2003年10月28日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第五次會議通過 根據2007年12月29日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國道路交通安全法〉的決定》第一次修正 根據2011年4月22日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國道路交通安全法〉的決定》第二次修正
Law of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety (Amended in 2011)
Presidential Decree No. 47
(2003年10月28日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第五次會議通過 根據2007年12月29日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國道路交通安全法〉的決定》第一次修正 根據2011年4月22日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國道路交通安全法〉的決定》第二次修正)
(Adopted at the 5th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress on October 28, 2003; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Law of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety adopted at the 31st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress on December 29, 2007; and amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Law of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety adopted at the 20th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on April 22, 2011)
目 錄
第一章 總 則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第二章 車輛和駕駛人
Chapter 2 Vehicles and Drivers
第一節 機動車、非機動車
Section 1 Motor Vehicles and Non-motor Vehicles
第二節 機動車駕駛人
Section 2 Driver of Vehicle
第三章 道路通行條件
Chapter III Conditions for Road Passage
第四章 道路通行規定
Chapter 4 Road Access Provisions
第一節 一般規定
Section 1 General Provisions
第二節 機動車通行規定
Section 2 Vehicle Driving Rules
第三節 非機動車通行規定
Section 3 Non-motor Vehicle Driving Regulation
第四節 行人和乘車人通行規定
Section 4 Pedestrian and Passenger Traffic Rules
第五節 高速公路的特別規定
Section 5 Special Provisions on Expressways
第五章 交通事故處理
Chapter 5 Handling of Traffic Accidents
第六章 執法監督
Chapter 6 Supervision over Law Enforcement
第七章 法律責任
Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities
第八章 附 則
Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions
第一章 總 則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一條 為了維護道路交通秩序,預防和減少交通事故,保護人身安全,保護公民、法人和其他組織的財產安全及其他合法權益,提高通行效率,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to maintaining road traffic order, taking precautions against and reducing traffic accidents, protecting personal safety, safeguarding the safety of property and other lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and increasing passage efficiency.
第二條 中華人民共和國境內的車輛駕駛人、行人、乘車人以及與道路交通活動有關的單位和個人,都應當遵守本法。
Article 2 All vehicle drivers, pedestrians, passengers, road traffic activity-related entities and individuals inside the territory of the People's Republic of China shall abide by the Law.
第三條 道路交通安全工作,應當遵循依法管理、方便群眾的原則,保障道路交通有序、安全、暢通。
Article 3 Work for road traffic safety shall be carried out in adherence to the principles of conducting administration according to law and making things convenient to the masses, to guarantee good order, safety and unimpeded flow of road traffic.
第四條 各級人民政府應當保障道路交通安全管理工作與經濟建設和社會發展相適應。
Article 4 The people's governments at all levels shall guarantee that the administration of road traffic safety suits the economic construction and social development.
In order to meet the needs of road traffic development, all local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and the relevant policies of the State, work out administration plans for road traffic safety, and take charge of their implementation.
第五條 國務院公安部門負責全國道路交通安全管理工作。縣級以上地方各級人民政府公安機關交通管理部門負責本行政區域內的道路交通安全管理工作。
Article 5 The department for public security under the State Council shall be in charge of the administrative work for road traffic safety nationwide. The traffic control department of the public security organs under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of road traffic safety in their respective administrative areas.
The traffic control departments and the construction administration departments under the people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of relevant road traffic work in compliance with their respective duties.
第六條 各級人民政府應當經常進行道路交通安全教育,提高公民的道路交通安全意識。
Article 6 The people's governments at all levels shall educate people regularly about road traffic safety so to improve the citizens' consciousness of road traffic safety.
When performing their duties, traffic control departments of the public security organs and their traffic policemen shall give more publicity to the laws and regulations on road traffic safety, and observe such laws and regulations in an exemplary way.
Government departments, armed units, enterprises, institutions, public associations and other organizations shall offer education in road traffic safety to their own members.
Administrative departments of education and schools shall incorporate education in road traffic safety into education in the legal system.
The news media and publishing, radio and TV, and other relevant institutions shall have the duty to conduct education in road traffic safety.
第七條 對道路交通安全管理工作,應當加強科學研究,推廣、使用先進的管理方法、技術、設備。
Article 7 For the administration of road traffic safety, scientific researches shall be strengthened, meanwhile, advanced administrative methods, techniques and equipment shall be extended and used.
第二章 車輛和駕駛人
Chapter 2 Vehicles and Drivers
第一節 機動車、非機動車
Section 1 Motor Vehicles and Non-motor Vehicles
第八條 國家對機動車實行登記制度。機動車經公安機關交通管理部門登記後,方可上道路行駛。尚未登記的機動車,需要臨時上道路行駛的,應當取得臨時通行牌證。
Article 8 The State practises a registration system for motor vehicles. A motor vehicle shall be driven on roads only after it is registered with the traffic control department of a public security organ. Where a motor vehicle is not yet registered but needs to be driven on roads temporarily, a temporary pass shall be obtained.
第九條 申請機動車登記,應當提交以下證明、憑證:
Article 9 Whoever applies for the registration of a motor vehicle shall submit the following proofs and certificates:
1. identity certificate of the owner;
2. proof on the provenance of the motor vehicle;
(III) proof on being qualified when the whole motor vehicle left factory or import documentation on the imported motor vehicle;
(IV) proof on payment of vehicle purchase tax or documentation on tax-exemption; and
(V) other proofs and certificates prescribed by any law or administrative regulation to be submitted for the registration of the motor vehicle.
The traffic control department of a public security organ shall finish the examination for registration of a motor vehicle within five working days from the date it receives the application and shall, if the conditions provided for in the preceding paragraph are met, issue the registration certificate, number plate and license for the vehicle; and if the said conditions are not met, the department shall explain the reasons why the vehicle is not to be registered.
Any entity or individual other than the traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall not issue a motor vehicle plate or demand that a motor vehicle carry any other plate, unless otherwise prescribed by the present Law.
The registration certificate, number plate and license for motor vehicles shall be designed and made under the supervision of the department for public security under the State Council.
第十條 準予登記的機動車應當符合機動車國家安全技術標準。申請機動車登記時,應當接受對該機動車的安全技術檢驗。但是,經國家機動車產品主管部門依據機動車國家安全技術標準認定的企業生產的機動車型,該車型的新車在出廠時經檢驗符合機動車國家安全技術標準,獲得檢驗合格證的,免予安全技術檢驗。
Article 10 A motor vehicle which is permitted to be registered shall meet the national technical standards for the safety of motor vehicles. A motor vehicle for the registration of which an application is submitted shall undergo safety and technical inspection. However, with respect to those models of motor vehicles which are manufactured by enterprises confirmed, in accordance with the State safety and technical standards for motor vehicles, by the government department in charge of the products of motor vehicles, if the new vehicles of such models meet the said standards upon inspection conducted before they leave the factory and the certificates of inspection of quality are granted, they shall be exempted from safety and technical inspection.
第十一條 駕駛機動車上道路行駛,應當懸掛機動車號牌,放置檢驗合格標志、保險標志,並隨車攜帶機動車行駛證。
Article 11 Whoever drives a motor vehicle on road shall hang a motor vehicle plate, place the conformity inspection mark and the insurance sign, as well as bring with him the driving permit for the motor vehicle.
Number plates shall be hung in accordance with relevant regulations, kept clear and intact; and they shall not purposely be covered, stained or damaged.
No entity or individual may confiscate or detain any motor vehicle plate.
第十二條 有下列情形之一的,應當辦理相應的登記:
Article 12 In case any of the following circumstances occurs, the corresponding registration shall be made:
1. The ownership of a motor vehicle is transferred;
2. Any registered content of a motor vehicle is modified;
(III) A motor vehicle is mortgaged; or
(IV) A motor vehicle is discarded as unserviceable.
第十三條 對登記後上道路行駛的機動車,應當依照法律、行政法規的規定,根據車輛用途、載客載貨數量、使用年限等不同情況,定期進行安全技術檢驗。對提供機動車行駛證和機動車第三者責任強制保險單的,機動車安全技術檢驗機構應當予以檢驗,任何單位不得附加其他條件。對符合機動車國家安全技術標準的,公安機關交通管理部門應當發給檢驗合格標志。
Article 13 For the motor vehicles running on road after registration, technical inspections of safety shall be carried out in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations and in light of such different particulars as the purpose of use, the number of passengers or quantity of goods carried, the service life, etc. of the vehicles. Where the motor vehicle license and the certificate of the compulsory third party liability insurance on the vehicle are provided, the authority for motor vehicle safety and technical inspection shall inspect the vehicle; and no units shall add other conditions. If the vehicle conforms to the State safety and technical standards, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall issue the sticker of the inspection certificate.
The safety and technical inspection of motor vehicles shall be socialized. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
In places where motor vehicle safety and technical inspection is socialized, no organization shall require that motor vehicles are inspected at designated places.
Traffic control departments of the public security organs and the authority for motor vehicle safety and technical inspection shall not require that motor vehicles are repaired or maintained at designated places.
The authority for motor vehicle safety and technical inspection shall collect fees for such inspection strictly in accordance with the rates approved by the department for pricing under the State Council.
第十四條 國家實行機動車強制報廢制度,根據機動車的安全技術狀況和不同用途,規定不同的報廢標準。
Article 14 The State applies a system of compulsory discarding unserviceable to motor vehicles, and prescribes different standards for discarding motor vehicles as unserviceable in light of their safety and technical conditions as well as their different purposes of use.
Registration of the motor vehicles that should be scrapped must be cancelled in time.
A motor vehicle which reaches the standards for being discarded as unserviceable shall not run on road. The large passenger cars, trucks and other commercial vehicles that are scrapped shall be disintegrated under the supervision of the traffic administrative departments of public security organs.
第十五條 警車、消防車、救護車、工程救險車應當按照規定噴塗標志圖案,安裝警報器、標志燈具。其他機動車不得噴塗、安裝、使用上述車輛專用的或者與其相類似的標志圖案、警報器或者標志燈具。
Article 15 Police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering emergency vehicles shall be painted with marked patterns and be installed with alarms and identification lamps in accordance with relevant provisions. Other motor vehicles shall not be painted or installed with or use any of the marked patterns, alarms or identification lamps specifically used by or similar to those of the aforementioned vehicles.
Police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering emergency vehicles shall be used strictly pursuant to the prescribed purposes and conditions.
The vehicles specially used for highway supervision and inspection shall be equipped with unified signs and warning lights in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law.
第十六條 任何單位或者個人不得有下列行為:
Article 16 No entity or individual may:
1. assemble any motor vehicle or discretionally change the registered structure, framework or features of any motor vehicle;
(II) change the motor vehicle type, engine number, chassis number or vehicle identification number;
(III) forge, alter or use forged or altered registration certificate, plate, driving permit, conformity inspection mark or insurance sign of any motor vehicle; or
(IV) use the registration certificate, plate, driving permit, conformity inspection mark or insurance sign of any other motor vehicle.
第十七條 國家實行機動車第三者責任強制保險制度,設立道路交通事故社會救助基金。具體辦法由國務院規定。
Article 17 The State applies a compulsory third party liability insurance system to motor vehicles, and establishes social assistance funds for road traffic accidents. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
第十八條 依法應當登記的非機動車,經公安機關交通管理部門登記後,方可上道路行駛。
Article 18 Non-motor vehicles required for registration according to law shall run on roads only after they are registered with the traffic control departments of the public security organs.
The types of non-motor vehicles required for registration according to law shall be specified by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government in light of the actual local conditions.
The external size, quality, brake, handle-bar bell and night reflectors of a non-motor vehicle shall be in conformity with the safety and technical standards for non-motor vehicles.
第二節 機動車駕駛人
Section 2 Driver of Vehicle
第十九條 駕駛機動車,應當依法取得機動車駕駛證。
Article 19 Whoever drives a motor vehicle shall have lawfully obtained a motor vehicle driving license.
An applicant for motor vehicle driver's license shall meet the requirements for driver's license specified by the department for public security under the State Council; and after passing the examination, the applicant shall be issued by the traffic control department of the public security organ the driver's license commensurate with the type of the motor vehicle.
A person holding a motor vehicle driver's license of another country who meets the requirements for driver's license specified by the department for public security under the State Council and passes the examination by the traffic control department of the public security organ shall be issued a Chinese motor vehicle driver's license.
The driver shall drive the approved type of motor vehicle clearly stated in the driver's license; and when driving a motor vehicle, he shall keep the driver's license handy.
No entity or individual other than the traffic administrative department of the public security organ may confiscate or detain a motor vehicle driving license.
第二十條 機動車的駕駛培訓實行社會化,由交通主管部門對駕駛培訓學校、駕駛培訓班實行資格管理,其中專門的拖拉機駕駛培訓學校、駕駛培訓班由農業(農業機械)主管部門實行資格管理。
Article 20 Training of motor vehicle drivers shall be socialized. The competent traffic control department shall exercise control of the qualifications of the drivers training schools and classes, among which the qualifications of the ones specially for training tractor drivers shall be under the control of the department of agriculture (agricultural machinery).
Drivers training schools and classes shall, strictly in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, provide their trainees with the training in laws and regulations on road traffic safety and in driving skills, and ensure the quality of training.
No State organs or departments in charge of training or examination of drivers shall sponsor or participate in sponsoring drivers training schools or classes.
第二十一條 駕駛人駕駛機動車上道路行駛前,應當對機動車的安全技術性能進行認真檢查;不得駕駛安全設施不全或者機件不符合技術標準等具有安全隱患的機動車。
Article 21 A driver shall, before driving a motor vehicle on road, carefully examine the safety and technical performance of the motor vehicle; and shall not drive a motor vehicle with hidden safety perils, for example, the safety facilities are incomplete or the components do not meet the technical standards, and so on.
第二十二條 機動車駕駛人應當遵守道路交通安全法律、法規的規定,按照操作規範安全駕駛、文明駕駛。
Article 22 Motor vehicle drivers shall abide by road traffic safety laws and regulations, and drive the vehicle safely and courteously according to the operation rules.
A person who drinks alcohol, or takes psychotropic substances or narcotics which are under State control, or suffers from diseases that prevent him from driving a motor vehicle safely, or cannot drive safely due to over-fatigue shall not drive a motor vehicle.
No one shall force, instigate or connive at a driver to violate the road traffic safety laws and regulations or the driving requirements on motor vehicle safety to drive a motor vehicle.
第二十三條 公安機關交通管理部門依照法律、行政法規的規定,定期對機動車駕駛證實施審驗。
Article 23 Traffic control departments of the public security organs shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, regularly examine and check motor vehicle driver's licenses.
第二十四條 公安機關交通管理部門對機動車駕駛人違反道路交通安全法律、法規的行為,除依法給予行政處罰外,實行累積記分制度。公安機關交通管理部門對累積記分達到規定分值的機動車駕駛人,扣留機動車駕駛證,對其進行道路交通安全法律、法規教育,重新考試;考試合格的,發還其機動車駕駛證。
Article 24 The traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall apply a system of keeping accumulative scores to the motor vehicle drivers who violate the road traffic safety laws and regulations in addition to imposing administrative penalties upon them in accordance with the law. The traffic control department of the public security organ shall suspend the motor vehicle driver's license of the driver whose accumulated number of the points recorded reaches the specified total, give him instructions in the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and have him take an examination again; and if the driver passes the examination, the driver's license shall be returned to him.
With respect to the motor vehicle drivers who observe the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and have no cumulative points recorded for the year, the specified time for examining and checking their driver's licenses may be extended. The specific measures shall be formulated by the public security department under the State Council.
第三章 道路通行條件
Chapter III Conditions for Road Passage
第二十五條 全國實行統一的道路交通信號。
Article 25 Uniform road traffic signals shall be used throughout the country.
Traffic signals include traffic signal lights, traffic signs, traffic line markings and direction by traffic police.
Traffic signal lights and traffic signs shall be installed and traffic lines marked in conformity with the requirements for road traffic safety and unimpeded passage and with State standards, and they shall be kept clear, conspicuous, accurate and in good condition.
In light of the need of passage, road traffic signals shall be added, replaced or renewed in a timely manner. Where restrictive road traffic signals are to be added, replaced or renewed, the matter shall be made known to the public in advance and wide publicity shall be made.
第二十六條 交通信號燈由紅燈、綠燈、黃燈組成。紅燈表示禁止通行,綠燈表示準許通行,黃燈表示警示。
Article 26 The traffic signal lamps shall be composed of red light, green light and amber light. The red light means no passage, the green light means permission, and the yellow light means warning.
第二十七條 鐵路與道路平面交叉的道口,應當設置警示燈、警示標志或者安全防護設施。無人看守的鐵路道口,應當在距道口一定距離處設置警示標志。
Article 27 Warning lights, warning marks or safety protection facilities shall be set up at a crossing where a railway and a road intersects on a plane. Where there are no guards for a railway crossing, warning signs shall be put up at a certain distance from the crossing.
第二十八條 任何單位和個人不得擅自設置、移動、占用、損毀交通信號燈、交通標志、交通標線。
Article 28 No entity or individual may discretionally set up, remove, occupy or damage any traffic signal lamp, traffic sign or traffic line marking.
A necessary distance shall be kept between the trees and other plants planted, or the billboards, pipelines, etc. installed, on both sides of the roads and along isolation belts, on the one hand, and the traffic facilities, on the other, so that they do not shield road lamps, traffic signal lights and traffic signs, or obstruct the safe range of visibility, or impede the flow of traffic.
第二十九條 道路、停車場和道路配套設施的規劃、設計、建設,應當符合道路交通安全、暢通的要求,並根據交通需求及時調整。
Article 29 The planning, design and construction of roads, parking lots and auxiliary road facilities shall meet the requirements on safe and smooth road traffic, and be adjusted in time where the traffic so requires.
When the traffic control department of the public security organ discovers that traffic accident occurs frequently in certain sections of a road already open to traffic, or serious hidden troubles endangering traffic safety exist at parking lots or in road supporting facilities, it shall report the matter to the local people's government without delay, and put forth proposals for prevention of traffic accidents and for removal of the hidden troubles, and the local people's government shall make a timely decision on how to deal with them.
第三十條 道路出現坍塌、坑漕、水毀、隆起等損毀或者交通信號燈、交通標志、交通標線等交通設施損毀、滅失的,道路、交通設施的養護部門或者管理部門應當設置警示標志並及時修複。
Article 30 Where roads are so damaged as to cave in, become bumpy or ruined by water, or bulge out, or where such traffic facilities as traffic signal lights, traffic signs and traffic line markings are damaged or disappeared, the maintenance or control department for road and traffic facilities shall put up warning signs, and make repairs without delay.
When the traffic control department of the public security organ finds the situations as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, which endanger traffic safety and for which no warning signs are put up, it shall take safety measures in good time, regulate the flow of traffic, and inform the maintenance or administration department for road and traffic facilities of the matter.
第三十一條 未經許可,任何單位和個人不得占用道路從事非交通活動。
Article 31 No entity or individual may, without permission, occupy the road to engage in non-traffic activities.
第三十二條 因工程建設需要占用、挖掘道路,或者跨越、穿越道路架設、增設管線設施,應當事先征得道路主管部門的同意;影響交通安全的,還應當征得公安機關交通管理部門的同意。
Article 32 Where, due to the needs in project construction, a road has to be occupied or dug, or pipeline facilities have to be put up over or through a road, it shall obtain the consent of the road administrative department in advance; if the traffic safety is affected, it shall also obtain the consent of the traffic administrative department of the public security organ as well.
The construction unit shall carry out construction in the approved sections of a road and within the approved period of time, and set up conspicuous safety warning signs at the place with the safe distance from the construction site, in the direction of which vehicles are coming, and take protective measures. When construction is completed, it shall immediately remove all the obstacles from the road and eliminate the hidden troubles endangering safety, and only after the road is checked and accepted as up to traffic requirements by the department in charge of roads and the traffic control department of the public security organ, the road may be open to traffic anew.
With respect to a road where traffic is not held up for construction, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall exercise strict supervision over and inspection of traffic safety and maintain road traffic order.
第三十三條 新建、改建、擴建的公共建築、商業街區、居住區、大(中)型建築等,應當配建、增建停車場;停車泊位不足的,應當及時改建或者擴建;投入使用的停車場不得擅自停止使用或者改作他用。
Article 33 The newly-built, rebuilt or extended public buildings, commercial blocks, residential quarters and large (medium) sized buildings, etc. shall be equipped or added with parking lots; if the parking berth is insufficient, it shall be rebuilt or extended in time; no one shall discretionally suspend the use of a parking lot which has been put into use or use it for any other purpose.
Within the scope of urban roads, where passage of the pedestrians and vehicles are not impeded, the relevant government departments may delimit parking berths.
第三十四條 學校、幼兒園、醫院、養老院門前的道路沒有行人過街設施的,應當施劃人行橫道線,設置提示標志。
Article 34 Where a road in front of the gate of a school, kindergarten, hospital or a home for the aged has no pedestrian crossing facilities, crosswalk lines shall be delimited, and indication marks shall be set up.
Blind tracks shall, according to plan, be paved on the sidewalks along the main roads in cities. Such tracks shall be paved in conformity with State standards.
第四章 道路通行規定
Chapter 4 Road Access Provisions
第一節 一般規定
Section 1 General Provisions
第三十五條 機動車、非機動車實行右側通行。
Article 35 Motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles shall keep to the right of the road.
第三十六條 根據道路條件和通行需要,道路劃分為機動車道、非機動車道和人行道的,機動車、非機動車、行人實行分道通行。沒有劃分機動車道、非機動車道和人行道的,機動車在道路中間通行,非機動車和行人在道路兩側通行。
Article 36 Where, as road conditions and passage so requires, a road is divided into motor vehicle driveways, non-motor vehicle driveways and pavements, motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles and pedestrians shall pass along the road in their respective lanes. Where roads are not divided into such lanes and sidewalks, motor vehicles shall run in the middle of roads, while non-motor vehicles and pedestrians shall go on the sides of roads.
第三十七條 道路劃設專用車道的,在專用車道內,只準許規定的車輛通行,其他車輛不得進入專用車道內行駛。
Article 37 Where a special driveway is delimited on a road, only prescribed vehicles are allowed to pass within the special driveway, and no other vehicle may drive into the special driveway.
第三十八條 車輛、行人應當按照交通信號通行;遇有交通警察現場指揮時,應當按照交通警察的指揮通行;在沒有交通信號的道路上,應當在確保安全、暢通的原則下通行。
Article 38 Vehicles and pedestrians shall pass according to the traffic signals; or pass according to on-the-spot command of the traffic policeman, if any; or shall, if along a road without any traffic signal, pass pursuant to the principle of guaranteeing the safety and smooth going.
第三十九條 公安機關交通管理部門根據道路和交通流量的具體情況,可以對機動車、非機動車、行人采取疏導、限制通行、禁止通行等措施。遇有大型群眾性活動、大範圍施工等情況,需要采取限制交通的措施,或者作出與公眾的道路交通活動直接有關的決定,應當提前向社會公告。
Article 39 The traffic administrative department of the public security organ may, in light of the specific circumstance of the road and the traffic flow, take such measures against the motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles and pedestrians as directing the flow, restricting the passage or prohibiting the passage, etc. Under conditions of large-scale mass activities or construction on a wide scale, for which restrictive traffic measures need to be taken, or decisions directly relating to the road traffic activities of the public need to be made, the matter shall be made known to the public in advance.
第四十條 遇有自然災害、惡劣氣象條件或者重大交通事故等嚴重影響交通安全的情形,采取其他措施難以保證交通安全時,公安機關交通管理部門可以實行交通管制。
Article 40 If, in the event of any circumstance which seriously affects the traffic safety such as natural disasters, atrocious weather conditions or major traffic accidents, etc., it is difficult to guarantee the traffic safety by taking other measures, the traffic administrative department of the public security organ may practice traffic control.
第四十一條 有關道路通行的其他具體規定,由國務院規定。
Article 41 Other specific provisions on the relevant road passage shall be formulated by the State Council.
第二節 機動車通行規定
Section 2 Vehicle Driving Rules
第四十二條 機動車上道路行駛,不得超過限速標志標明的最高時速。在沒有限速標志的路段,應當保持安全車速。
Article 42 A motor vehicle shall not, if driving on the road, exceed the maximum speed per hour as indicated on the speed limitation mark. He shall keep the safety speed along the sections of roads without speed limit signs.
When driving at night or along the sections of roads that are exposed to dangers, or under such meteorological conditions as sandstorm, hailstorm, rain, snow, fog and freeze, the driver shall reduce the speed.
第四十三條 同車道行駛的機動車,後車應當與前車保持足以采取緊急制動措施的安全距離。有下列情形之一的,不得超車:
Article 43 For any two motor vehicles running in a same driveway, the vehicle at the back shall keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead enough for taking emergency brake measures. Overtaking is not allowed under any of the following circumstances:
1. The vehicle ahead is turning left, turning around or overtaking another vehicle ahead;
(II) when there is the possibility of crossing another vehicle coming from the opposite direction;
(III) The vehicle ahead is a police car, fire engine, ambulance or engineering emergency vehicle that is performing an urgent task;
(IV) the vehicle concerned is passing a railway crossing, intersection, narrow bridge, curve, steep slope, tunnel, crosswalk, or a downtown road section with large traffic flow, etc., where there is no condition for overtaking.
第四十四條 機動車通過交叉路口,應當按照交通信號燈、交通標志、交通標線或者交通警察的指揮通過;通過沒有交通信號燈、交通標志、交通標線或者交通警察指揮的交叉路口時,應當減速慢行,並讓行人和優先通行的車輛先行。
Article 44 When passing a road crossing, motor vehicle drivers shall follow the traffic signal lights, traffic signs and traffic line markings, or the direction of traffic police; and when passing a road crossing where there are no traffic signal lights, traffic signs, traffic line markings or direction of traffic police, they shall slow down and let pedestrians and the vehicles enjoying priority pass first.
第四十五條 機動車遇有前方車輛停車排隊等候或者緩慢行駛時,不得借道超車或者占用對面車道,不得穿插等候的車輛。
Article 45 When a motor vehicle meets the vehicles ahead which are waiting in a queue or are running slowly, it shall not overtake the vehicle (s) ahead or occupy the driveway on the other side, nor shall it pass through the waiting vehicles.
When confronted with a situation in which motor vehicles are standing or running slowly in a queue at the section or junction of a road where the lanes are decreased, or at a road crossing where there are no traffic signal lights, traffic signs or traffic line markings or direction of traffic police, the motor vehicles shall take turns to pass in turn.
第四十六條 機動車通過鐵路道口時,應當按照交通信號或者管理人員的指揮通行;沒有交通信號或者管理人員的,應當減速或者停車,在確認安全後通過。
Article 46 A motor vehicle shall pass a railway crossing according to the traffic signals or the traffic manager's command; if there is no traffic signal or traffic manager, it shall slow down or stop, and may not pass until believing that it is safe to do so.
第四十七條 機動車行經人行橫道時,應當減速行駛;遇行人正在通過人行橫道,應當停車讓行。
Article 47 A motor vehicle shall slow down when passing a crosswalk; or shall stop to give way when a pedestrian is passing the crosswalk.
When pedestrians are crossing a road where there are no traffic signals, the driver shall make way.
第四十八條 機動車載物應當符合核定的載質量,嚴禁超載;載物的長、寬、高不得違反裝載要求,不得遺灑、飄散載運物。
Article 48 A motor vehicle that carries goods shall conform to the ratified load capacity, and it is strictly prohibited to be overloaded; the length, width and height of the carried goods shall not violate the loading requirements, and the carried goods shall not be dropped or scattered.
Where a motor vehicle carries an indivisable oversize or overload cargo, to the detriment of traffic safety, it shall be driven at a time, along the route and at the speed designated by the traffic control department of the public security organ and hung with conspicuous signs. To the indivisable oversize or overload cargo carried on highways, the provisions of the Highway Law shall be applicable.
Where a motor vehicle carries such dangerous cargoes as explosives, inflammable and explosive chemicals, and highly toxic and radioactive cargoes, it shall, with the approval of the public security organ, be driven at a time, along the route and at the speed designated and be hung with warning signs, and the necessary safety measures shall be taken.
第四十九條 機動車載人不得超過核定的人數,客運機動車不得違反規定載貨。
Article 49 A motor vehicle shall not carry persons by exceeding the ratified number, and a passenger transport motor vehicle shall not violate the provisions regarding the carriage of goods.
第五十條 禁止貨運機動車載客。
Article 50 Cargo motor vehicles are prohibited from carrying passengers.
Where it is necessary for a cargo motor vehicle to carry operational workers along with it, the vehicle shall be installed with facilities for protection of the workers.
第五十一條 機動車行駛時,駕駛人、乘坐人員應當按規定使用安全帶,摩托車駕駛人及乘坐人員應當按規定戴安全頭盔。
Article 51 When a motor vehicle is running, the driver and riders shall use safety belts in accordance with regulations; the driver of a motor bicycle and the riders shall wear safety helmets in accordance regulations.
第五十二條 機動車在道路上發生故障,需要停車排除故障時,駕駛人應當立即開啟危險報警閃光燈,將機動車移至不妨礙交通的地方停放;難以移動的,應當持續開啟危險報警閃光燈,並在來車方向設置警告標志等措施擴大示警距離,必要時迅速報警。
Article 52 When a motor vehicle meets with a breakdown on road, and needs to be parked for elimination of the breakdown, the driver shall immediately turn on the danger emergency alarm flash light, and move the motor vehicle to be parked at a place where the traffic will not be impeded; if the motor vehicle is difficult to be moved, the driver shall continuously turn on the danger emergency alarm flash light, and set up a warning mark towards the direction facing the coming vehicles, or take other measures to enlarge the warning distance, and shall, when necessary, promptly call the police.
第五十三條 警車、消防車、救護車、工程救險車執行緊急任務時,可以使用警報器、標志燈具;在確保安全的前提下,不受行駛路線、行駛方向、行駛速度和信號燈的限制,其他車輛和行人應當讓行。
Article 53 When a police car, fire engine, ambulance or engineering emergency vehicle is performing an urgent task, it may use the alarm or the identification lamps; on the premise of guaranteeing safety, it is not subject to the restriction of driving route, driving direction, driving speed or signal lamp, and other vehicles and pedestrians shall give way.
When police vans, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles are not carrying out emergency tasks, they shall not use the alarm sirens and signal lights and they shall not enjoy the priority of passage as provided for in the preceding paragraph.
第五十四條 道路養護車輛、工程作業車進行作業時,在不影響過往車輛通行的前提下,其行駛路線和方向不受交通標志、標線限制,過往車輛和人員應當注意避讓。
Article 54 When a road maintenance vehicle or an engineering operation vehicle is working, its driving route and direction shall not be restricted by traffic signs or line markings it does not affect the passage of the passing vehicles, and the passing vehicles and pedestrians shall give way.
Such motor vehicles as spraying cars and cleaning cars shall work according to the standards for safe operation; and on condition that they do not impede the passage of other vehicles, they may be free from being restricted by the regulation that different vehicles use different lanes, but they shall not run in a direction not allowed by traffic regulations.
第五十五條 高速公路、大中城市中心城區內的道路,禁止拖拉機通行。其他禁止拖拉機通行的道路,由省、自治區、直轄市人民政府根據當地實際情況規定。
Article 55 Tractors are prohibited to pass along expressways or roads in central areas of large and medium-sized cities. With respect to other roads on which tractors are prohibited from running, the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall specify in light of the actual local conditions.
On roads where tractors are permitted to pass, they may be used to transport goods, but not passengers.
第五十六條 機動車應當在規定地點停放。禁止在人行道上停放機動車;但是,依照本法第三十三條規定施劃的停車泊位除外。
Article 56 Motor vehicles shall be parked at specified places. It is prohibited to park any motor vehicle on the pavement; except for the parking berths designated in accordance with Article 33 of the Law.
Where a motor vehicle is parked on the road temporarily, it shall not impede the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians.
第三節 非機動車通行規定
Section 3 Non-motor Vehicle Driving Regulation
第五十七條 駕駛非機動車在道路上行駛應當遵守有關交通安全的規定。非機動車應當在非機動車道內行駛;在沒有非機動車道的道路上,應當靠車行道的右側行駛。
Article 57 Whoever drives a non-motor vehicle on road shall abide by the relevant provisions on traffic safety. Non-motor vehicles shall run in the bicycle lane; and where there is no bicycle lane, they shall run on the right side of the motor vehicle lane.
第五十八條 殘疾人機動輪椅車、電動自行車在非機動車道內行駛時,最高時速不得超過十五公裡。
Article 58 When a motor wheel chair vehicle of a disabled person or an electric bicycle is running within the non-motor vehicle lane, the maximum speed per hour shall not exceed 15 kilometers.
第五十九條 非機動車應當在規定地點停放。未設停放地點的,非機動車停放不得妨礙其他車輛和行人通行。
Article 59 Non-motor vehicles shall be parked at the prescribed places. Where no such parking areas are delimited, such vehicles shall be parked at places where the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians are not impeded.
第六十條 駕驭畜力車,應當使用馴服的牲畜;駕驭畜力車橫過道路時,駕驭人應當下車牽引牲畜;駕驭人離開車輛時,應當拴系牲畜。
Article 60 Whoever drives an animal-drawn cart shall use a domestic animal; when driving an animal-drawn cart to cross the road, the driver shall get off the cart to lead the animal; and shall tie the animal up when he leaves the vehicle.
第四節 行人和乘車人通行規定
Section 4 Pedestrian and Passenger Traffic Rules
第六十一條 行人應當在人行道內行走,沒有人行道的靠路邊行走。
Article 61 Pedestrians shall walk inside the pavement, or walk on the right side of the road if there is no pavement.
第六十二條 行人通過路口或者橫過道路,應當走人行橫道或者過街設施;通過有交通信號燈的人行橫道,應當按照交通信號燈指示通行;通過沒有交通信號燈、人行橫道的路口,或者在沒有過街設施的路段橫過道路,應當在確認安全後通過。
Article 62 A pedestrian shall, if passing a road junction or crossing a road, walk the crosswalk or pedestrian crossing facilities; or shall pass a crosswalk with traffic signal lamps according to the indications of the traffic signal lamps; or shall pass a road junction without traffic signal lamps or crosswalk, or cross a road at the road section without pedestrian crossing facilities after making sure that it is safe to do so.
第六十三條 行人不得跨越、倚坐道路隔離設施,不得扒車、強行攔車或者實施妨礙道路交通安全的其他行為。
Article 63 Pedestrians shall not stride over, rest or sit on road isolation facilities, or jump onto vehicles, or forcibly block vehicles, or jeopardize road traffic safety in other ways.
第六十四條 學齡前兒童以及不能辨認或者不能控制自己行為的精神疾病患者、智力障礙者在道路上通行,應當由其監護人、監護人委托的人或者對其負有管理、保護職責的人帶領。
Article 64 When preschool children and persons suffering from mental disorder or mental retardation who are incapable of perception or controlling their own behavior walk on roads, they shall be guided by their guardians, persons entrusted by their guardians or persons responsible for taking care of and protecting them.
Blind persons walking on roads shall use sticks for blind persons or take other measures to guide themselves; and vehicles shall make way to blind persons.
第六十五條 行人通過鐵路道口時,應當按照交通信號或者管理人員的指揮通行;沒有交通信號和管理人員的,應當在確認無火車駛臨後,迅速通過。
Article 65 A pedestrian shall pass a railway crossing according to the traffic signals or the command of the traffic manager; if there are no traffic signals or traffic manager, he shall pass promptly after confirming that no train is coming.
第六十六條 乘車人不得攜帶易燃易爆等危險物品,不得向車外拋灑物品,不得有影響駕駛人安全駕駛的行為。
Article 66 A passenger shall not bring dangerous articles which are inflammable or explosive, or throw articles out of the vehicle, or commit any act affecting the driver's safe driving.
第五節 高速公路的特別規定
Section 5 Special Provisions on Expressways
第六十七條 行人、非機動車、拖拉機、輪式專用機械車、铰接式客車、全掛拖鬥車以及其他設計最高時速低於七十公裡的機動車,不得進入高速公路。高速公路限速標志標明的最高時速不得超過一百二十公裡。
Article 67 No pedestrians, non-motor vehicles, tractors, special wheeled mechanical vehicles, hinged passenger vehicles, trailers and other motor vehicles with the designed maximum speed below 70 kilometers per hour shall enter expressways. The maximum speed indicated on the speed limitation mark of an expressway shall not exceed 120 kilometers per hour.
第六十八條 機動車在高速公路上發生故障時,應當依照本法第五十二條的有關規定辦理;但是,警告標志應當設置在故障車來車方向一百五十米以外,車上人員應當迅速轉移到右側路肩上或者應急車道內,並且迅速報警。
Article 68 When a motor vehicle meets with a breakdown on the expressway, it shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 52 of the Law; however, the warning mark shall be set up outside 150 meters in a coming direction from the broken-down vehicle, and the persons in the vehicle shall be promptly transferred to the road shoulder on the right side or into the emergency driveway, and the police shall be called promptly.
When a motor vehicle cannot run normally on an expressway due to a breakdown or a traffic accident, it shall be pulled or towed away by a rescue vehicle or an obstacle-removing vehicle.
第六十九條 任何單位、個人不得在高速公路上攔截檢查行駛的車輛,公安機關的人民警察依法執行緊急公務除外。
Article 69 No entity or individual may hold up a running vehicle on expressway for inspection, except the people's police of the public security organ who are performing urgent public duties in accordance with the law.
第五章 交通事故處理
Chapter 5 Handling of Traffic Accidents
第七十條 在道路上發生交通事故,車輛駕駛人應當立即停車,保護現場;造成人身傷亡的,車輛駕駛人應當立即搶救受傷人員,並迅速報告執勤的交通警察或者公安機關交通管理部門。因搶救受傷人員變動現場的,應當標明位置。乘車人、過往車輛駕駛人、過往行人應當予以協助。
Article 70 If a traffic accident occurs on road, the vehicle driver shall immediately park the vehicle and protect the scene; if it causes any personal injury or death, the vehicle driver shall immediately rescue the injured, and promptly report to the traffic policeman on duty or the traffic administrative department of the public security organ. If the scene is changed due to rescue of the injured persons, the location shall be marked out clearly. The passengers, drivers of the passing vehicles and passing pedestrians shall offer assistance.
Where a traffic accident that occurs on road does not cause casualties and the parties have no objections to the facts and causes of the accident, they may immediately withdraw from the scene of the accident for restoration of traffic and, through consultation, settle the matters of compensation for damages themselves; and if they do not withdraw from the scene immediately, they shall speedily report to the traffic police on point duty or to the traffic control department of the public security organ.
Where a traffic accident that occurs on the road only causes slight property losses and the facts are basically clear, the parties shall withdraw from the scene before proceeding to settle the matter through consultation.
第七十一條 車輛發生交通事故後逃逸的,事故現場目擊人員和其他知情人員應當向公安機關交通管理部門或者交通警察舉報。舉報屬實的,公安機關交通管理部門應當給予獎勵。
Article 71 Where a vehicle flees away from the scene after the occurrence of a traffic accident, the witnesses of the scene and other persons in the know shall expose it to the traffic administrative department of the public security organ or the traffic policeman. If the report is proved to be true, the said department shall give them rewards.
第七十二條 公安機關交通管理部門接到交通事故報警後,應當立即派交通警察趕赴現場,先組織搶救受傷人員,並采取措施,盡快恢複交通。
Article 72 After the traffic administrative department of the public security organ receives a call on a traffic accident, it shall immediately send traffic policemen to the scene, who shall first arrange for the rescue of the injured, and then take measures to restore the traffic as soon as possible.
Traffic police shall conduct inspection and examination of the scene of the traffic accident and collect evidence; and the traffic police may distrain the vehicle involved in the accident for the need of collection of evidence, but shall take good care of the vehicle for examination.
With respect to the more professional check of the parties' physiological and mental conditions, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall entrust a special institution to make an appraisal. The expert conclusion shall be signed by the expert witness.
第七十三條 公安機關交通管理部門應當根據交通事故現場勘驗、檢查、調查情況和有關的檢驗、鑒定結論,及時制作交通事故認定書,作為處理交通事故的證據。交通事故認定書應當載明交通事故的基本事實、成因和當事人的責任,並送達當事人。
Article 73 The traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall, in light of the inspected and investigated information on the scene of the traffic accident as well as the relevant conclusions from the inspection and surveying, make a written conclusion of inspection or surveying on the traffic accident in time, which shall be deemed as the evidence for handling the traffic accident. The written conclusion on the traffic accident shall state the basic facts, the causes of the traffic accident and the liabilities of the parties concerned, and be served to the parties concerned.
第七十四條 對交通事故損害賠償的爭議,當事人可以請求公安機關交通管理部門調解,也可以直接向人民法院提起民事訴訟。
Article 74 With respect to a dispute over indemnity for the damage from a traffic accident, the parties concerned may either request traffic administrative department of the public security organ for conciliation, or directly bring a civil litigation to the people's court.
Where after mediation by the traffic control department of the public security organ, the parties fail to reach an agreement or do not act in accordance with the mediation document after it becomes effective, they may bring a civil suit in a people's court.
第七十五條 醫療機構對交通事故中的受傷人員應當及時搶救,不得因搶救費用未及時支付而拖延救治。肇事車輛參加機動車第三者責任強制保險的,由保險公司在責任限額範圍內支付搶救費用;搶救費用超過責任限額的,未參加機動車第三者責任強制保險或者肇事後逃逸的,由道路交通事故社會救助基金先行墊付部分或者全部搶救費用,道路交通事故社會救助基金管理機構有權向交通事故責任人追償。
Article 75 A medical institution shall timely rescue those who are injured in traffic accidents, and shall not delay the cure due to failure to pay the rescue expenses in time. Where the compulsory third party liability insurance is brought for vehicles causing accidents, the insurance company shall pay the rescue expenses within the liability limit; and where the rescue expenses exceed the liability limit, and where such insurance is not brought or the vehicles escape after the occurrence of accidents, the social aid fund for road traffic accidents may pay part or total of the rescue expenses in advance, and the administrative body of the social aid fund for road traffic accidents shall have the right to recover the rescue expenses already paid from the persons liable for the traffic accidents.
第七十六條 機動車發生交通事故造成人身傷亡、財產損失的,由保險公司在機動車第三者責任強制保險責任限額範圍內予以賠償;不足的部分,按照下列規定承擔賠償責任:
Article 76 Where motor vehicles are involved in traffic accidents which cause casualties and property losses, the insurance company shall make compensation within the limit of the compulsory third party liability insurance for motor vehicles; if the said insurance is insufficient, the part that is not covered shall be paid according to the following provisions:
(I) Where a traffic accident occurs between two motor vehicles, the party in fault shall bear the liability; and where both parties are in fault, the liability shall be shared on the basis of the proportion of each party's fault.
(II) Where a traffic accident occurs between the driver of a motor vehicle and the driver of a non-motor vehicle or a pedestrian, the driver of the motor vehicle shall bear the liability for compensation if the driver of the non-motor vehicle or the pedestrian is not in fault; where there is evidence which proves that the driver of the non-motor vehicle or the pedestrian is in fault, the compensation liability of the motor vehicle driver shall be appropriately lightened on the basis of the degree of the fault; where the driver of the motor vehicle is not in fault, the compensation liability shall not exceed 10 per cent.
Where the losses in a traffic accident are caused by the driver of a non-motor vehicle or a pedestrian who deliberately runs into a motor vehicle, the driver of the motor vehicle shall not bear any liability for compensation.
第七十七條 車輛在道路以外通行時發生的事故,公安機關交通管理部門接到報案的,參照本法有關規定辦理。
Article 77 For an accident occurring at the time of passage of a vehicle outside the road, the traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall, after receiving report of the accident, handle the matter with reference to the relevant provisions of the Law.
第六章 執法監督
Chapter 6 Supervision over Law Enforcement
第七十八條 公安機關交通管理部門應當加強對交通警察的管理,提高交通警察的素質和管理道路交通的水平。
Article 78 The traffic control department of the public security organ shall strengthen administration of the traffic police and help enhance their qualifications and raise their level of road traffic administration.
The traffic control department of the public security organ shall, among the traffic police, conduct professional training and appraisal in respect of the legal system and traffic safety administration. Where a traffic policeman fails to pass the appraisal, he shall not take the post to perform his duties.
第七十九條 公安機關交通管理部門及其交通警察實施道路交通安全管理,應當依據法定的職權和程序,簡化辦事手續,做到公正、嚴格、文明、高效。
Article 79 The traffic administrative department of the public security organ and its traffic policemen shall, when conducting management of road traffic safety, comply with their statutory powers and procedures, simplify the formalities for handling affairs, and to be impartial, strict, courteous and highly efficient.
第八十條 交通警察執行職務時,應當按照規定著裝,佩帶人民警察標志,持有人民警察證件,保持警容嚴整,舉止端莊,指揮規範。
Article 80 A traffic policeman shall, when performing his duties, be dressed in accordance with the provisions, and adorned with a mark of the people's police, hold the certificate of the people's police, keep a solemn and neat police appearance, have a graceful manner, and command the traffic in a standardized way.
第八十一條 依照本法發放牌證等收取工本費,應當嚴格執行國務院價格主管部門核定的收費標準,並全部上繳國庫。
Article 81 The costs of production of certificates issued in accordance with the Law shall be strictly in compliance with the charging rates ratified by the price administrative institution under the State Council, and shall be totally turned in to the State treasury.
第八十二條 公安機關交通管理部門依法實施罰款的行政處罰,應當依照有關法律、行政法規的規定,實施罰款決定與罰款收繳分離;收繳的罰款以及依法沒收的違法所得,應當全部上繳國庫。
Article 82 Where the traffic administrative department of the public security organ lawfully imposes an administrative penalty of fine, the decision on the fine and the confiscation of the fine shall be separated in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations; all the confiscated fine and the lawfully confiscated illegal proceeds shall be totally turned in to the State treasury.
第八十三條 交通警察調查處理道路交通安全違法行為和交通事故,有下列情形之一的,應當回避:
Article 83 Where a traffic policeman who investigates into and handles an illegal act or traffic accident on road traffic safety is under any of the following circumstances, he shall withdraw:
1. where he is a party to the case or a close relative of a party to the case;
2. He himself or any of his close relatives has an interest in the case; or
(III) He has some other relationship with a party to the case, which may affect the impartial handling of the case.
第八十四條 公安機關交通管理部門及其交通警察的行政執法活動,應當接受行政監察機關依法實施的監督。
Article 84 Administrative law enforcement conducted by the traffic control department of the public security organ and the traffic police shall be subject to supervision exercised by the administrative supervisory authority according to law.
The supervision department of the public security organ shall, in accordance with the law, supervise the enforcement of laws and regulations and the observation of discipline by the traffic control department of the public security organ and the traffic police.
The traffic administrative department of a superior public security organ shall supervise the law enforcement activities of the traffic administrative department of an inferior public security organ.
第八十五條 公安機關交通管理部門及其交通警察執行職務,應當自覺接受社會和公民的監督。
Article 85 The traffic administrative department of the public security organ and its traffic policemen shall, when performing the duties, consciously accept the supervision of the public and of citizens.
All units and individuals shall have the right to report or accuse the traffic control department of the public security organ and the traffic police of their failure to enforce laws strictly or their violations of laws or rules of discipline. The authority that receives such report or complaint shall, in compliance with its duties, conduct investigation and impose punishment without delay.
第八十六條 任何單位不得給公安機關交通管理部門下達或者變相下達罰款指標;公安機關交通管理部門不得以罰款數額作為考核交通警察的標準。
Article 86 No entity may assign either directly or in a disguised form a fine quota to the traffic administrative department of the public security organ; nor may the traffic administrative department of the public security organ regard the amount of fines as the standard for assessing traffic policemen.
The traffic control department of the public security organ and the traffic police shall have the right to refuse to carry out the instructions that transcend the provisions of laws and regulations, and report the matter to the authority at a higher level at the same time.
第七章 法律責任
Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities
第八十七條 公安機關交通管理部門及其交通警察對道路交通安全違法行為,應當及時糾正。
Article 87 The traffic administrative department of the public security organ and its traffic policemen shall timely correct the illegal acts on road traffic safety.
The traffic control department of the public security organ and the traffic police shall, on the basis of facts and in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law, impose punishment on violations of the law on road traffic safety. Where the circumstances are minor as not to impede road passage, they shall point out the violations and let the violators go after giving an oral warning.
第八十八條 對道路交通安全違法行為的處罰種類包括:警告、罰款、暫扣或者吊銷機動車駕駛證、拘留。
Article 88 Punishments for violations of the law on road traffic safety include: disciplinary warning, fine, temporary suspension or revocation of motor vehicle driver's license, and detention.
第八十九條 行人、乘車人、非機動車駕駛人違反道路交通安全法律、法規關於道路通行規定的,處警告或者五元以上五十元以下罰款;非機動車駕駛人拒絕接受罰款處罰的,可以扣留其非機動車。
Article 89 Where a pedestrian, passenger or non-motor vehicle driver violates any of the provisions in the road traffic safety laws or regulations on passing along road, he shall be imposed upon a warning or a fine of 5 Yuan up to 50 Yuan; if the non-motor vehicle driver refuses to accept the penalty of fine, his non-motor vehicle may be detained.
第九十條 機動車駕駛人違反道路交通安全法律、法規關於道路通行規定的,處警告或者二十元以上二百元以下罰款。本法另有規定的,依照規定處罰。
Article 90 Where a motor vehicle driver violates any of the provisions in road traffic safety laws or regulations on road passage, he shall be imposed upon a warning or a fine of 20 Yuan up to 200 Yuan. Where there are other provisions in this Law, the punishment shall be meted out in accordance with those provisions.
第九十一條 飲酒後駕駛機動車的,處暫扣六個月機動車駕駛證,並處一千元以上二千元以下罰款。因飲酒後駕駛機動車被處罰,再次飲酒後駕駛機動車的,處十日以下拘留,並處一千元以上二千元以下罰款,吊銷機動車駕駛證。
Article 91 Any person who drives a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol shall be subject to six-month suspension of the driver's license, a fine of not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan. Where the person, having received such punishment, again drives a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol, he shall be subject to a detention of not more than 10 days, a fine of not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan, and revocation of his driver's license.
Whoever drives a vehicle in drunken state and is restrained by the traffic administrative department of the public security organs till becoming sober shall be permanently deprived of the vehicle driving license and prosecuted criminally in accordance with laws and may not re-obtain the vehicle driving license within five years.
Any person who drives a commercial motor vehicle after drinking alcohol shall be subject to a detention of 15 days, a fine of 5,000 yuan, revocation of his driver's license and prohibition on regaining a driver's license within five years.
Whoever drives a motor vehicle in drunken state and is restrained by the traffic administrative department of the public security organs till becoming sober shall be permanently deprived of the vehicle driving license and prosecuted criminally in accordance with laws and may not re-obtain the vehicle driving license within ten years and may not drive operating vehicle upon re-obtaining the vehicle driving license.
Whoever drives a vehicle after drinking or in drunken state which leads to any significant traffic accident and commits a crime shall be prosecuted criminally in accordance with laws and permanently deprived of the vehicle driving license by the traffic administrative department of public security organs and may in no case retain the vehicle driving license.
第九十二條 公路客運車輛載客超過額定乘員的,處二百元以上五百元以下罰款;超過額定乘員百分之二十或者違反規定載貨的,處五百元以上二千元以下罰款。
Article 92 A highway passenger transport vehicle that carries passengers in excess of the rated ones shall be imposed upon a fine of not less than 200 Yuan but not more than 500 Yuan; if it exceeds the rated passengers by 20% or violates the provisions to carry goods, it shall be imposed upon a fine of not less than 500 Yuan but not more than 2000 Yuan.
Where a cargo motor vehicle carries cargo in excess of the verified loading capacity, a fine of not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan shall be imposed; and where the verified loading capacity is exceeded by 30 per cent or the vehicle carries passengers in violation of relevant regulations, a fine of not less than 500 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan shall be imposed.
Where the driver of a motor vehicle commits any of the acts mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall distrain the motor vehicle until the violation is rectified.
If the driver of a vehicle of a transport institution violates the provisions in the first and second paragraph of this Article and fails to rectify after being punished, the person directly in charge shall be fined not less than 2,000 yuan but not more than 5,000 yuan.
第九十三條 對違反道路交通安全法律、法規關於機動車停放、臨時停車規定的,可以指出違法行為,並予以口頭警告,令其立即駛離。
Article 93 To anyone who violates the road traffic safety laws or regulations on parking or temporarily parks motor vehicles, his illegal acts may be pointed out, meanwhile he shall be imposed upon the penalty of oral warning, and be ordered to drive away immediately.
Where the motor vehicle driver is not on the spot or, although on the spot, he refuses to drive away immediately, thus impeding the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians, he shall be fined not less than 20 yuan but not more than 200 yuan, and the motor vehicle may be towed to a place where it does not impede traffic or to a place designated by the traffic control department of the public security organ. The said department shall charge the party no fees for towing the vehicle and shall, without delay, inform the party of the place where the vehicle parks.
Where a motor vehicle is damaged due to an improper way of towing, the liability for compensation shall be borne according to law.
第九十四條 機動車安全技術檢驗機構實施機動車安全技術檢驗超過國務院價格主管部門核定的收費標準收取費用的,退還多收取的費用,並由價格主管部門依照《中華人民共和國價格法》的有關規定給予處罰。
Article 94 Where an institution for technical inspection of safety of motor vehicles charges fees by exceeding the charging rates ratified by the price administrative institution under the State Council for making a technical inspection of safety of a motor vehicle, the over charged fees shall be refunded, and the price administrative department shall impose penalties in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Pricing Law of the People's Republic of China".
Where the authority for safety and technical inspection of motor vehicles fails to inspect motor vehicles in accordance with the safety and technical standards of the State for motor vehicles and produces false inspection results, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall impose on it a fine of not less than five times but not more than ten times the amount of the fees it collected for inspection and shall, in accordance with law, disqualify it for inspection. If a crime is constituted, it shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
第九十五條 上道路行駛的機動車未懸掛機動車號牌,未放置檢驗合格標志、保險標志,或者未隨車攜帶行駛證、駕駛證的,公安機關交通管理部門應當扣留機動車,通知當事人提供相應的牌證、標志或者補辦相應手續,並可以依照本法第九十條的規定予以處罰。當事人提供相應的牌證、標志或者補辦相應手續的,應當及時退還機動車。
Article 95 Where no motor vehicle plate is carried, or no conformity inspection mark or insurance sign is placed on a motor vehicle running on road, or no driving permit or driving license is brought with the said motor vehicle, the traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall detain the motor vehicle, notify the party concerned to provide the corresponding certificate or mark, or to make up the corresponding formalities, and may, in accordance with Article 90 of the Law, impose penalties. When the party provides the plate, certificate, sticker and label or has gone through the formalities mentioned, the motor vehicle shall be returned without delay.
Whoever intentionally shelters, smears or does not comply with the provisions to install a motor vehicle plate shall be penalized in accordance with Article 90 of the present Law.
第九十六條 偽造、變造或者使用偽造、變造的機動車登記證書、號牌、行駛證、駕駛證的,由公安機關交通管理部門予以收繳,扣留該機動車,處十五日以下拘留,並處二千元以上五千元以下罰款;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 96 Any person who forges, alters or uses forged or altered certificate of registration of motor vehicle, number plate, motor vehicle license, or driver's license shall be subject to confiscation of these things by the traffic control department of the public security organ, distraint of the motor vehicle in question, a detention of not more than 15 days and a fine of not less than 2,000 yuan but not more than 5,000 yuan; where a crime is constituted, the criminal liabilities shall be investigated according to law.
Any person who forges, alters or uses forged or altered motor vehicle inspection decal and insurance mark shall be subject to confiscation of these things by the traffic control department of the public security organ, distraint of the motor vehicle in question, a detention of not more than 10 days and a fine of not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 3,000 yuan; where a crime is constituted, the criminal liabilities shall be investigated according to law.
Any person who uses the certificate of registration of motor vehicle, number plate, motor vehicle license, inspection certificate or insurance label of another vehicle shall be subject to confiscation of these things, distraint of the motor vehicle in question and a fine of not less than 2,000 yuan but not more than 5,000 yuan.
When the party provides the necessary legal certificates or has gone through the necessary formalities to obtain the certificates, the motor vehicle shall be returned without delay.
第九十七條 非法安裝警報器、標志燈具的,由公安機關交通管理部門強制拆除,予以收繳,並處二百元以上二千元以下罰款。
Article 97 Where alarm sirens or signal lights are illegally installed, they shall compulsorily be removed and confiscated by the traffic control department of the public security organ, and a fine of not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan shall be imposed.
第九十八條 機動車所有人、管理人未按照國家規定投保機動車第三者責任強制保險的,由公安機關交通管理部門扣留車輛至依照規定投保後,並處依照規定投保最低責任限額應繳納的保險費的二倍罰款。
Article 98 Where the owner or manager of a motor vehicle fails to buy the compulsory third party liability insurance for the motor vehicle, as required by State regulations, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall distrain the vehicle until the insurance is bought in accordance with the regulations, and, in addition, a fine of two times the specified minimum liability insurance premium payable for the shall be imposed.
All the fines paid in accordance with the provisions in the preceding paragraph shall be incorporated into the social assistance fund for road traffic accidents. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
第九十九條 有下列行為之一的,由公安機關交通管理部門處二百元以上二千元以下罰款:
Article 99 Whoever has any of the following acts shall be imposed upon a fine of not less than 200 Yuan but not more than 2000 Yuan by the traffic administrative department of the public security organ:
1. driving a motor vehicle without obtaining the motor vehicle driver's license, or when his motor vehicle driver's license is revoked, or during the period when his motor vehicle driver's license is temporarily seized;
(II) Delivering a motor vehicle to be driven by a person who has no motor vehicle driving license or whose motor vehicle driving license is revoked or temporarily seized;
(III) fleeing away from the scene after causing a traffic accident, with no crime being constituted;
(IV) driving a motor vehicle exceeding the prescribed speed per hour by 50%;
(V) Forcing a motor vehicle driver to violate the road traffic safety laws or regulations or the requirements on safe driving of motor vehicles to drive a motor vehicle, thus causing a traffic accident, but no crime is constituted;
(VI) Violating the provisions on traffic control to pass by force, without listening to the dissuasion;
(VII) Intentionally damaging, moving or altering traffic facilities, causing harmful consequences, but no crime is constituted; or
(VIII) Illegally hold up or detain a motor vehicle, without listening to the dissuasion, thus causing serious traffic jam or heavy property losses.
If the person commits one of the acts specified in Subparagraphs (2) and (4) of the preceding paragraph, his motor vehicle driver's license may be revoked at the same time; and if he commits one of the acts specified in Subparagraphs (1), (3), (5), (6), (7), (7) and (8), he may, in addition, be put in detention for not more than 15 days.
第一百條 駕駛拼裝的機動車或者已達到報廢標準的機動車上道路行駛的,公安機關交通管理部門應當予以收繳,強制報廢。
Article 100 Where a self-assembled motor vehicle or a motor vehicle old enough to be scrapped is driven on roads, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall confiscate it and compulsorily scrap it.
A driver who drives on roads the motor vehicle mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan and his driver's license shall be revoked.
Where a motor vehicle old enough to be scrapped is sold, the unlawful gains shall be confiscated, a fine equal to the amount of money obtained from the sale of the vehicle shall be imposed, and the vehicle shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of this Article.
第一百零一條 違反道路交通安全法律、法規的規定,發生重大交通事故,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任,並由公安機關交通管理部門吊銷機動車駕駛證。
Article 101 Whoever violates the road traffic safety laws or regulations, thus causing a heavy traffic accident shall, if a crime is constituted, be subject to criminal liabilities in accordance with the law, and his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked by the traffic administrative department of the public security organ.
Where a driver escapes after causing a traffic accident, his motor vehicle driver's license shall be revoked by the traffic control department of the public security organ and he shall not obtain a motor vehicle driver's license again for the rest of his life.
第一百零二條 對六個月內發生二次以上特大交通事故負有主要責任或者全部責任的專業運輸單位,由公安機關交通管理部門責令消除安全隱患,未消除安全隱患的機動車,禁止上道路行駛。
Article 102 A professional transportation entity which is mainly or wholly liable for 2 or more particularly heavy traffic accidents within 6 months shall be ordered by the traffic administrative department of the public security organ to eliminate the hidden trouble of safety. A motor vehicle for which the hidden trouble of safety is not eliminated is prohibited to run on road.
第一百零三條 國家機動車產品主管部門未按照機動車國家安全技術標準嚴格審查,許可不合格機動車型投入生產的,對負有責任的主管人員和其他直接責任人員給予降級或者撤職的行政處分。
Article 103 Where the administrative department of the State for motor vehicle products fails to carry out strict examination according to the national technical standards for safety of motor vehicles before permitting an unqualified type of motor vehicles to be put into production, the liable person in charge and other directly liable persons shall be imposed upon the administrative sanction of demotion or removal from post.
Where a motor vehicle manufacturing enterprise that is permitted by the government department in charge of motor vehicle products to produce certain models of motor vehicles, fails to apply the State safety and technical standards for motor vehicles or to strictly conduct quality inspection of its finished products, so as to let its unqualified motor vehicles leave the plant for sale, the quality and technology supervision department shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, impose a penalty on it.
Where a unit that manufactures or sells the models of motor vehicles without permission by the government department in charge of motor vehicle products, the finished motor vehicles and the spare parts illegally manufactured and sold shall be confiscated, and it shall, in addition, be fined not less than three times but not more than five times the value of the unlawful products; if it has a business license, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke the license; and if it has no business license, it shall be sealed up.
Whoever produces or sells assembled motor vehicles or discretionarily refitted motor vehicles shall be penalized in accordance with Paragraph 3 of the present Article.
Where motor vehicles not in conformity with the State safety and technical standards for motor vehicles are turned out or sold in violation of the provisions in the second, third or fourth paragraph of this Article, which is serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
第一百零四條 未經批準,擅自挖掘道路、占用道路施工或者從事其他影響道路交通安全活動的,由道路主管部門責令停止違法行為,並恢複原狀,可以依法給予罰款;致使通行的人員、車輛及其他財產遭受損失的,依法承擔賠償責任。
Article 104 Whoever discretionally digs a road, occupies a road to carry out construction or engages in other activities affecting the road traffic safety without approval shall be ordered by the road administrative department to cease the illegal act, and to restore the road to its original condition, and may be imposed upon a fine in accordance with the law; if it causes any loss to the passing pedestrians, vehicles or other properties, it shall bear the indemnity liability in accordance with the law.
Where road traffic safety is adversely affected by the acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the traffic control department of the public security organ may instruct the unit or individual to desist from the illegal acts in order to speedily restore traffic.
第一百零五條 道路施工作業或者道路出現損毀,未及時設置警示標志、未采取防護措施,或者應當設置交通信號燈、交通標志、交通標線而沒有設置或者應當及時變更交通信號燈、交通標志、交通標線而沒有及時變更,致使通行的人員、車輛及其他財產遭受損失的,負有相關職責的單位應當依法承擔賠償責任。
Article 105 Where losses are inflicted on the passing persons or vehicles or other property because, when a road is under construction or damages appear in a road, no warning signs are put up in time and no protective measures are taken, or there are no traffic signal lights, traffic signs or traffic line markings as there ought to be, or no traffic signal lights, traffic signs or traffic line markings are altered as they ought to be in time, the units respectively responsible shall bear the liability for compensation according to law.
第一百零六條 在道路兩側及隔離帶上種植樹木、其他植物或者設置廣告牌、管線等,遮擋路燈、交通信號燈、交通標志,妨礙安全視距的,由公安機關交通管理部門責令行為人排除妨礙;拒不執行的,處二百元以上二千元以下罰款,並強制排除妨礙,所需費用由行為人負擔。
Article 106 Where the trees or other plants growing along both sides of the road or along the median strip, or the installed advertisement boards or pipelines, etc. shelter the road lamps, traffic signal lamps or traffic signs, thus impeding the safe apparent distance, the traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall order the violator to eliminate the impediment; if the violator refuses to do so, he shall be imposed upon a fine of not less than 200 Yuan but not more than 2000 Yuan, and be compelled to eliminate the impediment, with the necessary expenses to be borne by himself.
第一百零七條 對道路交通違法行為人予以警告、二百元以下罰款,交通警察可以當場作出行政處罰決定,並出具行政處罰決定書。
Article 107 When imposing a warning or a fine of not more than 200 Yuan upon a road traffic law violator, the traffic policeman may make a decision on administrative penalty on the spot, and issue a written decision on the administrative penalty.
In the written decision on administrative penalty shall clearly be stated the facts of violation by the party, the basis for the administrative penalty, the penalty imposed, the time and place of the penalty, and the name of the authority that imposes the penalty, and the written decision shall be signed or sealed by the law-enforcing person.
第一百零八條 當事人應當自收到罰款的行政處罰決定書之日起十五日內,到指定的銀行繳納罰款。
Article 108 A party concerned shall, within 15 days as of receiving the written decision on the administrative penalty of the fine, pay the fine at a designated bank.
Where the parties have no objections, the fines imposed on pedestrians, passengers and drivers of non-motor vehicles may be collected on the spot.
Where fines are paid, unified receipts for fines, made and distributed by the financial departments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, shall be written out; and in the absence of such receipts, the parties shall have the right to refuse to pay the fines.
第一百零九條 當事人逾期不履行行政處罰決定的,作出行政處罰決定的行政機關可以采取下列措施:
Article 109 Where a party does not implement a decision on administrative penalty within the time limit, the administrative organ making the said decision may take the following measures:
1. If he does not pay the mature fine, he shall be imposed upon an additional interest of 3% per day;
(II) Apply to the people's court for enforcement.
第一百一十條 執行職務的交通警察認為應當對道路交通違法行為人給予暫扣或者吊銷機動車駕駛證處罰的,可以先予扣留機動車駕駛證,並在二十四小時內將案件移交公安機關交通管理部門處理。
Article 110 Where a traffic policeman performing duties considers that a road traffic law violator ought to be imposed upon a penalty of temporary seizure or revocation of his motor vehicle driving license, he may detain the motor vehicle driving license first, and transfer the case within 24 hours to the traffic administrative department of the public security organ for handling.
The road traffic law violator shall, within 15 days, go to the traffic control department of the public security organ for disposition. If, without legitimate reasons, the violator fails to go for the disposition at the expiration of the time limit, his motor vehicle driver's license shall be revoked.
Where the traffic control department of the public security organ suspends temporarily or revokes a motor vehicle driver's license, it shall produce a written decision on the administrative penalty.
第一百一十一條 對違反本法規定予以拘留的行政處罰,由縣、市公安局、公安分局或者相當於縣一級的公安機關裁決。
Article 111 The administrative penalty of detention due to violation of the Law shall be determined by the county or city public security bureau, branch of the public security bureau or the public security organ at an equivalent county level.
第一百一十二條 公安機關交通管理部門扣留機動車、非機動車,應當當場出具憑證,並告知當事人在規定期限內到公安機關交通管理部門接受處理。
Article 112 Where the traffic control department of the public security organ distrains a motor vehicle or non-motor vehicle, it shall produce a receipt on the spot, and tell the party to go, within a specified period of time, to the said department for disposition.
The traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall properly keep the detained vehicle and shall not use it.
Where the party fails to go for the disposition at the expiration of the specified period of time, and still fails to do so three months after announcement of the matter, the distrained vehicle shall be disposed of according to law.
第一百一十三條 暫扣機動車駕駛證的期限從處罰決定生效之日起計算;處罰決定生效前先予扣留機動車駕駛證的,扣留一日折抵暫扣期限一日。
Article 113 The time limit for temporary seizure of a motor vehicle driving license shall be calculated as of the day when the decision on the penalty becomes effective; if the motor vehicle driving license is detained before the penalty decision takes effect, one day detention shall be taken as one day temporary seizure.
The interval between revocation of the license and application for a new one shall be governed by the administrative regulations on motor vehicle driver's licenses.
第一百一十四條 公安機關交通管理部門根據交通技術監控記錄資料,可以對違法的機動車所有人或者管理人依法予以處罰。對能夠確定駕駛人的,可以依照本法的規定依法予以處罰。
Article 114 The traffic administrative department of the public security organ may, on the basis of the traffic technical monitoring records, lawfully penalize the motor vehicle owners or managers who violate the law. If the driver can be determined, the penalties may be imposed in accordance with the Law.
第一百一十五條 交通警察有下列行為之一的,依法給予行政處分:
Article 115 A traffic policeman who has any of the following acts shall be imposed upon the administrative sanctions in accordance with the law:
1. Distributing motor vehicle registration certificates, plates, driving permits or conformity inspection marks to the motor vehicles which do not meet statutory conditions;
2. giving approval to a motor vehicle that is not in conformity with the statutory requirements to install and use alarm sirens and signal lights, or to spray or paint the sign specially for police vans, fire engines, ambulances or engineering emergency vehicles;
(III) Distributing motor vehicle driving licenses to persons who do not meet the conditions for driving permission, have not been examined or are examined to be unqualified;
(IV) Not implementing the system of separating the decision on the fine from the confiscation of the fine or not complying with the provisions to totally turn in the lawfully charged expenses, confiscated fines or confiscated illegal proceeds to the State treasury;
(V) Establishing or participating in the establishment of driving schools or driving training classes, motor vehicle repairing plants or pay parking lots or other business activities;
(VI) Accepting properties from others or seeking other benefits by taking advantage of his post; or
(VII) Illegally detaining a vehicle, motor vehicle driving permit, driving license or vehicle plate;
(VIII) Using lawfully detained vehicles;
(IX) Not issuing a fine receipt or not truthfully filling the fine amount when collecting a fine on the spot;
(X) Practicing frauds for personal gains, and handling a traffic accident unjustly;
(XI) delaying the issuance of the number plates and certificates of motor vehicles by deliberately making things difficult;
(XII) Using an alarm or identification lamp when not performing any urgent task;
(XIII) Driving a normally driven vehicle in violation of the relevant regulations;
(XIV) Holding up and hitchhiking a motor vehicle when not performing urgent official duties;
(XV) Not performing statutory duties.
Where the traffic control department of the public security organ commits one of the acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the persons directly in charge and the other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions accordingly.
第一百一十六條 依照本法第一百一十五條的規定,給予交通警察行政處分的,在作出行政處分決定前,可以停止其執行職務;必要時,可以予以禁閉。
Article 116 Where a traffic policeman is imposed upon an administrative sanction in accordance with Article 115 of the present Law, he may be ceased from performing his duties before the decision on the administrative sanction is made; and may, when necessary, be confined.
Where a traffic policeman is imposed upon an administrative sanction of degradation or discharge from post in accordance with Article 115 of the Law, he may be dismissed.
Where a traffic policeman is discharged as a sanction or is dismissed, his police rank shall be deprived of; and where a traffic policeman is imposed a lighter sanction than removal from office as an administrative sanction, his police rank shall be reduced.
第一百一十七條 交通警察利用職權非法占有公共財物,索取、收受賄賂,或者濫用職權、玩忽職守,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 117 Where a traffic policeman makes use of his powers to illegally occupy public properties, extort or accept bribes, or abuses his powers, neglects his duties, and if a crime is constituted, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities in accordance with the law.
第一百一十八條 公安機關交通管理部門及其交通警察有本法第一百一十五條所列行為之一,給當事人造成損失的,應當依法承擔賠償責任。
Article 118 Where the traffic control department of the public security organ or its traffic police commits one of the acts mentioned in Article 115 of this Law, thus causing losses to the party, it or he shall bear the liability for compensation according to law.
第八章 附 則
Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions
第一百一十九條 本法中下列用語的含義:
Article 119 For purposes of this Law, the definitions of the following terms are:
1. A "road" means a highway, an urban road or an area which, although within the of scope of management by an entity, allows public motor vehicles to pass, including the places used for passage of the general public such as the squares and public parking lots, etc.
(II) A "vehicle" means a motor vehicle or a non-motor vehicle.
(III) A "motor vehicle" means a wheeled vehicle which is driven or drawn by power device, running on road for people to ride or take, or for carrying articles, or for carrying out special engineering operations.
(IV) "Non-motor vehicles" mean such means of transport as are driven or drawn by man or animal on roads, and the motor wheelchairs for the disabled and electrically operated bicycles which are installed with power sets but the designed maximum speed per hour, the light quality and the external size of which are in conformity with the relevant national standards.
(V) A "traffic accident" means an incident in which a vehicle causes, when running on road, personal injury or death or properties losses due to an error or unexpected incident.
第一百二十條 中國人民解放軍和中國人民武裝警察部隊在編機動車牌證、在編機動車檢驗以及機動車駕駛人考核工作,由中國人民解放軍、中國人民武裝警察部隊有關部門負責。
Article 120 The responsibility to inspect the enlisted motor vehicle certificates and motor vehicles, and to assess the enlisted motor vehicle drivers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force, shall remain respectively with the relevant departments of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force.
第一百二十一條 對上道路行駛的拖拉機,由農業(農業機械)主管部門行使本法第八條、第九條、第十三條、第十九條、第二十三條規定的公安機關交通管理部門的管理職權。
Article 121 With respect to the tractors running on road, the agricultural (agricultural machinery) administrative department shall exercise the administrative powers of the traffic administrative department of the public security organ as prescribed in Articles 8, 9, 13, 19 and 23 of the Law.
When exercising the functions and powers in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the department of agriculture (agricultural machinery) shall observe the relevant provisions of this Law and subject itself to supervision by the traffic control department of the public security organ; and violations shall be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law.
The motor vehicle certificates issued by the agricultural (agricultural machinery) administrative department before the present Law entered into force shall continue to be valid after the present Law enters into force.
第一百二十二條 國家對入境的境外機動車的道路交通安全實施統一管理。
Article 122 The State exercises unified control of road traffic safety in respect of motor vehicles entering our territory from abroad.
第一百二十三條 省、自治區、直轄市人民代表大會常務委員會可以根據本地區的實際情況,在本法規定的罰款幅度內,規定具體的執行標準。
Article 123 The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in light of their actual local conditions and within the range of the fines provided for in this Law, fix specific rates for imposing fines.
第一百二十四條 本法自2004年5月1日起施行。
Article 124 This Law shall go into effect as of May 1, 2004.
轉載請注明出處: 法總荟 » 中華人民共和國道路交通安全法(2011修正)(中英文對照版)
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