2002年10月28日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議通過 根據2016年7月2日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國節約能源法〉等六部法律的決定》第一次修正 根據2018年12月29日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第七次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國勞動法〉等七部法律的決定》第二次修正
Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People's Republic of China (Amended in 2018)
(2002年10月28日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議通過 根據2016年7月2日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十一次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國節約能源法〉等六部法律的決定》第一次修正 根據2018年12月29日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第七次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國勞動法〉等七部法律的決定》第二次修正)
(Adopted at the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the 9th National People's Congress on October 28, 2002; amended for the first time according to the Decision on Revising Six Laws including the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on July 2, 2016; and amended for the second time according to the Decision on Revising Seven Laws including the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 7th Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on December 29, 2018)
第一章 總 則
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一條 為了實施可持續發展戰略,預防因規劃和建設項目實施後對環境造成不良影響,促進經濟、社會和環境的協調發展,制定本法。
Article 1. This Law is formulated for implementation of strategies for sustainable development, prevention of adverse environmental impacts arising from performance of planning and construction projects, and promotion of coordinated economic, social and environmental development.
第二條 本法所稱環境影響評價,是指對規劃和建設項目實施後可能造成的環境影響進行分析、預測和評估,提出預防或者減輕不良環境影響的對策和措施,進行跟蹤監測的方法與制度。
Article 2. Environmental impact assessment referred to in this Law shall be defined as the methods and systems used to analyse, forecast and assess possible environmental impacts arising from performance of planning and construction projects and to propose corresponding policies and measures to prevent or reduce such adverse environmental impacts.
第三條 編制本法第九條所規定的範圍內的規劃,在中華人民共和國領域和中華人民共和國管轄的其他海域內建設對環境有影響的項目,應當依照本法進行環境影響評價。
Article 3 Planning within the scope described in Article 9 of this Law and projects within the territory of the People's Republic of China or within other sea areas subject to the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China shall be subject to an EIA performed in accordance with this Law.
第四條 環境影響評價必須客觀、公開、公正,綜合考慮規劃或者建設項目實施後對各種環境因素及其所構成的生態系統可能造成的影響,為決策提供科學依據。
Article 4. An environmental impact assessment shall be objective, transparent and fair and take into consideration all possible environmental and ecological impacts of the planning or construction project, and shall provide a scientific basis for the decision.
第五條 國家鼓勵有關單位、專家和公眾以適當方式參與環境影響評價。
Article 5. The State shall encourage relevant departments, experts and the public to participate in environmental impact assessment through appropriate means.
第六條 國家加強環境影響評價的基礎數據庫和評價指標體系建設,鼓勵和支持對環境影響評價的方法、技術規範進行科學研究,建立必要的環境影響評價信息共享制度,提高環境影響評價的科學性。
Article 6 The State shall strengthen the development of basic databases and an evaluation index system for EIA, encourage and support scientific research on EIA methods and technical standards, and establish a necessary EIA information sharing system in order to improve the scientific level of EIA.
The department in charge of ecology and environment under the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, organize, establish and improve the basic database and assessment index system for environmental impact assessment.
第二章 規劃的環境影響評價
Chapter 2 Environmental Impact Assessment of Planning
第七條 國務院有關部門、設區的市級以上地方人民政府及其有關部門,對其組織編制的土地利用的有關規劃,區域、流域、海域的建設、開發利用規劃,應當在規劃編制過程中組織進行環境影響評價,編寫該規劃有關環境影響的篇章或者說明。
Article 7 The relevant State Council departments and the local people's governments at or above the level of cities with district division and their relevant departments shall, in the process of developing land-use-related planning or regional, drainage area or sea area development or utilization planning, conduct EIA and draw up a section or statements on the environmental impact of the plans.
The sections or statements related to the environmental impact of a planning shall include an analysis, forecast and assessment of the possible environmental impact upon the implementation of the planning, along with the policies and measures to be taken to prevent or mitigate any adverse environmental impact. Such sections or statements shall be submitted as a part of the draft planning to the authority in charge of approving the planning.
The approval authority shall not approve any draft planning without any section or statements in it on the environmental impact of the planning.
第八條 國務院有關部門、設區的市級以上地方人民政府及其有關部門,對其組織編制的工業、農業、畜牧業、林業、能源、水利、交通、城市建設、旅遊、自然資源開發的有關專項規劃(以下簡稱專項規劃),應當在該專項規劃草案上報審批前,組織進行環境影響評價,並向審批該專項規劃的機關提出環境影響報告書。
Article 8 The relevant State Council departments and the local people's government at or above the level of cities with district division and their relevant departments shall, prior to submitting for review and approval any draft industry, agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, energy, water conservancy, communications, urban development, tourism, and natural resources-related special planning developed by them, organize an EIA of the planning and submit the resulting environment impact report (the "EIR") to the authority in charge of reviewing and approving the special planning.
Directive planning included in specialised planning referred to in the preceding paragraph shall conduct environmental impact assessment in accordance with provisions of Article 7 of this Law.
第九條 依照本法第七條、第八條的規定進行環境影響評價的規劃的具體範圍,由國務院生態環境主管部門會同國務院有關部門規定,報國務院批準。
Article 9 The specific scope of planning subject to an EIA in accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of this Law shall be prescribed by the department in charge of ecology and environment under the State Council in conjunction with the relevant departments under the State Council and submitted to the State Council for approval.
第十條 專項規劃的環境影響報告書應當包括下列內容:
Article 10 The EIR of a special planning shall include the following contents:
1. Analysis, forecast, and assessment of the potential impact of the implementation of the planning on the environment;
(II) countermeasures and steps to prevent or mitigate adverse environmental impacts;
(III) conclusions of the environmental impact assessment.
第十一條 專項規劃的編制機關對可能造成不良環境影響並直接涉及公眾環境權益的規劃,應當在該規劃草案報送審批前,舉行論證會、聽證會,或者采取其他形式,征求有關單位、專家和公眾對環境影響報告書草案的意見。但是,國家規定需要保密的情形除外。
Article 11 For a special planning with potentially adverse environmental impacts or directly concerning the environmental interests of the general public, the drafting body of the planning shall, prior to submitting the draft planning for review and approval, seek opinions from the relevant units, experts, and the general public on the draft EIR. However, exception shall be made for the circumstances where confidentiality is required by the State.
The department in charge of specialized planning shall consider the opinions of relevant departments, experts and the public on the draft environmental impact report, and shall state reasons for acceptance or rejection of such opinions in the environmental impact report.
第十二條 專項規劃的編制機關在報批規劃草案時,應當將環境影響報告書一並附送審批機關審查;未附送環境影響報告書的,審批機關不予審批。
Article 12 The department in charge of specialized planning shall submit the draft plan supported by the environmental impact report to the examination and approval authorities. Draft plans which are not supported by environmental impact reports shall not be examined or approved.
第十三條 設區的市級以上人民政府在審批專項規劃草案,作出決策前,應當先由人民政府指定的生態環境主管部門或者其他部門召集有關部門代表和專家組成審查小組,對環境影響報告書進行審查。審查小組應當提出書面審查意見。
Article 13 Before a people's government at or above the level of cities with district division makes a decision on the approval or non-approval of a draft special planning, the environmental impact report shall be reviewed by an examination panel composed of representatives from the relevant departments and experts convened by the competent authority of ecology and environment or any other department designated by the people's government. The examination panel shall issue a written opinion.
Experts participating in the review panel stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be randomly selected from the list of experts in the relevant professions from the experts' database established pursuant to the provisions of the ecology and environment department of the State Council.
The competent authority of ecology and environment under the State Council shall, together with other relevant departments under the State Council, formulate the measures for the review of environmental impact reports of special planning subject to the approval of the relevant departments of the people's government at or above the provincial level.
第十四條 審查小組提出修改意見的,專項規劃的編制機關應當根據環境影響報告書結論和審查意見對規劃草案進行修改完善,並對環境影響報告書結論和審查意見的采納情況作出說明;不采納的,應當說明理由。
Article 14 Where the examination panel proposes opinions on revision, the department in charge of specialized planning shall revise and improve the draft plan based on the conclusion of the environmental impact report and the examination opinions, and provide an explanation on acceptance of the conclusion of the environmental impact report and the examination opinions; where the opinion is not accepted, the reason shall be provided.
The people's governments at or above the level of cities with district division or the relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the provincial level in the process of reviewing and approving draft special planning shall adopt the EIS conclusions and the review opinions as an important basis for decision-making.
In the case of the non-adoption of the EIS conclusions or the review opinions in the review and approval process, the reasons shall be provided and filed for the record for reference purposes.
第十五條 對環境有重大影響的規劃實施後,編制機關應當及時組織環境影響的跟蹤評價,並將評價結果報告審批機關;發現有明顯不良環境影響的,應當及時提出改進措施。
Article 15. Upon implementation of a plan with significant environmental impacts, the department in charge of formulation of the plan shall organise follow-up assessments of environmental impacts promptly and report the results of assessment to the examination and approval authorities. Measures for improvement shall be proposed promptly where obvious adverse environmental impacts are detected.
第三章 建設項目的環境影響評價
Chapter III Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects
第十六條 國家根據建設項目對環境的影響程度,對建設項目的環境影響評價實行分類管理。
Article 16 The State implements a classification-based management on the EIA of construction projects according to the impact of the construction projects on the environment.
A construction unit shall, according to the following provisions, prepare the environmental impact report and the environmental impact statement or fill in the environmental impact registration form (hereinafter jointly referred to as EIA documents):
1. For projects with potentially major environmental impacts, an EIR shall be prepared to provide a comprehensive assessment of their environmental impacts;
(II) A statement on environmental impact shall be compiled for any potential slight environmental impact, giving analysis or special-purpose assessment of the environmental impact generated; and
(III) Where the environmental impact is minimal and the environmental impact assessment is unnecessary, an environmental impact registration form shall be filled out.
The catalog of the classified administration of the environmental impact assessment of a construction project shall be formulated and published by the department in charge of ecology and environment under the State Council.
第十七條 建設項目的環境影響報告書應當包括下列內容:
Article 17 The EIR of a construction project shall include the following contents:
1. an overview of the construction project;
2. current state of environment surrounding the construction project;
(III) analysis, forecast and assessment of impacts which may be caused by the construction project on the environment;
(IV) Measures for environmental protection taken for the construction project and the technical and economic demonstration thereof;
(V) the economic loss-benefit analysis on the environmental impact of the construction project;
(VI) proposals for environment monitoring of the construction project; and
(VII) conclusions of the environmental impact assessment.
The contents and format of the environmental impact report and environmental impact registration form shall be formulated by the department in charge of ecology and environment under the State Council.
第十八條 建設項目的環境影響評價,應當避免與規劃的環境影響評價相重複。
Article 18. The environmental impact assessment for a construction project shall avoid duplication with the environmental impact assessment for planning.
The planning for an integrated construction project shall be subject to EIA on the basis of the whole construction project rather than the planning itself.
Where a planning on which an EIA has been performed covers specific construction projects, the EIA conclusions on the planning shall be taken as an important basis for the EIA of the construction project and the contents of the EIA of the construction project shall be simplified based on the review opinions on the EIA of the planning.
第十九條 建設單位可以委托技術單位對其建設項目開展環境影響評價,編制建設項目環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表;建設單位具備環境影響評價技術能力的,可以自行對其建設項目開展環境影響評價,編制建設項目環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表。
Article 19 A construction unit may entrust a technical unit to conduct the environmental impact assessment of a construction project, and prepare the environmental impact report and environmental impact statement of the construction project; where the construction unit has the technical capability of environmental impact assessment, it may conduct the environmental impact assessment of the construction project itself, and prepare the environmental impact report and environmental impact statement of the construction project.
The preparation of the environmental impact report and environmental impact statement of a construction project shall comply with the relevant national environmental impact assessment standards, technical specifications and other provisions.
The competent authority of ecology and environment of the State Council shall formulate the capacity construction guidelines and supervision methods for the preparation of environmental impact reports and environmental impact statements of construction projects.
The technical unit entrusted to prepare the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of a construction project shall not have any interest relationship with the competent authority of ecology and environment or other relevant approval departments which is responsible for examining and approving the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of the construction project.
第二十條 建設單位應當對建設項目環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表的內容和結論負責,接受委托編制建設項目環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表的技術單位對其編制的建設項目環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表承擔相應責任。
Article 20 A construction unit shall be responsible for the contents and conclusions of the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of the construction project, and the technical unit that is entrusted to prepare the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of the construction project shall bear the corresponding responsibility for the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of the construction project prepared thereby.
The departments in charge of ecology and environment under the people's governments at or above the level of city divided into districts shall strengthen the supervision, administration and quality assessment of the entities that prepare the environmental impact report and environmental impact statement of a construction project.
The competent authority of ecology and environment that is responsible for examining and approving the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of a development project shall record the relevant illegal information of the preparing unit, the preparing host and main preparing personnel into the social credit archive, and include such information into the national credit information sharing platform and the national enterprise credit information publicity system for disclosure to the public.
No organisation or individual shall designate a technical organisation to prepare an environmental impact report or environmental impact statement for a construction project.
第二十一條 除國家規定需要保密的情形外,對環境可能造成重大影響、應當編制環境影響報告書的建設項目,建設單位應當在報批建設項目環境影響報告書前,舉行論證會、聽證會,或者采取其他形式,征求有關單位、專家和公眾的意見。
Article 21 Unless confidentiality is provided by State regulations, a construction unit shall hold reviews and hearings etc to solicit opinions from relevant departments, experts and the public before submitting the environmental impact report of a construction project which may have significant environmental impact for approval.
The report of environmental impact submitted by the construction unit for approval shall have an explanation on whether to accept the opinions of relevant units, experts and the public.
第二十二條 建設項目的環境影響報告書、報告表,由建設單位按照國務院的規定報有審批權的生態環境主管部門審批。
Article 22 The environmental impact report and environmental impact statement of a construction project shall, according to the provisions of the State Council, be submitted by the construction unit to the competent authority of ecology and environment for examination and approval.
Examination and approval for marine environmental impact reports of marine construction projects shall be handled pursuant to the provisions of the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.
The examination and approval authorities shall grant approval and notify the construction unit in writing within 60 days from receipt of an environmental impact report or within 30 days from receipt of an environmental impact statement respectively.
The State shall implement the record- filing administration over the environmental impact registration form.
No fees shall be collected for examination and approval of environment impact reports, report forms and filing registration forms for construction projects.
第二十三條 國務院生態環境主管部門負責審批下列建設項目的環境影響評價文件:
Article 23 The competent authority of ecology and environment under the State Council shall be responsible for the examination and approval of the EIA documents of the following construction projects:
1. special-nature construction projects such as nuclear facilities and top-secret projects;
2. construction projects transcending the administrative areas of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and
(III) Construction projects subject to the examination and approval of the State Council or the examination and approval of the departments concerned authorized by the State Council.
The scope of authority for examination and approval of Environmental Impact Assessment Documents for construction projects other than those stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be stipulated by People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities.
Where a construction project may cause bad environmental impact across two or more administrative regions and the relevant competent authority of ecology and environment has disputes over the conclusion of environmental impact assessment of the project, its environmental impact assessment document shall be examined and approved by the same competent authority of ecology and environment at the next higher level.
第二十四條 建設項目的環境影響評價文件經批準後,建設項目的性質、規模、地點、采用的生產工藝或者防治汙染、防止生態破壞的措施發生重大變動的,建設單位應當重新報批建設項目的環境影響評價文件。
Article 24 Where, after the EIA documents of a construction project has been approved, there is a major change in the nature, scale, or location of the project, or the production techniques or the measures for pollution prevention and treatment or ecological damage prevention adopted by the project, the construction unit shall re-submit the EIA documents of the construction project for review and approval.
Where a construction project commences construction after five years from the date of approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment Documents, a new application for examination and approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment Documents shall be submitted to the original examination and approval authorities; the original examination and approval authorities shall notify the construction unit in writing of the examination and approval opinion within 10 days from receipt of the Environmental Impact Assessment Documents of the construction project.
第二十五條 建設項目的環境影響評價文件未依法經審批部門審查或者審查後未予批準的,建設單位不得開工建設。
Article 25 Where the EIA documents of a construction project has not been reviewed in accordance with the law or approved upon review by the approval authority, the construction unit shall not start construction of the project.
第二十六條 建設項目建設過程中,建設單位應當同時實施環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表以及環境影響評價文件審批部門審批意見中提出的環境保護對策措施。
Article 26. During the construction of a project, the construction unit shall implement environmental protection measures prescribed in the environmental impact report, environmental impact statement and the approval document of the examination and approval authorities.
第二十七條 在項目建設、運行過程中產生不符合經審批的環境影響評價文件的情形的,建設單位應當組織環境影響的後評價,采取改進措施,並報原環境影響評價文件審批部門和建設項目審批部門備案;原環境影響評價文件審批部門也可以責成建設單位進行環境影響的後評價,采取改進措施。
Article 27 In the event of occurrences which are not in accordance with the approved Environmental Impact Assessment Documents in the course of construction and operation, the builder shall organise a follow-up assessment of the environmental impact, adopt measures for improvement, and file records with the original examination and approval authorities for the Environmental Impact Assessment Documents and the original examination and approval authorities for the construction project. The original examination and approval authorities for the Environmental Impact Assessment Documents may order the builder to conduct a follow-up assessment of the environmental impact and adopt measures for improvement.
第二十八條 生態環境主管部門應當對建設項目投入生產或者使用後所產生的環境影響進行跟蹤檢查,對造成嚴重環境汙染或者生態破壞的,應當查清原因、查明責任。對屬於建設項目環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表存在基礎資料明顯不實,內容存在重大缺陷、遺漏或者虛假,環境影響評價結論不正確或者不合理等嚴重質量問題的,依照本法第三十二條的規定追究建設單位及其相關責任人員和接受委托編制建設項目環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表的技術單位及其相關人員的法律責任;屬於審批部門工作人員失職、渎職,對依法不應批準的建設項目環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表予以批準的,依照本法第三十四條的規定追究其法律責任。
Article 28 The competent authority of ecology and environment shall conduct a follow-up inspection of the environmental impacts upon the production or use of a construction project, and in the case of serious environmental pollution or ecological damage, find out the reasons therefor and ascertain the liability. Where the basic information in the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of a construction project is obviously untrue, the content is seriously defective, omitted or false, the environmental impact assessment conclusions are incorrect or unreasonable, or there are other serious quality problems, the construction unit and the relevant responsible personnel and the technical unit which has been entrusted with the preparation of the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of the construction project and their relevant personnel shall be held legally liable in accordance with Article 32 of this Law. Where the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of a construction project that should not have been approved according to law has been approved due to the dereliction of duty or malfeasance of the personnel of the examination and approval authority, the legal liability of the personnel shall be pursued in accordance with Article 34 of this Law.
第四章 法 律 責 任
Chapter 4 Legal Liability
第二十九條 規劃編制機關違反本法規定,未組織環境影響評價,或者組織環境影響評價時弄虛作假或者有失職行為,造成環境影響評價嚴重失實的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,由上級機關或者監察機關依法給予行政處分。
Article 29 Where the drafting body of any planning violates this Law in failing to organize an EIA, or committing any fraudulent conduct or dereliction of duty in an EIA organized by it, resulting in any serious inconsistency of the EIA with the facts, the persons directly in charge and other directly responsible persons shall be subject to administrative sanctions under the law by its superior authority or its supervising authority.
第三十條 規劃審批機關對依法應當編寫有關環境影響的篇章或者說明而未編寫的規劃草案,依法應當附送環境影響報告書而未附送的專項規劃草案,違法予以批準的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,由上級機關或者監察機關依法給予行政處分。
Article 30 Where the authority in charge of reviewing and approving any planning approved a draft planning which didn't not include the required section or statements on environmental impacts or a draft special planning without the required EIR attached thereto in contravention of the law, the persons directly in charge or other directly responsible persons shall be subject to administrative sanctions under the law by its superior authority or its supervising authority.
第三十一條 建設單位未依法報批建設項目環境影響報告書、報告表,或者未依照本法第二十四條的規定重新報批或者報請重新審核環境影響報告書、報告表,擅自開工建設的,由縣級以上生態環境主管部門責令停止建設,根據違法情節和危害後果,處建設項目總投資額百分之一以上百分之五以下的罰款,並可以責令恢複原狀;對建設單位直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,依法給予行政處分。
Article 31 Where any construction unit fails to submit the environmental impact report and environmental impact statement of the construction project for examination and approval according to the law, or fails to submit a new report for approval or re-examine the environmental impact report and environmental impact statement in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 of this Law, and commences construction without authorization, the competent authority of ecology and environment at the county level or above shall order it to stop the construction, and impose a fine of not less than 1% but not more than 5% of the total investment amount of the construction project, and may order it to restore to the original state according to the seriousness and consequences of the violation; and the person in direct charge and the other persons directly liable of the construction unit shall be given administrative sanctions according to the law.
Where the construction unit commenced construction without obtaining approval for the environmental impact report and environmental impact statement of the construction project or without obtaining approval for the environmental impact report and environmental impact statement to be resubmitted to the original examination and approval authorities, it shall be punished or dealt with pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Where the construction units fail to file the environmental impact registration form for the construction project in accordance with the law, the competent authority of ecology and environment above the county level shall order them to file the same and impose a fine of not more than CNY50,000.
Construction units of marine construction projects guilty of illegal conduct listed in this Article shall be punished in accordance with provisions of the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.
第三十二條 建設項目環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表存在基礎資料明顯不實,內容存在重大缺陷、遺漏或者虛假,環境影響評價結論不正確或者不合理等嚴重質量問題的,由設區的市級以上人民政府生態環境主管部門對建設單位處五十萬元以上二百萬元以下的罰款,並對建設單位的法定代表人、主要負責人、直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,處五萬元以上二十萬元以下的罰款。
Article 32 Where the basic materials in the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of a construction project are obviously untrue, or there are major defects, omissions or false contents, or the environmental impact assessment conclusions are incorrect or unreasonable or have other serious quality problems, the competent authority of ecology and environment of the people's government at or above the level of city divided into districts shall impose a fine of not less than CNY500,000 but not more than CNY2 million on the construction unit, and impose a fine of not less than CNY50,000 but not more than CNY200,000 on the legal representative, major person-in-charge, directly responsible person in charge and other directly liable persons of the construction unit.
Where the technical unit that is entrusted to prepare the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of a construction project violates the relevant national standards and technical specifications for environmental impact assessment, causing serious quality problems such as obviously untrue basic information in the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement of the construction project prepared by it, major defects, omissions or falsification in the content, or incorrect or unreasonable conclusions of the environmental impact report, the competent authority of ecology and environment of the people's government at or above the level of city divided into districts shall impose a fine of not less than three times but not more than five times the fees collected by the technical unit; if the circumstance is serious, the technical unit is prohibited from preparing the environmental impact report or environmental impact statement; the illegal gains, if any, shall be confiscated.
If a drawing up unit has committed the illegal acts provided in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article, the drawing up chair and main drafters are forbidden to do the work of drawing up environmental impact report and environmental impact statement within five years; if a crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be investigated into according to law, and the work of drawing up environmental impact report and environmental impact statement shall be forbidden for life.
第三十三條 負責審核、審批、備案建設項目環境影響評價文件的部門在審批、備案中收取費用的,由其上級機關或者監察機關責令退還;情節嚴重的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予行政處分。
Article 33 Departments responsible for examination, verification, examination and approval, and filing of Environmental Impact Assessment Documents of construction projects which have collected fees during the examination and approval process shall be ordered for refund by their superior department or the supervision and inspection authorities. Under severe circumstances, the person-in-charge or responsible personnel shall be liable to administrative sanctions.
第三十四條 生態環境主管部門或者其他部門的工作人員徇私舞弊,濫用職權,玩忽職守,違法批準建設項目環境影響評價文件的,依法給予行政處分;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 34 Where any employee of the competent authority of ecology and environment or any other department engages in malpractices for personal gains, abuses his power, or neglects his duty in approving the EIA documents of any construction project in violation of the law, he shall be subject to administrative sanctions under the law; where the case constitutes a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal liability under the law.
第五章 附 則
Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions
第三十五條 省、自治區、直轄市人民政府可以根據本地的實際情況,要求對本轄區的縣級人民政府編制的規劃進行環境影響評價。具體辦法由省、自治區、直轄市參照本法第二章的規定制定。
Article 35 The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, based on actual local conditions, require the performance of EIA on any planning drafted by the people's governments at the county level within their own jurisdictions. Specific measures in this respect shall be formulated by the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government by referring to Chapter II of this Law.
第三十六條 軍事設施建設項目的環境影響評價辦法,由中央軍事委員會依照本法的原則制定。
Article 36 Methods of environmental impact assessment for construction projects of military facilities shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission in accordance with the principles of this Law.
第三十七條 本法自2003年9月1日起施行。
Article 37 This Law shall go into effect as of September 1, 2003.
轉載請注明出處: 法總荟 » 中華人民共和國環境影響評價法(2018修正)(中英文對照版)
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