


Antiespionage Law of the People's Republic of China


Presidential Decree No. 16


The Counterespionage Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on November 1, 2014, is hereby promulgated for implementation as of the date of promulgation.

中華人民共和國主席 習近平

President Xi Jinping


November 1, 2014


(Adopted at the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on November 1, 2014)



  第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 國家安全機關在反間諜工作中的職權

Chapter 2 Authorities of National Security Organs in Counterespionage Work

  第三章 公民和組織的義務和權利

Chapter III Obligations and Rights of Citizens and Organizations

  第四章 法律責任

Chapter 4 Legal Liabilities

  第五章 附則

Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一條   為了防範、制止和懲治間諜行為,維護國家安全,根據憲法,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted according to the Constitution in order to prevent, stop and punish the acts of espionage, and safeguard national security.

第二條   反間諜工作堅持中央統一領導,堅持公開工作與秘密工作相結合、專門工作與群眾路線相結合、積極防禦、依法懲治的原則。

Article 2 Counterespionage work shall be conducted under the principles of upholding the unified leadership of the Central Government, combining open work and confidential work, combining specialized work and the mass line, and giving proactive defense and law-based punishment.

第三條   國家安全機關是反間諜工作的主管機關。

Article 3 National security organs are the authorities in charge of counterespionage work.


Public security, secrecy administration, and other relevant departments and relevant military departments shall, according to their respective responsibilities, closely cooperate with each other, strengthen coordination, and properly deal with relevant work in accordance with the law.

第四條   中華人民共和國公民有維護國家的安全、榮譽和利益的義務,不得有危害國家的安全、榮譽和利益的行為。

Article 4 Citizens of the People's Republic of China shall have the duty to safeguard the security, honour and interests of the State, and must not commit any act endangering the security, honour or interests of the State.


All state organs, armed forces, political parties, social groups, enterprises and public institutions have the obligation of preventing and stopping acts of espionage and safeguarding national security.


National security organs must rely on the support of the people in their counterespionage, and mobilize and organize them to prevent and stop acts of espionage that endanger national security.

第五條   反間諜工作應當依法進行,尊重和保障人權,保障公民和組織的合法權益。

Article 5 Counterespionage work shall be carried out in accordance with the law to respect and protect human rights and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and organizations.

第六條   境外機構、組織、個人實施或者指使、資助他人實施的,或者境內機構、組織、個人與境外機構、組織、個人相勾結實施的危害中華人民共和國國家安全的間諜行為,都必須受到法律追究。

Article 6 Any overseas agency, organization or individual who commits or instigates or funds others to commit an act of espionage that endangers the national security of the People's Republic of China, or any domestic agency, organization or individual who colludes with an overseas agency, organization or individual in committing such act of espionage, must be investigated for legal liability.

第七條   國家對支持、協助反間諜工作的組織和個人給予保護,對有重大貢獻的給予獎勵。

Article 7 The State protects organizations and individuals that provide support and assistance in counterespionage work, and rewards those who make significant contributions.

第二章 國家安全機關在反間諜工作中的職權

Chapter 2 Authorities of National Security Organs in Counterespionage Work

第八條   國家安全機關在反間諜工作中依法行使偵查、拘留、預審和執行逮捕以及法律規定的其他職權。

Article 8 In the course of counterespionage work, national security organs shall exercise their powers of investigation, detention, interrogation and arrest and other functions and powers stipulated by the law.

第九條   國家安全機關的工作人員依法執行任務時,依照規定出示相應證件,有權查驗中國公民或者境外人員的身份證明,向有關組織和人員調查、詢問有關情況。

Article 9 Any functionary of a State security organ, when legally performing a task, shall, as required by regulations, have the right to examine the identity certificate of any Chinese citizen or person from outside the territory and to investigate or inquire about relevant matters from any organization or individual concerned.

第十條   國家安全機關的工作人員依法執行任務時,依照規定出示相應證件,可以進入有關場所、單位;根據國家有關規定,經過批準,出示相應證件,可以進入限制進入的有關地區、場所、單位,查閱或者調取有關的檔案、資料、物品。

Article 10 When legally performing a task, staff members of national security organs may enter the relevant site or entity, after presenting their credentials as legally required, or enter relevant restricted area, site or entity as approved in accordance with relevant provisions of the State, after producing their credentials, to consult or obtain relevant files, materials or items.

第十一條   國家安全機關的工作人員在依法執行緊急任務的情況下,經出示相應證件,可以優先乘坐公共交通工具,遇交通阻礙時,優先通行。

Article 11 Any functionary of a State security organ may, when carrying out an urgent task according to law, have the priority in taking means of public transport upon producing an appropriate certificate, and have the right of way in case of a traffic block.


As needed for counterespionage work, a national security organ may have priority in using or legally requisitioning the means of transport, communication tools, venues or buildings of a state organ, group, enterprise, public institution or individual in accordance with relevant provisions of the state, and may set up relevant work sites, equipment or facilities if necessary. Upon completion of an assignment, the national security organ shall immediately return or restore the property to its original condition, and pay relevant fees as required; and any losses caused thereby shall be compensated.

第十二條   國家安全機關因偵察間諜行為的需要,根據國家有關規定,經過嚴格的批準手續,可以采取技術偵察措施。

Article 12 As needed for reconnoitering acts of espionage, a national security organ may take technical reconnaissance measures upon strict approval formalities in accordance with relevant provisions of the State.

第十三條   國家安全機關因反間諜工作需要,可以依照規定查驗有關組織和個人的電子通信工具、器材等設備、設施。查驗中發現存在危害國家安全情形的,國家安全機關應當責令其整改;拒絕整改或者整改後仍不符合要求的,可以予以查封、扣押。

Article 13 As needed for counterespionage work, a national security organ may check electronic communication tools, devices and other equipment and facilities of relevant organizations and individuals in accordance with the relevant provisions. Where a circumstance of endangering national security is found during the inspection, the national security organ shall order the party concerned to make rectification; in case of refusal to make rectification or failure to meet requirements even after rectification, a measure of seal-up or seizure may be taken.


With regard to the equipment or facility that is sealed up or seized pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the national security organ shall terminate the seal-up or seizure in a timely manner after the circumstance of endangering national security is removed.

第十四條   國家安全機關因反間諜工作需要,根據國家有關規定,可以提請海關、邊防等檢查機關對有關人員和資料、器材免檢。有關檢查機關應當予以協助。

Article 14 As needed for counterespionage work, a national security organ may, in accordance with relevant provisions of the State, request customs, border defense and other inspection authorities to exempt the relevant persons, materials and devices from such inspection. The relevant inspecting organs shall give assistance thereto.

第十五條   國家安全機關對用於間諜行為的工具和其他財物,以及用於資助間諜行為的資金、場所、物資,經設區的市級以上國家安全機關負責人批準,可以依法查封、扣押、凍結。

Article 15 A national security organ may, as approved by the person in charge of a national security organ at or above the level of city with districts, legally seal up, seize or freeze any tools and other property used for acts of espionage, as well as the funds, sites or supplies used for funding acts of espionage.

第十六條   國家安全機關根據反間諜工作需要,可以會同有關部門制定反間諜技術防範標準,指導有關部門落實反間諜技術防範措施,對存在隱患的部門,經過嚴格的批準手續,可以進行反間諜技術防範檢查和檢測。

Article 16 As needed for counterespionage work, a national security organ may, in concert with relevant departments, formulate technical protection standards against counterespionage, and guide relevant departments to implement such measures, and may check and test departments where potential dangers exist for technical protection against counterespionage after undergoing strict approval formalities.

第十七條   國家安全機關及其工作人員在工作中,應當嚴格依法辦事,不得超越職權、濫用職權,不得侵犯組織和個人的合法權益。

Article 17 State security organs and their functionaries, in their work, shall act in strict accordance with law, and refrain from overstepping or abusing their powers and infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of any organization or individual.


Information and materials relating to organizations and individuals that are obtained by national security organs and their functionaries in the performance of their anti-spying duties can only be used for anti-spying purposes. State secrets, commercial secrets and personal privacy shall be kept confidential.

第十八條   國家安全機關工作人員依法執行職務受法律保護。

Article 18 The performance of duty according to law by functionaries of the State security organs shall be protected by law.

第三章 公民和組織的義務和權利

Chapter III Obligations and Rights of Citizens and Organizations

第十九條   機關、團體和其他組織應當對本單位的人員進行維護國家安全的教育,動員、組織本單位的人員防範、制止間諜行為。

Article 19 State organs, groups and other organizations shall educate their employees on safeguarding national security and mobilize or organize them to prevent or stop acts of espionage.

第二十條   公民和組織應當為反間諜工作提供便利或者其他協助。

Article 20 Citizens and organizations shall facilitate or otherwise assist counterespionage work.


Where the personal security of a citizen or any close relative thereof is at risk due to his or her assistance in the counterespionage work, he or she may request protection from a national security organ. The State security organ shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, take protective measures in accordance with the law.

第二十一條   公民和組織發現間諜行為,應當及時向國家安全機關報告;向公安機關等其他國家機關、組織報告的,相關國家機關、組織應當立即移送國家安全機關處理。

Article 21 A citizen or organization shall report an act of espionage to a national security organ in a timely manner upon discovering such act; where such act is reported to a public security organ or any other state organ or organization, the relevant state organ or organization shall immediately refer the case to a national security organ for handling.

第二十二條   在國家安全機關調查了解有關間諜行為的情況、收集有關證據時,有關組織和個人應當如實提供,不得拒絕。

Article 22 When a national security organ investigates the information on relevant acts of espionage or collects relevant evidence, relevant organizations and individuals shall provide such information or evidence truthfully, and shall not refuse to do so.

第二十三條   任何公民和組織都應當保守所知悉的有關反間諜工作的國家秘密。

Article 23 All citizens or organizations shall guard the state secrets relating to counterespionage work known to them.

第二十四條   任何個人和組織都不得非法持有屬於國家秘密的文件、資料和其他物品。

Article 24 No individual or organization may unlawfully hold any document, material or other articles classified as State secrets.

第二十五條   任何個人和組織都不得非法持有、使用間諜活動特殊需要的專用間諜器材。專用間諜器材由國務院國家安全主管部門依照國家有關規定確認。

Article 25 No individual or organization may illegally hold or use any special spy apparatus needed specially for espionage activities. Special espionage equipment shall be confirmed by the competent national security department under the State Council in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

第二十六條   任何個人和組織對國家安全機關及其工作人員超越職權、濫用職權和其他違法行為,都有權向上級國家安全機關或者有關部門檢舉、控告。受理檢舉、控告的國家安全機關或者有關部門應當及時查清事實,負責處理,並將處理結果及時告知檢舉人、控告人。

Article 26 Any individual or organization shall have the right to make to the State security organ at a higher level or to a relevant department exposure of or charge against the excess or abuse of power or other unlawful acts committed by a State security organ or its functionaries. The national security organ or relevant department receiving such report or accusation shall ascertain the facts in a timely manner, be responsible for handing the case, and inform the informant or accuser of the handling result in a timely manner.


No individual or organization may suppress or retaliate against any individual or organization that has assisted a State security organ in its work or made reports or charges according to law.

第四章 法律責任

Chapter 4 Legal Liabilities

第二十七條   境外機構、組織、個人實施或者指使、資助他人實施,或者境內機構、組織、個人與境外機構、組織、個人相勾結實施間諜行為,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 27 Where an overseas agency, organization or individual conducts or instigates or funds others to conduct an act of espionage, or a domestic agency, organization or individual colludes with an overseas agency, organization or individual in conducting such act of espionage, which constitutes a crime, the criminal liability of the overseas agency, organization or individual shall be investigated in accordance with the law.


Whoever conducts an act of espionage and voluntarily surrenders himself or renders a meritorious service may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment; or be rewarded for his significant meritorious service.

第二十八條   在境外受脅迫或者受誘騙參加敵對組織、間諜組織,從事危害中華人民共和國國家安全的活動,及時向中華人民共和國駐外機構如實說明情況,或者入境後直接或者通過所在單位及時向國家安全機關、公安機關如實說明情況,並有悔改表現的,可以不予追究。

Article 28 Anyone who is compelled or induced to join a hostile organization or an espionage organization abroad to engage in any activity that endangers the national security of the People's Republic of China and truthfully reports the situation to an institution of the People's Republic of China stationed abroad in a timely manner, or after entering the country, makes truthful report to a national security organ or a public security organ directly or through his unit and shows repentance may be exempted from liability.

第二十九條   明知他人有間諜犯罪行為,在國家安全機關向其調查有關情況、收集有關證據時,拒絕提供的,由其所在單位或者上級主管部門予以處分,或者由國家安全機關處十五日以下行政拘留;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 29 Whoever, while clearly knowing that another person has committed the crime of espionage, refuses to provide relevant particulars or relevant evidence when an officer from a State security organ asks him to do so, shall be given administrative sanctions by the entity to which he belongs or by the competent authority at a higher level, or be given administrative detention of not more than 15 days by the State security organ; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.

第三十條   以暴力、威脅方法阻礙國家安全機關依法執行任務的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 30 Whoever obstructs, by means of violence or threat, a State security organ from carrying out a task according to law shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.


Whoever intentionally obstructs, without using any violence or threat, a national security organ in legally performing a task which causes a serious consequence, shall be subject to criminal liability in accordance with the law. If the case is relatively minor, an administrative detention up to 15 days shall be imposed by the national security organ.

第三十一條   泄露有關反間諜工作的國家秘密的,由國家安全機關處十五日以下行政拘留;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 31 Whoever divulges any state secret relating to counterespionage work shall be subject to an administrative detention up to 15 days imposed by a national security organ; where a crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

第三十二條   對非法持有屬於國家秘密的文件、資料和其他物品的,以及非法持有、使用專用間諜器材的,國家安全機關可以依法對其人身、物品、住處和其他有關的地方進行搜查;對其非法持有的屬於國家秘密的文件、資料和其他物品,以及非法持有、使用的專用間諜器材予以沒收。非法持有屬於國家秘密的文件、資料和其他物品,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,由國家安全機關予以警告或者處十五日以下行政拘留。

Article 32 A State security organ may search the body, articles, residence and other related places of anyone who unlawfully holds documents, materials or other articles classified as State secrets, or who unlawfully holds or uses equipment and materials specially for espionage purposes, and may confiscate such documents, materials and other articles, as well as such equipment and materials. Whoever illegally holds any documents, materials or other articles classified as state secrets shall, if a crime is constituted, be subject to criminal liability in accordance with the law; if no crime is constituted, the state security organ shall give him a warning or impose upon him an administrative detention of not more than 15 days.

第三十三條   隱藏、轉移、變賣、損毀國家安全機關依法查封、扣押、凍結的財物的,或者明知是間諜活動的涉案財物而窩藏、轉移、收購、代為銷售或者以其他方法掩飾、隱瞞的,由國家安全機關追回。構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 33 Where any property that is sealed up, seized or frozen by a national security organ according to the law is concealed, transferred, sold off or damaged, or any property that is known to be involved in an espionage activity is concealed, transferred, purchased, sold on a commission basis, or otherwise covered or concealed, the national security organ shall recover it. If a crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.

第三十四條   境外人員違反本法的,可以限期離境或者驅逐出境。

Article 34 Any foreigner who violates this Law may be ordered to leave the country within a specified time limit or be deported.

第三十五條   當事人對行政處罰決定、行政強制措施決定不服的,可以自接到決定書之日起六十日內,向作出決定的上一級機關申請複議;對複議決定不服的,可以自接到複議決定書之日起十五日內向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 35 A party that refuses to accept the decision on administrative penalty or the decision on administrative compulsory measures may, within 60 days after receipt of the written decision, apply for reconsideration to the organ at the next higher level over the one that has made the decision; if the party refuses to accept the reconsideration decision, he may, within 15 days after receipt of the reconsideration decision, bring a suit before a people's court.

第三十六條   國家安全機關對依照本法查封、扣押、凍結的財物,應當妥善保管,並按照下列情形分別處理:

Article 36 A national security organ shall properly keep any property that is sealed up, seized or frozen according to this Law and handle the property according to the following circumstances:


1. where a crime is suspected, the case shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law;


2. Where a crime is not constituted yet and there are facts about a crime, the property that should be confiscated according to law shall be confiscated and destroyed according to law; or


(III) Where there is no fact of illegality or the property is irrelevant to the case, the seal-up, seizure or freeze shall be terminated, and the relevant property shall be returned in a timely manner; if any loss is caused, compensation shall be made in accordance with the law.


All property confiscated by a national security organ shall be turned over to the state treasury.

第三十七條   國家安全機關工作人員濫用職權、玩忽職守、徇私舞弊,構成犯罪的,或者有非法拘禁、刑訊逼供、暴力取證、違反規定泄露國家秘密、商業秘密和個人隱私等行為,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 37 Any staff member of a national security organ who abuses his power, neglects his duty, or commits illegalities for personal gains or by fraudulent means, thus constituting a crime, or commits illegal detention, extortion of confessions by torture, obtaining of evidence by force, leaking State secrets, trade secrets or personal privacy in violation of provisions or other similar acts, shall be investigated for criminal liability according to law if a crime is constituted.

第五章 附則

Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

第三十八條   本法所稱間諜行為,是指下列行為:

Article 38 For the purpose of this Law, an act of espionage refers to any of the following acts:


1. an espionage organization or an agent thereof conducts or instigates or funds others to conduct, or a domestic or overseas institution, organization or individual colludes with them in conducting, the activity endangering the national security of the People's Republic of China;


2. joining an espionage organization or accepting a mission assigned by the organization or its agent; or


(III) the overseas institutions, organizations and individuals, other than espionage organizations and the agents thereof, conduct or instigate or fund others to conduct, or a domestic institution, organization or individual colludes with them in conducting, the activity of stealing, spying, buying or illegally providing state secrets or intelligence or inciting, luring or bribing the functionaries of the State to betray the country;


(IV) indicating the objects of attack for the enemy;


(V) conducting other espionage activities.

第三十九條   國家安全機關、公安機關依照法律、行政法規和國家有關規定,履行防範、制止和懲治間諜行為以外的其他危害國家安全行為的職責,適用本法的有關規定。

Article 39 Where national security organs and public security organs perform their duties to prevent, stop or punish acts endangering national security other than the acts of espionage in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and relevant provisions of the State, the relevant provisions of this Law shall apply.

第四十條   本法自公布之日起施行。1993222日第七屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議通過的《中華人民共和國國家安全法》同時廢止。

Article 40 This Law shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation. The State Security Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 30th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on February 22, 1993 shall be repealed simultaneously.


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