1986年6月25日第六屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十六次會議通過 根據1988年12月29日第七屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第五次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國土地管理法〉的決定》第一次修正 1998年8月29日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第四次會議第二次修訂 1998年8月29日中華人民共和國主席令第8號公布 根據2004年8月28日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議通過,2004年8月28日中華人民共和國主席令第二十八號公布,自公布之日起施行的《第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一
Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (2004 Revision)
(1986年6月25日第六屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十六次會議通過 根據1988年12月29日第七屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第五次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國土地管理法〉的決定》第一次修正 1998年8月29日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第四次會議第二次修訂 1998年8月29日中華人民共和國主席令第8號公布 根據2004年8月28日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議通過,2004年8月28日中華人民共和國主席令第二十八號公布,自公布之日起施行的《第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議關於修改〈中華人民共和國土地管理法〉的決定》第三次修正)
(Adopted at the 16th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on June 25, 1986; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 5th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on December 29, 1988; revised for the second time at the 4th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on August 29, 1998; promulgated by Order No.8 of the President of the People's Republic of China on August 29, 1998; and amended for the third time in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on August 28, 2004 and promulgated by Order No.28 of the President of the People's Republic of China on August 28, 2004)
第一章 總則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一條 為了加強土地管理,維護土地的社會主義公有制,保護、開發土地資源,合理利用土地,切實保護耕地,促進社會經濟的可持續發展,根據憲法,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution with a view to strengthening land administration, maintaining the socialist public ownership of land, protecting and developing land resources, making proper use of land, effectively protecting cultivated land and promoting sustainable development of the society and the economy.
第二條 中華人民共和國實行土地的社會主義公有制,即全民所有制和勞動群眾集體所有制。
Article 2 The People's Republic of China practices socialist public ownership of land, namely, ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working people.
State-owned land owned by the whole people means that the State Council exercises the ownership of State-owned land on behalf of the state.
No unit or individual may appropriate, buy, sell or otherwise engage in the transfer of land by unlawful means. Land use rights may be transferred in accordance with the law.
The state may make expropriation or requisition on land according to law for public interests, but shall give compensations accordingly.
The State practises the system of paid-for use for State-owned land in accordance with law. However, allocation of the right to the use of State-owned land by the State within the limits prescribed by law is excepted.
第三條 十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切實保護耕地是我國的基本國策。各級人民政府應當采取措施,全面規劃,嚴格管理,保護、開發土地資源,制止非法占用土地的行為。
Article 3 To value land highly, use land rationally and protect cultivated land effectively is a basic policy of our country. People's governments at all levels shall take measures, draw up overall plans, tighten control, protect and develop land resources, and prevent unlawful occupation and use of land.
第四條 國家實行土地用途管制制度。
Article 4 The State applies a system of control over the purposes of use of land.
The State shall draw up general plans to set usages of land including those of farm or construction use or unused. It shall rigidly restrict conversion of land for agriculture to land for construction, keep the total area of the land for construction under control and give special protection to cultivated land.
Land for agriculture as referred to in the preceding paragraph means land that is directly used for agricultural production, including cultivated land, forest land, grassland, land for irrigation and water conservancy and water surfaces for aquaculture; land for construction means land for construction buildings and other structures, including land for housing in urban and rural areas, for public facilities, for industries and mining, for communications and water conservancy, for tourism and for military installations; and unused land means land other than land for agriculture and construction.
Any unit or individual must use land in strict accordance with the purposes of land use determined by the overall plan for land utilization.
第五條 國務院土地行政主管部門統一負責全國土地的管理和監督工作。
Article 5 The land administration department under the State Council shall be in charge of unified administration of and supervision over the land throughout the country.
The establishment and duties of the land administration departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall be decided by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council.
第六條 任何單位和個人都有遵守土地管理法律、法規的義務,並有權對違反土地管理法律、法規的行為提出檢舉和控告。
Article 6 All units and individuals shall have the obligation to observe the laws and regulations governing land administration and shall have the right to report against or accuse any violations of such laws or regulations.
第七條 在保護和開發土地資源、合理利用土地以及進行有關的科學研究等方面成績顯著的單位和個人,由人民政府給予獎勵。
Article 7 The people's governments shall reward the units or individuals that achieved outstanding successes in protecting and developing land resources, using land rationally and carrying out relevant scientific research.
第二章 土地的所有權和使用權
Chapter 2 Ownership of Land and Use Right to Land
第八條 城市市區的土地屬於國家所有。
Article 8 Land in urban areas is owned by the State.
Land in the rural areas and suburban areas, except otherwise provided for by the State, shall be collectively owned by farmers including land for building houses, land and hills allowed to be retained by farmers.
第九條 國有土地和農民集體所有的土地,可以依法確定給單位或者個人使用。使用土地的單位和個人,有保護、管理和合理利用土地的義務。
Article 9 State-owned land and land owned by peasant collectives may be lawfully determined to be used by units or individuals. Units or individuals using land shall be responsible for the protection, management and a rational use of the land.
第十條 農民集體所有的土地依法屬於村農民集體所有的,由村集體經濟組織或者村民委員會經營、管理;已經分別屬於村內兩個以上農村集體經濟組織的農民集體所有的,由村內各該農村集體經濟組織或者村民小組經營、管理;已經屬於鄉(鎮)農民集體所有的,由鄉(鎮)農村集體經濟組織經營、管理。
Article 10 Land owned by peasant collectives that belongs lawfully to peasant collectives of a village shall be operated and managed by collective economic organizations of the village or by villagers' committees; land already owned by different peasant collectives that belong to two or more different collective economic organizations in the village shall be operated and managed by the rural collective economic organizations in the village or by villagers' teams; land already owned by peasant collectives of a township (town) shall be operated and managed by rural collective economic organizations of the township (town).
第十一條 農民集體所有的土地,由縣級人民政府登記造冊,核發證書,確認所有權。
Article 11 People's government at the county level shall register and put on record lands collectively owned by farmers and issue certificates to certify the ownership concerned.
People's governments at the county level shall catalogue land collectively owned by peasants which is used for non-agricultural construction in accordance with law, issuing certificates to confirm the right to use the land for construction.
State-owned land to be lawfully used by units or individuals shall be registered and recorded by people's governments at or above the county level, which shall, upon verification, issue certificates to confirm their right to the use of such land. The specific organs for registration and issue of certificates for State-owned land to be used by central State organs shall be determined by the State Council.
Ownership or the right to the use of forest land or grassland and the right to the use of water surfaces or tidal flats for aquaculture shall be confirmed respectively in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Forestry Law, the Grassland Law and the Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China.
第十二條 依法改變土地權屬和用途的,應當辦理土地變更登記手續。
Article 12 Any change to be lawfully made in land ownership, in the right to the use of land or in the purpose of use of land shall be registered.
第十三條 依法登記的土地的所有權和使用權受法律保護,任何單位和個人不得侵犯。
Article 13 The ownership and use right of land registered according to law shall be protected by law and no unit or individual is eligible to infringe upon it.
第十四條 農民集體所有的土地由本集體經濟組織的成員承包經營,從事種植業、林業、畜牧業、漁業生產。土地承包經營期限為三十年。發包方和承包方應當訂立承包合同,約定雙方的權利和義務。承包經營土地的農民有保護和按照承包合同約定的用途合理利用土地的義務。農民的土地承包經營權受法律保護。
Article 14 Land collectively owned by farmers shall be contracted out to run by members of the collective economic organizations for use in crop farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. The duration of land contracting and management shall be 30 years. The contractees shall sign a contract with the correspondents' contractor to define each other's rights and obligations. Peasants who contract and operate land are obliged to protect and use the land rationally according to the purposes agreed upon in the contract. Farmers' right to operate contracted land is protected by law.
Within the duration of the contract for operation of land, any appropriate readjustment of the land between individual contractors shall be made with the agreement of at least two-thirds of the members of the villagers assembly or of the representatives of villagers and submitted to the township (town) people's government and the agriculture administration department of the people's government of the county for approval.
第十五條 國有土地可以由單位或者個人承包經營,從事種植業、林業、畜牧業、漁業生產。農民集體所有的土地,可以由本集體經濟組織以外的單位或者個人承包經營,從事種植業、林業、畜牧業、漁業生產。發包方和承包方應當訂立承包合同,約定雙方的權利和義務。土地承包經營的期限由承包合同約定。承包經營土地的單位和個人,有保護和按照承包合同約定的用途合理利用土地的義務。
Article 15 State-owned land may be operated under a contract by units or individuals for crop cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry or fishery. Land collectively owned by farmers may be contracted out to units or individuals who are not belonging to the corresponding collectives for farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries operations. The contractees shall sign a contract with the correspondents' contractor to define each other's rights and obligations. The duration of land contract and management shall be stipulated in the contract. The units or individuals that contract to operate the land shall have the obligation to protect such land and make rational use of it in conformity with the purposes of use provided for in the contract.
Land owned by peasant collectives shall be operated under a contract by units or individuals that do not belong to the economic organizations of the said collectives with the agreement of at least two-thirds of the members of the villagers assembly or of the representatives of villagers and submitted to the township (town) people's government for approval.
第十六條 土地所有權和使用權爭議,由當事人協商解決;協商不成的,由人民政府處理。
Article 16 Disputes over ownership of land or the right to the use of land shall be solved through consultation between the parties. If such consultation fails, they shall be decided by the people's government.
Disputes between units shall be handled by the people's government above the county level; disputes between individuals or between individuals and units shall be handled by township level people's government or people's governments at the county level or above.
If a party refuses to accept the decision of the relevant people's government, it may file a suit in a People's Court within 30 days from the date of receiving notification of the decision.
No Party shall change the status quo of the land before the dispute over the ownership and use right of the land is settled.
第三章 土地利用總體規劃
Chapter III Overall Planning for Land Utilization
第十七條 各級人民政府應當依據國民經濟和社會發展規劃、國土整治和資源環境保護的要求、土地供給能力以及各項建設對土地的需求,組織編制土地利用總體規劃。
Article 17 People's governments at all levels shall draw up overall plans for land utilization on the basis of the requirements of the plans for national economic and social development, the need for improvement of national land and for protection of the natural resources and the environment, the capacity of and supply, and the demand for land by various construction projects.
Planning deadlines for land use master plans shall be stipulated by the State Council.
第十八條 下級土地利用總體規劃應當依據上一級土地利用總體規劃編制。
Article 18 General plans for land use at a lower level shall be compiled according to the general plans for the utilization of land at the next higher level.
The total amount of land for construction in the overall plan for land utilization drawn up by local people's governments at different levels shall not exceed the control norm set in such a plan by the people's government at a higher level and the amount of cultivated land reserved shall not be lower than the control norm set in the overall plan for land utilization of the people's government at a higher level.
In drawing up their overall plans for land utilization, the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall see that the total amount of the cultivated land within their administrative areas is not reduced.
第十九條 土地利用總體規劃按照下列原則編制:
Article 19 An overall land utilization plan shall be prepared according to the following principles:
1. Stringently protecting the basic farmland and controlling the use of agricultural land for nonagricultural purposes;
(II) increasing the utilization rate of land;
(III) Making overall arrangement for the use of various kinds of land in various areas;
(IV) protecting and improving the ecological environment to ensure a sustainable use of land; and
(V) Balancing cultivated land that is occupied and cultivated land that is reclaimed and developed.
第二十條 縣級土地利用總體規劃應當劃分土地利用區,明確土地用途。
Article 20 General plans for land use at the county level shall define the areas and purposes of land use.
General plans for the land use at the township (town) level shall define the areas for the utilization of land and define the purpose of each tract of land according to the actual conditions for the use of land and make an announcement.
第二十一條 土地利用總體規劃實行分級審批。
Article 21 General plans for land use shall implement graded examination and approval.
The overall plans for land utilization drawn up by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be submitted to the State Council for approval.
The overall plans for land utilization drawn up by cities, where people's governments of provinces or autonomous regions are located and where the population is over one million, and cities earmarked by the State Council shall be examined for consent by people's governments of the provinces or autonomous regions, before they are submitted to the State Council for approval.
General plans for land use other than those provided for in the second and third paragraphs of this article shall be submitted for approval level by level up to the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. General plans for land uses of townships (towns) may be approved by the people's governments of cities or autonomous prefectures authorized by the provincial level people's governments.
Once an overall plan for land utilization is approved, it shall be implemented strictly.
第二十二條 城市建設用地規模應當符合國家規定的標準,充分利用現有建設用地,不占或者盡量少占農用地。
Article 22 The amount of land to be used for urban construction shall conform to the norm set by State regulations. Attention shall be paid to making full use of the existing land for construction and using little or no land for agriculture.
The overall plans of cities and the plans of villages and towns shall be dovetailed with the overall plan for land utilization, and the amount of land to be used for construction fixed in the former shall not exceed the amount fixed in the latter for the cities, villages and towns.
In the areas covered by the plans of cities, villages and towns, the amount of land to be used for construction shall conform to the amount as is fixed in such plans.
第二十三條 江河、湖泊綜合治理和開發利用規劃,應當與土地利用總體規劃相銜接。在江河、湖泊、水庫的管理和保護範圍以及蓄洪滯洪區內,土地利用應當符合江河、湖泊綜合治理和開發利用規劃,符合河道、湖泊行洪、蓄洪和輸水的要求。
Article 23 Plans for all-round harnessing of rivers and lakes and for their development and utilization shall be dovetailed with the overall plan for land utilization. Within the areas of the rivers, lakes and reservoirs under control and protection and the areas for flood storage or detention, land shall be used in conformity with the plan for all-round harnessing of rivers and lakes and for their development and utilization and with the requirements of flood diversion and storage and water transmission from the rivers and lakes.
第二十四條 各級人民政府應當加強土地利用計劃管理,實行建設用地總量控制。
Article 24 People's governments at all levels shall exercise close supervision over the plans for land utilization and keep control over the total amount of land used for construction.
The annual plan for land utilization shall be drawn up in accordance with the plan for national economic and social development, the industrial policies of the State, the overall plan for land utilization and the actual conditions of land used for construction and land utilized. The examination and approval procedures for the compilation of annual land use plans shall be the same as that for the overall land use plans. Once approved, they shall be implemented strictly.
第二十五條 省、自治區、直轄市人民政府應當將土地利用年度計劃的執行情況列為國民經濟和社會發展計劃執行情況的內容,向同級人民代表大會報告。
Article 25 People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall include the implementation of the annual plans for land utilization in their report on the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development to be delivered to the people's congresses at the corresponding level.
第二十六條 經批準的土地利用總體規劃的修改,須經原批準機關批準;未經批準,不得改變土地利用總體規劃確定的土地用途。
Article 26 Revision of the general plans for land use shall be approved by the original organ of approval. Without approval, the usages of land defined in the general plans for the utilization of land shall not be changed.
Whereas the purpose of land use defined in the general plans for the utilization of land needs to be changed due to the construction of large-scale energy, communications, water conservancy and other infrastructure projects approved by the State Council, it shall be changed according to the document of approval issued by the State Council.
If the purpose of land defined in the general plans for the utilization of land needs to be changed due to the construction of large-scale energy, communications, water conservancy and other infrastructure projects approved by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, it shall be changed according to the document of approval issued by the provincial level people's governments if it falls into their terms of reference.
第二十七條 國家建立土地調查制度。
Article 27 The State establishes a land survey system.
Land administration departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall, together with the departments concerned at the same level, conduct land survey. Land owners or users shall provide good cooperation and necessary data and materials required.
第二十八條 縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門會同同級有關部門根據土地調查成果、規劃土地用途和國家制定的統一標準,評定土地等級。
Article 28 Land administration departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall, together with the departments concerned at the same level, grade land on the basis of the results of the surveys, their planned uses and the uniform standard formulated by the State.
第二十九條 國家建立土地統計制度。
Article 29 The State establishes the land statistical system.
Land administration departments and statistics departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall work together to draw up plans for statistics and survey, lawfully prepare land statistics, and publish materials of land statistics at regular intervals. Landowners and users shall provide relevant materials without fabrication, deception, refusal or delay.
The statistical data about land areas jointly issued by the competent land administrative departments and statistics departments serve as the basis for people's governments at all levels to prepare their overall land utilization plans.
第三十條 國家建立全國土地管理信息系統,對土地利用狀況進行動態監測。
Article 30 The State shall establish a national land administration information system to monitor developments in land utilization.
第四章 耕地保護
Chapter 4 Protection of Cultivated Land
第三十一條 國家保護耕地,嚴格控制耕地轉為非耕地。
Article 31 The State protects cultivated land and strictly controls conversion of cultivated land to non-cultivated land.
The State applies the system of compensation for the use of cultivated land. In the case of occupying cultivated land for non-agricultural construction, the units occupying the cultivated land shall be responsible for reclaiming the same amount of land in the same quality as occupied one according to the principle of reclaiming the same amount of land occupied. Whereas units, which occupy the cultivated land, are not available with conditions of reclamation of land or the land reclaimed is not up to requirements, the units concerned shall pay land reclamation fees prescribed by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities for reclaiming land for cultivation the land reclaimed.
People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate plans for land reclamation, see that the unit that uses cultivated land reclaims land according to plan or arrange reclamation according to plan, and conduct inspection before acceptance.) >
第三十二條 縣級以上地方人民政府可以要求占用耕地的單位將所占用耕地耕作層的土壤用於新開墾耕地、劣質地或者其他耕地的土壤改良。
Article 32 Local people's governments at or above the county level may demand units which occupy cultivated land to use the topsoil of the land occupied for use in the newly reclaimed land, poor land or other cultivated land for improving soil.
第三十三條 省、自治區、直轄市人民政府應當嚴格執行土地利用總體規劃和土地利用年度計劃,采取措施,確保本行政區域內耕地總量不減少;耕地總量減少的,由國務院責令在規定期限內組織開墾與所減少耕地的數量與質量相當的耕地,並由國務院土地行政主管部門會同農業行政主管部門驗收。個別省、直轄市確因土地後備資源匮乏,新增建設用地後,新開墾耕地的數量不足以補償所占用耕地的數量的,必須報經國務院批準減免本行政區域內開墾耕地的數量,進行易地開墾。
Article 33 People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall strictly implement the overall plans and annual plans for land utilization and take measures to ensure that the total amount of cultivated land within their administrative areas remains unreduced. Where the total amount of cultivated land is reduced, the State Council shall order the government concerned to reclaim land of the same quality and amount as is reduced within a time limit, and the land administration department together with the agriculture administration department under the State Council shall inspect the land reclaimed before acceptance. Whereas individual provinces and municipalities find it difficult to reclaim enough land to make up for the land occupied due to scarce reserve resources, the total amount of land due to be reclaimed in their own regions may be reduced with the approval of the State Council but the rest of land for reclamation shall be made up for elsewhere.
第三十四條 國家實行基本農田保護制度。下列耕地應當根據土地利用總體規劃劃入基本農田保護區,嚴格管理:
Article 34 The State fosters the basic farmland protection system. The following cultivated land shall be demarcated as prime farmland protection areas and subject to stringent control according to the general plans for the utilization of land:
1. Cultivated land in production bases for grain, cotton and oil-bearing crops as approved by the relevant competent department under the State Council or local people's governments at or above the county level;
2. Cultivated land with good irrigation, good water and soil conservation facilities, or medium-and low-yield land where a plan for transforming the land is in progress or where such a plan is feasible;
(III) vegetable production bases;
(IV) Experimental plots for agriculture research or education; and
(V) Other cultivated land that should be included in basic farmland protection zones as prescribed by the State Council.
The capital farmland designated as such by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall account for at least 80% of the total cultivated land in their administrative areas respectively.
The area of protected capital farmland shall be demarcated with the township (town) as a unit and such demarcation shall be arranged by the land administration department together with the agriculture administration department of a people's government at the county level.
第三十五條 各級人民政府應當采取措施,維護排灌工程設施,改良土壤,提高地力,防止土地荒漠化、鹽渍化、水土流失和汙染土地。
Article 35 People's governments at all levels shall take measures to maintain and protect irrigation and drainage facilities, ameliorate the soil to raise fertility and prevent desertification, salinization, water loss and soil erosion and pollution.
第三十六條 非農業建設必須節約使用土地,可以利用荒地的,不得占用耕地;可以利用劣地的,不得占用好地。
Article 36 Land shall be used sparingly for non-agricultural construction purposes. Whereas wasteland can be used, no cultivated land shall be occupied; whereas poor land can be used, no good land shall be occupied.
It is forbidden to build kilns, graves or houses on cultivated land or to dig sand, collect stones, do mining and carry soil away from cultivated land.
Occupation of basic farmland for the development of horticulture and digging of ponds for fish farming shall be prohibited.
第三十七條 禁止任何單位和個人閑置、荒蕪耕地。已經辦理審批手續的非農業建設占用耕地,一年內不用而又可以耕種並收獲的,應當由原耕種該幅耕地的集體或者個人恢複耕種,也可以由用地單位組織耕種;一年以上未動工建設的,應當按照省、自治區、直轄市的規定繳納閑置費;連續二年未使用的,經原批準機關批準,由縣級以上人民政府無償收回用地單位的土地使用權;該幅土地原為農民集體所有的,應當交由原農村集體經濟組織恢複耕種。
Article 37 No unit or individual is allowed to let the land idle or go wasted. Whereas a cultivated land which has been occupied for non-agricultural construction upon approval and can sure start construction within one year is found cultivable and yieldable, it shall be cultivated by the unit or individual that originally cultivates the land or cultivated by units occupying the land. Whereas construction work fails to start for over one year, land idling fees shall be paid according to the provisions by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Whereas construction work fails to start for two successive years, the people's governments at and above the county level shall revoke the use right of the land with the approval of the original organ of approval. Whereas the land used to be owned by farmer collectives, it shall be turned over to original rural collective economic organizations for recultivation.
Land in the area covered by urban planning, the land-use right of which is assigned for development of real estate, that is left unused shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Urban Real Estate.
Where a unit or individual that contracts to operate cultivated land but lets the land lie waste for two years running, the original unit that gives out the contract shall terminate the contract and take back the land under contract.
第三十八條 國家鼓勵單位和個人按照土地利用總體規劃,在保護和改善生態環境、防止水土流失和土地荒漠化的前提下,開發未利用的土地;適宜開發為農用地的,應當優先開發成農用地。
Article 38 The State encourages units and individuals to develop unused land in accordance with the overall plans for land utilization, on condition that the ecological environment is protected and improved and soil erosion and desertification prevented. Priority shall be given to the development of such land for agricultural purposes where conditions permit.
The State protects the legitimate rights and interests of developers pursuant to the law.
第三十九條 開墾未利用的土地,必須經過科學論證和評估,在土地利用總體規劃劃定的可開墾的區域內,經依法批準後進行。禁止毀壞森林、草原開墾耕地,禁止圍湖造田和侵占江河灘地。
Article 39 Unused lands shall be reclaimed on the basis of scientific confirmation and evaluation, within the reclaimable areas designated as such in an overall plan for land utilization and with lawful approval. It is forbidden to reclaim cultivated land by destroying forests or grasslands, to reclaim land from lakes and to encroach on tidal-flat areas of rivers.
Where land is reclaimed from forests, grasslands or lakes at the expense of the ecological environment, it shall gradually be returned to forests, grasslands and lakes according to plan.
第四十條 開發未確定使用權的國有荒山、荒地、荒灘從事種植業、林業、畜牧業、漁業生產的,經縣級以上人民政府依法批準,可以確定給開發單位或者個人長期使用。
Article 40 For developing waste hills, land or beaches whose use rights have not been ascertained for crop cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry or fisheries, the use rights may be given to developers or individuals for long-term use with the approval of the people's government at or above the county level according to law.
第四十一條 國家鼓勵土地整理。縣、鄉(鎮)人民政府應當組織農村集體經濟組織,按照土地利用總體規劃,對田、水、路、林、村綜合整治,提高耕地質量,增加有效耕地面積,改善農業生產條件和生態環境。
Article 41 The State encourages land consolidation. People's governments of counties and townships (towns) shall organize rural collective economic organizations to carry out comprehensive consolidation of fields, water surface, roads, woods and villages according to the general plans for the utilization of land to raise the quality of cultivated land, increase the area of effective cultivated land and improve conditions for agricultural production and ecological environment.
Local people's governments at all levels shall take measures to ameliorate medium-and low-yielding land and consolidate idle, scattered, or abandoned land.
第四十二條 因挖損、塌陷、壓占等造成土地破壞,用地單位和個人應當按照國家有關規定負責複墾;沒有條件複墾或者複墾不符合要求的,應當繳納土地複墾費,專項用於土地複墾。複墾的土地應當優先用於農業。
Article 42 Whereas land is damaged due to digging, cave-in and occupation, the units or individuals occupying the land shall be responsible for reclamation according to the relevant provisions of the State; for lack of ability of reclamation or for failure to meet the required reclamation, land reclamation fees shall be paid, for use in land reclamation. The reclaimed land should first be used for agriculture.
第五章 建設用地
Chapter 5 Land for Construction
第四十三條 任何單位和個人進行建設,需要使用土地的,必須依法申請使用國有土地;但是,興辦鄉鎮企業和村民建設住宅經依法批準使用本集體經濟組織農民集體所有的土地的,或者鄉(鎮)村公共設施和公益事業建設經依法批準使用農民集體所有的土地的除外。
Article 43 Any unit or individual that need land for construction purposes shall apply for the use of land owned by the State according to law, except land owned by farmer collectives used by collective economic organizations for building township enterprises or building houses for villagers or land owned by farmer collectives approved according to law for use in building public facilities or public welfare facilities of townships (towns).
The term apply for the use of land owned by the State according to law used in the preceding paragraph refers to land owned by the State and also land originally owned by farmer collectives but having been expropriated by the State.
第四十四條 建設占用土地,涉及農用地轉為建設用地的,應當辦理農用地轉用審批手續。
Article 44 Whereas occupation of land for construction purposes involves the conversion of agricultural land into land for construction purposes, the examination and approval procedures in this regard shall be required.
For projects of roads, pipelines and large infrastructure approved by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, land for construction has to be approved by the State Council whereas conversion of agricultural land is involved.
Whereas agricultural land is converted into construction purposes as part of the efforts to implement the general plans for the utilization of land within the amount of land used for construction purposes as defined in the general plans for cities, villages and market towns, it shall be approved batch by batch according to the annual plan for the use of land by the organs that approved the original general plans for the utilization of land. The specific projects within the scope of land approved for conversion shall be approved by the people's governments of cities or counties.
Where land for agriculture is to be converted to land for construction projects other than those provided for in the second and third paragraphs of this Article, the conversion shall be subject to approval by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
第四十五條 征收下列土地的,由國務院批準:
Article 45 The expropriation of the following types of land shall be approved by the State Council:
1. basic farmland;
2. Cultivated land other than basic farmland of which the amount exceeds 35 hectares; and
(III) Other land exceeding 70 hectares.
Expropriation of land other than prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be approved by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and submitted to the State Council for the record.
Expropriation of agricultural land shall first of all go through the examination and approval procedure for converting agricultural land into land for construction purposes according to the provisions of Article 44 of this law. Whereas conversion of land is approved by the State Council, the land expropriation examination and approval procedures shall be completed concurrently with the procedures for converting agricultural land to construction uses and no separate procedures are required. Whereas the conversion of land is approved by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities within their terms of reference, land expropriation examination and approval procedures shall be completed at the same time and no separate procedures are required. Whereas the terms of reference has been exceeded, separate land expropriation examination and approval procedures shall be completed according to the provisions of the first paragraph of this article.
第四十六條 國家征收土地的,依照法定程序批準後,由縣級以上地方人民政府予以公告並組織實施。
Article 46 For expropriation of land by the State the local people's governments at and above the county level shall make an announcement and organize the implementation after the approval according to the legal procedures.
Owners and users of the land expropriated shall, within the time limit specified in the announcement, go through the compensation registration for expropriated land with the land administrative departments of the local people's governments on the strength of the land ownership certificates.
第四十七條 征收土地的,按照被征收土地的原用途給予補償。
Article 47 In expropriating land, compensation shall be made according to the original purposes of the land expropriated.
Compensation for land expropriated shall include land compensation fee, resettlement subsidy and compensation for attachments and young crops on the land. The land compensation fees shall be 6-10 times the average output value of the three years preceding the expropriation of the cultivated land. The resettlement fees shall be calculated based on the number of agricultural population to be resettled. The agricultural population needing to be resettled shall be calculated by dividing the amount of cultivated land expropriated by the per capital land occupied of the unit whose land is expropriated. The resettlement fee per agricultural population needing resettlement is four to six times the average annual output value of the three years preceding the expropriation of the cultivated land. However, the maximum resettlement fee per hectare of land expropriated shall not exceed 15 times the average annual output value of the three years prior to the expropriation.
The standards for land compensation and resettlement fees for land expropriated shall be determined by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in reference to the standards for land compensation and resettlement fees for cultivated land expropriated.
The standards for compensating for ground attachments and young crops on the land expropriated shall be determined by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
In expropriating vegetable fields in suburban areas, the units using the land shall pay new vegetable field development and construction fund.
Whereas the land compensation fees and resettlement fees paid according to the provisions of the second paragraph of this article are not enough to maintain the original level of living, the resettlement fees may be increased with the approval of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. But the combined total of land compensation fees and resettlement fees shall not exceed 30 times the average output value of the three years prior to the expropriation.
In special circumstances, the State Council may raise the standards for land compensation and resettlement fees for land expropriated according to the social and economic development level.
第四十八條 征地補償安置方案確定後,有關地方人民政府應當公告,並聽取被征地的農村集體經濟組織和農民的意見。
Article 48 Once a plan for compensation and resettlement subsidies for requisitioned land is decided on, the local people's government concerned shall make it known to the general public and solicit comments and suggestions from the collective economic organizations, the land of which is requisitioned, and the peasants.
第四十九條 被征地的農村集體經濟組織應當將征收土地的補償費用的收支狀況向本集體經濟組織的成員公布,接受監督。
Article 49 Rural collective economic organizations shall make public to their members the receipts and expenditures of the land compensation fees for land expropriated and accept their supervision.
It is forbidden to embezzle or divert the land compensation fees and other relevant expenses.
第五十條 地方各級人民政府應當支持被征地的農村集體經濟組織和農民從事開發經營,興辦企業。
Article 50 Local people's governments at all levels shall support rural collective economic organizations and farmers in their efforts toward development and operations or in starting up enterprises.
第五十一條 大中型水利、水電工程建設征收土地的補償費標準和移民安置辦法,由國務院另行規定。
Article 51 The standards for land compensation and method of resettlement for land expropriated for building large and medium -sized water conservancy projects and hydroelectric power projects shall be determined separately by the State Council.
第五十二條 建設項目可行性研究論證時,土地行政主管部門可以根據土地利用總體規劃、土地利用年度計劃和建設用地標準,對建設用地有關事項進行審查,並提出意見。
Article 52 During the feasibility study of a construction project, land administration department may, in accordance with the overall plan for land utilization, the annual plan for land utilization and the standard amount of land for the use of construction, examine the matters related to land for construction and offer its comments and suggestions.
第五十三條 經批準的建設項目需要使用國有建設用地的,建設單位應當持法律、行政法規規定的有關文件,向有批準權的縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門提出建設用地申請,經土地行政主管部門審查,報本級人民政府批準。
Article 53 Whereas a construction project approved needs land owned by the State for construction purposes, the construction unit shall file an application with land administrative department of the people's government at and above the county level with the power of approval on the strength of relevant documents required by law and administrative decrees. The land administrative department shall examine the application and submit it to the people's government at the same level for approval.
第五十四條 建設單位使用國有土地,應當以出讓等有償使用方式取得;但是,下列建設用地,經縣級以上人民政府依法批準,可以以劃撥方式取得:
Article 54 A construction unit that wishes to use State-owned land shall get it by such means of compensation as assignment. However, land to be used for the following purposes may be allocated with the approval of a people's government at or above the county level:
1. Land used for State organs or military purposes;
2. Land for urban infrastructure or public welfare;
(III) Land for energy, communications, water conservancy and other infrastructure which receives key support from the state; and
(IV) Other land as provided for by laws or administrative regulations.
第五十五條 以出讓等有償使用方式取得國有土地使用權的建設單位,按照國務院規定的標準和辦法,繳納土地使用權出讓金等土地有償使用費和其他費用後,方可使用土地。
Article 55 Construction units that have obtained State-owned land by paid leasing can use the land only after paying the land use right leasing fees and other fees and expenses according to the standards and ways prescribed by the State Council.
As of the date of implementation of this Law, 30% of the compensation paid for the use of additional land for construction shall go to the Central Government and 70% to the local people's governments concerned, both for the development of cultivated land.
第五十六條 建設單位使用國有土地的,應當按照土地使用權出讓等有償使用合同的約定或者土地使用權劃撥批準文件的規定使用土地;確需改變該幅土地建設用途的,應當經有關人民政府土地行政主管部門同意,報原批準用地的人民政府批準。其中,在城市規劃區內改變土地用途的,在報批前,應當先經有關城市規劃行政主管部門同意。
Article 56 In using State-owned land, construction units shall use the land according to the provisions of the contract for compensated use of leased land use right or according to the provisions of the documents of approval concerning the allocation of land use right. The change of the land to construction purposes shall get the consent from the land administrative departments of the relevant people's governments and be submitted to the people's governments that originally give the approval for the use of land. In changing the purpose of land within the urban planned areas, the consent shall be obtained form the relevant urban planning administrative departments before submission for approval.
第五十七條 建設項目施工和地質勘查需要臨時使用國有土地或者農民集體所有的土地的,由縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門批準。其中,在城市規劃區內的臨時用地,在報批前,應當先經有關城市規劃行政主管部門同意。土地使用者應當根據土地權屬,與有關土地行政主管部門或者農村集體經濟組織、村民委員會簽訂臨時使用土地合同,並按照合同的約定支付臨時使用土地補償費。
Article 57 Where land owned by the State or by peasant collectives needs to be used temporarily for construction of projects or for geologic prospecting, the matter shall be subject to approval by the land administration departments of people's governments at or above the county level. However, if the land to be temporarily used is located in the area covered by urban planning, the matter shall be subject to agreement by the urban planning administration department concerned before it is submitted for approval. The land user shall, depending on who owns the land and who has the land-use right, enter into a contract for the temporary use of the land with the land administration department concerned, or the rural collective economic organization, or the villagers committee and pay compensation for it in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
The temporary land user shall use the land for purposes stipulated in the contract for temporary use of the land and may not build permanent structures on it.
Generally, the term for the temporary use of land shall not exceed two years.
第五十八條 有下列情形之一的,由有關人民政府土地行政主管部門報經原批準用地的人民政府或者有批準權的人民政府批準,可以收回國有土地使用權:
Article 58 In any of the following cases and with the approval of the people's governments that originally gave approval or the people's governments with approval authority, the competent land administrative department of the people's government concerned may reclaim the right to the use of state-owned land:
1. The land is needed for the public interests;
(II) Land whose use requires adjustment as part of the renovation of old city districts in order to implement urban construction plans;
3. When the term for the land use right expires according to the stipulations of the contract for compensated use of land, the land user has failed to apply for extension or failed to get approval for extension;
(IV) The use of land originally allocated has been stopped due to the cancellation or removal of units;
(V) Roads, railways, airports and mining sites that have been approved to be abandoned.
Proper compensation shall be given to land use right users whereas the use right of State-owned land is recovered according to the provisions of 1 and 2 of the preceding paragraph.
第五十九條 鄉鎮企業、鄉(鎮)村公共設施、公益事業、農村村民住宅等鄉(鎮)村建設,應當按照村莊和集鎮規劃,合理布局,綜合開發,配套建設;建設用地,應當符合鄉(鎮)土地利用總體規劃和土地利用年度計劃,並依照本法第四十四條、第六十條、第六十一條、第六十二條的規定辦理審批手續。
Article 59 Construction of township enterprises, public facilities and public welfare undertakings of townships (towns) and rural villagers' houses shall be rationally laid out according to the village or market town plans, developed comprehensively and developed with all necessary accessory facilities. Land used for construction shall be in conformity with the township (town) overall plan for land utilization and annual plan for land use, and the examination and approval procedures shall be completed according to the provisions of Article 44, Article 60, Article 61 and Article 62 of this Law.
第六十條 農村集體經濟組織使用鄉(鎮)土地利用總體規劃確定的建設用地興辦企業或者與其他單位、個人以土地使用權入股、聯營等形式共同舉辦企業的,應當持有關批準文件,向縣級以上地方人民政府土地行政主管部門提出申請,按照省、自治區、直轄市規定的批準權限,由縣級以上地方人民政府批準;其中,涉及占用農用地的,依照本法第四十四條的規定辦理審批手續。
Article 60 A rural collective economic organization that wishes to use land for construction, designated as such in the township (town) overall plan for land utilization to set up enterprises or do so with other units or individuals by way of investing its land-use right as shares or through joint operation shall, by presenting the relevant documents of approval, submit an application to the land administration department of the local people's government at or above the county level, for approval by the local people's government at or above the county level within the limits of approval authority as defined by the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. However, if land for agriculture is to be used for the purpose, the matter shall be subject to examination and approval in accordance with the provisions of Article 44 of this Law.
Land for construction purposes in starting enterprises provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be put under strict control. Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall determine standards for land use according to different trades and scale of operation of township enterprises.
第六十一條 鄉(鎮)村公共設施、公益事業建設,需要使用土地的,經鄉(鎮)人民政府審核,向縣級以上地方人民政府土地行政主管部門提出申請,按照省、自治區、直轄市規定的批準權限,由縣級以上地方人民政府批準;其中,涉及占用農用地的,依照本法第四十四條的規定辦理審批手續。
Article 61 Where land is to be used for the construction of township (town) or village public utilities or public welfare undertakings, the matter shall be subject to examination and verification by the township (town) people's government, which shall submit an application to the land administration department of the local people's government at or above the county level for approval by the said people's government within the limits of approval authority as defined by the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. However, if land for agriculture is to be used for the purpose, the matter shall be subject to examination and approval in accordance with the provisions of Article 44 of this Law.
第六十二條 農村村民一戶只能擁有一處宅基地,其宅基地的面積不得超過省、自治區、直轄市規定的標準。
Article 62 For villagers, one household shall have only one house site, the area of which may not exceed the standard set by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
Villagers shall build residences in keeping with the township (town) overall plan for land utilization and shall be encouraged to use their original house sites or idle lots in the village.
The use of land for building houses shall be examined by the township (town) people's governments and approved by the county people's governments. Whereas occupation of agricultural land is involved the examination and approval procedure provided for in Article 44 of this law is required.
Approval for other house sites shall not be granted to villagers who have sold or leased their houses.
第六十三條 農民集體所有的土地的使用權不得出讓、轉讓或者出租用於非農業建設;但是,符合土地利用總體規劃並依法取得建設用地的企業,因破產、兼並等情形致使土地使用權依法發生轉移的除外。
Article 63 The land use right of farmer collectives shall not be assigned, transferred or leased for non-agricultural construction, except in the case of legal transfer of the land that conforms to the general plan for the utilization of land and legally obtained by enterprises due to bankruptcy or acquisition.
第六十四條 在土地利用總體規劃制定前已建的不符合土地利用總體規劃確定的用途的建築物、構築物,不得重建、擴建。
Article 64 Buildings or structures put up before the general plan for the utilization of land and unconformable to the general plans are not allowed to be rebuilt or expanded.
第六十五條 有下列情形之一的,農村集體經濟組織報經原批準用地的人民政府批準,可以收回土地使用權:
Article 65 In any of the following cases and with the approval of the people's government that granted original approval, the rural collective economic organizations may reclaim land use rights:
1. The land is needed for constructing township (town) or village public utilities or public welfare undertakings;
(II) Land not used according to the purposes approved;
(III) Land not no longer in use due to cancellation by the original entity or their removal from the land.
Proper compensation shall be given to land users in the case of recovering the land owned by farmer collectives provided for in item 1 of the preceding paragraph.
第六章 監督檢查
Chapter 6 Supervision and Inspection
第六十六條 縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門對違反土地管理法律、法規的行為進行監督檢查。
Article 66 Land administration departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall exercise supervision and examination over violations of the laws and regulations governing land administration.
Supervising personnel in such a regard shall be well acknowledged with the land administrative law and decrees, loyal to their duties and justice in enforcement of the law.
第六十七條 縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門履行監督檢查職責時,有權采取下列措施:
Article 67 In performing their duties of supervision and inspection, land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level have the right to take the following measures:
1. Demand documents and materials relevant to land use rights from units and individuals for examination, review, or duplication.
(II) to demand the unit or individual under inspection to make explanations concerning questions relating to land right;
3. To enter into land illegally occupied by units or individuals under inspection to carry out on-the-spot surveys; and
(IV) to order the unit or individual that illegally occupies and uses land to stop violation the laws and regulations governing land administration.
第六十八條 土地管理監督檢查人員履行職責,需要進入現場進行勘測、要求有關單位或者個人提供文件、資料和作出說明的,應當出示土地管理監督檢查證件。
Article 68 In performing their duties, whereas there is the need to carry out on-the-spot survey or demand units or individuals concerned to present documents and materials or explanations, supervising personnel shall present certificates of land supervision and examination.
第六十九條 有關單位和個人對縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門就土地違法行為進行的監督檢查應當支持與配合,並提供工作方便,不得拒絕與阻礙土地管理監督檢查人員依法執行職務。
Article 69 Units or individuals concerned shall provide active support and cooperation to land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level in their supervision and examination of violations to land administration and provide all the conveniences to facilitate but not in any way refuse or obstruct their work in such a regard.
第七十條 縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門在監督檢查工作中發現國家工作人員的違法行為,依法應當給予行政處分的,應當依法予以處理;自己無權處理的,應當向同級或者上級人民政府的行政監察機關提出行政處分建議書,有關行政監察機關應當依法予以處理。
Article 70 Whereas land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level have found government functionaries to have committed violations during their supervision and examination, they shall give them administrative punishments whereas the punishments are due. Whereas they do not have the right to handle the cases, they shall put forward proposals for administrative punishments to the administrative supervision organs at the same level or at a higher level. The relevant administrative supervision organs shall mete out punishments according to law.
第七十一條 縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門在監督檢查工作中發現土地違法行為構成犯罪的,應當將案件移送有關機關,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,應當依法給予行政處罰。
Article 71 Whereas the land administrative developments of the people's governments at and above the county level have found violations to have constitute a crime in their supervision and examination, they shall hand over the case to relevant government organs to affix criminal responsibilities. Whereas the case cannot constitute a crime, administrative punishments shall be meted out.
第七十二條 依照本法規定應當給予行政處罰,而有關土地行政主管部門不給予行政處罰的,上級人民政府土地行政主管部門有權責令有關土地行政主管部門作出行政處罰決定或者直接給予行政處罰,並給予有關土地行政主管部門的負責人行政處分。
Article 72 Whereas relevant land administrative departments have failed to give administrative punishments due, the land administrative departments of the people's governments at a higher level have the right to command the land administrative departments to take punishment decisions or give administrative punishments directly and give administrative punishments to the person responsible of the relevant land administrative departments.
第七章 法律責任
Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities
第七十三條 買賣或者以其他形式非法轉讓土地的,由縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門沒收違法所得;對違反土地利用總體規劃擅自將農用地改為建設用地的,限期拆除在非法轉讓的土地上新建的建築物和其他設施,恢複土地原狀,對符合土地利用總體規劃的,沒收在非法轉讓的土地上新建的建築物和其他設施;可以並處罰款;對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 73 Whoever illegally transfers land by buying and selling or in other forms shall be confiscated of the illegal gains by the competent department of land administration of the people's government at or above the county level; whoever turns agricultural land into land for construction without authorization in violation of the overall planning for land utilization shall be given a specified time period to dismantle the newly-built constructions and other facilities on the illegally transferred land and restore the original state of the land, where it conforms to the overall planning for land utilization, the newly-built constructions and other facilities on the illegally transferred land shall be confiscated; and may concurrently be imposed a fine; administrative sanctions shall be imposed on directly responsible persons in charge and other directly responsible persons according to law; where a crime has been constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.
第七十四條 違反本法規定,占用耕地建窯、建墳或者擅自在耕地上建房、挖砂、采石、采礦、取土等,破壞種植條件的,或者因開發土地造成土地荒漠化、鹽渍化的,由縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門責令限期改正或者治理,可以並處罰款;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 74 Occupying cultivated land to build kilns or graves or build houses, dig sand, collect stones, do mining or collect soil from the cultivated land without authorization, thus damaging the conditions for growing crops or causing desertification and salinization due to land development in violation of this law, the land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall order correction or improvetment within a prescribed time limit and concurrently impose a fine. Whereas the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be affixed.
第七十五條 違反本法規定,拒不履行土地複墾義務的,由縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門責令限期改正;逾期不改正的,責令繳納複墾費,專項用於土地複墾,可以處以罰款。
Article 75 Refusing to perform land reclamation obligations in violation of this law, the land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall order correction within a prescribed time limit. Whereas no correction is made within the time limit, a payment of land reclamation fees specially used for land reclamation by the violator shall be ordered and a fine may be imposed concurrently.
第七十六條 未經批準或者采取欺騙手段騙取批準,非法占用土地的,由縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門責令退還非法占用的土地,對違反土地利用總體規劃擅自將農用地改為建設用地的,限期拆除在非法占用的土地上新建的建築物和其他設施,恢複土地原狀,對符合土地利用總體規劃的,沒收在非法占用的土地上新建的建築物和其他設施,可以並處罰款;對非法占用土地單位的直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 76 Units or individuals that illegally occupy and use land without approval or with approval obtained by fraudulent means shall be ordered by the land administration departments of the people's governments at or above the county level to return such land; the ones that, in violation of the overall plan for land utilization, convert the land for agriculture to land for construction shall be ordered to demolish the structures and other installations built on the illegally occupied land within a time limit and put the land back to its original state; with regard to the ones that convert land for agriculture to land for construction, which happens to conform to the overall plan for land utilization, the structures and installations built on such land shall be confiscated, and they may also be fined; and the persons directly in charge of the said units and other persons directly responsible for the violations shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with law; if the violations constitute crimes, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with law.
For an occupation of land in excess of the approved amount, part in excess shall be regarded as land illegally occupied.
第七十七條 農村村民未經批準或者采取欺騙手段騙取批準,非法占用土地建住宅的,由縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門責令退還非法占用的土地,限期拆除在非法占用的土地上新建的房屋。
Article 77 Villagers who illegally occupy and use land to build residences thereon without approval or with approval obtained by fraudulent means shall be ordered by the land administration departments of the people's governments at or above the county level to return such land and demolish, within a time limit, the houses built on the land.
For occupation of land in excess of the standards prescribed by the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, the land in excess of the standards shall be regarded as having been illegally occupied.
第七十八條 無權批準征收、使用土地的單位或者個人非法批準占用土地的,超越批準權限非法批準占用土地的,不按照土地利用總體規劃確定的用途批準用地的,或者違反法律規定的程序批準占用、征收土地的,其批準文件無效,對非法批準征收、使用土地的直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。非法批準、使用的土地應當收回,有關當事人拒不歸還的,以非法占用土地論處。
Article 78 Approving the occupation of land without the power of approval, beyond the term of reference, or not according to the purposes defined in the general plans for the utilization of land or approving the occupation or expropriation of land in violation of the legal procedures, the documents of approval shall be invalid and the persons in charge and personnel directly responsible for illegal expropriation or use of land shall be given administrative punishments. Whereas the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed. The land illegally approved for use shall be taken back. If the parties concerned refuse to return the land, they shall be regarded as illegal land users.
Whereas illegal expropriation and use of land have caused damages to parties concerned, the party responsible shall bear the responsibilities of compensation according to law.
第七十九條 侵占、挪用被征收土地單位的征地補償費用和其他有關費用,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,依法給予行政處分。
Article 79 Whoever embezzles or misappropriates the compensation or other relevant charges paid to a unit whose land is requisitioned, if the violation constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law; if the violation is not serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with law.
第八十條 依法收回國有土地使用權當事人拒不交出土地的,臨時使用土地期滿拒不歸還的,或者不按照批準的用途使用國有土地的,由縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門責令交還土地,處以罰款。
Article 80 If the parties that have the right to the use of State-owned land refuse to surrender the land when it is to be taken back in accordance with law, or refuse to return the land at the expiration of the period for its temporary use, or fail to use the land in keeping with the purposes approved, the land administration departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall order them to return the land and impose a fine on them.
第八十一條 擅自將農民集體所有的土地的使用權出讓、轉讓或者出租用於非農業建設的,由縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門責令限期改正,沒收違法所得,並處罰款。
Article 81 Leasing, transferring or renting the use right of land owned by farmer collectives for non-agricultural construction uses, the land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall order correction within a prescribed time limit, confiscate the proceeds concerned and impose a fine.
第八十二條 不依照本法規定辦理土地變更登記的,由縣級以上人民政府土地行政主管部門責令其限期辦理。
Article 82 Units or individuals that, in violation of the provisions of this Law, fail to register changes in land ownership, land administration departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall order them to do so within a time limit.
第八十三條 依照本法規定,責令限期拆除在非法占用的土地上新建的建築物和其他設施的,建設單位或者個人必須立即停止施工,自行拆除;對繼續施工的,作出處罰決定的機關有權制止。建設單位或者個人對責令限期拆除的行政處罰決定不服的,可以在接到責令限期拆除決定之日起十五日內,向人民法院起訴;期滿不起訴又不自行拆除的,由作出處罰決定的機關依法申請人民法院強制執行,費用由違法者承擔。
Article 83 Whereas orders have been issued to dismantle the new buildings and other facilities on the land illegally occupied within a prescribed time limit according to the provisions of this law, the construction unit or individual shall stop operation immediately and dismantle them by themselves. Whereas the operation continues, the organ which decided for the punishment decisions has the right to stop it. Where construction units or individuals refuse to accept the administrative penalty decision of demolishing the structures or other installations within a time limit, they may file a suit in a People's Court within 15 days from the date of receiving the decision. If they neither file a suit nor do the demolishing at the expiration of the time limit, the organ that makes the penalty decision shall, in accordance with law, apply to the People's Court for compulsory enforcement, and the expenses entailed shall be borne by the violators.
第八十四條 土地行政主管部門的工作人員玩忽職守、濫用職權、徇私舞弊,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,依法給予行政處分。
Article 84. Where the personnel of the responsible land administration department neglect their duties, abuse their powers or practise favouritism for personal gain, and the conduct constitutes a criminal offence, an investigation into criminal liability shall be made in accordance with law; where the conduct does not constitute a criminal offence, an administrative penalty shall be imposed in accordance with law.
第八章 附則
Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions
第八十五條 中外合資經營企業、中外合作經營企業、外資企業使用土地的,適用本法;法律另有規定的,從其規定。
Article 85 This Law shall be applicable to land used by Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures and foreign-capital enterprises. Where laws provide otherwise, the provisions in such laws shall prevail.
第八十六條 本法自1999年1月1日起施行。
Article 86 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 1999.
轉載請注明出處: 法總荟 » 中華人民共和國土地管理法(2004修正)(中英文對照版)
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