


Law of the People's Republic of China on International Judicial Assistance in Criminal Matters


Presidential Decree No. 13


The Law of the People's Republic of China on International Judicial Assistance in Criminal Matters, adopted at the 6th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 26, 2018, is hereby promulgated, effective as of the date of promulgation.

中華人民共和國主席 習近平

President Xi Jinping


October 26, 2018


(Adopted at the 6th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on October 26, 2018)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了保障國際刑事司法協助的正常進行,加強刑事司法領域的國際合作,有效懲治犯罪,保護個人和組織的合法權益,維護國家利益和社會秩序,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted in order to ensure the normal conduct of international judicial assistance in criminal matters, strengthen international cooperation in the field of criminal justice, effectively punish crimes, protect the lawful rights and interests of individuals and organizations, and safeguard national interests and public order.

第二條   本法所稱國際刑事司法協助,是指中華人民共和國和外國在刑事案件調查、偵查、起訴、審判和執行等活動中相互提供協助,包括送達文書,調查取證,安排證人作證或者協助調查,查封、扣押、凍結涉案財物,沒收、返還違法所得及其他涉案財物,移管被判刑人以及其他協助。

Article 2 For the purpose of the Law, international judicial assistance in criminal matters refers to the provision of mutual assistance by the People's Republic of China and foreign countries in the investigation, investigation, prosecution, trial, enforcement and other activities in criminal cases, including the service of documents, investigation and evidence collection, arranging witnesses to testify or assist in investigation, sealing up, detaining or freezing property involved in a case, confiscating and returning illegal gains and other property involved in a case, and transferring custody of sentenced persons and other assistance.

第三條   中華人民共和國和外國之間開展刑事司法協助,依照本法進行。

Article 3 This Law is applicable to judicial assistance in criminal matters between the People's Republic of China and foreign countries.


The execution of requests for judicial assistance in criminal matters filed by foreign countries shall be governed by the provisions of this Law, the Criminal Procedure Law and other relevant laws.


Such matters as the signing organ of the request, the language and words of the request and the attached materials, the relevant time limit for handling the request and the specific procedures may be handled in accordance with the provisions of the judicial assistance treaty in criminal matters or through the consultation between the two parties, provided that the basic principles of the laws of the People's Republic of China are not violated.

第四條   中華人民共和國和外國按照平等互惠原則開展國際刑事司法協助。

Article 4 The People's Republic of China and foreign countries shall carry out international judicial assistance in criminal matters in accordance with the principles of equality and reciprocity.


International judicial assistance in criminal matters shall not impair the sovereignty, security and public interests of the People's Republic of China, and shall not violate the basic principles of the laws of the People's Republic of China.


Without the consent of the competent authorities of the People's Republic of China, no foreign institution, organization or individual may engage in criminal proceedings within the territory of the People's Republic of China as specified in this Law, and no institution, organization or individual within the territory of the People's Republic of China may provide any foreign country with evidence or assistance as specified in this Law.

第五條   中華人民共和國和外國之間開展刑事司法協助,通過對外聯系機關聯系。

Article 5 Judicial assistance in criminal matters between the People's Republic of China and foreign countries shall be conducted through contacts with foreign liaison organs.


The Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China and other foreign liaison organs are responsible for the submission, receipt and transmission of requests for judicial assistance in criminal matters and for other matters relating to international judicial assistance in criminal matters.


If there is no treaty on judicial assistance in criminal matters between the People's Republic of China and a foreign country, they shall communicate through diplomatic channels.

第六條   國家監察委員會、最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、公安部、國家安全部等部門是開展國際刑事司法協助的主管機關,按照職責分工,審核向外國提出的刑事司法協助請求,審查處理對外聯系機關轉遞的外國提出的刑事司法協助請求,承擔其他與國際刑事司法協助相關的工作。在移管被判刑人案件中,司法部按照職責分工,承擔相應的主管機關職責。

Article 6 The National Supervisory Commission, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security and other departments are the competent authorities for international judicial assistance in criminal matters. They shall, according to the division of responsibilities, examine requests for judicial assistance in criminal matters submitted to foreign countries, examine and handle requests for judicial assistance in criminal matters submitted by foreign countries and forwarded by foreign liaison organs, and undertake other work related to international judicial assistance in criminal matters. In the case of transferring a sentenced person, the Ministry of Justice shall, according to the division of duties, undertake the duties of the corresponding competent authority.


Organs handling cases relating to judicial assistance in criminal matters are the case-handling organs of international judicial assistance in criminal matters, which shall be responsible for submitting to their competent authorities the requests for judicial assistance in criminal matters directed to foreign countries, and executing the requests for judicial assistance in criminal matters directed by foreign countries and assigned by the competent authorities.

第七條   國家保障開展國際刑事司法協助所需經費。

Article 7 The State guarantees the funds required for international judicial assistance in criminal matters.

第八條   中華人民共和國和外國相互執行刑事司法協助請求產生的費用,有條約規定的,按照條約承擔;沒有條約或者條約沒有規定的,按照平等互惠原則通過協商解決。

Article 8 The costs incurred by the People's Republic of China and foreign countries in executing mutual requests for judicial assistance in criminal matters shall be borne in accordance with the provisions of the treaties. If there is no treaty or the treaty does not provide for it, the matter shall be settled through consultation in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit.

第二章 刑事司法協助請求的提出、接收和處理

Chapter 2 Submission, Receipt and Handling of Requests for Judicial Assistance in Criminal Matters

第一節 向外國請求刑事司法協助

Section 1 Request for foreign judicial assistance in criminal matters

第九條   辦案機關需要向外國請求刑事司法協助的,應當制作刑事司法協助請求書並附相關材料,經所屬主管機關審核同意後,由對外聯系機關及時向外國提出請求。

Article 9 Where a case-handling organ needs to request judicial assistance in criminal matters from a foreign country, it shall make a request for judicial assistance in criminal matters and attach the relevant materials, and, upon examination and approval by the competent authority for which it is affiliated, the foreign liaison organ shall make a request to the foreign country in a timely manner.

第十條   向外國的刑事司法協助請求書,應當依照刑事司法協助條約的規定提出;沒有條約或者條約沒有規定的,可以參照本法第十三條的規定提出;被請求國有特殊要求的,在不違反中華人民共和國法律的基本原則的情況下,可以按照被請求國的特殊要求提出。

Article 10 A request for judicial assistance in criminal matters shall be submitted to a foreign country in accordance with the provisions of the treaty on judicial assistance in criminal matters; if there is no treaty or the treaty has no provisions, the request may be submitted with reference to the provisions of Article 13 of this Law; where the requested country has special requirements, under the circumstances that the basic principles of the laws of the People's Republic of China are not violated, the request may be submitted with special requirements of the requested country.


The request and attached materials shall be made in Chinese and accompanied by a translation in the official language of the requested country.

第十一條   被請求國就執行刑事司法協助請求提出附加條件,不損害中華人民共和國的主權、安全和社會公共利益的,可以由外交部作出承諾。被請求國明確表示對外聯系機關作出的承諾充分有效的,也可以由對外聯系機關作出承諾。對於限制追訴的承諾,由最高人民檢察院決定;對於量刑的承諾,由最高人民法院決定。

Article 11 Where the Requested State puts forward additional conditions for the execution of the request for judicial assistance in criminal matters, which are not harmful to the sovereignty, security and public interests of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may make a commitment. Where the requested country clearly expresses the full validity of the commitments made by the foreign liaison organ, the foreign liaison organ may also make such commitments. The assurance with regard to restriction on prosecution shall be subject to decision by the Supreme People's Procuratorate; the assurance with regard to measurement of penalty shall be subject to decision by the Supreme People's Court.


The organ concerned shall be bound by the commitments made when investigating the persons involved for criminal responsibility.

第十二條   對外聯系機關收到外國的有關通知或者執行結果後,應當及時轉交或者轉告有關主管機關。

Article 12 After receiving the relevant notice or implementation result from the foreign country, the foreign liaison organ shall timely transfer it or forward it to the relevant competent authorities.


Where a foreign country requests notification of the outcome of a case in which it has provided judicial assistance in criminal matters, the foreign liaison organ shall transfer the case to the relevant competent authority for handling.

第二節 向中華人民共和國請求刑事司法協助

Section 2 Request for Judicial Assistance in Criminal Matters from Peoples Republic of China

第十三條   外國向中華人民共和國提出刑事司法協助請求的,應當依照刑事司法協助條約的規定提出請求書。沒有條約或者條約沒有規定的,應當在請求書中載明下列事項並附相關材料:

Article 13 Where a foreign country requests judicial assistance in criminal matters from the People's Republic of China, a request shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the treaty on judicial assistance in criminal matters. If there is no treaty or the treaty has no provisions, the request shall specify the following matters with the relevant materials attached:


1. the name of the requesting authority;


2. the nature of the case, the basic information on the persons involved in the case and the facts of the crime;


(III) The legal provisions applicable to the case;


(IV) the matter and purpose of the request;


(V) The relevance between the matter requested and the case;


(VI) The time limit within which the request is expected to be executed;


(VII) other necessary information or additional requirements.


In the absence of a treaty on judicial assistance in criminal matters, the requesting country shall make a reciprocal commitment.


The petition and attached materials shall be accompanied by a Chinese translation.

第十四條   外國向中華人民共和國提出的刑事司法協助請求,有下列情形之一的,可以拒絕提供協助:

Article 14 Where a foreign country requests the People's Republic of China for judicial assistance in criminal matters under any of the following circumstances, the People's Republic of China may refuse to provide assistance:


1. the act for which the request is made does not constitute a crime under the laws of the People's Republic of China;


(II) At the time of receiving the request, an investigation, investigation, prosecution or trial regarding the crime against which the request is made is in progress and an effective judgment has been made, and the criminal proceedings are terminated, or the limitation period for prosecution of the crime has expired; or


(III) the crime for which the request is made is a political crime;


(IV) The crime for which the request is made is a purely military crime;


(V) The purpose of the request is to investigate, investigate, prosecute, try and execute criminal punishments on grounds of race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sex, political opinion or identity, etc., or the party concerned may be given unfair treatment due to the above-mentioned reasons;


(VI) There is no substantive relationship between the requested matter and the case requiring assistance;


(VII) Other circumstances under which refusal may be made.

第十五條   對外聯系機關收到外國提出的刑事司法協助請求,應當對請求書及所附材料進行審查。對於請求書形式和內容符合要求的,應當按照職責分工,將請求書及所附材料轉交有關主管機關處理;對於請求書形式和內容不符合要求的,可以要求請求國補充材料或者重新提出請求。

Article 15 Upon receipt of a request for judicial assistance in criminal matters from a foreign country, the foreign liaison organ shall examine the request and the attached materials. If the form and content of the request meet the requirements, the request and the attached materials shall, according to the division of responsibilities, be transferred to the relevant competent authority for handling; if the form and content of the request do not meet the requirements, the request may be required to be supplemented or a new request may be made.


Where a request for judicial assistance in criminal matters obviously impairs the sovereignty, security or social and public interests of the People's Republic of China, the foreign liaison organ may directly refuse the assistance requested.

第十六條   主管機關收到對外聯系機關轉交的刑事司法協助請求書及所附材料後,應當進行審查,並分別作出以下處理:

Article 16 After receiving the request for judicial assistance in criminal matters and the attached materials transmitted by the foreign liaison organ, the competent authority shall examine them and handle them respectively as follows:


1. where assistance in enforcement is deemed appropriate according to this Law and the criminal justice assistance treaty, the Supreme People's Procuratorate shall make a decision and arrange for the relevant case handling organ to enforce the decision;


2. Where it is deemed necessary, in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 or 14 of this Law or the judicial assistance treaty in criminal matters, to refuse to provide assistance in whole or in part, the request and the attached materials shall be returned to the foreign liaison organ and the reasons therefor shall be stated;


(III) where there are confidentiality requirements or other conditions attached to the execution of the request, the request shall be submitted to the foreign country through the foreign liaison organ, and the conditional execution shall be decided after the foreign country accepts the conditions and makes a written guarantee; and


(IV) If it is necessary to supplement the materials, it shall notify the foreign liaison organ in written form to request the requesting country to provide them within a reasonable time limit.


If the execution of the request may hinder the investigation, investigation, prosecution, trial or execution which are being conducted by the relevant organs of the People's Republic of China, the competent authority may decide to postpone the assistance and notify the foreign liaison organ in writing of the decision and reasons for the postponement of the assistance.


Where a foreign country has requirements for confidentiality or special procedures in connection with the execution of its request, the competent authorities may, subject to the basic principles of the laws of the People's Republic of China, arrange the execution thereof in accordance with such requirements.

第十七條   辦案機關收到主管機關交辦的外國刑事司法協助請求後,應當依法執行,並將執行結果或者妨礙執行的情形及時報告主管機關。

Article 17 After receiving a request for judicial assistance in criminal matters from the competent authority, the case-handling organ shall execute it according to law and timely report the results of execution or the circumstances that may impede the execution to the competent authority.


In the course of executing a request, the case-handling organ shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned and other relevant personnel, and protect personal information.

第十八條   外國請求將通過刑事司法協助取得的證據材料用於請求針對的案件以外的其他目的的,對外聯系機關應當轉交主管機關,由主管機關作出是否同意的決定。

Article 18 Where a foreign country requests the use of evidential materials obtained through judicial assistance in criminal matters for any purpose other than the purpose of the case in which the request is directed, the foreign liaison organ shall transfer the request to the competent authority, which shall decide whether to consent or not.

第十九條   對外聯系機關收到主管機關的有關通知或者執行結果後,應當及時轉交或者轉告請求國。

Article 19 After receiving the relevant notice or the result of implementation from the competent authority, the foreign liaison organ shall transfer or transmit it to the requesting country in a timely manner.


For cases in which the People's Republic of China provides judicial assistance in criminal matters, the competent authorities may, through the foreign liaison organ, request the foreign country to notify the outcome of the proceedings.


If the foreign country informs the foreign liaison organ of the results of the litigation, the foreign liaison organ shall, after receiving the relevant materials, transfer them to the competent authority in a timely manner. If criminal proceedings are brought against citizens of the People's Republic of China, the foreign liaison organ shall also notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

第三章 送達文書

Chapter 3 Service of Process

第一節 向外國請求送達文書

Section 1 Request for service of process in a foreign country

第二十條   辦案機關需要外國協助送達傳票、通知書、起訴書、判決書和其他司法文書的,應當制作刑事司法協助請求書並附相關材料,經所屬主管機關審核同意後,由對外聯系機關及時向外國提出請求。

Article 20 Where a case-handling organ needs foreign assistance in serving summonses, notices, indictments, judgments or other judicial documents, it shall make a request for judicial assistance in criminal matters and attach the relevant materials, and, upon the examination and approval of the competent authority for which it is affiliated, make a request to the foreign country in a timely manner.

第二十一條   向外國請求送達文書的,請求書應當載明受送達人的姓名或者名稱、送達的地址以及需要告知受送達人的相關權利和義務。

Article 21 Where the service of documents is requested to a foreign country, the written request shall specify the name or title and address of the person to be served and the rights and obligations of such person.

第二節 向中華人民共和國請求送達文書

Section 2 Request to the People's Republic of China for Service of Documents

第二十二條   外國可以請求中華人民共和國協助送達傳票、通知書、起訴書、判決書和其他司法文書。中華人民共和國協助送達司法文書,不代表對外國司法文書法律效力的承認。

Article 22 A foreign country may request the People's Republic of China to assist in the service of a summons, notice, indictment, judgment or other judicial documents. The service of judicial documents by the People's Republic of China does not mean recognition of the legal effect of foreign judicial documents.


The request for assistance in serving the summons for appearance in court shall be filed within the time limit as prescribed in the relevant treaty. Where there is no treaty or the treaty has no provisions, they shall be raised no later than three months before the court session.


The People's Republic of China shall not have the obligation to assist in the service of a summons requiring a citizen of the People's Republic of China to be interrogated or to appear in court as a defendant.

第二十三條   外國向中華人民共和國請求送達文書的,請求書應當載明受送達人的姓名或者名稱、送達的地址以及需要告知受送達人的相關權利和義務。

Article 23 Where the service of documents is requested by a foreign country to the People's Republic of China, the written request shall specify the name or title and address of the person to be served and the rights and obligations of that person.

第二十四條   負責執行協助送達文書的人民法院或者其他辦案機關,應當及時將執行結果通過所屬主管機關告知對外聯系機關,由對外聯系機關告知請求國。除無法送達的情形外,應當附有受送達人簽收的送達回執或者其他證明文件。

Article 24 The people's court or other case-handling organ responsible for the execution of the document served on assistance shall promptly inform the foreign liaison organ of the result of the execution through the competent authority to which it is subordinate, which shall inform the requesting country of the same. Except in the circumstances in which it is impossible to effect the service, a return receipt signed by the person on whom the document is to be served or other supporting documents shall be attached.

第四章 調查取證

Chapter 4 Investigation and Evidence Collection

第一節 向外國請求調查取證

Section 1 Request to a Foreign Country for Investigation and Evidence Collection

第二十五條   辦案機關需要外國就下列事項協助調查取證的,應當制作刑事司法協助請求書並附相關材料,經所屬主管機關審核同意後,由對外聯系機關及時向外國提出請求:

Article 25 If the case-handling organ needs the foreign country to assist in investigation and evidence collection in respect of the following matters, it shall make a request for judicial assistance in criminal matters and attach the relevant materials, and the foreign liaison organ shall make a request to the foreign country in a timely manner after obtaining the consent of the competent authority for the case:


1. finding and identifying the relevant personnel;


(II) inquiring about and verifying the property involved in the case and the information of the financial account;


(III) Obtain and provide the testimonies or statements of relevant personnel;


(IV) Obtaining and providing relevant documents, records, electronic data and articles;


(V) Obtaining and providing appraisal opinions;


(VI) Surveying or inspecting places, articles, people and corpses;


(VII) Searching persons, articles, residences and other relevant places;


(VIII) other matters.


When a foreign country is requested to assist in investigation and evidence collection, the case-handling organ may simultaneously request that officers be sent to be present at the time of execution of the request.

第二十六條   向外國請求調查取證的,請求書及所附材料應當根據需要載明下列事項:

Article 26 Where a request for investigation and evidence collection is made to a foreign country, the written request and the attached materials shall specify the following matters as necessary:


1. The name, gender, address, identity information, contact information and other information that helps to identify the person under investigation;


2. Issues that need to be asked to the person under investigation;


(III) The name, gender, address, identity information, contact information, appearance, behavioral features and other information that is helpful to the search and identification of the person;


(IV) Information about the ownership, location, properties, shape and quantity of case-involved-properties that need to be inquired into and verified, and information about the financial accounts that needs to be inquired into and verified;


(V) Specific information about the holders, places, characteristics, shapes and quantities of relevant documents, records, electronic data and articles, which is required to be obtained; and


(VI) Specific information about the objects to be authenticated as required; and


(VII) Specific information on the places and articles to be surveyed or inspected; and


(VIII) specific information about the objects to be searched;


(IX) Other materials that may help the execution of the request.

第二十七條   被請求國要求歸還其提供的證據材料或者物品的,辦案機關應當盡快通過對外聯系機關歸還。

Article 27 Where the requested country requests the return of the evidential materials or articles provided by the requested country, the case-handling organ shall, through the foreign liaison organ, return them as soon as possible.

第二節 向中華人民共和國請求調查取證

Section 2 Request to the People's Republic of China for Investigation and Evidence Collection

第二十八條   外國可以請求中華人民共和國就本法第二十五條第一款規定的事項協助調查取證。

Article 28 A foreign country may request the People's Republic of China to assist in the investigation and collection of evidence in relation to the matters stipulated in paragraph 1 of Article 25 of this Law.


Where a foreign country requests to the People's Republic of China for investigation and evidence collection, the written request and the attached materials shall specify the matters as prescribed in Article 26 of this Law.

第二十九條   外國向中華人民共和國請求調查取證時,可以同時請求在執行請求時派員到場。經同意到場的人員應當遵守中華人民共和國法律,服從主管機關和辦案機關的安排。

Article 29 When a foreign country requests to the People's Republic of China for investigation and evidence collection, it may at the same time request that officers be sent to be present at the time of execution of the request. The personnel approved to be present shall abide by the laws of the People's Republic of China and obey the arrangement of the competent authority and case-handling organ.

第三十條   辦案機關要求請求國保證歸還其提供的證據材料或者物品,請求國作出保證的,可以提供。

Article 30 Where the case-handling organ requests the requesting country to provide a guarantee to return the evidential materials or articles provided by it, the requesting country may provide such materials or articles.

第五章 安排證人作證或者協助調查

Chapter 5 Arranging Witness to Testify or Assist in Investigation

第一節 向外國請求安排證人作證或者協助調查

Section 1 Request to a Foreign Country for Witness Testimony or Assistance in Investigation

第三十一條   辦案機關需要外國協助安排證人、鑒定人來中華人民共和國作證或者通過視頻、音頻作證,或者協助調查的,應當制作刑事司法協助請求書並附相關材料,經所屬主管機關審核同意後,由對外聯系機關及時向外國提出請求。

Article 31 Where a case-handling organ needs foreign assistance in arranging witnesses or expert witnesses to testify in the People's Republic of China or to testify by video or audio, or to assist in investigation, it shall make a request for judicial assistance in criminal matters and attach the relevant materials, which shall be, upon the examination and approval by the competent authority for which it is affiliated, the foreign liaison organ shall make a request to the foreign country in a timely manner.

第三十二條   向外國請求安排證人、鑒定人作證或者協助調查的,請求書及所附材料應當根據需要載明下列事項:

Article 32 Where a request for witness or expert witness testify or assist in investigation is made to a foreign country, the written request and the attached materials shall specify the following matters as necessary:


1. the name, gender, address, identity information and contact information of the witness or expert witness as well as other information that helps to identify the witness or expert witness;


(II) the purpose, necessity, time, place and others of testifying or assisting in the investigation;


(III) the rights and obligations of witnesses and expert witnesses;


(IV) protective measures for witnesses or expert witnesses;


(V) Subsidies to witnesses and expert witnesses;


(VI) Other materials that may help the execution of the request.

第三十三條   來中華人民共和國作證或者協助調查的證人、鑒定人在離境前,其入境前實施的犯罪不受追訴;除因入境後實施違法犯罪而被采取強制措施的以外,其人身自由不受限制。

Article 33 Before a witness or expert witness who comes to the People's Republic of China to testify or assist in investigation leaves the territory of the People's Republic of China, he shall not be prosecuted for the crimes he committed before entering the territory of the People's Republic of China; except for the ones against whom compulsory measures are taken for committing crimes after entering the territory of the People's Republic of China, his freedom of the person shall not be restricted.


Where the witness or appraiser does not leave the territory of the People's Republic of Chinawithin the time limit stipulated in the treaty or 15 days after he is notified that he does not need to stay, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall no longer apply, except that he fails to leave the territory of the People's Republic of Chinadue to force majeure or other special reasons.

第三十四條   對來中華人民共和國作證或者協助調查的證人、鑒定人,辦案機關應當依法給予補助。

Article 34 The case-handling organ shall offer subsidies in accordance with the law to the witnesses or expert witnesses who come to the People's Republic of China to testify or assist in investigation.

第三十五條   來中華人民共和國作證或者協助調查的人員系在押人員的,由對外聯系機關會同主管機關與被請求國就移交在押人員的相關事項事先達成協議。

Article 35 If the person coming to testify or assist in investigation in the People's Republic of China is a detainee, the foreign liaison organ shall, in conjunction with the competent authority, reach an agreement in advance with the requested country on matters relating to the transfer of the detainee.


The competent authority and case-handling organ shall abide by the contents of the agreement, detain the person transferred in accordance with the law, and promptly return him to the requested country after giving testimony or assisting in the investigation.

第二節 向中華人民共和國請求安排證人作證或者協助調查

Section 2 Request to the People's Republic of China for witness testification or assistance in investigation

第三十六條   外國可以請求中華人民共和國協助安排證人、鑒定人赴外國作證或者通過視頻、音頻作證,或者協助調查。

Article 36 A foreign country may request the People's Republic of China to assist in arranging witnesses or expert witnesses to testify in the foreign country or to testify by video or audio testimony, or to assist in investigation.


Where a foreign country requests the People's Republic of China to arrange for a witness or expert witness to testify or assist in investigation, the request and the attached materials shall, as necessary, specify the matters stipulated in Article 32 of this Law.


The requesting country shall give a written undertaking with respect to the contents set out in paragraph 1 of Article 33 of this Law.

第三十七條   證人、鑒定人書面同意作證或者協助調查的,辦案機關應當及時將證人、鑒定人的意願、要求和條件通過所屬主管機關通知對外聯系機關,由對外聯系機關通知請求國。

Article 37 Where the witness or expert witness agrees in writing to testify or assist in investigation, the case-handling organ shall promptly notify the foreign liaison organ of the will, requirements and conditions of the witness or expert witness through the competent authority to which it is affiliated, and the foreign liaison organ shall notify the requesting country.


When arranging a witness or expert witness to testify by video or audio testimony, the competent authority or case-handling organ shall send personnel to the scene. If any circumstance damaging the sovereignty, security or public interests of the People's Republic of China or violating the basic principles of the laws of the People's Republic of China is found, such circumstance shall be stopped in a timely manner.

第三十八條   外國請求移交在押人員出國作證或者協助調查,並保證在作證或者協助調查結束後及時將在押人員送回的,對外聯系機關應當征求主管機關和在押人員的意見。主管機關和在押人員均同意出國作證或者協助調查的,由對外聯系機關會同主管機關與請求國就移交在押人員的相關事項事先達成協議。

Article 38 Where a foreign country requests the transfer of a person in custody to testify or assist in investigation abroad and guarantees the timely return of the person in custody after the testimony or assistance in investigation has been completed, the foreign liaison organ shall seek the opinions of the competent authority and the person in custody. If both the competent authority and the detainees agree to go abroad to testify or to assist in the investigation, the foreign liaison authority shall, in concert with the competent authority, reach an agreement in advance with the requesting country on the matters relating to the transfer of the detainees.


The period of detention of the person in custody in a foreign country shall be set off by the term of imprisonment in the People's Republic of China.

第六章 查封、扣押、凍結涉案財物

Chapter 6 Sealing up, Seizing and Freezing Property Involved in Cases

第一節 向外國請求查封、扣押、凍結涉案財物

Section 1 Request to a Foreign Country for Sealing up, Seizing or Freezing Property Involved in a Case

第三十九條   辦案機關需要外國協助查封、扣押、凍結涉案財物的,應當制作刑事司法協助請求書並附相關材料,經所屬主管機關審核同意後,由對外聯系機關及時向外國提出請求。

Article 39 Where a case-handling organ needs foreign countries to assist in sealing up, seizing or freezing the property involved in a case, it shall prepare a request for judicial assistance in criminal matters and attach the relevant materials, and the foreign liaison organ shall make a request to the foreign country in a timely manner upon examination and approval by the competent authority for the case.


The special requirements of a foreign country for assisting in the execution of the request of the People's Republic of China for sealing up, seizing or freezing the property involved in the case may be agreed to under the condition that the basic principles of the laws of the People's Republic of China are not violated. Where a decision needs to be made by a judicial organ, the people's court shall make the decision.

第四十條   向外國請求查封、扣押、凍結涉案財物的,請求書及所附材料應當根據需要載明下列事項:

Article 40 Where a request for sealing up, seizing or freezing the property involved in the case is made to a foreign country, the written request and the attached materials shall specify the following matters as required:


1. Ownership certificate, name, characteristic, shape and quantity of property to be sealed up, seized or frozen;


(II) The place where the property involved in the case needs to be sealed up, seized or frozen. Where the funds or other financial assets are deposited in a financial institution, the name, address and account information of the financial institution shall be stated;


(III) copies of relevant legal documents;


(IV) legal provisions on sealing up, distraining, freezing and protection of the rights of interested parties;


(V) Other materials that may help the execution of the request.

第四十一條   外國確定的查封、扣押、凍結的期限屆滿,辦案機關需要外國繼續查封、扣押、凍結相關涉案財物的,應當再次向外國提出請求。

Article 41 Where the case-handling organ needs the foreign country to continue to seal up, seize or freeze relevant property involved in the case upon expiration of the period for sealing up, seizure or freezing determined by the foreign country, it shall make a request to the foreign country again.


Where the case-handling organ decides to cancel the sealing, seizure or freeze, it shall notify the requested country in a timely manner.

第二節 向中華人民共和國請求查封、扣押、凍結涉案財物

Section 2 Request to the People's Republic of China for Sealing up, Seizing or Freezing Property Involved in a Case

第四十二條   外國可以請求中華人民共和國協助查封、扣押、凍結在中華人民共和國境內的涉案財物。

Article 42 A foreign country may request the People's Republic of China to assist in sealing up, seizing or freezing the property involved in the case within the territory of the People's Republic of China.


Where a foreign country requests to the People's Republic of China for sealing up, seizing or freezing the property involved in a case, the written request and the attached materials shall, according to the need, contain the matters stipulated in Article 40 of this Law.

第四十三條   主管機關經審查認為符合下列條件的,可以同意查封、扣押、凍結涉案財物,並安排有關辦案機關執行:

Article 43 Where the competent authority, upon examination, deems that the following conditions are met, it may agree to seal up, detain or freeze the property involved in the case, and arrange for the relevant case-handling organ to execute:


1. Such seizure, impoundment or freezing shall be in conformity with the laws of the People's Republic of China;


(II) sealing up, seizing or freezing the property or objects involved in the case is related to the ongoing investigation, investigation, prosecution and trial of criminal cases in the requesting country;


3. the property involved in the case can be sealed up, seized or frozen;


(IV) The execution of the request does not affect the lawful rights and interests of the interested parties;


(V) The execution of the request does not affect the ongoing investigation, investigation, prosecution, trial and execution activities of the relevant organs of the People's Republic of China.


The case-handling organ shall, in a timely manner, notify the foreign liaison organ through the competent authority, and the foreign liaison organ shall notify the requesting country of the results of seizure, detention or freezing. When necessary, the case-handling organ may take measures to dispose of the property involved in the case that is sealed up, seized or frozen in accordance with the law.

第四十四條   查封、扣押、凍結的期限屆滿,外國需要繼續查封、扣押、凍結相關涉案財物的,應當再次向對外聯系機關提出請求。

Article 44 Where the foreign country needs to continue to seal up, seize or freeze the property involved in the case after the expiration of the time limit for sealing up, seizure or freezing, it shall make a request to the foreign liaison organ again.


Where a foreign country decides to cancel the sealing, seizure or freezing measure, the foreign liaison organ shall, through the competent authority, notify the case-handling organ to timely cancel such measure.

第四十五條   利害關系人對查封、扣押、凍結有異議,辦案機關經審查認為查封、扣押、凍結不符合本法第四十三條第一款規定的條件的,應當報請主管機關決定解除查封、扣押、凍結並通知對外聯系機關,由對外聯系機關告知請求國;對案件處理提出異議的,辦案機關可以通過所屬主管機關轉送對外聯系機關,由對外聯系機關向請求國提出。

Article 45 Where an interested party has an objection to the sealing up, distraining or freezing of property, and the case-handling organ, upon examination, finds that the sealing up, distraining or freezing does not meet the conditions prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 43 of this Law, it shall report to the competent authority for decision on lifting the sealing up, distraining or freezing of property and notify the foreign liaison organ, which shall notify the requesting country. If the case-handling organ raises an objection to the handling of the case, it may, through the competent authority, transfer the case to the foreign liaison organ, which shall notify the requesting country.

第四十六條   由於請求國的原因導致查封、扣押、凍結不當,對利害關系人的合法權益造成損害的,辦案機關可以通過對外聯系機關要求請求國承擔賠償責任。

Article 46 Where the sealing up, seizure or freezing is improperly imposed for reasons attributable to the requesting country, causing damage to the legitimate rights and interests of an interested party, the case-handling organ may, through the foreign liaison organ, request the requesting country to assume liability for compensation.

第七章 沒收、返還違法所得及其他涉案財物

Chapter 7 Confiscation and Return of Illegal Gains and Other Property Involved in Cases

第一節 向外國請求沒收、返還違法所得及其他涉案財物

Section 1 Request for Seizure and Return of Illegal Gains and Other Case-Related Property from a Foreign Country

第四十七條   辦案機關需要外國協助沒收違法所得及其他涉案財物的,應當制作刑事司法協助請求書並附相關材料,經所屬主管機關審核同意後,由對外聯系機關及時向外國提出請求。

Article 47 Where a case-handling organ needs foreign assistance in confiscating illegal gains and other property involved in a case, it shall make a request for judicial assistance in criminal matters and attach the relevant materials, and, upon examination and approval by the competent authority for which it is affiliated, the foreign liaison organ shall make a request to the foreign country in a timely manner.


A request made by a foreign country for the return of illegal gains and other property involved in a case to the People's Republic of China or to the victim may be made together with or alone with the request made to the foreign country for confiscation.


The special requirements of a foreign country for return of the illegal gains that have been sealed up, seized or frozen and other involved property may be agreed to under the condition that the basic principles of the laws of the People's Republic of China are not violated. Where a decision needs to be made by a judicial organ, the people's court shall make the decision.

第四十八條   向外國請求沒收、返還違法所得及其他涉案財物的,請求書及所附材料應當根據需要載明下列事項:

Article 48 Where a request for confiscation or return of illegal gains and other case-related properties is made to a foreign country, the written request and the attached materials shall specify the following items as required:


1. The name, properties, shape and quantity of the illegal gains and other case-related property to be confiscated and returned;


(II) The place where the illegal proceeds and other case-related property to be confiscated or returned shall be located. Where the funds or other financial assets are deposited in a financial institution, the name, address and account information of the financial institution shall be stated;


(III) Reasons for confiscation or return and relevant ownership certificates; and


(IV) copies of relevant legal documents;


(V) The legal provisions on confiscation, return and protection of the rights of the interested parties;


(VI) Other materials that may help the execution of the request.

第四十九條   外國協助沒收、返還違法所得及其他涉案財物的,由對外聯系機關會同主管機關就有關財物的移交問題與外國進行協商。

Article 49 Where a foreign country assists in the confiscation or return of illegal gains and other property involved in a case, the foreign liaison organ shall, in concert with the competent authority, consult with the foreign country on the transfer of the relevant property.


With regard to the request for assistance in confiscating and returning the illegal proceeds and other property involved in the case from the foreign country, if the foreign country so requests, the amount or proportion of such share shall be determined by the foreign liaison organ in consultation with the competent authority and the foreign country.

第二節 向中華人民共和國請求沒收、

Section 2 Request to the People's Republic of China for Confiscation


Return of Illegal Gains and Other Case-Related Property

第五十條   外國可以請求中華人民共和國協助沒收、返還違法所得及其他涉案財物。

Article 50 A foreign country may request the People's Republic of China to assist in the confiscation or return of illegal gains and other property involved in the case.


Where a foreign country requests assistance from the People's Republic of China in confiscating or returning illegal gains and other property involved in a case, the request and the attached materials shall specify the particulars specified in Article 48 of this Law as necessary.

第五十一條   主管機關經審查認為符合下列條件的,可以同意協助沒收違法所得及其他涉案財物,並安排有關辦案機關執行:

Article 51 The competent authority may agree to assist in the confiscation of illegal gains and other property involved in the case and arrange for the relevant case-handling organ to enforce the decision if, upon examination, it considers the following conditions are met:


1. The confiscation of illegal gains and other case-related properties meets the conditions provided by the laws of the People's Republic of China;


(II) The foreign country has fully guaranteed the relevant rights of the interested parties; and


(III) There is property that can be enforced in the People's Republic of China;


(IV) The letter of request and the attached materials give a detailed description of the ownership, name, characteristics, shape and quantity of the property in respect of which the request is made;


(V) Confiscation cannot be enforced or cannot be completely enforced in the requesting country;


(VI) other requirements deemed necessary by the competent authority.

第五十二條   外國請求協助沒收違法所得及其他涉案財物,有下列情形之一的,可以拒絕提供協助,並說明理由:

Article 52 Where a foreign country requests assistance in confiscating its illegal gains and other case-related property under any of the following circumstances, assistance may be refused with the reasons therefor stated:


1. The judicial organ of the People's Republic of China or a third country has made a valid judgment on the property for which the request is made, and has been executed or is being executed;


(II) The property for which the request is made does not exist, or has been damaged, lost, sold or transferred, making it impossible to execute the request, except for the request to confiscate the property for sale or the property after transfer;


(III) the person against whom the request is made has outstanding debts or pending litigation within the territory of the People's Republic of China; and


(IV) Other circumstances under which refusal may be made.

第五十三條   外國請求返還違法所得及其他涉案財物,能夠提供確實、充分的證據證明,主管機關經審查認為符合中華人民共和國法律規定的條件的,可以同意並安排有關辦案機關執行。返還前,辦案機關可以扣除執行請求產生的合理費用。

Article 53 Where a foreign country requests the return of illegal proceeds and other property involved in a case and is able to provide conclusive and sufficient evidence, the competent authority may, after examination, agree to it and arrange for the enforcement of the decision by the case-handling organ if it considers that the request meets the conditions prescribed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Before returning, the case-handling organ may deduct the reasonable expenses incurred in executing the request.

第五十四條   對於外國請求協助沒收、返還違法所得及其他涉案財物的,可以由對外聯系機關會同主管機關提出分享的請求。分享的數額或者比例,由對外聯系機關會同主管機關與外國協商確定。

Article 54 Where a foreign country requests assistance in confiscating or returning illegal gains and other property involved in a case, the foreign liaison organ may make a request for sharing the same jointly with the competent authority. The amount or proportion of such sharing shall be determined by the foreign liaison organ in consultation with the competent authority and the foreign state through consultation.

第八章 移管被判刑人

Chapter 8 Transferred Sentenced Persons

第一節 向外國移管被判刑人

Section 1 Transfer of Sentenced Persons to Foreign Jurisdiction

第五十五條   外國可以向中華人民共和國請求移管外國籍被判刑人,中華人民共和國可以向外國請求移管外國籍被判刑人。

Article 55 A foreign country may request the People's Republic of China to transfer a sentenced person of foreign nationality, and the People's Republic of China may request the foreign country to transfer a sentenced person of foreign nationality.

第五十六條   向外國移管被判刑人應當符合下列條件:

Article 56 The transfer of a sentenced person to a foreign country shall meet the following conditions:


1. the sentenced person is a national of that State;


(II) the act for which the sentence was given which also constitutes an offence under the law of that State;


(III) the judgment of sentencing the sentenced person has become legally effective;


(IV) the sentenced person has given written consent for transfer, or there is a real need for transfer due to the sentenced person's age, physical condition, mental condition or other conditions, and written consent has been obtained from the sentenced person's agent for transfer; and


(V) The People's Republic of China and the country concerned both agree to transfer control.


Under any of the following circumstances, the transfer may be refused:


1. the sentenced person has been sentenced to death with a suspension of execution or life imprisonment, except that the sentence has been commuted to fixed-term imprisonment when the transfer is requested; and


2. when the request for transfer is made, the sentenced person has a remaining term of imprisonment of less than one year;


(III) that the sentenced person has a pending lawsuit within the territory of the People's Republic of China; or


(IV) other circumstances in which transfer of administration is inappropriate.

第五十七條   請求向外國移管被判刑人的,請求書及所附材料應當根據需要載明下列事項:

Article 57 For a request for the transfer of a sentenced person to a foreign country, the written request and the attached materials shall specify the following matters as necessary:


1. the name of the requesting authority;


(II) The name, gender, nationality, identity information and other information of the sentenced person requested to be transferred;


(III) the place where the sentenced person serves his sentence;


(IV) grounds and reasons for applying for transfer;


(V) the written statement of the sentenced person or the agent thereof on consenting to the transfer;


(VI) other matters.

第五十八條   主管機關應當對被判刑人的移管意願進行核實。外國請求派員對被判刑人的移管意願進行核實的,主管機關可以作出安排。

Article 58 The competent authorities shall verify the sentenced person's willingness to transfer. If a foreign country requests the dispatch of personnel to verify the sentenced person's will of transfer, the competent authority may make arrangements.

第五十九條   外國向中華人民共和國提出移管被判刑人的請求的,或者主管機關認為需要向外國提出移管被判刑人的請求的,主管機關應當會同相關主管部門,作出是否同意外國請求或者向外國提出請求的決定。作出同意外國移管請求的決定後,對外聯系機關應當書面通知請求國和被判刑人。

Article 59 If the foreign country makes a request to the People's Republic of China for the transfer of a sentenced person or if the competent authority deems it necessary to make a request to the foreign country for the transfer of a sentenced person, the competent authority shall, in conjunction with the relevant competent authorities, make a decision on whether to consent to the foreign request or make the request to the foreign country. After making the decision to agree to the request, the foreign liaison organ shall notify the requesting country and the sentenced person in writing.

第六十條   移管被判刑人由主管機關指定刑罰執行機關執行。移交被判刑人的時間、地點、方式等執行事項,由主管機關與外國協商確定。

Article 60 The transfer of a sentenced person shall be executed by a penalty enforcement authority designated by the competent authority. Matters such as the time, place and manner of execution concerning the transfer of the sentenced person shall be determined by the competent authority and the foreign country through consultation.

第六十一條   被判刑人移管後對原生效判決提出申訴的,應當向中華人民共和國有管轄權的人民法院提出。

Article 61 If a sentenced person files an appeal against the originally effective judgment after transfer of jurisdiction, he/she/it shall file the appeal with the competent people's court of the People's Republic of China.


Where the people's court alters or revokes an originally effective judgment, it shall notify the foreign country in a timely manner.

第二節 向中華人民共和國移管被判刑人

Section 2 Transfer sentenced persons to the Peoples Republic of China

第六十二條   中華人民共和國可以向外國請求移管中國籍被判刑人,外國可以請求中華人民共和國移管中國籍被判刑人。移管的具體條件和辦理程序,參照本章第一節的有關規定執行。

Article 62 The People's Republic of China may request a foreign country to transfer a sentenced person of Chinese nationality, and a foreign country may request the People's Republic of China to transfer a sentenced person of Chinese nationality. The specific conditions and handling procedures for the transfer shall be subject to the relevant provisions of Section 1 of this Chapter.

第六十三條   被判刑人移管回國後,由主管機關指定刑罰執行機關先行關押。

Article 63 After the sentenced person has been transferred back to the country, the competent authority shall designate a penalty enforcement authority to hold him in custody.

第六十四條   人民檢察院應當制作刑罰轉換申請書並附相關材料,提請刑罰執行機關所在地的中級人民法院作出刑罰轉換裁定。

Article 64 The People's Procuratorate shall prepare an application form for conversion to criminal punishment with relevant materials attached thereto, and submit the same to the intermediate people's court at the place where the penalty enforcement authority is located for decision on conversion to criminal punishment.


The people's court shall, on the basis of the facts ascertained in the judgment rendered by the foreign court and in accordance with the Criminal Law, render a ruling on conversion of criminal punishments. Where the nature and term of punishment of a foreign court are in conformity with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, the conversion shall be made on the basis of the nature and term of punishment sentence; where the nature and term of punishment of a foreign court are not in conformity with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, the type and term of punishment shall be determined in accordance with the following principles:


1. the punishment after conversion shall be consistent with the punishment imposed by the foreign court to the extent possible; and


(II) The punishment imposed after the conversion shall not be heavier in nature or term than that imposed by a foreign court, nor shall it exceed the maximum term of punishment for the same crime as specified by the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China;


(III) Penalties of deprivation of liberty may not be converted into punishments of property;


(IV) Criminal punishment after conversion shall not be subject to the minimum term of sentence for the same crime as is prescribed by the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.


Where a sentenced person is detained before returning to the country for service, one day of detention shall be offset against one day of imprisonment after conversion.


The penalty conversion ruling rendered by a people's court shall be final.

第六十五條   刑罰執行機關根據刑罰轉換裁定將移管回國的被判刑人收監執行刑罰。刑罰執行以及減刑、假釋、暫予監外執行等,依照中華人民共和國法律辦理。

Article 65 The criminal penalty enforcement authority shall, in accordance with the decision on conversion of criminal penalty, put the sentenced person back in prison for enforcement of the criminal penalty. Criminal penalty, commutation, parole, and temporary execution of sentence outside prison shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

第六十六條   被判刑人移管回國後對外國法院判決的申訴,應當向外國有管轄權的法院提出。

Article 66 An appeal against a judgment rendered by a foreign court after the sentenced person has returned to the country shall be filed with the competent court of the foreign country.


Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

第六十七條   中華人民共和國與有關國際組織開展刑事司法協助,參照本法規定。

Article 67 This Law shall be referred to in the judicial assistance in criminal matters between the People's Republic of China and the relevant international organizations.

第六十八條   向中華人民共和國提出的刑事司法協助請求或者應中華人民共和國請求提供的文件和證據材料,按照條約的規定辦理公證和認證事宜。沒有條約或者條約沒有規定的,按照互惠原則辦理。

Article 68 Requests for judicial assistance in criminal matters submitted to the People's Republic of China or documents and evidence provided at the request of the People's Republic of China shall be notarized and authenticated in accordance with the provisions of the treaty. If there is no treaty or the treaty has no provisions, the principle of reciprocity shall apply.

第六十九條   本法所稱刑事司法協助條約,是指中華人民共和國與外國締結或者共同參加的刑事司法協助條約、移管被判刑人條約或者載有刑事司法協助、移管被判刑人條款的其他條約。

Article 69 For the purpose of the Law, judicial assistance treaties in criminal matters refer to treaties on judicial assistance in criminal matters and treaties on the transfer of sentenced persons concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China and foreign countries, or other treaties containing provisions on judicial assistance in criminal matters and transfer of sentenced persons.

第七十條   本法自公布之日起施行。

Article 70 This Law shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.


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