中華人民共和國環境保護法(2014修訂),1989年12月26日第七屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議通過 2014年4月24日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第八次會議修訂



Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (Amended in 2014)

19891226日第七屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十一次會議通過 2014424日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第八次會議修訂)

(Adopted at the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on 26 December 1989, and revised at the 8th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on 24 April 2014)


  第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 監督管理

Chapter 2 Supervision and Administration

  第三章 保護和改善環境

Chapter III Environmental Protection and Improvement

  第四章 防治汙染和其他公害

Chapter 4 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution and Other Hazards

  第五章 信息公開和公眾參與

Chapter 5 Information Disclosure and Public Participation

  第六章 法律責任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities

  第七章 附則

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為保護和改善環境,防治汙染和其他公害,保障公眾健康,推進生態文明建設,促進經濟社會可持續發展,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of environmental protection and improvement, prevention and treatment of pollution and other hazards, protection of public health, promoting development of ecological civilisation, promoting sustainable economic and social development.

第二條   本法所稱環境,是指影響人類生存和發展的各種天然的和經過人工改造的自然因素的總體,包括大氣、水、海洋、土地、礦藏、森林、草原、濕地、野生生物、自然遺跡、人文遺跡、自然保護區、風景名勝區、城市和鄉村等。

Article 2 For the purpose of this Law, the term "environment" refers to the total body of all natural and artificially transformed natural elements that affect human existence and development, including the atmosphere, water, seas and oceans, land, mineral resources, forests, grasslands, wetlands, wildlife, natural and cultural relics, nature reserves, scenic spots, cities and villages.

第三條   本法適用於中華人民共和國領域和中華人民共和國管轄的其他海域。

Article 3 This Law shall apply in the territory of the People's Republic of China and in the sea areas under its jurisdiction.

第四條   保護環境是國家的基本國策。

Article 4 Environmental protection is one of the basic state policies.


The State adopts economic and technological policies and measures which are beneficial for conservation and recycling of resources, environmental protection and improvement, and promotion of harmony between human and nature, ensure coordination between economic and social development and environmental protection.

第五條   環境保護堅持保護優先、預防為主、綜合治理、公眾參與、損害擔責的原則。

Article 5 Environmental protection shall adhere to the principles of "protection takes precedence, prevention takes priority, integrated treatment, public participation, accountability for damages".

第六條   一切單位和個人都有保護環境的義務。

Article 6 All organisations and individuals shall be obligated to protect the environment.


All levels of local People's Government shall be responsible for the environmental quality within their administrative region.


Enterprises, institutions and other manufacturers and business operators shall prevent and reduce environmental pollution and ecological damage, and shall be liable for damages caused by them pursuant to the law.


Citizens shall strengthen environmental protection awareness, adopt a low-carbon and frugal lifestyle, and voluntarily perform environmental protection obligations.

第七條   國家支持環境保護科學技術研究、開發和應用,鼓勵環境保護產業發展,促進環境保護信息化建設,提高環境保護科學技術水平。

Article 7 The State supports scientific and technological research, development and application in environmental protection, encourages development of the environmental protection industry, promotes information technology development for environmental protection, improves scientific and technological standards for environmental protection.

第八條   各級人民政府應當加大保護和改善環境、防治汙染和其他公害的財政投入,提高財政資金的使用效益。

Article 8 All levels of People's Government shall increase financial investment in environmental protection and improvement, prevention and treatment of pollution and other hazards, and improve efficiency in use of fiscal funds.

第九條   各級人民政府應當加強環境保護宣傳和普及工作,鼓勵基層群眾性自治組織、社會組織、環境保護志願者開展環境保護法律法規和環境保護知識的宣傳,營造保護環境的良好風氣。

Article 9 All levels of People's Government shall strengthen publicity and propaganda for environmental protection, encourage grassroots organisations, social organisations, environmental protection volunteers to carry out propaganda for environmental protection laws and regulations and environmental protection knowledge, create a good morale for environmental protection.


Education administrative authorities and schools shall include environmental protection knowledge in school education curriculum, cultivate environmental protection awareness among students.


News media shall carry out propaganda for environmental protection laws and regulations and environmental protection knowledge, and public opinion supervision for environmental violations.

第十條   國務院環境保護主管部門,對全國環境保護工作實施統一監督管理;縣級以上地方人民政府環境保護主管部門,對本行政區域環境保護工作實施統一監督管理。

Article 10 The environmental protection department of the State Council shall implement unified supervision and administration of environmental protection work nationwide; the environmental protection departments of local People's Governments of county level and above shall implement unified supervision and administration of environmental protection work within their administrative region.


The relevant departments of People's Governments of county level and above and the environmental protection department of the armed forces shall implement supervision and administration of environmental protection work such as resource protection and prevention and treatment of pollution pursuant to the provisions of the relevant laws.

第十一條   對保護和改善環境有顯著成績的單位和個人,由人民政府給予獎勵。

Article 11 Organisations and individuals with outstanding achievements in environmental protection and improvement shall be rewarded by People's Governments.

第十二條   每年65日為環境日。

Article 12 Environment Day is held on 5 June each year.

第二章 監督管理

Chapter 2 Supervision and Administration

第十三條   縣級以上人民政府應當將環境保護工作納入國民經濟和社會發展規劃。

Article 13 People's Governments of county level and above shall include environmental protection work in national economic and social development plans.


The environmental protection department of the State Council shall, jointly with the relevant authorities, formulate the State's environmental protection plan in accordance with national economic and social development plans for approval by the State Council before promulgation and implementation.


The environmental protection departments of local People's Governments of county level and above shall, jointly with the relevant authorities, formulate their administrative region's environmental protection plan in accordance with the requirements of the State's environmental protection plan for approval by the People's Government of counterpart level before announcement and implementation.


The contents of the environmental protection plan shall include the goals, tasks and safeguard measures etc for ecological protection and prevention and treatment of pollution, and converge with the main functional zone planning, land use master plan, urban and rural planning etc.

第十四條   國務院有關部門和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府組織制定經濟、技術政策,應當充分考慮對環境的影響,聽取有關方面和專家的意見。

Article 14 The relevant departments of the State Council and People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities shall take into full consideration environmental impact in the organisation and formulation of economic and technological policies, and solicit the opinions of the relevant parties and experts.

第十五條   國務院環境保護主管部門制定國家環境質量標準。

Article 15 The environmental protection department of the State Council shall formulate national environmental quality standards.


People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities may formulate local environmental quality standards for projects not covered by the national environmental quality standards; for projects covered by the national environmental quality standards, local environmental quality standards which are stricter than the national environmental quality standards may be formulated. Local environmental quality standards shall be filed with the environmental protection department of the State Council for record.


The State encourages studies of environmental baseline.

第十六條   國務院環境保護主管部門根據國家環境質量標準和國家經濟、技術條件,制定國家汙染物排放標準。

Article 16 The environmental protection department of the State Council shall, pursuant to the national environmental quality standards and the economic and technological conditions of the State, formulate national pollutant emission standards.


People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities may formulate local pollutant emission standards for projects not covered by the national pollutant emission standards; for projects which are covered by the national pollutant emission standards, local pollutant emission standards which are more stringent than the national pollutant emission standards may be formulated. Local pollutant emission standards shall be filed with the environmental protection department of the State Council for record.

第十七條   國家建立、健全環境監測制度。國務院環境保護主管部門制定監測規範,會同有關部門組織監測網絡,統一規劃國家環境質量監測站(點)的設置,建立監測數據共享機制,加強對環境監測的管理。

Article 17 The State shall establish and improve upon an environmental monitoring system. The environmental protection department of the State Council shall formulate monitoring standards, organise monitoring network jointly with the relevant authorities, plan the installation of the State's environmental quality monitoring stations (points) on a unified basis, establish a monitoring data sharing mechanism, and strengthen administration of environmental monitoring.


The installation of various environmental quality monitoring stations (points) for the relevant industries and professions shall comply with the provisions of laws and regulations and the requirements of monitoring standards.


Monitoring organisations shall use monitoring equipment which comply with national standards, comply with monitoring standards. Monitoring organisations and their person-in-charge shall be responsible for the veracity and accuracy of monitoring data.

第十八條   省級以上人民政府應當組織有關部門或者委托專業機構,對環境狀況進行調查、評價,建立環境資源承載能力監測預警機制。

Article 18 People's Governments of provincial level and above shall organise the relevant authorities or entrust professional organisations to investigate and evaluate environmental conditions, establish a monitoring and warning mechanism for carrying capacity of environmental resources.

第十九條   編制有關開發利用規劃,建設對環境有影響的項目,應當依法進行環境影響評價。

Article 19 Environmental impact assessment shall be carried out pursuant to the law in the formulation of the relevant development and utilisation plans and construction of projects which have an impact on the environment.


Development and utilisation plans which have not carried out environmental impact assessment pursuant to the law shall not be organised and implemented; construction projects which have not carried out environmental impact assessment shall not commence construction.

第二十條   國家建立跨行政區域的重點區域、流域環境汙染和生態破壞聯合防治協調機制,實行統一規劃、統一標準、統一監測、統一的防治措施。

Article 20 The State shall establish a trans-administrative region joint prevention coordination mechanism, implement unified planning, unified standards, unified monitoring and unified prevention and treatment measures.


Prevention and treatment of environmental pollution and ecological damage across administrative regions other than those stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be coordinated and resolved by the higher-level People's Government, or negotiated and resolved by the relevant local People's Governments.

第二十一條   國家采取財政、稅收、價格、政府采購等方面的政策和措施,鼓勵和支持環境保護技術裝備、資源綜合利用和環境服務等環境保護產業的發展。

Article 21 The State adopts finance, tax, pricing, government procurement policies and measures etc to encourage and support development of environmental protection industries such as environmental protection technical equipment, integrated utilisation of resources and environmental services etc.

第二十二條   企業事業單位和其他生產經營者,在汙染物排放符合法定要求的基礎上,進一步減少汙染物排放的,人民政府應當依法采取財政、稅收、價格、政府采購等方面的政策和措施予以鼓勵和支持。

Article 22 People's Governments shall adopt finance, tax, pricing and government procurement policies and measures pursuant to the law to encourage and support enterprises, institutions and other manufacturing operators which reduce pollutant emission on the basis of pollutant emission's compliance with statutory requirements.

第二十三條   企業事業單位和其他生產經營者,為改善環境,依照有關規定轉產、搬遷、關閉的,人民政府應當予以支持。

Article 23 People's Governments shall support enterprises, institutions and other manufacturing operators converting their operation, relocating or closing down pursuant to the relevant provisions for environmental improvement.

第二十四條   縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門及其委托的環境監察機構和其他負有環境保護監督管理職責的部門,有權對排放汙染物的企業事業單位和其他生產經營者進行現場檢查。被檢查者應當如實反映情況,提供必要的資料。實施現場檢查的部門、機構及其工作人員應當為被檢查者保守商業秘密。

Article 24 The environmental protection departments of People's Governments of county level and above and their entrusted environmental monitoring agencies and other departments tasked with environmental protection supervision and administration duties shall have the right to conduct onsite inspection for pollutant emission enterprises, institutions and other manufacturing operators. The inspected organisation or individual shall provide information truthfully, and provide the requisite materials. The departments, agencies and staff thereof that conduct the on-site inspection shall keep the trade secrets of the inspected entities.

第二十五條   企業事業單位和其他生產經營者違反法律法規規定排放汙染物,造成或者可能造成嚴重汙染的,縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門和其他負有環境保護監督管理職責的部門,可以查封、扣押造成汙染物排放的設施、設備。

Article 25 Enterprises, institutions and other manufacturing operators guilty of discharging pollutants which violate the provisions of laws and regulations and cause or may cause serious pollution, the environmental protection departments and other departments tasked with environmental protection supervision and administration duties of People's Governments of county level and above may seize and confiscate facilities and equipment which cause emission of pollutants.

第二十六條   國家實行環境保護目標責任制和考核評價制度。縣級以上人民政府應當將環境保護目標完成情況納入對本級人民政府負有環境保護監督管理職責的部門及其負責人和下級人民政府及其負責人的考核內容,作為對其考核評價的重要依據。考核結果應當向社會公開。

Article 26 The State implements an environmental protection targets and responsibilities system and performance appraisal system. People's Governments of county level and above shall include completion of environmental protection targets in the performance appraisal for the departments of the counterpart People's Government tasked with environmental protection supervision and administration duties and their person (s) -in-charge and the lower-level People's Governments and their person (s) -in-charge as an important basis for their performance appraisal. The assessment results shall be made public.

第二十七條   縣級以上人民政府應當每年向本級人民代表大會或者人民代表大會常務委員會報告環境狀況和環境保護目標完成情況,對發生的重大環境事件應當及時向本級人民代表大會常務委員會報告,依法接受監督。

Article 27 People's Governments of county level and above shall report environmental conditions and completion of environmental protection targets to the counterpart People 's Congress or the standing committee of the People's Congress annually, promptly report major environmental incidents to the standing committee of the counterpart People's Congress, and accept supervision pursuant to the law.

第三章 保護和改善環境

Chapter III Environmental Protection and Improvement

第二十八條   地方各級人民政府應當根據環境保護目標和治理任務,采取有效措施,改善環境質量。

Article 28 All levels of local People's Government shall adopt effective measures in accordance with environmental protection targets and control tasks to improve environmental quality.


For key areas and river basins which failed to attain environmental quality standards of the State, the local People's Government shall formulate a plan for attainment of standards within a stipulated period, and adopt measures to attain standards within the stipulated period.

第二十九條   國家在重點生態功能區、生態環境敏感區和脆弱區等區域劃定生態保護紅線,實行嚴格保護。

Article 29 The State shall delineate ecological protection boundaries for key ecological function zones, ecological sensitive and vulnerable zones etc, implement strict protection.


All levels of People's Government shall adopt measures to protect and prohibit destruction of various types of representative natural ecological systems, natural distribution areas for rare and endangered wild animals and plants, important water conservation areas, geological structures of major scientific and cultural value, natural relics such as famous caves and fossil distribution, glaciers, volcanoes and hot springs etc, cultural sites, ancient trees and famous trees.

第三十條   開發利用自然資源,應當合理開發,保護生物多樣性,保障生態安全,依法制定有關生態保護和恢複治理方案並予以實施。

Article 30 In exploiting and utilizing natural resources, attention shall be paid to rational exploitation, conservation of biological diversity and guarantee of ecological safety, and the plans for ecological protection, restoration and control shall be made and implemented according to law.


Measures shall be adopted for introduction of foreign species and research, development and utilisation of biotechnology, prevention of destruction of biodiversity.

第三十一條   國家建立、健全生態保護補償制度。

Article 31 The State shall establish and improve upon an ecological protection and compensation system.


The State shall increase the financial transfer payment to ecological protection areas. The relevant local People's Governments shall obtain ecological protection and compensation funds and ensure that they are used for ecological protection and compensation.


The State shall guide People's Governments of beneficiary areas and ecological protection areas, carry out ecological protection and compensation through negotiation or in accordance with market rules.

第三十二條   國家加強對大氣、水、土壤等的保護,建立和完善相應的調查、監測、評估和修複制度。

Article 32 The State shall strengthen protection of atmosphere, water, soil etc, establish and improve upon the corresponding investigation, monitoring, assessment and restoration system.

第三十三條   各級人民政府應當加強對農業環境的保護,促進農業環境保護新技術的使用,加強對農業汙染源的監測預警,統籌有關部門采取措施,防治土壤汙染和土地沙化、鹽渍化、貧瘠化、石漠化、地面沉降以及防治植被破壞、水土流失、水體富營養化、水源枯竭、種源滅絕等生態失調現象,推廣植物病蟲害的綜合防治。

Article 33 All levels of People's Government shall strengthen protection of agricultural environment, promote use of new environmental protection technologies in agriculture, strengthen monitoring and warning of agricultural pollution sources, organise the relevant departments to adopt measures to prevent soil pollution and desertification, salinisation, stone desertification, ground subsidence, prevent ecological imbalance such as destruction of vegetation, soil erosion, eutrophication, water depletion, extinction of species etc, promote integrated prevention and treatment of plant diseases and insect pests.


County and township People's Governments shall improve public service standards for environmental protection in rural areas, promote comprehensive remediation of rural environment.

第三十四條   國務院和沿海地方各級人民政府應當加強對海洋環境的保護。向海洋排放汙染物、傾倒廢棄物,進行海岸工程和海洋工程建設,應當符合法律法規規定和有關標準,防止和減少對海洋環境的汙染損害。

Article 34 The State Council and all levels of People's Governments at coastal areas shall strengthen protection of marine environment. The discharge of pollutants and dumping of wastes into the sea, coastal projects and marine engineering construction shall comply with the provisions of laws and regulations and the relevant standards, preventing and reducing pollution damage to the marine environment.

第三十五條   城鄉建設應當結合當地自然環境的特點,保護植被、水域和自然景觀,加強城市園林、綠地和風景名勝區的建設與管理。

Article 35 In urban and rural construction, vegetation, waters and the natural landscape shall be protected in combination with the characteristics of local natural environment, and the construction and administration of urban gardens, green lands and scenic spots shall be strengthened.

第三十六條   國家鼓勵和引導公民、法人和其他組織使用有利於保護環境的產品和再生產品,減少廢棄物的產生。

Article 36 The State encourages and guides citizens, legal persons and other organisations to use products which are beneficial for environmental protection and recycled products, reduce waste generation.


State agencies and other organisations which use fiscal funds shall give priority to procurement and use of energy-saving, water-saving and material-saving products, equipment and facilities which are beneficial for environmental protection.

第三十七條   地方各級人民政府應當采取措施,組織對生活廢棄物的分類處置、回收利用。

Article 37 All levels of local People's Government shall adopt measures to organise categorised disposal and recycling of domestic waste.

第三十八條   公民應當遵守環境保護法律法規,配合實施環境保護措施,按照規定對生活廢棄物進行分類放置,減少日常生活對環境造成的損害。

Article 38 Citizens shall comply with environmental protection laws and regulations, cooperate in implementation of environmental protection measures, carry out categorised disposal of domestic waste pursuant to the provisions, reduce environmental damage caused by daily life.

第三十九條   國家建立、健全環境與健康監測、調查和風險評估制度;鼓勵和組織開展環境質量對公眾健康影響的研究,采取措施預防和控制與環境汙染有關的疾病。

Article 39 The State shall establish and improve upon an environmental and health monitoring, investigation and risk assessment system; encourage and organise research on impact of environmental quality on public health, adopt measures to prevent and control diseases related to environmental pollution.

第四章 防治汙染和其他公害

Chapter 4 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution and Other Hazards

第四十條   國家促進清潔生產和資源循環利用。

Article 40 The State promotes clean production and recycling of resources.


Relevant departments under the State Council and local people's governments at various levels shall take measures to popularize the production and utilization of clean energy.


Enterprises shall give priority to use of clean energy, adopt processes and equipment with high resource utilisation and low pollutant emission as well as technologies for integrated waste utilisation and decontamination of pollutants, reduce pollutant generation.

第四十一條   建設項目中防治汙染的設施,應當與主體工程同時設計、同時施工、同時投產使用。防治汙染的設施應當符合經批準的環境影響評價文件的要求,不得擅自拆除或者閑置。

Article 41 Pollution prevention facilities in construction projects shall be designed, constructed and put into use simultaneously with the main project. Pollution prevention facilities shall comply with the requirements of the approved environmental impact assessment document, and shall not be arbitrarily removed or left idle.

第四十二條   排放汙染物的企業事業單位和其他生產經營者,應當采取措施,防治在生產建設或者其他活動中產生的廢氣、廢水、廢渣、醫療廢物、粉塵、惡臭氣體、放射性物質以及噪聲、振動、光輻射、電磁輻射等對環境的汙染和危害。

Article 42 Pollutant-discharging enterprises, institutions and other manufacturing operators shall adopt measures to prevent and treat waste gas, wastewater, waste residue, medical waste, dust, malodorous gas, radioactive substances generated in manufacturing, construction or any other activities as well as environmental pollution and hazards such as noise, vibration, ray radiation, electromagnetic radiation etc.


Enterprises and institutions discharging pollutants shall establish an environmental protection accountability system, and specify the responsibilities of the person (s) -in-charge and the relevant personnel of the organisation.


Key pollutant-discharging organisations shall install and use monitoring equipment pursuant to the relevant provisions of the State and monitoring norms, ensure normal operation of monitoring equipment, retain original monitoring records.


Illegal discharge of pollutants through underground pipes, seepage wells and pits, perfusion, alteration or forgery of monitoring data, circumvention of regulation such as abnormal operation of pollution prevention and treatment facilities etc is prohibited.

第四十三條   排放汙染物的企業事業單位和其他生產經營者,應當按照國家有關規定繳納排汙費。排汙費應當全部專項用於環境汙染防治,任何單位和個人不得截留、擠占或者挪作他用。

Article 43 Pollutant-discharging enterprises, institutions and other manufacturing operators shall pay sewage fee pursuant to the relevant provisions of the State. The pollution discharge fee shall be used entirely for prevention and treatment of environmental pollution, and shall not be retained, misappropriated or diverted by any organisation or individual.


Where the environmental protection tax is levied pursuant to the provisions of the laws, sewage fee shall not be levied.

第四十四    國家實行重點汙染物排放總量控制制度。重點汙染物排放總量控制指標由國務院下達,省、自治區、直轄市人民政府分解落實。企業事業單位在執行國家和地方汙染物排放標準的同時,應當遵守分解落實到本單位的重點汙染物排放總量控制指標。

Article 44 The State shall implement a total quantity control system for key pollutant emission. Key pollutants total discharge control indicators shall be disseminated by the State Council, resolved and implemented by People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities. Enterprises and institutions shall, in the implementation of national and local pollutant emission standards, comply with the key pollutants total discharge quantity control indicators applicable to the organisation.


For regions which exceed the total quantity control indicators of the State for key pollutant emission or failed to complete the environmental quality targets determined by the State, the environmental protection authorities of People's Governments of provincial level and above shall suspend examination and approval of environmental impact assessment documents for development projects for which the total quantity of key pollutant emission is increased.

第四十五條   國家依照法律規定實行排汙許可管理制度。

Article 45 The State shall implement a pollutant discharge permit administration system pursuant to the provisions of the law.


Enterprises, public institutions and other manufacturers and operators subject to pollutant discharge permit management shall discharge pollutants in accordance with the requirements of the pollutant discharge permit; without a pollutant discharge permit, they shall not discharge pollutants.

第四十六條   國家對嚴重汙染環境的工藝、設備和產品實行淘汰制度。任何單位和個人不得生產、銷售或者轉移、使用嚴重汙染環境的工藝、設備和產品。

Article 46 The State implements an elimination system for processes, equipment and products which cause serious environmental pollution. No organisation or individual shall manufacture, sell, transfer or use processes, equipment and products which cause serious environmental pollution.


It is prohibited to introduce any technology, equipment, material or product that fails to comply with relevant provisions of PRC on environmental protection.

第四十七條   各級人民政府及其有關部門和企業事業單位,應當依照《中華人民共和國突發事件應對法》的規定,做好突發環境事件的風險控制、應急準備、應急處置和事後恢複等工作。

Article 47 All levels of People's Government and their relevant departments and enterprises and institutions shall, pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, carry out risk control, emergency preparation, emergency response, post-event restoration etc for environmental emergencies.


People's Governments of county level and above shall establish an environmental pollution public monitoring and warning mechanism, organise formulation of warning plan; in the event of environmental pollution which may have an impact on public health and environmental safety, warning information shall be promptly announced pursuant to the law, emergency measures shall be activated.


Enterprises and institutions shall formulate contingency plans for environmental emergencies pursuant to the relevant provisions of the State, and file them with the environmental protection authorities and the relevant authorities for record. Upon occurrence or possible occurrence of an environmental emergency, the enterprise or institution shall forthwith adopt handling measures, promptly notify organisations and residents that may be harmed, and report to the environmental protection authority and the relevant authorities.


Upon completion of handling of an environmental emergency, the relevant People's Government shall forthwith organise evaluation of the environmental impact and losses caused by the incident, and promptly announce the evaluation findings to the public.

第四十八條   生產、儲存、運輸、銷售、使用、處置化學物品和含有放射性物質的物品,應當遵守國家有關規定,防止汙染環境。

Article 48 Manufacturing, storage, transportation, sale, use, disposal of chemicals and articles containing radioactive substances shall comply with the relevant provisions of the State to prevent environmental pollution.

第四十九條   各級人民政府及其農業等有關部門和機構應當指導農業生產經營者科學種植和養殖,科學合理施用農藥、化肥等農業投入品,科學處置農用薄膜、農作物秸稈等農業廢棄物,防止農業面源汙染。

Article 49 All levels of People's Government and their agricultural departments and organisations shall guide scientific cultivation and breeding by agricultural operators, use agricultural inputs such as pesticides, fertilisers etc scientifically and reasonably, dispose agricultural waste such as agricultural film and straws etc scientifically, prevent non-point source agricultural pollution.


Application of solid waste and waste water failing to conform to agricultural standard or environmental protection standard to farmland is forbidden. For use of agricultural inputs such as pesticides, fertilisers etc and irrigation, measures shall be adopted to prevent environmental pollution by heavy metals and other toxic and hazardous substances.


The site selection, construction and management of livestock and poultry farms, breeding areas, designated slaughtering enterprises, etc. shall be in conformity with the relevant laws and regulations. Entities and individuals engaging in livestock breeding and slaughtering shall take measures for scientific disposal of livestock and poultry manure, carcasses and sewage to prevent environmental pollution.


County People's Governments shall be responsible for organising disposal of domestic waste in rural areas.

第五十條   各級人民政府應當在財政預算中安排資金,支持農村飲用水水源地保護、生活汙水和其他廢棄物處理、畜禽養殖和屠宰汙染防治、土壤汙染防治和農村工礦汙染治理等環境保護工作。

Article 50 All levels of People's Government shall arrange funds in their fiscal budget to support environmental protection such as protection of rural drinking water sources, disposal of sewage and other waste, prevention and treatment of pollution caused by livestock breeding and slaughtering, prevention and treatment of soil pollution and rural mining pollution control.

第五十一條   各級人民政府應當統籌城鄉建設汙水處理設施及配套管網,固體廢物的收集、運輸和處置等環境衛生設施,危險廢物集中處置設施、場所以及其他環境保護公共設施,並保障其正常運行。

Article 51 All levels of People's Government shall coordinate and arrange construction of urban-rural sewage treatment facilities and complementary pipelines, environmental sanitation facilities such as collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste etc, centralised disposal facilities and premises for hazardous waste and other public facilities for environmental protection, and ensure normal operation thereof.

第五十二條   國家鼓勵投保環境汙染責任保險。

Article 52 The State encourages taking up of environmental pollution liability insurance.

第五章 信息公開和公眾參與

Chapter 5 Information Disclosure and Public Participation

第五十三條   公民、法人和其他組織依法享有獲取環境信息、參與和監督環境保護的權利。

Article 53 Citizens, legal persons and other organisations shall have the right to obtain environmental information, participate in and supervise environmental protection pursuant to the law.


The environmental protection departments and other departments tasked with environmental protection supervision and administration duties of all levels of People's Government shall announce environmental information pursuant to the law and improve upon public participation procedures, facilitate participation in and supervision of environmental protection by citizens, legal persons and other organisations.

第五十四條   國務院環境保護主管部門統一發布國家環境質量、重點汙染源監測信息及其他重大環境信息。省級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門定期發布環境狀況公報。

Article 54 The environmental protection department of the State Council shall publish national environmental quality, key pollution source monitoring information and other significant environmental information on a unified basis. The environmental protection departments of People's Governments of provincial level and above shall announce environmental information on a regular basis.


The environmental protection departments and other departments tasked with environmental protection supervision and administration duties of People's Governments of county level and above shall make public information on environmental quality, environmental monitoring, environmental emergencies and environmental administrative permits, administrative punishment, levying and collection of sewage fee and usage etc.


The environmental protection departments and other departments tasked with environmental protection supervision and administration duties of local People's Governments of county level and above shall record information on environmental violations by enterprises, institutions and other manufacturers and business operators in the public integrity files, promptly announce the list of offenders to the public.

第五十五條   重點排汙單位應當如實向社會公開其主要汙染物的名稱、排放方式、排放濃度和總量、超標排放情況,以及防治汙染設施的建設和運行情況,接受社會監督。

Article 55 Key emission units shall announce truthfully to the public the names of key pollutants, emission method, emission concentration and total quantity, information on excessive emission as well as information on construction and operation of pollution prevention facilities, and accept public supervision.

第五十六條   對依法應當編制環境影響報告書的建設項目,建設單位應當在編制時向可能受影響的公眾說明情況,充分征求意見。

Article 56 Where an environmental impact report is required by law to be prepared for a construction project, the developer shall, in the preparation of the report, explain the information to the public who may be affected and solicit their opinions.


Upon receipt of an environmental impact report for a development project, the authorities responsible for examination and approval of environmental impact assessment documents for development projects shall, except where State secrets and commercial secrets are involved, announce the full text; where the developer has not solicited public opinions for the development project, the developer shall be ordered to solicit public opinions.

第五十七條   公民、法人和其他組織發現任何單位和個人有汙染環境和破壞生態行為的,有權向環境保護主管部門或者其他負有環境保護監督管理職責的部門舉報。

Article 57 Citizens, legal persons and other organisations who are aware of environmental pollution and ecological destruction by any organisation or individual shall have the right to report to the environmental protection authorities or other authorities tasked with environmental protection supervision and administration duties.


Citizens, legal persons and other organisations who are aware of non-performance of duties by the environmental protection departments and other departments tasked with environmental protection supervision and administration duties of all levels of local People's Government and People's Governments of county level and above shall have the right to report to their higher-level authorities or the surveillance authorities.


The authorities which accept the report shall keep confidentiality of the relevant information of the whistleblower, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the whistleblower.

第五十八條   對汙染環境、破壞生態,損害社會公共利益的行為,符合下列條件的社會組織可以向人民法院提起訴訟:

Article 58 For acts that pollute the environment, damage the ecology and damage the social public interests, the social organization that meets the following conditions may file a lawsuit with the people's court:


1. It is registered in the civil affairs department of the people's government at the level of city divided into districts or above in accordance with the law;


(II) specializing in public environmental protection activities for more than five consecutive years without any record of violation.


A lawsuit filed by a social organisation which complies with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be accepted by the People's Court pursuant to the law.


Social organisations filing a lawsuit shall not seek economic gains through the lawsuit.

第六章 法律責任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities

第五十九條   企業事業單位和其他生產經營者違法排放汙染物,受到罰款處罰,被責令改正,拒不改正的,依法作出處罰決定的行政機關可以自責令改正之日的次日起,按照原處罰數額按日連續處罰。

Article 59 Enterprises, institutions and other manufacturing operators guilty of illegal emission of pollutants shall be subject to a fine and ordered to make correction; where an offender refuses to make correction, the administrative authorities which impose the punishment pursuant to the law may, with effect from the date of order for correction, impose consecutive daily fines based on the original punishment amount.


The fine stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be imposed pursuant to the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations determined in accordance with factors such as the operation costs of pollution prevention and treatment facilities, direct losses caused by the illegal act or illegal income derived from the illegal act etc.


Local regulations may, in accordance with the actual needs of environmental protection, include additional types of illegal acts for which daily consecutive punishment stipulated in the first paragraph may be imposed.

第六十條   企業事業單位和其他生產經營者超過汙染物排放標準或者超過重點汙染物排放總量控制指標排放汙染物的,縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門可以責令其采取限制生產、停產整治等措施;情節嚴重的,報經有批準權的人民政府批準,責令停業、關閉。

Article 60 Enterprises, institutions and other manufacturing operators which emit pollutants beyond the pollutant emission standards or the key pollutant emission total quantity control indicators may be ordered by the environmental protection authorities of People's Governments of county level and above to adopt measures such as restriction of manufacturing or suspension of manufacturing for correction; in serious cases, upon approval by the People's Government with approval authority, the offender shall be ordered to suspend operation or close down.

第六十一條   建設單位未依法提交建設項目環境影響評價文件或者環境影響評價文件未經批準,擅自開工建設的,由負有環境保護監督管理職責的部門責令停止建設,處以罰款,並可以責令恢複原狀。

Article 61 Where a developer has not submitted an environmental impact assessment document for a development project pursuant to the law or has commenced construction when the environmental impact assessment document is not approved, the authorities tasked with environmental protection supervision and administration duties shall order the developer to stop construction and impose a fine, and may order the developer to reinstate the original conditions.

第六十二條   違反本法規定,重點排汙單位不公開或者不如實公開環境信息的,由縣級以上地方人民政府環境保護主管部門責令公開,處以罰款,並予以公告。

Article 62 Key emission units which violate the provisions of this Law in failure to announce environmental information or failure to announce environmental information truthfully shall be ordered by the environmental protection department of local People's Governments of county level and above to make announcement and be subject to a fine. Announcement shall be made.

第六十三條   企業事業單位和其他生產經營者有下列行為之一,尚不構成犯罪的,除依照有關法律法規規定予以處罰外,由縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門或者其他有關部門將案件移送公安機關,對其直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,處十日以上十五日以下拘留;情節較輕的,處五日以上十日以下拘留:

Article 63 Where an enterprise, public institution or any other production operator commits any of the following acts, which does not constitute a crime, the competent authority for environmental protection or any other relevant department under the people's government at or above the county level shall, in addition to punishing it in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, transfer the case to the public security organ, and the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly liable for the act shall be detained for not less than ten days but not more than 15 days; and if the circumstances are relatively minor, such persons shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than 10 days:


1. Refusing to carry out the order of a construction project for which no environmental impact assessment has been carried out according to law;


2. violating laws and regulations by discharging pollutants without a pollutant discharge license, and being ordered to stop discharging pollutants, but refusing to implement the order; or


3. where the Polluters illegally discharge pollutants through concealed drains, seepage wells or pits, by perfusion, or by tampering with or forging monitoring data, by failing to properly operate pollution prevention and control facilities, or by other means that evade regulation;


(IV) producing or using pesticides which are explicitly prohibited by the State from producing or using, and being ordered to make corrections but refusing to do so.

第六十四條   因汙染環境和破壞生態造成損害的,應當依照《中華人民共和國侵權責任法》的有關規定承擔侵權責任。

Article 64 In the case of damages caused by environmental pollution and ecological destruction, tort liability shall be borne pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Tort Law of the People's Republic of China.

第六十五條   環境影響評價機構、環境監測機構以及從事環境監測設備和防治汙染設施維護、運營的機構,在有關環境服務活動中弄虛作假,對造成的環境汙染和生態破壞負有責任的,除依照有關法律法規規定予以處罰外,還應當與造成環境汙染和生態破壞的其他責任者承擔連帶責任。

Article 65 Environmental impact assessment organisations, environmental monitoring organisations and organisations engaging in maintenance and operation of environmental monitoring equipment and pollution prevention facilities guilty of committing fraud in the relevant environmental services and activities which cause environmental pollution and ecological destruction shall, in addition to being punished pursuant to the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, be liable jointly and severally with other accountable persons for such environmental pollution and ecological destruction.

第六十六條   提起環境損害賠償訴訟的時效期間為三年,從當事人知道或者應當知道其受到損害時起計算。

Article 66 The limitation of action for lawsuits in respect of compensation for environmental damages shall be three years, commencing from the date on which the litigant becomes or should become aware of the damages.

第六十七條   上級人民政府及其環境保護主管部門應當加強對下級人民政府及其有關部門環境保護工作的監督。發現有關工作人員有違法行為,依法應當給予處分的,應當向其任免機關或者監察機關提出處分建議。

Article 67 The higher-level People's Government and their environmental protection authorities shall strengthen supervision of environmental protection work of the lower-level People's Government and their relevant authorities. Where the relevant officers are found to have committed an illegal act which should be punished pursuant to the law, the recommended punishment shall be proposed to the authorities which appoint or remove the officers or the surveillance authorities.


Where administrative penalties shall be imposed in accordance with the law but relevant competent environmental protection department fails to impose administrative penalties, the competent environmental protection department of the people's government at the higher level may directly make a decision on administrative penalties.

第六十八條   地方各級人民政府、縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門和其他負有環境保護監督管理職責的部門有下列行為之一的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員給予記過、記大過或者降級處分;造成嚴重後果的,給予撤職或者開除處分,其主要負責人應當引咎辭職:

Article 68 Where any of the local people's governments at all levels, the competent departments in charge of environmental protection under the people's governments at or above the county level, or other departments that assume the responsibility for supervising and administering environmental protection commits any of the following acts, the person directly in charge and other persons directly liable shall be given a demerit, major demerit or demotion; or be dismissed or expelled if the consequences are serious, and the main person liable shall take the blame and resign:


1. Where an administrative license is approved if the requirements for such administrative license are not met;


(II) Covering up environmental violations;


(III) failing to make a decision on cessation or closedown that shall be made;


(IV) Failure to timely investigate and punish, upon discovery or upon receipt of a report, such acts as the excessive discharge of pollutants, the discharge of pollutants by evading regulation, environmental accidents, and ecological damage caused by failure to implement ecological protection measures; and


(V) in violation of the provisions of this Law, sealing up or detaining the facilities or equipment of enterprises, public institutions or other producers or operators;


(VI) tampering with or forging the monitoring data, or instigating any tampering with or forging of the monitoring data;


(VII) failing to disclose environmental information that should be disclosed according to law;


(VIII) withholding, misappropriating or embezzling the sewage fees collected; and


(IX) Other illegal acts as prescribed by laws and regulations.

第六十九條   違反本法規定,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 69 Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

第七章 附則

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第七十條   本法自201511日起施行。

Article 70 The Law shall come into force as of January 1, 2015.


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