1995年2月28日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十二次會議通過 1995年2月28日中華人民共和國主席令第40號公布 根據2012年10月26日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議通過 2012年10月26日中華人民共和國主席令第69號公布 自2013年1月1日起施行的《全國人民代表大會常務委員會關於修改〈中華人民共和國人民警察法〉的決定》修正
People’s Police Law of the People’s Republic of China (Revised in 2012)
(1995年2月28日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十二次會議通過 1995年2月28日中華人民共和國主席令第40號公布 根據2012年10月26日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議通過 2012年10月26日中華人民共和國主席令第69號公布 自2013年1月1日起施行的《全國人民代表大會常務委員會關於修改〈中華人民共和國人民警察法〉的決定》修正)
(Adopted at the 12th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on February 28, 1995 and promulgated by the Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No.40 on February 28, 1995; and revised according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Revising the People's Police Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on October 26, 2012 and promulgated under the Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No.69 on October 26, 2012 with effect as of January 1, 2013)
第一章 總則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第二章 職權
Chapter 2 Power
第三章 義務和紀律
Chapter 3 Obligations and Discipline
第四章 組織管理
Chapter 4 Organization and Administration
第五章 警務保障
Chapter 5 Guarantee of Police Duties
第六章 執法監督
Chapter 6 Supervision over Law Enforcement
第七章 法律責任
Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities
第八章 附則
Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions
第一章 總則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一條 為了維護國家安全和社會治安秩序,保護公民的合法權益,加強人民警察的隊伍建設,從嚴治警,提高人民警察的素質,保障人民警察依法行使職權,保障改革開放和社會主義現代化建設的順利進行,根據憲法,制定本法。
Article 1 The present Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution for the purpose of safeguarding State security, maintaining public order, protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, strengthening the building of the contingent of the people's police, strictly administering the police, enhancing the quality of the people's police, ensuring the people's police's exercise of their functions and powers according to law, and ensuring the smooth progress of reform, opening up and the socialist modernization drive.
第二條 人民警察的任務是維護國家安全,維護社會治安秩序,保護公民的人身安全、人身自由和合法財產,保護公共財產,預防、制止和懲治違法犯罪活動。
Article 2 Tasks of the people's police are to safeguard State security, maintain public order, protect citizens' personal safety and freedom and their legal property, protect public property, and prevent, stop and punish illegal and criminal activities.
The people's police consist of policemen working in public security organs, State security organs, prisons and organs in charge of reeducation through labor, as well as judicial policemen working in the People's Courts and the People's Procuratorates.
第三條 人民警察必須依靠人民的支持,保持同人民的密切聯系,傾聽人民的意見和建議,接受人民的監督,維護人民的利益,全心全意為人民服務。
Article 3 People's policemen must rely on the support of the masses, keep close ties with them, listen attentively to their comments and suggestions, accept their supervision, safeguard their interests, and serve them whole-heartedly.
第四條 人民警察必須以憲法和法律為活動準則,忠於職守,清正廉潔,紀律嚴明,服從命令,嚴格執法。
Article 4 People's policemen must take the Constitution and laws as the guiding principles for their activities, be devoted to their duties, be honest and upright and highly disciplined, obey orders, and enforce laws strictly.
第五條 人民警察依法執行職務,受法律保護。
Article 5 People's policemen, when carrying out their duties according to law, shall be protected by law.
第二章 職權
Chapter 2 Power
第六條 公安機關的人民警察按照職責分工,依法履行下列職責:
Article 6 The people's policemen of public security organs shall, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, perform the following duties according to law:
1. to prevent, stop and investigate illegal and criminal activities;
2. to maintain public order and stop acts that endanger public order;
(III) to ensure traffic safety, maintain traffic order and deal with traffic accidents;
(IV) to organize and carry out fire protection work and exercise fire protection supervision;
(V) to control firearms and ammunition, knives, inflammables, explosives, deadly poisons, radioactive materials and other dangerous articles;
(VI) to administer special trades and professions as provided by laws and regulations;
(VII) to serve as bodyguards for persons specially designated by the State and protect important places and installations;
(VIII) to keep under control assembly, procession and demonstration;
(IX) to administer affairs of household registration, nationality, and entry into and exit from the territory, and handle matters concerning aliens' residence and travel within the territory of China;
(X) to maintain public order along the border (frontier) areas;
(XI) to execute criminal punishment with respect to criminals sentenced to criminal detention, and deprived of political rights;
(XII) to supervise and administer the safety protection work for computer information systems;
(XIII) to direct and supervise the security work of State organs, public organizations, enterprises, institutions and key construction projects, and direct mass organizations such as security committees in their security work; and
(XIV) other duties stipulated by laws and regulations.
第七條 公安機關的人民警察對違反治安管理或者其他公安行政管理法律、法規的個人或者組織,依法可以實施行政強制措施、行政處罰。
Article 7 The people's policemen of public security organs may, according to law, impose compulsory administrative measures or administrative punishments against an individual or organization that violates the laws or regulations on the maintenance of public order or on the administration of public security.
第八條 公安機關的人民警察對嚴重危害社會治安秩序或者威脅公共安全的人員,可以強行帶離現場、依法予以拘留或者采取法律規定的其他措施。
Article 8 If a person seriously endangers public order or constitutes a threat to public security, the people's policemen of public security organs may forcibly take him away from the scene, detain him in accordance with law, or take other measures as provided by law.
第九條 為維護社會治安秩序,公安機關的人民警察對有違法犯罪嫌疑的人員,經出示相應證件,可以當場盤問、檢查;經盤問、檢查,有下列情形之一的,可以將其帶至公安機關,經該公安機關批準,對其繼續盤問:
Article 9 In order to maintain public order, the people's policemen of public security organs may, upon producing an appropriate certificate, interrogate and inspect the person suspected of having violated law or committed a crime. After interrogation and inspection, the person may be taken to a public security organ for further interrogation upon approval of this public security organ, if he or she is under any of the following circumstances:
1. being accused of a criminal offense;
(II) being suspected of committing an offense on the scene;
(III) being suspected of committing an offense and his identity is unknown;
(IV) the goods it carries may be stolen goods.
The period of time for holding up the interrogated person shall be not more than 24 hours, counting from the moment he or she is taken into the public security organ. In special cases, it may be extended to 48 hours upon approval by the public security organ at or above the county level, and the interrogation record shall be kept on file. If further interrogation of the person is approved, his or her family or the organization in which he or she works shall be notified without delay. If further interrogation of the person is not approved, he or she shall be released immediately.
If, after further interrogation, a public security organ considers it necessary to detain the interrogated person or adopt other compulsory measures against him or her according to law, a decision shall be made within the period of time as provided in the preceding paragraph. If the decision cannot be made within the period of time as provided in the preceding paragraph, the interrogated person shall be released immediately.
第十條 遇有拒捕、暴亂、越獄、搶奪槍支或者其他暴力行為的緊急情況,公安機關的人民警察依照國家有關規定可以使用武器。
Article 10 The people's policemen of public security organs may, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, use weapons in case of emergencies such as resisting arrest, rebellion, escaping from prison, grabbing firearms or other acts of violence.
第十一條 為制止嚴重違法犯罪活動的需要,公安機關的人民警察依照國家有關規定可以使用警械。
Article 11 In order to stop serious illegal and criminal activities, the people's policemen of public security organs may use police implements in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.
第十二條 為偵查犯罪活動的需要,公安機關的人民警察可以依法執行拘留、搜查、逮捕或者其他強制措施。
Article 12 In order to investigate criminal activities, the people's policemen of public security organs may, according to law, execute detention, search, arrest or other compulsory measures.
第十三條 公安機關的人民警察因履行職責的緊急需要、經出示相應證件,可以優先乘坐公共交通工具,遇交通阻礙時,優先通行。
Article 13 The people's policemen of public security organs may, as required by the urgent need of performing duties, have priority in taking the means of public transport upon producing an appropriate certificate, and have the right of way in case of a traffic block.
As necessitated by investigation of a crime, a public security organ may, when necessary and in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, have priority in using the means of transport or communications, places or buildings belonging to a State organ, organization, enterprise, institution, or individual, and shall return them to the owner immediately after use and pay an appropriate fee, and shall compensate for the loss, if there is any.
第十四條 公安機關的人民警察對嚴重危害公共安全或者他人人身安全的精神病人,可以采取保護性約束措施。需要送往指定的單位、場所加以監護的,應當報請縣級以上人民政府公安機關批準,並及時通知其監護人。
Article 14 The people's policemen of public security organs may take protective measures to restrain a mental patient who seriously endangers public security or other people's personal safety. If it is necessary to send the patient to a designated institution or place for guardianship, the matter shall be reported for approval to the public security organ of a people's government at or above the county level, and his or her guardian shall be notified without delay.
第十五條 縣級以上人民政府公安機關,為預防和制止嚴重危害社會治安秩序的行為,可以在一定的區域和時間,限制人員、車輛的通行或者停留,必要時可以實行交通管制。
Article 15 The public security organs of the people's governments at or above the county level may, for the purpose of preventing and checking acts that seriously endanger public order, restrict the passage or parking of people or vehicles in certain areas and within certain period of time, and may even exercise traffic control when necessary.
The people's policemen of public security organs may, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, take appropriate measures for traffic control.
第十六條 公安機關因偵查犯罪的需要,根據國家有關規定,經過嚴格的批準手續,可以采取技術偵察措施。
Article 16 As necessitated by investigation of a crime, public security organs may, in accordance with relevant regulations of the State, take technical reconnaissance measures after strictly following approval formalities.
第十七條 縣級以上人民政府公安機關,經上級公安機關和同級人民政府批準,對嚴重危害社會治安秩序的突發事件,可以根據情況實行現場管制。
Article 17 The public security organs of the people's governments at or above the county level may, with the approval of the public security organs at higher levels and the people's governments at the corresponding levels and in light of the specific circumstances, exercise on-the-spot control over emergent events that seriously endanger public order.
The people's policemen of public security organs may, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, take necessary measures to disperse the crowds and forcibly take away from the scene or immediately detain the persons who refuse to obey.
第十八條 國家安全機關、監獄、勞動教養管理機關的人民警察和人民法院、人民檢察院的司法警察,分別依照有關法律、行政法規的規定履行職權。
Article 18 The people's policemen of State security organs, prisons and organs in charge of reeducation through labor and the judicial policemen of the People's Courts and the People's Procuratorates shall exercise their functions and powers respectively in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations.
第十九條 人民警察在非工作時間,遇有其職責範圍內的緊急情況,應當履行職責。
Article 19 People's policemen shall, when in spare time running into emergencies that fall into the scope of their official duties, perform their duties.
第三章 義務和紀律
Chapter 3 Obligations and Discipline
第二十條 人民警察必須做到:
Article 20 People's policemen must fulfill the following obligations:
1. to enforce the law justly and handle matters justly;
(II) playing an exemplary role in observing social ethics;
3. being courteous and polite in performing duties; and
(IV) Respecting the Customs and Habits of the People
第二十一條 人民警察遇到公民人身、財產安全受到侵犯或者處於其他危難情形,應當立即救助;對公民提出解決糾紛的要求,應當給予幫助;對公民的報警案件,應當及時查處。
Article 21 People's policemen shall immediately come to the rescue when a citizen's safety of the person or property is encroached upon or is in other dangerous situations; they shall, upon request, help citizens in settling their disputes; they shall handle without delay cases reported by citizens.
People's policemen shall take an active part in rescue and relief work as well as in social welfare services.
第二十二條 人民警察不得有下列行為:
Article 22 People's policemen may not commit any of the following acts:
1. to spread statements damaging the prestige of the State; to join illegal organizations; to take part in such activities as assembly, procession and demonstration against the State; and to participate in strikes;
(II) to divulge State secrets or secrets of police work;
(III) practicing frauds, concealing details of a case, or covering up or conniving at illegal or criminal activities;
(IV) to extort confessions by torture or subject offenders to corporal punishment or maltreat them;
(V) Illegally deprive or restrict others' personal freedom, illegally conduct body searches of others, or illegally search others' articles, domiciles or places;
(VI) to extort and racketeer, or to demand or accept bribes;
(VII) to beat up another or instigate him to do so;
(VIII) Illegally imposing penalties or collecting fees;
(IX) to attend dinners or accept presents given by the party concerned or his or her agent;
(X) Engaging in profitable business activities or being employed by any individual or organization;
(XI) neglecting duties and failing to perform statutory obligations;
(XII) other acts in violation of law or discipline.
第二十三條 人民警察必須按照規定著裝,佩帶人民警察標志或者持有人民警察證件,保持警容嚴整,舉止端莊。
Article 23 People's policemen must be dressed according to relevant regulations, must wear the insignia of the people's police, or hold the certificate of the people's police, maintain serious and neat appearance and bearing and carry themselves with dignity.
第四章 組織管理
Chapter 4 Organization and Administration
第二十四條 國家根據人民警察的工作性質、任務和特點,規定組織機構設置和職務序列。
Article 24 The State, according to the nature, tasks and characteristics of the work of the people's police, prescribes its organizational structure and post order.
第二十五條 人民警察依法實行警銜制度。
Article 25 The people's police shall practise the system of police ranks according to law.
第二十六條 擔任人民警察應當具備下列條件:
Article 26 To be a people's policeman, one must meet the following requirements:
1. citizens who have reached the age of 18;
(II) to endorse the Constitution of the People's Republic of China;
3. to have fine political and professional quality and to be good in conduct;
(IV) being in good health;
(V) having an educational level above senior high school; and
(VI) to become a people's policeman out of his or her own volition.
A person who is found in either of the following circumstances may not serve as a people's policeman:
1. having been subjected to criminal punishment for commission of a crime;
(II) having been discharged from public employment.
第二十七條 錄用人民警察,必須按照國家規定,公開考試,嚴格考核,擇優選用。
Article 27 People's policemen must, as prescribed by the State, be recruited according to qualifications from among those who have passed public examination and strict verification.
第二十八條 擔任人民警察領導職務的人員,應當具備下列條件:
Article 28 Persons who hold leading posts of the people's police shall meet the following requirements:
1. Having professional legal knowledge;
2. being experienced in political and judicial work and having the necessary capability of organization, administration and command; and
(III) Having a college degree or above; and
(IV) having been trained in police schools or academies and having passed the examinations.
第二十九條 國家發展人民警察教育事業,對人民警察有計劃地進行政治思想、法制、警察業務等教育培訓。
Article 29 The State promotes education for the people's police, and carries out in a planned way among the people's policemen education and training in political ideology, the legal system, and police work.
第三十條 國家根據人民警察的工作性質、任務和特點,分別規定不同崗位的服務年限和不同職務的最高任職年齡。
Article 30 The State, according to the nature, tasks and characteristics of the work of the people's police, prescribes the term of service for different jobs and the age limits for holding different posts.
第三十一條 人民警察個人或者集體在工作中表現突出,有顯著成績和特殊貢獻的,給予獎勵。獎勵分為:嘉獎、三等功、二等功、一等功、授予榮譽稱號。
Article 31 Individuals or groups of the people's policemen who have achieved outstanding successes or made significant contributions in work shall be awarded. The awards include: Citation for Meritorious Deeds, Merit Citation Class III, Merit Citation Class II, Merit Citation Class I, and a title of honour.
The people's policemen who have received awards may, according to relevant regulations of the State, be promoted ahead of time in police ranks and may also be given material rewards.
第五章 警務保障
Chapter 5 Guarantee of Police Duties
第三十二條 人民警察必須執行上級的決定和命令。
Article 32 People's policemen must execute the decisions and orders of their superior authorities.
If a people's policeman believes that a decision or an order is wrong, he may make comments or suggestions in accordance with relevant regulations, but he may not suspend or alter the implementation of the decision or order; if his suggestions are not adopted, he must obey the decision or order; the superior authorities that made the decision or order shall be responsible for the consequences of execution of such a decision or order.
第三十三條 人民警察對超越法律、法規規定的人民警察職責範圍的指令,有權拒絕執行,並同時向上級機關報告。
Article 33 A people's policeman shall have the right to refuse to carry out the orders which go beyond the scope of duty of the people's police as provided by laws and regulations and shall, at the same time, report the matter to the organ at higher levels.
第三十四條 人民警察依法執行職務,公民和組織應當給予支持和協助。公民和組織協助人民警察依法執行職務的行為受法律保護。對協助人民警察執行職務有顯著成績的,給予表彰和獎勵。
Article 34 When people's policemen perform their duties according to law, citizens and organizations shall give them support and assistance. Acts of citizens and organizations to assist people's policemen in performing their duties according to law shall be protected by law. Whoever makes outstanding achievements in assisting people's policemen to perform their duties shall be commended and awarded.
If a citizen or an organization suffers injuries, death or property losses in assisting people's policemen to perform their duties, compensations shall be made or pensions provided in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.
第三十五條 拒絕或者阻礙人民警察依法執行職務,有下列行為之一的,給予治安管理處罰:
Article 35 Whoever refuses or obstructs people's policemen's performance of duties according to law by committing any of the following acts shall be punished for violation of administration of public security:
1. to openly insult the people's policemen who are performing duties;
(II) to obstruct people's policemen from investigating a case and obtaining evidence;
3. to refuse the people's policemen who are carrying out pursuit and capture, search, rescue or other tasks to enter the relevant residences or places or obstruct them from doing so;
(IV) to put up obstacles deliberately for the police cars that are carrying out urgent tasks such as providing rescue to people, dealing with emergencies, pursuit and capture or guard duty; or
(V) to commit other acts to refuse or obstruct people's policemen's performance of duties.
Whoever commits any of the above-mentioned acts by resorting to violence or intimidation, if such act constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.
第三十六條 人民警察的警用標志、制式服裝和警械,由國務院公安部門統一監制,會同其他有關國家機關管理,其他個人和組織不得非法制造、販賣。
Article 36 The police insignia, uniforms and implements of the people's police shall be manufactured under the unified supervision of the department of public security under the State Council, and controlled by the said department jointly with other relevant State organs. No other individual or organization may illegally manufacture or deal in them.
The police insignia, uniforms, implements and certificates are for the exclusive use of the people's police, no other individual or organization may possess or use them.
If a person violates the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the police insignia, uniforms, implements and certificates illegally manufactured, dealt in, possessed or used shall be confiscated and the person shall be detained for a maximum of fifteen days or given a disciplinary warning by a public security organ or may concurrently be given a penalty of not more than five times the illegal gains; if a crime is constituted, the person shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.
第三十七條 國家保障人民警察的經費。人民警察的經費,按照事權劃分的原則,分別列入中央和地方的財政預算。
Article 37 The State ensures the supply of funds needed by the people's police. The funds shall be incorporated respectively into the central and local financial budgets according to the principle of division of powers.
第三十八條 人民警察工作所必需的通訊、訓練設施和交通、消防以及派出所、監管場所等基礎設施建設,各級人民政府應當列入基本建設規劃和城鄉建設總體規劃。
Article 38 The facilities for telecommunications and training and the construction of infrastructures such as traffic, fire control, police stations as well as prisons and organs in charge of reeducation through labour shall be incorporated into the plans of the people's governments at various levels for capital construction and the overall planning for urban and rural construction.
第三十九條 國家加強人民警察裝備的現代化建設,努力推廣、應用先進的科技成果。
Article 39 The State strengthens the modernization of the people's police equipment, and strive to popularize and apply the advanced achievements in science and technology.
第四十條 人民警察實行國家公務員的工資制度,並享受國家規定的警銜津貼和其他津貼、補貼以及保險福利待遇。
Article 40 The people's police shall practise the wage system of the State public servants, enjoy the police-rank allowances and other allowances and subsidies, as well as the insurance and welfare benefits as prescribed by the State.
第四十一條 人民警察因公致殘的,與因公致殘的現役軍人享受國家同樣的撫恤和優待。
Article 41 A people's policeman who is disabled while on duty shall enjoy the same pension and preferential treatment of the State as that of a serviceman who is disabled while on duty.
If a people's policeman dies at his post or dies of an illness, his family members shall enjoy the same pension and preferential treatment of the State as that of a serviceman who dies at his post or dies of an illness.
第六章 執法監督
Chapter 6 Supervision over Law Enforcement
第四十二條 人民警察執行職務,依法接受人民檢察院和行政監察機關的監督。
Article 42 The people's policemen in performing their duties shall accept supervision by the People's Procuratorates and administrative supervisory organs in accordance with law.
第四十三條 人民警察的上級機關對下級機關的執法活動進行監督,發現其作出的處理或者決定有錯誤的,應當予以撤銷或者變更。
Article 43 The people's police organs at higher levels shall exercise supervision over law enforcement by the police organs at lower levels, and, if the former discovers that the dispositions or decisions made by the latter are wrong, the former shall annul or alter them.
第四十四條 人民警察執行職務,必須自覺地接受社會和公民的監督。人民警察機關作出的與公眾利益直接有關的規定,應當向公眾公布。
Article 44 The people's policemen in performing duties must conscientiously subject themselves to the supervision of the society and citizens. The rules and regulations formulated by the people's police organs that have a direct bearing on the interests of the public shall be made known to the public.
第四十五條 人民警察在辦理治安案件過程中,遇有下列情形之一的,應當回避,當事人或者其法定代理人也有權要求他們回避:
Article 45 In handling cases of public security, a people's policeman shall withdraw if he is found in any of the following circumstances. The parties concerned and their statutory agents shall also have the right to demand his withdrawal.
1. the judicial officer is a party or a close relative of a party to the case;
2. the judicial officer or a close relative thereof is an interested party in the case;
(III) He has some other relationship with a party to the case, which may affect the impartial handling of the case.
The withdrawal as stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be decided by the public security organs concerned.
The withdrawal of a people's policeman in handling a criminal case shall be governed by the Criminal Procedure Law.
第四十六條 公民或者組織對人民警察的違法、違紀行為,有權向人民警察機關或者人民檢察院、行政監察機關檢舉、控告。受理檢舉、控告的機關應當及時查處,並將查處結果告知檢舉人、控告人。
Article 46 A citizen or an organization shall have the right to make exposure of or accusation against a people's policeman's violation of law or discipline to a people's police organ, a People's Procuratorate or an administrative supervisory organ. The organ that accepts the exposure or accusation shall investigate and deal with the case without delay and notify the person or organization that made the exposure or accusation of the conclusion of the case.
No person may suppress or retaliate against the citizen or organization that makes an exposure or accusation according to law.
第四十七條 公安機關建立督察制度,對公安機關的人民警察執行法律、法規、遵守紀律的情況進行監督。
Article 47 Public security organs shall establish a supervisory system to supervise the enforcement of laws and regulations and observance of discipline by the people's policemen of public security organs.
第七章 法律責任
Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities
第四十八條 人民警察有本法第二十二條所列行為之一的,應當給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 48 A people's policeman who commits any of the acts specified in Article 22 of this Law shall be given an administrative sanction; if a crime is constituted, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
The administrative sanctions include: a disciplinary warning; a demerit recorded, a grave demerit recorded, demotion, dismissal from the post and discharge from public employment. The people's policeman who has been given an administrative sanction may be demoted to a lower police rank or deprived of his police rank in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.
With respect to a people's policeman who violates discipline, when necessary, measures of suspending his performance of duties or placing him in confinement may be taken.
第四十九條 人民警察違反規定使用武器、警械,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚未構成犯罪的,應當依法給予行政處分。
Article 49 If a people's policeman who, in violation of the regulations, uses a weapon or police implements, thus constituting a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law; if the case does not constitute a crime, he shall be given an administrative sanction in accordance with the law.
第五十條 人民警察在執行職務中,侵犯公民或者組織的合法權益造成損害的,應當依照《中華人民共和國國家賠償法》和其他有關法律、法規的規定給予賠償。
Article 50 If a people's policeman in performing duties infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen or an organization, thus causing damage thereto, he shall pay compensation in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on State Compensation and the provisions of other relevant laws and regulations.
第八章 附則
Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions
第五十一條 中國人民武裝警察部隊執行國家賦予的安全保衛任務。
Article 51 The Chinese People's Armed Police Force shall carry out the public security tasks given by the State.
第五十二條 本法自公布之日起施行。1957年6月25日公布的《中華人民共和國人民警察條例》同時廢止。
Article 52 This Law shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation. The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on People's Police promulgated on June 25, 1957 shall be invalidated simultaneously.
轉載請注明出處: 法總荟 » 中華人民共和國人民警察法(2012修正)(中英文對照版)
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