Asset Appraisal Law of the People's Republic of China
Presidential Decree No. 46
The Asset Appraisal Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on 2 July 2016, is hereby promulgated, effective on 1 December 2016.
中華人民共和國主席 習近平
President Xi Jinping
2 July 2016
(Adopted at the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on 2 July 2016)
第一章 總則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一條 為了規範資產評估行為,保護資產評估當事人合法權益和公共利益,促進資產評估行業健康發展,維護社會主義市場經濟秩序,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of standardising asset valuation activities, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned in asset valuation activities and public interest, promoting healthy development of the asset valuation industry, and safeguarding the order of the socialist market economy.
第二條 本法所稱資產評估(以下稱評估),是指評估機構及其評估專業人員根據委托對不動產、動產、無形資產、企業價值、資產損失或者其他經濟權益進行評定、估算,並出具評估報告的專業服務行為。
Article 2 Asset valuation referred to in this Law (hereinafter referred to as "valuation") shall mean the professional services provided by valuation organisations and their valuation professionals as entrusted for assessment and valuation of immovables, movables, intangible assets, enterprise value, asset losses or other economic interests and issuance of a valuation report thereof.
第三條 自然人、法人或者其他組織需要確定評估對象價值的,可以自願委托評估機構評估。
Article 3 Natural persons, legal persons or other organisations that require determination of value of a subject matter may voluntarily entrust valuation by a valuation organisation.
Where State-owned assets or public interest are involved and valuation is required pursuant to the provisions of laws and administrative regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "statutory valuation"), a valuation organisation shall be entrusted pursuant to the law to carry out valuation.
第四條 評估機構及其評估專業人員開展業務應當遵守法律、行政法規和評估準則,遵循獨立、客觀、公正的原則。
Article 4 Valuation organisations and their valuation professionals shall comply with laws, administrative regulations and valuation guidelines in carrying out valuation activities, and adhere to the principles of independence, objectivity and equitableness.
Valuation organisations and their valuation professionals carrying out valuation activities pursuant to the law shall be protected by the law.
第五條 評估專業人員從事評估業務,應當加入評估機構,並且只能在一個評估機構從事業務。
Article 5 Valuation professionals engaging in valuation activities shall join a valuation organisation, and may only practise with one valuation organisation.
第六條 評估行業可以按照專業領域依法設立行業協會,實行自律管理,並接受有關評估行政管理部門的監督和社會監督。
Article 6 The valuation industry may establish industry associations pursuant to the law for professional fields, implement self-governance administration, and accept supervision of the relevant valuation administrative authorities and the public.
第七條 國務院有關評估行政管理部門按照各自職責分工,對評估行業進行監督管理。
Article 7 Relevant appraisal administrative department of the State Council shall conduct supervision and administration over the appraisal industry according to their respective responsibilities and functions.
Relevant appraisal administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above a city divided into districts shall conduct supervision and administration over the appraisal industry within their respective administrative regions according to their respective responsibilities and functions.
第二章 評估專業人員
Chapter 2 Appraisal Professionals
第八條 評估專業人員包括評估師和其他具有評估專業知識及實踐經驗的評估從業人員。
Article 8 Appraisal professionals include appraisers and other appraisal practitioners with the appraisal expertise and practical experience.
Appraisers refer to appraisal professionals that have passed Appraiser Qualification Examination. The State shall determine professional categories for valuers based on the needs of economic and social development.
第九條 有關全國性評估行業協會按照國家規定組織實施評估師資格全國統一考試。
Article 9 The relevant nationwide valuation industry associations shall organise and implement national standard examinations for valuer qualification pursuant to the provisions of the State.
Citizens who hold tertiary qualification and above may participate in national standard examination for valuer qualification.
第十條 有關全國性評估行業協會應當在其網站上公布評估師名單,並實時更新。
Article 10 Relevant appraisal industry association at the national level shall publish the list of appraisers on its website and update the same in real time.
第十一條 因故意犯罪或者在從事評估、財務、會計、審計活動中因過失犯罪而受刑事處罰,自刑罰執行完畢之日起不滿五年的人員,不得從事評估業務。
Article 11 Persons who are subject to criminal punishment for an intentional crime or criminal negligence in carrying out valuation, finance, accounting and audit activities, if a five-year period has not elapsed since completion of sentence, shall not carry out valuation activities.
第十二條 評估專業人員享有下列權利:
Article 12 Appraisal professionals shall enjoy the following rights:
1. The right to request the principal to provide relevant ownership certificates, financial and accounting information and other materials, as well as necessary assistance for carrying out fair appraisal procedures;
(II) access to the relevant national authorities or other organizations to the documents, certificates and materials required for the conduct of the Business in accordance with law;
(III) The right to refuse the unlawful interference by the principal or any other organization or individual in the appraisal or appraisal results;
(IV) Sign the appraisal report according to the law; and
(V) Other rights provided for by laws and administrative regulations.
第十三條 評估專業人員應當履行下列義務:
Article 13 Appraisal professionals shall perform the following obligations:
1. having integrity, and legally conducting business in an independent, objective and impartial manner;
(II) abiding by the assessment standards, fulfilling the duty of investigation, making analysis and estimate independently and conducting the business diligently and prudently;
(III) completing the required further education to maintain and improve professional competence;
(IV) Examining and verifying the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of relevant documents, certificates and materials used in appraising activities; and
(V) Keeping confidential the state secrets, commercial secrets and individual privacy which they have accessed in appraisal activities;
(VI) Recusing themselves from the appraisal if they have interest relations with the principal or other parties concerned and the appraisal target;
(VII) Accepting the self-disciplinary management of the industrial association and performing the obligations as prescribed by the constitution of the industrial association; and
(VIII) Other obligations stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.
第十四條 評估專業人員不得有下列行為:
Article 14 Appraisal professionals shall not commit any of the following acts:
1. Accepting entrustment in private to conduct appraisal business and charge fees;
(II) Conducting appraisal business in two or more appraisal institutions simultaneously;
3. Soliciting business by illicit means such as fraud, inducement, coercion or dispraising or disparaging other appraisal professionals;
(IV) Permitting any other person to conduct appraisal business in their name or conducting business in the name of others;
(V) Signing appraisal reports on business not undertaken by themselves;
(VI) demanding or taking, or demanding or taking in a disguised form, any payment or items of value not specified in the service contract, or seeking other illegitimate gains;
(VII) Signing any false appraisal reports or appraisal reports having material omissions; or
(VIII) other acts in violation of laws and administrative regulations.
第三章 評估機構
Chapter III Appraisal Institutions
第十五條 評估機構應當依法采用合夥或者公司形式,聘用評估專業人員開展評估業務。
Article 15 Valuation organisations shall adopt the form of partnership or company pursuant to the law, and employ valuation professionals to carry out valuation activities.
Valuation organisations which adopt the form of partnership shall employ two or more valuers; two-thirds or more of the partners shall be valuers who have three or more years of practice experience and have not been ordered to suspend practice during the past three years.
Valuation organisations which adopt the form of company shall employ eight or more valuers and have two or more shareholders, among which two-thirds or more of the shareholders shall be valuers who have three or more years of practice experience and have not been ordered to suspend practice during the past three years.
Where an appraisal institution has two partners or shareholders, both of the partners or shareholders shall be appraisers who have more than three years of experience in the appraisal industry and have not been imposed the punishment of suspending practice in the last three years.
第十六條 設立評估機構,應當向工商行政管理部門申請辦理登記。評估機構應當自領取營業執照之日起三十日內向有關評估行政管理部門備案。評估行政管理部門應當及時將評估機構備案情況向社會公告。
Article 16 For establishment of a valuation organisation, registration formalities shall be completed with the administration for industry and commerce. Valuation organisations shall file records with the relevant valuation administrative authorities within 30 days from obtaining of business licence. The valuation administrative authorities shall promptly announce filing information of the valuation organisation to the public.
第十七條 評估機構應當依法獨立、客觀、公正開展業務,建立健全質量控制制度,保證評估報告的客觀、真實、合理。
Article 17 Valuation organisations shall carry out valuation activities independently, objectively and fairly pursuant to the law, establish and improve upon their quality control system, and ensure that their valuation reports are objective, true and reasonable.
Valuation organisations shall establish and improve upon their internal management system, supervise their valuation professionals' compliance with laws, administrative regulations and valuation guidelines, and be accountable for their practice activities.
Valuation organisations shall accept supervision and inspection pursuant to the law, and provide valuation files and the relevant information truthfully.
第十八條 委托人拒絕提供或者不如實提供執行評估業務所需的權屬證明、財務會計信息和其他資料的,評估機構有權依法拒絕其履行合同的要求。
Article 18 Where the entrusting party refuses to provide, or does not provide truthfully, the proof of ownership, financial accounting information and other materials required for conduct of valuation, the valuation organisation shall have the right to refuse to perform the contractual requirements.
第十九條 委托人要求出具虛假評估報告或者有其他非法幹預評估結果情形的,評估機構有權解除合同。
Article 19 Where the entrusting party requests issuance of a false valuation report or makes other illegal interference with the valuation outcome, the valuation organisation shall have the right to rescind the contract.
第二十條 評估機構不得有下列行為:
Article 20 Appraisal institutions shall not commit any of the following acts:
(I) seeking improper benefits by taking advantage of its business;
(II) Permitting another organization to carry out business in its name or carrying out business falsely using the name of another organization;
(III) Soliciting business by illicit means including maliciously lowering price, paying commissions, making false publicity, or dispraising or disparaging other appraisal institutions;
(IV) Accepting any business wherein it has a conflict of interest;
(V) Accepting entrustment from both parties that have a conflict of interest and conducting appraisal on the same appraisal target;
(VI) Issuing false appraisal reports or appraisal reports having material omissions;
(VII) Employing or appointing any person that does not meet provisions stipulated herein to conduct appraisal; or
(VIII) other acts in violation of laws and administrative regulations.
第二十一條 評估機構根據業務需要建立職業風險基金,或者自願辦理職業責任保險,完善風險防範機制。
Article 21 Appraisal institutions may establish the professional risk fund according to their business needs, or purchase professional liability insurance voluntarily to improve the risk prevention mechanism.
第四章 評估程序
Chapter 4 Appraisal Procedures
第二十二條 委托人有權自主選擇符合本法規定的評估機構,任何組織或者個人不得非法限制或者幹預。
Article 22 An entrusting party shall have the right to select an valuation organisation which complies with the provisions of this Law, and no organisation or individual shall restrict or interfere illegally.
Where a valuation matter involves two or more parties concerned, all the parties concerned shall negotiate and entrust the valuation organisation.
Where statutory appraisal business is conducted through entrustment, the appraisal institution shall be selected according to the law.
第二十三條 委托人應當與評估機構訂立委托合同,約定雙方的權利和義務。
Article 23 The entrusting party shall enter into an entrustment contract with the valuation organisation to agree on the rights and obligations of both parties.
The entrusting party shall pay fees to the valuation organisation in accordance with contractual agreement, and shall not demand, receive kickbacks directly or under any pretext.
The entrusting party shall be responsible for the veracity, integrity and legitimacy of the proof of ownership, financial accounting information and other materials it provides.
第二十四條 對受理的評估業務,評估機構應當指定至少兩名評估專業人員承辦。
Article 24 For an appraisal case that has been accepted, an appraisal institution shall appoint at least two appraisal professionals to undertake the case.
The entrusting party shall have the right to require a valuation professional who has a stake in the relevant parties concerned and the subject matter to abstain from the valuation assignment.
第二十五條 評估專業人員應當根據評估業務具體情況,對評估對象進行現場調查,收集權屬證明、財務會計信息和其他資料並進行核查驗證、分析整理,作為評估的依據。
Article 25 Valuation professionals shall, based on the specific circumstances of the valuation assignment, conduct onsite investigation for the subject matter, collect the proof of ownership, financial accounting information and other materials, and carry out verification, verification, analysis and sorting, to form the basis for the valuation.
第二十六條 評估專業人員應當恰當選擇評估方法,除依據評估執業準則只能選擇一種評估方法的外,應當選擇兩種以上評估方法,經綜合分析,形成評估結論,編制評估報告。
Article 26 Appraisal professionals shall select appraisal methods in an appropriate way. Except where only one appraisal method can be selected according to the appraisal practicing rules, at least two appraisal methods shall be selected, which shall, after comprehensive analysis, form the appraisal conclusion and prepare the appraisal report.
Valuation organisations shall conduct internal examination for valuation reports.
第二十七條 評估報告應當由至少兩名承辦該項業務的評估專業人員簽名並加蓋評估機構印章。
Article 27 Valuation reports shall be signed by at least two valuation professionals who undertake the valuation assignment and be affixed with the seal of the valuation organisation.
Valuation organisations and their valuation professionals shall be liable for valuation reports issued by them pursuant to the law.
The entrusting party shall not conspire with or instigate the valuation organisation or its valuation professionals to issue a false valuation report.
第二十八條 評估機構開展法定評估業務,應當指定至少兩名相應專業類別的評估師承辦,評估報告應當由至少兩名承辦該項業務的評估師簽名並加蓋評估機構印章。
Article 28 When an appraisal institution conducts statutory appraisal business, it shall designate at least two appraisers with relevant specialty to undertake the appraisal. And the appraisal report shall be signed by at least two appraisers who undertake the appraisal business, and the official seal of the appraisal institution shall be affixed to the report.
第二十九條 評估檔案的保存期限不少於十五年,屬於法定評估業務的,保存期限不少於三十年。
Article 29 Valuation files shall be retained for not less than 15 years, and valuation files for statutory valuation assignments shall be retained for not less than 30 years.
第三十條 委托人對評估報告有異議的,可以要求評估機構解釋。
Article 30 Where the entrusting party disagrees with the valuation report, it may require the valuation organisation to explain.
第三十一條 委托人認為評估機構或者評估專業人員違法開展業務的,可以向有關評估行政管理部門或者行業協會投訴、舉報,有關評估行政管理部門或者行業協會應當及時調查處理,並答複委托人。
Article 31 Where the entrusting party asserts that the valuation organisation or the valuation professionals has/have carried out valuation against the law, it may lodge a complaint or report to the relevant valuation administrative authorities or the industry association, and the relevant valuation administrative authorities or the industry association shall promptly investigate and handle the complaint or report, and reply the entrusting party.
第三十二條 委托人或者評估報告使用人應當按照法律規定和評估報告載明的使用範圍使用評估報告。
Article 32 The entrusting party or a user of the valuation report shall use the valuation report pursuant to the provisions of the law and the scope of use stated in the valuation report.
Where the entrusting party or a user of the valuation report uses the valuation report against the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the valuation organisation and the valuation professionals shall not be held liable.
第五章 行業協會
Chapter 5 Trade Association
第三十三條 評估行業協會是評估機構和評估專業人員的自律性組織,依照法律、行政法規和章程實行自律管理。
Article 33 Valuation industry associations are self-governance organisations for valuation organisations and valuation professionals, which implement self-governance administration pursuant to laws, administrative regulations and articles of association.
The valuation industry shall establish national valuation industry associations in accordance with professional fields, and establish local valuation industry associations based on the needs.
第三十四條 評估行業協會的章程由會員代表大會制定,報登記管理機關核準,並報有關評估行政管理部門備案。
Article 34 The articles of association of a valuation industry association shall be formulated by a members' congress, subject to examination and approval by the registration administrative authorities, and filed with the relevant valuation administrative authorities.
第三十五條 評估機構、評估專業人員加入有關評估行業協會,平等享有章程規定的權利,履行章程規定的義務。有關評估行業協會公布加入本協會的評估機構、評估專業人員名單。
Article 35 Valuation organisations and valuation professionals shall join the relevant valuation industry association, enjoy the rights stipulated in the articles of association equally, and perform the obligations stipulated in the articles of association. Relevant appraisal industry associations shall publish the list of appraisal institutions and appraisal professionals that have joined such associations.
第三十六條 評估行業協會履行下列職責:
Article 36 Appraisal industry associations shall fulfill the following responsibilities and duties:
1. Formulating self-disciplinary measures for its members and conducting self-disciplinary management of its members;
2. Formulating the appraisal practice rules and professional ethics based on the fundamental appraisal standards;
(III) Organizing the continuing education for its members;
(IV) establishing credit files on its members, recording their compliance with laws, administrative regulations and appraisal standards into such files, and making the files public;
(V) inspecting their establishment of risk prevention mechanisms;
(VI) accepting complaints and tip-offs filed against, and appeals filed by its members, and mediating professional practice disputes among its members;
(VII) Regulating the practice of its members, inspecting the appraisal reports issued by its members on a regular basis, rewarding or punishing its members according to its articles of association, and reporting the rewards and punishments in a timely manner to the relevant appraisal administrative department;
(VIII) ensuring that its members legally conduct business and protecting their legitimate rights and interests; and
(IX) other duties stipulated by laws, administrative regulations and articles of association.
第三十七條 有關評估行業協會應當建立溝通協作和信息共享機制,根據需要制定共同的行為規範,促進評估行業健康有序發展。
Article 37 The relevant valuation industry associations shall establish a mechanism for communication, cooperation and information sharing, formulate a common code of conduct based on the needs, and promote healthy and orderly development of the valuation industry.
第三十八條 評估行業協會收取會員會費的標準,由會員代表大會通過,並向社會公開。不得以會員交納會費數額作為其在行業協會中擔任職務的條件。
Article 38 The standards for membership fees collected by valuation industry associations shall be passed by a members' general meeting and announced to the public. The amount of membership fees paid by a member shall not be made a condition for him to hold a post in the industrial association.
The collection and use of the membership dues shall be supervised by the member representative assembly and relevant departments, and no organization or individual may embezzle, divide privately or appropriate the membership dues.
第六章 監督管理
Chapter 6 Supervision and Administration
第三十九條 國務院有關評估行政管理部門組織制定評估基本準則和評估行業監督管理辦法。
Article 39 Relevant appraisal administrative department of the State Council shall organize the formulation of appraisal basic guidelines and measures for the supervision and administration of the appraisal industry.
第四十條 設區的市級以上人民政府有關評估行政管理部門依據各自職責,負責監督管理評估行業,對評估機構和評估專業人員的違法行為依法實施行政處罰,將處罰情況及時通報有關評估行業協會,並依法向社會公開。
Article 40 The relevant valuation administrative authorities of People's Governments of municipalities divided into districts level and above shall be responsible for supervision and administration of the valuation industry in accordance with their respective duties, impose administrative punishment pursuant to the law on valuation organisations and valuation professionals that have committed an illegal act, promptly notify the relevant valuation industry associations of the punishment, and announce to the public pursuant to the law.
第四十一條 評估行政管理部門對有關評估行業協會實施監督檢查,對檢查發現的問題和針對協會的投訴、舉報,應當及時調查處理。
Article 41 The valuation administrative authorities shall implement supervision and inspection on the relevant valuation industry associations, and promptly investigate and handle issues discovered in the inspection and complaints and reports against the associations.
第四十二條 評估行政管理部門不得違反本法規定,對評估機構依法開展業務進行限制。
Article 42 Administrative departments of appraisal shall not, in violation of the provisions stipulated herein, impose restrictions on the appraisal business legally conducted by appraisal institutions.
第四十三條 評估行政管理部門不得與評估行業協會、評估機構存在人員或者資金關聯,不得利用職權為評估機構招攬業務。
Article 43 The valuation administrative authorities shall not be related to valuation industry associations and valuation organisations in terms of staffing or funding, and shall not make use of official powers to solicit business for valuation organisations.
第七章 法律責任
Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities
第四十四條 評估專業人員違反本法規定,有下列情形之一的,由有關評估行政管理部門予以警告,可以責令停止從業六個月以上一年以下;有違法所得的,沒收違法所得;情節嚴重的,責令停止從業一年以上五年以下;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:
Article 44 Valuation professionals who violate the provisions of this Law under any of the following circumstances shall be given a warning by the relevant valuation administrative authorities, and may be ordered to suspend practice for more than six months but less than one year; illegal income, if any, shall be confiscated; in serious cases, they shall be ordered to suspend practice for more than one year but less than five years; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law:
1. Accepting entrustment in private to conduct appraisal business and charge fees;
(II) Conducting appraisal business in two or more appraisal institutions simultaneously;
(III) Soliciting business by illicit means such as fraud, inducement, coercion or dispraising or disparaging other appraisal professionals;
(IV) Permitting any other person to conduct appraisal business in his name or conducting business in the name of others;
(V) Signing the appraisal reports for any business that is not undertaken by them or the appraisal reports having material omissions; or
(VI) Soliciting or accepting any remuneration or property not stipulated in the contract in a direct or disguised way, or seeking any illegitimate benefits.
第四十五條 評估專業人員違反本法規定,簽署虛假評估報告的,由有關評估行政管理部門責令停止從業兩年以上五年以下;有違法所得的,沒收違法所得;情節嚴重的,責令停止從業五年以上十年以下;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任,終身不得從事評估業務。
Article 45 Valuation professionals who violate the provisions of this Law in signing a false valuation report shall be ordered by the relevant valuation administrative authorities to suspend practice for more than two years but less than five years; where there is illegal income, illegal income shall be confiscated; under serious circumstances, they shall be ordered to suspend practice for more than five years but less than 10 years; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law, and they shall be banned from valuation practice permanently.
第四十六條 違反本法規定,未經工商登記以評估機構名義從事評估業務的,由工商行政管理部門責令停止違法活動;有違法所得的,沒收違法所得,並處違法所得一倍以上五倍以下罰款。
Article 46 Offenders who violate the provisions of this Law in carrying out valuation in the name of valuation organisation without completing industry and commerce registration shall be ordered by the administration for industry and commerce to stop the illegal activities; where there is illegal income, illegal income shall be confiscated and a fine ranging from one to five times the amount of illegal income shall be imposed.
第四十七條 評估機構違反本法規定,有下列情形之一的,由有關評估行政管理部門予以警告,可以責令停業一個月以上六個月以下;有違法所得的,沒收違法所得,並處違法所得一倍以上五倍以下罰款;情節嚴重的,由工商行政管理部門吊銷營業執照;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:
Article 47 Valuation organisations which violate the provisions of this Law under any of the following circumstances shall be given a warning by the relevant valuation administrative authorities, and may be ordered to suspend valuation for more than one month but less than six months; where there is illegal income, illegal income shall be confiscated, and a fine ranging from one to five times the amount of illegal income shall be imposed; where the case is serious, the administration for industry and commerce shall revoke the business licence; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law:
1. Seeking for unjustifiable interests by taking the advantage of its business status;
2. allowing another institution to carry out business in its name or carrying out business falsely using the name of another institution;
3. Soliciting business by illicit means including maliciously lowering price, paying commissions, making false publicity, or dispraising or disparaging other appraisal institutions;
(IV) Accepting any business wherein it has a conflict of interest;
(V) Accepting entrustment from both parties that have a conflict of interest and conducting appraisal on the same appraisal target;
(VI) Issuing an appraisal report with major omissions;
(VII) Failing to keep the appraisal records for a period of time specified herein;
(VIII) Employing or appointing any person that does not meet provisions stipulated herein to conduct appraisal business; or
(IX) Mismanaging their respective appraisal professionals, leading to adverse consequences.
Valuation organisations which do not complete filing pursuant to the provisions of this Law or do not satisfy the criteria stipulated in Article 15 shall be ordered by the relevant valuation administrative authorities to make correction; where correction is not made, the valuation organisation shall be ordered to suspend practice and may be subject to a fine ranging from RMB10,000 to RMB50,000.
第四十八條 評估機構違反本法規定,出具虛假評估報告的,由有關評估行政管理部門責令停業六個月以上一年以下;有違法所得的,沒收違法所得,並處違法所得一倍以上五倍以下罰款;情節嚴重的,由工商行政管理部門吊銷營業執照;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 48 Valuation organisations which violate the provisions of this Law in issuing a false valuation report shall be ordered by the relevant valuation administrative authorities to suspend practice for more than six months but less than one year; where there is illegal income, illegal income shall be confiscated, and a fine ranging from one to five times the amount of illegal income shall be imposed; in serious cases, the administration for industry and commerce shall revoke the business licence of the valuation organisation; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.
第四十九條 評估機構、評估專業人員在一年內累計三次因違反本法規定受到責令停業、責令停止從業以外處罰的,有關評估行政管理部門可以責令其停業或者停止從業一年以上五年以下。
Article 49 Valuation organisations and valuation professionals that are subject to punishment, other than suspension of operation or suspension of practice, for three occasions within a year for violation of the provisions of this Law may be ordered by the relevant valuation administrative authorities to suspend operation or suspend practice for more than one year but less than five years.
第五十條 評估專業人員違反本法規定,給委托人或者其他相關當事人造成損失的,由其所在的評估機構依法承擔賠償責任。評估機構履行賠償責任後,可以向有故意或者重大過失行為的評估專業人員追償。
Article 50 Where an appraisal professional, in violation of the provisions stipulated herein causes losses to the principal or other parties concerned, the appraisal institution for which he works shall be liable for the compensation in accordance with the law. Upon performance of compensation liability by the valuation organisation, the valuation organisation may recover the compensation from the valuation professional who have intentionally committed the violation or committed gross negligence.
第五十一條 違反本法規定,應當委托評估機構進行法定評估而未委托的,由有關部門責令改正;拒不改正的,處十萬元以上五十萬元以下罰款;情節嚴重的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分;造成損失的,依法承擔賠償責任;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 51 Offenders who violate the provisions of this Law in failing to entrust a valuation organisation to carry out statutory valuation as required shall be ordered by the relevant authorities to make correction; where correction is not made, a fine ranging from RMB100,000 to RMB500,000 shall be imposed; in serious cases, the directly accountable person (s) -in-charge and other directly accountable personnel shall be punished pursuant to the law; where losses are suffered due to the violation, the offender shall bear compensation liability pursuant to the law; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.
第五十二條 違反本法規定,委托人在法定評估中有下列情形之一的,由有關評估行政管理部門會同有關部門責令改正;拒不改正的,處十萬元以上五十萬元以下罰款;有違法所得的,沒收違法所得;情節嚴重的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分;造成損失的,依法承擔賠償責任;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:
Article 52 Where an entrusting party for statutory valuation violates the provisions of this Law under any of the following circumstances, it shall be ordered by the relevant valuation administrative authorities and the relevant authorities to make correction; where correction is not made, a fine ranging from RMB100,000 to RMB500,000 shall be imposed; where there is illegal income, illegal income shall be confiscated; in serious cases, the directly accountable person (s) -in-charge and other directly accountable personnel shall be punished pursuant to the law; where losses are caused, compensation liability shall be borne pursuant to the law; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law:
1. Failing to select the appraisal institution according to the law;
(II) Soliciting or accepting commissions directly or in a disguised form;
(III) Colluding with or instigating the appraisal institution or the appraisal professionals thereof to issue a false appraisal report;
(IV) Failing to provide truthful ownership certificates, financial and accounting information and other materials to the appraisal institution; or
(V) Failing to use the appraisal report according to the provisions stipulated by law or the scope of use clearly indicated on the appraisal report.
Where a client other than those stipulated in the preceding paragraph violates the provisions of this Law and causes others to suffer losses, compensation liability shall be borne pursuant to the law.
第五十三條 評估行業協會違反本法規定的,由有關評估行政管理部門給予警告,責令改正;拒不改正的,可以通報登記管理機關,由其依法給予處罰。
Article 53 Valuation industry associations which violate the provisions of this Law shall be given a warning by the relevant valuation administrative authorities and be ordered to make correction; where correction is not made, the registration administrative authorities may be notified and be subject to punishment pursuant to the law.
第五十四條 有關行政管理部門、評估行業協會工作人員違反本法規定,濫用職權、玩忽職守或者徇私舞弊的,依法給予處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 54 Personnel of the relevant administrative authorities and valuation industry associations who violate the provisions of this Law in abusing official powers, dereliction of duties or corruption shall be punished pursuant to the law; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.
第八章 附則
Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions
第五十五條 本法自2016年12月1日起施行。
Article 55 This Law shall come into force as of December 1, 2016.
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