、商業秘密和個人隱私的內容除外。

Article 65 A people's court shall make public the legally effective judgments and rulings for consultation, except for those involving State secrets, trade secrets or personal privacy.

第六十六條   人民法院在審理行政案件中,認為行政機關的主管人員、直接責任人員違法違紀的,應當將有關材料移送監察機關、該行政機關或者其上一級行政機關;認為有犯罪行為的,應當將有關材料移送公安、檢察機關。

Article 66 In the course of hearing an administrative case, where a people's court considers that persons in charge of an administrative organ or persons of an administrative organ who are directly responsible have violated the law or the discipline, the people's court shall transfer the relevant materials to the supervisory organ, such administrative organ or its superior administrative organ; where the court considers that such persons have committed a crime, it shall transfer the relevant materials to the public security and/or the procuratorial organs.


If the defendant refuses to appear in court without justified reasons after being summoned to do so or leaves the court session halfway without permission of the court, the people's court may announce the condition that the defendant refuses to appear in court or leaves the court session halfway, and may present judicial proposals to the supervisory organ or the superior administrative organ of the defendant to punish the major person-in-charge of or persons directly responsible for the defendant in accordance with the law.

第二節 第一審普通程序

Section 2 Ordinary Procedure at First Instance

第六十七條   人民法院應當在立案之日起五日內,將起訴狀副本發送被告。被告應當在收到起訴狀副本之日起十五日內向人民法院提交作出行政行為的證據和所依據的規範性文件,並提出答辯狀。人民法院應當在收到答辯狀之日起五日內,將答辯狀副本發送原告。

Article 67 A people's court shall send a copy of the statement of claim to the defendant within five days after docketing the case. The defendant shall, within 15 days from the date of receiving the copy of the statement of claim, submit to the people's court evidence relating to its performance of the administrative act in question and normative documents on which the administrative act in question is based, and submit a statement of defense. The people's court shall send a copy of the bill of defence to the plaintiff within five days of receiving it.


Failure by the defendant to submit a defence shall not affect the trial of the case by the people's court.

第六十八條   人民法院審理行政案件,由審判員組成合議庭,或者由審判員、陪審員組成合議庭。合議庭的成員,應當是三人以上的單數。

Article 68 Administrative cases in the people's courts shall be tried by a collegial panel of judges or of judges and assessors. The number of members of a collegial panel shall be an odd number of three or more.

第六十九條   行政行為證據確鑿,適用法律、法規正確,符合法定程序的,或者原告申請被告履行法定職責或者給付義務理由不成立的,人民法院判決駁回原告的訴訟請求。

Article 69 Where the evidence in respect of an administrative act is conclusive, the application of laws and regulations to the act is correct and the statutory procedure is complied with, or the reason for which the plaintiff requires the defendant to fulfill duties or payment obligation is invalid, the people's court shall reject the claim of the plaintiff.

第七十條   行政行為有下列情形之一的,人民法院判決撤銷或者部分撤銷,並可以判決被告重新作出行政行為:

Article 70 If an administrative act has been performed in one of the following circumstances, the act shall be annulled or partially annulled by judgment of the people's court, or the defendant may be required by judgment to perform an administrative act anew:


1. where the main evidence (in support of such act) is insufficient;


2. where incorrect laws and regulations were applied;


(III) Statutory procedures are violated;


4. where such act is performed beyond the authority;


(V) abusing his power;


(VI) where such act is improper obviously.

第七十一條   人民法院判決被告重新作出行政行為的,被告不得以同一的事實和理由作出與原行政行為基本相同的行政行為。

Article 71 Where a people's court rules a defendant to undertake a new administrative act, the defendant may not, based on the same facts and reasons, undertake a specific administrative act essentially identical with the original act.

第七十二條   人民法院經過審理,查明被告不履行法定職責的,判決被告在一定期限內履行。

Article 72 If the people's court finds out the defendant fails to perform its statutory duties after trial, it shall order the defendant to perform such duties within a specified period.

第七十三條   人民法院經過審理,查明被告依法負有給付義務的,判決被告履行給付義務。

Article 73 If the people's court finds out that the defendant has payment obligation in accordance with the law after trial, it shall order the defendant to perform the payment obligation.

第七十四條   行政行為有下列情形之一的,人民法院判決確認違法,但不撤銷行政行為:

Article 74 If an administrative act has been performed in either of the following circumstances, the people's court shall rule that the administrative act is illegal but shall not be annulled:


1. where the administrative act shall be annulled in accordance with the law, but the annulment may seriously damages national interests and public interests; or


(II) where administrative act procedures are slightly illegal but have no actual influence on the rights of the plaintiff.


If an administrative act has been performed in one of the following circumstances, the people's court shall rule that the administrative act is illegal if the administrative act is not required to be annulled or be performed by judgment:


1. where the administrative act is illegal, but there is no content to be annulled;


2. where the defendant changes the original administrative act, but the plaintiff continues to require the confirmation of illegality of the original administrative act; and


3. where the defendant fails to perform or delays the performance of statutory duties, and the ruling on such performance is of no significance.

第七十五條   行政行為有實施主體不具有行政主體資格或者沒有依據等重大且明顯違法情形,原告申請確認行政行為無效的,人民法院判決確認無效。

Article 75 Where an administrative act is performed in significant and obvious illegal circumstances such as the executor having no legal capacity as an administrative subject and lack of basis, and the plaintiff applies for confirming such administrative act as invalid, the people's court shall rule that the administrative act is invalid.

第七十六條   人民法院判決確認違法或者無效的,可以同時判決責令被告采取補救措施;給原告造成損失的,依法判決被告承擔賠償責任。

Article 76 When a people's court rules that anadministrative act is illegal or invalid, it may order the defendant to take remedial measures at the same time; if the plaintiff suffers losses, the people's court shall rule the defendant to bear compensation liability in accordance with the law.

第七十七條   行政處罰明顯不當,或者其他行政行為涉及對款額的確定、認定確有錯誤的,人民法院可以判決變更。

Article 77 Where an administrative penalty is manifestly improper, or the confirmation or identification of amounts involved in any other administrative act is incorrect, the people's court may order that such penalty or confirmation or identification act be altered.


Where the people's court orders that such penalty or administrative act be altered, it shall not increase the obligation or impair the rights and interests of the plaintiff. However, if the interested party is also the plaintiff, the claim shall be reversed.

第七十八條   被告不依法履行、未按照約定履行或者違法變更、解除本法第十二條第一款第十一項規定的協議的,人民法院判決被告承擔繼續履行、采取補救措施或者賠償損失等責任。

Article 78 Where the defendant does not perform in accordance with the law, fails to perform as agreed or illegally changes or terminates the agreement specified in Item 11, Paragraph 1 of Article 12 hereof, the people's court shall rule the defendant to take liabilities for continuing to perform the agreement, taking remedial measures or making compensations.


Where the defendant legally changes or terminates the agreement specified in Item 11, Paragraph 1 of Article 12 hereof but does not make compensations in accordance with the law, the people's court shall rule the defendant to make compensations.

第七十九條   複議機關與作出原行政行為的行政機關為共同被告的案件,人民法院應當對複議決定和原行政行為一並作出裁判。

Article 79 Where the reconsideration organ and the administrative organ which performs the original administrative act are co-defendants in a case, the people's court shall make judgment on the reconsideration decision and the original administrative act concurrently.

第八十條   人民法院對公開審理和不公開審理的案件,一律公開宣告判決。

Article 80 The people's court shall publicly pronounce its judgment in all cases, whether publicly tried or not.


If a judgment is pronounced in court, the written judgment shall be issued and delivered within ten days. If a judgment is pronounced later on a fixed date, the written judgment shall be issued and given immediately after the pronouncement.


Upon pronouncement of a judgment, the parties must be informed of their right to appeal, the time limit for appeal and the court to which they may appeal.

第八十一條   人民法院應當在立案之日起六個月內作出第一審判決。有特殊情況需要延長的,由高級人民法院批準,高級人民法院審理第一審案件需要延長的,由最高人民法院批準。

Article 81 A people's court shall pass a judgment of first instance within six months from the date of filing the case. Extension of such period, if required because of special circumstances, shall be approved by a higher people's court. Where a higher people's court requires an extension of such period for a case which it is hearing as a court of first instance, such extension shall be approved by the Supreme People's Court.

第三節 簡易程序

Section 3 Summary Procedure

第八十二條   人民法院審理下列第一審行政案件,認為事實清楚、權利義務關系明確、爭議不大的,可以適用簡易程序:

Article 82 The people's court may apply summary procedure to hear the following administrative cases of first instance with clear facts, definite relationships of rights and obligations and not serious disputes:


1. where the administrative act under litigation is performed on the site in accordance with the law;


2. Where the case involves an amount of less than CNY2,000; and


(III) where the case involves disclosure of government information.


In addition to the administrative cases of the first instance set out in the preceding paragraph, summary procedure may apply to cases for which the parties concerned agree upon the application of summary procedure.


Summary procedure shall not apply to cases remanded for retrial and retried according to the procedure for trial supervision.

第八十三條   適用簡易程序審理的行政案件,由審判員一人獨任審理,並應當在立案之日起四十五日內審結。

Article 83 An administrative case heard according to summary procedure shall be heard by the judge independently, and be concluded within 45 days after the case is placed on the trial docket.

第八十四條   人民法院在審理過程中,發現案件不宜適用簡易程序的,裁定轉為普通程序。

Article 84 If the people's court finds that it is improper to apply summary procedure to a case in hearing, it shall order that ordinary procedure applies.

第四節 第二審程序

Section 4 Procedure at Second Instance

第八十五條   當事人不服人民法院第一審判決的,有權在判決書送達之日起十五日內向上一級人民法院提起上訴。當事人不服人民法院第一審裁定的,有權在裁定書送達之日起十日內向上一級人民法院提起上訴。逾期不提起上訴的,人民法院的第一審判決或者裁定發生法律效力。

Article 85 If a party refuses to accept a judgment of first instance by a people's court, he shall have the right to file an appeal with the people's court at the next higher level within 15 days after the date on which the written judgment was served. A party who disagrees with a ruling of a people's court of first instance shall have the right to appeal to a people's court at the next highest level within 10 days of receiving notice of the ruling. The judgment or ruling of first instance of a People's Court shall be legally effective if an appeal is not filed within the stipulated period.

第八十六條   人民法院對上訴案件,應當組成合議庭,開庭審理。經過閱卷、調查和詢問當事人,對沒有提出新的事實、證據或者理由,合議庭認為不需要開庭審理的,也可以不開庭審理。

Article 86 The people's courts shall form a collegiate bench to try appellate cases. Upon consulting, investigation and inquiry of the parties concerned, if no new facts, evidence or reasons are put forward, and the collegiate bench rules that it is unnecessary to hold a hearing, the case may be handled without a hearing.

第八十七條   人民法院審理上訴案件,應當對原審人民法院的判決、裁定和被訴行政行為進行全面審查。

Article 87 In trying a case on appeal, a people's court shall thoroughly examine the judgment or ruling of the people's court which originally tried the case and the administrative act sued.

第八十八條   人民法院審理上訴案件,應當在收到上訴狀之日起三個月內作出終審判決。有特殊情況需要延長的,由高級人民法院批準,高級人民法院審理上訴案件需要延長的,由最高人民法院批準。

Article 88 In trying a case on appeal, a people's court shall make a final judgment within three months from the date of receiving the appeal. Extension of such period, if required because of special circumstances, shall be approved by a higher people's court. Where a higher people's court requires an extension of such time limit for handling an appellate case, such extension shall be approved by the Supreme People's Court.

第八十九條   人民法院審理上訴案件,按照下列情形,分別處理:

Article 89 The people's court shall handle an appellate case respectively according to the circumstances set forth below:


1. where the facts are clearly ascertained and the law and regulations are correctly applied in the original judgment or ruling, the appeal shall be rejected by judgment or ruling and the original judgment and ruling be upheld;


2. where the facts are erroneously ascertained or the law and regulations are incorrectly applied in the original judgment or ruling, the judgment or ruling shall be amended, annulled or altered in accordance with the law;


3. where the facts are not clearly ascertained in the original judgment and the evidence is insufficient, the case shall be remanded to the original people's court for retrial, or the people's court of the second instance may amend the original judgment after investigating and clarifying the facts; and


(IV) where there is any serious violation of statutory procedures such as omission of the party concerned and illegal judgment by default in the original judgment, the people's court of second instance shall rule that the original judgment be annulled and remand the case to the original people's court for retrial.


Where the party concerned institutes an appeal after the original people's court makes a judgment on the case remanded for retrial, the people's court of second instance shall not remand the case for retrial again.


Where the people's court needs to amend the original judgment in trying an appellate case, it shall make judgment on the administrative act sued at the same time.

第五節 審判監督程序

Section 5 Procedure for Trial Supervision

第九十條   當事人對已經發生法律效力的判決、裁定,認為確有錯誤的,可以向上一級人民法院申請再審,但判決、裁定不停止執行。

Article 90 If a party considers that there is some definite error in a legally effective judgment or written order, he may apply to the people's court at the next higher level for a retrial; however, the execution of the judgment or order shall not be suspended.

第九十一條   當事人的申請符合下列情形之一的,人民法院應當再審:

Article 91 If the application of a party conforms to any of the following circumstances, the people's court shall retry the case:


1. there is an error in not filing a case or dismissing a lawsuit;


2. there is new evidence that is sufficient to overturn the original judgment or ruling;


3. where the facts ascertained in the original judgment and ruling are not sufficient, cross-examined, or are forged;


(IV) where the laws and regulations applied in the original judgment and ruling are wrong;


(V) the litigation procedure prescribed by law has been violated and it may hamper the impartiality of a trial; or


(VI) where the claim is omitted under the original judgment and ruling;


(VII) where the legal documentation relating to the original judgment or ruling has been cancelled or amended; or


(VIII) The judges in trying the case committed acts of embezzlement, bribery, or malpractices for personal gain, or bended the law in making judgment.

第九十二條   各級人民法院院長對本院已經發生法律效力的判決、裁定,發現有本法第九十一條規定情形之一,或者發現調解違反自願原則或者調解書內容違法,認為需要再審的,應當提交審判委員會討論決定。

Article 92 Where the president of a People's Court at any level discovers that a judgment or a ruling made by a People's Court which has come into legal effect falls under any of the circumstances stipulated in Article 91 of this Law or discovers that mediation is in violation of the principle of voluntary participation or that the contents of the mediation letter are illegal and deems that there is a need for re-trial, the case shall be submitted to the judicial committee for discussion and decision.


Where the Supreme People's Court discovers that a judgment or ruling of a local People's Court at any level which has come into legal effect falls under any of the circumstances stipulated in Article 91 of this Law or discovers that mediation is in violation of the principle of voluntary participation or that the contents of the mediation letter are illegal, or discovers that a judgment or ruling of a lower-level People's Court which has come into legal effect falls under any of the circumstances stipulated in Article 91, the Supreme People's Court or the higher-level People's Court shall have the right to arraign or order the lower-level People's Court to re-try the case.

第九十三條   最高人民檢察院對各級人民法院已經發生法律效力的判決、裁定,上級人民檢察院對下級人民法院已經發生法律效力的判決、裁定,發現有本法第九十一條規定情形之一,或者發現調解書損害國家利益、社會公共利益的,應當提出抗訴。

Article 93 Where the Supreme People's Procuratorate discovers that a judgment or ruling of a People's Court at any level which has come into legal effect falls under any of the circumstances stipulated in Article 91 of this Law or discovers that a mediation letter harms national interest or public interest, or where a higher-level People's Procuratorate discovers that a judgment or ruling of a lower-level People's Court which has come into legal effect falls under any of the circumstances stipulated in Article 91 of this Law or discovers that a mediation letter harms national interest or public interest, a protest shall be made.


Where a People's Procuratorate at any level at any locality discovers that a judgment or ruling made by a People's Court of counterpart level which has come into legal effect falls under any of the circumstances stipulated in Article 91 of this Law, or discovers that a mediation letter harms national interest and public interest, the People's Procuratorate may make an attorney recommendation to the People's Court of counterpart level, and file record with the higher-level People's Procuratorate; or request the higher-level People's Procuratorate to make a protest to the People's Court of counterpart level.


In terms of the illegal acts of judges in trial procedures other than the procedure for trial supervision, the people's procuratorates at all levels are entitled to make procuratorial suggestions to the people's courts at the same level.


Chapter 8 Enforcement

第九十四條   當事人必須履行人民法院發生法律效力的判決、裁定、調解書。

Article 94 The parties concerned must perform legally effective judgments, rulings and mediation documents rendered by people's courts.

第九十五條   公民、法人或者其他組織拒絕履行判決、裁定、調解書的,行政機關或者第三人可以向第一審人民法院申請強制執行,或者由行政機關依法強制執行。

Article 95 Where a citizen, legal person or other organization refuses to perform a judgment, ruling or mediation document, the administrative organ or any third person may apply to the people's court of first instance for enforcement or enforce the judgment, ruling or mediation document by the administrative organ in accordance with the law.

第九十六條   行政機關拒絕履行判決、裁定、調解書的,第一審人民法院可以采取下列措施:

Article 96 Where an administrative organ refuses to perform a judgment, ruling or mediation document, the people's court of first instance may adopt the following measures:


1. (where the court rules that) fines shall be refunded or damages shall be paid, the court may notify the relevant bank of transfer of the sum from the account of the administrative organ in question;


(II) (where the administrative organ) fails to perform the judgment, ruling or mediation document within the prescribed time limit, a fine of CNY50 to CNY100 per day shall be imposed on the principal of the administrative organ in question;


(III) announce the administrative organ's refusal to perform the order, ruling or mediation document;


(IV) putting forward judicial suggestions to the supervisory organ or the administrative organ at the next higher level. The organ that accepts the judicial proposal shall deal with the matter in accordance with the relevant provisions and inform the people's court of its disposition; and


(V) Where an administrative organ refuses to perform a judgment, ruling or mediation document and causes adverse social impact, the person (s) -in-charge who is/are directly accountable and other directly accountable personnel of the administrative organ may be detained; where the case is serious and constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

第九十七條   公民、法人或者其他組織對行政行為在法定期限內不提起訴訟又不履行的,行政機關可以申請人民法院強制執行,或者依法強制執行。

Article 97 Where a citizen, legal person or other organization neither institutes proceedings in respect of an administrative act nor performs such act within the statutory time limit, the administrative organ may apply to a people's court for enforcement or enforce the act itself according to the law.

第九章 涉外行政訴訟

Chapter 9 Foreign-related Administrative Litigation

第九十八條   外國人、無國籍人、外國組織在中華人民共和國進行行政訴訟,適用本法。法律另有規定的除外。

Article 98 This Law is applicable to foreign nationals, stateless persons and foreign organizations that are engaged in administrative suits in the People's Republic of China. Unless otherwise required by law.

第九十九條   外國人、無國籍人、外國組織在中華人民共和國進行行政訴訟,同中華人民共和國公民、組織有同等的訴訟權利和義務。

Article 99 Foreign nationals, stateless persons and foreign organizations that are engaged in administrative suits in the People's Republic of China shall enjoy the same litigation rights and be subject to the same obligations as citizens and organizations of the People's Republic of China.


If the courts of a foreign country impose restrictions on the administrative litigation rights of the citizens and organizations of the People's Republic of China, the People's Courts shall follow the principle of reciprocity regarding the administrative litigation rights of the citizens and organizations of that foreign country.

第一百條   外國人、無國籍人、外國組織在中華人民共和國進行行政訴訟,委托律師代理訴訟的,應當委托中華人民共和國律師機構的律師。

Article 100 When foreign nationals, stateless persons and foreign organizations appoint lawyers as their agents in administrative actions in the People's Republic of China, they shall appoint lawyers of a lawyers' organization of the People's Republic of China.


Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions

第一百零一條   人民法院審理行政案件,關於期間、送達、財產保全、開庭審理、調解、中止訴訟、終結訴訟、簡易程序、執行等,以及人民檢察院對行政案件受理、審理、裁判、執行的監督,本法沒有規定的,適用《中華人民共和國民事訴訟法》的相關規定。

Article 101 Where there are no relevant provisions in this Law regarding the period, service, property preservation, trial in court, conciliation, suspension of action, termination of action, summary procedure or execution for the trial of administrative cases, or regarding the supervision carried out by the people's procuratorate over acceptance, trial, judgment or execution of administrative cases, the provisions in the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China shall apply.

第一百零二條   人民法院審理行政案件,應當收取訴訟費用。訴訟費用由敗訴方承擔,雙方都有責任的由雙方分擔。收取訴訟費用的具體辦法另行規定。

Article 102 People's courts shall charge litigation fees for hearing administrative cases. The litigation fee shall be borne by the losing party, or by both parties if they are both liable. Detailed measures on collection of litigation fees shall be stipulated separately.

第一百零三條   本法自1990101日起施行。

Article 103 This Law shall go into effect as of October 1, 1990.


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