1984年5月11日第六屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第五次會議通過根據 1996年5月15日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十九次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國水汙染防治法〉的決定》第一次修正 2008年2月28日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十二次會議修訂 根據2017年6月27日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國水汙染防治法〉的決定》第二次修正



Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution (Amended in 2017)

1984511日第六屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第五次會議通過根據 1996515日第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十九次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國水汙染防治法〉的決定》第一次修正 2008228日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十二次會議修訂 根據2017627日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國水汙染防治法〉的決定》第二次修正)

(Adopted at the Fifth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on May 11, 1984; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution at the 19th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on May 15, 1996; revised at the 32nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on February 28, 2008; and amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution at the 28th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on June 27, 2017)

目 錄


  第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 水汙染防治的標準和規劃

Chapter 2 Standards and Planning for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

  第三章 水汙染防治的監督管理

Chapter III Supervision and Management of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

  第四章 水汙染防治措施

Chapter 4 Measures for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

    第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

    第二節 工業水汙染防治

Section 2 Industrial Water Pollution Control

    第三節 城鎮水汙染防治

Section 3 Prevention and Control of Urban Water Pollution

    第四節 農業和農村水汙染防治

Section 4 Prevention and Control of Agricultural and Rural Water Pollution

    第五節 船舶水汙染防治

Section 5 Prevention and Control of Water Pollution Caused by Ships

  第五章 飲用水水源和其他特殊水體保護

Chapter 5 Protection of potable water sources and other special water bodies

  第六章 水汙染事故處置

Chapter 6 Treatment of Water Pollution Accidents

  第七章 法律責任

Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities

  第八章 附則

Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了保護和改善環境,防治水汙染,保護水生態,保障飲用水安全,維護公眾健康,推進生態文明建設,促進經濟社會可持續發展,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of environmental protection and improvement, prevention and control of water pollution, protection of water ecology, ensuring drinking water safety, safeguarding public health, promoting ecological civilisation, and promoting sustainable economic and social development.

第二條   本法適用於中華人民共和國領域內的江河、湖泊、運河、渠道、水庫等地表水體以及地下水體的汙染防治。

Article 2 This Law applies to prevention and control of pollution of rivers, lakes, canals, irrigation channels, reservoirs and other surface water bodies, and of ground water bodies within the territory of the People's Republic of China.


The prevention and control of marine pollution shall be governed by the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.

第三條   水汙染防治應當堅持預防為主、防治結合、綜合治理的原則,優先保護飲用水水源,嚴格控制工業汙染、城鎮生活汙染,防治農業面源汙染,積極推進生態治理工程建設,預防、控制和減少水環境汙染和生態破壞。

Article 3 The principle of putting prevention first in environmental protection, together with both prevention and treatment and comprehensive treatment shall be adhered to and priority shall be given to the protection of drinking water sources. Industrial pollution and urban and town domestic pollution shall be controlled strictly, the agriculture non-point source pollution shall be prevented and controlled, and the construction of ecological treatment projects shall be accelerated so as to prevent, control and reduce water environmental pollution and ecological damages.

第四條   縣級以上人民政府應當將水環境保護工作納入國民經濟和社會發展規劃。

Article 4 The people's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate the water environmental protection into their national economic and social development plans.


Local people's governments at various levels shall be responsible for the quality of the water environment within their respective administrative areas, and shall take timely measures to prevent and control water pollution.

第五條   省、市、縣、鄉建立河長制,分級分段組織領導本行政區域內江河、湖泊的水資源保護、水域岸線管理、水汙染防治、水環境治理等工作。

Article 5 Each province, city, county or town shall establish a system of river chief, and shall organize and lead the protection of water resources, management of river banks, prevention and control of water pollution, and treatment of the water environment by grades and sections of rivers and lakes within their respective administrative areas.

第六條   國家實行水環境保護目標責任制和考核評價制度,將水環境保護目標完成情況作為對地方人民政府及其負責人考核評價的內容。

Article 6 The State shall institute the target-related responsibility and the check and evaluation system for the protection of water environment and incorporate the goal completion conditions for protection of water environment into the contents of check and evaluation of the local people's governments and the persons in charge.

第七條   國家鼓勵、支持水汙染防治的科學技術研究和先進適用技術的推廣應用,加強水環境保護的宣傳教育。

Article 7 The State encourages and supports the scientific and technological research in prevention and control of water pollution and the promotion of advanced, applicable technologies, and enhances the publicity and education of water environmental protection.

第八條   國家通過財政轉移支付等方式,建立健全對位於飲用水水源保護區區域和江河、湖泊、水庫上遊地區的水環境生態保護補償機制。

Article 8 The State will, through transfer payments or by other means, establish and improve the mechanism of compensation for ecological protection of the water environment in drinking water source protection areas and the upper reaches of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

第九條   縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門對水汙染防治實施統一監督管理。

Article 9 Competent environmental protection authorities of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall exercise unified supervision and management of prevention and control of water pollution.


The maritime administrative organs of the communications administrative department shall supervise and administer the prevention and control of vessels from polluting water areas.


Departments in charge of water conservancy, land and resources, health, construction, agriculture and fishery, etc. under people's governments at or above the county level and water resources protection agencies for basins of major rivers and lakes shall, within the scope of their respective functions and duties, exercise supervision and management of the prevention and control of water pollution.

第十條   排放水汙染物,不得超過國家或者地方規定的水汙染物排放標準和重點水汙染物排放總量控制指標。

Article 10 The water pollutants discharged shall not exceed the national or local standards for discharge of water pollutants and the indexes for control of the total discharge of major water pollutants.

第十一條   任何單位和個人都有義務保護水環境,並有權對汙染損害水環境的行為進行檢舉。

Article 11 All units and individuals shall have the duty to protect the water environment and the right to inform against any pollution or damage to the water environment.


People's governments at or above the county level and the relevant competent departments under them shall commend and award the units and individuals that have made remarkable achievements in prevention and control of water pollution.

第二章 水汙染防治的標準和規劃

Chapter 2 Standards and Planning for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

第十二條   國務院環境保護主管部門制定國家水環境質量標準。

Article 12 The competent department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council shall establish the national standards for water environment quality.


The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish their own local standards for those items not specified in the national standards for water environment quality and report the same to the competent environmental protection authorities under the State Council for the record.

第十三條   國務院環境保護主管部門會同國務院水行政主管部門和有關省、自治區、直轄市人民政府,可以根據國家確定的重要江河、湖泊流域水體的使用功能以及有關地區的經濟、技術條件,確定該重要江河、湖泊流域的省界水體適用的水環境質量標準,報國務院批準後施行。

Article 13 The competent environmental protection authorities of the State Council may, together with the authorities of water conservancy administration of the State Council and the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and in light of the utilization functions determined by the State for water bodies of major river or lake basins as well as the economic and technological conditions of the related regions, establish water environment quality standards applicable to water bodies of such major river or lake basins within the provincial boundaries, and such standards shall be put into practice after being reported to and approved by the State Council.

第十四條   國務院環境保護主管部門根據國家水環境質量標準和國家經濟、技術條件,制定國家水汙染物排放標準。

Article 14 The competent environmental protection authorities under the State Council shall, in line with the national standards for water environment quality and the country's economic and technological conditions, establish the national standards for discharge of water pollutants.


The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish their own local standards for the items that are not specified in the national standards for discharge of water pollutants. With regard to the items that are already specified in the national standards for discharge of water pollutants, they may establish more stringent local standards than the national standards. All local standards must be reported to the competent environmental protection authorities under the State Council for record-filing.


Those who discharge pollutants into any water body for which local standards have been established shall observe such local standards.

第十五條   國務院環境保護主管部門和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府,應當根據水汙染防治的要求和國家或者地方的經濟、技術條件,適時修訂水環境質量標準和水汙染物排放標準。

Article 15 The environmental protection authorities under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in line with the requirements of prevention and control of water pollution and the country's or local economic and technological conditions, amend in due time their standards for water environment quality and for discharge of water pollutants.

第十六條   防治水汙染應當按流域或者按區域進行統一規劃。國家確定的重要江河、湖泊的流域水汙染防治規劃,由國務院環境保護主管部門會同國務院經濟綜合宏觀調控、水行政等部門和有關省、自治區、直轄市人民政府編制,報國務院批準。

Article 16 To prevent and control water pollution, it is necessary to make unified plans on the basis of river basins or regions. Plans for preventing and controlling water pollution of basins of major rivers, designated as such by the State, shall be formulated by the competent environmental protection authorities under the State Council, together with the comprehensive macroeconomic macro-control department, department of water conservancy administration and other departments concerned under the State Council as well as the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and shall be submitted to the State Council for approval.


Plans for preventing and controlling water pollution of basins of other rivers and lakes that run across two or more provinces, autonomous regions or centrally-administered municipalities, which are not mentioned in the preceding paragraph, shall be formulated by the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the people's governments of the relevant provinces, autonomous regions or centrally-administered municipalities, in conjunction with the competent departments in charge of water conservancy at the same level and the people's governments of the relevant cities or counties, in line with the plans for preventing and controlling water pollution of basins of major rivers, designated as such by the State, and in light of actual local conditions, and shall be submitted to the people's governments of the relevant provinces, autonomous regions or centrally-administered municipalities for examination and verification and to the State Council for approval.


Plans for preventing and controlling water pollution of basins of other rivers and lakes within a province or autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall be formulated, in line with the plans for preventing and controlling water pollution of basins of major rivers, designated as such by the State, and in light of actual local conditions, by the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the people's government of the province or autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, together with the competent department in charge of water conservancy at the same level and the people's government of the province or autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, and shall be submitted to the people's government of the province or autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for approval and to the State Council for the record.


Plans for preventing and controlling water pollution, once approved, shall serve as the essential basis for prevention and control of water pollution, and any modification of such plans shall be subject to approval of the original departments that approved the plans.


Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the approved plans for preventing and controlling water pollution of the basins of rivers and lakes, organize people to work out plans for preventing and controlling water pollution for their own administrative regions.

第十七條   有關市、縣級人民政府應當按照水汙染防治規劃確定的水環境質量改善目標的要求,制定限期達標規劃,采取措施按期達標。

Article 17 Relevant people's governments at the city or county level shall, according to the requirements on the goals for improvement of water environment quality determined in the plans for preventing and controlling water pollution, formulate a plan for achieving the goals within the specified time limit, and take measures to achieve the goals on schedule.


The relevant people's governments at the city and county levels shall submit their plans for reaching standards within a prescribed time limit to the people's governments at a higher level for record-filing and disclose the same to the public.

第十八條   市、縣級人民政府每年在向本級人民代表大會或者其常務委員會報告環境狀況和環境保護目標完成情況時,應當報告水環境質量限期達標規劃執行情況,並向社會公開。

Article 18 People's governments at the city or county level shall, at the time of reporting the environmental situation and the achievement of the goals for environmental protection to the people's congresses at the same level or their standing committees each year, report the implementation of the plans for achieving the goals for water environment quality within the specified time limit, and disclose the same to the public.

第三章 水汙染防治的監督管理

Chapter III Supervision and Management of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

第十九條   新建、改建、擴建直接或者間接向水體排放汙染物的建設項目和其他水上設施,應當依法進行環境影響評價。

Article 19 New construction projects and reconstruction or expansion projects and other installations on water that directly or indirectly discharge pollutants to water bodies shall be subject to environmental impact assessment in accordance with the law.


A construction unit, before constructing, reconstructing and expanding a sewage outlet in a river or lake shall obtain consent of the competent authorities of water conservancy administration or basin management agency; if a basin for navigation or fishery is involved, competent environmental protection departments shall, in the process of examining and approving the environmental impact assessment documents, solicit opinions from competent authorities of communications and competent authorities of fishery.


The facilities for prevention and control of water pollution must be designed, constructed and put to use or into operation simultaneously with the main part of a construction project. The facilities for prevention and control of water pollution shall conform to the requirements of the approved or filed environmental impact assessment documents.

第二十條   國家對重點水汙染物排放實施總量控制制度。

Article 20 The State institutes a system for control of the total discharge of major water pollutants.


After soliciting opinions from relevant departments under the State Council and the people's governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities, the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the comprehensive economic macro-control department under the State Council, report the quota for control of the total discharge of major water pollutants to the State Council for approval, and then issue and implement the same.


People's governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities shall reduce and control the total discharge of major water pollutants within their respective administrative areas according to the provisions of the State Council. Detailed measures shall be stipulated by the environmental protection department of the State Council jointly with the relevant departments of the State Council.


The people's governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities may, in light of the water environment quality status and the needs for the prevention and control of water pollution within their respective administrative areas, control the total discharge of water pollutants other than those major water pollutants specified by the State.


For any region that exceeds the quota for control of the total discharge of major water pollutants or fails to achieve the goals for improvement of the water environment quality, the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the people's government at or above the provincial level shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments, interview the principal of the people's government of the aforesaid region, and suspend the examination and approval of any environmental impact assessment document of construction project that would increase the total discharge of major water pollutants in the region. The interview information shall be disclosed to the public.

第二十一條   直接或者間接向水體排放工業廢水和醫療汙水以及其他按照規定應當取得排汙許可證方可排放的廢水、汙水的企業事業單位和其他生產經營者,應當取得排汙許可證;城鎮汙水集中處理設施的運營單位,也應當取得排汙許可證。排汙許可證應當明確排放水汙染物的種類、濃度、總量和排放去向等要求。排汙許可的具體辦法由國務院規定。

Article 21 Enterprises, public institutions and other producers or operators that directly or indirectly discharge industrial wastewater or medical sewage into water bodies as well as those that can discharge wastewater or sewage only after obtaining a pollutant discharging license according to relevant provisions shall obtain a pollutant discharging license; the operating entities of the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage shall also obtain a pollutant discharging license. A pollutant discharge license shall specify the types, concentration, total discharge and discharge whereabouts of water pollutants. The specific measures for a pollutant discharge permit shall be formulated by the State Council.


Enterprises, public institutions and other producers or operators are prohibited from discharging the wastewater or sewage specified in the preceding paragraph to water bodies without a pollutant discharge license or in violation of the provisions of a pollutant discharge license.

第二十二條   向水體排放汙染物的企業事業單位和其他生產經營者,應當按照法律、行政法規和國務院環境保護主管部門的規定設置排汙口;在江河、湖泊設置排汙口的,還應當遵守國務院水行政主管部門的規定。

Article 22 Enterprises, public institutions and other producers or operators that discharge pollutants into water bodies shall build their sewage outlets according to relevant laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council; in case of building sewage outlets in rivers or lakes, they shall also abide by the provisions of the competent department in charge of water conservancy under the State Council.

第二十三條   實行排汙許可管理的企業事業單位和其他生產經營者應當按照國家有關規定和監測規範,對所排放的水汙染物自行監測,並保存原始監測記錄。重點排汙單位還應當安裝水汙染物排放自動監測設備,與環境保護主管部門的監控設備聯網,並保證監測設備正常運行。具體辦法由國務院環境保護主管部門規定。

Article 23 Enterprises, public institutions and other producers or operators that are subject to pollutant discharge license management shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and the monitoring standards, carry out self-monitoring of the water pollutants discharged by them, and keep the original monitoring records. Major pollutant discharging entities shall also install the automatic monitoring equipment for discharge of water pollutants, connect the same with the monitoring equipment of the competent department in charge of environmental protection, and ensure the normal operation of such monitoring equipment. The specific measures shall be formulated by the competent environmental protection department under the State Council.


The catalogue of the major pollutant discharge entities that shall install automatic monitoring equipment for the discharge of water pollutants shall be determined by the competent departments in charge of environmental protection under the local people's governments at or above the level of city divided into districts according to the environmental capacity, the quota for control of the total discharge of major water pollutants, and the types, quantity, concentration and other factors of the water pollutants discharged by the pollutant discharge entities after consulting the relevant departments at the same level.

第二十四條   實行排汙許可管理的企業事業單位和其他生產經營者應當對監測數據的真實性和準確性負責。

Article 24 Enterprises, public institutions and other manufacturers and operators subject to pollutant discharge license administration shall be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of monitoring data.


The competent department in charge of environmental protection shall, upon discovery of any abnormal transmission data from the automatic monitoring equipment for discharge of water pollutants of a major pollutant discharging entity, carry out investigation in a timely manner.

第二十五條   國家建立水環境質量監測和水汙染物排放監測制度。國務院環境保護主管部門負責制定水環境監測規範,統一發布國家水環境狀況信息,會同國務院水行政等部門組織監測網絡,統一規劃國家水環境質量監測站(點)的設置,建立監測數據共享機制,加強對水環境監測的管理。

Article 25 The State shall establish a monitoring system for the quality of water environment and for the discharge of water pollutants. The competent department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council shall be responsible for formulating the rules for monitoring of water environment, publish the information about the national water environment in a unified way, set up a monitoring network together with the competent department in charge of water conservancy and other relevant departments under the State Council, plan the setup of national monitoring stations (sites) for water environment quality in a unified way, establish a monitoring data sharing mechanism, and strengthen the administration of water environment monitoring.

第二十六條   國家確定的重要江河、湖泊流域的水資源保護工作機構負責監測其所在流域的省界水體的水環境質量狀況,並將監測結果及時報國務院環境保護主管部門和國務院水行政主管部門;有經國務院批準成立的流域水資源保護領導機構的,應當將監測結果及時報告流域水資源保護領導機構。

Article 26 Water resources protection agencies for major river and lake basins determined as such by the State shall be responsible for monitoring the water environment quality conditions of such river basins within the boundaries of the provinces where they are located and shall, without delay, report the monitoring findings to the competent environmental protection authorities under the State Council and the competent authorities of water conservancy administration under the State Council; Where there are leading bodies for protection of water resources of the river and lake basins that are set up with the approval of the State Council, such findings shall, without delay, be reported to those leading bodies.

第二十七條   國務院有關部門和縣級以上地方人民政府開發、利用和調節、調度水資源時,應當統籌兼顧,維持江河的合理流量和湖泊、水庫以及地下水體的合理水位,保障基本生態用水,維護水體的生態功能。

Article 27 Relevant departments under the State Council and local people's governments at or above the county level shall, when developing, utilizing, regulating and allocating water resources, make integrated plans for maintaining proper river flows, proper water levels of lakes, reservoirs and proper ground water tables, in order to ensure the basic water supply for ecological purpose and retain the ecological functions of water bodies.

第二十八條   國務院環境保護主管部門應當會同國務院水行政等部門和有關省、自治區、直轄市人民政府,建立重要江河、湖泊的流域水環境保護聯合協調機制,實行統一規劃、統一標準、統一監測、統一的防治措施。

Article 28 The competent department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the competent department in charge of water conservancy and other relevant departments under the State Council as well as the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities, establish a joint coordination mechanism for protection of the water environment of basins of major rivers and lakes, and implement unified planning, unified standards, unified monitoring, and unified prevention and control measures.

第二十九條   國務院環境保護主管部門和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府環境保護主管部門應當會同同級有關部門根據流域生態環境功能需要,明確流域生態環境保護要求,組織開展流域環境資源承載能力監測、評價,實施流域環境資源承載能力預警。

Article 29 The competent department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council and the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the people's government of a province, autonomous region or centrally-administered municipality shall, in conjunction with relevant departments at the same level, specify the requirements for protection of the ecological environment of river basins, organize the monitoring and evaluation of the carrying capacity of the environmental resources of river basins, and implement the warning mechanism for the carrying capacity of the environmental resources.


The local people's governments above the county level shall organize the protection and restoration of rivers, lakes and wetlands subject to the requirements of basin eco-environmental functions, construct eco-environmental control and protection projects in connection with artificial wetlands, water conservation forests, vegetation buffer zones and isolation zones along rivers and lakes, control black and odorous water bodies, and increase the carrying capacity of basin environmental resources in the light of the local actual situation.


Those who engage in the development and construction activities shall take effective measures to maintain basin eco-environmental functions and rigorously observe the eco-protection red line.

第三十條   環境保護主管部門和其他依照本法規定行使監督管理權的部門,有權對管轄範圍內的排汙單位進行現場檢查,被檢查的單位應當如實反映情況,提供必要的資料。檢查機關有義務為被檢查的單位保守在檢查中獲取的商業秘密。

Article 30 Competent environmental protection authorities and other supervision and management departments provided for in this Law shall have the power to carry out on-site inspections of pollutant discharging units under their jurisdiction, and the units under inspection must report the situation truthfully and provide the necessary information. The inspecting authorities shall have the obligation to keep confidential the business secrets they have access to in the course of inspection.

第三十一條   跨行政區域的水汙染糾紛,由有關地方人民政府協商解決,或者由其共同的上級人民政府協調解決。

Article 31 Disputes over water pollution involving two or more administrative regions shall be settled through consultation by the local people's governments concerned, or through mediation by their people's government at a higher level.

第四章 水汙染防治措施

Chapter 4 Measures for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第三十二條   國務院環境保護主管部門應當會同國務院衛生主管部門,根據對公眾健康和生態環境的危害和影響程度,公布有毒有害水汙染物名錄,實行風險管理。

Article 32 The competent department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the competent department in charge of health under the State Council, release a catalogue of toxic and hazardous water pollutants and implement risk management according to the damage and impacts of water pollutants on public health and ecological environment.


Enterprises, public institutions and other producers or operators that discharge any toxic or hazardous water pollutants listed in the catalogue as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall monitor the sewage outlets and surrounding environment, evaluate environmental risks, identify environmental safety hazards, disclose the information about toxic and hazardous water pollutants, and take effective measures to prevent environmental risks.

第三十三條   禁止向水體排放油類、酸液、堿液或者劇毒廢液。

Article 33 It is forbidden to discharge any oil, acid or alkaline solutions or deadly toxic liquid waste into any water body.


It is forbidden to wash and clean in any water body any vehicles or containers which have been used for storing oil or toxic pollutant.

第三十四條   禁止向水體排放、傾倒放射性固體廢物或者含有高放射性和中放射性物質的廢水。

Article 34 It is forbidden to discharge or dump radioactive solid wastes or waste water containing any high-or medium-level radioactive substances into any water body.


Any discharge of waste water containing low-level radioactive substances into any water body must comply with the regulations and standards of the State for radioactive pollution prevention and control.

第三十五條   向水體排放含熱廢水,應當采取措施,保證水體的水溫符合水環境質量標準。

Article 35 Where heated waste water is discharged into any water body, measures shall be taken to ensure that the temperature of the water body conforms to the standards for water environment quality.

第三十六條   含病原體的汙水應當經過消毒處理;符合國家有關標準後,方可排放。

Article 36 Pathogen-contaminated sewage may be discharged only after it is disinfected to meet the relevant national standards.

第三十七條   禁止向水體排放、傾倒工業廢渣、城鎮垃圾和其他廢棄物。

Article 37 It is forbidden to discharge or dump industry waste residues, urban and town refuse or other wastes into any water body.


It is forbidden to discharge or dump into any water body or directly bury deadly toxic soluble slag, tailings, etc. containing such substances as mercury, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, lead, cyanide and yellow phosphorus.


Sites for depositing deadly toxic soluble slag, tailings, etc. shall be made waterproof and protected against seepage and leaking.

第三十八條   禁止在江河、湖泊、運河、渠道、水庫最高水位線以下的灘地和岸坡堆放、存貯固體廢棄物和其他汙染物。

Article 38 It is forbidden to pile or deposit solid wastes and other pollutants on beaches and bank slopes below the highest water level of rivers, lakes, canals, irrigation channels and reservoirs.

第三十九條   禁止利用滲井、滲坑、裂隙、溶洞,私設暗管,篡改、偽造監測數據,或者不正常運行水汙染防治設施等逃避監管的方式排放水汙染物。

Article 39 It is forbidden to discharge water pollutants by making use of seepage wells or pits, crevices or karat caves, setting up hidden pipelines without authorization, altering or fabricating monitoring data, or abnormally operating water pollution prevention and control facilities to avoid supervision.

第四十條   化學品生產企業以及工業集聚區、礦山開采區、尾礦庫、危險廢物處置場、垃圾填埋場等的運營、管理單位,應當采取防滲漏等措施,並建設地下水水質監測井進行監測,防止地下水汙染。

Article 40 Chemical manufacturers and the operators and entities operating and managing industrial agglomeration areas, mining areas, tailing ponds, hazardous waste disposal sites, refuse landfills, etc. shall take anti-seepage and other measures, and construct ground water quality monitoring wells to carry out monitoring so as to prevent ground water pollution.


In building underground oil tanks of gas stations, the relevant entities shall use double-deck tanks or take the anti-seepage pond construction and other effective measures, and conduct the anti-seepage monitoring, so as to prevent ground water pollution.


It is forbidden to use ditches, pits or ponds devoid of safeguards against seepage for conveyance or storage of waste water containing toxic pollutants or pathogens, or of other wastes.

第四十一條   多層地下水的含水層水質差異大的,應當分層開采;對已受汙染的潛水和承壓水,不得混合開采。

Article 41 In exploiting ground water from multiple aquifers, layered exploitation shall be resorted to if the water quality differs greatly from one aquifer to another. No combined exploitation of paretic water and artesian water already polluted may be permitted.

第四十二條   興建地下工程設施或者進行地下勘探、采礦等活動,應當采取防護性措施,防止地下水汙染。

Article 42 While constructing underground engineering facilities or carrying out underground prospecting, mining and other underground activities, protective measures shall be taken to prevent ground water pollution.


Well shutting-in and backfilling shall be implemented for abandoned mines, drilling wells and water intake wells.

第四十三條   人工回灌補給地下水,不得惡化地下水質。

Article 43 Artificial recharge for ground water may not deteriorate the quality of ground water.

第二節 工業水汙染防治

Section 2 Industrial Water Pollution Control

第四十四條   國務院有關部門和縣級以上地方人民政府應當合理規劃工業布局,要求造成水汙染的企業進行技術改造,采取綜合防治措施,提高水的重複利用率,減少廢水和汙染物排放量。

Article 44 Relevant departments under the State Council and local people's governments at or above the county level shall make rational plans for the geographical distribution of industries, subject those enterprises that cause water pollution to technological updating, adopt comprehensive prevention and control measures, increase the rate of water recycling, and reduce discharge of waste water and pollutants.

第四十五條   排放工業廢水的企業應當采取有效措施,收集和處理產生的全部廢水,防止汙染環境。含有毒有害水汙染物的工業廢水應當分類收集和處理,不得稀釋排放。

Article 45 Enterprises that discharge industrial wastewater shall take effective measures to collect and treat all the wastewater discharged to prevent pollution of the environment. Industrial wastewater containing toxic or hazardous water pollutants shall be separately collected and treated, and shall not be discharged after being diluted.


Corresponding centralized sewage treatment supporting facilities shall be constructed accordingly and automatic monitoring equipment shall be installed in industrial agglomeration areas. The automatic monitoring equipment shall be connected with the monitoring equipment of the competent environmental protection departments, and its normal operation shall be ensured.


The industrial wastewater may not be discharged into the centralized sewage treatment facilities, unless it is qualified for centralized treatment after being subject to preliminary treatment according to the relevant provisions of the State.

第四十六條   國家對嚴重汙染水環境的落後工藝和設備實行淘汰制度。

Article 46 The State shall institute a system for eliminating outdated techniques and equipment which seriously pollute the water environment.


The comprehensive economic macro-control department under the State Council shall, together with relevant departments under the State Council, publish the catalogue for techniques which seriously pollute the water environment and for stopping the use of which a time limit is fixed, as well as the catalogue of equipment which seriously pollute the water environment and for stopping the manufacture, sale, import and use of which a time limit is fixed.


Producers, sellers, importers or users of the equipment listed in the catalogue of equipment as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall, within the prescribed time limit, stop producing, selling, importing or using such equipment. Users of the techniques listed in the catalogue mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall stop using such techniques within the prescribed time limit.


The equipment washed out under Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall not be transferred to others for use.

第四十七條   國家禁止新建不符合國家產業政策的小型造紙、制革、印染、染料、煉焦、煉硫、煉砷、煉汞、煉油、電鍍、農藥、石棉、水泥、玻璃、鋼鐵、火電以及其他嚴重汙染水環境的生產項目。

Article 47 The State shall forbid construction of any small-size enterprises, inconsistent with the industrial policy thereof, that seriously pollute the water environment, such as the establishment of paper mills, tanneries, printing and dyeing mills, dyestuff mills, coking plants, sulfuring plants, arsenic plants, mercury plants, oil refineries, electroplating factories, pesticides manufacturers, asbestos plants, cement plants, glasswork, iron and steel plants and thermal power stations.

第四十八條   企業應當采用原材料利用效率高、汙染物排放量少的清潔工藝,並加強管理,減少水汙染物的產生。

Article 48 Enterprises shall employ clean production techniques that facilitate high utilization efficiency of raw and semi-finished materials and reduced discharge of pollutants and improve management to decrease water pollutants.

第三節 城鎮水汙染防治

Section 3 Prevention and Control of Urban Water Pollution

第四十九條   城鎮汙水應當集中處理。

Article 49 Urban sewage shall be disposed of in a centralized manner.


Local people's governments at or above the county level shall raise funds through financial budget and other channels to make overall arrangements for constructing the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage and accessory pipelines, in order to improve the rates of collection and treatment of urban sewage within their respective administrative areas.


The competent department in charge of construction under the State Council shall, together with the comprehensive economic macro-control department and the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council and in line with the urban and rural planning and the plans for prevention and control of water pollution, organize the formulation of the plans for construction of national urban sewage treatment facilities. The local people's governments at or above the county level shall organize the departments of construction, comprehensive economic macro-control, environmental protection and water conservancy administration to formulate the construction plan for the urban sewage treatment facilities in their respective administrative regions. Competent departments in charge of construction under local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in line with the plans for construction of urban sewage treatment facilities, organize the construction of the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage and accessory pipelines, and strengthen supervision and administration of the operation of the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage.


The operating entities of the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage shall, according to the relevant provisions of the State, provide services with compensation and collect a sewage treatment fee so as to ensure normal operation of such facilities. Sewage treatment fees collected shall be used for the construction and operation of the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage or the sludge disposal and treatment and may not be used for other purposes.


Specific measures for collection, control and use of the fees for facilities for central treatment of urban sewage shall be formulated by the State Council.

第五十條   向城鎮汙水集中處理設施排放水汙染物,應當符合國家或者地方規定的水汙染物排放標準。

Article 50 The water pollutants discharged into the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage shall conform to the national or local standards for discharge of water pollutants.


The operating entities of the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage shall be responsible for the quality of the effluent of the facilities.


Competent departments in charge of environmental protection shall supervise and inspect the quality and quantity of the effluent of the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage.

第五十一條   城鎮汙水集中處理設施的運營單位或者汙泥處理處置單位應當安全處理處置汙泥,保證處理處置後的汙泥符合國家標準,並對汙泥的去向等進行記錄。

Article 51 The operating entities of the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage or the sludge disposal and treatment entities shall safely dispose of and treat sludge, ensure that the disposed and treated sludge meets the relevant standards of the State, and keep record of the destination of the disposed and treated sludge.

第四節 農業和農村水汙染防治

Section 4 Prevention and Control of Agricultural and Rural Water Pollution

第五十二條   國家支持農村汙水、垃圾處理設施的建設,推進農村汙水、垃圾集中處理。

Article 52 The state shall support the construction of rural sewage and waste treatment facilities to promote the centralized treatment of rural sewage and wastes.


Local people's governments at various levels shall plan the construction of rural sewage and waste treatment facilities in a unified way, and ensure their normal operation.

第五十三條   制定化肥、農藥等產品的質量標準和使用標準,應當適應水環境保護要求。

Article 53 The quality standards and usage standards for fertilizers and pesticides formulated shall meet the requirements for the water environment protection.

第五十四條   使用農藥,應當符合國家有關農藥安全使用的規定和標準。

Article 54 The application of pesticides shall comply with the regulations and standards of the State for their safe use.


Transportation and storage of pesticides and disposal of expired or ineffective pesticides shall be strictly controlled to prevent water pollution.

第五十五條   縣級以上地方人民政府農業主管部門和其他有關部門,應當采取措施,指導農業生產者科學、合理地施用化肥和農藥,推廣測土配方施肥技術和高效低毒低殘留農藥,控制化肥和農藥的過量使用,防止造成水汙染。

Article 55 The competent departments in charge of agriculture and other relevant departments under local people's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to provide guidance to agricultural producers as to how to apply fertilizers and pesticides scientifically and rationally, expand the use of the soil testing and formulated fertilization technology and pesticides with high efficiency, low toxicity and few residues, and control the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, so as to prevent water pollution.

第五十六條   國家支持畜禽養殖場、養殖小區建設畜禽糞便、廢水的綜合利用或者無害化處理設施。

Article 56 The State supports livestock and poultry farms and breeding quarters to construct the facilities for comprehensive utilization or harmless treatment of livestock and poultry manure and waste water.


Livestock and poultry farms and breeding quarters shall ensure that the facilities for comprehensive utilization or harmless treatment of livestock and poultry manure and waste water are operated normally and that the sewage discharged meet the relevant standards, so as to prevent pollution of the water environment.


People's governments of the counties or townships where compact livestock free-ranging areas are located shall organize the collection of livestock fecal sewage on a household-by-household basis and treat and utilize the same in a centralized manner.

第五十七條   從事水產養殖應當保護水域生態環境,科學確定養殖密度,合理投餌和使用藥物,防止汙染水環境。

Article 57 Whoever engages in aquaculture shall protect the ecological environment of relevant waters, scientifically determine the breeding density, and rationally cast baits and use medications, in order to prevent pollution of the water environment.

第五十八條   農田灌溉用水應當符合相應的水質標準,防止汙染土壤、地下水和農產品。

Article 58 Farmland irrigation water shall meet appropriate water quality standards, so as to prevent pollution of the soil, ground water and agricultural products.


It is forbidden to discharge industrial wastewater or medical sewage to farmland irrigation channels. Where urban sewage and non-comprehensively utilized livestock and poultry aquaculture waste water and agricultural product processing waste water are discharge to farmland irrigation channels, the water quality at the nearest irrigation intake downstream shall be ensured to meet the farmland irrigation water quality standards.

第五節 船舶水汙染防治

Section 5 Prevention and Control of Water Pollution Caused by Ships

第五十九條   船舶排放含油汙水、生活汙水,應當符合船舶汙染物排放標準。從事海洋航運的船舶進入內河和港口的,應當遵守內河的船舶汙染物排放標準。

Article 59 The discharge of oil-bearing waste water or domestic sewage from ships shall comply with the standards for pollutant discharge by ships. Ocean-going ships, on entering inland rivers or harbors, shall observe the standards for pollutant discharge by inland river ships.


Residual oil or waste oil of ships must be recovered, and its discharge into any water body shall be forbidden.


It is forbidden to dump ship refuse into any water body.


Where vessels are being loaded with or transporting oils or toxic cargoes, measures must be taken against any spillage or leakage of the oils and against such cargoes from falling into water, in order to prevent water pollution.


Where vessels navigating on international routes discharge ballast water after entering inland waters within the territory of China, they shall use ballast water treatment devices or take other effective measures to carry out the inactivation treatment of ballast water. It is forbidden to discharge any ballast water that fails to meet the required standards.

第六十條   船舶應當按照國家有關規定配置相應的防汙設備和器材,並持有合法有效的防止水域環境汙染的證書與文書。

Article 60 According to the relevant provisions of the State, vessels shall be equipped with corresponding pollution prevention equipment and fittings, and shall obtain lawful and effective certificates and documents for prevention of environmental pollution in the relevant waters.


When vessels are engaged in any operations during which any pollutants are discharged, they shall strictly observe the operating instructions and truthfully record the information in relevant book of records.

第六十一條   港口、碼頭、裝卸站和船舶修造廠所在地市、縣級人民政府應當統籌規劃建設船舶汙染物、廢棄物的接收、轉運及處理處置設施。

Article 61 People's governments of the cities or counties where ports, docks, loading and unloading stations or vessel repair yards are located shall plan the construction of the facilities for collection, transfer, disposal and treatment of vessel pollutants and wastes in a unified way.


Sufficient facilities for collecting ship pollutants and wastes shall be provided at the ports, docks, loading and unloading stations and dockyard. Any unit that collects the ship pollutants and wastes or washes and washes the cabins loaded with oils or goods with the hazard of pollution shall have the collection and treatment capability that corresponds with its scale of operation.

第六十二條   船舶及有關作業單位從事有汙染風險的作業活動,應當按照有關法律法規和標準,采取有效措施,防止造成水汙染。海事管理機構、漁業主管部門應當加強對船舶及有關作業活動的監督管理。

Article 62 In the event of engaging in any operation with pollution risks, a vessel or any other relevant operating entity shall, according to relevant laws, regulations and standards, take effective measures to prevent the water pollution. The maritime administrative agency and the competent department in charge of fishery shall strengthen the supervision and administration of vessels and their operations.


In the event of conducting the lightering operation for fluid goods in bulk with the hazard of pollution, a vessel shall formulate an operation scheme and take effective safety measures and pollution prevention measures, and report the same to the maritime administrative institution for approval.


The vessel dismantling operation shall be prohibited from being carried out by beaching.

第五章 飲用水水源和其他特殊水體保護

Chapter 5 Protection of potable water sources and other special water bodies

第六十三條   國家建立飲用水水源保護區制度。飲用水水源保護區分為一級保護區和二級保護區;必要時,可以在飲用水水源保護區外圍劃定一定的區域作為準保護區。

Article 63 The State shall practice the system of sources protection zones for drinking water. Such protection zones shall be divided into first-grade and second-grade protection zones. If necessary, certain areas adjacent to the sources protection zones for drinking water may be delineated as a quasi-protection zone.


When it comes to the delineation of drinking water sources protection zones, the people's governments of relevant cities and counties shall formulate a delineation plan and report the same to the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities for approval. When it comes to the delineation of drinking water sources protection zones that stretch across two or more cities or counties, the people's governments of relevant cities and counties shall negotiate to formulate a delineation plan and report the same to the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities for approval. If they fail to reach an agreement through negotiation, the competent departments in charge of environmental protection under the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities shall, together with the departments in charge of water conservancy, land and resources, public health and construction at the same level, formulate a delineation plan, and after soliciting the opinions from relevant departments at the same level, report the plan to the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities for approval.


Drinking water sources protection zones that run across provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be delineated by the people's governments of the relevant provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government in consultation with the relevant river basin authorities. Where an agreement is not reached, the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council shall, together with the departments in charge of water conservancy, land and resources, public health and construction at the same level, formulate a delineation plan, and after soliciting the opinions of the relevant departments under the State Council, report the plan to the State Council for approval.


The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in light of the actual needs in protection of drinking water sources, adjust the scope of sources protection zones for drinking water so as to ensure the safety of drinking water. The local people's governments concerned shall set up clear geographical demarcations and warning signs in the boundaries of drinking water sources protection zones.

第六十四條   在飲用水水源保護區內,禁止設置排汙口。

Article 64 No sewage outlet is allowed to be set up at any drinking water sources protection zones.

第六十五條   禁止在飲用水水源一級保護區內新建、改建、擴建與供水設施和保護水源無關的建設項目;已建成的與供水設施和保護水源無關的建設項目,由縣級以上人民政府責令拆除或者關閉。

Article 65 It is forbidden to construct, reconstruct or expand within the first-grade sources protection zones for drinking water, any projects that have noting to do with water supply facilities and protection of water sources. With regard to any such project already built, the people's governments at or above the county level shall order that it be dismantled or shut down.


It is forbidden to breed in net cage, travel, swim or fish within the first-grade sources protection zones for drinking water or carry out other activities that may possibly cause pollution to the water bodies of drinking water.

第六十六條   禁止在飲用水水源二級保護區內新建、改建、擴建排放汙染物的建設項目;已建成的排放汙染物的建設項目,由縣級以上人民政府責令拆除或者關閉。

Article 66 It is forbidden to construct, reconstruct or expand any projects that discharge pollutants within the second-grade drinking water sources protection zones. With regard to any such project already built, the people's governments at or above the county level shall order that it be dismantled or shut down.


Whoever engages in breezing in net cage or travels within the second-grade drinking water sources protection zones shall, according to relevant provisions, take measures to prevent the water bodies of drinking water from being polluted.

第六十七條   禁止在飲用水水源準保護區內新建、擴建對水體汙染嚴重的建設項目;改建建設項目,不得增加排汙量。

Article 67 It is forbidden to construct or expand within the quasi- protection zones for drinking water, any project that will pollute the water body seriously. With regard to any project to be reconstructed, the quantity of pollutants discharged thereby cannot be increased.

第六十八條   縣級以上地方人民政府應當根據保護飲用水水源的實際需要,在準保護區內采取工程措施或者建造濕地、水源涵養林等生態保護措施,防止水汙染物直接排入飲用水水體,確保飲用水安全。

Article 68 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the actual requirements for protecting the sources of drinking water sources, take engineering measures or construct wetland or water conservation forest at the quasi- protection zones to prevent the water pollutants from being directly discharged into the water bodies of drinking water and ensure the safety of drinking water.

第六十九條   縣級以上地方人民政府應當組織環境保護等部門,對飲用水水源保護區、地下水型飲用水源的補給區及供水單位周邊區域的環境狀況和汙染風險進行調查評估,篩查可能存在的汙染風險因素,並采取相應的風險防範措施。

Article 69 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall organize the environmental protection departments and other relevant departments to carry out investigation and assessment of environmental conditions and pollution risks in drinking water sources protection zones, ground drinking water supply zones and surrounding areas of water suppliers, screen the possible pollution risk factors, and take appropriate risk prevention measures.


Where any drinking water sources are polluted, which is likely to threaten the safety of drinking water supply, the competent departments in charge of environmental protection shall order the relevant enterprises, public institutions or other manufacturers or operators to take measures such as stopping or reducing the discharge of pollutants, and inform the drinking water supply entities and the departments in charge of water supply, health, water conservancy, etc., of the matter; if two or more administrative regions are involved, the relevant local people's governments shall also be informed.

第七十條   單一水源供水城市的人民政府應當建設應急水源或者備用水源,有條件的地區可以開展區域聯網供水。

Article 70 People's governments of the cities with single water supply source shall construct alternate or emergency water source, and the regions where the conditions permit may establish a regional water supply network.


Local people's governments at or above the county level shall make appropriate arrangements for rural drinking water sources, and the regions where the conditions permit may develop large-scale centralized water supply by extending the urban water supply network or constructing cross-village or cross-township centralized water supply projects.

第七十一條   飲用水供水單位應當做好取水口和出水口的水質檢測工作。發現取水口水質不符合飲用水水源水質標準或者出水口水質不符合飲用水衛生標準的,應當及時采取相應措施,並向所在地市、縣級人民政府供水主管部門報告。供水主管部門接到報告後,應當通報環境保護、衛生、水行政等部門。

Article 71 Drinking water suppliers shall carry out water quality inspection work in water inlets and outlets. Where they identify that the water quality in inlets fails to meet drinking water source quality standards or that the water quality in outlets fails to meet drinking water hygiene standards, they shall take corresponding measures in a timely manner and report the same to the competent water supply departments of the local people's governments at the city and county levels. After receiving the said report, the competent department in charge of water supply shall inform the departments in charge of environmental protection, health, water conservancy, etc.


Drinking water suppliers shall be responsible for water supply quality, ensure safe and reliable operation of water supply facilities, and ensure that water supply quality meets the relevant national standards.

第七十二條   縣級以上地方人民政府應當組織有關部門監測、評估本行政區域內飲用水水源、供水單位供水和用戶水龍頭出水的水質等飲用水安全狀況。

Article 72 The local people's governments above the county level shall organize the relevant departments to monitor and assess drinking water safety with respect to the water quality of drinking water sources, water supply of water suppliers and user tap water within their jurisdiction.


The relevant departments of the local people's governments above the county level shall publish the information on drinking water safety to the society at least once a quarter.

第七十三條   國務院和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府根據水環境保護的需要,可以規定在飲用水水源保護區內,采取禁止或者限制使用含磷洗滌劑、化肥、農藥以及限制種植養殖等措施。

Article 73 The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, as per the requirements of water environmental protection, take measures of prohibiting or limiting the use of any detergent containing phosphorus, fertilizer or pesticide and limiting plating or breeding in the sources protection zones for drinking water.

第七十四條   縣級以上人民政府可以對風景名勝區水體、重要漁業水體和其他具有特殊經濟文化價值的水體劃定保護區,並采取措施,保證保護區的水質符合規定用途的水環境質量標準。

Article 74 The people's governments at or above the county level may delineate protection zones for water bodies in scenic or historic sites, major fishery water bodies and other water bodies of special economic and cultural value, and take measures to ensure that the water quality in those protection zones complies with the standards for the designated uses.

第七十五條   在風景名勝區水體、重要漁業水體和其他具有特殊經濟文化價值的水體的保護區內,不得新建排汙口。在保護區附近新建排汙口,應當保證保護區水體不受汙染。

Article 75 No sewage outlet may be built in the protection zones for water bodies at scenic or historic sites, for important fishery water bodies and for other water bodies of special economic and cultural value. If a sewage outlet is to be built in the vicinity of such protection zones, the water bodies within those zones must be protected against pollution.

第六章 水汙染事故處置

Chapter 6 Treatment of Water Pollution Accidents

第七十六條   各級人民政府及其有關部門,可能發生水汙染事故的企業事業單位,應當依照《中華人民共和國突發事件應對法》的規定,做好突發水汙染事故的應急準備、應急處置和事後恢複等工作。

Article 76 People's governments at various levels and the relevant departments thereunder as well as enterprises and public institutions that are likely to suffer from water pollution accidents shall, according to the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, do a good job in preparation for, dispose of, and after-the-event recovery from emergency water pollution accidents.

第七十七條   可能發生水汙染事故的企業事業單位,應當制定有關水汙染事故的應急方案,做好應急準備,並定期進行演練。

Article 77 Enterprises and public institutions that are likely to suffer from water pollution accidents shall formulate emergency plans for relevant water pollution accidents, make emergency preparations and conduct regular drills.


Enterprises and institutions that manufacture and store hazardous chemicals shall take measures to prevent waste water or fluid possibly arising out of the handling of production accidents from being directly discharged into the water body and seriously polluting the water body thereof.

第七十八條   企業事業單位發生事故或者其他突發性事件,造成或者可能造成水汙染事故的,應當立即啟動本單位的應急方案,采取隔離等應急措施,防止水汙染物進入水體,並向事故發生地的縣級以上地方人民政府或者環境保護主管部門報告。環境保護主管部門接到報告後,應當及時向本級人民政府報告,並抄送有關部門。

Article 78 Where enterprises or public institutions suffer from accidents or other emergency incidents, causing or likely to cause water pollution accidents, they shall immediately launch the emergency plan, take isolation and other emergency measures, prevent water pollutants from entering water bodies, and report to the local people's governments at or above the county level or the competent departments in charge of environmental protection at the places where the accidents have occurred. After receiving the reports, the competent departments in charge of environmental protection shall immediately report to the people's governments at the same level and make copies for relevant departments.


Where a fishery pollution accident is caused or a fishery vessel causes a water pollution accident, the enterprise or institution shall report to the competent authorities of fishery at the place where the accident occurs for investigation and disposal. If any water pollution accident is caused by other ships, the enterprise or institution shall report to the maritime administrative agency for investigation and disposal; if the fishery suffers from damages, the maritime administrative agency shall notify the competent authorities of fishery to participate in investigation and disposal.

第七十九條   市、縣級人民政府應當組織編制飲用水安全突發事件應急預案。

Article 79 The people's governments at the city and county levels shall organize to formulate their contingency plans for drinking water safety emergencies.


Drinking water suppliers shall formulate corresponding emergency plans in accordance with the contingency plans for drinking water safety emergencies in the places where they are located, submit their plans to the local people's governments at the city and county levels in the places where they are located for record-filing and regularly practice drills.


In the event of occurrence of water pollution accidents to drinking water sources or other emergency incidents that might affect the safety of drinking water, drinking water suppliers shall take emergency response measures, submit a report to the local people's governments of the cities or counties where they are located, and disclose the relevant information to the public. Relevant people's governments shall, as the case may be, promptly launch the emergency plan, and take effective measures to ensure the water supply safety.

第七章 法律責任

Chapter 7 Legal Liabilities

第八十條   環境保護主管部門或者其他依照本法規定行使監督管理權的部門,不依法作出行政許可或者辦理批準文件的,發現違法行為或者接到對違法行為的舉報後不予查處的,或者有其他未依照本法規定履行職責的行為的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。

Article 80 Where the competent department in charge of environmental protection or any other department that exercises the power of supervision and administration in accordance with this Law fails to issue administrative licenses or handle approval documents according to law, fails to investigate into and deal with any unlawful act upon finding it or receiving a report on such act, fails to perform any of its duties specified in this Law, the persons who are directly in charge and other directly liable persons shall be punished according to law.

第八十一條   以拖延、圍堵、滯留執法人員等方式拒絕、阻撓環境保護主管部門或者其他依照本法規定行使監督管理權的部門的監督檢查,或者在接受監督檢查時弄虛作假的,由縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門或者其他依照本法規定行使監督管理權的部門責令改正,處二萬元以上二十萬元以下的罰款。

Article 81 Where any entity, by delaying, besieging or detaining law enforcement personnel, refuses to accept or obstructs the supervision and inspection by the competent department in charge of environmental protection or any other department that exercises the power of supervision and inspection in accordance with this Law, or practices fraud at the time of accepting the supervision and inspection, the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the people's government at or above the county level or any other department that exercises the power of supervision and inspection in accordance with this Law shall order the entity to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan.

第八十二條   違反本法規定,有下列行為之一的,由縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門責令限期改正,處二萬元以上二十萬元以下的罰款;逾期不改正的,責令停產整治:

Article 82 Those who commit one of the following acts shall be ordered by the competent environmental protection departments of the people's governments above the county level to make rectifications within a prescribed time limit and subject to a fine of not less than CNY20,000 and not more than CNY200,000; if they fail to make rectifications within the prescribed time limit, they shall be ordered to cease production and make rectifications:


1. Failing to carry out self-monitoring of water pollutants discharged or retain original monitoring records in accordance with the relevant provisions;


2. Failing to install water pollutant discharge automatic monitoring equipment, connect it with the monitoring equipment of the competent environmental protection departments, or ensure the normal operation of the monitoring equipment in accordance with the relevant provisions; or


(III) failing to monitor the outfalls and surrounding environment of toxic and hazardous water pollutants or to disclose the information on toxic and hazardous water pollutants.

第八十三條   違反本法規定,有下列行為之一的,由縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門責令改正或者責令限制生產、停產整治,並處十萬元以上一百萬元以下的罰款;情節嚴重的,報經有批準權的人民政府批準,責令停業、關閉:

Article 83 Where any party commits any of the following acts in violation of the provisions hereof, the competent authority for environmental protection under the people's government at or above the county level shall order it to make corrections, restrict production or cease production for rectification, and impose a fine of not less than CNY100 ,000 but not more than CNY1 million; if the circumstance is serious, the said authority shall order the wind-up or cessation upon the approval of the people's government with the authority of approval:


1. Discharging water pollutants without obtaining a pollutant discharge license according to the law;


(II) Discharging water pollutants exceeding the water pollutant discharge standards or total key water pollutant discharge control indicators;


(III) Discharging water pollutants by way of evading regulation such as taking advantage of seepage wells, seepage pits, fissures, limestone caves, covertly installing underground pipes, altering and fabricating monitoring data or operating water pollution prevention and control facilities in an abnormal manner;


(IV) Discharging industrial wastewater that fails to meet treatment technical requirements to centralized sewage treatment facilities without preliminary treatment in accordance with the relevant provisions.

第八十四條   在飲用水水源保護區內設置排汙口的,由縣級以上地方人民政府責令限期拆除,處十萬元以上五十萬元以下的罰款;逾期不拆除的,強制拆除,所需費用由違法者承擔,處五十萬元以上一百萬元以下的罰款,並可以責令停產整治。

Article 84 Where any entity sets up any sewage outlet in a drinking water sources protection zone, the local people's government at or above the county level shall order it to remove the sewage outlet within a time limit and impose a fine of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan. If the entity fails to remove the sewage outlet within the time limit, the sewage outlet will be removed compulsorily and all the expenses required will be borne by the violator, a fine of not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 1 million yuan shall be imposed and the violator may be ordered to stop production for rectification.


Apart from the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if any entity, in violation of laws, administrative regulations or the provisions of the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council, sets up any sewage outlet, the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the local people's government at or above the county level shall order it to remove the sewage outlet or hidden pipeline within a time limit and impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan; if the entity fails to remove the sewage outlet or hidden pipeline within the time limit, the sewage outlet or hidden pipeline will be removed compulsorily and all the expenses required will be borne by the violator, and a fine of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan shall be imposed; if the circumstance is serious, the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the local people's government at or above the county level may order the entity to stop production for rectification.


Where any entity newly constructs, reconstructs or expands a sewage outlet in a river or lake, without the consent of the competent department in charge of water conservancy or basin management agency, the competent department in charge of water conservancy under the people's government at or above the county level or the basin management agency may, within their respective functions and powers, take measures and impose penalties according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

第八十五條   有下列行為之一的,由縣級以上地方人民政府環境保護主管部門責令停止違法行為,限期采取治理措施,消除汙染,處以罰款;逾期不采取治理措施的,環境保護主管部門可以指定有治理能力的單位代為治理,所需費用由違法者承擔:

Article 85 Where any entity commits any of the following acts, the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the local people's government at or above the county level shall order it to stop the unlawful act and take measures to treat pollution within a time limit, eliminate pollution and impose a fine. If the entity fails to take measures within the time limit, the competent department in charge of environmental protection may designate an entity with the pollution treatment capacity to treat pollution on its behalf and all the expenses required shall be borne by the violator:


1. Discharging any oil, acid or alkaline solutions into any water body;


2. Discharging deadly toxic liquid waste to water bodies, discharging and dumping deadly toxic soluble slags containing mercury, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, lead, cyanide and yellow phosphorus to water bodies, or burying them underground;


3. Washing and cleaning in any water body any vehicles or containers which have been used for storing oil or toxic pollutant;


(IV) Discharging or dumping industry waste residues, urban and town refuse or other wastes into any water body, or piling or depositing solid wastes or other pollutants on beaches and bank slopes below the highest water level of rivers, lakes, canals, irrigation channels and reservoirs;


(V) Discharging or dumping radioactive solid wastes or waste water containing any high-or medium-level radioactive substances to any water body;


(VI) Discharging waste water containing low radioactive substances, thermal waste water or sewage containing pathogens to water bodies in violation of the relevant national provisions and standards;


(VII) Failing to adopt anti-seepage and other measures or construct ground water quality monitoring wells to carry out monitoring;


(VIII) Failing to use double-wall underground oil tanks at gas stations, construct anti-seepage ponds or take other effective measures, or failing to carry out anti-seepage monitoring;


(IX) Failing to take protective measures, or using ditches, pits or ponds devoid of safeguards against seepage for conveyance or storage of waste water containing toxic pollutants or pathogens, or of other wastes.


Those who commit one of the acts as prescribed in Paragraphs 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 shall be subject to a fine of not less than CNY20,000 and not more than CNY200,000. Persons who commit any of the acts stipulated in item (1), item (2), item (5) and item (9) of the preceding paragraph shall be subject to a fine ranging from RMB100,000 to RMB1 million; where the case is serious, upon approval by the People's Government with approval authority, the offender shall be ordered to suspend operation or close down.

第八十六條   違反本法規定,生產、銷售、進口或者使用列入禁止生產、銷售、進口、使用的嚴重汙染水環境的設備名錄中的設備,或者采用列入禁止采用的嚴重汙染水環境的工藝名錄中的工藝的,由縣級以上人民政府經濟綜合宏觀調控部門責令改正,處五萬元以上二十萬元以下的罰款;情節嚴重的,由縣級以上人民政府經濟綜合宏觀調控部門提出意見,報請本級人民政府責令停業、關閉。

Article 86 Where any entity, in violation of this Law, manufactures, sells, imports or uses any equipment listed in the catalogue of equipment that could seriously pollute the environment or is prohibited from being manufactured, sold, imported or used, or employs any production techniques listed in the catalogue of production techniques that could seriously pollute the water environment and are prohibited from being employed, the comprehensive economic macro-control department shall order the entity to make corrections, and impose a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan; if the circumstance is serious, the comprehensive macroeconomic macro-control department under the people's government at or above the county level shall give opinions and request the people's government at the same level to order the entity to suspend operation or shut down.

第八十七條   違反本法規定,建設不符合國家產業政策的小型造紙、制革、印染、染料、煉焦、煉硫、煉砷、煉汞、煉油、電鍍、農藥、石棉、水泥、玻璃、鋼鐵、火電以及其他嚴重汙染水環境的生產項目的,由所在地的市、縣人民政府責令關閉。

Article 87 Where, in violation of the provisions of this Law, any small-sized paper mills, tanneries, printing and dyeing mills, dyestuff mills, coking plants, sulfuring plants, arsenic plants, mercury plants, oil refineries, electroplate factories, pesticide plants, asbestos factories, cement plants, glasswork, iron and steel plants or thermal power stations, which are inconsistent with the industrial policy of the State, or any production projects that could seriously pollute the water environment are constructed, the people's governments of the cities or counties where they are located shall order them to shut down.

第八十八條   城鎮汙水集中處理設施的運營單位或者汙泥處理處置單位,處理處置後的汙泥不符合國家標準,或者對汙泥去向等未進行記錄的,由城鎮排水主管部門責令限期采取治理措施,給予警告;造成嚴重後果的,處十萬元以上二十萬元以下的罰款;逾期不采取治理措施的,城鎮排水主管部門可以指定有治理能力的單位代為治理,所需費用由違法者承擔。

Article 88 Where any operating entity of the facilities for centralized treatment of urban sewage or any sludge disposal and treatment entity fails to ensure that the disposed and treated sludge meets the relevant standards of the State, or fails to keep record of the destination of the disposed and treated sludge, the competent department in charge of urban drainage shall order the entity to take measures within a time limit, and give a warning; if serious consequences are caused, a fine of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan shall be imposed; if the entity fails to take measures within the time limit, the competent department in charge of urban drainage may designate an entity with the pollution treatment capacity to treat on its behalf and all the expenses required shall be borne by the violator.

第八十九條   船舶未配置相應的防汙染設備和器材,或者未持有合法有效的防止水域環境汙染的證書與文書的,由海事管理機構、漁業主管部門按照職責分工責令限期改正,處二千元以上二萬元以下的罰款;逾期不改正的,責令船舶臨時停航。

Article 89 If a ship is not equipped with pollution prevention equipment or fittings or no lawful, effective certificates and documents concerning preventing environmental pollution in the waters are obtained thereby, the maritime administrative agency and competent authorities of fishery shall, according to the division of functionalities and responsibilities, order the operator or owner of ship to rectify within a time limit and impose a fine of not less than CNY2,000 but not more than CNY20,000; If any such problem is not rectified within the time limit, the ship shall be ordered to suspend voyage temporarily.


If a vessel fails to abide by the operation instructions or truthfully record the information in relevant book of records when conducting operations involving the discharge of pollutants, the maritime administrative agency and the competent authorities of fishery shall, according to the division of functionalities and responsibilities, order the vessel to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 2,000 yuan but not more than 20,000 yuan.

第九十條   違反本法規定,有下列行為之一的,由海事管理機構、漁業主管部門按照職責分工責令停止違法行為,處一萬元以上十萬元以下的罰款;造成水汙染的,責令限期采取治理措施,消除汙染,處二萬元以上二十萬元以下的罰款;逾期不采取治理措施的,海事管理機構、漁業主管部門按照職責分工可以指定有治理能力的單位代為治理,所需費用由船舶承擔:

Article 90 Where any entity, in violation of the Law, commits any of the following acts, the maritime administrative agency and competent authorities of fishery shall, according to the division of functionalities and responsibilities, order it to stop the unlawful act and impose a fine of not less than CNY10,000 but not more than CNY100 ,000; if water pollution is caused, they shall order it to take measures to treat and eliminate pollution within a time limit and impose a fine of not less than CNY20,000 but not more than CNY200,000; if it fails to take measures within the time limit, the maritime administrative agency and competent authorities of fishery shall, according to the division of functionalities and responsibilities, designate an entity with the pollution treatment capacity to treat on its behalf and bear the expenses incurred therefrom:


1. Dumping vessel waste or discharging vessel residual oil and oil waste to water bodies;


2. Carrying out lightering operation when loading liquid pollution hazardous freights into vessels in bulk without obtaining the approval from the maritime administrative agencies in the operating places;


3. vessel operators and the relevant operating entities engaging in operating activities with pollution risks fail to take pollution prevention and control measures in accordance with the relevant provisions;


(IV) ship dismantling by beaching;


(V) Vessels sailing on international routes entering inland rivers within the territory of the People's Republic of China discharge ballast water failing to meet the relevant requirements.

第九十一條   有下列行為之一的,由縣級以上地方人民政府環境保護主管部門責令停止違法行為,處十萬元以上五十萬元以下的罰款;並報經有批準權的人民政府批準,責令拆除或者關閉:

Article 91 If any one commits any of the following acts, the competent environmental protection authorities of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order to stop any such act and impose a fine of not less than CNY100 ,000 but not more than CNY500,000 and report to the people's government with the authority of approval for approval and ordering to remove or shut down:


1. within Class A Reserves of drinking water sources, newly constructing, reconstructing or expanding any project that has nothing to do with water supply facilities and protection of water sources;


2. Constructing, reconstructing or expanding, within a second-grade drinking water sources protection zone, any projects that discharge pollutants; or


(III) Within a quasi- protection zone for drinking water, constructing or expanding any project that will pollute the water body seriously or reconstructing any project that will increase the quantity of pollutants discharged.


If any unit engages in cage-farming, organizes travelling, fishing or other activities within the first-grade sources protection zones for drinking water that may possibly cause pollution to the water bodies of drinking water, the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the local people's government at or above the county level shall order to stop any such act of violation and impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan. If any individual swims or fishes or carries out any other activities within a first-grade drinking water sources protection zone that may possibly cause pollution to the water bodies of drinking water, the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the local people's government at or above the county level shall order him/her to stop the unlawful act and impose a fine of not more than 500 yuan.

第九十二條   飲用水供水單位供水水質不符合國家規定標準的,由所在地市、縣級人民政府供水主管部門責令改正,處二萬元以上二十萬元以下的罰款;情節嚴重的,報經有批準權的人民政府批準,可以責令停業整頓;對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。

Article 92 Where the quality of water supplied by any drinking water supply entity fails to meet the relevant standards as provided for by the State, the competent department in charge of water supply under the people's government of the city or county where the entity is located shall order the entity to make corrections, and impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan; if the circumstance is serious, the entity may be ordered to suspend the business for rectification after the decision is reported to the people's government with the approval authority for approval; the persons who are in direct charge and other directly liable persons shall be punished according to law.

第九十三條   企業事業單位有下列行為之一的,由縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門責令改正;情節嚴重的,處二萬元以上十萬元以下的罰款:

Article 93 If any enterprise or public institution commits any of the following acts, the competent environmental protection authorities of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order it to rectify; if the violation is serious, a fine of not less than CNY20,000 but not more than CNY100 ,000 shall be imposed:


1. failing to formulate an emergency plan for water pollution accidents in accordance with relevant provisions;


(II) Failing to implement the emergency plan for water pollution accidents and adopt relevant emergency measures after the occurrence of water pollution accidents.

第九十四條   企業事業單位違反本法規定,造成水汙染事故的,除依法承擔賠償責任外,由縣級以上人民政府環境保護主管部門依照本條第二款的規定處以罰款,責令限期采取治理措施,消除汙染;未按照要求采取治理措施或者不具備治理能力的,由環境保護主管部門指定有治理能力的單位代為治理,所需費用由違法者承擔;對造成重大或者特大水汙染事故的,還可以報經有批準權的人民政府批準,責令關閉;對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員可以處上一年度從本單位取得的收入百分之五十以下的罰款;有《中華人民共和國環境保護法第六十三條規定的違法排放水汙染物等行為之一,尚不構成犯罪的,由公安機關對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員處十日以上十五日以下的拘留;情節較輕的,處五日以上十日以下的拘留。

Article 94 Where any enterprise or public institution, in violation of this Law, causes a water pollution accident, the competent department in charge of environmental protection under the local people's government at or above the county level shall, apart from ordering it to assume compensation liability according to law, impose a fine prescribed in the second paragraph of this Article and order it to take measures to treat and remove water pollution within a time limit; if the enterprise or public institution fails to take measures as required or has no pollution treatment capacity, the competent department in charge of environmental protection shall designate an entity with the pollution treatment capacity to treat water pollution on its behalf and all the expenses required shall be borne by the violator; if a serious or extra serious water pollution accident is caused, the competent department in charge of environmental pollution may order the enterprise or public institution to shut down after reporting the accident to the people's government with the approval authority for approval; the persons who are directly in charge and the other directly liable persons shall be imposed a fine of not more than 50% of the income they obtained from the enterprise or public institution in the previous year; if the enterprise or public institution commits any of the acts of illegally discharging water pollutants prescribed in Article 63 of the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, without constituting a crime, the public security organ shall detain the persons who are directly in charge and the other directly liable persons for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days; if the circumstances


If a common or relatively major water pollution accident is caused, the fine shall be 20% of the direct losses caused by the water pollution accident; if a major or extraordinarily major water pollution accident is caused, the fine shall be 30% of the direct losses caused by the water pollution accident.


If a unit causes a fishery pollution accident or a fishery ship causes a water pollution accident, the competent authorities of fishery shall impose a fine thereon; if other ships cause a water pollution accident, the maritime administrative agency shall impose a fine thereon.

第九十五條   企業事業單位和其他生產經營者違法排放水汙染物,受到罰款處罰,被責令改正的,依法作出處罰決定的行政機關應當組織複查,發現其繼續違法排放水汙染物或者拒絕、阻撓複查的,依照《中華人民共和國環境保護法》的規定按日連續處罰。

Article 95 Where any enterprise, public institution, or other producer or operator is fined and ordered to make corrections for illegally discharging water pollutants, the administrative organ that has made the penalty decision shall organize a re-inspection, and in the event of finding that it continues to illegally discharge water pollutants or refuses to accept or obstructs the re-inspection, impose consecutive penalties on a daily basis in accordance with the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.

第九十六條   因水汙染受到損害的當事人,有權要求排汙方排除危害和賠償損失。

Article 96 A party suffering any damages due to water pollution shall have the right to require the party discharging pollutants to eliminate hazard and make compensation.


Where any damages arising from water pollution are caused by force majeure, the party discharging pollutants shall not assume compensation liability, unless otherwise provided for by laws.


If the losses arising out of water pollution are caused by the sufferer intentionally, the party discharging pollutants shall be exempted from compensation liability. If any damages arising from water pollution are caused by the gross negligence of the sufferer, the compensation liability of the party discharging pollutants may be mitigated.


Where any damages arising from water pollution are caused by a third party, the party discharging pollutants, after assuming compensation liability, shall be entitled to recourse to the third party.

第九十七條   因水汙染引起的損害賠償責任和賠償金額的糾紛,可以根據當事人的請求,由環境保護主管部門或者海事管理機構、漁業主管部門按照職責分工調解處理;調解不成的,當事人可以向人民法院提起訴訟。當事人也可以直接向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 97 Any dispute in connection with liability for damages and the amount of the compensation money arising out of water pollution may, upon the request of the parties concerned, be mediated for settlement by the competent environmental protection authorities or maritime administrative agency or competent authorities of fishery according to their division of functionalities and responsibilities; If the dispute is not settled through mediation, either party may bring a lawsuit to a People's Court. The party concerned may also take legal action directly at the people's court.

第九十八條   因水汙染引起的損害賠償訴訟,由排汙方就法律規定的免責事由及其行為與損害結果之間不存在因果關系承擔舉證責任。

Article 98 Where a suit is brought for claiming damages caused by water pollution, the party discharging pollutants shall assume the burden of proof for exemptions stipulated by laws and the absence of causality between its act and damages.

第九十九條   因水汙染受到損害的當事人人數眾多的,可以依法由當事人推選代表人進行共同訴訟。

Article 99 Where there are many parties who have suffered damages due to water pollution, they can elect a representative to bring a joint suit according to law.


Competent departments in charge of environmental protection and relevant social organizations may support any parties who have suffered damages due to water pollution to bring a lawsuit to a people's court.


The State encourages legal service agencies and lawyers to provide legal aid to the sufferers in the suits claiming damages caused by water pollution.

第一百條   因水汙染引起的損害賠償責任和賠償金額的糾紛,當事人可以委托環境監測機構提供監測數據。環境監測機構應當接受委托,如實提供有關監測數據。

Article 100 With regard to a dispute over liability for damages and the amount of compensation arising from water pollution, the party concerned may entrust an environmental monitoring agency to provide the monitoring data. The environment monitoring agency shall accept the entrustment and provide the relevant monitoring data truthfully.

第一百零一條   違反本法規定,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 101 Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.


Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

第一百零二條   本法中下列用語的含義:

Article 102 For purposes of this Law, the definitions of the following terms are:


1. "Water pollution" means the introduction into a water body of any substance which alters the chemical, physical, biological or radioactive properties of the water in such a way as to affect its effective use, endanger human health, damage the ecosystem or deteriorate the water quality.


(II) "Water pollutant" means a substance that is capable of causing water pollution when directly or indirectly discharged into a water body.


(III) "Toxic pollutant" means a pollutant that, when ingested by organisms directly or indirectly, leads to diseases, abnormal behavior, genetic mutation, physiological functional disturbance, organism deformity or death of the organisms themselves or their offspring.


(IV) "Sludge" refers to semi-solid and solid substances generated in the sewage treatment process.


5. "Fishery water bodies" means those parts of water bodies designated for the spawning, feeding, wintering or migratory passage of fish or shrimp, and for breeding fish, shrimp or shellfish or growing algae.

第一百零三條   本法自200861日起施行。

Article 103 This Law shall go into effect as of June 1, 2008.


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