《中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會議事規則》1989年4月4日第七屆全國人民代表大會第二次會議通過 1989年4月4日中華人民共和國主席令第17號公布施行



Rules of Procedure for the National People 's Congress


Presidential Decree No. 17

198944日第七屆全國人民代表大會第二次會議通過 198944日中華人民共和國主席令第17號公布施行)

(Adopted at the Second Session of the Seventh National People 's Congress and promulgated for implementation by Order No. 17 of the President of the People's Republic of China on April 4, 1989)



  第一章 會議的舉行

Chapter 1 Conduct of the meeting

  第二章 議案的提出和審議

Chapter II Presentation and Consideration of Bills

  第三章 審議工作報告、審查國家計劃和國家預算

Chapter III Deliberation of Work Reports and Examination of State Plans and Budgets

  第四章 國家機構組成人員的選舉、罷免、任免和辭職

Chapter 4 Election, Recall, Appointment, Removal from Office, and Resignation of Members of State Organs

  第五章 詢問和質詢

Chapter 5 Enquiry and Interrogatory

  第六章 調查委員會

Chapter 6 Investigation Committees

  第七章 發言和表決

Chapter 7 Speaking and Voting

第一條   根據憲法、全國人民代表大會組織法和全國人民代表大會的實踐經驗,制定本規則。

Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Constitution, the Organic Law of the National People 's Congress and the practical experience of the National People's Congress.

第一章 會議的舉行

Chapter 1 Conduct of the meeting

第二條   全國人民代表大會會議於每年第一季度舉行。全國人民代表大會常務委員會認為必要,或者有五分之一以上的全國人民代表大會代表提議,可以召開全國人民代表大會臨時會議。

Article 2 The National People's Congress shall meet in session in the first quarter of each year. When the Standing Committee of the National People 's Congress deems it necessary, or upon a proposal by at least one-fifth of the deputies to the National People's Congress, an interim session of the National People's Congress may be convened.

第三條   全國人民代表大會會議由全國人民代表大會常務委員會召集。每屆全國人民代表大會第一次會議,在本屆全國人民代表大會代表選舉完成後的兩個月內,由上屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會召集。

Article 3 Sessions of the National People's Congress shall be convened by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The first session of each National People 's Congress shall be convened by the Standing Committee of the previous National People's Congress within two months of the election of deputies to the current National People's Congress.

第四條   全國人民代表大會會議有三分之二以上的代表出席,始得舉行。

Article 4 Sessions of the National People's Congress shall be held only when two thirds or more of the number of deputies are present.

第五條   全國人民代表大會常務委員會在全國人民代表大會會議舉行前,進行下列準備工作:

Article 5 The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall, before a session of the National People's Congress is held, conduct the following preparatory work:


1. To raise the draft agenda;


(II) To draw up name list draft of the Presidium and the Secretary-General;


(III) To decide on the list of non-voting attendees;


(IV) Other preparations for the meeting.

第六條   全國人民代表大會常務委員會在全國人民代表大會會議舉行的一個月前,將開會日期和建議會議討論的主要事項通知代表,並將準備提請會議審議的法律草案發給代表。

Article 6 A month before the holding of a session of the National People's Congress, its Standing Committee shall notify the deputies of the date of the session and of the main items on the proposed agenda and shall distribute to the deputies the draft laws to be submitted to the session for deliberation.


The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to an interim session of the National People 's Congress.

第七條   全國人民代表大會會議舉行前,代表按照選舉單位組成代表團。代表團全體會議推選代表團團長、副團長。團長召集並主持代表團全體會議。副團長協助團長工作。

Article 7 Before a session of the National People's Congress is held, deputies shall be grouped into delegations based on the units that elect them. The head and deputy-heads of a delegation shall be elected at a general meeting of the delegation. The head of a delegation shall convene and preside over the plenary meetings of the delegation. Deputy head to assist the head of the work.


Delegations may be divided into groups of representatives. The convener of the group was elected at the meeting of the group.

第八條   全國人民代表大會會議舉行前,召開預備會議,選舉主席團和秘書長,通過會議議程和關於會議其他準備事項的決定。

Article 8 Before a session of the National People's Congress is held, a preparatory meeting shall be convened to elect the Presidium and the Secretary-General, adopt the agenda for the session and make decisions on other preparations for the session.


The preparatory meeting shall be presided over by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The preparatory meeting of the first session of each National People 's Congress shall be conducted by the Standing Committee of the previous National People's Congress.


All delegations shall deliberate and give their opinions on the draft name list of the Presidium and the Secretary-General, the draft agenda and other matters preparatory to the session submitted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.


The Council of Chairmen of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress may, based on the opinions expressed by the various delegations, put forward proposals on adjustments in the draft name list of the Presidium and the Secretary-General, the draft agenda for the session and other matters preparatory to the session and refer them to the preparatory meeting for deliberation.

第九條   主席團主持全國人民代表大會會議。

Article 9 The Presidium shall preside over the sessions of the National People's Congress.


A decision of the Presidium shall not be adopted until a simple majority of all members vote for.

第十條   主席團第一次會議推選主席團常務主席若幹人,推選主席團成員若幹人分別擔任每次大會全體會議的執行主席,並決定下列事項:

Article 10 The first meeting of the Presidium shall elect a number of standing chairmen of the Presidium, elect members of the Presidium to be the executive chairmen of each plenary meeting of the session and decide on the following matters:


1. candidates of the vice secretary-generals;


2. the schedule of the meeting;


(III) Measures for voting on the proposals;


(IV) The deadline for deputies to submit proposals;


(V) Other matters requiring decision by the first meeting of the Presidium.

第十一條   主席團常務主席召集並主持主席團會議。主席團第一次會議由全國人民代表大會常務委員會委員長召集。

Article 11 The standing chairmen of the Presidium shall convene and preside over meetings of the Presidium. The first meeting of the Presidium shall be convened by the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.


The standing chairmen of the Presidium may put forward suggestions to the Presidium regarding matters that fall within the scope of functions and powers of the Presidium, and may also make necessary adjustments in the schedule of the session.

第十二條   代表團審議議案和有關報告,由代表團全體會議、代表小組會議審議。

Article 12 Bills or proposals and the relevant reports which are to be deliberated by the delegations shall be deliberated at the general meetings and group meetings of the delegations.


Bills, proposals for addressing questions and proposals for removal from office that are to be submitted in the name of a delegation shall be adopted by a simple majority vote of all the deputies of the delegation.

第十三條   主席團常務主席可以召開代表團團長會議,就議案和有關報告的重大問題聽取各代表團的審議意見,進行討論,並將議討論的情況和意見向主席團報告。

Article 13 The standing chairmen of the Presidium may convene meetings of heads of delegations to hear and discuss the deliberation opinions of delegations on major issues of bills or proposals and the relevant reports. and report the discussions and opinions to the Presidium.


The standing chairmen of the Presidium may call together relevant deputies elected by various delegations to discuss important special issues; leaders of relevant departments under the State Council shall attend the meeting, report the related information and answer questions. The discussions and comments of the meeting shall be reported to the Presidium.

第十四條   主席團可以召開大會全體會議進行大會發言,就議案和有關報告發表意見。

Article 14 The Presidium may convene a plenary meeting of the session, at which speeches shall be made and opinions expressed on a bill or proposal or a relevant report.

第十五條   全國人民代表大會會議設立秘書處。秘書處由秘書長和副秘書長組成。

Article 15 For each session, the National People's Congress shall set up a secretariat. The Secretariat consists of the Secretary-General and the Under-Secretary-General.


The Secretariat shall, under the direction of the Secretary-General, handle matters assigned by the Presidium and the daily affairs of the meeting. The Under-Secretary-General assists the Secretary-General in his work.

第十六條   全國人民代表大會舉行會議的時候,全國人民代表大會代表應當出席;因病或者其他特殊原因不能出席的,必須請假。

Article 16 When the National People 's Congress is in session, its deputies shall attend the meetings; those who are not able to attend the meeting on account of illnesses or for other reasons must ask for leave.

第十七條   國務院的組成人員,中央軍事委員會的組成人員,最高人民法院院長和最高人民檢察院檢察長,列席全國人民代表大會會議;其他有關機關、團體的負責人,經全國人民代表大會常務委員會決定,可以列席全國人民代表大會會議。

Article 17 Members of the State Council, members of the Central Military Commission, the President of the Supreme People's Court and the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate may attend meetings of the National People's Congress but without voting rights. By decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, they may also attend meetings of the National People's Congress without voting rights.

第十八條   全國人民代表大會會議公開舉行。

Article 18 Sessions of the National People's Congress shall be held in public.


During a session of the National People's Congress, speeches by deputies at the various meetings shall be printed in bulletins for distribution at the session; and the minutes or summaries of the speeches may, upon the request of the deputies, be printed for distribution at the session.


Visitorsseats shall be provided for plenary meetings of a general meeting. Measures for visiting the meeting shall be separately formulated.


The National People's Congress holds press conferences and press conferences.

第十九條   全國人民代表大會在必要的時候,可以舉行秘密會議。舉行秘密會議,經主席團征求各代表團的意見後,由有各代表團團長參加的主席團會議決定。

Article 19 When necessary, the National People 's Congress may hold a closed session. The holding of a closed session shall, after the Presidium has solicited opinions from the various delegations, be decided by the meeting of the Presidium with the participation of the heads of all the delegations.

第二十條   全國人民代表大會舉行會議的時候,秘書處和有關的代表團應當為少數民族代表準備必要的翻譯。

Article 20 When the National People's Congress is in session, the Secretariat and delegations concerned shall provide deputies from the minority nationalities with the necessary interpretation.

第二章 議案的提出和審議

Chapter II Presentation and Consideration of Bills

第二十一條   主席團,全國人民代表大會常務委員會,全國人民代表大會各專門委員會,國務院,中央軍事委員會,最高人民法院,最高人民檢察院,可以向全國人民代表大會提出屬於全國人民代表大會職權範圍內的議案,由主席團決定列入會議議程。

Article 21 The Presidium, the Standing Committee and the special committees of the National People 's Congress, the State Council, the Central Military Commission, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate may submit to the National People's Congress bills or proposals that fall within the scope of its functions and powers, which shall be put on the agenda of a session by decision of the Presidium.


A delegation or a group of thirty or more deputies may submit to the National People 's Congress bills or proposals that fall within the scope of its functions and powers. The Presidium shall decide whether or not to put the bills or proposals on the agenda of the session, or to refer them to the relevant special committees for deliberation and, after receiving their opinions, decide whether or not to put them on the agenda of the session. The Presidium shall also print the report on the disposition of the bills or proposals approved by the Presidium for distribution at the session. When a special commission holds a meeting to deliberate a bill, the sponsor may be invited to attend the meeting and express opinions.


Bills or proposals that are to be submitted by a group of deputies or a delegation may be submitted before a session of the National People's Congress is held.

第二十二條   列入會議議程的議案,提案人和有關的全國人民代表大會專門委員會、有關的全國人民代表大會常務委員會工作部門應當提供有關的資料。

Article 22 With regard to bills or proposals that have been placed on the agenda of a session, the sponsors, the relevant special committees of the National People 's Congress and the relevant office of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall provide the pertinent information.

第二十三條   列入會議議程的議案,提案人應當向會議提出關於議案的說明。議案由各代表團進行審議,主席團可以並交有關的專門委員會進行審議、提出報告,由主席團審議決定提請大會全體會議表決。

Article 23 With regard to bills or proposals that have been placed on the agenda of a session, the sponsors shall submit explanations to the session. The bills or proposals shall be deliberated by the various delegations and the Presidium may, in the meantime, refer them to the relevant special committees for deliberation. The results of the deliberations shall then be reported to the plenary meeting of the session.

第二十四條   列入會議議程的法律案,大會全體會議聽取關於該法律案的說明後,由各代表團審議,並由法律委員會和有關的專門委員會審議。

Article 24 With regard to a legislative bill that has been placed on the agenda of a session, after explanations about it have been heard at a plenary meeting, they shall be deliberated by the various delegations and, in addition, by the Law Committee and the relevant special committees.


The Law Committee shall, in the light of opinions expressed during deliberations by the various delegations and the relevant special committees, conduct unified deliberation on the legislative bills and submit to the Presidium a report on the result of its deliberation and the revised draft laws. The Law Committee shall include major dissenting opinions in the report on the result of its deliberation. The Presidium shall, after deliberation and approval, print it for distribution at the session and also submit the revised legislative bills to a plenary meeting of the session for the vote.


Reports on the results of deliberation prepared by relevant special committees shall be promptly printed and distributed at the session. The procedure for deliberation and voting on the legislative bills prepared and submitted by a special law- drafting committee established by decision of the National People 's Congress shall be formulated separately.

第二十五條   全國人民代表大會會議舉行前,全國人民代表大會常務委員會對準備提請會議審議的重要的基本法律案,可以將草案公布,廣泛征求意見,並將意見整理印發會議。

Article 25 Before a session of the National People's Congress is held, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress may publish for extensive comment the major legislative bills for basic laws that are to be submitted to the session for deliberation, and may print the summarized comments for distribution at the session.

第二十六條   專門委員會審議議案和有關報告,涉及專門性問題的時候,可以邀請有關方面的代表和專家列席會議,發表意見。

Article 26 During deliberations on bills or proposals or the relevant reports involving specialized problems, the special committees may invite the relevant deputies and experts to attend as nonvoting members and express their opinions.


The special committees may decide upon the holding of a closed meeting.

第二十七條   列入會議議程的議案,在交付表決前,提案人要求撤回的,經主席團同意,會議對該議案的審議即行終止。

Article 27 Deliberations on a bill or proposal already placed on the agenda of a session shall be terminated upon approval by the Presidium of a request made by the sponsor for its withdrawal before it is put to vote.

第二十八條   列入會議議程的議案,在審議中有重大問題需要進一步研究的,經主席團提出,由大會全體會議決定,可以授權全國人民代表大會常務委員會審議決定,並報全國人民代表大會下次會議備案或者提請全國人民代表大會下次會議審議。

Article 28 If important issues are raised during deliberations on a bill or proposal placed on the agenda of a session and call for further study, upon decision by a plenary meeting of a session on a proposal made by the Presidium, the Standing Committee of the National People 's Congress may be authorized to deliberate on it, after which it shall either make a decision and report it to the next session of the National People's Congress for the record or refer the bill or proposal to the next session of the National People's Congress for deliberation.

第二十九條   全國人民代表大會代表向全國人民代表大會提出的對各方面工作的建議、批評和意見,由全國人民代表大會常務委員會辦事機構交由有關機關、組織研究處理,並負責在大會閉會之日起三個月內,至遲不超過六個月,予以答複。代表對答複不滿意的,可以提出意見,由全國人民代表大會常務委員會辦事機構交由有關機關、組織或者其上級機關、組織再作研究處理,並負責答複。

Article 29 The proposals, criticisms and opinions put forward by deputies to the National People 's Congress concerning any sphere of work shall be referred by the office of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to the relevant organs or organizations, which shall study them, handle them and be responsible to give an answer within three months of the conclusion of the session or within six months at the latest. If the deputies are not satisfied with the replies, they may raise their opinions, which shall be referred by the office of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to the relevant organs or organizations or those at a higher level to be studied and handled anew for a responsible answer.

第三章 審議工作報告、審查國家計劃和國家預算

Chapter III Deliberation of Work Reports and Examination of State Plans and Budgets

第三十條   全國人民代表大會每年舉行會議的時候,全國人民代表大會常務委員會、國務院、最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院向會議提出的工作報告,經各代表團審議後,會議可以作出相應的決議。

Article 30 When the National People 's Congress is in session each year, resolutions may be adopted at the session corresponding to the work reports submitted to it by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, after deliberation by the various delegations.

第三十一條   全國人民代表大會會議舉行的一個月前,國務院有關主管部門應當就國民經濟和社會發展計劃及計劃執行情況、國家預算及預算執行情況的主要內容,向全國人民代表大會財政經濟委員會和有關的專門委員會匯報,由財政經濟委員會進行初步審查。

Article 31 A month before the holding of a session of the National People 's Congress, the competent departments under the State Council shall report to the Financial and Economic Committee and the relevant special committees of the National People's Congress on the plan for national economic and social development and the main contents of the implementation of the previous year's plan and the State budget and the main contents of the current year's implementation of the previous year's state budget for preliminary examination by the Financial and Economic Committee.

第三十二條   全國人民代表大會每年舉行會議的時候,國務院應當向會議提出關於國民經濟和社會發展計劃及計劃執行情況的報告、關於國家預算及預算執行情況的報告,並將國民經濟和社會發展計劃主要指標(草案)、國家預算收支表(草案)和國家預算執行情況表(草案)一並印發會議,由各代表團進行審查,並由財政經濟委員會和有關的專門委員會審查。

Article 32 When the National People 's Congress is in session each year, the State Council shall submit to the session a report on the plan for national economic and social development and the implementation of the previous year's plan and a report on the state budget and the implementation of the previous year's state budget, and print for distribution at the session, together with the above reports, the main targets in the plan for national economic and social development (draft), the tables of revenues and expenditures in the state budget (draft) and the tables showing the implementation of the previous year's state budget (draft), which shall be examined by the various delegations and also by the Financial and Economic Committee and the relevant special committees.


The Financial and Economic Committee shall, in the light of the examination reports prepared by the various delegations and the relevant special committees, examine the plan for national economic and social development and the report on the implementation of the previous year's plan, the State budget and the implementation of the previous year's State budget, and submit to the Presidium a report on the results of its examination. The Presidium shall, after deliberation and approval, print the report for distribution at the session. The Presidium shall also submit a draft resolution on the plan for national economic and social development and a draft resolution on the State budget and the implementation of the previous year's State budget to a plenary meeting of the session for the vote.


The examination opinions of the relevant special committees shall be promptly printed and distributed at the meeting.

第三十三條   國民經濟和社會發展計劃、國家預算經全國人民代表大會批準後,在執行過程中必須作部分調整的,國務院應當將調查方案提請全國人民代表大會常務委員會審查和批準。

Article 33 If, in the course of implementation, adjustments must be made to part of the plan for national economic and social development and the state budget approved by the National People 's Congress, the State Council shall submit the adjusted plan to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for examination and approval.

第四章 國家機構組成人員的選舉、罷免、任免和辭職

Chapter 4 Election, Recall, Appointment, Removal from Office, and Resignation of Members of State Organs

第三十四條   全國人民代表大會常務委員會委員長、副委員長、秘書長、委員的人選,中華人民共和國主席、副主席的人選,中央軍事委員會主席的人選,最高人民法院院長和最高人民檢察院檢察長的人選,由主席團提名,經各代表團醞釀協商後,再由主席團根據多數代表的意見,確定正式候選人名單。

Article 34 Candidates for Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Secretary-General and other members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, President and Vice-President of the People's Republic of China, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, President of the Supreme People's Court and Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate shall be nominated by the Presidium which, after consultation among the various delegations, shall decide upon a formal list of candidates, based on the opinion of the majority of deputies.


The Premier and other members of the State Council and members of the Central Military Commission other than its Chairman shall be nominated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution.


Nominations for the chairman, vice-chairmen and members of a special committee shall be made by the presidium from among the deputies.

第三十五條   候選人的提名人應當向會議介紹候選人的基本情況,並對代表提出的問題作必要的說明。

Article 35 Nominators of candidates shall provide the meeting with basic information on the candidates and make necessary explanations to questions raised by deputies.

第三十六條   全國人民代表大會會議選舉或者決定任命,采用無記名投票方式。得票數超過全體代表的半數的,始得當選或者通過。

Article 36 At a session of the National People's Congress, elections shall be conducted and appointments decided by secret ballot. Candidates shall be elected and decisions adopted by a simple majority vote of all the deputies.


When elections are conducted or proposals for appointments are put to the vote at a plenary meeting of a session, ballot-writing booths shall be installed.


The outcome of an election or vote shall be announced on the spot by the person presiding over the meeting. The number of votes received by a candidate shall be announced.

第三十七條   全國人民代表大會會議選舉和決定任命的具體辦法,由大會全體會議通過。

Article 37 Specific measures for elections and decisions on appointments at a session of the National People's Congress shall be adopted at a plenary meeting of the session.

第三十八條   全國人民代表大會會議期間,全國人民代表大會常務委員會的組成人員,中華人民共和國主席、副主席,國務院的組成人員,中央軍事委員會的組成人員,最高人民法院院長和最高人民檢察院檢察長提出辭職的,由主席團將其辭職請求交各代表團審議後,提請大會全體會議決定;大會閉會期間提出辭職的,由委員長會議將其辭職請求提請全國人民代表大會常務委員會會議審議決定。全國人民代表大會常務委員會接受全國人民代表大會常務委員會組成人員,中華人民共和國主席、副主席,國務院總理、副總理、國務委員,中央軍事委員會主席,最高人民法院院長和最高人民檢察院檢察長辭職的,應當報請全國人民代表大會下次會議確認。

Article 38 During a session of the National People's Congress, if a member of its Standing Committee, the President or Vice-President of the People's Republic of China, a member of the State Council, a member of the Central Military Commission, the President of the Supreme People's Court or the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate tenders his resignation, the Presidium shall first forward the resignation to the delegations for deliberation and then submit it to a plenary meeting of the session for decision; if a resignation is tendered when the National People's Congress is not in session, the Council of Chairmen shall submit the resignation to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation and decision. If the Standing Committee of the National People 's Congress accepts the resignation of a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the President or Vice-President of the People's Republic of China, the Premier or a Vice-Premier or a State Councilor of the State Council, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the President of the Supreme People's Court or the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, it shall refer the resignation to the next session of the National People's Congress for confirmation.


When the National People's Congress is not in session, if the office of the Premier of the State Council, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the President of the Supreme People's Court or the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate falls vacant, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress may, respectively, choose a person from among the Vice-Premiers of the State Council, the Vice-Chairmen of the Central Military Commission, the Vice-Presidents of the Supreme People's Court or the Deputy Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate to act in his capacity.

第三十九條   主席團、三個以上的代表團或者十分之一以上的代表,可以提出對於全國人民代表大會常務委員會的組成人員,中華人民共和國主席、副主席,國務院的組成人員,中央軍事委員會的組成人員,最高人民法院院長和最高人民檢察院檢察長的罷免案,由主席團交各代表團審議後,提請大會全體會議表決;或者依照本規則第六章的規定,由主席團提議,經大會全體會議決定,組織調查委員會,由全國人民代表大會下次會議根據調查委員會的報告審議決定。

Article 39 The Presidium, three or more delegations or a group of at least one-tenth of the number of deputies to the National People 's Congress may submit a proposal for removal from office of a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the President or Vice-President of the People's Republic of China, a member of the State Council, a member of the Central Military Commission, the President of the Supreme People's Court or the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. The Presidium shall refer the proposal to the delegations for deliberation and then put it to the vote at a plenary meeting of the session; or in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI of these Rules, an investigation committee shall be organized by decision of a plenary meeting of the session on a proposal by the Presidium, and the proposal shall be deliberated and decided at the next session of the National People's Congress on the basis of the report of the investigation committee.


In a proposal for removal from office, the reasons for the removal shall clearly be stated and the relevant information provided.


Before a proposal for removal from office is put to the vote at a plenary meeting of a session, the person proposed to be removed from office shall have the right to defend himself at a meeting of the Presidium or a plenary meeting of the session, or to submit his written defence, which shall be printed and distributed by the Presidium to the meetings.

第四十條   全國人民代表大會常務委員會組成人員、專門委員會成員的全國人民代表大會代表職務被原選舉單位罷免的,其全國人民代表大會常務委員會組成人員、專門委員會成員的職務相應撤銷,由主席團或者全國人民代表大會常務委員會予以公告。

Article 40 When a deputy to the National People 's Congress who is a member of the Standing Committee or a special committee of the National People's Congress is recalled by the unit that elected him, he is dismissed accordingly from membership on the Standing Committee or special committee, which shall be announced by the Presidium or the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

第五章 詢問和質詢

Chapter 5 Enquiry and Interrogatory

第四十一條   各代表團審議議案和有關報告的時候,有關部門應當派負責人員到會,聽取意見,回答代表提出的詢問。

Article 41 During deliberations by delegations on a bill or proposal and a relevant report, the department concerned shall send leading personnel to attend the meeting to listen to comments and answer questions raised by deputies.


During deliberations on the work report of the government and reports on the plan for national economic and social development and on the implementation of the previous year's plan, and on the state budget and the implementation of the previous year's state budget, at the general meetings of the various delegations, leaders of the State Council and of departments under the State Council shall respectively attend the meeting, listen to comments and answer inquiries.


During deliberations by the Presidium and by the special committees on a bill or proposal and a relevant report, leading members of the State Council or the organs concerned shall attend the meeting to hear comments and answer inquiries and may also make supplementary explanations about the bill or proposal and the relevant report.

第四十二條   全國人民代表大會會議期間,一個代表團或者三十名以上的代表聯名,可以書面提出對國務院和國務院各部門的質詢案。

Article 42 During a session of the National People's Congress, a delegation or a group of thirty or more deputies may submit a written proposal for addressing questions to the State Council and departments under the State Council.

第四十三條   質詢案必須寫明質詢對象、質詢的問題和內容。

Article 43 In the proposals for the addressing of questions, the objects to be questioned and the topics and contents to be questioned about must be clearly stated.

第四十四條   質詢案按照主席團的決定由受質詢機關的負責人在主席團會議、有關的專門委員會會議或者有關的代表團會議上口頭答複,或者由受質詢機關書面答複。在主席團會議或者專門委員會會議上答複的,提質詢案的代表團團長或者代表有權列席會議,發表意見。

Article 44 A proposal for addressing questions shall, according to a decision of the Presidium, be orally replied by the head of the organ questioned at a meeting of the Presidium, a meeting of the relevant special committee or a meeting of the relevant delegation, or be replied in writing by the organ questioned. If the replies are to be given at meetings of the Presidium or special committees, the head of the delegation or the deputies who addressed the questions shall have the right to attend the meetings to express their opinions.


If the deputies who submitted the proposal for addressing questions or the delegation are not satisfied with the reply, they may raise their request. The organ questioned shall, by decision of the Presidium, give another reply. If the replies are to be given at meetings of the special committees or delegations, the relevant special committees or delegations shall report the reply to the Presidium.


The Bureau may, when it deems it necessary, issue a report on the status of the replies to the proposal for addressing queries to the Conference.


If the reply is to be made in writing, it shall be signed by the head of the organ questioned and shall, by decision of the Presidium, be printed for distribution at the session.

第六章 調查委員會

Chapter 6 Investigation Committees

第四十五條   全國人民代表大會認為必要的時候,可以組織關於特定問題的調查委員會。

Article 45 The National People 's Congress may, when it deems it necessary, appoint committees for the investigation of specific questions.

第四十六條   主席團、三個以上的代表團或者十分之一以上的代表聯名,可以提議組織關於特定問題的調查委員會,由主席團提請大會全體會議決定。

Article 46 The Presidium, three or more delegations or a group of one tenth or more of the deputies may put forward a proposal for organizing committees for the investigation of specific questions. The proposal shall be submitted by the Presidium to a plenary meeting of the session for decision.


An investigation committee shall be composed of a chairman, vice-chairmen and members, who shall be nominated by the Presidium from the deputies and approved by the plenary meeting of the Municipal People's Congress. An investigation committee may invite specialists to participate in its investigations.

第四十七條   調查委員會進行調查的時候,一切有關的國家機關、社會團體和公民都有義務如實向它提供必要的材料。提供材料的公民要求調查委員會對材料來源保密的,調查委員會應當予以保密。

Article 47 When an investigation committee conducts investigations, all state organs, public organizations and citizens concerned shall be obliged to truthfully furnish the necessary information. If the citizens who furnish the information request the investigation committee to keep the sources of information confidential, the investigation committee shall keep them confidential.


In the course of investigation, the investigation commission may choose not to publish the results and materials of the investigation.

第四十八條   調查委員會應當向全國人民代表大會提出調查報告。全國人民代表大會根據調查委員會的報告,可以作出相應的決議。

Article 48 An investigation committee shall present an investigation report to the National People 's Congress. The National People 's Congress may adopt appropriate resolutions based on the report of the investigation committee.


The Standing Committee of the National People 's Congress may be authorized by the National People's Congress to hear the investigation report of an investigation committee and adopt appropriate resolutions, when the National People's Congress is not in session, and shall report to the next session of the National People's Congress for the record.

第七章 發言和表決

Chapter 7 Speaking and Voting

第四十九條   全國人民代表大會代表在全國人民代表大會各種會議上的發言和表決,不受法律追究。

Article 49 Deputies to the National People 's Congress may not be held legally liable for their speeches or votes at its meetings.

第五十條   代表在大會全體會議上發言的,每人可以發言兩次,第一次不超過十分鐘,第二次不超過五分鐘。

Article 50 A deputy who is to speak at a plenary meeting of a session may speak twice, with the first speech not exceeding ten minutes and the second speech not exceeding five minutes.


A deputy who requests to speak at a plenary meeting of a session shall sign up at the Secretariat before the meeting is convened, and the order of speeches shall be arranged by the executive chairmen of the meeting. An impromptu speech at a plenary meeting of a session shall be subject to approval by the executive chairmen.

第五十一條   主席團成員和代表團團長或者代表團推選的代表在主席團每次會議上發言的,每人可以就同一議題發言兩次,第一次不超過十五分鐘,第二次不超過十分鐘。經會議主持人許可,發言時間可以適當延長。

Article 51 A member of the Presidium, the head of a delegation or a representative elected by a delegation may, at each meeting of the Presidium, speak twice on the same topic, with the first speech not exceeding fifteen minutes and the second speech not exceeding ten minutes. The time limit may be appropriately extended, if permitted by the person presiding the meeting.

第五十二條   大會全體會議表決議案,由全體代表的過半數通過。

Article 52 Bills or proposals put to the vote at a plenary meeting of a session shall be adopted by a simple majority vote of all the deputies.


An amendment to the Constitution shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of all the deputies.


The voting result shall be announced on the spot by the presider of the meeting.

第五十三條   會議表決議案采用投票方式、舉手方式或者其他方式,由主席團決定。

Article 53 At meetings, bills or proposals shall be passed by ballot, by a show of hands or by any other means as may be decided by the Presidium.


Amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted to the voting system.

第五十四條   本規則自公布之日起施行。

Article 54 These Rules shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.


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