2017年6月27日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議通過 根據2018年4月27日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國國境衛生檢疫法〉等六部法律的決定》修正



National Intelligence Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2018 Revision)

2017627日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議通過 根據2018427日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國國境衛生檢疫法〉等六部法律的決定》修正)

(Adopted at the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on June 27, 2017, and revised according to the Decision on Revising Six Laws including the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the Second Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on April 27, 2018)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了加強和保障國家情報工作,維護國家安全和利益,根據憲法,制定本法。

Article 1 The National Intelligence Law (the "Law") is formulated in accordance with the Constitution to strengthen and guarantee the State intelligence work, safeguard the national security and protect national interests.

第二條   國家情報工作堅持總體國家安全觀,為國家重大決策提供情報參考,為防範和化解危害國家安全的風險提供情報支持,維護國家政權、主權、統一和領土完整、人民福祉、經濟社會可持續發展和國家其他重大利益。

Article 2 The State intelligence work adheres to the overall concept of national security, provide reference intelligence information for the State to make major decisions, provide intelligence support to prevent and dispel risks that endanger national security, and uphold the country's regime, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, well-being of the people, sustainable economic and social development, and other important interests of the State.

第三條   國家建立健全集中統一、分工協作、科學高效的國家情報體制。

Article 3 The State establishes and improves a national intelligence mechanism that is centralized, unified, scientific and efficient and requires division of responsibilities and collaboration.


The central leadership organ of state security shall exercise leadership over the State intelligence work, formulate guidelines and policies for the State intelligence work, plan the overall development of the State intelligence work, establish and improve the coordination mechanism for the State intelligence work, make overall plans for and coordinate the State intelligence work in all fields, and make decisions on major matters regarding the State intelligence work after studies.


The Central Military Commission shall exercise leadership over and organize the military intelligence work in a unified manner.

第四條   國家情報工作堅持公開工作與秘密工作相結合、專門工作與群眾路線相結合、分工負責與協作配合相結合的原則。

Article 4 The State intelligence work shall be based on principles of combining the open work and secret work, integrating the specific affairs with the mass line, and adopting both division of responsibilities and collaboration.

第五條   國家安全機關和公安機關情報機構、軍隊情報機構(以下統稱國家情報工作機構)按照職責分工,相互配合,做好情報工作、開展情報行動。

Article 5 Intelligence agencies under state security organs and public security organs, and military intelligence agencies (hereinafter referred to as the "agencies for State intelligence work") shall cooperate with each other according to the division of their responsibilities in order to do well in performing intelligence work and conducting intelligence operations.


All relevant national organs shall, depending on their own functions and responsibilities, work closely with agencies for State intelligence work.

第六條   國家情報工作機構及其工作人員應當忠於國家和人民,遵守憲法和法律,忠於職守,紀律嚴明,清正廉潔,無私奉獻,堅決維護國家安全和利益。

Article 6 Agencies for State intelligence work and their functionaries shall be loyal to the State and the people, observe the Constitution and laws, be loyal to their duties, be disciplined, honest and selfless to resolutely safeguard national security and interests.

第七條   任何組織和公民都應當依法支持、協助和配合國家情報工作,保守所知悉的國家情報工作秘密。

Article 7 All organizations and citizens shall, in accordance with the law, provide support and assistance to and cooperate with the State intelligence work, and keep secret the State intelligence work that they know.


The State protects individuals and organizations that provide support and assistance to and cooperate with the State intelligence work.

第八條   國家情報工作應當依法進行,尊重和保障人權,維護個人和組織的合法權益。

Article 8 The State intelligence work shall be conducted according to the law, ensuring respect for and assurance of human rights and efforts to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of individuals and organizations.

第九條   國家對在國家情報工作中作出重大貢獻的個人和組織給予表彰和獎勵。

Article 9 The State commends and rewards individuals and organizations that have made great contributions to the State intelligence work.

第二章 國家情報工作機構職權

Chapter 2 Functions and Powers of Agencies for State Intelligence Work

第十條   國家情報工作機構根據工作需要,依法使用必要的方式、手段和渠道,在境內外開展情報工作。

Article 10 Agencies for State intelligence work may make use of necessary methods, approaches and channels according to the law to carry out intelligence work overseas, depending on their operational needs.

第十一條   國家情報工作機構應當依法搜集和處理境外機構、組織、個人實施或者指使、資助他人實施的,或者境內外機構、組織、個人相勾結實施的危害中華人民共和國國家安全和利益行為的相關情報,為防範、制止和懲治上述行為提供情報依據或者參考。

Article 11 Agencies for State intelligence work shall legally collect and process the relevant information about activities jeopardizing the national security and interests of the People's Republic of China that are conducted by any overseas agency, organization or individual itself, or by any other party under the instruction or assistance of such overseas agency, organization or individual, or by any domestic or overseas agency, organization or individual in collusion with each other, in order to provide intelligence basis or reference for preventing, curbing and punishing such activities.

第十二條   國家情報工作機構可以按照國家有關規定,與有關個人和組織建立合作關系,委托開展相關工作。

Article 12 Agencies for State intelligence work may, according to relevant provisions of the State, build up bonds of cooperation with relevant individuals and organizations, and entrust them to perform relevant work.

第十三條   國家情報工作機構可以按照國家有關規定,開展對外交流與合作。

Article 13 Agencies for State intelligence work may engage in foreign exchange and cooperation in accordance with relevant provisions of the State.

第十四條   國家情報工作機構依法開展情報工作,可以要求有關機關、組織和公民提供必要的支持、協助和配合。

Article 14 Agencies for State intelligence work may, when conducting the intelligence work according to the law, require related organs, organizations and citizens to provide necessary support, assistance and cooperation.

第十五條   國家情報工作機構根據工作需要,按照國家有關規定,經過嚴格的批準手續,可以采取技術偵察措施和身份保護措施。

Article 15 Agencies for State intelligence work may, in light of their operational needs, adopt technical measures for investigation purpose and identity protection measures after they have gone through strict approval procedures in accordance with relevant provisions of the State.

第十六條   國家情報工作機構工作人員依法執行任務時,按照國家有關規定,經過批準,出示相應證件,可以進入限制進入的有關區域、場所,可以向有關機關、組織和個人了解、詢問有關情況,可以查閱或者調取有關的檔案、資料、物品。

Article 16 While performing a task, functionaries of an agency for State intelligence work are allowed to enter into relevant controlled areas or places, or to inquire about relevant particulars from related organs, organizations and individuals, or to look up or access to relevant files, documents and articles upon approval by presenting corresponding credentials in accordance with applicable provisions of the State.

第十七條   國家情報工作機構工作人員因執行緊急任務需要,經出示相應證件,可以享受通行便利。

Article 17 In order to perform an urgent task, functionaries of an agency for State intelligence work are entitled to ease of movement facilitation by presenting corresponding credentials.


In light of their operational needs, functionaries of an agency for State intelligence work, may be given priority in use of or legally commandeer the vehicles, communication tools, venues and buildings of organs, organizations and individuals concerned, and are allowed to equip relevant operational sites with certain devices and facilities when necessary. However, they shall immediately return the above-said stuff or restore the sites to the original conditions after their missions have been completed, and pay relevant fees in accordance with provisions; and they shall make compensation in case of any damage caused.

第十八條   國家情報工作機構根據工作需要,按照國家有關規定,可以提請海關、出入境邊防檢查等機關提供免檢等便利。

Article 18 In light of their operational needs, agencies for State intelligence work may request the customs departments, exit-entry border inspection authorities and other organs to facilitate their work such as inspection exemptions.

第十九條   國家情報工作機構及其工作人員應當嚴格依法辦事,不得超越職權、濫用職權,不得侵犯公民和組織的合法權益,不得利用職務便利為自己或者他人謀取私利,不得泄露國家秘密、商業秘密和個人信息。

Article 19 Agencies for State intelligence work as well as their functionaries shall act in strict accordance with the law, and shall not overstep or misuse their authority, or infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any citizen or organization, or seek personal gains for themselves or others by taking advantage of their positions, or divulge the State secrets, trade secrets or personal information.

第三章 國家情報工作保障

Chapter III Guarantee for State Intelligence Work

第二十條   國家情報工作機構及其工作人員依法開展情報工作,受法律保護。

Article 20 Agencies for State intelligence work as well as their functionaries' performance of their intelligence work according to the law shall be protected by law.

第二十一條   國家加強國家情報工作機構建設,對其機構設置、人員、編制、經費、資產實行特殊管理,給予特殊保障。

Article 21 The State steps up its efforts to build agencies for State intelligence work, exercises special administration of the organizational structure, functionaries, establishment, funds and assets, and provides special guarantee for them.


The State establishes appropriate management systems for the employment, selection, assessment, training, treatment and withdrawal of functionaries that meet the needs of intelligence work.

第二十二條   國家情報工作機構應當適應情報工作需要,提高開展情報工作的能力。

Article 22 Agencies for State intelligence work shall improve their own capability of performing intelligence work to meet the needs of the intelligence work.


Agencies for State intelligence work shall apply scientific and technological means to improve the level of identification, screening, synthesis and analysis of intelligence information.

第二十三條   國家情報工作機構工作人員因執行任務,或者與國家情報工作機構建立合作關系的人員因協助國家情報工作,其本人或者近親屬人身安全受到威脅時,國家有關部門應當采取必要措施,予以保護、營救。

Article 23 For functionaries of an agency for State intelligence work and the persons who have established cooperative relationship with agencies for State intelligence work, relevant departments of the State shall take necessary measures to give protection or go to the rescue, should the personal safety of these functionaries and persons or of their close relatives be under threaten as a result of such functionaries' performance of tasks or such personnel's assistance in State intelligence work.

第二十四條   對為國家情報工作作出貢獻並需要安置的人員,國家給予妥善安置。

Article 24 For individuals who have made contributions to the State intelligence work and need to be resettled, the State shall resettle such individuals in an appropriate manner.


Such related departments as the public security organs, departments of civil affairs, departments of finance, departments of health, departments of education, departments of human resources and social security, ex-serviceman affairs and medical security, etc. as well as state-owned enterprises and public institutions shall assist agencies for State intelligence work in resettling such individuals in an appropriate manner.

第二十五條   對因開展國家情報工作或者支持、協助和配合國家情報工作導致傷殘或者犧牲、死亡的人員,按照國家有關規定給予相應的撫恤優待。

Article 25 Any individual who suffers disability or sacrifices himself/herself or dies from conducting the State intelligence work or providing support, assistance or cooperation to the State intelligence work shall be given corresponding compensation and preferential treatment in accordance with relevant provisions of the State.


Any individual or organization that suffers losses of property as a result of providing support, assistance or cooperation to the State intelligence work shall be given corresponding compensation in accordance with relevant provisions of the State.

第二十六條   國家情報工作機構應當建立健全嚴格的監督和安全審查制度,對其工作人員遵守法律和紀律等情況進行監督,並依法采取必要措施,定期或者不定期進行安全審查。

Article 26 Agencies for State intelligence work shall establish and improve strict oversight and safety review systems, supervise their functionaries' observation of laws and disciplines, and take necessary measures according to the law to perform safety reviews on a regular or irregular basis.

第二十七條   任何個人和組織對國家情報工作機構及其工作人員超越職權、濫用職權和其他違法違紀行為,有權檢舉、控告。受理檢舉、控告的有關機關應當及時查處,並將查處結果告知檢舉人、控告人。

Article 27 In case of any practices of agencies for State intelligence work as well as their functionaries to overstep or misuse their authority, or otherwise, any individual or organization has the right to inform or accuse such practices. Such organs that accept the accusation or complaint shall initiate an investigation immediately and impose punishment accordingly, and notify the informant or the accuser of the investigation and punishment outcomes.


Any individual or organization shall not oppress or retaliate against the individual or organization that informs or complains against the agencies for State intelligence work as well as their functionaries according to the law.


Agencies for State intelligence work shall provide individuals and organizations with convenient channels for informing, complaining against or reporting relevant situation, and keep such informers and complainants confidential.


Chapter 4 Legal Liability

第二十八條   違反本法規定,阻礙國家情報工作機構及其工作人員依法開展情報工作的,由國家情報工作機構建議相關單位給予處分或者由國家安全機關、公安機關處警告或者十五日以下拘留;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 28 Where anyone violates provisions herein by obstructing an agency for State intelligence work as well as its functionaries to work on intelligence according to the law, punishment will be imposed by relevant entity as suggested by the agency for State intelligence work or the state security organ or public security organ will give him a warning or impose a detention of less than 15 days on him; where a crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be pursued according to the law.

第二十九條   泄露與國家情報工作有關的國家秘密的,由國家情報工作機構建議相關單位給予處分或者由國家安全機關、公安機關處警告或者十五日以下拘留;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 29 Where anyone gives away any state secret relating to the State intelligence work, punishment will be imposed by relevant entity as suggested by the agency for State intelligence work or the state security organ or public security organ will give him a warning or impose a detention of less than 15 days on him; where a crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be pursued according to the law.

第三十條   冒充國家情報工作機構工作人員或者其他相關人員實施招搖撞騙、詐騙、敲詐勒索等行為的,依照《中華人民共和國治安管理處罰法》的規定處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 30 Anyone who performs such acts as cheating and bluffing, fraud, extortion by pretending to be functionaries of agencies for State intelligence work or other related personnel shall be penalized in accordance with relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Penalties for the Violation of Public Security Administration; where a crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be pursued according to the law.

第三十一條   國家情報工作機構及其工作人員有超越職權、濫用職權,侵犯公民和組織的合法權益,利用職務便利為自己或者他人謀取私利,泄露國家秘密、商業秘密和個人信息等違法違紀行為的,依法給予處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 31 Any agency for State intelligence work or any of its functionaries oversteps or misuses his or her authority, or infringes the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and organizations, or seeks personal gains for himself/herself or others by taking advantage of his or her positions, or leaks any state secret, trade secret or personal information, shall be punished according to the law; where a crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be pursued according to the law.


Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

第三十二條   本法自2017628日起施行。

Article 32 The Law shall come into force as of June 28, 2017.


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