中華人民共和國全民所有制工業企業法(2009修正),1988年4月13日第七屆全國人民代表大會第一次會議通過 1988年4月13日 中華人民共和國主席令第三號公布 根據2009年8月27日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》修正



Law of the People's Republic of China on Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People (Amended in 2009)

(1988413日第七屆全國人民代表大會第一次會議通過 1988413日 中華人民共和國主席令第三號公布 根據2009827日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》修正)

(Adopted at the First Session of the Seventh National People 's Congress and promulgated by the Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No.3 on April 13, 1988; and revised based on the Decision on Amending Certain Laws which was adopted at the Tenth Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on August 27, 2009)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為保障全民所有制經濟的鞏固和發展,明確全民所有制工業企業的權利和義務,保障其合法權益,增強其活力,促進社會主義現代化建設,根據《中華人民共和國憲法》,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China with a view to ensuring the consolidation and development of the economic sector under ownership by the whole people, defining the rights and obligations of industrial enterprises owned by the whole people, safeguarding their lawful rights and interests, enhancing their vitality and promoting socialist modernization.

第二條   全民所有制工業企業(以下簡稱企業)是依法自主經營、自負盈虧、獨立核算的社會主義商品生產和經營單位。

Article 2 An industrial enterprise owned by the whole people (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise) shall be a socialist commodity production and operation unit which shall, in accordance with law, make its own managerial decisions, take full responsibility for its profits and losses and practise independent accounting.


The property of the enterprise shall be owned by the whole people, and shall be operated and managed by the enterprise with the authorization of the State in line with the principle of the separation of ownership and managerial authority. An enterprise shall enjoy the rights to possess, use and legally dispose of property which the State has authorised it to operate and manage.


An enterprise shall obtain the status of a legal person in accordance with the law and shall bear civil liability with the property which the State has authorised it to operate and manage.

第三條   企業的根本任務是:根據國家計劃和市場需求,發展商品生產,創造財富,增加積累,滿足社會日益增長的物質和文化生活需要。

Article 3 The fundamental task of the enterprise shall be the development of commodity production, creation of wealth, increase of savings and satisfaction of society's growing material and cultural requirements by acting in line with State plans and market demands.

第四條   企業必須堅持在建設社會主義物質文明的同時,建設社會主義精神文明,建設有理想、有道德、有文化、有紀律的職工隊伍。

Article 4 While achieving socialist material growth, the enterprise must persistently promote socialist cultural and ideological progress and build up a contingent of well-educated and self-disciplined staff and workers with high ideals and moral integrity.

第五條   企業必須遵守法律、法規,堅持社會主義方向。

Article 5 The enterprise must observe the laws and regulations and keep to the socialist orientation.

第六條   企業必須有效地利用國家授予其經營管理的財產,實現資產增殖;依法繳納稅金、費用、利潤。

Article 6 The enterprise must effectively utilize the property which the State has authorized it to operate and manage and realize the multiplication of its assets; the enterprise must, according to law, pay taxes and fees and hand in profits.

第七條   企業實行廠長(經理)負責制。

Article 7 The enterprise shall implement the factory director (manager) responsibility system.


The functions and powers exercised by a factory director shall receive the protection of the law.

第八條   中國共產黨在企業中的基層組織,對黨和國家的方針、政策在本企業的貫徹執行實行保證監督。

Article 8 The grassroots organization of the Chinese Communist Party in the enterprise shall guarantee and supervise the implementation of the guiding principles and policies of the Party and the State in the enterprise.

第九條   國家保障職工的主人翁地位,職工的合法權益受法律保護。

Article 9 The State shall ensure that the staff and workers enjoy the status of the masters, and the lawful rights and interests of the staff and workers shall be protected by law.

第十條   企業通過職工代表大會和其他形式,實行民主管理。

Article 10 The enterprise shall, through the staff and workers' congress and other forms, practise democratic management.

第十一條   企業工會代表和維護職工利益,依法獨立自主地開展工作。企業工會組織職工參加民主管理和民主監督。

Article 11 The trade union in the enterprise shall represent and safeguard the interests of the staff and workers and conduct its work independently according to law. The trade union in the enterprise shall organize the staff and workers for participation in democratic management and democratic supervision.


The enterprise shall bring into full play the role of young staff and workers, women staff and workers and scientists and technicians.

第十二條   企業必須加強和改善經營管理,實行經濟責任制,推進科學技術進步,厲行節約,反對浪費,提高經濟效益,促進企業的改造和發展。

Article 12 The enterprise must strengthen and improve its operation and management, implement the economic responsibility system, promote scientific and technological progress, practise economy, combat waste, improve economic results and further its own transformation and development.

第十三條   企業貫徹按勞分配原則。在法律規定的範圍內,企業可以采取其他分配方式。

Article 13 The enterprise shall implement the principle of distribution according to work. Within the scope prescribed by law, the enterprise may adopt other methods of distribution.

第十四條   國家授予企業經營管理的財產受法律保護,不受侵犯。

Article 14 The property which the State has authorized the enterprise to operate and manage shall be protected by law and shall not be infringed upon.

第十五條   企業的合法權益受法律保護,不受侵犯。

Article 15 The lawful rights and interests of the enterprise shall be protected by law and shall not be infringed upon.

第二章 企業的設立、變更和終止

Chapter 2 Establishment, Alteration and Termination of an Enterprise

第十六條   設立企業,必須依照法律和國務院規定,報請政府或者政府主管部門審核批準。經工商行政管理部門核準登記、發給營業執照,企業取得法人資格。

Article 16 The establishment of the enterprise must conform to the law and the relevant provisions of the State Council, and the application for the establishment must be submitted to the government or the competent department of the government for examination and approval. The enterprise shall obtain the status of a legal person after it is examined, approved, registered, and issued a business license by the administrative department for industry and commerce.


An enterprise shall engage in production and business activities within its approved and registered scope of business.

第十七條   設立企業必須具備以下條件:

Article 17 An enterprise must meet the following conditions for its establishment:


1. Its products are needed by society;


(II) It has access to necessary energy sources, raw and processed materials and communication and transportation facilities;


(III) Having its own name and place of production or business operations.


(IV) Having funds in conformity with State provisions.


(V) having its own organizational structure.


(VI) It has a definite scope of business.


(VII) Other conditions as prescribed by laws and regulations.

第十八條   企業合並或者分立,依照法律、行政法規的規定,由政府或者政府主管部門批準。

Article 18 The merger of enterprises or the division of an enterprise shall be subject to approval by the government or the competent department of the government in accordance with the provisions of the laws and administrative rules and regulations.

第十九條   企業由於下列原因之一終止:

Article 19 An enterprise shall be terminated for any of the following reasons:


(I) Being revoked due to its violation of laws and regulations.


(II) the competent department of the government decides to dissolve it according to laws and regulations.


(III) being declared bankrupt in accordance with the law.


(IV) other reasons.

第二十條   企業合並、分立或者終止時,必須保護其財產,依法清理債權、債務。

Article 20 When an enterprise is merged with another enterprise or other enterprises or when it is divided or terminated, its property must be protected and its claims and debts shall be liquidated according to law.

第二十一條   企業的合並、分立、終止,以及經營範圍等登記事項的變更,須經工商行政管理部門核準登記。

Article 21 The modification of registered items such as the merger of enterprises and the division or termination of the enterprise, and the scope of operation shall be subject to approval by and registration with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce.

第三章 企業的權利和義務

Chapter III Rights and Obligations of the Enterprise

第二十二條   在國家計劃指導下,企業有權自行安排生產社會需要的產品或者為社會提供服務。

Article 22 The enterprise shall, under the guidance of State plans, have the right to arrange on its own the production of products needed by society or the provision of services for society.

第二十三條   企業有權自行銷售本企業的產品。國務院另有規定的除外。

Article 23 The enterprise shall have the right to sell its products on its own. Except as otherwise stipulated by the State Council.


An enterprise undertaking production according to a mandatory plan shall have the right to market for itself products manufactured in excess of the planned quota and products it retains as its share under the plan.

第二十四條   企業有權自行選擇供貨單位,購進生產需要的物資。

Article 24 The enterprise shall have the right to choose the suppliers for itself and purchase from them materials needed for production.

第二十五條   除國務院規定由物價部門和有關主管部門控制價格的以外,企業有權自行確定產品價格、勞務價格。

Article 25 The enterprise shall have the right to determine for itself the prices of its products and the charges for its services, except for those which, as stipulated by the State Council, are under the control of the price authorities and the relevant competent departments.

第二十六條   企業有權依照國務院規定與外商談判並簽訂合同。

Article 26 The enterprise shall have the right to negotiate and sign contracts with foreign parties in accordance with the provisions of the State Council.


The enterprise shall have the right to withdraw and use, according to the provisions of the State Council, its share of the foreign exchange revenue.

第二十七條   企業有權依照國務院規定支配使用留用資金。

Article 27 The enterprise shall have the right to budget and use its retained funds in accordance with the provisions of the State Council.

第二十八條   企業有權依照國務院規定出租或者有償轉讓國家授予其經營管理的固定資產,所得的收益必須用於設備更新和技術改造。

Article 28 The enterprise shall have the right, in accordance with the provisions of the State Council, to lease out or transfer against compensation the fixed assets that the State has authorized it to operate and manage, but the proceeds therefrom must be used for the renewal of equipment and technical transformation.

第二十九條   企業有權確定適合本企業情況的工資形式和獎金分配辦法。

Article 29 The enterprise shall have the right to determine such forms of wages and methods of bonus distribution as are appropriate to its specific conditions.

第三十條   企業有權依照法律和國務院規定錄用、辭退職工。

Article 30 The enterprise shall have the right to employ or dismiss its staff members and workers in accordance with the provisions of the State Council.

第三十一條   企業有權決定機構設置及其人員編制。

Article 31 The enterprise shall have the right to decide on its organizational structure and the size of its personnel.

第三十二條   企業有權拒絕任何機關和單位向企業攤派人力、物力、財力。除法律、法規另有規定外,任何機關和單位以任何方式要求企業提供人力、物力、財力的,都屬於攤派。

Article 32 The enterprise shall have the right to reject the exaction of its manpower, materials and financial resources in the form of apportionment by any State organ or unit. Except as otherwise provided in laws and regulations, any demand made on the enterprise by any State organ or unit by any means for the provision of manpower, materials and financial resources shall be apportionment.

第三十三條   企業有權依照法律和國務院規定與其他企業、事業單位聯營,向其他企業、事業單位投資,持有其他企業的股份。

Article 33 The enterprise shall have the right, in accordance with law and the provisions of the State Council, to engage in joint operations with other enterprises or institutions, to invest in other enterprises or institutions and to hold shares in other enterprises.


The enterprise shall have the right to issue bonds in accordance with the provisions of the State Council.

第三十四條   企業必須履行依法訂立的合同。

Article 34 The enterprise must perform the contracts concluded according to law.

第三十五條   企業必須保障固定資產的正常維修,改進和更新設備。

Article 35 The enterprise must ensure the normal maintenance of its fixed assets and upgrade and renew its equipment.

第三十六條   企業必須遵守國家關於財務、勞動工資和物價管理等方面的規定,接受財政、審計、勞動工資和物價等機關的監督。

Article 36 The enterprise must observe State provisions concerning finance, labour and wages, price control, etc., and accept supervision by the financial, auditing, labour and wage, price and other administrative authorities.

第三十七條   企業必須保證產品質量和服務質量,對用戶和消費者負責。

Article 37 The enterprise must guarantee the quality of its products and services and be responsible to users and consumers.

第三十八條   企業必須提高勞動效率,節約能源和原材料,努力降低成本。

Article 38 The enterprise must raise labour efficiency, economize the use of energy and of raw and processed materials and strive to reduce costs.

第三十九條   企業必須加強保衛工作,維護生產秩序,保護國家財產。

Article 39 The enterprise must strengthen its security work, maintain the order of production and protect State property.

第四十條   企業必須貫徹安全生產制度,改善勞動條件,做好勞動保護和環境保護工作,做到安全生產和文明生產。

Article 40 The enterprise must implement the system of safe production, improve labour conditions, do good work in labour protection and environmental protection, and carry on production in a safe and civilized manner.

第四十一條   企業應當加強思想政治教育、法制教育、國防教育、科學文化教育和技術業務培訓,提高職工隊伍的素質。

Article 41 The enterprise shall strengthen ideological and political education, legal education, national defence education, scientific and cultural education as well as technical and vocational training so as to raise the quality of its staff and workers.

第四十二條   企業應當支持和獎勵職工進行科學研究、發明創造,開展技術革新、合理化建議和社會主義勞動競賽活動。

Article 42 The enterprise shall support its staff and workers in scientific research, invention and creation and activities for technical innovation, for making rationalization proposals and for socialist labour emulation, and reward them for such endeavours.


Chapter 4 Plant Director

第四十三條   廠長的產生,除國務院另有規定外,由政府主管部門根據企業的情況決定采取下列一種方式:

Article 43 Except as otherwise stipulated by the State Council, the selection of the factory director shall be made by the competent department of the government in the light of the specific conditions of the enterprise by one of the following methods:


1. Appointment by the competent authorities of the government or recruitment.


(II) election by the staff and workers' congress of the enterprise.


With respect to the person to be appointed or the applicant to be chosen as factory director by the competent department of the government, the opinions of the staff and workers shall be solicited, with respect to the person elected as factory director by the staff and workers' congress of the enterprise, his appointment shall be reported to the competent department of the government for approval. The removal or dismissal of the factory director appointed or chosen from applicants by the competent department of the government shall be decided upon by such department and the opinions of representatives of the staff and workers shall be solicited; the removal of the factory director elected by the staff and workers' congress of the enterprise shall be decided by such congress and reported to the competent department of the government for approval.

第四十四條   廠長是企業的法定代表人。

Article 44 The factory director shall be the legal representative of the enterprise.


The enterprise shall establish a production and operation management system headed by the factory director. The factory director shall occupy the central position in the enterprise and bear overall responsibilities for the material and spiritual civilization construction of the enterprise.


The factory director shall exercise leadership in the production, operation and management of the enterprise by exercising the following functions and powers:


(I) to decide on the various plans of the enterprise or report them for examination and approval in accordance with law and the provisions of the State Council.


(II) to decide on the administrative setup of the enterprise;


(III) to make recommendations to the competent department of the government on the appointment and removal, employment and dismissal of leading administrative cadres at the level of deputy factory;Except as otherwise stipulated by laws and the State Council.


(IV) Appoint, remove, employ or dismiss mid-level executive cadres;Unless otherwise required by law.


(V) Such schemes as pay adjustment, bonus distribution and important regulations shall be submitted to workers' congresses for approval. Providing suggestions on plans for the use of welfare funds and other major issues relating to the welfare of employees, to be submitted to the employee representative congress for consideration and decision;


(VI) to reward or punish the staff members and workers according to law; to submit to the competent department of the government proposals for rewarding or punishing leading administrative cadres at the level of a vice-director of the factory.

第四十五條   廠長必須依靠職工群眾履行本法規定的企業的各項義務,支持職工代表大會、工會和其他群眾組織的工作,執行職工代表大會依法作出的決定。

Article 45 The factory director must rely on the staff and workers for the fulfilment of the obligations of the enterprise prescribed in this Law, support the work of the staff and workers' congress, the trade union and other public organizations, and implement the decisions made according to law by the staff and workers' congress.

第四十六條   企業設立管理委員會或者通過其他形式,協助廠長決定企業的重大問題。管理委員會由企業各方面的負責人和職工代表組成。廠長任管理委員會主任。

Article 46 The enterprise shall establish a management committee or some other forms of organization to assist the factory director in making decisions on important issues of the enterprise. The management committee shall be composed of leading persons in all fields of the enterprise and representatives of the staff and workers. The factory director shall be the director of the management committee.


For the purpose of the preceding paragraph:


1. the policy of operation, long-term and annual plans, programmes for capital construction and major technical transformation, plans for the training of the staff and workers, programmes for wage adjustment, programmes for the distribution and use of the retained funds and programmes for contract and leasing systems of managerial responsibility.


(II) the size of the staff of the enterprise whose wages are charged to the cost of the enterprise and the establishment and adjustment of administrative organs; and


3. schemes for the formulation, revision and abrogation of important rules and regulations.


All proposals for discussion of the above important issues shall be put forward by the factory director.

第四十七條   廠長在領導企業完成計劃、提高產品質量和服務質量、提高經濟效益和加強精神文明建設等方面成績顯著的,由政府主管部門給予獎勵。

Article 47 Factory directors who have made outstanding achievements in leading the enterprises in fulfilling their plans, raising product or service quality, improving economic results or promoting cultural and ideological progress shall be rewarded by the competent department of the government.

第五章 職工和職工代表大會

Chapter 5 The Staff and Workers and the Staff and Workers' Congress

第四十八條   職工有參加企業民主管理的權利,有對企業的生產和工作提出意見和建議的權利;有依法享受勞動保護、勞動保險、休息、休假的權利;有向國家機關反映真實情況,對企業領導幹部提出批評和控告的權利。女職工有依照國家規定享受特殊勞動保護和勞動保險的權利。

Article 48 The staff and workers of the enterprise shall have the right to participate in its democratic management; the right to put forward opinions and suggestions concerning its production and work; the right to enjoy, according to law, labour protection, labour insurance, rest and vacation; and the right to report the true situation to State organs and make criticisms and charges against the leading cadres of the enterprise. Female staff and workers shall have the right to enjoy special labour protection and labour insurance in accordance with the provisions of the State.

第四十九條   職工應當以國家主人翁的態度從事勞動,遵守勞動紀律和規章制度,完成生產和工作任務。

Article 49 The staff and workers should approach their work as the masters of the country that they are, observe labour discipline and the rules and regulations, and fulfil their tasks in production and work.

第五十條   職工代表大會是企業實行民主管理的基本形式,是職工行使民主管理權力的機構。

Article 50 The staff and workers' congress shall be the basic form for the practice of democratic management in the enterprise and the organ for the staff and workers to exercise their powers of democratic management.


The working organ of the staff and workers' congress shall be the trade union committee of the enterprise. The trade union committee of the enterprise shall be responsible for the day-to-day work of the staff and workers' congress.

第五十一條   職工代表大會行使下列職權:

Article 51 The ERC has the following powers:


1. to hear and deliberate the factory director's reports on the policy of operation, long-term and annual plans, programmes for capital construction and major technical transformation, programmes for the training of the staff and workers, programmes for the distribution and use of the retained funds and programmes for contract and leasing systems of managerial responsibility, and to put forward opinions and suggestions;


(II) To examine and approve or reject the wage adjustment plan, bonus distribution plan, measures for labor protection, measures for awards and penalties as well as other important rules and regulations;


(III) to deliberate and decide on the programmes for the use of the staff and workers' welfare fund, programmes for the allocation of the staff and workers' housing and other important matters concerning the well-being and benefits of the staff and workers;


(IV) to evaluate and supervise the leading administrative cadres at various levels of the enterprise and put forward suggestions for their reward, punishment, appointment and removal;


(V) to elect, by decision of the competent department of the government, the factory director and report to such department for approval.

第五十二條   車間通過職工大會、職工代表組或者其他形式實行民主管理;工人直接參加班組的民主管理。

Article 52 Democratic management shall be practised in workshops through the general meetings of the staff and workers, through the staff and workers representative groups or through other forms; the workers shall participate directly in the democratic management of shifts and groups.

第五十三條   職工代表大會應當支持廠長依法行使職權,教育職工履行本法規定的義務。

Article 53 The staff and workers' congress shall support the factory director in exercising his functions and powers according to law and shall educate the staff and workers for the fulfilment of their obligations specified in this Law.

第六章 企業和政府的關系

Chapter 6 The Relationship Between the Enterprises and the Government

第五十四條   政府有關部門按照國家調節市場、市場引導企業的目標,為企業提供服務,並根據各自的職責,依照法律、法規的規定,對企業實行管理和監督。

Article 54 The relevant departments of the government shall, in conformity with the objective that the State regulates the market and the market guides the enterprises, provide services for the enterprises and exercise administration and supervision over the enterprises in line with their respective functions and in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations. Such departments shall:


1. Formulating and adjusting industrial policies, guiding the enterprises in formulating their development plans;


(II) providing advice and information for the enterprises to make their operating decisions.


(III) coordinate the relations between the enterprises and other units;


(IV) safeguarding the normal production order of the enterprises, and protecting the State property operated and managed by the enterprises from infringement.


(V) Gradually improve the public facilities related to the enterprises.

第五十五條   企業所在地的縣級以上地方政府應當提供企業所需的由地方計劃管理的物資,協調企業與當地其他單位之間的關系,努力辦好與企業有關的公共福利事業。

Article 55 The local governments at or above the county level in the locality of an enterprise shall provide it with the needed materials which are subject to local planning and control, coordinate the relations between the enterprises and other units in the locality, and strive to run well the public welfare undertakings related to the enterprises.

第五十六條   任何機關和單位不得侵犯企業依法享有的經營管理自主權;不得向企業攤派人力、物力、財力;不得要求企業設置機構或者規定機構的編制人數。

Article 56 No State organ or unit shall be permitted to encroach on the right which the enterprise enjoys according to law to make its own decisions in operation and management, or to exact manpower, materials or financial resources from the enterprise by way of apportionment, or to demand the establishment of an organ by the enterprise or to determine the size of the personnel of an organ.

第七章 法律責任

Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities

第五十七條   違反本法第十六條規定,未經政府或者政府主管部門審核批準和工商行政管理部門核準登記,以企業名義進行生產經營活動的,責令停業,沒收違法所得。

Article 57 Whoever has conducted productive and operational activities in the name of an enterprise in violation of the provisions of Article 16 of this Law, without prior examination and approval by the government or the competent department of the government and without approval by and registration with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce, shall be ordered to suspend his business operations, and his illegal earnings shall be confiscated.


Any enterprise that practices fraud or conceals the truth from the registration authority shall be given a warning or fined; where the circumstances are serious, its business license shall be revoked.


The administrative punishment prescribed in this Article shall be determined by the administrative departments for industry and commerce at or above the county level. If a party refuses to accept the decision on punishment in the form of a fine, the suspension of operations, the confiscation of illegal income or the revocation of the business licence, he may bring a suit in a court within 15 days of receiving the notice of the decision on punishment. If, upon the expiration of that period, he has neither brought a suit nor complied with the decision, the organ which imposed the punishment may apply to the court for compulsory enforcement.

第五十八條   企業因生產、銷售質量不合格的產品,給用戶和消費者造成財產、人身損害的,應當承擔賠償責任;構成犯罪的,對直接責任人員依法追究刑事責任。

Article 58 An enterprise that produces and sells substandard products and thereby causes property damage or physical injury to users and consumers shall be liable for damages; if a crime is constituted, the person or persons directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.


If the product quality does not conform to the conditions stipulated in the economic contract, liability for breach of contract shall be borne.

第五十九條   政府和政府有關部門的決定違反本法第五十八條規定的,企業有權向作出決定的機關申請撤銷;不予撤銷的,企業有權向作出決定的機關的上一級機關或者政府監察部門申訴。接受申訴的機關應於接到申訴之日起三十日內作出裁決並通知企業。

Article 59 If a decision of the government or the relevant department of the government violates the provisions of Article 58 of this Law, the enterprise shall have the right to apply to the authorities that made the decision for rescission. The authorities that accept the appeal shall make a ruling and notify the enterprise of it within 30 days of receiving the appeal.

第六十條   企業領導幹部濫用職權,侵犯職工合法權益,情節嚴重的,由政府主管部門給予行政處分;濫用職權、假公濟私,對職工實行報複陷害的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。

Article 60 Any leading cadre of the enterprise, who violates the lawful rights and interests of the staff and workers by abusing his power, where the circumstances are serious, shall be given an administrative sanction by the competent department of the government; any leading cadre of the enterprise who retaliates against and frames up charges against staff members or workers by abusing his power and using his public office for private ends shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.

第六十一條   企業和政府有關部門的領導幹部,因工作過失給企業和國家造成較大損失的,由政府主管部門或者有關上級機關給予行政處分。

Article 61 Any leading cadre of the enterprise or of the relevant department of the government who, due to faults in his work, causes relatively heavy losses to the enterprise and the State, shall be given an administrative sanction by the competent department of the government or the relevant State organ at a higher level.


Any leading cadre of the enterprise or of the relevant department of the government who, due to neglect of duty, causes the property of the enterprise or the interests of the State and the people to suffer heavy losses, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.

第六十二條   擾亂企業的秩序,致使生產、營業、工作不能正常進行,尚未造成嚴重損失的,由企業所在地公安機關依照《中華人民共和國治安管理處罰法》的規定處罰。

Article 62 Anyone who disrupts the order of an enterprise and prevents the enterprise from engaging in normal production, business or work operations shall, where no serious damage is caused, be sanctioned by the public security authority where the enterprise is located in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Penalties for the Violation of Public Security Administration.


Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

第六十三條   本法的原則適用於全民所有制交通運輸、郵電、地質勘探、建築安裝、商業、外貿、物資、農林、水利企業。

Article 63 The principles of this Law shall be applicable to enterprises owned by the whole people in communications and transportation, the postal and telecommunications service, geological exploration, construction and installation, commerce, foreign trade, materials supply, agriculture, forestry and water conservancy.

第六十四條   企業實行承包、租賃經營責任制的,除遵守本法規定外,發包方和承包方、出租方和承租方的權利、義務依照國務院有關規定執行。

Article 64 If the enterprise implements the contract and leasing systems of managerial responsibility, the party awarding the contract and the contractor, the lessor and the lessee, with regard to their rights and obligations, shall implement the relevant provisions of the State Council, apart from abiding by the provisions of this Law.


With respect to the system of leadership in jointly operated enterprises, large-scale associated enterprises and share-holding enterprises, the relevant provisions of the State Council shall be implemented.

第六十五條   國務院根據本法制定實施條例。

Article 65 The State Council shall, in accordance with this Law, formulate rules for its implementation.

第六十六條   自治區人民代表大會常務委員會可以根據本法和《中華人民共和國民族區域自治法》的原則,結合當地的特點,制定實施辦法,報全國人民代表大會常務委員會備案。

Article 66 The standing committees of the people's congresses of the autonomous regions may, in accordance with the principles of this Law and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy and in the light of the special features of their respective localities, formulate measures for implementation and report them to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record.

第六十七條   本法自198881日起施行。

Article 67 This Law shall go into effect as of August 1, 1988.


Appendix: Relevant Provisions of Criminal Law


(I) The articles of the Criminal Law involved in Article 62 are as follows:

第一百四十六條   國家工作人員濫用職權、假公濟私,對控告人、申訴人、批評人實行報複陷害的,處二年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;情節嚴重的,處二年以上七年以下有期徒刑。

Article 146 Any State functionary who, abusing his power or using his public office for private ends, retaliates against or frames up complainants, petitioners or critics shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years or criminal detention; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than two years but not more than seven years.


(II) Article 63 of the Criminal Law:

第一百八十七條   國家工作人員由於玩忽職守,致使公共財產、國家和人民利益遭受重大損失的,處五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。

Article 187 Any state functionary who, because of neglect of duty, causes public property or the interests of the State and the people to suffer heavy losses shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention.


(III) Article 64 of the Criminal Law:

第一百五十七條   以暴力、威脅方法阻礙國家工作人員依法執行職務的,或者拒不執行人民法院已經發生法律效力的判決、裁定的,處三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、罰金或者剝奪政治權利。

Article 157 Whoever by means of violence or threat, obstructs a State functionary from carrying out his functions according to law, or refuses to execute a legally effective judgment or order of a people's court shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, a fine or deprivation of political rights.

第一百五十八條   禁止任何人利用任何手段擾亂社會秩序。擾亂社會秩序情節嚴重,致使工作、生產、營業和教學、科研無法進行,國家和社會遭受嚴重損失的,對首要分子處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剝奪政治權利。

Article 158 Disturbing public order by any person by whatever means is prohibited. Where a case is serious enough to disrupt public order, making it impossible for work, production, business operation, teaching or scientific research to be carried out, and causing serious losses to the State and society, the principal component shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights.


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