1999年6月28日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議通過 1999年6月28日中華人民共和國主席令第17號公布 自1999年11月1日起施行 根據2012年10月26日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議通過 2012年10月26日中華人民共和國主席令第66號公布 自2013年1月1日起施行的《全國人民代表大會常務委員會關於修改〈中華人民共和國預防未成年人犯罪法〉的決定》修正




1999628日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議通過 1999628日中華人民共和國主席令第17號公布 自1999111日起施行 根據20121026日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議通過 20121026日中華人民共和國主席令第66號公布 自201311日起施行的《全國人民代表大會常務委員會關於修改〈中華人民共和國預防未成年人犯罪法〉的決定》修正)

(Adopted at the 10th Session of the Standing Committee of the 9th National People's Congress on June 28, 1999, promulgated under the Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No. 17 on June 28, 1999, and effective as of November 1, 1999; and revised according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Revising the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency adopted at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on October 26, 2012, promulgated under the Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No. 66 on October 26, 2012, and effective as of January 1, 2013)



  第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 預防未成年人犯罪的教育

Chapter II Education in the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

  第三章 對未成年人不良行為的預防

Chapter 3 Prevention of Juvenile Misbehavior

  第四章 對未成年人嚴重不良行為的矯治

Chapter 4 Rectification and Treatment of Serious Juvenile Misbehavior

  第五章 未成年人對犯罪的自我防範

Chapter 5 Self-protection of Minors against Crimes

  第六章 對未成年人重新犯罪的預防

Chapter 6 Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

  第七章 法律責任

Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities

  第八章 附則

Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了保障未成年人身心健康,培養未成年人良好品行,有效地預防未成年人犯罪,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of ensuring that juveniles are physically and mentally healthy, helping juveniles cultivate good conduct and effectively preventing juvenile delinquency.

第二條   預防未成年人犯罪,立足於教育和保護,從小抓起,對未成年人的不良行為及時進行預防和矯治。

Article 2 The prevention of juvenile delinquency shall be based on education and protection, the work shall be started with school children and efforts shall be made to prevent, rectify and treat juvenile misbehavior before it is too late.

第三條   預防未成年人犯罪,在各級人民政府組織領導下,實行綜合治理。

Article 3 Juvenile delinquency shall be prevented in a comprehensive way under the organization and leadership of the people's governments at all levels.


The government departments concerned, judicial organs, people's organizations, relevant public organizations, schools, families, neighborhood committees in cities and villagers committees in the countryside, etc. shall join efforts and take their respective responsibilities in preventing juvenile delinquency, and creating a good social environment for the physical and mental health of juveniles.

第四條   各級人民政府在預防未成年人犯罪方面的職責是:

Article 4 People's governments at all levels shall perform the following functions and duties in preventing juvenile delinquency:


1. to formulate plans for prevention of juvenile delinquency;


(II) to organize and coordinate efforts of the relevant government departments for public security, education, culture, the press, publishing, radio, film and television, industry and commerce, civil affairs, and judicial administration, and other public organizations in preventing juvenile delinquency;


(III) to inspect the implementation of this Law and of work plans; and


(IV) to analyze and disseminate the experience gained in prevention of juvenile delinquency, and set up and commend advanced units and individuals.

第五條   預防未成年人犯罪,應當結合未成年人不同年齡的生理、心理特點,加強青春期教育、心理矯治和預防犯罪對策的研究。

Article 5 For prevention of juvenile delinquency, research on education in puberty, psychological corrections and measures for prevention of crimes shall be improved in light of the physiological and psychological characteristics of juveniles at different ages.

第二章 預防未成年人犯罪的教育

Chapter II Education in the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

第六條   對未成年人應當加強思想、道德、法制和愛國主義、集體主義、社會主義教育。對於達到義務教育年齡的未成年人,在進行上述教育的同時,應當進行預防犯罪的教育。

Article 6 Juveniles shall be educated in ideology, morality, the legal system as well as in patriotism, collectivism and socialism. Juveniles who have reached the age of receiving compulsory education shall, at the same time of receiving the above-mentioned education, receive education in crime prevention.


Education for prevention of juvenile delinquency is for the purpose of enhancing juveniles' legal conceptions, helping them heed the harm done to themselves, their families and the community by their violations of law and criminal actions and become aware of the legal responsibilities incurred by such violations and actions and of the importance of obeying rules of discipline and laws and preventing themselves from breaking laws and committing crimes.

第七條   教育行政部門、學校應當將預防犯罪的教育作為法制教育的內容納入學校教育教學計劃,結合常見多發的未成年人犯罪,對不同年齡的未成年人進行有針對性的預防犯罪教育。

Article 7 The administrative departments for education and schools shall incorporate the education for prevention of crimes into school plans for education and teaching as the content of legal education, and shall, in combination with the common and frequently-occurring cases of juvenile delinquency, educate juveniles of different ages in prevention of delinquency respectively.

第八條   司法行政部門、教育行政部門、共產主義青年團、少年先鋒隊應當結合實際,組織、舉辦展覽會、報告會、演講會等多種形式的預防未成年人犯罪的法制宣傳活動。

Article 8 Judicial administration departments, administrative departments for education and the Communist Youth League and Young Pioneers organizations shall, in light of specific conditions, arrange and hold exhibitions, give reports and lectures, and arrange other forms of activities to disseminate the legal system with emphasis on prevention of juvenile delinquency.


Schools shall, in light of specific conditions, hold activities with education for prevention of juvenile delinquency as the main content. The administrative departments for education shall take the results of education for prevention of juvenile delinquency as an important part of assessment of school work.

第九條   學校應當聘任從事法制教育的專職或者兼職教師。學校根據條件可以聘請校外法律輔導員。

Article 9 Schools shall engage full-time or part-time teachers for legal education. The school may engage legal counselor after school based on the condition.

第十條   未成年人的父母或者其他監護人對未成年人的法制教育負有直接責任。學校在對學生進行預防犯罪教育時,應當將教育計劃告知未成年人的父母或者其他監護人,未成年人的父母或者其他監護人應當結合學校的計劃,針對具體情況進行教育。

Article 10 Parents and other guardians of juveniles shall take direct responsibility for giving legal education to juveniles. Schools that conduct education among students in prevention of crimes, shall make their plans for such education known to the parents and other guardians of the juveniles, who shall carry out the education in combination with the school plans and according to specific conditions.

第十一條   少年宮、青少年活動中心等校外活動場所應當把預防未成年人犯罪的教育作為一項重要的工作內容,開展多種形式的宣傳教育活動。

Article 11 Authorities of Children's Palaces, recreation centers for juveniles and other places for out-of-school activities shall take education for prevention of juvenile delinquency as an important part of their work and carry out various forms of publicity and education activities in this respect.

第十二條   對於已滿十六周歲不滿十八周歲準備就業的未成年人,職業教育培訓機構、用人單位應當將法律知識和預防犯罪教育納入職業培訓的內容。

Article 12 For juveniles who have reached the age of 16 but are under the age of 18 and who are preparing for employment, vocational education and training institutions and employers shall include legal knowledge and education for prevention of crimes in vocational training.

第十三條   城市居民委員會、農村村民委員會應當積極開展有針對性的預防未成年人犯罪的法制宣傳活動。

Article 13 The neighborhood committees in cities and villagers' committees in the countryside shall carry out activities for the publicity of the legal system with stress on prevention of juvenile delinquency.

第三章 對未成年人不良行為的預防

Chapter 3 Prevention of Juvenile Misbehavior

第十四條   未成年人的父母或者其他監護人和學校應當教育未成年人不得有下列不良行為:

Article 14 The parents and other guardians of juveniles and schools shall advise juveniles to keep from the following kinds of misbehavior:


1. being absent from class or staying overnight;


2. carrying controlled knives;


(III) Brawling and abusing others;


(IV) forcibly demanding money or things of value from others;


(V) Stealing or intentionally destroying properties;


(VI) taking part in gambling or gambling in disguised form;


(VII) watching or listening in to pornographic or obscene audio-video products, or reading such things;


(VIII) entering commercial singing and dancing halls and other such places that are not suitable for juveniles as prescribed by laws and regulations; and


(IX) other kinds of misbehavior that seriously contradict social morality.

第十五條   未成年人的父母或者其他監護人和學校應當教育未成年人不得吸煙、酗酒。任何經營場所不得向未成年人出售煙酒。

Article 15 The parents and other guardians of juveniles and schools shall advise juveniles to keep from smoking and getting drunk. No trade places may sell cigarettes or alcohol to minors.

第十六條   中小學生曠課的,學校應當及時與其父母或者其他監護人取得聯系。

Article 16 where middle or primary school students play truant, the school shall get in touch with their parents or other guardians without delay.


Where juveniles stay out at night without permission, their parents or other guardians, or the boarding school concerned shall look for them without delay, or approach a public security organ for help. Whoever allows a juvenile to stay at his or her place at night shall obtain permission of the juvenile's parents or other guardians in advance, or inform them or the school concerned of the matter within 24 hours, or report to a public security organ without delay.

第十七條   未成年人的父母或者其他監護人和學校發現未成年人組織或者參加實施不良行為的團夥的,應當及時予以制止。發現該團夥有違法犯罪行為的,應當向公安機關報告。

Article 17 When parents or other guardians of juveniles and schools find that juveniles organize or join gangs that perpetrate misbehavior, they shall stop the juveniles promptly. When they find that the gangs have violated laws or committed criminal offences, they shall report the matter to public security organs.

第十八條   未成年人的父母或者其他監護人和學校發現有人教唆、脅迫、引誘未成年人違法犯罪的,應當向公安機關報告。公安機關接到報告後,應當及時依法查處,對未成年人人身安全受到威脅的,應當及時采取有效措施,保護其人身安全。

Article 18 When parents or other guardians of juveniles and schools find that juveniles are instigated or coerced to perpetrate or lured into illegal or criminal actions, they shall report the matter to public security organs. After receiving the report, the public security organ shall immediately investigate and deal with the case in accordance with law and, where the personal safety of a minor is endangered, shall promptly take effective measures to protect his personal safety.

第十九條   未成年人的父母或者其他監護人,不得讓不滿十六周歲的未成年人脫離監護單獨居住。

Article 19 Parents or other guardians of juveniles may not allow juveniles under the age of 16 to be free from their guardianship and live alone.

第二十條   未成年人的父母或者其他監護人對未成年人不得放任不管,不得迫使其離家出走,放棄監護職責。

Article 20 Parents or other guardians of juveniles may not give a free rein the juveniles, compel them to run away from home, or discard their duty of guardianship.


Where juveniles run away from home, their parents and other guardians shall look for them without delay, or approach public security organs for help.

第二十一條   未成年人的父母離異的,離異雙方對子女都有教育的義務,任何一方都不得因離異而不履行教育子女的義務。

Article 21 Where the parents of juveniles are divorced, both parties shall have the duty to educate their children, and neither party may fail to perform such duty on the pretext of divorce.

第二十二條   繼父母、養父母對受其撫養教育的未成年繼子女、養子女、應當履行本法規定的父母對未成年子女在預防犯罪方面的職責。

Article 22 The stepparents and adoptive parents shall perform the same duty for the adolescent children they are supporting and educating as the duty performed by parents to their adolescent children in prevention of crimes, as prescribed by this Law.

第二十三條   學校對有不良行為的未成年人應當加強教育、管理,不得歧視。

Article 23 Schools shall enforce education and administration among juveniles who are involved in misbehavior and may not discriminate against them.

第二十四條   教育行政部門、學校應當舉辦各種形式的講座、座談、培訓等活動,針對未成年人不同時期的生理、心理特點,介紹良好有效的教育方法,指導教師、未成年人的父母和其他監護人有效地防止、矯治未成年人的不良行為。

Article 24 The administrative departments for education and schools shall hold various forms of activities like lectures, informal discussions and training programs to make known to the participants good, effective educational methods in light of the physiological and psychological characteristics of juveniles in different stages of growth and to show the teachers, the parents of juveniles and other guardians how to effectively prevent, and rectify and treat juveniles' misbehavior.

第二十五條   對於教唆、脅迫、引誘未成年人實施不良行為或者品行不良,影響惡劣,不適宜在學校工作的教職員工,教育行政部門、學校應當予以解聘或者辭退;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 25 Where teachers, administrators or workers instigate or coerce juveniles to perpetrate or lure them into misbehavior, or where these people are ill-behaved, have a baneful influence on and are not suitable for school work, the administrative departments for education and the school authorities shall dismiss or discharge them; where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with law.

第二十六條   禁止在中小學校附近開辦營業性歌舞廳、營業性電子遊戲場所以及其他未成年人不適宜進入的場所。禁止開辦上述場所的具體範圍由省、自治區、直轄市人民政府規定。

Article 26 It is prohibited to set up commercial singing and dancing halls, commercial electronic games centers and other places that are not suitable for juveniles in the neighborhood of middle or primary schools. The specific scope of premises prohibited from being established shall be stipulated by the People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities.


The halls, centers and places set up before this Law goes into effect shall be moved to other areas or closed down within a time limit.

第二十七條   公安機關應當加強中小學校周圍環境的治安管理,及時制止、處理中小學校周圍發生的違法犯罪行為。城市居民委員會、農村村民委員會應當協助公安機關做好維護中小學校周圍治安的工作。

Article 27 Public security organs shall tighten control for public security around middle and primary schools, promptly stop and deal with illegal or criminal actions that are committed around such schools. The neighborhood committees in cities and villagers' committees in the countryside shall assist public security organs in successfully maintaining public security around middle and primary schools.

第二十八條   公安派出所、城市居民委員會、農村村民委員會應當掌握本轄區內暫住人口中未成年人的就學、就業情況。對於暫住人口中未成年人實施不良行為的,應當督促其父母或者其他監護人進行有效的教育、制止。

Article 28 Public security stations, neighborhood committees in cities and villagers' committees in the countryside shall keep tabs on the schooling and employment of juveniles among temporary resident populations in their administrative areas. With regard to juveniles among temporary resident populations who perpetrate misbehavior, they shall urge the parents and other guardians of the juveniles to educate the juveniles effectively and to stop their misbehavior.

第二十九條   任何人不得教唆、脅迫、引誘未成年人實施本法規定的不良行為,或者為未成年人實施不良行為提供條件。

Article 29 No one may instigate or coerce juvenile to perpetrate or lure them into misbehavior prescribed by this Law, or provide conditions for them to perpetrate misbehavior.

第三十條   以未成年人為對象的出版物,不得含有誘發未成年人違法犯罪的內容,不得含有渲染暴力、色情、賭博、恐怖活動等危害未成年人身心健康的內容。

Article 30 Publications meant for juveniles may not contain such contents as may induce juveniles to violate law or commit criminal offenses, or such contents as may impair the physical and mental health of juveniles' contents that exaggerate violence, pornography, gambling, terror, etc.

第三十一條   任何單位和個人不得向未成年人出售、出租含有誘發未成年人違法犯罪以及渲染暴力、色情、賭博、恐怖活動等危害未成年人身心健康內容的讀物、音像制品或者電子出版物。

Article 31 No unit or individual may sell or loan to juveniles publications, audio-video products or electronic publications which contain such contents as may induce juveniles to violate laws or commit criminal offenses, and such contents as may impair the physical and mental health of juveniles, contents that exaggerate violence, pornography, gambling, terror, etc.


No unit or individual may, by means of telecommunications, computer network, etc., provide such contents and information about such contents that may impair the physical and mental health of minors as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

第三十二條   廣播、電影、電視、戲劇節目,不得有渲染暴力、色情、賭博、恐怖活動等危害未成年人身心健康的內容。

Article 32 No programs of radio, film, TV and drama may contain such contents as may impair the physical and mental health of juveniles, contents that exaggerate violence, pornography, gambling, terror, etc.


The administrative departments for radio, film and television and the administrative departments for culture shall strengthen administration of the programs of radio, film, TV and drama and the various showplaces.

第三十三條   營業性歌舞廳以及其他未成年人不適宜進入的場所、應當設置明顯的未成年人禁止進入標志,不得允許未成年人進入。

Article 33 Around commercial singing and dancing halls and other places that are not suitable for juveniles, conspicuous no-admittance signs for juveniles shall be put up, and no juveniles may be admitted into such places.


Juveniles may not be admitted into commercial electronic games centers except during festivals and holidays specified by the State, and conspicuous no-admittance signs for Juveniles shall be put up there.


Where it is difficult to judge whether a person is juvenile or not, the worker of such a center may ask person to show his identity card.

第四章 對未成年人嚴重不良行為的矯治

Chapter 4 Rectification and Treatment of Serious Juvenile Misbehavior

第三十四條   本法所稱“嚴重不良行為”,是指下列嚴重危害社會,尚不夠刑事處罰的違法行為:

Article 34 "Serious misbehavior" as used in this Law refers to the following illegal actions that do serious harm to the community but are not serious enough for criminal punishment:


1. gathering people to create disturbance, and disrupting public order;


2. carrying controlled knives and refusing to stop doing so after repeated criticisms;


(III) holding up and beating people many times or forcibly demanding money or things of value from others;


4. disseminating obscene publications or audio-video products, etc.;


(V) engaging in licentious or pornographic activities or prostitution;


(VI) Committing theft repeatedly;


(VII) taking part in gambling and refusing to stop doing so after repeated criticisms;


(VIII) ingesting or injecting drugs; and


(IX) Other acts that seriously endanger the society.

第三十五條   對未成年人實施本法規定的嚴重不良行為的,應當及時予以制止。

Article 35 When juveniles are found to perpetrate the serious misbehavior as prescribed by this Law, they shall be stopped doing so without delay.


When juveniles are found to perpetrate serious misbehavior as prescribed by this Law, their parents or other guardians and the schools concerned shall coordinate their efforts and take measures to subject them to strict discipline, or may send them to work-study schools for rectification or treatment, and for education.


To send juveniles to work-study schools for rectification or treatment, and for education, their parents or other guardians or their former schools shall submit applications for approval to the administrative departments for education.

第三十六條   工讀學校對就讀的未成年人應當嚴格管理和教育。工讀學校除按照義務教育法的要求,在課程設置上與普通學校相同外,應當加強法制教育的內容,針對未成年人嚴重不良行為產生的原因以及有嚴重不良行為的未成年人的心理特點,開展矯治工作。

Article 36 Work-study schools shall impose strict control on and enforce education among the juveniles who study there. They shall, in addition to the same courses offered by ordinary schools, as required by the Law on Compulsory Education, put emphasis on education in the legal system and help the juveniles to rectify or treat their serious misbehavior in light of the causes for such misbehavior and the psychological characteristics of the juveniles.


Families and schools shall show concern for and take good care of the juveniles who study in work-study schools and respect their personality and dignity, and may not impose corporal punishment on, maltreat, or discriminate against them. Juveniles who graduate from work-study schools shall enjoy equal rights with students who graduate from ordinary schools in entering schools of a higher grade and in employment, and no unit or individual may discriminate against them.

第三十七條   未成年人有本法規定嚴重不良行為,構成違反治安管理行為的,由公安機關依法予以治安處罰。因不滿十四周歲或者情節特別輕微免予處罰的,可以予以訓誡。

Article 37 Juveniles who perpetrate serious misbehaviors, as specified in this Law, that constitute violations of the regulations governing public security shall be punished for public security by public security organs according to law. Juveniles who are exempted from punishment because they have not reached the age of 14 or the circumstances are especially minor may be subjected to reprimand.

第三十八條   未成年人因不滿十六周歲不予刑事處罰的,責令他的父母或者其他監護人嚴加管教;在必要的時候,也可以由政府依法收容教養。

Article 38 Where Juveniles are not given criminal punishment because they have not reached the age of 16, their parents or other guardians shall be ordered to subject them to strict discipline; when necessary, they may also be sheltered for correction by governments in accordance with law.

第三十九條   未成年人在被收容教養期間,執行機關應當保證其繼續接受文化知識、法律知識或者職業技術教育;對沒有完成義務教育的未成年人,執行機關應當保證其繼續接受義務教育。

Article 39 During the period when juveniles are sheltered for correction, the executing organs shall make sure that they continue to receive education in cultural and legal knowledge or vocational techniques; for those who have not finished compulsory education, the executing organs shall make sure that they continue to receive such education.


Juveniles who are released from sheltering for correction or from reeducation through labor shall enjoy equal rights with other Juveniles in going back to school and entering schools of a higher grade and in employment, and no unit or individual may discriminate against them.

第五章 未成年人對犯罪的自我防範

Chapter 5 Self-protection of Minors against Crimes

第四十條   未成年人應當遵守法律、法規及社會公共道德規範,樹立自尊、自律、自強意識,增強辨別是非和自我保護的能力,自覺抵制各種不良行為及違法犯罪行為的引誘和侵害。

Article 40 Juveniles shall observe laws and regulations and live up to the standards of public morality, be aware of the importance of self-esteem, self-discipline and self-improvement, increase their ability to distinguish between right and wrong and protect themselves, and resist of their own volition any inducement to and corrosive influence by various misbehavior and illegal and criminal actions.

第四十一條   被父母或者其他監護人遺棄、虐待的未成年人,有權向公安機關、民政部門、共產主義青年團、婦女聯合會、未成年人保護組織或者學校、城市居民委員會、農村村民委員會請求保護。被請求的上述部門和組織都應當接受,根據情況需要采取救助措施的,應當先采取救助措施。

Article 41 Juveniles who are abandoned or maltreated by their parents or other guardians shall have the right to request public security organs, administrative departments for civil affairs, organizations of the Communist Youth League, women's federations, organizations for protection of juveniles or schools, neighborhood committee in cities, or villagers' committees in the countryside to furnish them protection. The departments or organizations mentioned above that are request for help shall accept the request and take measures to help the juveniles immediately where necessary.

第四十二條   未成年人發現任何人對自己或者對其他未成年人實施本法第三章規定不得實施的行為或者犯罪行為,可以通過所在學校、其父母或者其他監護人向公安機關或者政府有關主管部門報告,也可以自己向上述機關報告。受理報告的機關應當及時依法查處。

Article 42 When juveniles find that anyone perpetuates actions prohibited by the provisions in Chapter III of this Law or commits criminal offenses against themselves or other juveniles, they may report to public security organs or competent government departments through their schools, their parents or other guardians, and they themselves may do so too. The authorities which accept the report shall promptly investigate and handle the matter pursuant to the law.

第四十三條   對同犯罪行為作鬥爭以及舉報犯罪行為的未成年人,司法機關、學校、社會應當加強保護,保障其不受打擊報複。

Article 43 Judicial organs, schools and the community shall give especial protection to juveniles who fight and report against criminal offenses and ensure that they are free from retaliation.

第六章 對未成年人重新犯罪的預防

Chapter 6 Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

第四十四條   對犯罪的未成年人追究刑事責任,實行教育、感化、挽救方針,堅持教育為主、懲罰為輔的原則。

Article 44 In investigating juveniles who have committed criminal offenses investigating for criminal responsibility, the guidelines of enlightenment, persuasion and reformation and the principle of taking enlightenment as the dominant factor while making punishment subsidiary shall be adhered to.


When handling cases involving juvenile delinquency, judicial organs shall guarantee that juveniles exercise their procedural rights and get legal assistance, and enlighten them on the legal system in accordance with the physiological and psychological characteristics of juveniles and the circumstances under which they commit the criminal offenses.


Juvenile students against whom mandatory penal measures are taken may not be struck off the school roll before the verdicts of the People's Courts go into effect.

第四十五條   人民法院審判未成年人犯罪的刑事案件,應當由熟悉未成年人身心特點的審判員或者審判員和人民陪審員依法組成少年法庭進行。

Article 45 Trials of criminal cases involving juvenile delinquency in a People's Court shall be conducted by a juvenile court formed, in accordance with law, by judges who are familiar with the physical and mental characteristics of juveniles or of such judges and people's assessors.


A criminal case which the defendant is under the age of 18 at the time of the trial shall not be heard in public.


For cases involving criminal offenses committed by juveniles, no names, dwelling places, photos nor materials from which people can tell who the juveniles are may be disclosed in news reports, film and television programs and publications.

第四十六條   對被拘留、逮捕和執行刑罰的未成年人與成年人應當分別關押、分別管理、分別教育。未成年犯在被執行刑罰期間,執行機關應當加強對未成年犯的法制教育,對未成年犯進行職業技術教育。對沒有完成義務教育的未成年犯,執行機關應當保證其繼續接受義務教育。

Article 46 Juveniles who are detained or arrested or who are serving their sentences shall be jailed, administered and educated separately from adults. During the period when juvenile delinquents are serving their sentences, the executing organ shall enforce legal education and conduct vocational and technical training among them. For juvenile delinquents who have not finished compulsory education, the executing organ shall ensure that they continue to receive such education.

第四十七條   未成年人的父母或者其他監護人和學校、城市居民委員會、農村村民委員會、對因不滿十六周歲而不予刑事處罰、免予刑事處罰的未成年人,或者被判處非監禁刑罰、被判處刑罰宣告緩刑、被假釋的未成年人,應當采取有效的幫教措施,協助司法機關做好對未成年人的教育、挽救工作。

Article 47 Parents and other guardians of juveniles, schools, neighborhood committees in cities and villagers' committees in the countryside shall take effective measures to help educate juveniles who are not given or are exempted from criminal punishment because they have not reached the age of 16 and juveniles who are sentenced to criminal punishment of non-imprisonment or to criminal punishment with a suspension of execution or who are released on parole, in order to assist judicial organs in a successful educating and reforming the juveniles.


The neighborhood committees in cities or villagers' committees in the countryside may engage retired persons or other persons who are exemplary in their ideology and moral character, honest and upright and enthusiastic about educational work among juveniles, to assist them in doing a good job of educating and reform the juveniles mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

第四十八條   依法免予刑事處罰、判處非監禁刑罰、判處刑罰宣告緩刑、假釋或者刑罰執行完畢的未成年人,在複學、升學、就業等方面與其他未成年人享有同等權利,任何單位和個人不得歧視。

Article 48 Juveniles who, in accordance with law, are exempted from criminal punishment, sentenced to criminal punishment of non-imprisonment, sentenced to criminal punishment with a suspension of execution, or released on parole, or for whom criminal punishment have executed shall enjoy equal rights with other Juveniles in going back to school and entering schools of a higher grade and in employment; no unit or individual may discriminate against them.

第七章 法律責任

Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities

第四十九條   未成年人的父母或者其他監護人不履行監護職責,放任未成年人有本法規定的不良行為或者嚴重不良行為的,由公安機關對未成年人的父母或者其他監護人予以訓誡,責令其嚴加管教。

Article 49 Where parents or other guardians of juveniles fail to perform their duties of guardianship and let juveniles perpetrate, as they like, misbehavior or serious misbehavior specified in this Law, public security organs shall reprimand the parents or other guardians of the juveniles and order them to subject the juveniles to strict discipline.

第五十條   未成年人的父母或者其他監護人違反本法第十九條的規定,讓不滿十六周歲的未成年人脫離監護單獨居住的,由公安機關對未成年人的父母或者其他監護人予以訓誡,責令其立即改正。

Article 50 Where parents or other guardians of juveniles, in violation of the provisions in Article 19 of this Law, allow juveniles under the age of 16 to be free from their guardianship and live alone, public security organs shall reprimand the parents and other guardians of the juveniles and order them to set it right immediately.

第五十一條   公安機關的工作人員違反本法第十八條的規定,接到報告後,不及時查處或者采取有效措施,嚴重不負責任的,予以行政處分;造成嚴重後果,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 51 Where a member of a public security organ, in violation of the provisions in Article 18 of this Law, fails to investigate and deal with a case or take effective measures immediately after receiving the report and thus grossly neglects his duty, he shall be given administrative sanctions; if serious consequences are caused and a crime is constituted, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.

第五十二條   違反本法第三十條的規定,出版含有誘發未成年人違法犯罪以及渲染暴力、色情、賭博、恐怖活動等危害未成年人身心健康內容的出版物的,由出版行政部門沒收出版物和違法所得,並處違法所得三倍以上十倍以下罰款;情節嚴重的,沒收出版物和違法所得,並責令停業整頓或者吊銷許可證。對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員處以罰款。

Article 52 If anyone, in violation of the provisions in Article 30 of this Law, publishes publications which contain such contents as may induce juveniles to violate laws or commit criminal offenses, or such contents as may impair the physical and mental health of juveniles, contents that exaggerate violence, pornography, gambling, terror, etc., the publications and his illegal gains shall be confiscated by the administrative department for publishing, and he shall also be fined not less than 3 times but not more than 10 times his illegal gains; if the circumstances are serious, the publications and his illegal gains shall be confiscated, he shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification or his license shall be revoked. The persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible shall be fined.


Whoever produces or reproduces publications for juveniles which propagate obscenity or sells, loans or spreads such publications shall be punished for public security in accordance with law; if the violation constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.

第五十三條   違反本法第三十一條的規定,向未成年人出售、出租含有誘發未成年人違法犯罪以及渲染暴力、色情、賭博、恐怖活動等危害未成年人身心健康內容的讀物、音像制品、電子出版物的,或者利用通訊、計算機網絡等方式提供上述危害未成年人身心健康內容及其信息的,沒收讀物、音像制品、電子出版物和違法所得,由政府有關主管部門處以罰款。

Article 53 If anyone, in violation of the provisions in Article 31 of this Law, sells or loans to juveniles publications, audio-video products or electronic publications which contain such contents as may induce juveniles to violate laws or commit criminal offenses, and such contents as may impair the physical and mental health of juveniles, contents that exaggerate violence, pornography, gambling, terror, etc., or, by means of telecommunications, computer network, etc., provides such contents and information about such contents that may impair the physical and mental health of juveniles, the said publications, audio-video products, electronic publications and his illegal gains shall be confiscated and he shall be fined by the competent government department.


If any unit commits any action mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the publications, audio-video products, electronic publications and its illegal gains shall be confiscated, it shall be fined, and the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible shall also be fined.

第五十四條   影劇院、錄像廳等各類演播場所,放映或者演出渲染暴力、色情、賭博。恐怖活動等危害未成年人身心健康的節目的,由政府有關主管部門沒收違法播放的音像制品和違法所得,處以罰款,並對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員處以罰款;情節嚴重的,責令停業整頓或者由工商行政部門吊銷營業執照。

Article 54 If any cinema, theatre, video-tapes show hall and other show place shows or plays such programs as may impart violence, pornography, gambling, etc. The audio-video products which it illegally shows or plays and its illegal gains shall be confiscated by the competent government department, it shall be fined, and the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible shall also be fined; if the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification or its business license shall be revoked by the administrative department for industry and commerce.

第五十五條   營業性歌舞廳以及其他未成年人不適宜進入的場所、營業性電子遊戲場所,違反本法第三十三條的規定,不設置明顯的未成年人禁止進入標志,或者允許未成年人進入的,由文化行政部門責令改正、給予警告、責令停業整頓、沒收違法所得,處以罰款,並對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員處以罰款;情節嚴重的,由工商行政部門吊銷營業執照。

Article 55 If commercial singing and dancing halls, other places that are not suitable for juveniles, and commercial TV games centers, in violation of the provisions in Article 33 of this Law, fail to put up conspicuous no-admittance signs or allow juveniles to enter, they shall be ordered to set it right, given disciplinary warning, ordered to suspend business for rectification, their illegal gains shall be confiscated, and they shall be fined by the administrative department for culture, and the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible shall also be fined; if the circumstances are serious, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke their business licenses.

第五十六條   教唆、脅迫、引誘未成年人實施本法規定的不良行為、嚴重不良行為,或者為未成年人實施不良行為、嚴重不良行為提供條件,構成違反治安管理行為的,由公安機關依法予以治安處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 56 Whoever instigates or coerces juveniles to perpetrate or lures them into misbehavior or serious misbehavior as prescribed by this Law, or provides conditions for juveniles to perpetrate the said misbehavior, if his action constitutes a violation of the regulations governing public security, shall be punished for public security by a public security organ in accordance with law; if a crime is constituted, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.

第八章 附則

Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

第五十七條   本法自1999111日起施行。

Article 57 This Law shall go into effect as of November 1, 1999.


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